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A320防冰和排雨正常操作 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-4-15 08:55:40 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-4-15 08:55:48 |只看该作者
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Normal operation 1/45
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Normal operation 2/45
During the walk-around, you will verify
the condition of all the pitot, AOA, and TAT
You will also check that all the static
ports are clear and the covers are removed.
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In cold weather conditions, there are
additional procedures for exterior
inspection and ground de-icing/anti-icing.
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Normal operation 4/45
As part of the cockpit preparation phase, you
should check that the wipers are off, and the
PROBE/WINDOW HEAT pb sw is set to AUTO.
Note: When in the AUTO position, the probes
and windows are heated automatically after the first
engine is running.
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Normal operation 5/45
Today, your take-off is in icing conditions, so
let’s see what you have to know.
Potential icing conditions are defined as :
- Outside Air Temperature below 10ºC,
- visible moisture in the air.
Note : As with any anti-ice system, you should
turn the system on without waiting for a visible ice
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Normal operation 6/45
The engines are running. The automatic
function of the PROBE/WINDOW HEAT system
means that :
- the probes and the cockpit side windows are
- the windshield heating operates at low power,
- the TAT probes are not heated on the ground.
Note : you can also clear the windows manually
prior to engine start, by pushing the
PROBE/WINDOW HEAT pb sw to the ON position.
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Normal operation 7/45
Because you are in potential icing conditions,
the engine anti-ice system must be selected on.
Seelleecctt tthhee ENG 11 aannttii--iiccee ..
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Noo.. Prreessss tthhee ENG 11 aannttii--iiccee ppbb ssw..
Because you are in potential icing conditions,
the engine anti-ice system must be set to on.
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Noo.. Prreessss tthhee ENG 11 aannttii--iiccee ppbb ssw..
Because you are in potential icing conditions,
the engine anti-ice system must be set to on.
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then the FAULT light disappears and the blue
ON light illuminates.
Notice that the amber FAULT light in the ENG 1
ANTI-ICE pb sw illuminates momentarily during
the valve transit,
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ICE & RAIN protection MENU
Normal operation 13/45
As soon as one ENG anti-ice pb sw is ON,
- the “ENG A.ICE” memo appears in green on
the E/WD,
- the “IGNITION” memo appears in green,
indicating that continuous ignition is
automatically selected for the engines.
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Normal operation 14/45
Coonnttiinnuuee bbyy sseelleeccttiinngg tthhee ENG 22 aannttii--iiccee..
The idle N1 is automatically increased to give
better protection against flame out.
N1 limit (amber tick) is automatically reduced
because air from the engines is taken for antiicing.
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The idle N1 is automatically increased to give
better protection against flame out.
N1 limit (amber tick) is automatically reduced
because air from the engines is taken for antiicing.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee ENG 22 aannttii--iiccee ppbb ssw..
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The idle N1 is automatically increased to give
better protection against flame out.
N1 limit (amber tick) is automatically reduced
because air from the engines is taken for antiicing.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee ENG 22 aannttii--iiccee ppbb ssw..
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ICE & RAIN protection MENU
Normal operation 18/45
Both engine air intakes are now being antiiced.
Note : The fan blades are not being anti-iced.
If significant engine vibration occurs due to ice
accumulation on the blades, the engine should be
accelerated to 70% N1 minimum for approximately 15
seconds prior to higher thrust operation.
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Normal operation 19/45
As an added precaution, we will use wing antiicing.
The WING ANTI-ICE pb sw controls the wing
anti-ice system on both wings simultaneously.
Note : Use of APU bleed is not authorized if wing
anti-ice is in use.
Plleeaassee sseelleecctt wiinngg aannttii--iiccee..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Normal operation 20/45
As an added precaution, we will use wing antiicing.
The WING ANTI-ICE pb sw controls the wing
anti-ice system simultaneously on both wings.
Note : Use of APU bleed is not authorized if wing
anti-ice is to be used.
Noo.. Prreessss tthheeWIING ANTTII--IICE ppbb ssw..
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As an added precaution, we will use wing antiicing.
The WING ANTI-ICE pb sw controls the wing
anti-ice system simultaneously on both wings.
Note : Use of APU bleed is not authorized if wing
anti-ice is to be used.
Noo.. Prreessss tthheeWIING ANTTII--IICE ppbb ssw..
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ICE & RAIN protection MENU
Normal operation 23/45
Notice that :
- the FAULT light in the WING ANTI- ICE pb sw
illuminates amber momentarily during the valve
- the FAULT light is replaced by the blue ON light,
- and the “WING A.ICE” memo appears on the
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We have called the ECAM BLEED
page for you.
Observe that :
- the “anti-ice” white indications are
displayed, meaning that the WING
ANTI-ICE pb sw has been set to ON,
- and the green triangles are
displayed, indicating that the wing antiice
valves are open.
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Normal operation 26/45
Observe that 30 seconds after the WING anti-ice pb sw has
been set to ON, the wing anti-ice valve indications disappear.
This is because the wing anti-ice valves close automatically, to
prevent an overheat of the slats. This is the ground test
At lift-off, the valves will re-open automatically, and the slats
will be heated again.
Note :Use caution when taxiing with engine anti-icing on,
because ground idle is increased.
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Normal operation 27/45
You are now in cruise, clear of icing conditions.
If you do not expect the conditions to change, antiicing
systems should be switched off.
Note : if the ice detection system is installed, an
“ICE NOT DET” memo indicates that no ice has been
detected for approximately 3 minutes or more.
We have called the ECAM BLEED page for you.
FFiirrsstt sswiittcchh tthhee wiinngg aannttii--iiccee ooffff..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Normal operation 28/45
Noo.. Prreessss tthheeWIING ANTTII--IICE ppbb ssw..
You are now in cruise, clear of icing conditions.
If you do not expect the conditions to change, antiicing
systems should be switched off.
Note : if the ice detection system is installed, an
“ICE NOT DET” memo indicates that no ice has been
detected for approximately 3 minutes or more.
We have called the ECAM BLEED page for you.
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Noo.. Prreessss tthheeWIING ANTTII--IICE ppbb ssw..
You are now in cruise, clear of icing conditions.
If you do not expect the conditions to change, antiicing
systems should be switched off.
Note : if the ice detection system is installed, an
“ICE NOT DET” memo indicates that no ice has been
detected for approximately 3 minutes or more.
We have called the ECAM BLEED page for you.
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Continue by switching off the engine anti-ice
systems. First switch engine 1 anti-ice off.
Observe all the wing anti-ice indications have
disappeared on the ECAM BLEED page.
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Noo.. Prreessss tthhee ENG 11 aannttii--iiccee ppbb ssw ttoo OFFFF..
Observe all the wing anti-ice indications have
disappeared on the ECAM BLEED page.
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Noo.. Prreessss tthhee ENG 11 aannttii--iiccee ppbb ssw ttoo OFFFF..
Observe all the wing anti-ice indications have
disappeared on the ECAM BLEED page.
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Normal operation 33/45
Noow sswiittcchh eennggiinnee 22 aannttii--iiccee ooffff..
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Noo.. Prreessss tthhee ENG 22 aannttii--iiccee ppbb ssw ttoo OFFFF..
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Noo.. Prreessss tthhee ENG 22 aannttii--iiccee ppbb ssw ttoo OFFFF..
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During climb or cruise, the anti-ice systems
may also be switched off when the SAT is below
-40°C, even if there is visible moisture.
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We are about to commence the descent.
Because potential icing conditions are
expected, the engine anti-ice system is switched
on prior to starting the descent, even if the SAT is
below -40°C.
We will switch the engine anti-ice on for you.
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You are now in descent, the engine anti-ice system
is on.
You observe ice accretion on the visual ice
So that you can observe the indications, we have
called the ECAM BLEED page for you.
Swiittcchh tthhee wiinngg aannttii--iiccee oonn..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Normal operation 39/45
Noo.. Prreessss tthheeWIING aannttii--iiccee ppbb ssw ttoo ON..
You are now in descent, the engine anti-ice system
is on.
You observe ice accretion on the visual ice
So that you can observe the indications, we have
called the ECAM BLEED page for you.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Normal operation 40/45
Noo.. Prreessss tthheeWIING aannttii--iiccee ppbb ssw ttoo ON..
You are now in descent, the engine anti-ice system
is on.
You observe ice accretion on the visual ice
So that you can observe the indications, we have
called the ECAM BLEED page for you.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU
Normal operation 41/45
Observe that :
- the wing anti-ice indications are displayed on
the ECAM BLEED page,
- the WING A.ICE memo appears on the E/WD.
Note : because the engine idle speed is increased
when the anti-ice system is used, the descent path
angle is reduced.
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You are now taxiing to the gate.
The wing anti-ice valves have closed automatically,
and the engine anti-ice is still ON.
TTuurrnn tthhee wiinngg aannttii--iiccee ooffff..
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Normal operation 43/45
Noo.. Prreessss tthheeWIING aannttii--iiccee ppbb ssw ttoo OFFFF..
You are now taxiing to the gate.
The wing anti-ice valves have closed automatically,
and the engine anti-ice is still ON.
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Normal operation 44/45
Noo.. Prreessss tthheeWIING aannttii--iiccee ppbb ssw ttoo OFFFF..
You are now taxiing to the gate.
The wing anti-ice valves have closed automatically,
and the engine anti-ice is still ON.
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Normal operation 45/45
As the approach was made in icing conditions, do
not retract the flaps and slats until after engine
Wait until they have been checked to ensure that
they are clear of obstructing ice.
Note :
- During extended ground idle operation, periodic engine
run-up (45% recommended) may be performed to remove
any ice from the fan blades.
- For ground operations in heavy rain, refer to your
MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd
ICE & RAIN protection MENU Normal operation 46/45

使用道具 举报

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发表于 2011-4-15 11:55:53 |只看该作者

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