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1 Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines g GE Aircraft Engines Six Sigma Project CFM56-7B EEC Software Improvement at ATA BPTS # 2002-05-011544 Amandio Morais ATA Field Service Program Manager December 2002 2 Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines g GE Aircraft Engines Project Summary - Page 1 Area/Location: Indianapolis, IN Cluster ID: Title: Incorporate EEC Improvement at ATA BPTS ID: 2002-05-011544 Who is the customer? American Trans Air Why is this important? 1) Incorporates many new improvements to the EEC logic 2) Can prevent engine failures/delays/caxs What do I want to improve? 1) Load the newest EEC software version ASAP 2) Processing time at ATA How will I measure the problem? 1) Monitor engine-related write-ups for engine issues due to old software 2) Monitor ATA incorporation of latest software Can I trust the process output (Y) data? Yes; receive daily engine reports from Powerplant Engineering Timing: Start: 9/6/01 Complete: 12/9/02 Implement: 2/1/02 Leader Org.: GCFS Sponsors: Sponsors: Rod Jarvis Process Owner: American Trans Air Resources: Project Leader: Amandio Morais MBB/Mentor: Scott Kopczynski Required for Project Approval Required for Project Closure Optional Step 0 1 2 3 Defi ne Meas ur e Project Summary Step 0 1 2 3 Defi ne 2 Meas ur e 2 3 Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines g GE Aircraft Engines Project Summary - page 2 Project Summary - Page 2 How good am I today? Z = 1.11; measuring P20 software incorporation How good do I need to be? Z = 6 Variation Source Summary Vital X Impact on Average/Variation of your Y Improvement Plan Software release date 100% Install P22 software into ATA’s EEC’s once software is released Control Plan Summary Vital X Control Plan to insure Improvement is Sustained Monitor EO release and fleet incorporation Monitor engine-related write-ups for issues due to old software logic Have I reached my Goal? Will monitor engine issues once software is incorporated into fleet Required for Project Approval Required for Project Closure Optional Step 4 5 6 789 10 11 12 Anal yz e I mpr ove Cont r ol Step 4 5 6 789 10 11 12 An al yz e 2 I mpr ove 2 Cont r ol 4 Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines g GE Aircraft Engines Project Summary - page 3 Action Plan - Complete if project has open actions Open Action Items Person Responsible Est / Actual Completion Date Functional Implementation Status (Excel spreadsheet - double click to open) Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 Engagement Status Committed Plan to Commit Plan to Commit Committed Committed Committed Plan to Commit Does Not Support Leveragable Project Where can this project be immediately leveraged? How? Comments / Lessons Learned Cost/Benefit Profile (Excel spreadsheet - double click to open) QX QX QX QX Total Expenditures $0.00 Savings Indirect $0.00 Avoidance $0.00 Total $0.00 Required for Project Approval Required for Project Closure Optional 5 Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines g GE Aircraft Engines Project Scope / Objectives Improve Controls System Reliability and Event Protection Capability by Implementing EEC software upgrades. Project #2001-09-022199 6 Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines g GE Aircraft Engines CFM56-7B EEC Software P20 Improvement Defect: Main engine bearing damage following oil loss Measure: Oil loss event without Low Oil Pressure Warning - 2 events, ~$2.2M per event Analyze: Oil loss event led to venting of the oil supply pressure to ambient. This drove PEO, which measures the difference between the oil supply pressure and sump pressure, to a large negative value. PEO was declared invalid leading to suppression of low oil pressure warning. Improve: Change minimum valid value for PEO to account for this failure mode in EEC software P/N 1853M78P20. Control: implement EEC software P/N 1853M78P20 via S/B 73-064. • Other airline experience due to not incorporating P20 software upgrade • ATA has 8 engines with old P18 software 7 Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines g GE Aircraft Engines Defect: LPT damage following engine rollback from idle Measure: Current rollback/over-temperature logic did not protect the engine following the rollback event. - 1 event, ~$3M Analyze: Current logic requires both N2 <50% and EGT>725 deg C before automatically turning off fuel (ground only). This can lead to a long exposure time with N1 = 0 and EGT close to the 725 deg C limit. Improve: Cutoff fuel flow if N2 falls below 45% independent of EGT in EEC software P/N 1853M78P20. Control: implement EEC software P/N 1853M78P20 via S/B 73-064. CFM56-7B EEC Software P20 Improvement • Other airline experience due to not incorporating P20 software upgrade 8 Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines g GE Aircraft Engines Defect: IFSD due to false oil temperature indication Measure: Oil temperature was falsely indicating high leading to IFSD. - 2 IFSD’s Analyze: Current TEO signal selection logic is programmed to select the higher of the 2 channels if they disagree. The failure mode of the sensor is for a channel to drift high leading to the selection of the false high channel. Improve: Use prior history of the TEO signals to determine the health of each channel. Pick the healthier of the two channels if they disagree in EEC software P/N 1853M78P20. Control: implement EEC software P/N 1853M78P20 via S/B 73-064. CFM56-7B EEC Software P20 Improvement • Other airline experience due to not incorporating P20 software upgrade 9 Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines g GE Aircraft Engines Defect: ATO and D&C’s due to no engine response to throttle increase Measure: Faulty TRA signal falsely indicating high leading to ATO’s and D&C’s. - 1 ATO, numerous D&C’s Analyze: Current throttle signal selection logic is programmed to select the lower of the 2 channels if they disagree. The failure mode of the throttle resolver is to drift low leading to the selection of the faulty low channel. Therefore, when the pilot advances the throttle, the faulty channel indicates idle and the correct channel indicates high power. The EEC chooses the lower position and the engine remains at idle. Improve: Use prior history of the TRA signals to determine the health of each channel. Pick the healthier of the two channels if they disagree in EEC software P/N 1853M78P20. Control: implement EEC software P/N 1853M78P20 via S/B 73-064. • Other airline experience due to not incorporating P20 software upgrade CFM56-7B EEC Software P20 Improvement 10 Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines g GE Aircraft Engines Defect: D&C’s due to No Go fault for the HPTACC system Measure: 18 D&C’s per year for spurious HPTACC demand/position disagree faults. Analyze: Currently the HPTACC valve position is scheduled as a function of N2, altitude, time, TC and T3. Oscillating T3 or TC input due to a faulty signal causes an oscillating HPTACC valve position demand. Because the valve cannot keep up with this oscillating demand, an HPTACC demand/position disagree fault is set which is a No Go fault. Improve: Do not use the TC and T3 input to schedule the HPTACC valve. Schedule the valve using only N2, altitude and time in EEC software P/N 1853M78P20. Control: implement EEC software P/N 1853M78P20 via S/B 73-064. • Other airline experience due to not incorporating P20 software upgrade CFM56-7B EEC Software P20 Improvement 11 Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines g GE Aircraft Engines CFM56-7B EEC Software P21 Improvement • Ps3 Signal Selection -Modification to range checking to improve detection of disconnected Ps3 line • VSV/VBV Selection logic -Improvement to current selection logic robustness by using a fault history similar to FMV selection • Start Lever Selection Logic -Current logic prevents engine starts with single point failure in start lever + DEU 1 and DEU 2 discrete signals not fully independent (share same start lever relay) -New logic to use the two analog EEC reset discrete and two igniter voltages in a 2 out of 4 or 3 out of 4 voting scheme • VBV Disagree Fault Tolerance -Disagree fault threshold to be changed from a constant 4 degrees to a variable as a function of VBV door position +Maintain current 4 degrees threshold at high power +Increase threshold at low power to prevent inadvertent faults from being set 12 Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines g GE Aircraft Engines CFM56-7B EEC Software P21 Improvement • N1 Trim Washout Function -Modify washout function so that trim is ramped out between 103.5% and 103.7% to eliminate ‘flat’ in indicated N1 • New Throttle Interpolation Curves for New High Altitude Ratings -New interpolation points used with new ratings in order to maintain thrust sensitivity requirements • Modification to Quick Windmill Relight EGT Redline Inhibit Logic -Latches quick windmill relight timer threshold +Prevents EGT redline inhibit once start determined not to be a quick windmill relight +Addresses potential for erroneous redline indication during overtemperature events • EGT Trim Logic -Simplification to trim logic to aid in EGT trending +Currently two EGT trim levels exist (takeoff and EOB) +Proposed logic ties EGT trim to nameplate allowing for one EGT trim level -Elimination of DAC Shunt for 7B27B1 Rating 13 Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines g GE Aircraft Engines CFM56-7B EEC Software P22 Improvement • EEC Table Pointer Corruption Accommodation -Three Confirmed CFM56-7B LOTC Events Related to Pointer Corruption -Demonstrated in the CFM56-7B Fuel Systems Test Cell -All Table Pointers Will Be Limit Checked Before Being Used • TRA Selection Logic Update -In the Presence of Specific Failures the EEC Will not Lock-out the TRA Signals Until the Engine has Reached Idle +Prior to 7.B.O the EEC will lock out the TRA anytime both TRA signals are not available • FMV-Resolver Limits Extended -7.B.O FMV Resolver Limits Will Account For Variations in Temperature +Reduce the Number of FMV-Signal-Out-Of-Range Faults +Message 73-x034y (Drives the Engine Control Light) • AEW&C Oil Pressure Logic -Unique Oil Pressure By-pass Valve on AEW&C Engines -By-Pass Valve Failure Detection Logic Modification • CFM56-7 SB 73-084 Available Dec 02 14 Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines g GE Aircraft Engines Z Score For Missing P20 Software Description: Classify units as defective or non defective, traditionally uses the Binomial distribution formula listed below. Glossary: Mean Average Sigma Standard Deviation p(d) Probability of Defects Enter Numbers Below Formulas: p(d)= No. of Bad Units "=>" 8 p(d)= 0.133333 Total No. of Units 60 Enter Numbers Above p(d) = 1-FTY "=>" 0.133333 Z = 1.11077 FTY= 0.866667 15 Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines g GE Aircraft Engines Z Score For Missing P21/P22 Software Description: Classify units as defective or non defective, traditionally uses the Binomial distribution formula listed below. Glossary: Mean Average Sigma Standard Deviation p(d) Probability of Defects Enter Numbers Below Formulas: p(d)= No. of Bad Units "=>" 60 p(d)= 1 Total No. of Units 60 Enter Numbers Above p(d) = 1-FTY "=>" 1 Z = #NUM! FTY= 0 16 Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines g GE Aircraft Engines ATA Powerplant Engineering verbally committed to incorporate P22 (latest software) once it is released ATA understands the risks with not incorporating P20 & P21 software Can avoid many engine problems and in-service issues (as demonstrated by Airline examples) Once software is released, will inform ATA Powerplant Engineering to issue Engineering Order Will educate ATA line planning group to incorporate latest EEC software in the fleet Will monitor engine issues due to delay in incorporating EEC software improvement (until P22 is incorporated) After P22 release, add item to weekly Airline Fleet Review meeting to monitor progress and issues (VP exposure) Control – Summary |