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727 to 787: Evolution of Aircraft Maintenance Systems [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-6-14 08:50:29 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
727 to 787:
Evolution of Aircraft Maintenance Systems

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-6-14 08:50:35 |只看该作者
727 to 787:
Evolution of Aircraft Maintenance Systems
Aircraft maintenance has come
a long way, from push-button,
light-up tests for determining the
health of individual, federated
avionics boxes to centralized
airplane management systems
t h a t i n t e r a c t i ve l y c o l l e c t
data from all systems. It has
evolved to become a valuable
t r o u b l e s h o o t i n g t o o l f o r
maintenance technicians.
Testing mechanical and analog systems in vintage aircraft—such as the Boeing 727
and 737 Classic, and the McDonnell Douglas DC-9 and MD-80—consisted of little more
than pushing a button to supply current to the internal circuitry. A green light would
illuminate to say everything was OK. Such “push-to-test” and “go/no go” systems were
the beginnings of built-in test equipment (BITE) for avionics technicians.
The central maintenance computer on Honeywell’s Primus Epic® system
Star ting in the early 1980s,
digital systems that use electronic
hardware and software
to carry out functions previously
performed by mechanical and analog
systems were introduced on Boeing’s 737
Next Generation, 757 and 767 aircraft,
as well as the McDonnell Douglas MD-
90 and Airbus A320. These new digital
systems brought their own challenges
to aircraft maintainers, as the ability to
troubleshoot these black boxes by detecting
and isolating faults was limited to the
indications provided by the system.
From this challenge came the first
standard for health management: ARINC
604, “Guidance for Design and Use of
Built-In Test Equipment.” Developed by
ARINC and industry partners, this standard
represents the birth of vehicle health
management, where one or more line
replaceable units (LRUs) equipped with
dedicated front panels gave maintenance
technicians the ability to test and query
the system. Such panels included pushbuttons
and rudimentary display capabilities
that showed alphanumeric readouts.
By the mid-1980s, with the introduction
of the first glass cockpits on airplanes
such as the McDonnell Douglas
MD-11, mechanics were able to test and
query several systems through centralized
display panels shared by a number
of LRUs. However, these common display
panels report the results of each
LRU independently and do not have the
capability to consolidate related fault
indications from multiple LRUs. While
this is a significant improvement, maintenance
technicians must still manually
consolidate these results; otherwise they
would remove and replace LRUs that
merely report symptoms rather than
replacing the actual faulty LRU.
In the late 1980s, the 747-400 was
introduced. It contains two Central Maintenance
Computers (CMCs) that receive
fault status indications from most airplane
systems, consolidate these results
to determine the source fault, and correlate
the source fault indication to the
flight deck effects (e.g., flight crew alerts)
caused by the fault. The CMC can display
these results on the Multifunction
Control Display Unit (MCDU) or downlink
these results while in flight to ground stations
to support maintenance planning.
The CMC also provides an integrated
user interface to perform ground tests
on all connected member systems. However,
the 747-400 CMC accomplishes
the fault consolidation via a complex
set of logic equation-based diagnostics.
Development and maintenance of this
“brute force” approach was a great technical
challenge, due to the many interrelationships
between the equations.
This approach requires detailed understanding
of all the equations in order to
ensure that they are consistent and correctly
represent system behavior.
These issues are compounded when
the aircraft is upgraded with new systems.
It took a long time to work out
all the health management system’s
idiosyncrasies, causing an early lack
of confidence in the system by airline
mechanics—“Give me wrong answers
once, and my confidence goes down 50
percent! Give it to me twice, and I stop
using it!” In time, the 747-400 logic has
matured and become a valuable tool for
maintenance technicians.
Following the development of, and
using lessons learned from the 747-400,
Boeing, Honeywell and others in the
airline, aircraft and avionics industries
developed updated standards for maintenance
systems, including ARINC 624,
“Design Guidance for Onboard Maintenance
Central Maintenance & Airplane
Condition Monitoring
Health management processes include
the following:
➤ Fault detection and isolation philosophy,
➤Optimal sensor quantity and placement
➤Standard built-in-test designs and
➤Metrics, e.g., fault coverage percentage
or fault isolation accuracy percentage,
➤Verification and validation plans and
➤ Fault modeling guidelines, and
➤Interface standards between subsystems
and central maintenance systems.
Coordination and integration of those
processes are key to effective vehicle
health management. The ultimate goal
was to improve testability, isolate failures,
improve system safety and reliability,
and reduce life-cycle costs.
Many of today’s aircraft employ some
type of central maintenance system
that fulfills the role of collecting faults
from all subsystems, performing some
root cause determination and recommending
repair actions. In the Boeing
777, those functions are performed by
the Honeywell-developed central maintenance
system software. It consists of
two portions: the Central Maintenance
Computing Function (CMCF), which
detects faults after they happen, and the
Airplane Condition Monitoring Function
(ACMF), which collects data to enable
prediction of problems in advance.
ACMF capabilities existed previously in
earlier federated systems, but the B777
The development of health management systems
reflects the evolution of avionics architectures.
From the B727 to the B777, health
systems have supported mechanical/analog,
digital, federated and modular avionics.
Vehicle Health Management
Evolution for Commercial Aircraft
was the first aircraft to implement them
in the same cabinet with an integrated
advanced user interface, according to
Gautham Ramohalli, the engineering
manager of Honeywell Aerospace’s
Aircraft Diagnostics and Monitoring
Systems. This integration provided the
ACMF with unprecedented access to
aircraft signals and enabled a common,
point-and-click interface on the aircraft
for both CMCF and ACMF.
As opposed to the logic equationbased
diagnostics on the 747-400, the
777 CMCF employs a Honeywell-patented,
model-based diagnostics technology
to drive fault processing and ground
tests, and display textual information to
the maintenance technician. The fault
model encodes the observable symptoms
for each fault condition, based on
the modeled effects of each fault condition
within the member system and the
connectivity of LRUs within the aircraft.
Each system on the air plane is
responsible for fault detection and reporting
in accordance with a set of Boeingdefined
member system requirements.
The reporting system communicates
with the CMCF, using an aircraft-wide
standard protocol that provides for fault
reporting, configuration reporting and
commanded ground tests.
Model information is contained in a
separately loadable database referred to
as loadable diagnostic information (LDI).
The LDI is created by Boeing, using the
Honeywell-developed ground-based Diagnostic
Model Development Tool (DMDT),
the purpose of which is to collect and validate
the fault model for the aircraft.
DMDT is seeded by imports from
various sources. These include the airplane
interface control database, crew
alerting message database, and failure
modes and effects analyses. Aircraft
system designers enter subsystemspecific
diagnostic information and links
to complete the basic model. Boeing,
as the aircraft system integrator for the
777 and 787, completes the aircraft-level
model by performing tasks, including
analysis and correction of DMDT proposed
propagation relationships and
definition of fault isolation relationships
for faults reported by multiple systems.
This aircraft-level modeling determines
fault consolidation and fault cascade
effect removal, and ensures correct flight
deck effect correlation.
The aircraft condition monitoring
function provides a programmable method
for triggering custom data reports.
Report triggers can be defined, using
interface control document signals combined
with logic units, to collect sample
data at a predefined rate and time before
and after the trigger event.
Resulting reports can be stored on
onboard mass storage devices (e.g., the
Maintenance Access Terminal hard drive
on the 777, and the crew information system
[CIS] servers on the 787), downlinked
via the airborne communications addressing
and reporting system (ACARS) or, on
the 787, one of the available broadband
communication paths, such as Gatelink (a
wireless local area network [LAN] technology),
Connexion by Boeing, or Inmarsat’s
Swift64 satellite service.
Such a capability is key to improving
on-time departures because it gives line
maintenance staff time to prepare even
while the airplane is still in the air. “What
that does is extend the maintenance
technician’s ramp time from 30 minutes
to four hours by giving him 3.5 hours
advance notice,” says Don Morrow, Honeywell’s
director, New Boeing Platforms.
The user interface employed by the
CMCF enforces a common look and feel
for all member systems. This reduces the
amount of training required for maintenance
personnel, regardless of the system
they are working on, e.g., landing gear,
environmental control system or avionics.
Differences from Previous Systems
Most previous maintenance systems
depended on the individual member
systems to store the fault data in their
LRU/LRM (line replaceable module). To
display a system’s stored data, a bidirectional
command-request protocol is
performed to retrieve the data each time
a user request is made.
The CMCF uses local fault storage to
store the data, which simplifies the faultreporting
interface for the participating
systems. The CMCF retrieval of fault data
is all contained within the CMCF itself. This
speeds up data retrieval while requiring no
handshaking or protocol with member
systems during the display process.
The CMCF was built upon previous
Honeywell maintenance systems that
added maintenance message text to maintenance
message codes. The objective is
to present maintenance message information
in clear English text that is usable by
the maintenance technician, rather than
having a code that requires translation.
Embraer’s OMS
The Honeywell Primus Epic® onboard
maintenance system, which consists of
a CMC and the airplane condition monitoring
system, is finding its first 70- to
110-passenger aircraft application in the
EMBRAER 170/190 family of commercial
Many of the system health management
capabilities of the Embraer aircraft are
similar to those of the 777 onboard maintenance
system. These include the following:
➤Real-time fault monitoring,
➤Integration with the data loading
oint-and-click intuitive navigation,
➤Comprehensive system coverage—
weather radar to auxiliary power unit,
➤Open architecture,
➤Loadable diagnostic infor mation
➤Capability to display bus parameters
and member status, and
➤Remote terminal connectivity.
“These go beyond having a system
that just reports faults to one that quickly
gives maintenance technicians a snapshot
of all the member systems on the
aircraft,” says Eric Heinzer, Honeywell’s
A maintenance technician accesses data
using a wireless terminal
Customer and Product Support leader
for regional OEMs. “A mechanic having
to deal with a series of faults now can
easily determine what systems are not
on-line and start there.”
Like the system now being developed
for the Boeing 787, the EMBRAER
170/190 Primus Epic system has a
separately loadable database, so that
loadable diagnostic information can be
updated without having to alter the CMC
functional code. In addition, the CMC is
navigable, with a cursor control device
comparable to that on the 777. Another
common feature with the Boeing widebody
is the ability to query the CMC on
the EMBRAER 170/190 with a commercial
off-the-shelf laptop.
On the EMBRAER 170/190, the CMC
is part of Honeywell Aerospace’s Primus
Epic integrated avionics system. The
CMC resides on a dedicated module
within the Primus Epic modular avionics
unit (MAU) and utilizes a commercial offthe-
shelf (COTS) operating system. The
CMC software stores maintenance data
locally on the CMC module in a format
that is later downloaded and analyzed
with common PC software applications.
Honeywell evaluated the need to
bridge airborne embedded software with
PC software and made a design decision
to use the PC software on the CMC line
replaceable module in the Primus Epic
MAU cabinet, according to Gary Bird,
Honeywell’s product portfolio leader,
Telematics and Diagnostics. This decision
meant that PCs could be connected
directly to the CMC module, using COTS
hardware and protocols.
In turn, this provided the ability to create
a CMC interface console, using a PC
instead of specialized hardware. The CMC
is specifically designed so that its operational
interface in the cockpit requires no
keyboard. The interface is point-and-click
and works with a variety of cockpit-mounted
cursor control devices.
777 to 787
Boeing’s 787, now under development,
will also utilize the Honeywell-patented,
model-based CMCF and ACMF technology,
and in this application, the health
management function is part of the crew
information system/maintenance system
(CIS-MS). The CIS-MS provides a
networking infrastructure that enables
airborne functions to interact with ground
components and a computing environment
capable of hosting RTCA/DO-178B,
Level D and Level E, software applications.
Hosted by the CIS are various standard
applications, including the maintenance
system, electronic flight bag (EFB), data
loader, flight deck printer and terminal
wireless LAN unit (TWLU).
The preceding systems provide interfaces
to airplane communication systems,
airline applications and information systems
in an open architecture that can be extended
and adapted. Maintenance system control
and display are available through several
user interfaces. Web-based technology is
used for the primary interface, and ARINC
661 is provided as a backup.
The primary interface to the maintenance
system is a commercial off-theshelf
PC that uses a typical Web browser
interface. Unlike the Boeing 777, these
devices are not certified or installed
in the airplane, and an operator may
choose to stow a laptop computer on
the airplane for convenience. If a laptop
computer is not available, the cockpit
multifunction display is equipped to
provide the minimum CMCF display
functionality necessary to prepare the
airplane for dispatch.
Basic to the 787 airplane is the terminal
wireless LAN unit, which provides
the airplane side of the Gatelink connectivity
and lets maintenance technicians
electronically access the airplane when
it is located at the gate. An optional crew
wireless LAN unit (CWLU) provides the
ability to use a wireless laptop computer in
the proximity of the airplane to perform all
of the available maintenance system control
and display functionality. The CWLU
system provides necessary security and
allows for multiple simultaneous users.
Easy Access
With this wireless capability, maintenance
technicians will not have to fight
their way through departing passengers
to get into the cockpit or even have to
hook up their computers to external connections
on the tail or engines to access
troubleshooting data. They can access
data while roaming freely around the
exterior of the airplane. Up to four remote
terminals can be connected to the CMC
at one time, allowing for a faster aircraft
build in the Boeing factory, as well as
expedited return to service in airline
maintenance operations.
In addition, the maintenance system
will provide links to the electronic airplane
maintenance manuals (AMMs), allowing
access to detailed maintenance and troubleshooting
procedures without leaving
the airplane. “By auto-linking to electronic
documents on the 787—something that
was not available on the 777—we’re creating
an essentially paperless and medialess
airplane,” explains Bird.
How soon can 787 operators see
the benefits of Honeywell’s crew information
system/maintenance system?
The new Boeing aircraft’s first flight is
scheduled for August 2007, with certification
in March 2008 and first deliveries
by May 2008. There were, through
January 2006, 291 orders for the twinaisle
Boeing 787.
B777 OMS menus, including higher-level page
and (right) flight deck effects correlation page.

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727 to 787: Evolution of Aircraft Maintenance Systems

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