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A320防冰和排雨非正常操作B [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-4-15 08:53:16 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-4-15 08:53:29 |只看该作者
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 1/33
ICE & RAIN protection MENU
Abnormal operation B 2/33
You are in cruise, the anti-ice systems are
operating, and you want to switch off the wing
anti-ice system.
Plleeaassee ddoo iitt nnoow..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 3/33
Noo.. Prreessss tthheeWIING ANTTII IICE ppbb ssw..
You are in cruise, the anti-ice systems are
operating, and you want to switch off the wing
anti-ice system.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 4/33
Noo.. Prreessss tthheeWIING ANTTII IICE ppbb ssw..
You are in cruise, the anti-ice systems are
operating, and you want to switch off the wing
anti-ice system.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 5/33
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 6/33
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 7/33
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 8/33
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 9/33
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 10/33
Observe that :
• On the E/WD, the ECAM caution “WING A.ICE L
VALVE OPEN” appears meaning that the valve is stuck
• On the ECAM BLEED page, the green arrow is still
displayed, indicating that the valve has remained open,
• On the ANTI ICE panel, the amber FAULT light
illuminates because there is a disagreement between the
selected and actual position of the valve.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 11/33
According to the indications :
• Wing anti icing can be selected on for both wings, if required,
but is continuously on on the left side,
• There is a thrust penalty, shown by the message on the E/WD.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
ClleeaarrWIING A..IICE..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 12/33
According to the indications :
• Wing anti icing can be selected on for both wings, if required,
but is continuously on on the left side,
• There is a thrust penalty, shown by the message on the E/WD.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 13/33
According to the indications :
• Wing anti icing can be selected on for both wings, if required,
but is continuously on on the left side,
• There is a thrust penalty, shown by the message on the E/WD.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 14/33
The message “THRUST LIM PENALTY” is
also displayed on the STATUS page.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Clleeaarr STTATTUS..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 15/33
The message “THRUST LIM PENALTY” is
also displayed on the STATUS page.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 16/33
The message “THRUST LIM PENALTY” is
also displayed on the STATUS page.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 17/33
Clliicckk oonn tthhee ffoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo ccoonnttiinnuuee..
ECAM action completed.
However the fault remains.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU
Abnormal operation B 18/33
LLeett’’ss sseeee tthhee eeffffeecctt ooff tthhee ffaauulltt aafftteerr llaannddiinngg..
Clliicckk oonn tthhee ffoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo ccoonnttiinnuuee..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 19/33
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 20/33
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 21/33
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 22/33
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 23/33
An automatic recall of the failure has occurred, with
a new procedure because you are now on the ground.
The ECAM action is to switch off ENG 1 BLEED.
This is to avoid over-heating the left wing by isolating
the air supply from the wing anti-ice system.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 24/33
An automatic recall of the failure has occurred, with
a new procedure because you are now on the ground.
The ECAM action is to switch off ENG 1 BLEED.
This is to avoid over-heating the left wing by isolating
the air supply from the wing anti-ice system.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee ENG 11 BLLEED ppbb ssw..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 25/33
An automatic recall of the failure has occurred, with
a new procedure because you are now on the ground.
The ECAM action is to switch off ENG 1 BLEED.
This is to avoid over-heating the left wing by isolating
the air supply from the wing anti-ice system.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee ENG 11 BLLEED ppbb ssw..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 26/33
The engine 1 bleed valve is closed, as
shown by the white OFF light illuminated
on the corresponding pb sw, and the
indications on the ECAM BLEED page.
Note : As the left wing is affected, the APU
bleed should not be used.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 27/33
ClleeaarrWIING A..IICE..
No further action is required.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 28/33
No further action is required.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 29/33
No further action is required.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 30/33
Clleeaarr STTATTUS..
The STATUS page is called repeating the
message you had on the E/WD.
The inoperative systems are pack 1 and
engine 1 bleed.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 31/33
The STATUS page is called repeating the
message you had on the E/WD.
The inoperative systems are pack 1 and
engine 1 bleed.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 32/33
The STATUS page is called repeating the
message you had on the E/WD.
The inoperative systems are pack 1 and
engine 1 bleed.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 33/33
MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd
ECAMaaccttiioonn ccoompplleetteedd..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Abnormal operation B 34/33

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2011-4-15 11:55:25 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2011-7-31 08:31:23 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2014-4-17 11:44:06 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

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发表于 2017-3-10 12:55:01 |只看该作者

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