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A320燃油非正常操作 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-4-17 09:29:13 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-4-17 09:29:22 |只看该作者
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 1/79
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 2/79
This is a demonstration of a failure of
the center tank pumps.
You are in cruise with the aircraft
operating normally.
Click on the forward arrow to
activate the failure.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 3/79
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 4/79
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 5/79
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 6/79
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 7/79
Abnormal operation 8/79
Notice that the ECAM FUEL page is
automatically displayed.
On the E/WD, read the title of the
The ECAM caution “CTR TK PUMP 1
LO PR” appears amber meaning that
center tank pump 1 has failed.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 9/79
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 10/79
• and on the FUEL control panel, the FAULT
light is illuminated amber on the CTR TK
pump 1 pb sw.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM
Notice the corresponding indications :
• On the ECAM page, LO boxed amber
means the pump is on, but not producing
adequate pressure,
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 11/79
• and on the FUEL control panel, the FAULT
light is illuminated amber on the CTR TK
pump 1 pb sw.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM
Notice the corresponding indications :
• On the ECAM page, LO boxed amber
means the pump is on, but not producing
adequate pressure,
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee X FFEED ppbb ssw..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 12/79
• and on the FUEL control panel, the FAULT
light is illuminated amber on the CTR TK
pump 1 pb sw.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM
Notice the corresponding indications :
• On the ECAM page, LO boxed amber
means the pump is on, but not producing
adequate pressure,
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee X FFEED ppbb ssw..
Abnormal operation 13/79
Observe that :
• the ON light illuminates white on the
XFEED pb sw to indicate that the
valve starts to open,
• the crossfeed valve is shown amber
during the valve transit,
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 14/79
• and the OPEN light illuminates green
when the valve is fully open.
On the ECAM page, the crossfeed
valve is in- line green.
This allows both engines to be fed
from the center tank using center tank
pump 2.
Note : If you had not opened the XFEED
valve, engine 1 would receive fuel from the
left inner tanks and an imbalance would have
Coonnttiinnuuee tthhee ECAMaaccttiioonn..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 15/79
• and the OPEN light illuminates green
when the valve is fully open.
On the ECAM page, the crossfeed
valve is in- line green.
This allows both engines to be fed
from the center tank using center tank
pump 2.
Note : If you had not opened the XFEED
valve, engine 1 would receive fuel from the
left inner tanks and an imbalance would have
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee CTTR TTK PUMP 11 ppbb ssw..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 16/79
• and the OPEN light illuminates green
when the valve is fully open.
On the ECAM page, the crossfeed
valve is in- line green.
This allows both engines to be fed
from the center tank using center tank
pump 2.
Note : If you had not opened the XFEED
valve, engine 1 would receive fuel from the
left inner tanks and an imbalance would have
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee CTTR TTK PUMP 11 ppbb ssw..
Abnormal operation 17/79
On the CTR TK pump 1 pb sw, the
amber FAULT light disappears, and is
replaced by the white OFF light,
indicating that the pump has been turned
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 18/79
Clleeaarr FFUELL..
The abnormal procedure is complete, the
FUEL system is analyzed.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
On the ECAM FUEL page, the LO
indication disappears and is replaced by
an amber cross-line, meaning that center
tank pump 1 has been manually switched
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 19/79
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
The abnormal procedure is complete, the
FUEL system is analyzed.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
On the ECAM FUEL page, the LO
indication disappears and is replaced by
an amber cross-line, meaning that center
tank pump 1 has been manually switched
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 20/79
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
The abnormal procedure is complete, the
FUEL system is analyzed.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
On the ECAM FUEL page, the LO
indication disappears and is replaced by
an amber cross-line, meaning that center
tank pump 1 has been manually switched
Abnormal operation 21/79
The "CTR TK FEEDG" memo indicates that the
center tank is feeding the aircraft, and the "FUEL
XFEED" memo indicates that the crossfeed valve is
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 22/79
On the STATUS page, center tank pump 1
appears amber in the inoperative system
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Clleeaarr STTATTUS..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 23/79
On the STATUS page, center tank pump 1
appears amber in the inoperative system
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 24/79
On the STATUS page, center tank pump 1
appears amber in the inoperative system
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 25/79
ECAMaaccttiioonn ccoompplleetteedd..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 26/79
You are continuing in cruise.
Remember that center tank pump 1 has failed.
Let's see what happens if center tank pump 2
also fails.
Clliicckk oonn tthhee ffoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 27/79
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 28/79
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 29/79
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 30/79
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 31/79
On the E/WD, the amber message
« CTR TK PUMPS LO PR » means that
both center tank pumps have failed.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 32/79
• and the amber FAULT light on the FUEL control panel.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
You have the same indications as you had for
center tank pump 1 failure :
• LO boxed amber on the ECAM page,
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 33/79
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee CTTR TTK PUMP 22 ppbb ssw..
• and the amber FAULT light on the FUEL control panel.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
You have the same indications as you had for
center tank pump 1 failure :
• LO boxed amber on the ECAM page,
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 34/79
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee CTTR TTK PUMP 22 ppbb ssw..
• and the amber FAULT light on the FUEL control panel.
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
You have the same indications as you had for
center tank pump 1 failure :
• LO boxed amber on the ECAM page,
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 35/79
Observe the following indications :
• On the FUEL panel, both center tank pumps are off,
• On the E/WD, the FOB has a half amber box.
This means that some of the
indicated total Fuel On Board is not usable.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 36/79
On the ECAM FUEL page :
• The Fuel On Board (FOB) value is boxed amber,
meaning that not all FOB is usable,
• The center tank pumps are cross-line amber,
meaning that they have been manually shut OFF,
• The center tank quantity is boxed amber, meaning
that the center tank fuel is not usable.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Clleeaarr FFUELL..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 37/79
On the ECAM FUEL page :
• The Fuel On Board (FOB) value is boxed amber,
meaning that not all FOB is usable,
• The center tank pumps are cross-line amber,
meaning that they have been manually shut OFF,
• The center tank quantity is boxed amber, meaning
that the center tank fuel is not usable.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 38/79
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee CLLR kkeeyy..
On the ECAM FUEL page :
• The Fuel On Board (FOB) value is boxed amber,
meaning that not all FOB is usable,
• The center tank pumps are cross-line amber,
meaning that they have been manually shut OFF,
• The center tank quantity is boxed amber, meaning
that the center tank fuel is not usable.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 39/79
• the center tank pumps are inoperative. This is
indicated in amber.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Clleeaarr STTATTUS..
The STATUS page indicates the following :
• A green message states that the center tank
fuel is unusable,
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 40/79
• the center tank pumps are inoperative. This is
indicated in amber.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
The STATUS page indicates the following :
• A green message states that the center tank
fuel is unusable,
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 41/79
• the center tank pumps are inoperative. This is
indicated in amber.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
The STATUS page indicates the following :
• A green message states that the center tank
fuel is unusable,
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 42/79
ECAM action completed.
We learned from the ECAM actions and the
indications associated with center tank pump
failures that :
• Losing one center tank pump requires opening
the crossfeed valve to prevent a fuel imbalance,
• Losing both center tank pumps means center tank
fuel is unusable.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 43/79
You are still in cruise, all systems are
restored and operating normally.
We are now going to study the failure of the
inner tank pumps.
Click on the forward arrow to
activate the failure.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 44/79
The amber message "L TK PUMP 1 LO PR" on
the E/WD means that the left tank pump 1 has failed.
The ECAM FUEL page appears automatically with
the corresponding pump indication.
Note : the Master Caution and the Single Chime are
not triggered as the tank has another pump for
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 45/79
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee LL TTK PUMP 11 ppbb ssw..
The amber message "L TK PUMP 1 LO PR" on
the E/WD means that the left tank pump 1 has failed.
The ECAM FUEL page appears automatically with
the corresponding pump indication.
Note : the Master Caution and the Single Chime are
not triggered as the tank has another pump for
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 46/79
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee LL TTK PUMP 11 ppbb ssw..
The amber message "L TK PUMP 1 LO PR" on
the E/WD means that the left tank pump 1 has failed.
The ECAM FUEL page appears automatically with
the corresponding pump indication.
Note : the Master Caution and the Single Chime are
not triggered as the tank has another pump for
The PF will ask you to perform the ECAM actions.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 47/79
Observe :
• On the FUEL panel, the amber FAULT light in
the L TK PUMP 1 pb sw is replaced by the
white OFF light,
Clleeaarr FFUELL..
• On the ECAM page, the amber "LO"
indication is replaced by an amber cross-line,
indicating that the pump is off.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 48/79
Observe :
• On the FUEL panel, the amber FAULT light in
the L TK PUMP 1 pb sw is replaced by the
white OFF light,
• On the ECAM page, the amber "LO"
indication is replaced by an amber cross-line,
indicating that the pump is off.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 49/79
Observe :
• On the FUEL panel, the amber FAULT light in
the L TK PUMP 1 pb sw is replaced by the
white OFF light,
• On the ECAM page, the amber "LO"
indication is replaced by an amber cross-line,
indicating that the pump is off.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 50/79
The inoperative system is left tank pump 1,
indicated in amber.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Clleeaarr STTATTUS..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 51/79
The inoperative system is left tank pump 1,
indicated in amber.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 52/79
The inoperative system is left tank pump 1,
indicated in amber.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 53/79
ECAMaaccttiioonn ccoompplleetteedd..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 54/79
We are continuing in cruise.
Remember that left tank pump 1 has
Let's see what happens if left tank
pump 2 fails.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 55/79
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 56/79
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 57/79
No, to extinguish the Master Caution
light, push the Master Caution pb sw.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 58/79
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 59/79
The amber message "FUEL L TK
PUMP 1+2 LO PR" on the E/WD means
that both left tank pumps have failed.
Once again, the ECAM FUEL page
appears automatically.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 60/79
The ECAM procedure requires you
to operate the center tank pumps in
manual mode.
This is to prevent the center tank
pumps from being shut off
automatically, for example during slats
The PF will ask you to perform the
ECAM actions.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 61/79
The ECAM procedure requires you
to operate the center tank pumps in
manual mode.
This is to prevent the center tank
pumps from being shut off
automatically, for example during slats
The PF will ask you to perform the
ECAM actions.
Noo.. Prreessss tthheeMODE SELL ppbb ssw..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 62/79
The ECAM procedure requires you
to operate the center tank pumps in
manual mode.
This is to prevent the center tank
pumps from being shut off
automatically, for example during slats
The PF will ask you to perform the
ECAM actions.
Noo.. Prreessss tthheeMODE SELL ppbb ssw..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 63/79
Notice the white MAN light on the
MODE SEL pb sw.
The center tank pumps are now
operated manually.
Coonnttiinnuuee ECAMaaccttiioonn..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 64/79
Notice the white MAN light on the
MODE SEL pb sw.
The center tank pumps are now
operated manually.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee LL TTK PUMP 22 ppbb ssw..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 65/79
Notice the white MAN light on the
MODE SEL pb sw.
The center tank pumps are now
operated manually.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee LL TTK PUMP 22 ppbb ssw..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 66/79
The left tank pump 2 indications are the same as
for the left tank pump 1 shown previously.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Clleeaarr FFUELL..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 67/79
The left tank pump 2 indications are the same as
for the left tank pump 1 shown previously.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 68/79
The left tank pump 2 indications are the same as
for the left tank pump 1 shown previously.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
Abnormal operation 69/79
The left tank pumps are inoperative. This is
indicated in amber.
Note : At this time, the center tank pumps are still
feeding the engines. When fuel from the left tank is
required, refer to your documentation for gravity fuel
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Clleeaarr STTATTUS..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 70/79
The left tank pumps are inoperative. This is
indicated in amber.
Note : At this time, the center tank pumps are still
feeding the engines. When fuel from the left tank is
required, refer to your documentation for gravity fuel
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 71/79
The left tank pumps are inoperative. This is
indicated in amber.
Note : At this time, the center tank pumps are still
feeding the engines. When fuel from the left tank is
required, refer to your documentation for gravity fuel
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee STTS kkeeyy oorr eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 72/79
ECAM action completed.
We learned from the ECAM actions and indications
associated with the left tank pump failures that :
• Losing one inner tank pump is not so critical (no
master caution) because of redundancy (2 pumps).
• Losing both inner tank pumps means using gravity
fuel feeding if necessary (refer to your
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 73/79
Now let’s see some other abnormal
indications that you can have on the
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 74/79
If, on the E/WD, the
FOB indication is
displayed with two
dashes across the two
last digits, the Fuel
Quantity Indicator (FQI) is
in degraded mode.
Select the ECAM FUEL page on the ECP to
determine which tank is affected.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 75/79
If, on the E/WD, the
FOB indication is
displayed with two
dashes across the two
last digits, the Fuel
Quantity Indicator (FQI) is
in degraded mode.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee FFUELL kkeeyy..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 76/79
If, on the E/WD, the
FOB indication is
displayed with two
dashes across the two
last digits, the Fuel
Quantity Indicator (FQI) is
in degraded mode.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee FFUELL kkeeyy..
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 77/79
You can see that the affected tank is
the left outer tank.
The two amber dashes indicate a loss
of accuracy of the indicated fuel quantity.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 78/79
Also notice that the fuel temperature
can appear amber, associated with an
ECAM message and a single chime, if a
high or low limit is detected.
In our case, the outer tank temperature
has exceeded the low limit.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 79/79
MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd
On the ECAM FUEL page, the left
transfer valve is displayed in amber,
meaning that it is closed when it should
have automatically opened.
The fuel in the left outer tank is no
longer usable.
FUEL MENU Abnormal operation 80/79

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