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A320燃油正常操作 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-4-17 09:31:03 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-4-17 09:31:10 |只看该作者
FUEL MENU Normal operation 1/84
FUEL MENU Normal operation 2/84
During the walk around, you must check
several items which are part of the fuel system.
These items are not major components but a
check of their condition is very important.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 3/84
Fuel can be measured
manually by the magnetic fuel
level indicators located in each
fuel tank.
We are looking at a
magnetic fuel level indicator in
the right inner tank. It should
be flush with the aircraft
FUEL MENU Normal operation 4/84
We are looking at the water
drain valve in the right inner
tank. Each tank has a water
drain valve.
You should check that there
is no water leaking from the
If there is a leak call
FUEL MENU Normal operation 5/84
You should check
that the REFUEL panel
access door is closed.
A refuel panel is
located on the fuselage
side beneath the right
FUEL MENU Normal operation 6/84
Note : Another refueling point
can be installed under the left
wing as an option.
A single refueling point is
installed under the right wing.
You should check that the
refuel coupling door is closed.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 7/84
There is one surge tank
connected to the outer tank in
each wing tip. These small
tanks protect the system
against overpressure and
thermal expansion.
You cannot monitor or
control surge tanks from the
The surge tank inlet should
be clear of any blockage.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 8/84
There is also a shroud drain
mast. It drains fuel that could
leak from the system.
You should check that there
is no fuel leaking from the
The items related to the fuel
system during the walk around
are complete.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 9/84
We will now discuss items related to
the fuel system that you will encounter
during cockpit preparation.
To better illustrate what occurs
in the fuel system, select the ECAM
FUEL page using the ECAM
control panel.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 10/84
We will now discuss items related to
the fuel system that you will encounter
during cockpit preparation.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee FFUELL kkeeyy..
FUEL MENU Normal operation 11/84
We will now discuss items related to
the fuel system that you will encounter
during cockpit preparation.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee FFUELL kkeeyy..
FUEL MENU Normal operation 12/84
With the pumps in the
OFF position, observe the
symbology on the ECAM.
The pumps are crossline
FUEL MENU Normal operation 13/84
During cockpit preparation, all
white ligths in the cockpit must be
Switch ON the left tank pump
1 and observe the ECAM
FUEL MENU Normal operation 14/84
During cockpit preparation, all
white ligths in the cockpit must be
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee LL TTK PUMP 11 ppbb ssw..
FUEL MENU Normal operation 15/84
During cockpit preparation, all
white ligths in the cockpit must be
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee LL TTK PUMP 11 ppbb ssw..
FUEL MENU Normal operation 16/84
The left tank pump 1 on the
ECAM FUEL page is in-line green,
indicating that the pump is running.
Continue by switching ON
the left tank pump 2.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 17/84
The left tank pump 1 on the
ECAM FUEL page is in-line green,
indicating that the pump is running.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee LL TTK PUMP 22 ppbb ssw..
FUEL MENU Normal operation 18/84
The left tank pump 1 on the
ECAM FUEL page is in-line green,
indicating that the pump is running.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee LL TTK PUMP 22 ppbb ssw..
FUEL MENU Normal operation 19/84
The left tank pump 2 is now also
Click on the forward arrow to
finish swicthing the center and
right tank pumps on.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 20/84
Allll tthhee ppuumppss aarree nnoow rruunnnniinngg..
Click on the forward arrow to
display the E/WD.
Before you continue, you observe a
message on the E/WD.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 21/84
The message "REFUELG"
displayed on the E/WD indicates
that the refuel control panel door is
Now let's continue the preflight
by inserting the fuel weight in the
FUEL MENU Normal operation 22/84
We have typed the fuel weight in the
scratch pad for you.
Note : You can insert the fuel weight in the
MCDU while refueling is in progress.
Enntteerr tthhee FFuueell weeiigghhtt iinn tthheeMCDU ..
FUEL MENU Normal operation 23/84
We have typed the fuel weight in the
scratch pad for you.
Note : You can insert the fuel weight in the
MCDU while refueling is in progress.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee LLiinnee Seelleecctt Keeyy 22R..
FUEL MENU Normal operation 24/84
We have typed the fuel weight in the
scratch pad for you.
Note : You can insert the fuel weight in the
MCDU while refueling is in progress.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee LLiinnee Seelleecctt Keeyy 22R..
FUEL MENU Normal operation 25/84
Click on the forward arrow to
FUEL MENU Normal operation 26/84
A few minutes later you observe that
the refueling message on the E/WD has
disappeared, indicating that refueling is
complete and the refueling control
panel door is closed.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 27/84
Now that the fuel weight has been
entered, let’s verify the FOB.
Note : the minimum fuel quantity for take-off
is 1500 kg.
Normal operation 28/84
Verify that the Fuel On Board quantity on
the E/WD and on the ECAM FUEL page
corresponds to the fuel required by the
computerized flight-plan.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 29/84
Verify also the fuel distribution in the
different tanks.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 30/84
FUEL MENU Normal operation 31/84
• and the fuel line dowstream from the
low pressure valve is amber indicating the
APU is not running.
It’s now time to start the APU.
Before we start it, notice that :
• the APU low pressure valve is closed
(cross-line green),
FUEL MENU Normal operation 32/84
We have started the APU for you.
On the ECAM FUEL page you can see
that the APU is running because :
• the APU Low Pressure valve has
opened (in- line green),
•• aanndd tthhee ffuueell lliinnee ddoowssttrreeaamiiss ggrreeeenn..
FUEL MENU Normal operation 33/84
The items related to the fuel system
during cockpit preparation are complete.
We will now discuss items related to the
fuel system that you will encounter during
engine start.
The indications and starting procedures
are the same for both engines.
In our example we will start engine 2 first.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 34/84
Normally, during engine start, the
ECAM ENGINE page will be automatically
For training purposes only, to better
illustrate what occurs in the fuel system,
the ECAM FUEL page will be presented.
Select the ECAM FUEL page on the
ECAM control panel.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 35/84
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee FFUELL kkeeyy..
Normally, during engine start, the
ECAM ENGINE page will be automatically
For training purposes only, to better
illustrate what occurs in the fuel system,
the ECAM FUEL page will be presented.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 36/84
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee FFUELL kkeeyy..
Normally, during engine start, the
ECAM ENGINE page will be automatically
For training purposes only, to better
illustrate what occurs in the fuel system,
the ECAM FUEL page will be presented.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 37/84
FUEL MENU Normal operation 38/84
FUEL MENU Normal operation 39/84
FUEL MENU Normal operation 40/84
• On the E/WD, the Fuel Flow (F.F.)
indicates amber crosses.
• Engine identification numbers are
amber. (This is because the engines are
not running),
• The fuel used quantities remain from
the previous flight,
Before we start the engine observe the
following :
• the engine low pressure valves are
cross-line amber to indicate closure,
FUEL MENU Normal operation 41/84
FUEL MENU Normal operation 42/84
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FUEL MENU Normal operation 44/84
FUEL MENU Normal operation 45/84
• Engine identification number 2 changes
to white.
Click on the forward arrow to start
engine number 1.
•• Onn tthhee E//WD,, FFuueell FFlloow ssttaarrttss,,
• Fuel used indication automatically
resets to 0,
Engine 2 is starting, observe :
• The Low Pressure valve is in-line
FUEL MENU Normal operation 46/84
FUEL MENU Normal operation 47/84
FUEL MENU Normal operation 48/84
FUEL MENU Normal operation 49/84
Normal operation 50/84
Engine 1 is starting, observe :
• The LP valve is in- line green,
• Fuel used indication automatically
resets to 0,
•• Onn tthhee E//WD,, ffuueell fflloow ssttaarrttss,,
• Engine identification number 1 changes
to white.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 51/84
The Gross Weight (GW) has now
appeared . This indication is not available
until after the second engine is started.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 52/84
Observe the message CTR TK FEEDG
has appeared on the ECAM E/WD. This
indicates that the center tank pumps are
feeding the engines.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 53/84
The items related to the engine start are
We will now discuss items related to
the fuel system that you will encounter
during taxi.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 54/84
Extend the slats, and observe the
When we extend the slats, you will see
one of the automatic functions of the
center tank pumps.
Notice that the MODE SEL pb sw is set
to AUTO.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 55/84
Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhee FFLLAPS lleevveerr..
When we extend the slats, you will see
one of the automatic functions of the
center tank pumps.
Notice that the MODE SEL pb sw is set
to AUTO.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 56/84
When we extend the slats, you will see
one of the automatic functions of the
center tank pumps.
Notice that the MODE SEL pb sw is set
to AUTO.
Noo.. Clliicckk oonn tthhee FFLLAPS lleevveerr..
FUEL MENU Normal operation 57/84
FUEL MENU Normal operation 58/84
FUEL MENU Normal operation 59/84
FUEL MENU Normal operation 60/84
Observe :
• The flaps extending,
•• TThheemeessssaaggee CTTR TTK FFEEDG ddiissaappppeeaarrss,,
• On the ECAM FUEL page, the center
tank pumps are cross-line green,
indicating that they have stopped running
• The inner tank pumps now feed the
engines for take-off.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 61/84
The items related to TAXI are complete.
We will now discuss items related to
the fuel system that you will encounter
during normal climb, cruise and descent.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 62/84
You are in climb, the slats are now
Observe the CTR TK FEEDG message
reappears. This indicates (at slats
retraction) the center tank pumps are
again feeding the engines.
Seelleecctt tthhee ECAMFFUELL ppaaggee oonn tthhee ECP..
This is another automatic function of
the center tank pumps with the MODE SEL
pb in AUTO .
FUEL MENU Normal operation 63/84
You are in climb, the slats are now
Observe the CTR TK FEEDG message
reappears. This indicates (at slats
retraction) the center tank pumps are
again feeding the engines.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee FFUELL kkeeyy..
This is another automatic function of
the center tank pumps with the MODE SEL
pb in AUTO .
FUEL MENU Normal operation 64/84
You are in climb, the slats are now
Observe the CTR TK FEEDG message
reappears. This indicates (at slats
retraction) the center tank pumps are
again feeding the engines.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee FFUELL kkeeyy..
This is another automatic function of
the center tank pumps with the MODE SEL
pb in AUTO .
Normal operation 65/84
Observe the corresponding pump
indications on the ECAM (in-line green).
FUEL MENU Normal operation 66/84
You are now in cruise.
Notice the CTR TK FEEDG message has again
disappeared indicating that the center tank pumps
have automatically shut off. However the center
tank is not empty and an AUTO function has again
To explain why, we must look at fuel
FUEL MENU Normal operation 67/84
FUEL MENU Normal operation 68/84
Some fuel to the engines is diverted to cool
the Integrated Drive Generators (IDGs) then
returns to the wing tanks.
If the engines are fed from the center tank
and the wing tanks are full, the center tank
pumps automatically shut off.
The inner tank pumps take over and feed the
engines so that there is room for fuel from the
Normal operation 69/84
After the inner tank pumps have fed
approximately 500 kg of fuel, the center tank
pumps automatically restart.
Normal operation 70/84
You are in descent.
To better illustrate the remaining indications,
we will keep the ECAM FUEL page displayed.
The center tank pumps have automatically
shut off (cross- line green) because the center
tank is empty.
The inner tanks are now again feeding the
Let’s see what happens when the inner tanks
reach a low level.
Normal operation 71/84
When either inner tank reaches a low level
limit, both transfer valves open automatically
transferring fuel from the outer to the inner
FUEL MENU Normal operation 72/84
Click on either outer tank and observe
the fuel transferring.
After at least one transfer valve is open, the
message OUTER TK FUEL XFRD is displayed
on the E/WD.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 73/84
No. Click on either outer tank on the
After at least one transfer valve is open, the
message OUTER TK FUEL XFRD is displayed
on the E/WD.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 74/84
No. Click on either outer tank on the
After at least one transfer valve is open, the
message OUTER TK FUEL XFRD is displayed
on the E/WD.
Normal operation 75/84
The fuel is now totally transferred and the
outer tanks are empty.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 76/84
The items related to the fuel system
during climb, cruise and descent are
We will now discuss items related to
the fuel system that you will encounter
during post flight.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 77/84
After the engines are shutdown, the
fuel pumps are switched off.
Swiittcchh ooffff tthhee lleefftt ttaannkk ppuumpp 11..
FUEL MENU Normal operation 78/84
After the engines are shutdown, the
fuel pumps are switched off.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee LL TTK PUMP 11 ppbb ssw..
FUEL MENU Normal operation 79/84
After the engines are shutdown, the
fuel pumps are switched off.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee LL TTK PUMP 11 ppbb ssw..
FUEL MENU Normal operation 80/84
Continue by switching off the left
tank pump 2.
The left tank pump 1 is off, (cross-line
FUEL MENU Normal operation 81/84
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee LL TTK PUMP 22 ppbb ssw..
The left tank pump 1 is off, (cross-line
FUEL MENU Normal operation 82/84
The left tank pump 1 is off, (cross-line
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee LL TTK PUMP 22 ppbb ssw..
FUEL MENU Normal operation 83/84
Click on the forward arrow to
finish swicthing the center and right
tank pumps off.
FUEL MENU Normal operation 84/84
Observe the transfer valves remain
They will be automatically closed
during the next refueling operation.
MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd
FUEL MENU Normal operation 85/84

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