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cutback N1 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-1-20 12:04:01 |显示全部楼层


During the climb, power is adjusted after N1. What is the correct value for a B733 after the initial climb (above 1500' AGL)?



Bill, your phrase "power is adjusted after N1" doesn't seem to make sense. Perhaps you are looking for the value of N1 after thrust reduction altitude?

Any way, for a 737 (take the -800), takeoff thrust at sea level, 59 deg. F is typically set at 98%N1. for a typical climb profile (e.g.ICAO-A) profile, at a certain altitude (say 1500 ft) thrust is cutback to Max Climb thrust which for 737 is about 92%N1. Of course these are ball park figures only as thrust is a function of temperature, altitude as well as Mach (when in the air).
Also I quote these numbers from memory. Don't hold me to it, please.

Hope it helps. Keep in mind that cutback profiles vary with airports as dictated by noise abatement requirements.


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