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BOEING D-590 PART STANDARDS D-590-SUP-LIST-PREFACE D-590 SUPERSESSION LIST FOR STANDARD PARTS, PREFACE REV N 20-AUG-2009 D-590-SUP-LIST-PREFACE PAGE 1 OF 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 1 SCOPE.................................................................................................................... 3 2 PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY FOR THE D-590 SUPERSESSION-LIST............... 3 3 CLASS DEFINITIONS............................................................................................. 4 3.1 Class I (Two-Way Interchangeable)........................................................................ 5 3.2 Class II (The old part is not interchangeable with the new part).............................. 5 3.3 Class IIA (The old part is not interchangeable with the new part)........................... 5 3.4 Class III (The old part remains active)..................................................................... 5 3.5 Class IV (The new part is not interchangeable with the old part in all applications)............................................................................................................. 5 3.6 Class V (The old part is an unacceptable risk)........................................................ 6 4 NOTES.................................................................................................................... 6 5 BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANES.................................................................... 6 5.1 Superseding Parts Optional for Airlines and Maintenance Facilities....................... 6 5.2 Applicability.............................................................................................................. 6 5.3 Spares Exemption................................................................................................... 6 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title Page FIGURE 2–1 DIVISION DESIGNATORS...................................................................................... 3 FIGURE 2–2 DEFINITIONS OF SSL HEADINGS........................................................................ 3 FIGURE 2–3 SUPERSESSION LIST LEGEND............................................................................ 4 FIGURE 3–1 PRODUCTION RULES FOR SUPERSESSION CLASSES (SEE Section 5 FOR EXCEPTIONS FOR AIRLINES/CUSTOMERS AND SPARES) ............................. 4 Boeing Proprietary Basic Control ******* PSDS GENERATED ******* BOEING D-590 PART STANDARDS D-590-SUP-LIST-PREFACE D-590 SUPERSESSION LIST FOR STANDARD PARTS, PREFACE D-590-SUP-LIST-PREFACE REV N PAGE 2 1 SCOPE The Supersession List (SSL) applies to Boeing design and manufacturing, including subcontractors, at the division level when invoked by a division by the use of its acronym (e.g., BCA) on the standard. The intent of the SSL is to allow the replacement of old standard part callouts without drawing changes 1 (see Section 4 for NOTES). BCA Spares 2 , airlines and Maintenance facilities are exempted per Section 5. The SSL is not to be confused with a program substitution drawing which authorizes alternate parts, materials and processes for production shortages. The superseding parts listed in the SSL are not alternate parts; they are to be used in place of the obsolete part on current drawings, and as new callouts for new designs. The SSL data is separate from this Preface in D-590-SUPERSESSION-LIST. The miscellaneous data previously contained in the Preface (old conversions for grip length, etc. identified by (*) in the data) are now in D-590-SUP-LIST-MISC. 2 PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY FOR THE D-590 SUPERSESSION-LIST Engineering drawings use standard part callouts derived from federal, military and industry standards, as well as Boeing Company part standards. Supersessions proposed for federal, industry and military standards are coordinated throughout the company as supplements issued by Boeing. Supersessions for Boeing part standards are coordinated as changes to the standard's inactivation block. All affected Engineering groups are on distribution. The Corporate coordination process with affected Engineering groups, combined with configuration management rules, form the basis for Engineering approval of supersessions. The authority of the Supersession List to replace a drawing-specified part is based on the supersession as it exists on the part standard or supplement page, and is authorized for the division(s) shown there. In the event of a conflict between the SSL and the standard, the standard shall govern. In each division, Engineering is responsible for approving supersessions, since they apply to all of that division's programs. In the SSL, this approval is indicated by presence of the number for that division, as shown in Figure 2–1. DIVISION DESIGNATOR BCA 6 IDS 1 9 1 BH 8 FIGURE 2–1 DIVISION DESIGNATORS COLUMN HEADING DESCRIPTION OBSOLETE PART NUMBER Part number which is being replaced SUPERSEDING PART NUMBER Replacing part APPROVAL Divisions which have designated the supersession per 2–1 CLASS Restrictions on the obsolete part (see 3–1) FIGURE 2–2 DEFINITIONS OF SSL HEADINGS Boeing Proprietary Basic Control ******* PSDS GENERATED ******* BOEING D-590 PART STANDARDS D-590-SUP-LIST-PREFACE D-590 SUPERSESSION LIST FOR STANDARD PARTS, PREFACE D-590-SUP-LIST-PREFACE REV N PAGE 3 2 PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY FOR THE D-590 SUPERSESSION-LIST (Continued) PART NUMBER COLUMN ENTRY DESCRIPTION M25988-( )( ) Military specifications, for example MIL-R-25988, obtain part numbers by deleting all but "M" from the prefix. ( ) Identical dash numbers or code letters (some equivalents have leading zeros; for example, 05 vs 5) (100/450) Designates a series of dash numbers; for example, 100 thru 450 (*) See D-590-SUP-LIST-MISC for listings of archived standards which do not fit the SSL format/length. Per Standard See standard page for recent listings which do not fit the SSL format/length restrictions. (XX) X's (two in this case) indicate the number of digits FIGURE 2–3 SUPERSESSION LIST LEGEND 3 CLASS DEFINITIONS CLASS (a) USE UP STOCK? (b) BUY OLD PART? (c) OLD AS CALLOUT? (d) OLD FOR NEW? (e) NEW FOR OLD? (f) ATA INTERCHANGEABILITY (for Spares use) I YES NO 3 NO YES YES I/W = 2 II YES NO I/W = 1 IIA N/A YES NO I/W = 1 III YES YES I/W = 1 IV YES YES NO I/W = 3 V NO 4 NO NO YES I/W = 1 FIGURE 3–1 PRODUCTION RULES FOR SUPERSESSION CLASSES (SEE Section 5 FOR EXCEPTIONS FOR AIRLINES/CUSTOMERS AND SPARES) 2 a. "USE UP STOCK?" - MAY THE EXISTING STOCK OF OLD PARTS IN STORES AT BOEING OR A SUBCONTRACTOR BE USED UNTIL GONE? (Not applicable to classes IIA, III or IV, because the old part is still active for procurement when one of those classes is invoked.) b. "BUY OLD PART?" - IS THE OLD PART ACTIVE FOR PROCUREMENT? SEE ALSO 3 5 . c. "OLD AS CALLOUT?" - MAY THE DESIGNER CONTINUE TO CALL OUT THE OLD PART ON DRAWINGS? d. "OLD FOR NEW?" - IS THE OLD PART AUTHORIZED TO BE DISBURSED FOR USE ON A DRAWING CALLING OUT THE NEW PART? e. "NEW FOR OLD?" - IS THE NEW PART AUTHORIZED TO BE DISBURSED FOR USE ON A DRAWING CALLING OUT THE OLD PART, EXCEPT FOR CLASS IV? f. ATA - Air Transport Association; I/W (Interchangeability With) is per ATA/AIR SPEC 2000 International, Data Dictionary. Boeing Proprietary Basic Control ******* PSDS GENERATED ******* BOEING D-590 PART STANDARDS D-590-SUP-LIST-PREFACE D-590 SUPERSESSION LIST FOR STANDARD PARTS, PREFACE D-590-SUP-LIST-PREFACE REV N PAGE 4 3.1 Class I (Two-Way Interchangeable) The old and new part numbers are each acceptable replacements for both the old and new part numbers. Procurement of the old part number is prohibited in order to eliminate usage under the old part number as stocks are depleted. Unless otherwise specified on the standard, purchase orders may be issued within 120 days after the release date of the inactivation, to procure obsolete parts as needed until the superseding parts are available, provided that the obsolete parts are delivered within three years of the date of inactivation. The inactivation shall read, "BACB30XX IS INACTIVE FOR DESIGN AND PROCUREMENT; NASYYYY IS A CLASS I SUPERSESSION; EFFECTIVE [DATE OF RELEASE] [GIVE TECHNICAL RATIONALE]" 3.2 Class II (The old part is not interchangeable with the new part) The obsolete standard is not considered to be a defective part but is less desirable than its replacing part which may function better, last longer, or result in weight savings. The old part number may be used as a replacement only where the old part number was installed until users' stocks are exhausted. The new part number is an acceptable replacement for either the old or new part number. All future procurement will be under the replacing standard part. Unless otherwise specified on the standard, purchase orders may be issued within 120 days after the release date of the inactivation, to procure obsolete parts as needed until the superseding parts are available, provided that the obsolete parts are delivered within three years of the date of inactivation. The inactivation shall read, "BACB30XX IS INACTIVE FOR DESIGN AND PROCUREMENT; NASYYYY IS A CLASS II SUPERSESSION EFFECTIVE [DATE OF RELEASE] [GIVE TECHNICAL RATIONALE]" 3.3 Class IIA (The old part is not interchangeable with the new part) This class indicates the new part is a satisfactory replacement for the old part. However, procurement and usage of the old part may continue based on economic considerations. The inactivation shall read, "BACB30XX IS INACTIVE FOR DESIGN; NASYYYY IS A CLASS IIA SUPERSESSION [DATE OF RELEASE] [GIVE TECHNICAL RATIONALE]" 3.4 Class III (The old part remains active) The Class III option is an improvement over the non-preferred part in many applications. The non-preferred part remains active for design and procurement. The inactivation shall read: "BCA: BACB10AN( ) REMAINS ACTIVE FOR DESIGN AND PROCUREMENT, BUT IT MAY BE REPLACED BY BACB10FT( )RG AS A CLASS III SUPERSESSION." 3.5 Class IV (The new part is not interchangeable with the old part in all applications) The old and new parts are not interchangeable in all applications. Engineering drawings require revisions to eliminate old parts. New design shall not use the obsolete part. When there is no superseding part, "NONE" shall be entered as the superseding, and the Class shall be left blank; this will serve to notify the user that Engineering has not found a suitable superseding part. Boeing Proprietary Basic Control ******* PSDS GENERATED ******* BOEING D-590 PART STANDARDS D-590-SUP-LIST-PREFACE D-590 SUPERSESSION LIST FOR STANDARD PARTS, PREFACE D-590-SUP-LIST-PREFACE REV N PAGE 5 3.6 Class V (The old part is an unacceptable risk) The procurement and use of standards in this classification shall be discontinued immediately. Material Review Board approval is required to use any existing stock. Existing stocks on hand of the obsolete part shall be treated as non-conforming in accordance with PRO-5500 and segregated for Material Review Board Disposition. The inactivation shall read: "BACB30XX IS INACTIVE FOR DESIGN AND PROCUREMENT; NASYYYY IS A CLASS V SUPERSESSION EFFECTIVE [DATE OF RELEASE] [GIVE TECHNICAL RATIONALE]" 4 NOTES 1 Changes to parts used on military or space programs typically require a drawing change to implement a supersession. Check with your program parts focal for program requirements. 2 Spares - Includes: Spares Materiel Procurement, Spares Receiving, and Spares sales to customers. 3 Existing Stock - Parts purchased prior to the date of inactivation, whether already in Stores or in transit to The Boeing Company, its subcontractors or an airline. Existing stock may be augmented by the purchase of available stock 5 . Existing stock may be used until depleted, unless otherwise noted on the standard, or unless Class V is invoked. 4 The use of parts requires authorization by Material Review Board procedures. 5 Available Stock - Parts in a manufacturer's or distributor's inventory which are available for purchase. 5 BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANES 5.1 Superseding Parts Optional for Airlines and Maintenance Facilities All parts replacement made by end users should be in accordance with approved repair documentation, applicable drawings, and other supplemental information such as Airworthiness Directives, Service Bulletins and Service Letters. Supersessions authorized by D-590 are optional for users such as airlines and independent maintenance facilities. End users may continue to use existing parts wherever they are called out, unless otherwise stated in mandatory documentation such as Airworthiness Directives. Boeing authorized part supersessions are recommended to all end users to take advantage of their technological advancements. 5.2 Applicability Supersession classes, applied to D-590 part standards, are binding during the design and production of commercial airplanes at Boeing and its subcontractors, but not after their delivery. 5.3 Spares Exemption BCA Spares is not required to impose the Supersession List for non-production sales except for Class V, which is binding. Part manufacturers listed on D-590 standards may sell obsolete parts to airlines, Boeing Spares and maintenance facilities, except that Class V is only binding on the division(s) which approve it. Boeing Proprietary Basic Control ******* PSDS GENERATED ******* BOEING D-590 PART STANDARDS D-590-SUP-LIST-PREFACE D-590 SUPERSESSION LIST FOR STANDARD PARTS, PREFACE D-590-SUP-LIST-PREFACE REV N PAGE 6

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