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MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION PROPRIETARY RIGHTS ARE INCLUDED IN THE INFORMATION DISCLOSED HEREIN. RECIPIENT BY ACCEPTING THIS DOCUMENT AGREES THAT NEITHER THIS DOCUMENT NOR THE INFORMATION DISCLOSED HEREIN NOR ANY PART THEREOF SHALL BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSFERRED TO OTHER DOCUMENTS OR USED OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS FOR MANUFACTURING OR FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION. UNPUBLISHED - CREATED ON PREPARATION DATE OF THIS DOCUMENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNDER THE COPYRIGHT LAWS BY MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION. DAC 25-1710 (REV. 2 AUG 2002) PROCESS ENGINEERING ORDER SHEET 1 OF 1 DPS 3.02 DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT COMPANY DATE 05-20-03 1 COMPLETE REVISION BL LONG BEACH, CA DATE 2 ADVANCE CHANGE TITLE DATE 3 SERIALIZED CHANGE IDENTIFICATION OF PARTS AND ASSEMBLIES DATE 4 NEW DATE 5 REISSUE TO REVISE HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS (HI): 2. COMPLY AT SPECIFIED EFFECTIVITY. 3. COMPLY WHEN INVOKED BY DRAWING OR OTHER AUTHORITY. 4. COMPLIANCE OPTIONAL; NO ENGRG. REQUIREMENT. 5. NOTED. RELEASE APPROVALS PARA. MODEL HI. NO. EFFECTIVITY PEO MADE BY: DER COML - M&P All Coml 2 On or before July 1, 2003 J. Harpt MAFW 05-20-03 CUSTODIAN COML - M&P BACK-UP COML - M&P J. Harpt 03-16-03 J. Robinson 05-19-03 GOVERNMENT - M&P GOVERNMENT - IPT N/A N/A DISTRIBUTION X STANDARD SPECIALTY MANUAL NUMBERS PRODUCT CONFIGURATION CONTROL CLASS I X CLASS II M&P QCB NO. 4178 LIMITED CCN D50R1N06 EWO N/A WRO N/A This PEO is authority to release DPS 3.02, Revision “BL”. This revision replaces and includes Revision “BK”. This revision does not replace SPEO 95-041 (Limited). ♦ THIS DPS IS NOT APPLICABLE FOR C-17/GOVERNMENT/MILITARY USE ♦ ♦♦♦ REFER TO DPS 3.02-17 ♦♦♦ Summary of Changes & Reasons: 1.2.3 - Changed to specify LBD drawings. Reason: To clarify which drawings were being addressed. 4.1.1 - Changed spacing between the change letter and part number from a minimum of 1/8” to two times the distance between the spacing in the part number. Reason: To ensure the change letter does not appear to be part of the part number when large spacing is used in the part number. 4.1.1 Note (2) - Changed to add Note (2). Reason: To address confusion regarding the designation of NC versus N/C. JAH:ah TABLE OF CONTENTS Subject Page DPS 3.02 IDENTIFICATION OF PARTS AND ASSEMBLIES i 1. SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.5 Nameplate Substitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.6 Planning Assigned Identification Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.6.1 Planning Variation Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.7 Acceptance Stamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.8 Supplemental Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.9 Identification of Production Parts or Assemblies for Nonproduction Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.10 Interim Part Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.10.11 Removal or Reidentification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.10.12 Testing of Parts (Interim, Production and Nonproduction) at Supplier’s Facility or Subtier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.11.1 Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.11.2 Subassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.11.3 Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.11.4 Engineering Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.11.5 Planning Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.11.6 Planning Edition Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.11.7 Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.11.8 Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.11.9 Acceptance Stamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.11.10 Factory Serial Number (FSN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.11.11 Serial Version Number Control (SVNC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.11.12 Fuselage Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.11.13 Version Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3. MATERIALS & SPECIAL EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4. REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4.1 Parts and Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4.1.1 Part Identification (see definition in paragraph 1.10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4.1.2 Subassembly or Assembly Identification (See Definitions in Paragraph 1.11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4.1.3 Serial-Version Number Controlled (SVNC) Assembly Identification . 13 4.9 Permanent Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.12 Parts and Assemblies Purchased to Long Beach Division Specification Control or Source Control Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Subject Page DPS 3.02 IDENTIFICATION OF PARTS AND ASSEMBLIES ii 4.13 Parts and Assemblies Purchased by Supplier’s Part Number, Industry Standards Drawings or LBD’s Standards Drawings . . . . . . . 18 4.13.1 Supplier’s Part Number or Industry’s Standards Drawing (e.g., AN, NAS, MS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.13.2 LBD’s Standards Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.14 Identification of Castings (Die, Sand, Permanent Mold and Investment) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4.14.1 Identification of Machined Complete Castings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4.14.2 Identification of Castings Prior to Machining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.15 Identification of Rough Forgings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.16.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.16.2 Application Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4.17 Special Spare Parts or Assembly Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4.17.1 Code Letter “N” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.17.2 Code Letters “SP” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 5. INSTRUCTIONS/PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 6. QUALITY CONFORMANCE/CONTROL PROVISIONS . . . . . . . . . . . 25 6.1 Process Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 6.2 Quality Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 6.3 Nonconformances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 IDENTIFICATION OF PARTS AND ASSEMBLIES ISSUE OF 05-20-03 REPLACES REVISION “BK” PAGE 1 OF 25 DPS 3.02 REVISION “BL” DOUGLAS PROCESS STANDARD MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION PROPRIETARY RIGHTS ARE INCLUDED IN THE INFORMATION DISCLOSED HEREIN. RECIPIENT BY ACCEPTING THIS DOCUMENT AGREES THAT NEITHER THIS DOCUMENT NOR THE INFORMATION DISCLOSED HEREIN NOR ANY PART THEREOF SHALL BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSFERRED TO OTHER DOCUMENTS OR USED OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS FOR MANUFACTURING OR FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION. UNPUBLISHED - CREATED ON PREPARATION DATE OF THIS DOCUMENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNDER THE COPYRIGHT LAWS BY MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION. DAC 25-1710 (REV. 5-90) DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT COMPANY CODE IDENT. NO. 88277 1. SCOPE 1.1 This Process Standard covers part and assembly identification and marking requirements and methods. 1.2 The requirements of this DPS are intended for identification after completion of all fabrication operations. Refer to applicable material specification (i.e. DMS, MIL-Spec, AMS, etc.) for required identification markings of extrusions, forgings and castings prior to final machining. Temporary identification by means of appropriate tags is recommended when parts are separated from their planning paper, such as in heat treating or chemical processing operations or when permanent markings are not required. 1.2.1 Tags or ties of metal are required to be of a metal in the same electrochemical group (see DPS 4.025) as the metal of which the parts are fabricated. 1.2.2 The requirements of this DPS are not intended to change normal Design Engineering and Planning operating practices unless specifically stated herein. Refer to the Boeing - Long Beach Division (LBD) Drafting Manual for aircraft design configuration control. 1.2.3 DPS 3.02 will define the part and assembly identification methods unless a specific alternate method of identification is specified on the LBD Engineering drawing. 1.3 The requirements of this DPS do not apply to the following: 1.3.1 Electrical Wiring (except assemblies); Commercial aircraft - See DPS 1.834-23 Military aircraft - See DPS 3.231 1.3.2 Contract End Items (no next assembly drawing). 1.3.3 For government applications, refer to DPS 3.02-17. 1.3.4 For supplier packaging requirements, refer to DPS 3.301. DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 2 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. 1.4 In addition to the requirements of this DPS, other DPSs specify identification requirements, markings, and methods for the following: Bolts, Nuts and Screws Fluid (Plumbing) Lines Heat Treatment Inspection Operations Nonproduction Parts Rivets Raw Stock Metals Rubber Products Titanium Transparencies Washers Welding Wiring Assemblies Other specific materials, parts, or assemblies 1.5 Nameplate Substitution - Where Engineering drawings specify nameplates to be fabricated by the Graphotype machine process, photoetched nameplates fabricated per DPS 9.49 are acceptable. 1.6 Planning Assigned Identification Systems - Engineering assemblies, customer configurated by detail Finish Specification, and Planning assemblies may be identified with numerical and/or alphabetical systems that do not necessarily correlate to an Engineering assembly drawing. 1.6.1 Planning Variation Number - A Planning synthetic number which may be assigned to various types of assembly planning documents when an assembly is structured for a particular combination of engineering configurations. NOTE: Planning variation numbers are developed and assigned by Planning and are not to be confused with an Engineering Variation Drawing number. (Reference paragraph 1.7 Acceptance Stamps - Parts and assemblies require an acceptance stamp, subject to appearance and size limitations of this DPS, when manufactured to a LBD Engineering drawing or to a LBD Specification Control or Source Control drawing. The acceptance stamp is not a requirement on the following unless specifically required by the planning paper or purchase order. (a) Parts or assemblies with a supplier identification plate or label. (b) Supplier part numbered parts. (c) Industry standard drawings parts (e.g., AN, NAS, MS). (d) LBD Standards drawings parts. (If raw metal standards are reidentified, refer to DPS 3.54) DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 3 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. 1.8 Supplemental Identification - In addition to the requirements of this DPS, parts and assemblies may require supplemental identification. Parts and assemblies manufactured at the Long Beach Division must be identified with the supplemental identification specified by that component of the Boeing Company for which parts are manufactured. As an example, LBD Fabrication (C1) procedures now specify to place Form No. 65-1307 on tagged parts which were dispositioned as “Use-as-is” or “Repair”. 1.9 Identification of Production Parts or Assemblies for Nonproduction Usage - Conforming production parts or assemblies required for Engineering Lab test, development, mockup, tooling or other nonproduction usage shall be identified as follows: 1.9.1 Nonproduction usage which may not render a production part unfit for later production usage shall be identified by stenciling the letters “XC-” , 0.25 inch high, or as large as possible (whichever is less), as a prefix to the production part or assembly number using red solvent removable coating (DPM 5404-9324). These parts, as prefixed, are not to be used in flight. EXAMPLES: XC-1234567-1 or XC-ABC4567-1 Note: All parts shall be reviewed after usage by Engineering to determine if nonproduction usage caused damage to the part. If deemed acceptable, the prefix shall be removed. 1.9.2 Nonproduction usage of a nonproduction part shall be identified by stenciling the letter “X-”, as a prefix to the nonproduction part or assembly number using red nonremovable coating (DMS 2433) per DPS 3.027 (Identification, Nonproduction Parts) to preclude the possibility of use as a production part or assembly. These parts are not to be used for any production requirement or installed on any aircraft. EXAMPLES: X-1234567-1 or X-ABC4567-1 Per DPS 3.027, the words “Not for Production Use” shall be applied when part size or configuration permits. A stripe shall be marked completely across the part when part size or configuration does not permit application of the words. 1.10 Interim Part Numbers - The requirements for interim part number identification are as defined in the Boeing - Long Beach Division Drafting Manual. Interim part numbers and methods of identification are listed as follows: 1.10.1 Interim part number suffixes are: ”Engineering Development Unit” (EDU), ”Pre-Production Unit” (PPU), and ”Flight Test Unit” (FTU). The Long Beach Division Drafting Manual defines the parameters for when to use these interim part number suffixes. DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 4 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. 1.10.2 Interim part number suffixes are used on LRU components. An LRU is a component which can be replaced by line personnel without any configuration alterations (i.e., no drilling, reaming, cutting, filing, shimming, etc.). Examples of LRU’s include, but are not limited to: Electronic boxes (with or without software), actuators, valves, motors, sensors, switches, transducers, control panels, etc. 1.10.3 Interim parts and their special part number identification are not applicable to parts that are primary structure (i.e., Principal Structural Elements (PSE’s), fuselage, wing, empennage, pylon, landing gear, etc.) or secondary structure (i.e., interior, radio racks, electrical power center, flight surfaces, cargo handling systems, doors, ducts, etc.). 1.10.4 Use of interim part number suffixes must be approved on Vendor Information Request (VIR) and authorizing Purchase Order (PO) or Purchase Order Change Authorization (POCA). These suffixes are only required for parts being delivered to the Long Beach Division. (LBD). NOTE: These suffixes are a LBD interim identification only, controlled by a LBD drawing and do not deviate or require a supplier drawing change. Engineering Development Unit (EDU) - A blue identification label shall be used. Pre-Production Unit (PPU) - A yellow identification label shall be used. Flight Test Unit (FTU) - A red identification label shall be used. 1.10.5 EDU, PPU and FTU interim-identified parts must be replaced with a production part or be reidentified with a production part number prior to obtaining a Certificate of Airworthiness. NOTE: EDU’s can not be reidentified and must be replaced. 1.10.6 The method of identifying interim part number suffixes, unless otherwise specified on a VIR (as referenced in paragraph 1.10.8 ”NOTE”), shall be as follows: A temporary label shall be affixed over the production part number and shall completely cover/obscure the part number. 1.10.7 The label will be of the appropriate background color, EDU - Blue, PPU - Yellow and FTU - Red, with black lettering. 1.10.8 The temporary label material and method of attaching it shall be such that it will remain firmly affixed throughout handling, installation and testing. Clear mylar tape, such as DPM 895, may be placed over the label to enhance its fluid and abrasion resistance. NOTE: Special ID instructions may be required due to environmental exposure of the part (i.e., heat, oil, water, rubber and movable parts.). These instructions shall be documented and approved on the VIR. DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 5 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. 1.10.9 The label shall be removable without marring the ID of the part. It shall contain the complete part number, appropriate suffix and serial number (when applicable). Example: LBD or Supplier Part Number (FTU condition shown). SN - XYZ XXXXXXX - XXX FTU Label with appropriate background color (blue, yellow or red) Suffix (EDU, PPU or FTU) LBD or Supplier part number with dash & dash numbers (as applicable) with black lettering Serial number (when applicable) 1.10.10 When a supplier end item deliverable part, subassembly, assembly (Engineering or Planning) that contains a detail with an interim part number suffix, the end item delivered to LBD must be identified with ”IP (Interim Part) and Planning Designated number” as call for on the Planning Form 33-68, PO or POCA. NOTE: When interim parts are shipped in a kit, the kit number must also carry the ”IP and Planning Designated number” identification. Example: Part ––––––––––– Sub Assembly –––––––––––– Assembly ––––––––––––––– Kit XXXX-1 ”FTU” XXX-501 ”IP3” XXXX-901 ”IP3” XXXX-903 ”IP3” Required per VIR Required when end item Required on end item Only required when end item is shipped within a kit 1.10.11 Removal or Reidentification - Detail parts identified with an interim part number suffix will be removed or reidentified with the release of a ”Production Assist” drawing along with released planning AAO instructions for LBD in house parts and VIR, PO, RPO or POCA at the supplier (when applicable). 1.10.12 Testing of Parts (Interim, Production and Nonproduction) at Supplier’s Facility or Subtier Supplier must identify any part that is used for test with a unique identification as to not allow them to be commingled with other production parts. NOTE: These parts do not require the use of LBD prefixes or suffixes if they are not being delivered to LBD. The supplier must have a documented process for the handling and use of this unique identification. DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 6 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. The supplier shall submit any tested part along with all test documents to LBD MRB Engineering and Supplier Quality prior to reentering the part into the production system. 1.11 To improve understanding of the requirements of this DPS, certain terms are defined as follows: 1.11.1 Part - One piece, or two or more pieces joined together which are not normally subject to disassembly without destruction. Exceptions are assemblies containing Long Beach Division numbered parts which may be subject to change activity independent of the next assembly drawing and/or purchase parts. 1.11.2 Subassembly - Two or more parts which form a portion of an assembly or a unit replaceable as a whole, but having a part or parts which are individually replaceable. 1.11.3 Assembly - A number of parts or subassemblies or any combination thereof joined together to perform a specific function. 1.11.4 Engineering Assembly - An Engineering assembly is built exactly to an Engineering assembly drawing. 1.11.5 Planning Assembly - A planning assembly is not built exactly to an Engineering assembly drawing. 1.11.6 Planning Edition Number - A sequential change number assigned by Production Planning to an assembly which identifies that a physical change caused by either Engineering or Production Planning has been made affecting fit, form, or function. 1.11.7 Unit - An assembly or any combination of parts, subassemblies and assemblies mounted together, normally capable of independent operation in a variety of situations. 1.11.8 Set - A unit or units and necessary assemblies, subassemblies and parts connected or associated together to perform an operational function. Also used to denote a collection of like parts such as a “tool set” or a “set” of tires. 1.11.9 Acceptance Stamp - An inspection stamp of LBD, other Boeing components or suppliers. 1.11.10 Factory Serial Number (FSN) - A permanent, unique number assigned to each end item product manufactured by LBD for the purpose of customer and configuration identification. The FSN is independent of assembly line sequence. 1.11.11 Serial Version Number Control (SVNC) - A practice used in lieu of Factory Serial Number Control to manage traceability and accountability requirements for nonconfigurated assemblies. SVNC uses the supplier’s serial number in conjunction with a version number. 1.11.12 Fuselage Number - The chronological assignment and schedule that an aircraft is produced in sequence to other aircraft. 1.11.13 Version Number - A 3-digit number assigned by LBD Planning used to identify physical changes to SVNC assemblies. DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 7 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS DPS 2.900 - Nylon Coatings DPS 3.021 - Bolt Identification DPS 3.027 - Identification, Nonproduction Parts DPS 3.27 - Marking Methods and Materials DPS 3.27-1 - Marking Methods and Materials, Ink Stamping DPS 3.27-2 - Marking Methods and Materials, Stenciling DPS 3.27-3 - Marking Methods and Materials, Metal Impression Stamping DPS 3.27-4 - Electrochemical Etch-Marking of Metals DPS 3.27-5 - Marking Methods and Materials, Marking by Vibratory Tool DPS 3.27-6 - Marking Methods and Materials, Electrical - Resistance Stylus Marking DPS 3.27-9 - Marking Methods and Materials, Chemical Etch-Marking of Metals DPS 3.301 - Supplier Packaging DPS 4.025 - Dissimilar Metals Protection DPS 4.813 - Processing Narrow-Strength-Range Parts MIL-STD-129 - Marking for Shipment and Storage MIL-STD-130 - Identification Marking of U.S. Military Property H4-1 - Cataloging Handbook (MM) Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers, Name to Code H4-2 - Cataloging Handbook (MM) Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers, Code to Name DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 8 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. 3. MATERIALS & SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 3.1 The materials and special equipment necessary to perform the required operations of this DPS are listed in this section. The process materials and special equipment have been categorized as Mandatory or Substitutable. The category of Substitutable applies to Suppliers [Subcontractors, Vendors, and Long Beach Division (LBD) Components]. MATERIALS & SPECIAL EQUIPMENT - MANDATORY The use of LBD approved manufacturers’ products and special equipment listed in this section, and referenced within the DPS, is mandatory. When a government or industry specification is shown and a manufacturer’s product is listed, that product (or a LBD approved alternative product) is mandatory. A DPM material having an approved alternative product(s) is so noted with the Footnote (1). When a government or industry specification is shown and no manufacturer’s product is listed, the required material is one that is listed on the material specification QPL or one that meets the specification requirements, if no QPL exists. Requests for substitution of mandatory materials or special equipment shall be submitted to LBD for M&PE approval. The deviation request shall be prepared by the Supplier in the form of a change to the existing DPS using a Serial Process Engineering Order (SPEO), Form 25-1710. DPM NUMBER MATERIAL NAME & MANUFACTURER’S DESIGNATION MANUFACTURER’S NAME SPECIFICATION NUMBER 5404-9324 Coating, Solvent Removable, Red, 576-NFA Aztec Chemical Co. El Monte, CA - - Coating, Epoxy Topcoat, Fluid Resistant; Gloss, Comp. A or C, DN 2150 - DMS 2433 MATERIALS & SPECIAL EQUIPMENT - SUBSTITUTABLE Materials and special equipment listed in this section are used at LBD. Suppliers may use these materials and special equipment or substitute materials and special equipment which are functionally equivalent or superior. The substitute material or special equipment shall not degrade the process, part, or assembly, or material properties. The specific substitutions shall be recorded in Supplier planning or process documentation. DPM NUMBER MATERIAL NAME & MANUFACTURER’S DESIGNATION MANUFACTURER’S NAME SPECIFICATION NUMBER 895 Tape, Adhesive, Mylar, Transparent - L-T-100, Type 1 [The numbers assigned to Douglas Process Materials (DPM’s) are for internal company use. DPM’s are QPL’s for LBD approved alternative products or sources.] FOOTNOTE: (1) Contact LBD buyer for LBD approved alternate products or sources that are listed in the Douglas Process Material (DPM) Index for LBD use. DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 9 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. 4. REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Parts and Assemblies - All parts, subassemblies and assemblies as specified on the purchase order or Long Beach Division inplant build paper shall be identified by methods specified herein and as follows: 4.1.1 Part Identification (see definition in paragraph 1.10) - The part number and the change letter of the latest EO affecting the part, or (N/C) where no change letter exists, shall be applied. The change letter shall be separated from the part number by a minimum distance of two times the distance between the spacing in the part number. NOTES: (1) If the assembly EO does not affect the part, no revision letter change is to be made. (2) Parts identified as “NC” change will be considered equivalent to “N/C” unless otherwise proved by an Engineering Order. The designation of N/C for drawings with no change letter was established in Revision “BH’ change of this DPS in March of 1999. If in doubt as to what the most recent letter change is, contact M&PE. EXCEPTIONS: Identification is not required for: (1) Details of a weld assembly that cannot be removed from the completed assembly. The weld assembly is considered to be one part. (2) Bulk materials cut to fit at time of assembly (make and use) and not normally replaceable after installation in the assembly. (3) Parts and inseparable assemblies (including make and use) after installation in an assembly not normally subject to disassembly or repair. Example of Detail Part Identification and Markings - When size of part permits, part identification shall be applied as follows: Part Number Change Letter(s) 5623478-23 AC Reidentification of Reworked Parts - When a part has been reworked with an Engineering requirement for reidentification to a new production dash number, reidentification shall be accomplished by striking the dash number and change letter and affixing the new dash number and, if applicable, the new change letter just to the right of it as shown in the following examples: 1234567–3 B –7 or 1234567–3 B–7 C NOTE: Rework accomplished on detail parts permanently assembled does not require reidentification of the detail part (unless permanent identification of that detail is specifically required by Engineering drawing). DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 10 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. Rework Drawing - Where a part has been reworked to a rework drawing, the letter “R” and the rework drawing number shall be affixed directly above the existing part number as shown in the following example: R7654321 1234567-3 B Serial EO (Applicable Drawing) - Where a part has been reworked to a Serial EO issued on the applicable drawing, the part need not be identified with the Serial EO number, except when coordinated salvage action is required at next assembly or when specifically directed by the Serial EO. When reidentification is required, the letter “S” and the Serial EO number shall be applied directly above the existing part number as shown in the following example: Existing Part Number Drawing EO Revised Identification 1234567-3 B 1234567 “SEO 001” S001 1234567-3 B NOTES: (1) Major subcontractors, assigned a source code letter for issuance of Serial Engineering Orders, shall apply their assigned code letter between the “S” and the Serial EO number. EXAMPLE: “SD601” indicates Serial EO #601 issued by Boeing - Toronto (formerly MDCAN). (2) When a SEO No. includes a dash number, it shall appear on the revised identification. (S001-1 over the existing part number). Serial EO (Assembly Drawing) - Where a part has been reworked to a Serial EO issued on an assembly drawing, the assembly drawing number followed by the letter “S” and the Serial EO number shall be affixed directly above the existing part number as shown in the following example: Existing Part Number Drawing EO Revised Identification 1234567-3 B 5910007“SEO 001” 5910007 S001 1234567-3 B NOTES: (1) Major subcontractors, assigned a source code letter for issuance of Serial Engineering Orders, shall apply their assigned code letter between the “S” and the Serial EO number. EXAMPLE: “SD601” indicates Serial EO #601 issued by Boeing - Toronto. (2) When a SEO No. includes a dash number, it shall appear on the revised identification. (5910007 S001-1 over the existing part number). DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 11 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. Change Letter EO (Applicable Drawing) - Where a part is reworked to a change letter EO issued on the applicable drawing, reidentification shall be accomplished by striking the change letter and affixing the new change letter directly above it as shown in the following example: Existing Part Number Drawing EO Revised Identification 1234567-3 B 1234567 EO “C” 1234567–3 B C Change Letter EO (Assembly Drawing) - When existing parts are reworked to a change letter EO issued on an assembly drawing, the letter “R”, the assembly drawing number and the EO change letter shall be affixed immediately above the existing part number as shown in the following example: Existing Part Number Drawing EO Revised Identification R5910007 J 1234567-3 B 5910007 “J” 1234567-3 B Variation Drawing (VD) - When existing parts are reworked to a variation drawing, the variation drawing number and the change letter or N/C as applicable shall be affixed directly above the existing part/assembly number as shown in the following example: Production Part Number Variation Drawing Part Number Revised Identification ABC2468-501C VDA1234-3 N/C VDA1234-3 N/C ABC2468-501 C Interchangeable Parts - All parts identified as ’Interchangeable’ as called out by the Engineering drawing shall be marked ”Interchangeable Item - Do Not Alter” after completion, per paragraph 4.8, using a character size of 1/8 inch or larger. When painting or priming is specified for an interchangeable part prior to shipment, the stamp shall be applied after paint. 4.1.2 Subassembly or Assembly Identification (See Definitions in Paragraph 1.11) - An assembly Identification Stamp (see example) that includes the following information shall be applied to assemblies which are not Serial-Version Number Controlled (SVNC). See paragraph 4.1.3 for SVNC identification requirements. Assembly Number: (a) Engineering Assembly - Assembly drawing number and change letter or (N/C) where no change letter exists. (b) Planning Assembly - A Planning assigned number. Examples are as illustrated in paragraphs,, and DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 12 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. A drawing number segment and a planning assigned dash number segment: Drawing Number Dash Number Planning Assembly Segment Segment Number 1234567 -401 1234567-401 An assembly number segment and a variation number segment: Drawing Number Dash Number Planning Assembly Segment Segment Number (TwinJet) 1234567-401 V-2 1234567-401V-2 (MD-11) BN12-408 V-2 BN12-408V-2 NOTE: Variation numbers are to be included as part of the assembly identification, when applicable. An assembly number segment and a Planning assigned edition number segment. NOTE: Different Boeing components may identify details or assemblies with edition numbers in different ways, as long as they are consistent with their internal planning procedures. The following are some examples. Engineering Edition Boeing Assembly Number Number Assembly Number Component 1234567-12 AC 3 1234567-12 3AC LBD 1234567-12 AC 3 1234567-12 AC-3 MDCAN Planning Synthetic Edition Boeing Assembly Number Number Assembly Number Component 1234567-401 003 1234567-401 003 MDA-West, HB Planning Edition Number (ED. No.) - Not required if identified with factory serial number (FSN). Factory Serial Number (FSN) - If production planning paper is so identified and controlled. Example of Approved Assembly Identification Stamp ASSEMBLY NO. ED. NO. FSN PROD. INSP. NOTE: The stamp shape depicted in this example is dimensionless. The spacing may be changed as necessary. DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 13 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. 4.1.3 Serial-Version Number Controlled (SVNC) Assembly Identification - A Serial-Version Identification Stamp (see example in paragraph that includes the following information shall be applied: Assembly Number - Same as paragraph Manufacturers Serial Number - An alpha-numeric identifier shall be used to indicate sequence of manufacture at a source. Version Number - A 3-digit number assigned by LBD Planning shall be used to identify physical changes to SVNC assemblies. Supplier Inspection - Inspection stamp shall be applied by the manufacturer of the assembly. Source/LBD Inspection - Acceptance stamp shall be applied by Source Inspection or delegated Quality Assurance representative. Example of Approved Serial-Version Controlled Identification Stamp Assembly No. Mfr. Serial No. Version No. Supplier Inspect Source / LBD Insp. NOTE: The stamp shape depicted in this example is dimensionless. The spacing may be changed as necessary. Assemblies with serial version number identification shall not have a factory serial number or fuselage number on any part of the assembly identification placard or nameplate. 4.1.4 When size or shape of marking area precludes use of the Assembly Identification Stamp, omit the stamp but the required markings shall be applied to the assembly. 4.1.5 Supplier requirement for use of the Assembly Identification Stamp is limited to Long Beach Division design purchased assemblies. 4.1.6 Subcontractors may use their own planning configuration control identification, in lieu of the Long Beach Division edition number, for assemblies which have aircraft factory serial number identity or those same assemblies built as spares. 4.1.7 Assemblies to be shipped as spares shall also be identified with the change letter or (N/C) where no change letter exists. The change letter shall be separated from the assembly number by a minimum of 1/8 inch. 4.2 On purchase, manufacture, and on issue from any stockroom, the following parts or assemblies do not require individual identification but shall be identified by tagging or marking each package: (For supplier packaging requirements, refer to DPS 3.301) 4.2.1 Items where a complete part number cannot be applied directly to a surface of the part or assembly. DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 14 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. 4.2.2 Items that are mass produced (any size), such as screws, nuts, bolts, washers, clips, and shims. 4.2.3 Items that are exempt from individual identification do not require a part number when installed in an assembly. 4.3 When a suitable marking area of a part is too small to accommodate (a), (b), and (c) as defined below, identify the part by tagging with all the applicable information as in paragraph 1.2. If the part marking area can accommodate (a), (b) and (c) but cannot fit (d) through (m) as required, the parts shall be identified with as many of the applicable markings as possible and in the following order of importance. The remainder of the markings shall be placed on an attaching tag as in paragraph 1.2. (a) Part Number and Change Letter (or N/C) (b) Planning Edition Number or Version Number (for subassemblies and assemblies only) (c) Acceptance Stamp and Date (d) Proof Load (e) Heat Treat Identification* (f) Hardness* (g) Magnaflux* (h) Fluorescent Penetrant* (i) X-Ray* (j) Ultrasonic* (k) Baked (Embrittlement Relief)* (l) Passivate* (m) Electropolish* *Stamps that have been obliterated by operations such as plating, painting, etc., need not be reapplied but may be verified by an acceptance stamp and date. 4.4 All marking shall be clearly legible. 4.5 Characters which are at least 1/16 inch high shall be used on the surface of a part or assembly. Space permitting, always use characters large enough to be easily observed on the part or assembly. Normally, rubber stamp characters are 3/16 inch high or larger. 4.6 Markings shall be located on detail parts and assemblies so they will be visible after assembly and installation, when practical. 4.6.1 If an after installation operation (i.e., painting) hides or obliterates the detail part or assembly marking, or if the installation operation itself renders the identification to be no longer visible; reidentification of the detail part or assembly marking is not required unless permanent identification is specifically required by the Engineering drawing. DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 15 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. 4.6.2 Marking of aluminum-lithium detail parts shall be accomplished per DPS 3.27-1 after completion of surface treatment and paint operations with the symbol “AL-Li.” The marking shall be 3/8 inch high or larger and be located as close to the part number as legibly feasible. All Fabrication Orders (FO) shall be identified with the “AL-Li” symbol. 4.7 Identification markings shall be applied directly onto the surface of the part or assembly providing sufficient and suitable surface area is available. The following shall not be marked: 4.7.1 Any surface which will ultimately be exposed as an exterior skin surface or as an interior appearance surface in the passenger or crew compartment. 4.7.2 A surface which is precision machined or polished. 4.7.3 Any surface which has been dry film lubricated. 4.8 Part numbers, change letters, and other markings shall be applied on the surfaces of parts and assemblies by the method specified on the Engineering drawing or by ink stamping per DPS 3.27-1 subject to ink stamping restrictions per paragraph 4.18. In lieu of ink stamping on metallic surfaces, it is acceptable to stencil per DPS 3.27-2 and coat per DPS 2.900, Type 2 or 4.Where ink stamping is prohibited, use another dash numbered marking method of DPS 3.27 subject to the restrictions of paragraph 4.18 through paragraph 4.21. 4.8.1 When parts call for Trim-On-Assembly (TOA), part number identification shall be located within the final trimmed part. 4.9 Permanent Identification - When the Engineering drawing specifies “permanent identification” and the area for identification is shown, a character size of 1/8 inch or larger shall be used and the identification shall be applied per the following method: 4.9.1 Electrochemical deep etch, per DPS 3.27-4, the part number, including its dash number and other drawing identification, except the change letter or (N/C). Identify with the detail part number unless the drawing specifically states: “Permanently Identify Assembly Per DPS 3.02.” 4.9.2 Ink stamp per DPS 3.27-1, the change letter or (N/C). NOTE: When permanently identified parts require reidentification as in paragraph, the electrochemical etch method shall not be used to “X” out the previous identification. Remove mechanically per the Engineering drawing specified fabrication DPS. 4.10 When identifying a machined casting or forging, the raised number that identified the raw casting or forging need not be ground off unless specified by the Engineering drawing. 4.11 When Engineering drawings, applicable to Military aircraft and/or related equipment, require a nameplate or specify “Activity Code Identification Required,” the assigned code number of the Design Activity shall be included. In addition, whenever the item is to be manufactured at other than the Design Activity, the assigned Code Number of the Manufacturing Activity, or manufacturer’s name, or manufacturer’s registered trademark shall be incorporated by that manufacturer. DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 16 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. 4.11.1 Code Number Assignment - Refer to Military Cataloging Handbooks H4-1 and H4-2, Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers for assignment of code numbers, such as: Company Name Code Number Boeing - Long Beach Division 88277 4.11.2 Application of Codes - The following examples are intended only to indicate the relationship of the required code numbers and notations to the part number. The examples do not authorize deletion of other requirements specified in this DPS. Parts Design Activity Code Number and a Dash (–) Part Number Change Letter(s) XXXXX–1234567–12 AC MFR XXXXX The notation “MFR” and the manufacturer’s code number, or manufacturer’s name, or registered trademark when manufactured at other than the Design activity. Assemblies Without Nameplates Design Activity Code Number and the Notation “ASSY” Assembly Number Change Letter(s) XXXXXASSY–1234567–501 AC MFR XXXXX The notation “MFR” and the manufacturer’s code number, or manufacturer’s name, or registered trademark when manufactured at other than the Design activity. DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 17 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. Nameplate Assemblies - Include the code numbers in the appropriate blocks of the nameplate: Design Activity Code Number and a Dash (–) Assembly Number Change Letter(s) XXXXX–1234567–501 AC MFR XXXXX Manufacturer’s code number, or manufacturer’s name, or registered trademark when manufactured at other than the Design activity. PART NO. NOTES: (1) Identification and modification (AN7510) plates do not provide a block for the manufacturer’s code number. Include the manufacturer’s code number on the bottom of the plate: MFR XXXXX The notation “MFR” and the manufacturer’s code number, or manufacturer’s name, or registered trademark. (2) A planning-400 series number is not to be used in lieu of the Engineering number when the Engineering drawing specifies the use of nameplates and serial identification. 4.12 Parts and Assemblies Purchased to Long Beach Division Specification Control or Source Control Drawings - They shall be identified to the requirements of the applicable control drawings and any special requirements noted on the purchase order. A marking method shall be used that will provide legible marks as permanent as the normal life expectancy of the item marked without adverse effect on its life and utility. DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 18 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. 4.13 Parts and Assemblies Purchased by Supplier’s Part Number, Industry Standards Drawings or LBD’s Standards Drawings 4.13.1 Supplier’s Part Number or Industry’s Standards Drawing (e.g., AN, NAS, MS) - The end article shall be identified with the applicable part number that is specified on the LBD purchase order and a supplier serial number, if applicable. A marking method shall be used that will provide a legible mark that is as permanent as the normal life expectancy of the item marked, without any adverse effects on its life and utility. Parts and assemblies that do not have sufficient and suitable surface to mark must be adequately identified on attached tags or on unit containers that are used for packaging (see paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3) 4.13.2 LBD’s Standards Drawings - There are different identification requirements for each type of LBD Standard drawing and these requirements are in the following subparagraphs. The marking method used to identify the item shall provide a legible mark that is as permanent as the normal life expectancy of the item marked, without any adverse effects on its life and utility. The LBD Standard drawing number shall be specified on the LBD purchase order. Type “S” - Type “S” series Standard drawing numbers are characterized by Sxxxxxxx. These items shall be individually identified with the LBD Standard drawing part number per the requirements of the applicable LBD Standard drawing. If space is limited on the item, identify per the requirements of paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3. Revision or change letter(s) to the LBD Standard is not required to be applied, unless otherwise specified on the LBD Standard drawing. Other markings shall be applied as required by the applicable material specification (i.e., DMS, MIL-SPEC, AMS, etc.). Type “D” - Type “D” series Standard drawing numbers are characterized by xDxxxx. Items that are vendor designed with an approved vendor’s part designation listed on the LBD Standard drawing source sheet shall be identified as follows: (a) The item shall be individually identified with the approved vendor’s part designation and the CAGE or FSCM per MIL-STD-130. Company name or logo is acceptable in lieu of the CAGE or FSCM identification. If space is limited on the item, identify per the requirements of paragraph 4.2. Apply logo to item if possible. (b) The “D” series approved number and the approved vendor’s part designation shall be applied to the items unit package and the shipping container per MIL-STD-129. Revision letter(s) to the LBD Standard drawing is not required as part of the marking, unless otherwise specified on the LBD Standard drawing. NOTE: The approved vendor’s part designation, CAGE or FSCM, name or logo, and the “D” - series approved number callout are listed on the last sheet of the applicable LBD Standard drawing (i.e., source sheet). Items that are designed by LBD and have approved vendor’s part designation listed on the LBD Standard drawing source sheet shall be identified per paragraph DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 19 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. Items that are designed by LBD and have no approved vendor’s part designation listed on the LBD Standards drawing source sheet shall be identified as follows: (a) The item shall be individually marked with the “D” series approved number per MIL-STD-130. If space is limited on the item, identify per the requirements of paragraph 4.2. (b) The “D” series approved number shall be applied to the items unit package and the shipping container per MIL-STD-129. Revision letter(s) to the LBD Standards drawing are not required as part of the marking, unless otherwise specified on the LBD Standard drawing. NOTE: The “D” series approved number callout is listed on the last sheet of the applicable LBD Standards drawing (i.e., source sheet). 4.14 Identification of Castings (Die, Sand, Permanent Mold and Investment) 4.14.1 Identification of Machined Complete Castings - Castings shall be identified in raised letters unless otherwise specified on drawing. When foundry casting method prevents use of raised letters, ink stamping per DPS 3.27-1 may be substituted unless otherwise specified on the Engineering drawing. Castings which are too small to be identified on the part surface shall be individually bagged and tagged per paragraph 4.3. The change letter may be ink stamped even when identification by raised letters is specified (see limitation of paragraph 4.18.5). Other markings shall be applied as required by the Engineering drawing or applicable DMS or DPS. Identification shall be located in area specified on Engineering drawing or, when not specified, it shall be located in an area of no machining according to best pattern practice and must consist of the following: The part number, as indicated on drawing. The Engineering drawing change letter that affects the casting blank (or “N/C” where no change exists). The cavity number. Where part identification is by ink stamping, the cavity number is not required except for first article inspection. EXAMPLE: 5713457-1 D 1 Part Number Eng. Change Ltr. Cavity # DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 20 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. 4.14.2 Identification of Castings Prior to Machining - Identify to the applicable material specification. (i.e. DMS, MIL-SPEC, AMS, etc.), for identification requirements using the methods specified in paragraph 4.14.1 NOTE: Identify the lot numbers specifically (Lot #______) in order to avoid confusion with other identification markings. 4.15 Identification of Rough Forgings - For machined complete forgings, parts shall be identified as specified on the Engineering drawing. When not specified, either embossing or ink stamp shall be used. Forgings which are too small to be identified on the part surface shall be individually bagged and tagged per paragraph 4.3. The change letter may be ink stamped even when identification by embossing is specified (see limitation of paragraph 4.18.5). The part number shall be located as specified on the Engineering drawing. When not specified, location is optional. Identification content shall consist of the part number as indicated on the Engineering drawing, and the change letter that affects the forging blank or “N/C” where no change letter exists shall be specified. Other markings shall be applied as required by the Engineering drawing or applicable DMS or DPS. NOTE: For identification of forgings prior to machining, identify per the applicable material specification (i.e. DMS, MIL-SPEC, AMS, etc.) using the identification methods specified herein. Identify the lot number specifically (Lot #________) in order to avoid confusion with other identification. 4.16 When the Engineering drawing or procurement specification specifies a nameplate and/or source coding or serialization the source code and serial numbers shall be applied as follows: 4.16.1 Definitions Source Code - A five-digit numeric identifier established in Cataloging Handbook H4-1 and H4-2, Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers, assigned to establishments which are manufacturers or have design control of items of supply procured by agencies of the federal government, used by Long Beach Division (LBD) to indicate the source of manufacture. NOTE: When a supplier has not been assigned an FSCM, LBD shall assign a five-digit alphanumeric number (DXXXX) for use as a source code until such time as an FSCM is assigned. Examples of an FSCM code is: 88277 - Long Beach Division DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 21 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. Serial Number - A one or more digit numeral to indicate sequence of manufacture at a source: The first end item manufactured by a source, whether basic part number or dash number, must be assigned the serial number “1”. Subsequent end items must be numbered consecutively even though the dash number changes. End items reworked to new dash numbers shall retain the original serial number. However, new dash numbered end items must be listed on a new page of the serial number permanent record. Once assigned, a serial number must not be changed or duplicated even though the end item is lost or scrapped, however: A destroyed or obliterated name plate must be replaced with a new name plate using the identical serial number. The original manufacturer must furnish the duplicate name plate or authorize the fabrication of the replacement. When serialized and recorded end items are reworked into new basic part number configurations, a new serial number series must be assigned. The old serial number permanent record must be revised to reflect change to new serial numbers. 4.16.2 Application Methods - The choice of application methods of the source code-serial numbers to the nameplate depends on time of application as follows: Before Nameplate Installation - The information shall be applied by impression stamping, engraving or electrochemical etching. After Nameplate Installation - The information shall be engraved or electrochemical etched (do not impression stamp). NOTE: The source code may be a part of the nameplate design (as manufactured, such as colored anodic or etched. Maintain a permanent record of serial numbers in conjunction with their use shall be maintained. 4.17 Special Spare Parts or Assembly Requirements - When the part number specified on the purchase order or Boeing - Long Beach Division inplant build paper includes special code letters, part number identification of spare parts, subassemblies, and assemblies must include these letters as an integral part of the number or dash number. The spacing between the code letters and the part number shall be no greater than the distance between the individual numerals of the part number to prevent confusion with Engineering change letters. The use of these specific codes in no way changes the requirement for the use of Engineering change letters. No codes other than those specified in the subsequent paragraphs shall be used in this manner. DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 22 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. 4.17.1 Code Letter “N” - The letter “N” appearing immediately after the last digit of a part number signifies that the part is ordered, manufactured, and sold in a “Noted” condition representing a variation from drawing requirements until all current supply is exhausted. Future deviations from drawing requirements for undrilled parts (a part with pilot holes omitted at the attaching fastener locations) will be identified as follows: EXAMPLE: Production Part to be Replaced Former ”Noted” Spare Part to be Replaced Spare Part Identical to Production or ”Noted” Part except without Pilot Holes ARB7732-115 ARB7732-115N ARB7732U115 5912188-41 5912188-41N 5912188U41 9954664-12 9954664-12N 9954664U12 NOTE: Spare and retrofit parts designed and manufactured by Boeing without pilot holes will be identified by use of a (U) in place of the dash (-) in the dash number portion of a Boeing production part number. ”U” designates an undrilled spare part (a part with pilot holes omitted at the attaching fastener locations). Other deviations from drawing requirements [the addition of ”trim on assembly” (TOA) material, inclusion of bag and tie items, etc.] will also be supplied until current supply is exhausted. Future procurement of parts requiring a deviation (other than undrilled parts) from the Engineering drawing will be covered under a new drawing number (SK or SS ref: Drafting Manual Section F, Page F-5.4), which will eliminate the need for parts identified as ”noted condition” parts. 4.17.2 Code Letters “SP” - The code letters “SP” appearing immediately after the last digit of a part number shall signify a customer’s specification item which includes detail finish specification requirements on materials, finishes, colors, etc. 4.18 Identification by the ink stamping method per DPS 3.27-1 is prohibited on: 4.18.1 Surfaces of parts and assemblies that, in service, will be in direct contact with liquid or gaseous oxygen. 4.18.2 Surfaces subject to high temperatures which would destroy ink marks where permanent markings are required. 4.18.3 Surfaces subject to contact with fluids which would dissolve or otherwise destroy ink marks where permanent markings are required. 4.18.4 Surfaces which would be damaged by the ink or surfaces to which ink will not adhere. 4.18.5 Surfaces of castings, forgings, or composite parts, where the surface roughness would impair the legibility. DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 23 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. 4.19 In general, identification by metal impression stamping, including use of “Steel Controlled Stamps,” is forbidden on all Long Beach Division designed aircraft parts and assemblies, even though specified on the Engineering drawing. Parts shall not be impression stamped until the following has been evaluated. Where there is any doubt as to applicability, contact the Metallurgical Group of Materials & Process Engineering for disposition. 4.19.1 For DC-9 and subsequent commercial aircraft and all Naval aircraft, impression stamping per DPS 3.27-3 is permitted on the following: (a) Ballistics deflector plate. (b) G.F.A.E., proprietary purchased parts, and other parts of supplier design. (c) Nameplates - before installation. (d) Control cable terminals - proof load stamp only. (e) Special bolts per DPS 3.021 or DPS 4.813. (f) When the Engineering drawing specifically states: “Impression Stamp Only - No Other Marking Method Permitted” and the area on the part to be marked is shown on the drawing. (g) Nonairborne parts, e.g., ground support equipment. (h) Hand forgings, before machining. 4.19.2 For DC-8 and previous commercial aircraft models and for C-133 and previous Military aircraft models, impression stamping per DPS 3.27-3 is prohibited on the following: Notch-sensitive materials, including: (a) 2XXX and 7XXX alloys in all tempers and in all applications, except hand forgings before machining. (b) 1100, 3003, 5052 and 6061 aluminum alloys, when end use is a fluid tank. (c) Magnesium alloys. (d) Case-hardened or nitrided steel. (e) Steel of specified heat treatment of 180,000 psi tensile strength or higher. (f) Titanium alloys. (g) Plastics (EXCEPTION: Vibratory tool marking is acceptable on plastics other than acrylics, polysulfone and polycarbonate.) All sheet, strip, or extrusions less than 0.032 inch in thickness. All tubing. Parts and assemblies in engine mount structures. Parts and assemblies after plating or chemical surface treatment (anodized, etc.) DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 24 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. 4.20 Identification by electrochemical etch marking per DPS 3.27-4 and chemical etch marking per DPS 3.27-9 shall be prohibited on: 4.20.1 Steel heat treated in excess of 200,000 psi, except hydraulic valve lap assemblies and parts requiring “permanent” identification (see paragraph 4.9). 4.20.2 Metals which will be chemically surface treated, plated or painted, unless actual trial indicates the marks will be legible after the final finish is applied. EXCEPTION: Electrochemical deep etch is permitted when the Engineering drawing specifically states: “Electrochemical Deep Etch Only - No Other Marking Method Permitted” and the area on the part to be marked is shown on the drawing. 4.21 Identification by vibratory tool marking per DPS 3.27-5 and electrical resistance stylus marking per DPS 3.27-6 is prohibited on: 4.21.1 Notch sensitive materials, including: (a) 2XXX and 7XXX aluminum alloys in all tempers and in all applications. (b) 1100, 3003, 5052 and 6061 aluminum alloys, when end use is a fluid tank. (c) Magnesium alloys. (d) Case-Hardened or nitrided steel. (e) Steel of specified heat treatment of 180,000 psi tensile strength or higher. (f) Titanium alloys. (g) Plastics of acrylic, polysulfone and polycarbonate. (h) Composite materials (organic). 4.21.2 All sheet, strip or extrusions less than 0.032 inches in thickness. 4.21.3 All tubing. 4.21.4 Parts and assemblies in engine mount structures. 4.21.5 Parts and assemblies after plating or chemical surface treatment (anodized, etc.). EXCEPTION: Vibratory tool marking is permitted when the Engineering drawing specifically states: “Vibratory Tool Mark Only - No Other Marking Method Permitted” and the area on the part to be marked is shown on the drawing. 5. INSTRUCTIONS/PROCEDURES This Section not applicable. DPS 3.02 Rev. “BL” Page 25 of 25 MCDONNELL DOUGLAS CORPORATION - This information is subject to data rights legends on title page or first page. 6. QUALITY CONFORMANCE/CONTROL PROVISIONS 6.1 Process Control - Provide surveillance as necessary to determine compliance with this DPS and other applicable Engineering requirements. 6.2 Quality Control - Verification of compliance to the following may be performed by Quality Assurance or by the organization doing the work: 6.2.1 All marking is clearly legible. 6.2.2 Identification markings are applied directly onto the surface of the part or assembly providing sufficient and suitable surface area is available. 6.2.3 Castings are identified in accordance with paragraph 4.10, and 4.14 of this DPS. 6.2.4 Rough forgings are identified in accordance with paragraph 4.15 of this DPS. 6.2.5 Special spare parts or assemblies are identified with code letters in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 4.17 of this DPS. 6.3 Nonconformances - Process nonconformances in accordance with standard practice. JAH:ah

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