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发表于 2011-6-13 13:50:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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发表于 2011-6-13 13:53:14 |只看该作者

1. General
A. The graphite/epoxy control surfaces, aileron, aileron tab, elevator, elevator tab, rudder, and
spoilers are interchangeable with the same aluminum control surface components, except in
some cases for attaching hardware.
B. Graphite/composite ailerons and aluminum/fiberglass ailerons are interchangeable only as
pairs of the same type. An aluminum/fiberglass aileron on one wing with a graphite/composite
aileron on the opposite wing is not a permitted configuration. Refer to 27-11-11 for aileron
removal and installation. Make sure the aileron is correctly balanced before installation. Refer to
SRM 51-80-1 or 51-81-1 for the appropriate balance limits.
C. The flight spoilers are completely interchangeable between aluminum construction and
graphite/epoxy construction. Refer to 27-61-11 for flight spoiler removal and installation.
D. The ground spoilers are completely interchangeable between aluminum construction and
graphite/epoxy construction. Refer to 27-62-91 for ground spoiler removal and installation.
E. Aluminum/fiberglass and graphite/composite elevators are interchangeable only as pairs of the
same type. An aluminum/fiberglass elevator on one horizontal stabilizer with a
graphite/composite elevator on the opposite horizontal stabilizer is not a permitted
configuration. Refer to 27-31-11 and 27-31-12 for elevator removal and installation. Make sure
elevators are correctly balanced before installation. Refer to SRM 51-80-4 and 51-81-4 for the
appropriate balance limits.
F. The rudder is interchangeable between aluminum/fiberglass and graphite/composite. Refer to
27-21-11 and 27-21-12 for rudder removal and installation. Make sure the rudder is correctly
balanced before installation. Refer to SRM 51-80-7 and 51-81-7 for the appropriate balance

2. Rudder Interchangeability
A. Airplanes with Graphite Rudder - Installing Aluminum Rudder
(1) Remove graphite rudder (Ref 27-21-12).
(a) Retain all attaching hardware for subsequent use.
(2) Prepare aluminum rudder for installation (Ref 27-21-11).
(3) Install aluminum rudder (Ref 27-21-11).
(a) Attach rudder with previously removed hardware.
(b) Modify fin for upper balance weight seal installation (Ref drawing 65-48245 and
Fig. 201).
(c) Complete installation of rudder (Ref 27-21-11).

B. Airplanes with Aluminum Rudder - Installing Graphite Rudder
(1) Remove aluminum rudder (Ref 27-21-11)
(a) Retain all attaching hardware for subsequent use.
(2) Prepare graphite rudder for Installation (Ref 27-21-12)
(3) Install graphite rudder
(a) Install and tighten hinge bolts at rudder hinges No. 1, 7, 3 and 6 in that order (Ref 27-
21-22, R/I). Use attaching hardware from previously removed aluminum rudder.
Tighten No. 1 hinge bolt 95 to 110 pound-inches, No. 3, 6 and 7 hinge bolt 60 to 85
pound-inches. Ensure bonding jumper is installed at rudder hinges No. 3 and 7.
(b) Install bearing bar and attach bolts in hinge No. 2. Use new hardware (Fig. 201) to
attach bearing bar. Do not tighten attach bolts. Install rudder hinge bolt using
previously removed hardware. Do not tighten rudder hinge bolt.
(c) Tighten bearing bar attach bolts 95 to 110 pound-inches. Shim hinge to control gap
(0.005 maximum) between rudder hinge segment and bearing bar. Tighten hinge bolt
95 to 110 pound-inches.
(d) Remove rudder sling.
(e) Install vertical fin hinge segments at rudder hinges No. 4 and 5. Do not tighten attach
(f) Install No. 4 and 5 hinge bolts using previously remove attaching hardware. Tighten
60 to 85 pound-inches. Tighten No. 4 and 5 hinge segment bolts 70 to 80 poundinches.
(g) Install a new upper balance weight cover (Ref Drawing 65-48245).
(h) Install a new lower balance weight seal (Ref Drawing 65-48244).
(i) Install a new trailing edge beam seal (Ref Drawing 65-524290).
(j) Install a new lower fin air dam seal (Ref Drawing 65C25990).
(k) Install a new upper fin air dam seal (Ref Drawing 65-54807).
(l) Restore airplane to normal (Ref 27-21-12, para. 6).

3. Elevator Interchangeability
A. Aluminum Elevator to Graphite Elevator
(1) Remove aluminum elevator (Ref 27-31-11).
NOTE: Point of interchangeability is the interface of the balance panel and aft balance
panel hinge. The hinge is detached from the balance panel and retained with the
replaced elevator. A new hinge must be fitted to the replacement elevator prior to
installation of the elevator.
(2) Retain nuts and bolts for subsequent installation, discard all washers.
(3) Install aft balance panel hinge on elevator nose and install graphite elevator (Ref 27-31-
12) with existing hardware except all washers, bonding jumpers, and bonding jumper
hardware should be replaced with new hardware.
(4) Adjust and test elevator and tab per 27-31-0 A/T.
B. Graphite Elevator to Aluminum Elevator
(1) Remove graphite elevator (Ref 27-31-12).
NOTE: Point of interchangeability is the interface of the balance panel and aft balance
panel hinge. The hinge is detached from the balance panel and retained with the
replaced elevator. A new hinge must be fitted to the replacement elevator prior to
installation of the elevator.
(2) Retain hardware for subsequent installation.
(3) Install aft balance panel hinge on elevator nose and install aluminum elevator (Ref 27-31-
11) with existing hardware except delete shims from No. 1 hinge bearing bolt.
(4) Adjust and test elevator and tab per 27-31-0 A/T.
4. Elevator Tab Interchangeability
A. General
(1) The elevator tabs are balanced into the elevator system by adding or removing tab adjust
weights on the elevator nose in balance bay No. 1. The number of adjust weights required
is a function of tab part number and tab weight. The data plate on each tab is stamped
with the tab weight and the number of adjustment weights required. When replacing an
elevator tab, the number of tab weights installed on the elevator nose must agree with the
number called for on the tab data plate. If data plate is missing or if tab weight is changed
(due to structural changes or repainting), see chapter 51 of the structural repair manual for
tab adjust weight requirement.
B. Equipment and Materials
(1) Rigging Pin E-5 - 0.309/0.311-inch diameter, 6.7 +0.25 inches long (MS20392-4)
NOTE: Rigging Pin is part of kit F70207-3, -52, -61, or -84.
(2) Sealant - BMS 5-95 (Ref 20-30-11)

C. Prepare For Removal
(1) Open or remove the following access panels: tail cone access door 3802, tab pushrod
access panel (Fig. 202), and tab lock mechanism upper and lower access panels. (Panels
are located at elevator inboard leading edge.)
(2) Remove elevator systems A and B hydraulic power (Ref 27-31-0, MP).
(3) Install rigging pin E-5 in aft control quadrant.
D. Remove Graphite Tab From Graphite Elevator
(1) Disconnect elevator tab pushrods from elevator tab by removing pushrod aft mounting
bolts (Fig. 202).
(2) Disconnect bonding jumpers from elevator tab at inboard and outboard hinge fittings.
(3) Remove hinge bearing bolts.
(4) Remove elevator tab from elevator.
(5) If a different elevator tab is to be installed on the airplane, proceed as follows:
(a) Remove cotter pin, nut, washers, bushings, and hinge bearing bolt from elevator tab
hinge fitting. Withdraw tab hinge fitting.
(b) Install tab hinge fitting at original location on removed elevator tab. Replace shims in
same order as removed. Install dimpled washers under screw heads if installed.
Tighten hinge retaining screws 20 to 25 pound-inches.
(c) Retain hinge bearing nuts, washers, bushings, and bolts for subsequent installation.
E. Prepare For Installation
(1) Remove elevator systems A and B hydraulic power (Ref 27-31-0, MP).
(2) Check that rigging pin E-5 is installed in aft control quadrant.
(3) Check wear at tab pushrod attach points per 27-31-121, I/C.
(4) Check data plate on elevator tab for required number of tab adjust weights. Check balance
bay No. 2 for number of tab adjust weights installed lower surface of elevator nose.

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