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Bombardier CL-600-2B19 “Regional Jet” – Flap System Failure [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-8-25 14:49:19 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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发表于 2011-8-25 14:50:16 |只看该作者

 Bombardier CL-600-2B19 “Regional Jet” – Flap System Failure
 25 June 2004
 Supersedes Airworthiness Directive (AD) CF-1998-14R3 issued 26 July 2001.
 Bombardier Inc. Model CL-600-2B19“Regional Jet” aircraft, serial numbers 7003 thru 7903.
 When indicated, unless already accomplished.
 There have been a number of cases of flap system failure, which resulted in a twisted outboard flap panel.  These failures were caused by an internal fault within the No. 3 flap actuator (the inboard actuator on the outboard flap).  In one case a twisted flap was not detected prior to take-off, while in other cases flap twist occurred on deployment of the flaps for landing.  In all cases the aircraft was controllable and landed successfully. Several other cases have occurred on the ground.  Revision 3 of this directive, revised Part III.A by listing additional service bulletins that provide approved instructions for the installation of new airspeed limitation placards and to mandate incorporation of Temporary Revision (TR) RJ/71, or later approved revision, which reflects the airspeed limitation placard in the aircraft into the Airplane Flight Manual.  
This revision has been issued to introduce new flap actuators and a skew detection system for the outboard flaps. 
 To ensure safe operation of the aircraft, accomplish the following:  
(i) Part I, Part II and Part III (sections A and B);

(ii) Part III (section A only) and Part IV;

(iii) Part V and Part VI. 
Part I.   Air Operator Actions
Within 10 days after 25 June 1999, amend all copies of the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) in accordance with the following sections A, B and C and by inserting TR RJ/71, or later approved revision, which reflects the airspeed limitation placard in the aircraft.  Advise all flight crews of these changes.
Note: The amendments required by sections A, B and C below may be accomplished by inserting a copy of this directive in each of the affected sections of the Airplane Flight Manuals.
A. Amend the LIMITATIONS section by adding the following:

1.  Touch-and-go procedures for the purposes of training must be done using flap 20o for the entire procedure. The minimum landing distance available must be 1.25 times the factored landing distance for flap 45 o.

2. After setting take-off flaps, either:
(a)  Carry out an external visual check (from outside the aircraft) for evidence of twisting, skewing or abnormal deformation, using the criteria of Parts 1 and 2 of the Appendix to this directive, or

(b)  Carry out an internal visual check (from within the cabin) for correct flap position using the criteria of Part 3 of the Appendix to this directive.
If the witness marks shown in Part 3 of the Appendix cannot be positively and unambiguously aligned due to impaired visibility, the flaps must be checked externally prior to take-off using the criteria of Parts 1 and 2 of the Appendix to this directive.
Note:   The visual checks in accordance with paragraph 2(a) or (b) above must be accomplished either by a member of the flight crew or by a responsible person who has received adequate training to accomplish the inspection and who is able to report the results directly to the pilot-in-command prior to take-off.  Where required, this training must be approved by the appropriate regulatory authority.
3.   If any additional flap position change is necessary prior to take-off, the visual checks of paragraph 2(a) or (b) above must be repeated.
B. Amend the NORMAL PROCEDURES section by adding the following:
To minimize a possible flap twist in flight, when operating flaps, operate the flap selector sequentially, stopping at each setting (i.e. 0o, 8o if applicable, 20o, 30o, 45o or reverse order) and waiting for the flaps to reach that position before selecting the next setting.  Monitor the control wheel for abnormal control wheel angles during each flap position transition.
Note: This procedure is not applicable during a go-around or during any emergency aircraft handling procedure where prompt flap retraction is required.  In these cases follow the applicable AFM procedures.
C. Amend the ABNORMAL PROCEDURES -FLIGHT CONTROLS section by adding the following:
If abnormal aileron control wheel angles develop during flap operation with the autopilot on, or the aircraft rolls without pilot input with the autopilot off (with or without a "FLAPS FAIL" caution message), carry out the following:
1.  If flaps are being extended, immediately return the flaps to the previously selected position (e.g. flaps selected from 8o to 20o  re-select 8o).
2.  If flaps are being retracted, leave the flap selector in the currently selected position (e.g. flaps selected from 20o to 8o  leave selector at 8o).
3.   Do not attempt to operate the flaps any further.
4.   If engaged, disconnect the autopilot.
Note:  Anticipate an out-of-trim situation and hold the aileron control    wheel in its current position when disconnecting the autopilot.
5. For landing, carry out the “Flaps Failure” procedure and add the following conditions:
(a)  If an abnormal aileron control wheel angle to the left develops, do not land with a crosswind component from the left of greater than 20 knots.
(b)  If an abnormal aileron control wheel angle to the right develops, do not land with a crosswind component from the right of greater than 20 knots.
6. After landing do not attempt to retract the flaps.  Contact the person responsible for maintenance.
D. Establish and implement the following procedures:
Whenever a "FLAPS FAIL" caution message occurs while the flaps are moving to a selected position (see Note 1) carry out the following: 
 Note 1: It is not necessary to carry out the following procedures (steps 1 through 3 below) if a “FLAPS FAIL” caution message occurs with no concurrent flap movement to a selected position.
 Note 2:  These procedures may be accomplished either by a member of the flight crew or by a responsible person who has received adequate training to accomplish the necessary tasks.
 1. Carry out an external visual check of each outboard flap for evidence of twisting, skewing or abnormal deformation.
 2. If there is evidence of twisting, skewing or abnormal deformation, PRIOR TO FURTHER FLIGHT, maintenance action in accordance with Part II is required.
 3. If there is no evidence of twisting, skewing or abnormal deformation, proceed as follows: 
 (a) Reset the flap system by cycling circuit breakers CB1-F4 and CB2-F4.
  (b) If the system does not reset (i.e. "FLAPS FAIL" caution message is still posted), prior to further flight, maintenance action in accordance with Part II is required.
  (c) If the system resets, cycle the flaps to 45o and back to 0o.  Schedule the maintenance action identified in Part II to be performed within 100 hours flight time.
  (d) If a further "FLAPS FAIL" caution message occurs during flap position selection prior to performing the scheduled maintenance identified in Part II, repeat steps 1, 2, 3(a), 3(b) and 3(c) of this section prior to further flight.
Part II.  Maintenance Actions
The following procedure is applicable as directed in Part I section D above or as directed in the Appendix to this directive:
A.  Visually check each flap.  If there is evidence of twisting, skewing or abnormal deformation, replace both actuators and inspect flexible shaft(s) inboard of the most outboard actuator removed.  Replace the flap panel and/or flexible shaft(s), if necessary.

B.  Interrogate the FECU log menu per Fault Isolation Manual, Section 27-50-00, “Flaps Fault Isolation”.  If there are any CURRENT or HISTORY fault codes related to “FLAPS FAIL” caution messages which indicate a jam as a possible cause, rectify as applicable prior to further flight, including isolation of any jammed, disconnected or dragging component.

 Note: An acceptable procedure for testing of the flap drive breakaway input torque is detailed in Aircraft Maintenance Manual Temporary Revision 27-203, Task 27-53-00-750-802, dated 17 July 1998.
C.  Within 14 days after identifying a flap panel twist or logging a “FLAPS FAIL” caution message, which occurred during flap position selection and was attributed to a jam,notify Bombardier Aerospace, via the CRJ Action Center, of all findings and actions taken.

Part III.   Modification Actions
Within 450 hours flight time after 25 June 1999, unless already accomplished, install cockpit placards and decals as follows:
A.  Install new airspeed limitation placards having the following reduced maximum flap extended speeds VFE:

 Flaps to 8 degrees:  VFE  215 KIAS
  Flaps to 20 degrees: VFE  215 KIAS
  Flaps to 30 degrees: VFE  185 KIAS
  Flaps to 45 degrees: VFE  170 KIAS
Bombardier Alert Service Bulletin A601R-11-071, dated 26 April 1999, Service Bulletin (SB) 601R-11-011, Revision 1, dated 8 September 2000 and SB 601R-11-076, dated 8 December 2000, as applicable, or later revisions approved by the Chief, Continuing Airworthiness, Transport Canada, provide approved instructions for installation of the new airspeed limitation placards.
B. Install new decals, “Visually Inspect Flaps Prior to Departure”, in accordance with Bombardier SB 601R-11-072, dated 26 April 1999, or later Transport Canada approved revisions.
Part IV.   No. 3 Flap Actuator “Health Check” Inspection
Implementation of the No. 3 flap actuator health check inspection program, as detailed in sections A and B below, provides terminating action to the requirements of Parts I, II and III.B of this directive. 
A.   Initially at the operator’s convenience, unless already accomplished:
1. Verify that the Temporary Revision RJ/71, or later approved revision, which reflects the airspeed limitation placard in the aircraft has been inserted into the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) and that the aircraft is in compliance with Part III.A of this directive (installation of reduced VFE placards).

2. Replace the No. 3 flap actuators (inboard actuator of the left and right wing, outboard flap) with actuator part numbers (P/N) 601R93103-17 and 601R93103-18 which, since new or since their most recent health check inspection in accordance with Vickers Service Bulletin (SB) 853D100-27-1:

(a) have accumulated less than 3300 actuator flight cycles, and

(b) have only been used on aircraft operating with reduced VFE in accordance with the AFM Temporary Revision RJ/71, or later approved revision, which reflects the airspeed limitation placard in the aircraft.

It is permissible for the replacement actuators to have been operated as P/N 601R93103-11 or 601R93103-12 since new or since the most recent health check inspection, provided that they meet the requirements of paragraphs 2(a) and (b) above and, prior to installation, they are converted to P/N 601R93103-17 or 601R93103-18 in accordance with Vickers SB 853D100-27-1, Revision B or later revisions approved by Bombardier Inc.
Bombardier SB 601R-27-111, dated 6 March 2000, or later Transport Canada approved revisions, provides approved instructions for replacing No. 3 flap actuators.  Vickers SB 853D100-27-1 is part of the Bombardier SB 601R-27-111.
Note:  The above referenced health check inspection may have been conducted in accordance with any of the following issues of Vickers SB 853D100-27-1: 
(i) Initial Issue dated 5 November 1999,

(ii) Revision A dated 1 December 1999, or

(iii) Revision B, Part 1 dated 9 February 2000.

           Parts 2 and 3 of Revision B of the above noted Vickers SB are not part of the health check inspection.
3. Upon replacement of both No. 3 flap actuators, remove the decals “Visually Inspect Flaps Prior to Departure”, if installed, from the pilot’s and co-pilot’s instrument panels in accordance with Part A of Bombardier SB 601R-27-111.

B. At intervals not to exceed 3300 actuator flight cycles, repeat the health check inspection of each No. 3 flap actuator.  The health check inspection must be performed by an authorized Eaton Repair Facility in accordance with the above-noted Vickers service bulletin. 

Part V. -  Installation of New Flap Actuators 
Within 12 months of the effective date of this revision of the directive, unless already accomplished: 
A. Replace both the No. 3 flap actuators (inboard actuator of the left and right wing of the outboard flap) with flap actuators, P/N 601R93103-19 and -20 respectively, in accordance with Bombardier SB 601R-27-114, dated 22 March 2002, or SB 601R-27-114, Revision A, dated 6 November 2002, or SB 601R-27-114, Revision B, dated 4 December 2003, or later revisions approved by the Chief, Continuing Airworthiness, Transport Canada.  Actuators installed under Production ModSum TC601R15665 also meet this requirement.

B.  Replace both the No. 4 flap actuators (outboard actuator of the left and right wing of the outboard flap) with flap actuators, P/N 601R93104-19 and -20 respectively, in accordance with Bombardier SB 601R-27-114, dated 22 March 2002, or SB 601R-27-114, Revision A, dated 06 November 2002, or SB 601R-27-114 Revision B, dated 4 December 2003, or later Transport Canada approved revisions. Actuators installed under Production ModSum TC601R15404 also meet this requirement.
C.  Upon replacement of the No. 3 flap actuators in accordance with Part V, paragraph A of this directive, and if not previously accomplished as detailed in Part IV, Paragraph A. 3. of this directive, remove the decals “Visually inspect Flaps Prior to Departure” from the pilot’s and copilot’s instrument panel in accordance with Part A of Bombardier SB 601R-27-111, dated 06 March 2000, or later Transport Canada approved revisions.
D.  Installation of flap actuators, P/N 601R93103-19 and –20, provides terminating action for all requirements underParts I, II and III.B and IV of this directive.  Part III A of this directive remains in effect until Part VI is complied with.

Note: Until compliant with the requirements of Part VI of this directive, aircraft may exhibit inconsistencies between the aural and the visual flap overspeed warnings and the placarded VFE.  In all cases, aircraft limitations are indicated by the VFEplacard.
Part VI  -  Skew Detection System
By 31 December 2006, if not already accomplished:
A. Comply with the requirements of Part V, paragraphs A and B of this directive, prior to installing the Skew Detection System as detailed in the paragraphs below. 

B. Install the provisions for the Skew Detection System (SDS) in accordance with the Accomplishment Instructions of Bombardier SB 601R-27-115, Revision D, dated 18 March 2003, or later Transport Canada approved revisions.  SDS provisions installed under production ModSums TC601R15447 and TC601R15318 also meet this requirement.

C. Following installation of the provisions for the SDS, install and activate the SDS in accordance with Bombardier SB 601R-27-116, dated 23 July 2003, or SB 601R-27-116, Revision A, dated 10 September 2003, or SB 601R-27-116, Revision B, dated 2 February 2004, or later Transport Canada approved revisions. Activation of the SDS under production ModSums TC601R15480 and TC601R15856 also meets this requirement.

D. Concurrent with the installation of the SDS, install the retrofitted/new Air Data Computer (ADC) in accordance with Bombardier SB 601R-34-128, Revision B, dated 07 September 2001, or later Transport Canada approved revisions. Installation of ADCs under production ModSum TC601R15325 also meets this requirement.

E. Following installation of the SDS and the retrofitted ADC in accordance with Part VI paragraphs A, B, C and D of this directive, accomplish the following:

1. Install the new airspeed limitation placards in accordance with Bombardier SB 601R-11-080, dated 28 November 2003, or later Transport Canada approved revisions.  Installation of placards under production ModSum TC601R16273 also meets this requirement; and,

2. Amend the Aircraft Flight Manual by introducing Temporary Revision (TR) RJ/128 or later approved revisions.

F. Compliance with the requirements of Part VI of this directive provides terminating action to all requirements of this directive. 

 For Minister of Transport

B. Goyaniuk
Chief, Continuing Airworthiness
Mr. I. Mc Lellan, Continuing Airworthiness, Ottawa, telephone  (613) 952-4362, facsimile (613) 996-9178 or e-mail mclelli@tc.gc.ca or any Transport Canada Centre.


EXTERNAL VISUAL CHECK (from outside the aircraft)
NOTE:  View looking forward on left wing trailing edge (right side opposite).
A normal outboard flap has a straight trailing edge, and the inboard corner is slightly above (i.e. higher than) the inboard flap.

The following are indications of an outboard flap with a twist, skew or abnormal deformation:
-  Noticeable curve in the trailing edge
 -  Buckled top or bottom surface
 -  Higher than normal position of the inboard trailing edge corner

EXTERNAL VISUAL CHECK (from outside the aircraft)
NOTES: 1.  These criteria are applicable for any size of hand.
 2.  View looking horizontally forward on left wing trailing edge (right side opposite).
If the outboard flap position is outside the “GO” range as shown below, maintenance is required per Part II of this directive prior to further flight.



INTERNAL VISUAL CHECK (from within the cabin)
(This check is applicable to aircraft that have Bombardier Service Bulletin 601R-27-098, dated 2 October 1998, or later Transport Canada approved revisions, incorporated.)

1. Flaps shown in 20o position; 8o position similar using 8o stripes, if applicable.

2. In conditions of good visibility this check may be performed from the aisle. If the visibility of the witness marks is marginal (e.g. conditions of precipitation, fog, de-icing fluid on window, etc.) the resolution of the markings may be improved by moving closer to the window. At night, a flashlight may be required.

3. For the purpose of this check, the “centre” of the window is the area vertically below the shade handle. 

A.  Look through the centre (see Note 3) of the 4th window aft from the overwing exit door (not including the window on the overwing exit).
B.  The flaps are in the correct position for take-off if the daytime and/or night-time stripe(s) (A-A) on the wings fixed structure (piece of pie) align exactly with the corresponding stripe(s) (B-B) on the outboard flap for the selected flap position (8o or 20o), as shown in the above example at 20o.
C. If the alignment of the witness marks cannot be positively and unambiguously determined, check the flaps externally (from outside the aircraft) prior to take-off in accordance with the criteria of Parts 1 and 2 of the Appendix to this directive.




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