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特殊工作单SPECIAL JOB CARD-更换APU [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-8-17 00:49:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览



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发表于 2011-8-17 00:51:04 |只看该作者

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
拆装 机遇  ME/AV 
GATEGORY 工卡类别  □ CAD/AD □CMR ■ RII □ MRB □ALI □ SB□维护经验 □ ETOPS  ZONE 区域 300  PANEL盖板 315AL 316AR  REV 版本号 R02  EFF适用性  APS 3200 
REF.DOCUENTS/REV.DATE 参考文件 AMM 49-11-11PB401  Nov 01/10 
P/N REMOVED拆下件件号  S/N 序号  P/N NISTALLED 装上件件号  S/N 序号 
Certified by 完工签署  Date完工日期  STATION 维修站

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
** ON A/C 001-100, 206-250 TASK 49-11-11-000-003 Removal of the Power Plant (APU) (APS 3200) 拆卸 APU 1. Job Set-up Information 准备信息 A. Fixtures, Tools, Test and Support Equipment工作夹具、测试及辅助工具 REFERENCE QTY DESIGNATION No specific blanking caps No specific blanking covers No specific blanking plugs No specific circuit breaker(s) saf ty clip(s) No specific tape  No specific tie wraps No specific container 1.0 l (0.2641 USgal) No specific access platform 4m (13 ft) A1-91-265 1 HOIST-MINILIFT 98A28007570000 1 ADAPTER - VENT AND DRAIN VALVE, APU 98A49107504001 3 PROTECTOR-THREADS,APU MOUNTING BOLTS 98D49207527000  1 SUPPORT FRAME-APU  No specific fiber-bristled brush No specific Torque Wrench : range 30.00 to 220.00 lbf.in (0.34 to 2.60 m.daN)  MECH 工作者 XXX  AUTH 检验者 XXX 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
the Wings (this does not include the tanks)-   XXX  XXX 
 21-00-00-100-001  Cleaning of Special Components in the Environmental Control System (ECS) 
 21-00-00-615-001  Decontamination of the Environmental Control System (ECS) when the Temperature is below 24 deg.C (APU) 
 21-00-00-615-002  Decontamination of the Environmental Control System (ECS) when the Temperature is above 24 deg.C (APU) 
 24-23-51-400-001  Installation of the APU Generator 8XS 
24-23-51-000-001  Removal of the APU Generator 8XS 
 24-41-00-861-002  Energize the Aircraft Electrical Circuits from the External Power 
 24-41-00-862-002  De-energize the Aircraft Electrical Circuits Supplied from the External Power 
 28-22-00-710-001  Operational Test of the APU Fuel-Pump System on Ground to Purge the Fuel Line 
 28-22-14-400-001  Installation of the APU Fuel LP-Switch 5030QM  
 29-00-00-864-001  Put the Related Hydraulic System in the Depressurized Configuration before Maintenance Action 
 31-36-00-740-004  Update of the APU Hours and Cycles in the DMU after APU, ECB or DMU Replacement  
 31-36-00-740-006  Printout of the APU Hours and Cycles
 49-00-00-080-001  Removal of the APU Hoist Tool (APS 3200)  
 49-00-00-480-001  Installation of the APU Hoist Tool (APS 3200)  
49-00-00-860-011  Update of APU Data (hours/cycles) (APS 3200)  
 49-00-00-710-005  Self-Test of the ECB (APS 3200) 
 49-00-00-710-008  Operational Test of the APU (APS 3200) 


A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001
 49-00-00-790-002  Leak Test of the APU (APS 3200)  XXX  XXX 
 49-00-00-790-005  Air Leak Test with closed APU Doors 
 49-00-00-860-011  Update of APU Data (hours/cycles) (APS 3200)  
 49-12-00-210-004  Detailed Inspection of APU Suspension Rods, Vibration Isolator Structure including Brackets and visible part of Structure Attachment Fittings (APS 3200) 
49-12-54-000-002  Removal of the APU Mount Brackets 4065KM, 4075KM, 4085KM (APS 3200) 
 49-12-54-400-002  Installation of the APU Mount Brackets 4065KM, 4975KM, 4085KM (APS 3200) 
49-12-00-220-003  Dimensional Check of the APU Vibration Isolators (APS 3200) 
 49-17-00-200-001  Inspect the APU Drain System (APS 3200)  
 49-51-42-000-003  Air By-Pass Duct - Removal (APS 3200) 
 49-51-42-400-003  Air By-Pass Duct - Installation (APS 3200)  
 49-52-41-000-002  Removal of the Oil Cooler Outlet Duct (APS 3200) 
 49-52-41-400-002  Installation of the Oil Cooler Outlet Duct (APS 3200) 
 49-81-00-200-004  Visual Check of the Sealing Ring Coupling, V-Clamp and Portion of Exhaust Duct Inside of the APU Compartment (APS 3200) 
 49-81-00-200-005  Visual Check of the Sealing-Ring Coupling Bellows (APS 3200) 
 49-81-41-000-002  Removal of the Exhaust Muffler (APS 3200)  
 49-81-41-400-002  Installation of the Exhaust Muffler (APS 3200)  
 49-90-00-600-004  Check Oil Level and Replenish (APS 3200)  
 49-91-42-200-003  Inspection of the Magnetic Drain Plug 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
2. Job Set-up工作准备 Subtask 49-11-11-860-057 A. Aircraft Maintenance Configuration 飞机构型 (1) Put the warning notices on panel 25VU to tell persons not to start the APU. 警告牌放置到位,提醒人员不要启动 APU (2) Energize the ground service network (Ref. AMM TASK 24-41-00-861-002) .飞机地面供电 (3) Make sure that the hydraulic systems are depressurized (Ref. AMM TASK 29-00-00-864-001) 确保液压系统释压  T1  XXX 
** ON A/C 010-100, 206-250 Subtask 49-11-11-740-052-A B. Print out of the APU hours and cycles from the DMU. 打印飞行小时循环 (1) Use the MCDU and print out the APU hours and cycles (Ref. AMM TASK 31-36-00-740-006) . 用 MCDU打印 APU 小时、循环 (2) Write down the APU hours and cycles in the APU log. 记录 APU小时循环到履历本上 APU  HOUR APU  CYCLE  T1  XXX 


A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
** ON A/C 001-100, 206-250 Subtask 49-11-11-865-060 C. Open, safety and tag this(these) circuit breaker(s): 断开这些跳开关,保险并挂标签 PANEL DESIG ATION IDENT 49VU APU/FUEL/BLOW OFF/PUMP 2QC 121VU  APU/FUEL/BLOW OFF/CTL  1QC 121VU APU/FIRE AND OVHT/DET/LOOP A 1WG 121VU  APU/APU/CTL 2KD 121VU  APU/ECB/SPLY 1KD 121VU  APU/AUTO/EXTIG/GND/TEST  30WF 121VU  APU/FIRE/EXTIG/SQUIB/B 2WF 121VU  APU/FIRE/EXTIG/SQUIB/A 1WF 121VU  APU/FIRE/LP VALVE/NORM  4WF 121VU  APU/FIRE/LP VALVE/STBY  3WF 121VU  APU/FUEL/LP VALVE/CTL  1QF 121VU  APU/FUEL/LP VALVE/SPLY  2QF 121VU  APU/FUEL/PUMP/CTL 3QC  LOCAT ON B14 K39 L4 L42 L41 L40 L39 L38 M42 M41 M40 M39 M38  T1  XXX 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
Subtask 49-11-11-010-055 D. Get Access接近 (1) Put the ACCESS PLATFORM 4M (13 FT)-ADJUSTABLE  below the access doors 315AL and 316AR. 工作梯放置到位 (2) Open the APU access doors 315AL, 316AR. (Ref. AMM TASK 52-41-00-010-001)   打开APU接近检查口盖 (3) Set the light switch 11LJ to on. 设置11LJ电门到开位 (4) Remove the APU access doors 315AL 316AR (Ref. AMM TASK 52-41-21-000-001) (Ref. AMM TASK 52-41-22-000-001) . 参考AMM拆下APU检查口盖 NOTE: The removal of the APU is also possible without a removal of the access doors. However, a removal of the doors will: -make the access to the APU compartment better. -make the installation and use of the hoist tool easier. -reduce the risk of injury to the personal. reduce the risk of damaging the doors with the maintenance platform. -注意:更换 APU可以不拆下 APU检查口盖,但拆下检查口盖可以:使得接近APU更加方便使得吊装工具安装更加方便减少人员受伤的可能性减少工作平台碰撞到包皮的可能性  T1  XXX 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
3. Procedure 步骤 Subtask 49-11-11-020-053-A A. Disconnection of the APU APU的断开 (Ref. Fig. 401/TASK 49-11-11-991-006 SHEET 401.1) (Ref. Fig. 401/TASK 49-11-11-991-006 SHEET 401.2) (1) Do the dimensional check of the APU vibration isolators (Ref. AMM TASK 49-12-00-220-003) 参考AMM TASK 49-12-00-220-003完成APU防震器长度检查。 (2) Disconnection of the APU Bleed-Air Duct Elbow 拆卸APU引气弯管 (a) Loosen the clamp (2). 松开卡子(2). NOTE: Let the clamp (2) stay loosely on the the bleed-air duct of the APU (1). 注意:卡子拧松并放置在引气管道上 (b) Put blanking caps on the openings of the bleed-air duct elbow (3) and the bleed -air duct of the APU (1). 及时封堵APU引气弯管开口和 APU引气导管上 (3) Remove the oil-cooler outlet duct and put blanking plugs on the oil cooler outlet and oil cooler duct (Ref. AMM TASK 49-52-41-000-002) .   拆下滑油冷却器出口管子并及时封堵冷取其出口管子和冷却器管子 WARNING: OBEY THE FUEL SAFETY PROCEDURES. CAUTION: PUT PLASTIC CAPS OR PLUGS ON ALL FUEL AND/OR LUBRICATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND LINES. IF YOU USE TAPE, CLOTH, OR METAL CAPS ON THEM, YOU CAN DAMAGE THE APU. CAUTION: YOU MUST USE TWO WRENCHES AND HOLD THE COMPONENT WHEN YOU REMOVE/INSTALL THE PIPE COUPLINGS AND/OR UNIONS. THIS PREVENTS DAMAGE TO THE COMPONENT. 警告:严格执行下列安全预防措施注意:在所有燃油和润滑系统零件组件上及航线件上防方盒子塑料盖或塞。如果在他们上使用袋子,布,或者金属盖,会损坏到 APU 注意:当你拆下 /安装管道联轴器或接头时必须使用两把扳手,以防止损失到部件  T1  XXX 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
(4) Disconnect the APU Fuel Line with Vent and Drain Valve from the APU 拆下APU的燃油以及通气余油活门 (Ref. Fig. 401/TASK 49-11-11-991-006 SHEET 401.1) (Ref. Fig. 401/TASK 49-11-11-991-006 SHEET 401.2) (a) Put the  container  in position below the fuel control unit and the vent and drain valve (21).   接油池放置到燃油控制组件和燃油通气、余油活门下方 (b) Remove the blanking cap (22) from the LP fuel inlet vent and drain valve (21). 拆下低压燃油进口和排放活门堵盖 (c) Install the ADAPTER - VENT AND DRAIN VALVE, APU to the vent and drain valve (21).   安装通气转接头和余油活门 (d) Drain the unwanted fuel into the container. 排放不需要的余油到容器 (e) Remove the ADAPTER - VENT AND DRAIN VALVE, APU from the vent and drain valve. 从通气余油活门拆下 ADAPTER - VENT AND DRAIN VALVE (f) Install the blanking cap (22). 安装堵盖 (g) Remove and discard the lockwire and disconnect the vent and drain valve (21) from the Union Assy (20). 拆下并报废保险丝和从组件上拆开通气余油活门 (h) Put blanking plugs on the disconnected line ends. 在断开的管路上放置堵盖 (i) Put the main fuel inlet-pipe in the stowage bracket attached to the firewall of the APU compartment. This will prevent damage during the APU removal. 将主燃油进口管子放置在附着于 APU隔舱防火墙的贮藏中间内。在 APU拆卸时,将避免损坏 (j) Remove the container below the vent and drain valve (21). 移去通风余油活门下的接油盘 (5) Disconnection of the Electrical Harness 导线束的拆卸 (Ref. Fig. 402/TASK 49-11-11-991-008 SHEET 402.1) (a) Disconnect the electrical connections (50) P1 , (51) P2 and (55) P3 from the APU compartment front fire-wall.从APU隔舱上前防火墙上拆开电插头 P1 P2 P3  T1  XXX 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
(b) Put blanking plugs on all electrical connectors. 所有的电插头堵好 (c) Remove the bolts (54) from the clamps (53) at the APU compartment front fire-wall. NOTE: Hold the spacers (52) in position when the bolts (54) are removed. 在APU隔舱前防火墙是卡箍的螺栓 (d) Move the clamps (53) away from the brackets and temporarily install the bolts (54) and the spacers (52).把卡箍从支架取下来,并临时安装螺栓和垫片 (e) Remove the bolt (56) and the washer (57) from the bracket (59) at the RH side of the APU compartment. 在APU舱拆右边支架上拆下螺栓和垫片 (f) Move the clamp (58) away from the bracket (59) and temporarily install the bolt (56) and the washer (57) to bracket (59). 将卡箍从支架上拆下并临时安装螺栓、垫片到支架上 (g) Remove the bolt (61) and the nut (62) from the brackets (60) and (63) at FWD RH tie-rod.   在FWD RH连杆的支架上拆下螺栓和垫片 (h) Move the clamp (63) away from clamp (60) and temporarily install the bolt (61) and nut (62) to the clamp (60). 将卡箍从从卡箍上拿走并暂时地将螺栓和螺帽安装到卡箍上 (i) Attach the electrical connectors (50) P1, (51) P2 and (55) P3 with tie wraps to the APU. This prevents damage to the harness when the APU is removed用线圈将电插头 P1 P2 P3连接到APU上,当拆下 APU时,防止损坏线束 (6) Disonnection of the Electrical Cables from the Starter Motor 从启动马达断开线缆 (Ref. Fig. 403/TASK 49-11-11-991-005 SHEET 403.1) (Ref. Fig. 403/TASK 49-11-11-991-005 SHEET 403.2) (a) Remove the nuts (72) and (76) , the washers (73) and (75) and disconnect the starter motor cables (74) and (77). 拆下螺帽,垫圈并断开启动马达线缆 (b) Temporarly attach the nuts (72) and (76), the washers (73) and (75) to the studs of the starter motor. 临时连接螺帽,垫圈到启动马达螺桩上 (c) Put  blanking caps  on the disconnected ring terminals of the starter motor cables (74) and (77). 将堵盖放置在启动马达线缆分离环终端上  T1  XXX 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
(d) Temporarily attach the starter cables (74) and (77) to the FWD LH tie rod with tie wraps . This prevents damage to the starter cables when the APU is removed.   用系留包临时地连接启动机线缆到 FWD LH连杆上 NOTE: Because the electrical harness is removed together with the APU, it is not necessary to disconnect the electrical connector (79) P32 from the starter motor.注意:因为电缆连同 APU拆除,不必从启动马达上断开电插头 (7) Disconnection of the Generator Cables 发电机电缆拆卸 (Ref. Fig. 403/TASK 49-11-11-991-005 SHEET 403.1) (Ref. Fig. 403/TASK 49-11-11-991-005 SHEET 403.2) (a) Remove the bolts (70) , the washers (84) and remove the phase lead cover (71). 拆下螺栓垫圈并拆下相位引线盖板 (b) Remove the nuts (83), the washers (85) and the phase leads (82) from the generator. 从发电机上拆下螺帽垫片相位引线盖板 NOTE: Make sure that the phase leads are identified correctly. Identify the phase leads if necessary. The washers on the terminal studs are held captive on the lower non threaded portion of the studs, do not remove them. 注意:确保相位引线正确标识,如果必要标识相位引线。在接线桩上的垫圈固定在螺栓下部无螺的部分上,不要拆卸他们 (c) Put blanking caps on the ring terminals of the disconnected phase leads (82). 将堵盖放置在分离的相位引线的终端环上 (d) Temporarily install the nuts (83) to the terminal studs. 临时安装螺帽到接线柱螺纹桩上 (e) Temporarily attach the phase leads (82) to the FWD RH tie rod with tie wraps . This prevents damage to the phase leads when APU is removed. 用系留包临时安装相位引线到 FWD RH 连接杆上。当 APU拆下时候防止相位引线 (f) Temporarily install the phase lead cover (71) with the washers (84) and the bolts (70).   用垫片和螺栓临时安装固定相位引线口盖 NOTE: Because the electrical harness is removed together with the APU, it is not necessary to disconnect the electrical connector (81) P4 from the generator. 注意:因为导线束连同 APU一起拆卸,因此不必要从发动机断开电插头  T1  XXX 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
(8) Disconnection of the Exhaust-Muffler Drain Pipe断开消声器余油管 (a) Disconnect the exhaust-muffler drain pipe (35) at the T-fitting of the APU drain system.在APUD的”T”型结合处断开消声器余油管 (b) Put blanking plugs on the disconnected line ends.断开的管线要用堵盖保护起来。 NOTE: Watch that there is sufficient clearence between the APU and exhaust-muffler drain pipe when the APU is removed.注意:在移动 APU时, (9) Disconnection of the Exhaust Muffler断开消声器 (Ref. Fig. 401/TASK 49-11-11-991-006 SHEET 401.1) (Ref. Fig. 401/TASK 49-11-11-991-006 SHEET 401.2) (a) Remove and discard the lockwire between the studs on the insulation blanket (34) and (33) and the studs on the nozzle assy (31). 拆下并报废位于隔热衬垫的螺桩和在喷嘴组件上的螺桩之间拆下并报废保险丝 (b) Remove and discard the lockwire between the two halves of the insulation blanket (33) and (34). 在两个半隔热衬垫之间拆下并报废保险丝 (c) Remove the two halves of the insultion blanket (33) and (34). 拆下两个半隔热衬垫 (d) Disconnect the exhaust coupling clamp (30) and push the exhaust muffler rearwards.  松开排气连接器卡箍并将排气消声器向后推 NOTE: Make sure that the clearance between the APU exhaust and hot nozzle assy flange is sufficient to prevent damage when the APU is removed. Make sure that the exhaust muffler stays in position when the APU is removed.注意:确保 APU排气和喷嘴之间留有足够间隙以避免 APU拆卸时造成损伤 (e) Put blanking covers on the hot nozzle assy flange (32). 放置堵盖到热喷嘴组件法兰上 (10) Disconnection of the Bonding Straps 搭接线的拆卸 (Ref. Fig. 404/TASK 49-11-11-991-007-B SHEET 404.1)  T1  XXX 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
(a) Remove the nuts (45) and the washers (44) from the stud (49) and remove the bonding straps (43) at the LH and RH FWD mount brackets (46). 从螺桩上拆下螺帽和垫片并拆下位于 LH和RH FWD连接支架件的搭接线 (b) Temporarily install again the nuts (45) and the washers (44) to the studs (49) on the LH and RH FWD mount brackets (46). 在左右前连接支架上临时安装螺帽和垫片到螺桩上 (c) To prevent damage when the APU is removed attach the bonding straps (43) with tape to the APU tie-rods. 移下APU的时,要使用搭接线以避免意外损伤。 Subtask 49-11-11-480-051 B. Installation of the the APU HOIST-MINILIFT . APU HOIST-MINILIFT 的安装 (1) Install the HOIST-MINILIFT (Ref. AMM TASK 49-00-00-480-001) . 安装HOIST-MINILIFT CAUTION: DO NOT TURN THE HOIST HANDLE MORE THAN 90 DEGREES, AFTER YOU REMOVE THE SLACK FROM THE HOIST CABLE. IF YOU TURN THE HOIST HANDLE MORE THAN 90 DEGREES, YOU CAN CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE APU AND THE APU MOUNTS. 警戒:从起吊器线缆上拆下松弛部分之后,不要转动起吊器手柄超过 90度。如果转动起吊器手柄超过 90度,能够引起 APU和APU吊点损坏 (2) Remove the weight of the APU from the APU mount brackets 从APU吊点上移去 APU重量 (a) Operate the HOIST-MINILIFT until the weight of the APU is removed from the mounts.   操作HOIST-MINILIFT从APU吊点上移去 APU重量 NOTE: Before you install the hoist handle, turn the upper drum shaft of the HOIST-MINILIFT with your hand until you have removed the slack from the hoist cable. Then install the hoist handle on the upper drum shaft and turn the handle 90 degrees in clockwise direction. Thus you make sure that the weight of the APU is removed from the APU mounts. NOTE: Do a check and make sure that the HOIST-MINILIFT is assembled and installed correctly and holds the load.  T2  XXX 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001
注意:在安装起吊器手柄之前,用手转动 HOIST-MINILIFT上面的铰筒轴直到从起吊器钢缆上拆下松弛部分。然后将起吊器安装在上面的鼓传动轴上并反向转动手柄 90度。如此你确保 APU的重量从 APU吊点上移走注意:检查并确信 HOIST-MINILIFT组装且安装正确并能保持载荷 (a) Remove the APU mount nuts (40), (47) and (48).拆下APU吊点螺帽 (b) Install the PROTECTOR-THREADS,APU MOUNTING BOLTS to the threads (41) of the rear APU mount and the vibration isolators. 将PROTECTOR-THREADS,APU MOUNTING BOLTS to the threads安装到后面的 APU吊点的螺纹上减震器上 CAUTION: MAKE SURE THAT THE THREE ATTACHMENT NUTS ARE REMOVED AND THAT THE APU CAN MOVE DOWN FREELY. IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS, YOU CAN CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE TIE RODS WHEN YOU LOWER THE APU. CAUTION: MAKE SURE THAT ALL PLUMBING IS FREE FROM OBSTRUCTION. 警戒:确保三个连接螺帽拆卸和 APU可以自由地向下移动。如果不做这个当降低 APU时能引起连杆损坏警戒:确保所有管道没有阻碍 (2) Removal of the APU from the APU mount vibration-isolators 从APU减震器上拆下 APU (a) Remove the APU from the APU mount vibration-isolators and lower it carefully from the APU compartment. 从APU减震器上拆下 APU并从APU舱小心地放下它 CAUTION: MAKE SURE THAT ALL PLUMBING IS FREE FROM OBSTRUCTION. 警警戒:确保所有管道没有阻碍 (3) Attachment of the APU to the  SUPPORT FRAME-APU .  APU的配件连接到 SUPPORT FRAME-APU (a) Attach the APU to the APU SUPPORT FRAME-APU 将APU连接到 SUPPORT FRAME-APU  T2  XXX 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
NOTE: Make sure that the pip-pins are fully engaged in the brackets of the APU support frame and the APU. Make sure that the screw at the rear of the APU support frame is fully engaged in the attachment plate and the APU. 注意:确保 APU已与APU support frame对合确保位于APU support frame上的螺栓已完全对合连接盘和 APU (b) Disconnect the  HOIST-MINILIFT from the APU (Ref. AMM TASK 49-00-00-080-001) .   从APU上拆开吊车 HOIST-MINILIFT (c) Put blanking covers on the APU exhaust flange.在排气法兰上放堵盖 (4) Disconnection of replacement Components 拆开更换件 (a) Remove the Generator (80) (Ref. AMM TASK 24-23-51-000-001) . 拆下发电机 (b) Remove the FWD and AFT APU mount brackets (46) and (42) (Ref. AMM TASK 49-12-54-000-002) .拆下FWD和AFT APU吊点支架 (c) Remove the APU LP Switch 5030QM (Ref. AMM TASK 28-22-14-000-001) . 拆下APU LP 电门5030QM NOTE: Keep these parts into a container for replacement at the new component . 注意:将这零件保存到容器中以更换新的部件 (5) If you will not install a new APU, you must install the components of the kit for the FLIGHT WITHOUT APU.   如果将不安装新的 APU ,必须安装与FLIGHT WITHOUT APU. 相关的零部件  T1  XXX 

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 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
TASK 49-11-11-400-003 Installation of the Power Plant (APU) (APS 3200) APU的安装 1. Job Set-up工作准备 Subtask 49-11-11-865-066 A. Make sure that this(these) circuit breaker(s) is(are) open, safetied and tagged断开这些跳开关,保险并挂标签 PANEL DESIGNATION IDENT. LOCATION 49VU APU/FUEL/BLOW OFF/PUMP 2Q B14 121VU  APU/FUEL/BLOW OFF/CTL  1QC K39 121VU  APU/FIRE AND OVHT/DET/LOOP A 1WG L43 121VU  APU/APU/CTL 2KD L42 121VU  APU/ECB/SPLY 1KD L41 121VU  APU/AUTO/EXTIG/GND/TEST  30WF L40 121VU  APU/FIRE/EXTIG/SQUIB/B 2WF L39 121VU  APU/FIRE/EXTIG/SQUIB/A 1WF L38 121VU  APU/FIRE/LP VALVE/NORM  4WF M42 121VU  APU/FIRE/LP VALVE/STBY  3WF M41 121VU  APU/FUEL/LP VALVE/CTL  1QF M40 121VU  APU/FUEL/LP VALVE/SPLY  2QF M39 121VU  APU/FUEL/PUMP/CTL 3QC M38  T1  XXX 

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A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
Subtask 49-11-11-860-056 A. Aircraft Maintenance Configuration 飞机构型 (1) Put the warning notices on panel 25VU to tell persons not to start the APU. 警告牌放置到位,提醒人员不要启动 APU (2) Energize the ground service network (Ref. AMM TASK 24-41-00-861-002) .飞机地面供电 (3) Make sure that the hydraulic systems are depressurized (Ref. AMM TASK 29-00-00-864-001) . 确保液压系统释压 (4) Make sure that the ACCESS PLATFORM 4M (13 FT)-ADJUSTABLE is in position below the access doors 315AL and 316AR. 确保工作台放置到位 (5) Make sure that the APU access doors 315AL, 316AR are open  (Ref. AMM TASK 52-41-00-010-001) or removed (Ref. AMM TASK 52-41-21-000-001) and  (Ref. AMM TASK 52-41-22-000-001) . 确保APU检查口盖 315AL, 316AR打开,或者拆卸 NOTE: The installation of the APU is also possible without a removal of the access doors. However, a removal of the doors will: -make the access to the APU compartment better. -make the installation and use of the hoist tool easier. -reduce the risk of injury to the personal. -reduce the risk of damaging the doors with the maintenance platform. 注意:APU的安装也可能不用拆卸检查口盖。不管用何种方法,门的拆卸将:使更好的接近 APU隔舱安装并使用起吊器更容易减少伤害到人的危险减少维护平台损坏们的危险 (6) Make sure that the light switch 11LJ is set to on. 确保灯电门 11LJ设定接通 (7) Make sure that the: 确保 -the oil-cooler outlet duct is removed (Ref. AMM TASK 49-52-41-000-002) .  T1  XXX 

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 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
exhaust muffler is disconnected and moved rearwards. -the APU fuel line is drained correctly. -滑油冷却器出口管道拆卸排气消声器断开并向后移动 APU的燃油管道正确的排放 NOTE: If installed, remove the components of the kit for the FLIGHT WITHOUT APU 注意:如果安装,拆卸组件中的零部件在飞行中不用 APU  T1  XXX 
2. Procedure Subtask 49-11-11-560-052-A A. Preparation of a Replacement Component 替代部件准备 (1) Make sure that the APU is installed on a SUPPORT FRAME-APU . 确保APU安装在SUPPORT FRAME-APU (a) Make sure that the generator is installed correctly (Ref. AMM TASK 24-23-51-400-001) .   确保发电机正确安装 (b) Make sure that the FWD and AFT APU mount brackets (46) and (42) are installed correctly  (Ref. AMM TASK 49-12-54-400-002) . 确保FWD和AFT APU吊点支架正确的安装 (c) Make sure the APU LP switch is installed correctly (Ref. AMM TASK 28-22-14-400-001) .   确保APU LP电门真确的安装 NOTE: Make sure that the parts retained from the removed component are clean and in the correct condition.注意:确保从拆下的部件清洁且情况良好 (2) Make sure that the PROTECTOR-THREADS,APU MOUNTING BOLTS are installed on the thread of the AFT APU mount bracket (42). 确保PROTECTOR-THREADS,APU MOUNTING BOLTS安装在 AFT APU 吊点支架的螺纹上 (3) Fill the APU oil reservoir (Ref. AMM TASK 49-90-00-600-004) .给APU滑油箱加油  T2  RII 

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A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
Subtask 49-11-11-210-065-A B. Preparation for Installation 安装准备 (1) Make sure the APU compartment is in the correct condition. If necessary clean the APU compartment with Material No 11001 (CLEANING AGENTS (Material No. 11-001))  and a  fiber-bristled brush  . 确保APU隔舱在正常状态中,如果有必要要用清洁毛刷子清洁 APU隔舱 (2) Make sure that the nuts (40), (47) and (48) are in a correct condition . 确保螺帽在正常状态中 NOTE: Obey the para. 3.A.(4) 'Installation of used Bolts and Nuts' of (Ref. AMM TASK 20-21-11-911-001) .注意:遵守段落 . 3.A.(4)所用的螺栓和螺帽的安装 (3) Make sure that the PROTECTOR-THREADS,APU MOUNTING BOLTS are installed on the threads (41) of the FWD APU mount vibration-isolators. 确保PROTECTOR-THREADS,和APU MOUNTING BOLTS安装在 FWD APU的螺纹上 (4) Examine the bleed-air duct connection-flanges and attachments. Replace the duct if necessary (Ref. AMM TASK 49-51-42-000-003) and (Ref. AMM TASK 49-51-42-400-003) .   检查引气导管接头法兰边和连接件。如果有必有更换管道 (5) Examine the exhaust V-clamp and hot-nozzle assembly (Ref. AMM TASK 49-81-00-200-004) .   检查排气V型卡箍和热喷嘴组件 (6) Examine the bellows and sealing ring  (Ref. AMM TASK 49-81-00-200-005) .检查波纹管和密封环 (7) Examine the exhaust duct felt-metal and replace if necessary (Ref. AMM TASK 49-81-41-000-002) and  (Ref. AMM TASK 49-81-41-400-002) 检查排气管道金属并在必要时予以更换 (8) Examine the drain tank and the APU drain tubes (Ref. AMM TASK 49-17-00-200-001) .   检查排放油箱和 APU排放管 (9) Examine the drain tubes and hoses between the spring adapters and the drain mast. Replace porous hoses and/or bent, kinked, holed or leaking tubes. 检查在弹簧接头和余油管制作之间的余油管和软管,更换多孔的软管或弯曲,扭接,有孔或者漏油的管路  T1  XXX 

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A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
(10) Examine the oil-cooler outlet-duct attachment support assembly, if necessary remove (Ref. AMM TASK 49-52-41-000-002) and install a new support assembly (Ref. AMM TASK 49-52-41-400-002) . 检查滑油冷却器的出口管道连接支撑组件,如果必有则拆卸并安装新的支撑组件,如果有必要则拆卸并安装新的支撑组件 (11) Make sure that the threads of the vent and drain valve (21) are clean and in a correct condition.确保同期系统和余油活门的螺纹清洁并在正常的状态中 (12) Make sure that the: -electrical cables of the APU starter motor -ring terminals of the starter motor cables are clean and in a correct condition. 确保: -APU启动器马达的线缆 -启动马达线缆的环形接线柱是清洁在正常的状态下 (13) Make sure that the: -phase leads of the APU generator -ring terminals of the APU generator phase leads are clean and in a correct condition. 确保: -APU发电机的相位导线 -APU发电机相位引线的环形接线柱是清洁的并且是在一个正常的状态下 (14) Put the SUPPORT FRAME-APU (with the APU temporarily installed on it) in the correct position below the APU compartment. 将SUPPORT FRAME-APU放置在APU舱下面的正确位置上 (15) Make sure that the HOIST-MINILIFT is installed correctly (Ref. AMM TASK 49-00-00-480-001) .   确保HOIST-MINILIFT被正确的安装 (16) Remove the blanking covers from APU exhaust and hot-nozzle assy flange. 从APU排气和热喷嘴组件法兰上拆卸堵盖  T1  XXX 

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A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
(17) Make sure that the hot-nozzle assy flange is in the temporary position to which it was moved during APU removal. 确保热喷嘴组件和排气边缘之间必须有充分的空间以防止在安装期间损坏到 APU NOTE: There must be sufficient clearance between the hot-nozzle assy and exhaust flange to prevent damage to the APU during installation. 注意:在热的喷嘴组件和排气边缘之间必需有充分的空间以防止在安装期间损坏到 APU Subtask 49-11-11-420-056-A C. Installation of the APU APU的安装 WARNING: OBEY THE HOISTING SAFETY PROCEDURES. MAKE SURE THAT THE HOIST IS ASSEMBLED AND ATTACHED CORRECTLY BEFORE YOU PUT A LOAD ON IT. OBEY THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS WHEN YOU USE THE HOIST. IF THE HOIST IS IN AN INCORRECT CONDITION THE LOAD CAN MOVE ACCIDENTALLY AND KILL PERSONS OR CAUSE INJURY. CAUTION: MAKE SURE THAT ALL PLUMBING IS FREE FROM OBSTRUCTION. 警告:遵守起吊器安全预防措施,在放载荷之前确保起吊器正确的组装和连接。当你使用起吊器时服从执照商的说明。如果起吊器在不正常的状态中负载会意外的移动并击中工作者或者引起伤害。告诫:确保所有管道没有阻碍 (1) Removal of the APU from the  SUPPORT FRAME-APU .  从SUPPORT FRAME-APU拆卸APU (a) Connect the  HOIST-MINILIFT to the APU (Ref. AMM TASK 49-00-00-480-001) .   将HOIST-MINILIFT连接到 APU上 (b) Operate the HOIST-MINILIFT carefully until the APU weight is removed from the SUPPORT FRAME-APU , then disconnect the APU from the SUPPORT FRAME-APU . 小心的操作 HOIST-MINILIFT直到APU重量从SUPPORT FRAME-APU移走,然后从 SUPPORT FRAME-APU拆下APU  T2  RII 

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 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
NOTE: Turn the upper drum shaft of the HOIST-MINILIFT until you have removed the slack from the hoist cable, then disconnect the APU from the SUPPORT FRAME-APU . Make sure that you do not lift the SUPPORT FRAME-APU . NOTE: Do a check and make sure that the HOIST-MINILIFT is assembled and installed correctly. 注意:转动 HOIST-MINILIFT上方的鼓传动轴,直到起吊器线缆拉紧,然后从 SUPPORT FRAME-APU拆开APU.确认你,没有提起 SUPPORT FRAME-APU 注意:做一次检查并确保 HOIST-MINILIFT组装且安装正确 CAUTION: BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU ENGAGE THE TWO FORWARD MOUNT BRACKETS ON THE VIBRATION ISOLATORS. THE MACHINED FACES ON THE CONE BOLTS OF THE VIBRATION ISOLATORS MUST BE ALIGNED WITH THE SLOTS ON THE MOUNT BRACKETS. IF NOT YOU WILL CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE MATING FACES. CAUTION: DO NOT TURN THE HOIST HANDLE MORE THAN 90 DEGREES WHEN THE APU MOUNT BRACKETS ARE TIGHTLY ENGAGED ON THE VIBRATION ISOLATORS. IF YOU TURN THE HOIST HANDLE MORE THAN 90 DEGREES, YOU CAN CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE APU AND THE APU MOUNTS. CAUTION: DO NOT RELEASE THE LOAD FROM THE HOIST UNTIL THE MOUNT NUTS ARE TORQUED. IF THE MOUNT NUTS HOLD THE LOAD BEFORE THEY ARE TORQUED, YOU CANNOT APPLY THE CORRECT TORQUE VALUE. CAUTION: MAKE SURE THAT ALL PLUMBING IS FREE FROM OBSTRUCTION.告诫:当对合减震器上二个前安装支架时,应当小心。在减震器椎体螺栓的及其表面必须对准吊点支架上的槽。否则将引起配合面损伤告诫:当 APU安装支架紧紧地结合在减震器上时,不要转动起吊器手柄超过 90度,如果转动起吊器手柄超过 90度,能够引起 APU和APU吊点损坏告诫:直到安装螺帽拧紧不要从吊钩上释放载荷,如果吊点螺帽在他们拧紧前能承受载荷,则不能提供正确的扭矩值告诫:确保所有管道没有阻碍 (2) Installation of the APU on the APU mount vibration-isolators. APU在APU吊点减震器上的安装 (Ref. Fig. 404/TASK 49-11-11-991-007-B SHEET 404.1) (a) Operate the HOIST-MINILIFT and carefully lift the APU into the correct position in the APU compartment. 操作HOIST-MINILIFT并且小心的提起 APU进入到APU舱的正确位置内 (b) Carefully engage the APU mount brackets (42) and (46) on the APU vibration isolators.   在APU减震器上小心地连接 APU安装支架  T2  RII 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

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 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
(c) Remove the PROTECTOR-THREADS,APU MOUNTING BOLTS from the threads (41) of the rear APU mount bracket and the vibration isolators. 从后APU安装支架和减震器的螺纹上拆下 PROTECTOR-THREADS,APU MOUNTING BOLTS (d) Installation of the nuts (40), (47) and (48). 螺帽的安装 1 Install and turn the nuts (40), (47) and (48) a few turns on the threads (41) of the vibration isolators and aft mount bracket.安装并转动螺帽在减震器的螺纹和后吊点支架的螺纹只转几圈 2 Use a torque wrench to turn the nuts and measure the breakaway torques of the nuts (40), (47) and (48). 使用力矩扳手并转动螺帽并且测量螺帽的自锁扭矩 NOTE: If the breakaway torque of the LH (47) or RH FWD nut (48) is less than to 0.10 m.daN (8.84 lbf.in) replace the nut. If the breakaway torque of the AFT nut (40) is less than to 0.20 m.daN (17.69 lbf.in) replace the nut. 注意:如果LH或者RH螺帽的自锁力矩低于 0.10 m.daN (8.84 lbf.in)更换螺帽。如果AFT螺帽的自锁力矩低于 0.20 m.daN (17.69 lbf.in),更换螺帽 3 Turn the nuts (40), (47) and (48) until they are in contact with the APU mount brackets or vibration isolator. 转动螺帽直到他们接触 APU吊点支架或减震器 4 TORQUE the LH (47) and the RH (48) nuts to between 2.5 and 3.1 m.daN (18.43 and 22.86 lbf.ft) 拧紧左和右螺帽,力矩为 2.5 and 3.1 m.daN (18.43 and 22.86 lbf.ft) 5 TORQUE the aft nut (40) to between 7.7 and 8.5 m.daN (56.78 and 62.68 lbf.ft) 拧紧后螺帽,力矩为 7.7 and 8.5 m.daN (56.78 and 62.68 lbf.ft 6 Make marks on the nuts with Material No 07020 (PAINTS FOR DETAIL (INTERNAL AND EXTERN AL) (Material No. 07-020)) to identify the torqued position.   标识螺帽使用细节涂料来确定拧紧位置 (e) Do a visual check of the FWD LH vibration isolator, FWD RH vibration isolator and AFT vibration isolator (Ref. AMM TASK 49-12-00-210-004) .在前做减震器前右减震器和后减震器的目视检查  T2  RII 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

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 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
Subtask 49-11-11-080-053 CAUTION: MAKE SURE THAT THE THREE ATTACHMENT NUTS ARE INSTALLED AND CORRECTLY TORQUED BEFORE YOU DISCONNECT THE HOIST. IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS, YOU CAN CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE TIE RODS. 警戒:在拆开起吊器之前确保三个连接螺帽安装好并正确地拧紧,如果不这么做,能够引起连杆的损坏 D. Removal of the HOIST-MINILIFT HOIST-MINILIFT的拆卸 (1) Remove the  HOIST-MINILIFT from the APU compartment (Ref. AMM TASK 49-00-00-080-001) .   从APU舱中拆下 HOIST-MINILIFT Subtask 49-11-11-420-058-B E. Connection of the APU 连接APU (1) Connection of the Bonding Straps搭接接头的接头 (Ref. Fig. 404/TASK 49-11-11-991-007-B SHEET 404.1) (a) Remove and discard the tape which temporarily attached the bonding straps (43) to the mount brackets (46). 拆下并报废暂时将搭接接头与安装支架相连接的带 (b) Remove the temporarily installed nuts (45), washers (44) and bolts (49) from the FWD LH and FWD RH tie rods. 从FWD左右连杆上拆下临时安装的螺帽,垫圈,和螺栓 (c) Connect the bonding straps (43) with the bolts (49), the nuts (45) and washers (44) to the FWD LH and FWD RH tie rods (Ref. AMM TASK 20-28-00-912-004) . 用螺栓,螺帽和垫圈将大街 7.7 and 8.5 m.daN (56.78 and 62.68 lbf.ft (2) Connection of the Exhaust Muffler 排气消声器的接头 (Ref. Fig. 401/TASK 49-11-11-991-006 SHEET 401.1) (Ref. Fig. 401/TASK 49-11-11-991-006 SHEET 401.2) (a) Make sure that the APU exhaust and the exhaust muffler are free and clear of unwanted materials.   确保APU的排气和排气消声器没有多余的材料  T2  RII 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
(b) Push the exhaust muffler forward until the hot-nozzle assy (32) flange touches the APU exhaust flange. 向前按压排气消声器直到热喷嘴组件的法兰边接触 APU的排气法兰边 (c) Make sure that the drain outlet on the hot-nozzle assy (31) is at the 6 o'clock position.   确保热喷嘴组件上是余油出口在 6点钟位置 (d) Adjust the flange of the hot-nozzle assy radially to the APU exhaust flange. 径向调节热喷嘴组件的法兰边对齐 NOTE: Before the clamp is installed, the offset around should not be more than 0 +4 -4 mm (0.0000 +0.1574 -0.1574 in.) . 注意:在卡箍安装之前,周详偏移量不应超过 0 +4 -4 mm (0.0000 +0.1574 -0.1574 in.) . e) Install the exhaust coupling clamp (30) with the lockbolts in the 3 and 9 o'clock position安装在3点钟和 9点钟的位置中用自锁螺帽安装排气连接器卡箍 NOTE: Make sure that the exhaust coupling clamp (30) is engaged equally. WARNING: WEAR GOGGLES WHEN YOU REMOVE OR INSTALL THE LOCKWIRE. CUT, REMOVE AND DISCARD THE LOCKWIRE AS YOU DO THE TASK. LOOSE LOCKWIRE CAN CUT OR BLIND YOU. 注意:确保排气连接器卡箍均匀的连接 (f) TORQUE the lockbolts: (f) TORQUE the lockbolts \ 紧固力矩 1 of the exhaust coupling clamp (30) (P/N D49885041200) equally to between 0.81 and 0.93 m.daN (71.68 and 82.30 lbf.in) . 给件号为(P/N D49885041200)的卡箍( 30)打力矩在 71.68到82.30 lbf.in(0.81 and 0.93 m.daN )之间。 2 of the exhaust coupling clamp (30) (P/N D49885038000)equally to between 0.81 and 0.93 m.daN (71.68 and 82.30 lbf.in) . 给件号为(P/N D49885038000)的卡箍 (30)打力矩在 71.68到 82.30 lbf.in(0.81 and 0.93 m.daN )之间 3 of the exhaust coupling clamp (30) (AEROQUIP P/N 6299342) equally to between 0.31 and 0.34 m.daN (27.43 and 30.08 lbf.in) . 给件号为(AEROQUIP P/N 6299342)卡箍(30)打力矩在 27.43在30.08 lbf.in(0.31 and 0.34 m.daN)之间。  T2  RII 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
(g) Install the two halves of the insulation blanket (33) and (34) in position at the exhaust coupling clamp (30), connect the two halves with Material No 19010 (MISCELLANEOUS (Material No. 19-010))  . 将两个一半的隔热层安装在排气连接器卡箍的位置上,用 MISCELLANEOUS连接两个部分 (h) Connect the two halves of the insulation blanket (33) and (34) with Material No 19010 (MISCELLANEOUS  (Material No. 19-010)) to the studs on the hot-nozzle assy (31). 用0.8mm dia的不锈钢保险丝将两个半的隔离层连接到在热喷嘴组件的螺桩上 (3) Connection of the Exhaust-Muffler Drain Pipe 排气消声器余油管的接头 (Ref. Fig. 401/TASK 49-11-11-991-006 SHEET 401.1) (Ref. Fig. 401/TASK 49-11-11-991-006 SHEET 401.2) (a) Remove the blanking plugs from the disconnected line ends. 从脱开的管道段不拆下堵盖 (b) Connect the exhaust-muffler drain pipe (35) at the T-fitting to the APU drain system.将在T型接头上的排气消声器余油管连接到 APU排放系统上 (4) Connection of the Generator Cables 发电机线缆的接头 (Ref. Fig. 403/TASK 49-11-11-991-005 SHEET 403.1) (Ref. Fig. 403/TASK 49-11-11-991-005 SHEET 403.2) (a) Remove and discard the tie-wraps which temporarily hold the phase leads (82) to the FWD RH tie rod. 拆下并报废暂时的固定相位引线到 FWD右连杆的系留带 (b) Remove the plastic blanking caps from the ring terminals of the phase leads.从相位引线的环形接线桩上拆下塑料堵盖 (c) Remove the bolts (70), the washers (84) and the phase lead cover (71) from the terminal block of the generator. 从发电机的接线盒上拆下螺栓,垫圈和相位引线盖板    (d) Remove the temporarily installed nuts (83) from the terminal studs. 从接线桩上拆下临时安装的螺帽  T2  RII 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
CAUTION: MAKE SURE THAT THE WASHER IS INSTALLED BETWEEN THE PHASE LEADS AND THE TERMINAL NUT. IF NOT, THE TERMINAL BLOCK WILL BURN LOCALLY BECAUSE OF RESISTANCE HEATING. 警戒:确保垫圈安装在相位引线和接线柱螺帽之间,否则,接线盒将由于电阻加热局部烧损 (e) Attach the phase leads (82) with the washers (85) and the nuts (83) to the correct terminal studs on the generator (80). Connect the: -phase lead with the red label 8XS-T1 to the terminal stud T1. -phase lead with the yellow label 8XS-T2 to the terminal stud T2. -phase lead with the blue label 8XS-T3 to the terminal stud T3. -phase lead with the white label 8XS-N to the terminal stud N. 用垫圈和螺帽将相位引线连接到发电机上的正确的接线桩上。连接:带有红标签导线的 8XS-T1连接到连接到接线桩 T1 带有黄标签导线的 8XS-T2连接到连接到接线桩 T2 带有蓝标签导线的 8XS-T3连接到连接到接线桩 T3 带有白标签导线的 8XS-N连接到连接到接线桩 N NOTE: Make sure that the terminals of the generator (80) and ring terminals of the phase leads (82) are clean and not damaged. 注意:确保发电机的接线桩和相位引线的接线环清洁和没有损坏 (f) TORQUE the nuts (83) to between 2.3 and 2.5 m.daN (16.96 and 18.43 lbf.ft). 拧紧螺帽,力矩为 2.3 and 2.5 m.daN (16.96 and 18.43 lbf.ft) WARNING: USE THE CORRECT PERSONAL PROTECTION. OIL CAN HAVE ADDITIVE CALLED TRICRESYL PHOSPHATE IN IT. THIS CHEMICAL IS AN ASPHYXIANT, IT IS POISONOUS AND CAN BE ABSORBED THROUGH THE SKIN. USE CARE WHEN ENGINE OIL IS DRAINED. HOT OIL CAN POSSIBLY CAUSE BAD BURNS. 警告:要有检查人员进行保护在滑油中可能有添加的磷酸盐这个化学制品是氧化物,它是有毒的并可能经过皮肤吸附当排放发动机滑油时,应该小心。热滑油可能引起烧损  T1  XXX 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
(5) Connection of the Starter Motor 启动机马达的接头 (Ref. Fig. 403/TASK 49-11-11-991-005 SHEET 403.1) (Ref. Fig. 403/TASK 49-11-11-991-005 SHEET 403.2) (a) Remove and discard the tie-wraps which temporarily attached the starter motor cables (74) and (77) to the FWD LH tie rod. 拆下并报废暂时连接启动马达线缆到 FWD 右连杆的系留带 (b) Remove the blanking caps from ring terminals of the starter cables (74) and (77).   从启动机导线的环形接线柱上拆下堵盖 (c) Remove the nuts (72 , (76), the washers (73) and (75) which are temporarily installed on the terminal studs. 按下暂时安装在接线柱螺栓的螺帽,垫圈 (d) Install the positive starter cable (77) , the washer (75) and the nut (76) to the positive terminal stud. 安装正极启动机线缆,垫圈,螺帽到正极接线柱 NOTE: The positive starter cable is identified through the label reading 8KAPOS. 注意:启动机线缆正极通过标签 8KAPOS标识 (e) Install the negative starter cable (74) , the washer (73) and the nut (72) to the negative terminal stud. 将负极的启动机线缆,垫圈和螺帽安装到负极的接线桩上 NOTE: The negative starter cable is identified through the label reading 8KANEG. 注意:负极启动机线缆通过标签 8KANEG标识 (f) TORQUE the nut (76) of the positive starter cable to between 170 and 180 lbf.in (1.92 and 2.03 m.daN) . 拧紧正极启动机线缆的螺帽,力矩为 170 and 180 lbf.in (1.92 and 2.03 m.daN) . (g) TORQUE the nut (72) of the negative starter cable to between 105 and 115 lbf.in (1.18 and 1.29 m.daN) 拧紧负极启动机线缆的螺帽,力矩为 170 and 180 lbf.in (1.92 and 2.03 m.daN) .  T1  XXX 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
(6) Connection of the Electrical Harness 导线束的接头 (Ref. Fig. 402/TASK 49-11-11-991-008 SHEET 402.1) (a) Remove and discard the tie-wraps which temporarily attach the electrical connectors (50) P1, (51) P2 and (55) P3 to the APU. 拆下并报废临时连接电插头 P1,P2,P3到APU的系留带 (b) Remove the blanking caps from the connectors. 从接头上拆下堵盖 (c) Make sure the connectors are clean and in a correct condition. 确保插头清洁并在正常的状态中 (d) Remove the temporarily installed bolt (61) and nut (62) from the clamp (60) on the FWD RH tie rod. 从FWD RH连杆衫的卡箍上拆下临时安装的螺栓和螺帽 (e) Put the clamp (63) in position on the clamp (60), install and tighten the bolt (61) and the nut (62). 在卡箍上放置卡箍到位,安装并拧紧螺栓和螺帽 (f) Remove the temporarily installed bolt (56) and the washer (57) from the bracket (59) at the RH side of the APU compartment. 从APU舱RH侧的支架上拆下临时安装的螺栓和垫圈 (g) Make sure that the nut clip on the bracket (59) is in the correct position. 确保在支架上螺帽夹子在正确的位置上 (h) Put the clamp (58) into position, install the washer (57) and the bolt (56), tighten the bolt (56). 将卡箍就为,安装垫圈和螺栓,拧紧螺栓 (i) Install the connector (50) P1 to the correct connector on the forward firewall. 在前方的防火隔板上将插头 P1按章到正确的插座上 (j) Remove the temporarily installed bolts (54) and spacers (52) from the brackets on the APU compartment front firewall. 在前方的防火墙隔板上的支架上拆下临时安装的螺栓和垫圈 (k) Make sure that the nut clips on the brackets (on the front firewall) are in the correct position.确保在支架上螺帽夹子在正确的位置上 (l) Put the two clamps (53) in position, install the spacers (52) and bolts (54), tighten the bolts (54).将两个卡箍就为,安装垫片和螺栓,拧紧螺栓 (m) Install the connectors (51) P2 and (55) P3 to the correct connectors on the forward firewall. 在前方的防火隔板上将插头 P2和P3安装到正确的插座上  T1  XXX 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
NOTE: On APU Harness P/N 4500062 K: If necessary, to make the length of harness cables P1 and P3 shorter, make a loop and add them to the attachment clamp on the AC-generator. Attach the harness cable P2 with a tie-wrap to the loop, to give more stiffness. 注意:在APU导线束 P/N4500062 K:上要拆卸在线缆 P1和P3上太长的长度时,做环路并将他们增加到交流电发电机上的连接卡箍。用连接带紧固线缆 P2到环路,提供更多的刚度 (7) Deactivation of the Oil Heater System: 失效滑油加热系统 NOTE: It is recommended to deactivate the Oil Heater System (Ref. AMM TASK 49-96-00-040-003) . WARNING: OBEY THE FUEL SAFETY PROCEDURES. 注意:建议失效滑油加热系统警告:遵守燃油安全预防措施 (8) Connection of the APU Fuel Line to the APU Fuel Control Unit 将APU的燃油管道连接到 APU燃油控制组件的接头 (Ref. Fig. 401/TASK 49-11-11-991-006 SHEET 401.1) (Ref. Fig. 401/TASK 49-11-11-991-006 SHEET 401.2) (a) Put the container in position below the fuel and control unit.将容器在燃油和控制装置下面放置就位 (b) Remove the main fuel inlet-pipe from the stowage bracket attached to the front firewall of the APU compartment. 将从贮藏支架连接到 APU舱的前防火隔板上的主燃油进口管道拆掉 (c) Remove the plastic blanking plugs from the disconnected line ends. 从断开的管段拆下朔料堵盖 CAUTION: YOU MUST USE TWO WRENCHES AND HOLD THE COMPONENT WHEN YOU REMOVE/INSTALL THE PIPE COUPLINGS AND/OR UNIONS. THIS PREVENTS DAMAGE TO THE COMPONENT.警戒:当你拆下安装管道联轴器和连接头时候必须使用二个扳手和保持部件。防止部件的损坏 (d) Connection of the main fuel inlet pipe主燃油进口管道的连接 1 Apply Material No 06001A (LUBRICANTS (Material No. 06-001A)) to the connector internal threads and connect the main fuel inlet pipe (20) to the vent and drain valve (21). 将润滑剂涂到插头内螺纹上并将主要的燃油进口管道连接到通气和余油活门上 WARNING: WEAR GOGGLES WHEN YOU REMOVE OR INSTALL THE LOCKWIRE. CUT, REMOVE AND DISCARD THE LOCKWIRE AS YOU DO THE TASK. LOOSE LOCKWIRE CAN CUT OR BLIND YOU.  T1  XXX 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001
警告:安装,剪断或者拆卸险丝时候佩戴护目镜,以避免保险丝伤害到你,甚至可以危及到你的眼睛 2 TORQUE the nut of the main fuel inlet pipe (20) to between 4.85 and 5.31 m.daN (35.76 and 39.15 lbf.ft) . 拧紧住燃油进口管道的螺帽,力矩为 4.85 and 5.31 m.daN (35.76 and 39.15 lbf.ft) . 3 Safety the nut with Material No 19010 (MISCELLANEOUS (Material No. 19-010))  . 用材料号19010的保险丝保险螺帽 4 Make marks on the nut of the main fuel inlet pipe (20) with Material No 07020 (PAINTS FOR DETAIL (INTERNAL AND EXTERN AL) (Material No. 07-020)) to identify the torqued position. 主燃油进口管道的标识螺帽用 PAINTS FOR DETAIL来确定拧紧位置 (9) Installation of the the oil cooler outlet-duct 滑油冷却器出口管道的安装 (a) Remove the blanking covers from the oil cooler outlet and oil cooler duct. 从滑油冷却器出口和滑油冷却器管道上拆下堵盖 (b) Install the oil cooler outlet-duct (Ref. AMM TASK 49-52-41-400-002) . 安装滑油散热器出口管道 (10) Connection of the Bleed-Air Duct Elbow 引气导管弯头连接 (Ref. Fig. 401/TASK 49-11-11-991-006 SHEET 401.1) (Ref. Fig. 401/TASK 49-11-11-991-006 SHEET 401.2) (a) Remove the blanking covers from the openings of the bleed-air duct elbow (3), and the bleed air duct of the APU (1). 从引气导管弯头的开口和 APU引气管上拆下堵盖 (b) Clean the component interface and/or the adjacent area. 清洁部件接合面或临近区域 (c) Do an inspection of the component interface and/or the adjacent area. 做部件接合面或临近区域的检查 (d) Make sure that mounting flanges of the bleed-air duct elbow (3) is positioned, without forces in the X, Y and Z direction, 0 +2 -2 mm (0.0000 +0.0787 -0.0787 in.) to the APU interface. 在不在X,Y和Z方向上世家压力的情况下,确保引气导管弯管的安装法兰盘在 0 +2 -2 mm (0.0000 +0.0787 -0.0787 in.)到APU的接合面的位置。  T1  XXX 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
NOTE: If necessary adjust the position with the rods.注意:如果有必要调节杆的位置 (e) Put the clamp (2) over the mounting flanges of the bleed-air duct elbow (3) and APU bleed-air duct (1). 将卡箍放置在引气导管弯头的安装法兰边和 APU引气导管上 (f) TORQUE the clamp (2) to between 0.4 and 0.5 m.daN (35.39 and 44.24 lbf.in) . 拧紧卡箍,力矩为 0.4 and 0.5 m.daN (35.39 and 44.24 lbf.in) .  T1  XXX 
** ON A/C 033-099, 251-299, 401-499 Subtask 49-11-11-865-067 F. Remove the safety clip(s) and the tag(s) and close this(these) circuit breaker(s): 拆下保险夹和标签并闭合这些跳开关 . 1KD 2KD 1QC 2QC 3QC 1QF 2QF 1WF 2WF 3WF 4WF 30WF  T1  XXX 
Subtask 49-11-11-740-053-A G. BITE test and update of the ECB ECB的BITE测试和校正 (1) Do the self test of the ECB (Ref. AMM TASK 49-00-00-710-005) . 做ECB的自检 (2) Update the APU hours and cycles in the DMU. 更新APU小时数在 DMU中的循环 (a) Use the MCDU to do the update of the APU hours and cycles (Ref. AMM TASK 31-36-00-740-004) .使用MCDU以做APU小时数和循环的更新 (3) Bleeding of the APU Fuel Line APU的燃油管道的排放 (a) Bleed the APU fuel line (Ref. AMM TASK 28-22-00-710-001) . APU燃油管道排放  T2  XXX 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
Subtask 49-11-11-410-066 H. Installation and locking of the APU access doors APU接近包皮的安装 (1) If removed install the APU access doors 315AL 316AR (Ref. AMM TASK 52-41-21-400-001) and  (Ref. AMM TASK 52-41-22-400-001) . 如果接近包皮拆下 315AL 316AR,那么重新安装接近包皮  T1  XXX 
Subtask 49-11-11-710-055 CAUTION: DO NOT START THE APU WITH ACCESS DOORS 315AL AND 316AR OPEN/REMOVED. THE APU FIRE EXTINGUISHER SYSTEM IS NOT SUFFICIENT TO EXTINGUISH A FIRE IF THE ACCESS DOORS 315AL AND 316AR ARE OPEN/REMOVED. CAUTION: OBEY THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. CAUTION: MAKE SURE THAT THE FUEL-FEED SYSTEM DOES NOT HAVE ANY LEAKS. LEAKS IN THE FUEL-FEED SYSTEM CAN CAUSE A FIRE. CAUTION: MAKE SURE THAT THE APU OIL RESERVOIR IS FILLED BEFORE YOU START THE APU. IF YOU OPERATE THE APU WITHOUT OIL, DAMAGE WILL OCCUR.警戒: APU包皮拆下或者打开状态下不要启动 APU APU包皮拆下或者打开状态下, APU灭火系是不足够扑灭 A类火的警戒:遵守安全预防措施警戒:确保燃油系统无渗漏,燃油系统的的渗漏能引起火灾警戒:启动APU前确保滑油箱是加满滑油的,如果无滑油状态下操作 APU会造成 APU损坏 J. Operational Test操作测试 (1) Do the Operational test of the APU (Ref. AMM TASK 49-00-00-710-008) and the Air Leak test with APU doors closed (Ref. AMM TASK 49-00-00-790-005) . 做APU操作测试, APU关闭并做空气渗漏测试 NOTE: Do the ground air-preconditioning with the APU for a minimum of 10 minutes during the first run of an APU after its installation. If you smell fumes in the cockpit and/or passenger compartment, remove the contamination from the air conditioning system  (Ref. AMM TASK 21-00-00-615-001) , (Ref. AMM TASK 21-00-00-615-002) and (Ref. AMM TASK 21-00-00-100-001) .   注意:在APU的安装之后第一次运行期间,用 APU做地面空气预处理至少 10分钟。如果在驾驶舱和客舱中闻到烟气,从空调系统上出去污染  T2  XXX 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
Subtask 49-11-11-865-069 K. Open, safety and tag this(these) circuit breaker(s): 断开,保险并标识以下跳开关 PANEL DESIGNATION IDENT. LOCATION 121VU  APU/APU/CTL 2KD  L42 121VU  APU/ECB/SPLY 1KD L41  T1  XXX 
Subtask 49-11-11-210-063 WARNING: DO NOT TOUCH THE APU UNTIL IT IS SUFFICIENTLY COOL TO PREVENT BURNS WHEN YOU DO THE MAINTENANCE TASK(S). 警告: APU在没有充分冷却的情况下不要触摸 ,否则会引起烧伤 L. Inspection of the APU after shutdown APU关车后的检查 (1) Open the access doors 315AL, 316AR (Ref. AMM TASK 52-41-00-010-001) . 打开接近包皮 (2) Carefully examine the APU, the vent and drain valve connections and the drain lines for fuel and/or oil leakage (Ref. AMM TASK 49-00-00-790-002) . 仔细检查APU,通气余油活门连接处以及余油管路有无燃滑油渗漏 NOTE: Leaks are not permitted. 注意:不允许渗漏 (3) Do a check of the magnetic drain plug for unwanted metal (Ref. AMM TASK 49-91-42-200-003) .   检查磁性余油堵头有无杂物 (4) Do a check of the APU oil level on the oil sight glass. If necessary add oil until the oil level reaches the full mark. (Ref. AMM TASK 49-90-00-600-004) . 从观察窗中查看 APU滑油量,如必要添加滑油到满位  T2  XXX 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
5. Close-up   Subtask 49-11-11-410-061 A. Close Access关闭接近 WARNING: USE SOLVENTS/CLEANING AGENTS, SEALANTS AND OTHER SPECIAL MATERIALS ONLY WITH A GOOD SUPPLY OF AIR. OBEY THE MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS. PUT ON PROTECTIVE CLOTHING. DO NOT GET THEM IN YOUR MOUTH. DO NOT SMOKE. DO NOT BREATHE THE GAS. THESE MATERIALS ARE POISONOUS, FLAMMABLE AND SKIN IRRITANT. GET MEDICAL HELP IF YOUR SKIN OR EYES BECOME IRRITATED. 警告:用溶剂,清洁剂,密封剂以及其他材料时要充分通风遵守制造厂家的说明穿戴防护服不要溅洒在口中禁止吸烟不要呼吸该空气这些材料是有毒的,已然的和对皮肤有刺激的如果你的皮肤或者眼睛感受到刺激时,要得到医疗帮助 (1) Apply a thin layer of Material No 15005 (STORAGE PRESERVATION (Material No. 15-005)) to the subsequent areas and components: 将一薄层STORAGE PRESERVATION涂在随后的区域和零部件上 (a) The brackets and the tie-rod ends on the top firewall of the APU compartment. 支架和连杆端部在 APU隔舱的顶部防火隔板上 (b) The APU mount brackets and the vibration isolators. APU吊点支架和减震器 (c) Tie rods and brackets of the APU bleed-air duct. APU引气管道的连杆和支架 (d) The bolts of the V-clamps attaching the bleed air duct to the APU. V型卡箍的螺栓将放气管连接到 APU上 (e) The brackets of the fire sensing elements. 火警传感器元件的支架 (f) The door hinges of the LH and RH APU access doors. LH和RH APU检查口盖的舱门铰链  T1  XXX 

特殊工作单  中国国际航空工程技术分公司

A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
(2) Make sure that the work area is clean and clear of tool(s) and other items. 确保工作区域清洁无杂物 (3) Set the light switch 11LJ to the off position. 设置灯电门 11LJ到关位 (4) Close the APU access doors 315AL and 316AR (Ref. AMM TASK 52-41-00-410-001) .   关闭APU检查口盖 315AL and 316AR (5) Remove the access platform(s). 移去工作平台  T1  XXX 
Subtask 49-11-11-865-070 B. Remove the safety clip(s) and the tag(s) and close this(these) circuit breaker(s): 拆下保险夹和标签并闭合这些跳开关 1KD, 2KD.  T1  XXX 
Subtask 49-11-11-860-058 C. Put the aircraft back to its initial configuration. 飞机恢复到初始构型 (1) De-energize the ground service network (Ref. AMM TASK 24-41-00-862-002) . 地面勤务电网断电 (2) Remove the warning notice(s). 取下警告牌 (3) Remove the ground support and maintenance equipment, the special and standard tools and all other items. 撤下地面支援和维护设备,专用和标准工具以及全部其他的项目  T1  XXX 


A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
\ Figure 49-11-11-991-006 / SHEET 401.1/2 - Disconnection Points of the Blead-Air Duct, Fuel Line and Exhaust Muffler ** ON A/C 001-100, 206-250 


A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
Figure 49-11-11-991-006 / SHEET 401.2/2 - Disconnection Points of the Blead-Air Duct, Fuel Line and Exhaust Muffler ** ON A/C 001-100, 206-250 


A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
Figure 49-11-11-991-008 / SHEET 402.1/1 - Electrical Connections and Attachment Points of the Harness  ** ON A/C 001-100, 206-250 


A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
Figure 49-11-11-991-005 / SHEET 403.1/2 - Electrical Connections to the Starter Motor and Generator ** ON A/C 001-100, 206-250 


A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
Figure 49-11-11-991-005 / SHEET 403.2/2 - Electrical Connections to the Starter Motor and Generator ** ON A/C 001-100, 206-250 


A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
Figure 49-11-11-991-007 / SHEET 404.1/1 - APU Mounts and Tie Rods ** ON A/C 001-100, 206-250 


A/C REG 机号  REV.DATE修正日期  Replace the APU 更换 APU  CARD NO 卡号:
 2010-12-28  491111-SJC-001 
***END OF CARD*** 

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