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压力容器术语 基本术语 [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-8-22 16:36:32 |只看该作者

GB/T ××××.1—200X  压力容器术语 基本术语

1 编制依据
2  GB/T ××××—200×  《压力容器术语》 拟包括如下8个部分:
GB/T ×××ו1—200×  压力容器术语  基本术语
GB/T ×××ו2—200×  压力容器术语  技术、质量管理
GB/T ×××ו3—200×  压力容器术语  压力容器结构
GB/T ×××ו4—200×  压力容器术语  材料
GB/T ×××ו5—200×  压力容器术语  设计
GB/T ×××ו6—200×  压力容器术语  制造
GB/T ×××ו7—200×  压力容器术语  涂覆、运输包装
GB/T ×××ו8—200×  压力容器术语  安全附件
3  GB/T ××××.1—2008  压力容器术语 基本术语

序号 主词条 派生词条 英文
2.1 一般术语 
2.1.1 压力  pressure
  标准大气压 standard atmosphere pressure, atm
  工程大气压 technical atmosphere pressure, at
  环境大气压力 ambient atmosphere pressure
  绝对压力 absolute pressure
  表压力 gauge pressure
  全真空 full vacuum
  真空度 degree of vacuum
2.1.2 温度  temperature
  环境温度 ambient temperature
  月平均最低气温 mean monthly minimum temperature
  极端温度 extreme temperature
2.1.3 介质、物料  contents, fluids
  流体 fluids
2.2 基本术语 
2.2.1 压力容器  pressure vessel
  内压容器 vessel under internal pressure
  外压容器 vessel under external pressure
  真空容器 vacuum vessel
2.2.2 常压容器  atmospheric vessel
2.2.3 固定式压力容器  stationary pressure vessel
2.2.4 移动式压力容器  transportable pressure vessel
2.2.5 腔室  chamber
2.2.6 元件  part, component
  受压元件 pressure part
  非受压元件 non-pressure part
2.2.7 建造  construction
2.3 参数 
2.3.1 容积  volume
2.3.2 工作压力  operating pressure
2.3.3 工作温度  operating temperature
  金属温度 metal temperature
2.3.4 设计压力  design pressure
2.3.5 设计温度  design temperature
2.3.6 试验压力  test pressure
2.3.7 试验温度  test temperature
2.3.8 最大允许工作压力  maximum allowable working pressure  (MAWP)
2.3.9 最低设计金属温度  minimum design metal temperature  (MDMT)
4  词条选择的考虑
本部分标准给出的“基本词汇”是针对我国压力容器的标准实践,并参考了欧盟标准关于“基本术语”(basic terminology)的选取:
EN 764-1:2004, Pressure equipment- Part 1:
Terminology- Pressure, temperature, volume, nominal size
承压设备 名词术语和符号 压力、温度、容积
(1)范围  欧盟标准的这一部分定义了用于压力设备的基本术语和符号……

1 chamber
2 component
3 pressure
4 absolute pressure
5 differential pressure
6 operating pressure
7 operating temperature
8 maximum allowable pressure
9 Maximum / minimum allowable temperature
10 design pressure
11 design temperature
12 calculation pressure
13 calculation temperature
14 test pressure
15 test temperature
16 accumulation
17 volume
18 nominal size
5  本“征求意见稿”的编写体例
这种加注的方式是参考了 GB/T 19000—2000 《质量管理体系 基础和术语》标准的类似做法。
6  本标准的编制说明

2.1.1  压力
(1)《中国大百科全书  力学》
(2)词条“注”中的内容引自《压力容器设计工程师培训教程》2005,第4.6.1 节 基本概念
(3)在国外文献中,“标准大气压”亦有称 normal atmosphere pressure
    “工程大气压”亦有称engineering (或metric) atmosphere pressure
(4)“真空度”等同采用GB/T 3163—1993 《真空技术术语》的相应词条:
   §3.11  真空度(degree of vacuum)

2.1.2  温度
(1)中国大百科全书  机械工程(Ⅱ),1987
P660,温度  temperature  表示物体的冷热程度。
P658,温标  temperature scale  温度的数值表示法。
(2) 中华人民共和国电子行业标准电子电源术语及定义(SJ/T 1670—2001)
2.33 环境温度 ambient temperature 电源所处的媒质温度,通常为电源周围的空气温度。
(4)GB 50155—1992 《采暖通风与空气调节术语标准》
第2.3.8条 月平均最低温度mean monthly minimum temperature
第2.3.9条 极端最高温度extreme maximum temperature
第2.3.10条 极端最低温度extreme minimum temperature
(5)HG 20580—1998《钢制化工容器设计基础规定》第3.2.6节“极端气温”。
(6)极端温度  百度百科
极端温度Extreme Temperature

2.1.3  物料
在国外标准和技术文件中,则为 “contents” 或 “fluids” 或 “substances”。
(1)Dennis R. Moss, Pressure Vessel Design Manual,3rd Edition
appendix b design data sheet for vessels
“Contents” Often contents Something contained, as in a receptacle:
(2)“Vessel Specification” of  a Chemicals Limited (某一工程公司)
   “Vessel Contents”
    第八十八条  ……是指盛装气体或者液体,承载一定压力的密闭设备。
(4)欧盟 PED  Article 1
2.1“pressure equipment” means vessels, piping, …… and pressure accessories.
2.1.1“vessel” means a housing designed and built to contain fluids under pressure……
2.7 “fluids” means gases, liquids, and vapors in pure phase as well as mixtures thereof. A fluid may contain a suspension of solids.
(5)ISO/DIS 16528  Part 1
2.2  pressure vessel
A housing designed and built to contain gases or liquids under pressure.
(6)ASME Ⅷ-1
(a) When vessels are to contain lethal substances, either liquid or gaseous, all butt welded joints shall be fully radiographed,……

2.2.1 压力容器
第八十八条  ……是指盛装气体或者液体,承载一定压力的密闭设备。
(2)ASME Ⅷ-1, U-1(a)(2)
Pressure vessels are containers for the containment of pressure, either internal or external.
(3)欧盟 PED  Article 1
2.1  “pressure equipment” means vessels, piping, safety accessories, ……
2.1.1  “vessel” means a housing designed and built to contain fluids under pressure……
2.7  “fluids” means gases, liquids, and vapors in pure phase as well as mixtures thereof. A fluid may contain a suspension of solids.
(4)ISO/DIS 16528  Part 1
2.2  pressure vessel
A housing designed and built to contain gases or liquids under pressure.
(5)GB/T ××××钢制压力容器名词术语(2002年送审稿)

2.2.2 常压容器
(1)Dennis R. Moss, Pressure Vessel Design Manual, 3rd Edition
Classification of Vessels
Pressure: Internal. external. atmospheric
(2)在我国压力容器标准体系中,设计压力在-0.02~0.1 MPa(G)之间的压力容器称为“常压容器”。[ vessel for design pressure between -0.02~0.1 MPa(G) ]
(3)GB/T ××××《钢制压力容器名词术语》(2002年送审稿)    
3.2常压容器 atmospheric vessel  
凡承受介质静压力(表压力,不包括介质液柱静压力)等于零或与大气连通的容器统称为常压容器。其中JB/T 4735—1997对圆筒形容器所管辖的设计压力范围为0MPa~<0.1MPa,真空度低于0.02MPa。

2.2.3  固定式压力容器
(2)ASME Ⅷ-1 2004,  App. 3-2
stationary pressure vessel: a pressure vessel to be installed and operated as a fixed geographical location.
GB/T ××××《钢制压力容器名词术语》(2002年送审稿)
3.46 固定式压力容器 stationary pressure vessel

2.2.4  移动式压力容器
(1)《压力容器安全技术监察规程》 第6条
(2)ASME XII   Rules for Construction and Continued Service of Transport Tanks
TG-100.1 Intent
The riles of this Section constitute requirements for construction and continued service of pressure vessels for the transportation of dangerous goods via highway, rail, air, or water.
(3)EN 13445-1  §1.2
1.2 Exclusions
This European Standard is not applicable to pressure equipment of the following types:
a) transportable pressure equipment;
(4)《移动式压力容器安全技术监察规程》征求意见稿 移动式压力容器的术语与定义
移动式压力容器 transportable pressure vessel

2.2.5  腔室
(1) EN 13445-3:2002 (E) Design
§3.6  chamber:  single fluid space within a unit of pressure equipment
(2)EN 764-1:2004, Pressure equipment- Part 1:
Terminology-Pressure, temperature, volume, nominal size
承压设备 名词术语和符号 压力、温度、容积
§3.1  chamber:  fluid space within a unit of pressure equipment
NOTE:  The chambers are not intended to communicate between each other.
第一章 注2:……多腔压力容器(如换热器的管程和壳程、余热锅炉的汽包和换热室、夹套容器等)按照类虽高的压力腔作为该容器的类别并按该类别进行使用管理。但应按照每个压力腔进行类别划定时,设计压力取本压力,容积取本压力腔的几何容积。
(4)97/23/EC  Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)

2.2.6  元件 
(1)EN 764-1:2004, Pressure equipment- Part 1:
Terminology- Pressure, temperature, volume, nominal size
承压设备 名词术语和符号 压力、温度、容积
§3.2 component part of pressure equipment which can be considered as an individual item for the calculation
(2)EN 13445-3:2002 (E) Design
§3.6 component:定义同(1)。
1.1.1  受压元件(pressure part)
1.1.2  非受压元件(non-pressure part)
(4)ASME VIII-1, 2007
UG-5  Plate used in the construction of pressure parts of pressure vessels shall conform to one of the specifications in Section II for the 。。。
UG-54 (b) Material for nonpressure parts, such as skirts, supports, baffles, lugs, clips, and extended heat transfer surfaces, need not conform to the specifications for the 。。。

2.2.7 建造
(1) ISO/DIS 16528 Part 1 Boilers and Pressure Vessels- Part 1: Performance requirement
§2.5  construction
processes which include design, material specification, manufacture, inspection, examination, testing and conformity assessment of boilers and pressure vessels
(2)ASME VIII-1, 2007, Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
U-1 (a)(3) This Division contains mandatory requirements, specific prohibitions, and nonmandatory guidance for pressure vessel materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing, certification, and pressure relief.

2.3.1  容积
(1)《固定式压力容器安全技术监察规程》 (送审稿)
第一章 注2:容积是指压力容器的几何容积,即由设计图样标注的尺寸计算(不考虑制造公差)并且圆整。应当扣除永久连接在容器内部的内件的体积。
(2)欧盟 PED  Article 1
2.5“volume (V)” means the internal volume of a chamber, including the volume of nozzles to the first connection or weld and excluding the volume of permanent internal parts.
(3)EN 764-1:2004, Pressure equipment- Part 1:
Terminology- Pressure, temperature, volume, nominal size
承压设备 名词术语和符号 压力、温度、容积
3.17 volume V, v
internal volume of a chamber, including the volume of nozzles to the first connection (flange, coupling, weld) and excluding the volume of internal permanent parts (e.g. baffles, agitators)

2.3.2 工作压力
(1)本词条等同采用了 GB 150《钢制压力容器》给出的定义。
(2)ASME VIII-1, 2007, App.3
operating pressure: the pressure at the top of a vessel al which it normally operates. It shall not exceed the maximum allowable working pressure, and it is usually kept at a suitable level below the setting of the pressure relieving devices to prevent their frequent opening (see M-9).
(3)“正常工作条件” 见 ASME  VIII-1, 2007, App.3
normal operation: operation within the design limits for which the vessel has been stamped. [Sea UG-1l6(a).] Any coincident pressure and temperature during a specific operation are permissible, provided they do not constitute a more severe condition than that assumed in the design of the vessel.
(4)EN 764-1:2004, Pressure equipment- Part 1:
Terminology-Pressure, temperature, volume, nominal size
承压设备 名词术语和符号 压力、温度、容积
§3.6  operating pressure PO, po
fluid pressure occurring during specified operating conditions 

2.3.3 工作温度
(1)本词条“工作温度”以压力容器行业中现行的技术含义确定的,同时欧盟标准EN 764-1:2004也是这样定义的。见下面(2)。
在ASME VIII-1中,定义“工作温度”是元件金属所保持的温度,见下面(4)。实际上,相当于GB 150《钢制压力容器》中所说的元件金属温度。
(2)EN 764-1:2004, Pressure equipment- Part 1:
Terminology-Pressure, temperature, volume, nominal size
承压设备 名词术语和符号 压力、温度、容积
§3.7operating temperature TO, to
Fluid temperature occurring during specified operating conditions
(3)“元件的金属温度”引自GB 150《钢制压力容器》,又见:
ASME VIII-1, 2007, UG-20 design temperature ,
the maximum temperature used in design shall be not less than the mean metal temperature (through the thickness).
(4)ASME VIII-1, 2007, App.3
operating or working temperature: the temperature that will be maintained in the metal of the part of the vessel being considered for the specified operation of the vessel (see UG-20 and UG-23).

2.3.4 设计压力
(1)本词条等同采用了GB 150《钢制压力容器》给出的定义。与欧盟EN压力容器标准和美国ASME压力容器标准所给出的定义类似。
(2)ASME VIII-1, 2007, App.3
design pressure: the pressure used in the design of a vessel component together with the coincident design metal temperature, for the purpose of determining the minimum permissible thickness or physical characteristics of the different zones of the vessel. When applicable, static head shall be added to the design pressure to determine the thickness of any specific zone of the vessel.
(3)EN 764-1:2004, Pressure equipment- Part 1:
Terminology- Pressure, temperature, volume, nominal size
承压设备 名词术语和符号 压力、温度、容积
§3.10  design pressure PD, pd
pressure at the top of each chamber of the pressure equipment chosen for the derivation of the calculation pressure of each component

2.3.5  设计温度
(1)本词条等同采用了 GB 150《钢制压力容器》给出的定义。与欧盟EN压力容器标准和美国ASME压力容器标准所给出的定义类似。
(2)UG-20 design temperature, ASME VIII-1, 2007, 
(a)Maximum. Except as required in UW-2(d)(3), the maximum temperature used in design shall be not less than the mean metal temperature (through the thickness) expected under operating conditions for the part considered (see 3-2). if necessary, the metal temperature shall be determined by computation or by measurement from equipment in service under equivalent operating conditions.
 (b)Minimum. The minimum metal temperature used in design shall be the lowest expected in service except when lower temperatures are permitted by the rules of this Division (see UCS-66, TICS-160, and footnote 37, UG116). The minimum mean metal temperature shall be determined by the principles described in (a) above. ……
(3)EN 764-1:2004, Pressure equipment- Part 1:
Terminology-Pressure, temperature, volume, nominal size
承压设备 名词术语和符号 压力、温度、容积
§3.11 design temperature TD, td
temperature chosen for the derivation of the calculation temperature of each component

2.3.6  试验压力
(1)本词条等同采用了GB 150《钢制压力容器》给出的定义。
(2)ASME VIII-1, 2007,
UG-99(b) ...... vessels designed for internal pressure shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test pressure which at every point in the vessel is at least equal to 1.3 times MAWP ......
(3)EN 764-1:2004, Pressure equipment- Part 1:
Terminology-Pressure, temperature, volume, nominal size
承压设备 名词术语和符号 压力、温度、容积
§3.14  test pressure PT, pt
pressure to which the equipment is subjected for test purposes

2.3.7  试验温度
(1)本词条等同采用了 GB 150《钢制压力容器》给出的定义。
(2)ASME  VIII-1, 2007,
UG-99(h) ...... It is recommended that the metal temperature during hydrostatic test be maintained at least 30°F (17°C) above the minimum design metal temperature, but need not exceed 120°F (48°C), to minimize the risk of brittle fracture. The test pressure shall not be applied until the vessel and its contents are at about the same temperature.
(3)EN 764-1:2004, Pressure equipment- Part 1:
Terminology- Pressure, temperature, volume, nominal size
承压设备 名词术语和符号 压力、温度、容积
§3.15  test temperature TT, tt
temperature at which the pressure test of the pressure equipment is carried cut

2.3.8 最大允许工作压力
(1)本词条参考了 GB 150《钢制压力容器》和ASME VIII-1给出的(MAWP)定义。
GB 150—1998《钢制压力容器》第 B2.1条 “最大允许工作压力  系指在设计温度下,……”仅局限于对应设计温度。在本词条中作了修改。
(2)ASME VIII-1, 2007, App.3 (同时见 UG-98)
maximum allowable working pressure.
the maximum gage pressure permissible at the top of a completed vessel in its normal operating position at the designated coincident temperature for that pressure:(译文:与该压力相应的标明温度下,在正常操作位置时,成品容器顶部允许承受的最大表压力。)
This pressure is the least of the values for the internal or external pressure to be determined by the rules of this Division for any of the pressure boundary parts, including the static head thereon, using nominal thicknesses exclusive of allowances for corrosion and considering the effects of any combination of loadings listed in UG-22 that are likely to occur (see UG-98) at the designated coincident temperature [see UG-20(a)]. It is the basis for the pressure setting of the pressure relieving devices protecting the vessel. The design pressure may be used in all cases in which calculations are not made to determine the value of the maximum allowable working pressure.
Note 34:  The maximum allowable working pressure may be assumed to be the same as the design pressure when calculations are not made to determine the maximum allowable working pressure.
(3)ASME VIII-1, 2007
UG-98(c) Maximum allowable working pressure may be determined for more than one designated operating temperature, using for each temperature the applicable allowable stress value. (译文:对于一个以上的指定工作温度,可用各相应温度下的许用应力来确定最大允许工作压力(MAWP)。
(4)欧盟标准中的“最大允许压力”(Pmax)相当于ASME VIII中的“最大允许工作压力”:
  Maximum permissible pressure for normal operating load cases
  Pressure obtained with the analysis thickness ea at the calculation temperature for a given component, using the relevant design formulae or procedures
  Maximum permissible pressure for testing load cases
  Pressure obtained with the minimum possible fabrication thickness emin at the temperature for a given component, using the relevant design formulae or procedures and z=1
[译注] ① analysis thickness ea 即是 GB 150中的有效厚度。
           ② minimum possible fabrication thickness emin  即是GB 150中的(有效厚度+腐蚀裕量)
            ③ z是焊接接头系数

2.3.9  最低设计金属温度
(1)本词条参考了GB/T ××××—×××× 《钢制压力容器名词术语》(送审稿)中
6.1.7最低设计金属温度 minimum design metal temperature
ASME VIII-1的定义为:在设计中预期的元件金属平均温度的最低值。
同时参考了ASME VIII-1的定义,见(2)。
(2)UG-20 design temperature, ASME VIII-1, 2007 
(b)Consideration shall include the lowest operating temperature, operational upsets, autorefrigeration, atmospheric temperature, and any other sources of cooling [except as permitted in (f)(3) below for vessels meeting the requirements of (f) below].
The MDMT marked on the nameplate shall correspond to a coincident pressure equal to the MAWP. When there are multiple MAWP's, the largest value shall be used to establish the MDMT marked on the nameplate. Additional MDMT's corresponding with other MAWP's may also be marked on the nameplate (see footnote 37).
(3)EN 764-1:2004, Pressure equipment- Part 1:
Terminology- Pressure, temperature, volume, nominal size
承压设备 名词术语和符号 压力、温度、容积
§3.9 maximum/minimum allowable temperature TS, ts
maximum/minimum temperatures for which the equipment is designed, as specified by the manufacturer.
(4)Dennis R. Moss , Pressure Vessel Design Manual, 3-rd edition, 2004
Procedure 2-17
Not only does every pressure vessel have its owe unique MDMT, but every component of that pressure vessel has an MDMT. The vessel MDMT is the highest temperature of all the component MDMT’s. …….
7  关于标准的词条索引
8  参考文献
(1)中国大百科全书  力学,1985
(2)GB 150-1999 钢制压力容器
(3)压力容器安全技术监察规程, 1999; 修定版稿
(4)TSG R 0003-2007 简单压力容器安全技术监察规程
(5)GB/T 19000-2000 质量管理体系 基础和术语
(6)GB/T 3163-1993 真空技术术语
(7)GB/T ××××钢制压力容器名词术语(2002年送审稿)
(8)EN 764-1:2004, Pressure equipment- Part 1:Terminology- Pressure, temperature, volume, nominal size
承压设备 名词术语和符号 压力、温度、容积
(9)97/23/EC  Pressure Equipment Directive (PED),1997
(10)ASME Section Ⅷ Pressure Vessels,2007
(11)EN 13445  Unfired Pressure Vessels,2002
(12)PD 5500   Unfired Fusion Welded Pressure Vessels,2003
(13)ISO/DIS 16528   Boilers and Pressure Vessels,2004
(14)JIS B 0190-1986   Glossary of Terms Used in Construction of Pressure Vessels
(16)郑津洋 等译, 欧盟承压设备实用指南,化学工业出版社,2005
原文:Simon Earland, Guide to European Pressure Equipment
(17)陈允中 译, 压力容器设计手册,中国石化出版社,2006
原文:Dennis R. Moss, Pressure Vessel Design Manual,(3- rd Edition)



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