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SATA International Virtual Flight Techniques Manual 飞行技术手册 [复制链接]

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-8-22 17:28:47 |只看该作者
February 2004

SATA International Virtual
Flight Techniques Manual
AIRBUS A320-200

Introduction 4 Characteristics 5 Limits 6 Operation Limits 6 Speed Limits 6 Landing Speed Definitions 7 Turbulence Penetration 7 Max Flaps / Slats (VFE) 8 Operating Speeds 8 Stall Speeds 8 Fuel 9 Landing Fuel 9 Fuel Temperature 10 Operating Fuel Values 10 Example of Fuel Planning 11 Landing Gear 12 Flaps/Slats 12 Autopilot 12 Autoland 11 Avionics 12 Powerplant 13 Five Thrust Lever Detents 13 Normal Start Sequence 13 Manual Start Sequence 14 Airbus Flight Control Laws 14 Abbreviations & Acronyms 17 Links 21 Final Comments 22
Launched in 1984, the A320 entered airline service in April 1988 and rapidly established itself as the industry standard for passenger comfort and economy on short and medium-haul routes. Typically seating 150 passengers in two classes with a range of up to 5,700km/3,050nm, the A320 is in widespread service on six continents.
Designed to optimise revenue through passenger comfort and cabin adaptability as well as ensure savings in every element of direct operating cost, the A318, A319, A320 and A321 make up the world's most profitable single-aisle aircraft family. They provide operators with the highest degree of commonality and economy for aircraft in the 100-220 seat category.
The Airbus A320 cabin is the widest of any single-aisle aircraft, allowing SATA International to install wider seats for greater passenger comfort without compromising capacity. The single-aisle arrangement of the Airbus A320 allows for a flexible six-abreast configuration in Economy Class.
The twin-engine A319, A320 and A321 can be powered by either CFM International CFM56 or International Aero Engines V2500 engines, while the A318 is offered with CFM56 engines or Pratt & Whitney PW6000 engines.
The Airbus A320 is the world's first commercial airliner to incorporate a fly by wire (FBW) digital flight control system. This technology replaces traditional flight instrument gauges with digital display panels. Other changes resulting from the fly by wire system include the use of side-stick controllers in place of conventional control columns (yokes).
Building on the proven success of the A320, Airbus has since applied fly by wire technology to all its subsequent offerings. This allows the different classes of Airbus aircraft to maintain the same flight deck layout and possess similar handling qualities. As a result, minimal training is required when A320 pilots are re-assigned to fly other classes of Airbus aircraft.
The A320-200 fleet, attempt to simulate the more realastic possible the real airline fleet, the respective procedures and operations.


Max 90o crosswind component for Take-Off (Including Gusts)*: 29 Knots
Max 90o crosswind component for Landing (Including Gusts)*: 33 Knots
Max crosswind with gusts*:

38 Knots
Max 90o crosswind component for CAT II/III (Including Gusts)*: 15 Knots
Limiting Tailwind component for Take-Off and Landing*: 10 Knots
Max Operating altitude: 39,100 ft
Max Pressure Altitude for Takeoff/Landing: 8,000 ft

*Max crosswind values have been demonstrated with flight controls in normal law as well as in direct law with and without yaw damper
Max Operating Speed (VMO):  350 KIAS
Max Operating Speed (MMO):  0.82 Mach
Max Gear Extension (VLO):  250 KIAS
Max Gear Retraction (VLO):  220 KIAS
Max Gear Extended (VLE): 280 KIAS/ 0.67 Mach
Max Tire Speed: 195 Knots
Minimum Control Speed Air (VMCA): 119 KIAS
Minimum Control Speed Ground (VMCG): 114 KIAS
Max Cockpit Window Open Speed: 200 KIAS
Max Taxi Speed on straightaway: 30 Knots
Max Taxi Speed on turns approx.: 10 Knots

Vls (REF Speed) – The speed for a specific flap configuration, which provides adequate stall margin for landing. Vls is computed by the FMGC to provide 1.23 Vs protection for the selected landing configuration. It is the basis for computing Vapp and threshold speeds. Vls is not modifiable by the crew.
Vref – Vls for configuration FULL.
Vapp (Target Speed) – The speed at which the approach is flown. Vapp, as computed by the FMGC, is Vls + 5 knots plus 1/3 the headwind component, not to exceed Vls +20. No additions are made for gusts.
At or above F200  Below F200  
A320  275 / 0.76M  250  
Max Flaps / Slats (VFE) – KIAS: Model Config 1 1+F VFE 230 215 Slats 18o 18o Flaps 0o 10o A320 RMK Initial APP Takeoff  2 200 22o 15o Takeoff/APP  3 185 22o 20o Takeoff/APP Landing  FULL 177 27o 40o Landing  
Operating Speeds (KIAS/Mach)  
Optimum Climb (FMGC Operative)  ECON CLIMB  
Standard Climb (FMGC Inoperative)  0.78 290
F100 to F290 / F290 and above  
Best Climb Rate  280  
Best Climb Angle  220  
Optimum Cruise (ECON)  Cost Index = 35  
Standard Cruise  0.80 300
F100 to F310 / F310 and above  
Optimum Descent (FMGC Operative)  ECON DES  
Standard Descent (FMGC Inoperative)  0.78 280
F100 and above  
Stall Speeds  
Stall speeds apply to takeoff and landing altitudes only  
Gross Weight  Flap Position  
Tonnes  0  1  1+F  2  3  FULL  
77  179  140  134  125  124  121  
72.5  170  136  130  120  119  117  
68  161  132  125  116  115  113  
63.5  154  127  119  112  111  109  
59  144  121  115  108  107  105  
54.5  138  116  110  104  103  101  
50  132  111  105  99  98  96  
45.5 41 36.3  126 119 114  106 100 95  100 95 90  95 90 85  94 89 84  92 87 82  

Outer Wing Tank Inner Wing Tank 710 Kg 5530 Kg 6240 Kg  Center Tank 6580 Kg 19060 Kg  Inner Wing Tank Outer Wing Tank 5530 Kg 710 Kg 6240 Kg  
Max Fuel Imbalance between wing tanks for takeoff and landing: 450 Kg
Takeoff with center tank supplying the engines is PROHIBITED.
Fuel in center last, fuel in center burned first.
Fuel is kept in outer wing tanks as long as possible to reduce wing bending moment.

Landing Fuel -Kg  
Fuel at Touchdown 1  180  
To execute a Go-Around 2  365  
Fuel Quantity Indicator Error 3  180  
Minimum Desired Landing Fuel (Indicated) 4  725  
1 Fuel at Touchdown: Ensures adequate fuel boost pump coverage during reverse thrust and landing roll.
2 To Execute Go-Around: The required amount of fuel to execute a go-around at runway threshold to 1000’ AGL, fly a VFR pattern, intercept a 3o glideslope at approx. 2,5 nm from the runway and continue to landing.
3 Fuel Quantity Indicator Error: The maximum design quantity error for all tanks.
4 Minimum Desired Landing Fuel: Ensures sufficient fuel on board at the threshold in a worst case scenario with max fuel quantity indicator error.
. Maximum: 54o C
. Minimum: -36o C If fuel temp is below minimum temp limit, change to a warmer altitude.
Taxi Fuel per Minute (not included in takeoff weight)  12  
Minimum for Dispatch (not including taxi fuel)  3100  
Minimum Hold for Contingencies  450  
Minimum Alternate Fuel  550  
Holding Fuel per Hour  2300  
APU Fuel per Hour  130  
Approx Fuel Flow per Hour (normal conditions)  3200  

Fuel Load with example inputs -Kg  
Trip Fuel  2244  
Alternate Fuel  1906  
Contingency Fuel  762  
APU Fuel  98  
Taxi Fuel  340  
Minimum Desired Landing Fuel  725  
Total Left Wing Fuel  Total Center Fuel  Total Right Wing Fuel  
3039 Kg  0  3039 Kg  
6079 Kg  
.  To calculate your fuel, you must know the topics and tables above, for a mental calculation, or simply get a fuel planner software for Airbus A320.
Landing Gear
. Max Landing Gear extension altitude:  25,000 ft
. Max operating altitude w/ slats or/and flaps extended: 20,000 ft
. After Takeoff (if SRS is indicated):  100 ft AGL
Autoland Max headwind:  25 Knots
Autoland Max Tailwind: 10 Knots
Autoland is permitted using FULL flaps only.

Do not arm ILS APPR mode above 8200 ft AGL.
Inertial Reference System – In the NAV mode the IRU will not provide valid magnetic heading above 73o North and 60o South. Flights above/below these latitudes are not permitted.

. Airbus A320: CFM 56-53 rated at 27,000lbs. Thrust.
TOGA  Takeoff go-around  
FLX/MCT  Flex Takeoff, Max Continuous  
CL  Climb Thrust  
IDLE  Idle Thrust for forward and reverse  
FULL REV  Maximum reverse Thrust  

Note: Start ENG 2 first to pressurize Yellow Hydraulics for parking brake.
ENG Mode selector to IGN/START
ENG Master switch to ON (after amber X’s go away)
At 16 % ignition ON
At 22% starts fuel flow
At 50% start valve closes, ignition off
Engine idle should stabilize at about 58%

ENG mode selector to NORM

Normal Idle: – 2,4,6,6 –
20% N1 approx;
400 °C EGT;
60% N2;
600 lbs/hr FF. (270 Kg/hr FF)
ENG Mode selector to IGN/START
At Max Motoring (min. 20% N2) select ENG Master switch ON Fuel and ignition will begin when ENG Master selected ON At 50% start valve closes, ignition off
At idle, about 58%, ENG MAN START pb OFF
ENG mode selector to NORM

Airbus Flight Control Laws
Normal operating configuration of the system. Failure of any single computer does not affect normal law. Covers 3-axis control, flight envelope protection, and load alleviation. Have 3 modes according to phase of flight.  
Ground Mode  . Active when aircraft is on the ground. . Direct proportional relationship between the sidestick deflection and deflection of the flight controls. . Is active until shortly after liftoff. . After touchdown, ground mode is reactivated and resets the stabilizer trim to zero.  
Flight Mode  . Becomes active shortly after takeoff and remains active until shortly before touchdown. . Sidestick deflection and load factor imposed on the aircraft are directly proportional, regardless of airspeed. . With sidestick neutral and wings level, system maintains a 1 g load in pitch. . No requirement to change pitch trim for changes in airspeed, configuration, or bank up to 33 degrees.  
. At full aft/fwd sidestick deflection system maintains maximum load factor for flap position. . Sidestick roll input commands a roll rate request. . Roll rate is independent of airspeed.  
. A given sidestick deflection always results in the same roll rate response. . Turn coordination and yaw damping are computed by the ELACs and transmitted to the FACs. . No rudder pedal feedback for the yaw damping and turn coordination functions.  
Flare Mode  . Transition to flare mode occurs at 50' RA during landing. . System memorizes pitch attitude at 50' and begins to progressively reduce pitch, forcing pilot to flare the aircraft . In the event of a go-around, transition to flight mode occurs again at 50' RA.  
Protections  Load factor Limitation . Prevents pilot from overstressing the aircraft even if full sidestick deflections are applied. Attitude Protection . Pitch limited to 30 deg up, 15 deg down, and 67 deg of bank. . These limits are indicated by green = signs on the PFD. . Bank angles in excess of 33 deg require constant sidestick input. . If input is released the aircraft returns to and maintains 33 deg of bank. High Angle of Attack Protection (alpha): . When alpha exceeds alpha prot, elevator control switches to alpha protection mode in which angle of attack is proportional to sidestick deflection. . Alpha max will not be exceeded even if the pilot applies full aft deflection High Speed Protection: . Prevents exceeding VMO or MMO by introducing a pitch up load factor demand. . The pilot can NOT override the pitch up command. Low Energy Warning: . Available in CONF 2,3, or FULL between 100' and 2,000' RA when TOGA not selected. . Produces aural "SPEED SPEED SPEED" when change in flight path alone is insufficient to regain a positive flight path (Thrust must be increased).  
If Multiple Failures of Redundant Systems occur, the flight controls revert to Alternate Law. The ECAM displays the message: ALTN LAW: PROT LOST  
Ground Mode  The ground mode is identical to Normal Law.  
Flight Mode  . In pitch alternate law the flight mode is a load factor demand law similar to the Normal Law flight mode, with reduced protections. . Pitch alternate law degrades to pitch direct law when the landing gear is extended to provide feel for flare and landing, since there is no flare mode when pitch normal law is lost. . Automatic pitch trim and yaw damping (with limited authority) is available. . Turn coordination is lost. . When pitch law degrades from normal law, roll degrades to Direct Law -roll rate depends on airspeed.  
Protections  . All protections except for load factor maneuvering protection are lost. . The load factor limitation is similar to to that under Normal Law. . Amber XX's replace the green = attitude limits on the PFD. . A low speed stability function replaces the normal angle-of-attack protection o System introduces a progressive nose down command which attempts to prevent the speed from decaying further. o This command CAN be overridden by sidestick input. o The airplane CAN be stalled in Alternate Law. o An audio stall warning consisting of "crickets" and a "STALL" aural message is activated. o The Alpha Floor function is inoperative. . The PFD airspeed scale is modified: o VLS remains displayed o VALPHA PROT and VALPHA MAX are removed o They are replaced by a red and black barber pole, the top indicating the stall warning speed VSW . A nose up command is introduced any time the airplane exceeds VMO/MMO to keep the speed from increasing further, which CAN be overridden by the sidestick. . Bank angle protection is lost. . Certain failures cause the system to revert to Alternate Law without speed stability. . Yaw damping is lost if the fault is a triple ADR failure.  
Abnormal Alternate Law is activated if the airplane enters an unusual attitude, allowing recovery from the unusual attitude.  
. Pitch law becomes Alternate (without autotrim or protection other than Load Factor protection). . Roll law becomes Direct law with mechanical yaw control. . After recovery from the unusual attitude, the following laws are active for the remainder of the flight: o Pitch: Alternate law without protections and with autotrim. o Roll: Direct law o Yaw: Alternate law . There is no reversion to Direct law when the landing gear is extended.  
Direct law is the lowest level of computer flight control and occurs with certain multiple failures.  
. Pilot control inputs are transmitted unmodified to the control surfaces, providing a direct relationship between sidestick and control surface. . Control sensitivity depends on airspeed and NO autotrimming is available. . An amber message USE MAN PITCH TRIM appears on the PFD. . If the flight controls degrade to Alternate Law, Direct Law automatically becomes active when the landing gear is extended if no autopilots are engaged. If an autopilot is engaged, the airplane will remain in Alternate Law until the autopilot is disconnected. . There are no protections provided in Direct Law, however overspeed and stall aural warnings are provided. . The PFD airspeed scale remains the same as in Alternate Law.  
In case of a complete loss of electrical flight control signals, the aircraft can be temporarily controlled by mechanical mode.  
. Pitch control is achieved through the horizontal stabilizer by using the manual trim wheel. . Lateral control is accomplished using the rudder pedals. . Both controls require hydraulic power. . A red MAN PITCH TRIM ONLY warning appears on the PFD.  

.  This table is only a summary of flight control laws, just to give you an idea of each one.

Abbreviations & Acronyms
This is a short list of Airbus abbreviations and Acronyms. ACM – Air Cycle Machine ACP – Audio Control Panel, allows pilot to select which radios or interphones
to listen to. ADIRS -Air Data Inertial Reference System, now replaced by GNADIRS ADIRU -Air Data Inertial Reference Unit AMU -Audio Management Unit ASAP – as in LAND ASAP, As Soon As Possible A/SKID -Anti-skid BSCU -Brakes Steering Control Unit (computer) BTC -Bus Tie Contactor CFDS -Centralized Fault Display System CRC – Continuous Repetitive Chime, used to be called the fire bell. DDRMI – Digital Distance and Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI with DME) DMC -Display Management Computer DU -Display Unit (CRT, or "TV screen") ECAM -Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring EIU -Engine Interface Unit ELAC -Elevator Aileron Computer EO -Engine Out E/WD -Engine/Warning Display, upper display for aircraft systems. FAC -Flight Augmentation Computer FOM – Flight Ops Manual FCU -Flight Control Unit (auto flight panel) FMGC -Flight Management Guidance Envelope Computer, what actually
performs the computations when you type into the MCDU.
FMGS -Flight Management Guidance Envelope System
F-Plan -Flight Plan
FPA -Flight Path Angle
FWC -Flight Warning Computer
FWS -Flight Warning System
GCU -Generator Control Unit
GLC -Generator Line Contactor
GNADIRS – Global Navigation Air Data Inertial Reference System, GPS,
Air Data information and Inertial attitude/guidance all in one.
Green Dot – Best L/D (lift over drag) speed, normally used as the target
speed at end of takeoff or for single engine climb out. Technically called
VFTO (Final Takeoff Speed). On the Airbus a green dot on the airspeed scale.
IDG – Integrated Drive Generator (the old CSD and generator all in one unit)
INIT – Initialization
L/G -Landing Gear
LGCIU -Landing Gear Control Interface Unit
LSK -Line Select Key (keys used on MCDU screen)
MCDU -Multipurpose Control and Display Unit
MMR – Multi Mode Receiver, the GPS receiver for the GNADIRS, two are
ND -Navigation Display
N/W – Nose Wheel pb – pushbutton PF – Pilot Flying, the person actually handling the control or autopilot input. PFD -Primary Flight Display (the display you will look at the most, has
airspeed, altitude, attitude, heading and more) PH – Pilots Handbook PM – Pilot Monitoring, the non-flying pilot, used to be called PNF (Pilot Not
PTU – Power Transfer Unit, pump that is able to transfer power (but not fluid) between the green and yellow hydraulic systems QRH – Quick Reference Handbook RAT -Ram Air Turbine, an air driven backup pump for blue hydraulic RMP -Radio Management Panel, allows pilot to select which radio to tune or
transmit on. SD -System Display, lower display for aircraft systems. SDAC -System Data Acquisition Concentrator SEC -Spoiler Elevator Computer SFCC -Slat/Flap Control Computer SRS -Speed Reference System THS -Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer TLA -Thrust Lever Angle, the TLA indicator is a white “donut” on the N1
TOGA – Takeoff Go Around. Highest selectable thrust level. Selected by putting thrust levers in TOGA detent. Also a mode for the Flight Director.
TRU -Transformer Rectifier Unit, also known as TR, transformer rectifier UTC -Universal Coordinated Time (a politically correct way to say Zulu or GMT)
VFTO – Final Takeoff Speed, normally called “Green Dot”, best lift / drag WHC – Window Heat Computer WTB – Wing Tip Brake XFR -Transfer ZFCG -Zero Fuel Center of Gravity ZFW – Zero Fuel Weight
. Airbus A320 Flight Deck:
. Eric Park's Airbus Training Notes:
Final Comments
This manual does not mean that you don’t have to read odder manuals. This is basic information about A320 limitations, procedures and performance. To complete your knowledge about this aircraft you should read much more literature that you can find in the internet, bookstores and in the VA web site.
The A320 fleet wish all pilots to have fun inside our company, always respecting all the intervenients of the Virtual Aviation. Fly efficiently and the most realistic possible.
The A320 Fleet wish to thank:
Pedro Sousa and Jo.o Caracol for the help and support.
Eric Parks for his excellent Airbus training notes.
All SATA Virtual Group Pilots.
SATA Group – http://www.sata.pt -for supporting this VA.

Captain Léneo Andrade A320 Chief Pilot SATA International SATA Virtual Group leneoandrade@satavirtual.org http://www.satavirtual.org
Good Flights!

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