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1 冷静应对挑战积极着力长远 中国民用航空局副局长杨国庆 2009年5月14日 2 一、中国民航航空运输的现状及特点 二、中国民航在航空运输方面应对金融危机冲击的主要措施 三、加快公共航空运输体系建设,着力长远持续发展 主要内容 3 一、中国民航航空运输的现状及特点 (一)中国民航发展速度三倍于世界同期增长指标 近30年来,民航发展速度较快,总周转量年平均增长约为18%,旅客运输量增长16.3%,货邮运输量增长15%。 4 一、中国民航航空运输的现状及特点 (二)截至2008年12月 中国民航运营的公共航空运输企业33家,其中全货运公司9家 运输飞机在册1259架,可提供座位数约20万个 定期航班航线1532条,其中:国内航线1186条,港澳航线49条,国际航线297条。 国内16家航空公司,飞行至47个国家的108个城市,经营297条航线;外国53个国家的95家航空公司经营至内地的388条航线。 5 一、中国民航航空运输的现状及特点 (三)2008年-2009年4月航空运输状况 2008年,运输总周转量376.8亿吨公里、旅客运输量19251.2万人、货邮运输量407.6万吨。 2009年1-4月份,运输总周转量126.9亿吨公里、旅客运输量7137.2万人、货邮运输量121.5万吨。 2009年1-4月份,正班客座率76%,同比提高0.4个百分点。 6 总周转量增长图总周转量增长情况曲线图-15%-10%-5%0%5%10%15%20%25%1月份3月份5月份7月份9月份11月份1月份3月份 7 旅客运输量增长图旅客运输量增长情况曲线图-15%-10%-5%0%5%10%15%20%25%1月份3月份5月份7月份9月份11月份1月份3月份 8 货邮运输量增长图货邮运输量增长情况曲线图-40%-30%-20%-10%0%10%20%30%1月份3月份5月份7月份9月份11月份1月份3月份 9 分类旅客运输量增长图分类旅客运输量增长情况曲线图-30-20-1001020301月3月5月7月9月11月1月3月%国内国际地区 10 分类货邮运输量增长图分类货邮运输量增长情况曲线图-60-50-40-30-20-100102030401月3月5月7月9月11月1月3月%国内国际地区 11 一、中国民航航空运输的现状及特点 (四)金融危机对中国民航的冲击 国内运输影响较小,仍保持两位数增长(2008年国内运输下降主要是地震和奥运经济原因) 国际客货运输影响较大,2009年2月为低谷,有回升迹象,但较为缓慢,短期内难以恢复 由于国际客货回升缓慢,今年运输总周转量增长较小 由于去年5-9月旺季增幅较小,今年5-9月份会呈现较大升幅。 12 一、中国民航航空运输的现状及特点 2008年民航系统面临重大考验,民航系统圆满完成了各项重大紧急运输任务,为维护西藏和国家政治稳定、夺取抗灾救灾重大胜利,提供了可靠的航空运输保障,发挥了不可替代的作用。优质、高效地完成奥运会、残奥会和亚欧峰会等的航空运输保障任务,受到国内外各界的普遍赞誉。 (五)服从国家工作大局,圆满完成一系列紧急、重大工作 13 一、中国民航航空运输的现状及特点 保交通、保畅通,大力抗击冰雪灾害。 从2008年1月10日至2月4日,南方低温雨雪冰冻天气共造成民航814个航班返航、备降,4600余个航班取消,13500余个航班延误,大量旅客积压、滞留。全行业迅速启动应急机制,民航局进行统一指挥和协调,多方采取措施,保障飞行安全,加强服务工作,迅速恢复了运行秩序。 (五)服从国家工作大局,圆满完成一系列紧急、重大工作 14 一、中国民航航空运输的现状及特点 应急作用有力体现,全力参与抗震救灾。 “5.12”汶川特大地震灾害发生后,民航立即成立抗震救灾工作领导小组,全面部署抗震救灾工作。灾区机场在最短时间内恢复正常运行,确保“空中生命线”的畅通。 抗震救灾期间,民航共执行救灾飞行1600余班,运送军队、武警、公安消防官兵及抢险、医疗等人员5.1万人次,运送救灾物资1.5万吨;改装飞机向20个城市运送担架伤员3495人;派出34架直升机共执行任务1006架次,在运送救灾人员、物资、抢救受灾群众方面发挥了重要作用。 (五)服从国家工作大局,圆满完成一系列紧急、重大工作 15 一、中国民航航空运输的现状及特点 零事故、零投诉、零事件,圆满完成了奥运会、残奥会等重大航空运输保障任务。 培训员工数万名,累计投入724亿元用于空管、安保、机场运行及优质服务等设施设备更新改造 奥运会期间,共保障涉奥飞行7193架次,涉奥抵离11.1万人次 残奥会期间,共保障残奥航班2085架次,残奥大家庭成员抵离2.1万人次,其中轮椅旅客3061人。 (五)服从国家工作大局,圆满完成一系列紧急、重大工作 16 二、中国民航在航空运输方面应对金融危机冲击的主要措施 (一)积极引导企业开拓市场 对特殊的政策性远程国际航线进行补贴 继续执行对支线航空的补贴政策,今年将选择100条老少边穷地区有市场前景的支线航线追加补贴 公司新开独飞航线给予3年保护期 鼓励航空公司开辟货运航线及开展货运营销合作 17 二、中国民航在航空运输方面应对金融危机冲击的主要措施 (二)挖掘资源潜力,增加航线航班密度 适度增加繁忙机场50个左右时刻,优先新开、国际和老少边穷地区航线。 充分利用大都市周围的辅助机场,以缓解繁忙机场的压力。 18 二、中国民航在航空运输方面应对金融危机冲击的主要措施 (三)帮助企业降低成本 采取先征后返的方式,返还航空公司2008年下半年和2009年上半年民航政府性基金。(合计42.9亿元) 2009年上半年机场收费最高按基准价执行,起降费标准暂不得上浮。(一季度公司节约开支约10亿元) 免收燃油附加营业税,返还国际及港澳航班使用国产油增值税政策。 免收部分机场飞行校验费。对2009年航空公司在部分中小机场的起降费由民航局支付。 通过各种有效措施,力争使每个航班空中飞行和地面等待时间平均减少3分钟(预计全年减少虚耗时间20万小时,节支45亿元) 19 二、中国民航在航空运输方面应对金融危机冲击的主要措施 (四)加强决策协调 成立航空运输委员会,加强对航空运输领域工作的指导,统筹考虑各项航空运输政策,搞好行业宏观调控,促进公共航空运输的协调发展(目前关键是落实应对金融危机的十项措施) 完善国际航权分配机制,鼓励公司加强合作,资源共享,促进国际航空运输的发展 努力使国际航线能不停航的不停航、能不减少的不减少,机型能不换小的不换小 与旅游等有关部门合作,提供新的航空运输产品 20 二、中国民航在航空运输方面应对金融危机冲击的主要措施 (五)小结 以上政策措施在短期内为行业发展创造了良好的安全环境、市场环境和经营环境,有效增加了运输企业收入,降低运输企业成本,同时也为今年民航的科学发展奠定良好基础。 21 三、加强公共航空运输体系建设,着力长远持续发展 (一)为解决干线与支线、客运与货运、国际与国内、东部与中西部航空发展不协调的矛盾,民航已出台一系列调控政策 04年“关于加快发展国内航空货运若干政策措施的意见” 05年“民航总局关于促进支线航空运输发展的若干意见” 05年“关于促进我国国际航空运输发展的若干意见” 05年“关于切实做好发展红色旅游航空运输工作的通知” 06年“民航总局关于深化民航改革的指导意见和实施方案” 07年“民航总局关于进一步促进小型机场发展的若干意见” 07年“时刻管理暂行办法” 08年民航总局、财政部“关于民航中小机场补贴管理暂行办法的通知” 08年“支线航空补贴管理暂行办法” 但是,由于政策之间缺少配套措施,力量不集中,加上繁忙机场资源缺乏,许多建议、举措效果不明显,所以2008年2月28日,民航总局出台《关于加强国家航空运输体系建设的若干意见》(民航发[2008]10号)。 22 航站小时标准日总量北京751350浦东47780虹桥33510广州48800深圳30510成都29500昆明27480 三、加强公共航空运输体系建设,着力长远持续发展(二)主要繁忙机场资源紧缺状况注:(1)高峰小时标准为安全低限,未经科学评估不得突破。(2)目前夜间2点至早上6点不开放国内客运航班飞行,增加国际和货运航班可考虑使用该时段。 23 三、加强公共航空运输体系建设,着力长远持续发展 (三)国家公共航空运输体系建设 建设目标: 集中有限资源,利用现有的政策和措施,在3-5年内基本形成东中西部、支线干线、客运货运、国内国际运输比较协调、完善、高效、便捷的国家公共航空运输体系,促进民航可持续发展(3812网络) 建设原则: 一是主动适应国家、区域经济社会发展需要; 二是提高行业内协调发展的能力 三是增强航空运输产业国际竞争力 四是推动航空运输普遍服务 24 三、加强公共航空运输体系建设,着力长远持续发展 (三)国家公共航空运输体系建设 建设措施:(3-5年内) 1、加强三大门户复合枢纽建设 引导基地公司尽快制定和完善枢纽建设计划 支持开辟国际航线,开辟中远程国际航线30条 积极拓展航线网络,逐步构建国内国际航班有效衔接的高品质航班波 简化手续,优化流程,提高中转联程服务质量 三大枢纽之间原则上按每30分钟一个航班安排 25 三、加强公共航空运输体系建设,着力长远持续发展 (三)国家公共航空运输体系建设 建设措施:(3-5年内) 2、加快区域枢纽建设 根据区域协调、机场吞吐量、中转比例、与其他运输方式的衔接等原则,建设昆明等8大区域枢纽 八大区域枢纽至三大枢纽之间按1-1.5小时一班安排航班 鼓励网络航空公司和中小航空公司合作建设,对中转比例达到20%以上的公司可增加至三大枢纽航班 26 三、加强公共航空运输体系建设,着力长远持续发展 (三)国家公共航空运输体系建设 建设措施:(3-5年内) 3、完善干线网络建设 完善南京、杭州等12个机场至三大枢纽的干线建设,按1.5-2小时密度安排航班 年旅客吞吐量达1500万,按区域枢纽标准调控; 年旅客吞吐量达1000万的其他机场,按干线机场标准调; 未列入枢纽、干线的机场,每增100万旅客吞吐量可增一班; 任何机场中转比例达到20%,可适度增加航班 27 三、加强公共航空运输体系建设,着力长远持续发展 (三)国家公共航空运输体系建设 建设措施:(3-5年内) 4、促进支线发展 按机场布局规划,加快实施支线机场建设项目 落实并完善对航空公司和机场支线经营的各项资金补贴政策 支持地方政府、航空公司、机场共同开发支线市场,提高通达性 至枢纽、省(区市)机场航班时刻倾斜(不得挪为他用) 28 三、加强公共航空运输体系建设,着力长远持续发展 (三)国家公共航空运输体系建设 建设措施:(3-5年内) 5、其他 国内货运航班管理实行备案制,鼓励开辟货运航线 国内航线除确定的核准航线外,实行备案制 保障部门加强保障能力建设 成立运输委员会,加强政策协调和落实力度 加强运输领域法规体系建设 29 谢谢大家! 演讲结束 1 Calmly Facing the Challenges Actively Focusing on Long RunMr. YANG Guoqing, Deputy administrator, CAACMay 14, 2009 2 Current status and characteristics of air transport in China CAAC major measures to cope with the financial crisis in fields of air transport Enhance construction of public air transport system, focus on long-term sustainable development Contents 3 1. Civil aviation in China grows 3 times faster than the world average increase rate over the same periodCivil aviation experienced fast growth over the past 30 years: Gross Turnover Volume average growth rate about 18%, Passenger Traffic growth rate about 16.3%, Cargo/Mail Volume growth rate about 15%.I. Current status and characteristics ofair transport in China 4 2. By December 2008 33 public air carriers, including 9 all-cargo carriers; 1259 registered transport aircrafts, about 200,000 seats available; 1532 scheduled flight routes, of which: 1186 domestic flight routes, 49 Hong Kong and Macao flight routes, 297 international flight routes; 16 domestic airlines, flying 297 routes from/to 108 cities in 47 countries; 95 international airlines from 53 countries flying 388 routes from/to the mainland. I. Current status and characteristics of air transport in China 5 3.Air transport from 2008 to April, 2009 In 2008, total transport volume 37.68 billion ton-km, passenger transport volume 192.512 million, cargo/mail volume 4.076 million tons;January-April 2009, total transport volume 12.69 billion ton-km, passenger transport volume 71.372 million, cargo/mail volume 1.215 million tons. January-April 2009, Load factorof scheduled flights76%, achieve 0.4% year-on-year increase.I. Current status and characteristics ofair transport in China 6 Increase Rate: Total Turnover Volume-20%-10%0%10%20%30%JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprIncrease Rate: Total Turnover Volume 7 Increase Rate: Passenger Traffic Volume-15%-10%-5%0%5%10%15%20%25%JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprIncrease Rate: Passenger Traffic Volume 8 Increase Rate: Cargo/Mail Transport Volume-40%-30%-20%-10%0%10%20%30%JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprIncrease Rate: Cargo/Mail Transport Volume 9 Increase Rate: Classified Passenger Traffic Volume-30-20-100102030JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarApr%DomesticInternationalRegionalIncrease Rate: Classified Passenger Traffic Volume 10 Increase Rate: Classified Cargo/Mail Turnover Volume-60-40-2002040JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarApr%DomesticInternationalRegionalIncrease Rate: Classified Cargo/Mail Turnover Volume 11 4. Impact of financial crisis on China Civil AviationLess impact on the domestic air transport, remaining a double-digit growth (Major reasons caused decline in domestic air transport in 2008 were the earthquake and the Olympic Economy);More impact on the international passenger and cargo transport ,February 2009 fell to the bottom. Evidence of slow recovery has been identified, but difficult to make full recovery in short term; Due to slow recovery in international passenger and cargo transport, the total transport turnover volume will make a small growth this year;Because of the smaller increase in peak season (May-September) last year, peak season in this year will be expected to show a larger increase.I. Current status and characteristics ofair transport in China 12 5.Subordinate to overall national situation, successfully accomplished a series of urgent and important workFacing serious challenges in 2008 , China Civil Aviation system successfully accomplished the important and urgent transport tasks. CAAC provided reliable air transport supports and played irreplaceable role inmaintaining political stability of Tibet and China, winning a big victory indisaster resistance and relief.Civil Aviation system efficiently accomplished air transport support mission with high-quality for the Olympic Games, Paralympics Games and the Asia-Europe summit. CAAC won universal praises.I. Current status and characteristics ofair transport in China 13 5. Subordinate to overall national situation, successful accomplished a series of urgent and important work Protecting and maintaining the smooth operation of transport, fighting against the Snow-Ice disaster January 10 - February 4, 2008, freezing rain and snow weather in China southern region caused 814 Civil Aviation flights to return or alternate, more than 4,600 flights were canceled, and more than 13,500 flights were delayed. Large number of passengers were backlogged and stranded. Industry-wide emergency response mechanism was quickly activated. CAAC made consistent command and coordination, adopted various kinds of approaches to ensure flight safety, improve the service, and recover the operational order in short term. I. Current status and characteristics of air transport in China 14 5. Subordinate to overall national situation, successful accomplished a series of urgent and important workValue in Emergency Response strongly presented, full participation in earthquake relief.After the occurrence of 5.12 earthquake, CAAC immediately set upearthquake relief leading group to make comprehensive deployment for earthquake resistance and relief. The affected airports resumed normal operation in the shortest possible time to ensure smooth operation of “air lifeline”;During the earthquake relief, CAAC carried on more than 1600 earthquake-related flight; 51,000 army soldiers, armed polices, public security/fire & rescue/medical and other personnel were delivered, as well as 15,000 tons of relief supplies. Modified aircrafts delivered 3495 wounded who must stay in stretchers to 20 cities ; 34 helicopters were dispatched for 1006 flights. CAAC played important role in transportation of rescue and relief related personnel, supplies, and afflicted people.I. Current status and characteristics ofair transport in China 15 5. Subordinate to overall national situation, successful accomplished a series of urgent and important work Zero accident, zero complaint, and zero occurrence, successfully accomplished important air transport support tasks for Olympic Games and Paralympics Games. Tens of thousands of staffs accepted training, an accumulated 72.4 billion RMB investment was made to renew and renovate equipments and facilities used in air traffic control, aviation security, airport operation, and high quality services; During Olympic Games, CAAC safeguarded a total of 7,193 Olympic-related flights, and 111,000 Olympic-related arrival and departure; During Paralympics Games, CAAC safeguarded a total of 2,085 Paralymicsrelated flights, 21,000 Paralymics related arrival and departure, of which 3,061 were wheelchair-bound passengers. I. Current status and characteristics of air transport in China 16 II. CAAC major measures to cope with the financial crisis in fields of air transport1. Actively guide enterprises to explore market opportunities rovide subsidy to special Policy-related long-range international routes; Continue subsidize regional air transport, 100 regional routes from/to revolution historical sites, minority habitations, boarder regions, and poverty stricken areas will be given additional subsidiesthis year;3-year protection period will be granted toexclusively operated new routes; Encourage airlines open more cargo routes and realize marketingcooperation in cargo transport. 17 2. Make full use of resources, increase flight frequencyReasonably add 50 slots in busy airports, give priorities to new routes, international routes and routes from/to revolution historical sites, minority habitations, boarder regions, and poverty stricken areas; Make full use of secondary airports around metropolises to alleviate the pressure on busy airportsII. CAAC major measures to cope with the financial crisis in fields of air transport 18 3.Help companies reduce costsUse “First collect, later return”way, return Civil Aviation Government Funds collected in the second half of 2008 and the first half of2009 to the airlines (Total RMB 4.29 billion)Infirst half of 2009, airport fee will use base price as the highest charge standard, airport landing fee can not be (helps airlines save cost by about 10 million in 1st quarter);Aviation fuel business surtax is waived, collected value-added tax on domestic-made aviation fuel used in international & HongKong/Macau flights will be returned to airlines;Flight calibration fee will be waived in some airports. Landing fee in some small and medium-sized airports in 2009 will partially be paid by CAAC;By adopting various effective approaches, try to reduce the average en-route and ground waiting time by 3 minutes for each flight. (estimated to reduce time by 200,000 hours a year, save RMB4.5 billion)II. CAAC major measures to cope with the financial crisis in fields of air transport 19 4.Strengthen coordination in decision-makingEstablish Air Transport Committee to promote guidance to air transport development, consider the air transport policies in an overall picture, exercise effective macro-control, and expedite the coordinated development of public air transport(The key in these days is to implement the 10 countermeasures against financial crisis); Improve the allocation mechanism of international traffic rights, encourage the cooperation among airlines and resource sharing, promote thedevelopment of international air transport;try to prevent international routes from being suspended or reduced, and to prevent the change of aircraft sizes into smaller ones; Collaborate withTourism departments to provide new air transport productsII. CAAC major measures to cope with the financial crisis in fields of air transport 20 5.SummaryThe above-mentioned approaches created a favorable safety environment, market environment and business environment for the industry, efficiently increased the revenue of air transport businesses, reduced their costs, and set a good foundation for the scientific development of civil aviation industry in this year.II. CAAC major measures to cope with the financial crisis in fields of air transport 21 III. Enhance construction of public air transport system, focus on long term sustainable development 1. To address the uncoordinated development between trunk and feeder lines, passenger and freight transport, international and domestic operation, eastern and western regions, CAAC has enacted a series of regulating policies. (2004) “Policies & measures to accelerate the development of domestic air cargo services” (2005) “CAAC remarks to promote the development of regional air transport” (2005) “Remarks to enhance international air transport development in China” (2005) “Notice to promote air transport service to support growth of red tourism” (2006) “Guidelines and implementation scheme to deepen the reform of China’s civil aviation” (2007) “CAAC remarks to further promote the development of the small airports” (2007) “Interim procedures of slot management” (2008) “Notice to implement interim procedures of subsidizing small and medium-sized airports” jointly enacted by CAAC and Ministry of Finance (2008) “Interim procedures of subsidizing regional air transport” However, suggestions and measures did not show obvious effects due to the lack of supporting measures and dispersed efforts, as well as the shortage of resources in busy airports. Therefore on February 28, 2008, CAAC issued “ Remarks on enhancing construction of national air transport system” (CAAC Doc.[2008] 10) 22 AirportStandard traffic per HourGross Volume per dayPEK751350PVG47780SHA33510CAN48800SZX30510CTU29500KMG274802. Shortage of resources in major busy airportsNotes:1) Traffic per Hour during Peak hours is set by minimum safety requirement, which can not be raised without scientific assessment.2) Domestic passenger flights are not allowed to operate from 2 am to 6 am. This slot can be allocated to extra international and cargo flights. III. Enhance construction of public air transport system, focus on long term sustainable development 23 3.Construction of National Public Air Transport System Construction Goals : Gathering limited resources, using existed policies and measures, within 3 to 5 years, establish a complete, efficient and convenient public air transport system, which will support well coordinated development of air transport in eastern, central and western regions, trunk and feeder lines, passenger and cargo, domestic and international services, so as to promote sustainable development of civil aviation in China. (3812 network) Construction Principles: 1) Take the initiative to meet the national and regional needs of economic/social development; 2) Improve capability to support coordinated development of air transport; 3) Strengthen international competitiveness of air transport industry; 4) Promote the universal air transport services. III. Enhance construction of public air transport system, focus on long term sustainable development 24 3.Construction of National Public Air Transport System Measures: (3-5 years) 1) Construction of the three major gateway complex hubs Guide the base airlines preparing and improving Hub construction plan; Encourage opening international routes (30 more medium-long range international routes); Expand route network, gradually build an effective and high-quality flight banks to connect domestic and international flights ; Facilitate and optimize procedures, and to improve transfer/connecting service quality Maximum 30-minute flight interval between any 2 (out of 3) gateway hubs, in principle. III. Enhance construction of public air transport system, focus on long term sustainable development 25 3.Construction of National Public Air Transport SystemMeasures: (3-5 years)2) Speed up construction of regional hubs 8 regional hubs, including Kunming, will be constructed based on collaborated consideration of regional coordination, airport total volume, connecting/OD ratio, connection with other transport modes. Maximum 60-90 minute flight interval between 8 regional hubs and the 3 gateway hubs.Encourage the cooperation between network airlines and small/medium-sized airlines. Airlines with a transfer ratio more than 20% will be granted more flights to three gateway hubs.III. Enhance construction of public air transport system, focus on long term sustainable development 26 3.construction of national public air transport system measures: (3-5 years)3) Improve construction of trunk networkImprove the trunk lines between 12 airports (Nanjing, Hangzhou, etc.) and 3 gateway hubs, with maximum 90-120 minute flight interval;Airports with annual passenger volume over 15 million will be regulated as regional hubs;Airports with annual passenger volume between 10-15 million will be regulated as trunk airports;For those not categorized as hub or trunk airports, 1 extra flight will be granted for each 1 million passenger volume increase; Any airport with a connecting/OD ratio above 20%, reasonable number of extra flights will be granted.III. Enhance construction of public air transport system, focus on long term sustainable development 27 3.construction of national public air transport systemmeasures: (3-5 years)4) Promote the development of regional air transport Speed up construction of regional airports based on the planningof airport layout;Implement and improve the financial subsidization policies for regional airlines and the airports operations.Support collaborate efforts in developing regional aviation markets and improving accessibility by local governments, airlines, and airports;Grant priority when apply for slots to hubs or capital airports (privilege can not be abused by using it for other purposes)III. Enhance construction of public air transport system, focus on long term sustainable development 28 3.construction of national public air transport systemmeasures: (3-5 years)5) others Implement record-filing system for domestic cargo flights, and encourage opening new cargo routes; Implement record-filing system on domestic routes, already approved domestic routes not included; Improve construction of supporting capabilities of supporting units; Establish Transport Committee to strengthen policy coordination and implementation;Strengthen construction of legislation system in the transport field.III. Enhance construction of public air transport system, focus on long term sustainable development 29 Thank You! |