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A320防冰和排雨非正常操作A [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-4-15 08:47:56 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-4-15 08:52:25 |只看该作者
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 1/68
ICE & RAIN protection MENU
Abnormal operation A 2/68
This is a demonstration of an in- flight failure of
the left windshield heating system.
You are currently flying at your cruise level,
everything is normal.
Click on the forward arrow to
activate the failure.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 3/68
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 4/68
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 5/68
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 6/68
ICE & RAIN protection MENU
Abnormal operation A 7/68
On the E/WD, read the title of the failure.
In this example, the blue line advises you to
avoid icing conditions.
Notice that no system page is called.
Having noted the advice and after review and
confirmation from the PF...
Clleeaarr ANTTII IICE..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 8/68
On the E/WD, read the title of the failure.
In this example, the blue line advises you to
avoid icing conditions.
Notice that no system page is called.
Having noted the advice and after review and
confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 9/68
On the E/WD, read the title of the failure.
In this example, the blue line advises you to
avoid icing conditions.
Notice that no system page is called.
Having noted the advice and after review and
confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU
Abnormal operation A 10/68
The STATUS page is now displayed and
reminds you to avoid icing conditions.
The inoperative system is the left windshield
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Clleeaarr STTATTUS..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 11/68
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
The STATUS page is now displayed and
reminds you to avoid icing conditions.
The inoperative system is the left windshield
After review and confirmation from the PF...
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 12/68
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee CLLR oorr tthhee STTS kkeeyy..
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
The STATUS page is now displayed and
reminds you to avoid icing conditions.
The inoperative system is the left windshield
After review and confirmation from the PF...
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 13/68
ECAMaaccttiioonn ccoompplleetteedd..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU
Abnormal operation A 14/68
Let’s continue with an in-flight Captain’s pitot
heating failure.
You are still in cruise, everything is back to
Click on the forward arrow to
activate the failure.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 15/68
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 16/68
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 17/68
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 18/68
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 19/68
On the E/WD, read the title of the failure.
This time, the Captain’s pitot probe heating is not
This could lead to ice build up on the Captain’s pitot
causing incorrect speed information.
To ensure valid information to the Captain’s
instruments, the air data source should be changed.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 20/68
No. Position the AIR DATA
selector to CAPT 3 position.
This time, the Captain’s pitot probe heating is not
This could lead to ice build up on the Captain’s pitot
causing incorrect speed information.
To ensure valid information to the Captain’s
instruments, the air data source should be changed.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 21/68
No. Position the AIR DATA
selector to CAPT 3 position.
This time, the Captain’s pitot probe heating is not
This could lead to ice build up on the Captain’s pitot
causing incorrect speed information.
To ensure valid information to the Captain’s
instruments, the air data source should be changed.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU
Abnormal operation A 22/68
By selecting CAPT 3 on the AIR DATA selector,
ADR 3 replaces ADR 1 to provide valid data to the
Captain’s instruments.
Note : AIR DATA switching should not be selected
to CAPT 3 if ADR 3 is not available.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Clleeaarr ANTTII IICE..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 23/68
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
By selecting CAPT 3 on the AIR DATA selector,
ADR 3 replaces ADR 1 to provide valid data to the
Captain’s instruments.
Note : AIR DATA switching should not be selected
to CAPT 3 if ADR 3 is not available.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 24/68
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
By selecting CAPT 3 on the AIR DATA selector,
ADR 3 replaces ADR 1 to provide valid data to the
Captain’s instruments.
Note : AIR DATA switching should not be selected
to CAPT 3 if ADR 3 is not available.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
ICE & RAIN protection MENU
Abnormal operation A 25/68
On the E/WD, the memo message “SWITCHG PNL “ is
displayed to remind you that the Captain’s ADR has been
The STATUS page is displayed.
The inoperative system is the Captain’s pitot heating.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Clleeaarr STTATTUS..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 26/68
On the E/WD, the memo message “SWITCHG PNL “ is
displayed to remind you that the Captain’s ADR has been
The STATUS page is displayed.
The inoperative system is the Captain’s pitot heating.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 27/68
On the E/WD, the memo message “SWITCHG PNL “ is
displayed to remind you that the Captain’s ADR has been
The STATUS page is displayed.
The inoperative system is the Captain’s pitot heating.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 28/68
ECAMaaccttiioonn ccoompplleetteedd..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU
Abnormal operation A 29/68
You are continuing the flight and
everything is back to normal.
Clliicckk oonn tthhee ffoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo ccoonnttiinnuuee..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 30/68
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 31/68
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 32/68
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 33/68
ICE & RAIN protection MENU
Abnormal operation A 34/68
On the E/WD, read the title of the message.
Ice has been detected by at least one detector.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 35/68
On the E/WD, read the title of the message.
Ice has been detected by at least one detector.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee ENG 11 ANTTII IICE ppbb ssw..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 36/68
On the E/WD, read the title of the message.
Ice has been detected by at least one detector.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee ENG 11 ANTTII IICE ppbb ssw..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 37/68
Coonnttiinnuuee ECAMaaccttiioonn..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 38/68
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee ENG 22 ANTTII IICE ppbb ssw..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 39/68
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee ENG 22 ANTTII IICE ppbb ssw..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 40/68
Clleeaarr ANTTII IICE..
Afftteerr rreevviieew aanndd ccoonnffiirrmaattiioonn ffrroomtthhee PFF......
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 41/68
Afftteerr rreevviieew aanndd ccoonnffiirrmaattiioonn ffrroomtthhee PFF......
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 42/68
Afftteerr rreevviieew aanndd ccoonnffiirrmaattiioonn ffrroomtthhee PFF......
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 43/68
Click on the forward arrow to
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 44/68
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 45/68
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 46/68
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 47/68
ICE & RAIN protection MENU
Abnormal operation A 48/68
You are now in heavy icing conditions.
On the E/WD, read the title of the message.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 49/68
You are now in heavy icing conditions.
On the E/WD, read the title of the message.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM
Noo.. Prreessss tthheeWIING ANTTII IICE ppbb ssw ttoo ON..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 50/68
You are now in heavy icing conditions.
On the E/WD, read the title of the message.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM
Noo.. Prreessss tthheeWIING ANTTII IICE ppbb ssw ttoo ON..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 51/68
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 52/68
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 53/68
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 54/68
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 55/68
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 56/68
Clleeaarr ANTTII IICE..
On the E/WD, read the title of the failure.
appears meaning that at least one wing anti-ice valve
has not opened after switching the system on.
Notice the ECAM BLEED page is called
Before applying the ECAM actions, you should
clear the first message.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 57/68
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
On the E/WD, read the title of the failure.
appears meaning that at least one wing anti-ice valve
has not opened after switching the system on.
Notice the ECAM BLEED page is called
Before applying the ECAM actions, you should
clear the first message.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 58/68
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
On the E/WD, read the title of the failure.
appears meaning that at least one wing anti-ice valve
has not opened after switching the system on.
Notice the ECAM BLEED page is called
Before applying the ECAM actions, you should
clear the first message.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 59/68
On the ECAM BLEED page, there is no green
arrow on the left side, meaning that the left wing
anti-ice valve is not open.
Observe that the FAULT light in the WING antiice
pb sw remains illuminated.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 60/68
On the ECAM BLEED page, there is no green
arrow on the left side, meaning that the left wing
anti-ice valve is not open.
Observe that the FAULT light in the WING antiice
pb sw remains illuminated.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM
Noo.. Prreessss tthheeWIING ANTTII IICE ppbb ssw..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 61/68
On the ECAM BLEED page, there is no green
arrow on the left side, meaning that the left wing
anti-ice valve is not open.
Observe that the FAULT light in the WING antiice
pb sw remains illuminated.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM
Noo.. Prreessss tthheeWIING ANTTII IICE ppbb ssw..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 62/68
On the system page, all wing anti-ice indications
have disappeared, meaning that wing anti icing is
no longer operating.
The ECAM advises you to avoid icing conditions.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
ClleeaarrWIING A..IICE
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 63/68
On the system page, all wing anti-ice indications
have disappeared, meaning that wing anti icing is
no longer operating.
The ECAM advises you to avoid icing conditions.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 64/68
On the system page, all wing anti-ice indications
have disappeared, meaning that wing anti icing is
no longer operating.
The ECAM advises you to avoid icing conditions.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU
Abnormal operation A 65/68
The STATUS page is called.
The inoperative system is the wing anti-ice.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Clleeaarr STTATTUS..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 66/68
The STATUS page is called.
The inoperative system is the wing anti-ice.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 67/68
The STATUS page is called.
The inoperative system is the wing anti-ice.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 68/68
ECAMaaccttiioonn ccoompplleetteedd..
MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation A 69/68

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发表于 2011-4-15 11:54:29 |只看该作者

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