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320系列气动非正常操作 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-4-9 10:35:33 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-4-9 10:38:27 |只看该作者
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 1/62
Abnormal Operation 2/62
We will demonstrate an ENG 1
BLEED FAULT due to an overheat
Let’s assume you are pilot nonflying.
You are in cruise flight and
everything is normal...
Click on the forward arrow to
activate the failure !
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 3/62
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 4/62
You hear the single chime and see
the Master Caution light.
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 5/62
You hear the single chime and see
the Master Caution light.
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 6/62
Abnormal Operation 7/62
Onn tthhee E//WD,, rreeaadd tthhee ttiittllee ooff tthhee ffaaiilluurree..
Abnormal Operation 8/62
The ENG 1 BLEED system has failed.
On the BLEED system page, which has been called
automatically, the bleed air temperature is displayed
amber because it is abnormally high. This is the
reason for the failure.
The amber FAULT light on the ENG 1 BLEED pb sw
confirms the failure.
Click on the forward arrow and observe
the ECAM BLEED page.
Abnormal Operation 9/62
The BMC detects the overheat and automatically
closes the ENG 1 BLEED valve to protect the system.
With the valve closed, the BLEED pressure falls to
0 and the temperature decreases.
The ENG 1 BLEED system is no longer available.
Abnormal Operation 10/62
Notice that the ENG 1 BLEED pb sw FAULT light
remains illuminated even though the temperature is
now within limits.
This is because the BMC considers the ENG 1
BLEED system faulty and keeps the ENG 1 BLEED
valve closed for the rest of the flight.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 11/62
Notice that the ENG 1 BLEED pb sw FAULT light
remains illuminated even though the temperature is
now within limits.
This is because the BMC considers the ENG 1
BLEED system faulty and keeps the ENG 1 BLEED
valve closed for the rest of the flight.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
No. Set the X BLEED selector to the OPEN
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 12/62
Notice that the ENG 1 BLEED pb sw FAULT light
remains illuminated even though the temperature is
now within limits.
This is because the BMC considers the ENG 1
BLEED system faulty and keeps the ENG 1 BLEED
valve closed for the rest of the flight.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
No. Set the X BLEED selector to the OPEN
Abnormal Operation 13/62
Observe the ECAM :
• the X Bleed valve is displayed amber during transit
and in-line green when fully open
• the pressure and temperature values for the left
side of the system are back to normal because now
both sides are being supplied by engine 2.
Abnormal Operation 14/62
Afftteerr rreevviieew aanndd ccoonnffiirrmaattiioonn bbyy tthhee PFF......
Clleeaarr AIIR..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 15/62
Afftteerr rreevviieew aanndd ccoonnffiirrmaattiioonn bbyy tthhee PFF......
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 16/62
Afftteerr rreevviieew aanndd ccoonnffiirrmaattiioonn bbyy tthhee PFF......
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
Abnormal Operation 17/62
If you should use wing anti ice, you will have to switch off
one air conditioning pack. We will deal with this fact later.
In the inoperative systems column, ENG 1 BLEED is listed.
After review and confirmation by the PF...
Clleeaarr STTATTUS..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 18/62
If you should use wing anti ice, you will have to switch off
one air conditioning pack. We will deal with this fact later.
In the inoperative systems column, ENG 1 BLEED is listed.
After review and confirmation by the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 19/62
If you should use wing anti ice, you will have to switch off
one air conditioning pack. We will deal with this fact later.
In the inoperative systems column, ENG 1 BLEED is listed.
After review and confirmation by the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 20/62
ECAMaaccttiioonn ccoompplleetteedd..
Abnormal Operation 21/62
Now we will see what happens if you
have to use wing anti ice with the ENG 1
bleed still inoperative :
Let’s assume, you encounter icing
conditions during the remaining part of
your flight and you decide to switch on
your wing anti ice.
Swiittcchh wiinngg aannttii iicceeON..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 22/62
Now we will see what happens if you
have to use wing anti ice with the ENG 1
bleed still inoperative :
Let’s assume, you encounter icing
conditions during the remaining part of
your flight and you decide to switch on
your wing anti ice.
Noo,, cclliicckk oonnWIING ppbb ssw..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 23/62
Now we will see what happens if you
have to use wing anti ice with the ENG 1
bleed still inoperative :
Let’s assume, you encounter icing
conditions during the remaining part of
your flight and you decide to switch on
your wing anti ice.
Noo,, cclliicckk oonnWIING ppbb ssw..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 24/62
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 25/62
You hear the single chime and see
the Master Caution light.
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 26/62
You hear the single chime and see
the Master Caution light.
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 27/62
Abnormal Operation 28/62
The ENG 1 BLEED FAULT procedure is automatically recalled
on the E/WD and the ECAM procedure requires that you switch
pack 1 off.
This is because one ENG BLEED system is not sufficient to
supply wing anti ice and both air conditioning packs at the
same time.
Note : For more information about the packs, refer to the AIR
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 29/62
The ENG 1 BLEED FAULT procedure is automatically recalled
on the E/WD and the ECAM procedure requires that you switch
pack 1 off.
This is because one ENG BLEED system is not sufficient to
supply wing anti ice and both air conditioning packs at the
same time.
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn PACK 11 ppbb ssw..
Note : For more information about the packs, refer to the AIR
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 30/62
The ENG 1 BLEED FAULT procedure is automatically recalled
on the E/WD and the ECAM procedure requires that you switch
pack 1 off.
This is because one ENG BLEED system is not sufficient to
supply wing anti ice and both air conditioning packs at the
same time.
Note : For more information about the packs, refer to the AIR
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn PACK 11 ppbb ssw..
Abnormal Operation 31/62
After review and confirmation by
the PF...
Clleeaarr AIIR..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 32/62
After review and confirmation by
the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 33/62
After review and confirmation by
the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
Abnormal Operation 34/62
On the STATUS page, PACK 1 has been
added to the inoperative systems column.
After review and confirmation by the
Clleeaarr STTATTUS..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 35/62
On the STATUS page, PACK 1 has been
added to the inoperative systems column.
After review and confirmation by the
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 36/62
On the STATUS page, PACK 1 has been
added to the inoperative systems column.
After review and confirmation by the
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 37/62
ECAMaaccttiioonn ccoompplleetteedd..
Abnormal Operation 38/62
For training purposes, to teach you more about the
pneumatic system, we will continue by adding another
failure to your previous configuration.
This will be a LEFT WING LEAK.
( This does not seem to be your lucky day )
Click on the forward arrow to
activate the failure !
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 39/62
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 40/62
You hear the single chime and see
the Master Caution light.
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 41/62
You hear the single chime and see
the Master Caution light.
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 42/62
Abnormal Operation 43/62
• on the E/WD read the title of the failure
• on the SD, the ECAM BLEED page is
automatically presented
• on the AIR COND panel, the indications from
the previous failure remain unchanged
Abnormal Operation 44/62
The title of the failure indicates that a bleed
leakage in the left wing has been detected.
The left side of the bleed system has to be shut
down in order to prevent any damage from leaking
hot air.
Abnormal Operation 45/62
The first line of the ECAM procedure requires you
to switch the X BLEED selector to the SHUT position
With the selector in AUTO position, the X BLEED
valve would have been closed automatically but
remember, you have opened it manually in the
previous procedure.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 46/62
The first line of the ECAM procedure requires you
to switch the X BLEED selector to the SHUT position
With the selector in AUTO position, the X BLEED
valve would have been closed automatically but
remember, you have opened it manually in the
previous procedure.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
Noo.. Seett tthhee X BLLEED sseelleeccttoorr ttoo tthhee SHUTT ppoossiittiioonn..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 47/62
The first line of the ECAM procedure requires you
to switch the X BLEED selector to the SHUT position
With the selector in AUTO position, the X BLEED
valve would have been closed automatically but
remember, you have opened it manually in the
previous procedure.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
Noo.. Seett tthhee X BLLEED sseelleeccttoorr ttoo tthhee SHUTT ppoossiittiioonn..
Abnormal Operation 48/62
Observe the indications :
• the X BLEED valve closes
• the pressure of BLEED system 1 returns to 0
• since there is no hot air supplied, the left wing anti ice
valve indication becomes amber. (the wing anti ice
indications will be explained further in a later module)
Coonnttiinnuuee ECAMaaccttiioonn..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 49/62
Observe the indications :
• the X BLEED valve closes
• the pressure of BLEED system 1 returns to 0
• since there is no hot air supplied, the left wing anti ice
valve indication becomes amber. (the wing anti ice
indications will be explained further in a later module)
Noo.. Prreessss tthheeWIING ANTTII IICE ppbb ssw..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 50/62
Observe the indications :
• the X BLEED valve closes
• the pressure of BLEED system 1 returns to 0
• since there is no hot air supplied, the left wing anti ice
valve indication becomes amber. (the wing anti ice
indications will be explained further in a later module)
Noo.. Prreessss tthheeWIING ANTTII IICE ppbb ssw..
Abnormal Operation 51/62
The wing anti ice was switched off because
you do not want to de-ice one wing only.
Abnormal Operation 52/62
The ECAM advises you to avoid icing conditions for
the remaining part of the flight.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Clleeaarr AIIR..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 53/62
The ECAM advises you to avoid icing conditions for
the remaining part of the flight.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 54/62
The ECAM advises you to avoid icing conditions for
the remaining part of the flight.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
Abnormal Operation 55/62
The STATUS page also informs you that you have to avoid
icing conditions.
The WING ANTI ICE has been added to the inoperative
systems column. The ENG 1 BLEED and PACK 1 remain from
the previous failure.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Clleeaarr STTATTUS..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 56/62
The STATUS page also informs you that you have to avoid
icing conditions.
The WING ANTI ICE has been added to the inoperative
systems column. The ENG 1 BLEED and PACK 1 remain from
the previous failure.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 57/62
The STATUS page also informs you that you have to avoid
icing conditions.
The WING ANTI ICE has been added to the inoperative
systems column. The ENG 1 BLEED and PACK 1 remain from
the previous failure.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 58/62
ECAMaaccttiioonn ccoompplleetteedd..
Abnormal Operation 59/62
We will now briefly look at several
abnormals without performing the
procedures to see the remaining
indications of the pneumatic system.
Abnormal Operation 60/62
In normal operation, when you use APU BLEED,
the X BLEED valve automatically opens. If it should
fail to open, there is an ECAM caution and the X
BLEED valve is displayed cross-line amber to
indicate disagreement.
Abnormal Operation 61/62
Conversely, if the X BLEED valve should fail to
close in automatic mode, i.g. after the APU BLEED
has been switched off, it is displayed in-line amber
accompanied by an ECAM caution.
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 62/62
Accordingly, the engine bleed valves and the HP valves are
displayed amber, if their position disagrees with the normal
PNEUMATIC MENU Abnormal Operation 63/62

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发表于 2011-7-31 08:17:16 |只看该作者

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