Number: CF-2007-24R1 Subject:   W 200 Compressor Turbine Disk Inspection and Retaining Nut Replacement Effective: 10 January 2008 Revision: Supersedes Airworthiness Directive (AD) CF-2007-24 dated 25 October 2007 Applicability: PW206A Serial No. PCE-BA0031 and earlier PW206B Serial No. PCE-BB00126 and earlier PW206B2 Serial No. PCE-BJ0369 and earlier PW206C Serial No. PCE-BC0605 and earlier PW206E Serial No. PCE-BE0048 and earlier PW207C Serial No. PCE-BH0054 and earlier PW207D Serial No. PCE-BF0135 and earlier PW207E Serial No. PCE-BG0106 and earlier PW207K Serial No. PCE-BK0032 and earlier Compliance: As indicated below in “Corrective Actions” in the “, unless already accomplished. Background:   W206 and PW207 Compressor Turbine (CT) Disk bore areas may experience impact damage resulting from bending or fracture of the CT Disk Retaining Nut. Damage of the CT disk bore area can reduce LCF capabilities of the CT disk, resulting in disk fracture. To preclude any potentially hazardous situation precipitated by a damaged CT disc, P&WC issued Alert Service bulletin PW200-72-A28280, requiring inspection of the CT disc bore area for damage and replacement of the existing Disk Retaining Nut with an improved designed part. The most recent compliance data indicates that the majority of the affected engines, particularly those with high in-service time, still have not been inspected to service bulletin (SB) PW200-72-A28280 requirements and as such, are potentially susceptible to CT disc damage. This ADis issued to mandate the inspection of the CT disc bore area and replacement of the existing Disk Retaining Nut, in accordance with SB PW200-72-A28280 R4 instructions. Corrective Actions: On all affected engines specified in the applicability section of this directive, accomplish the following: 1. For Engines that have never had a shop visit and have accumulated 4000 CT cycles or more since new, or For Engines that have accumulated 2700 compressor turbine (CT) cycles or moresince: a) last shop visit; or
b) last CT disc inspection; or
c) incorporation of SB. PW200-72- 28287.
Within 1150 hrs of engine operating time since 28 April 2006 (original issue date of SB PW200-72-A28280), but not later than March 21, 2008, whichever occurs first,accomplish the following in accordance with P&WC SB PW200-72-A28280 R4 or later revisions approved by the Chief, Continuing Airworthiness, Aircraft Certification, Transport Canada: A. Inspect the CT disk bore area for damage and if any damage is noticed, replace the CT disc before next flight. B. Replace the existing CT disc retaining nut and associated hardware. 2. For engines that have never had a shop visit and have accumulated less than 4000 CT cycles since new, before the engine reaches 4000 CT cycles or not later than March 21, 2008, whichever occurs later, accomplish the corrective actions in paragraphs 1.A. and 1.B. above in accordance with P&WC SB PW200-72-A28280R4 or later revisions approved by the Chief, Continuing Airworthiness, Aircraft Certification, Transport Canada. 3. For engines that have accumulated less than 2700 CT cycles since: a) last shop visit; or
b) last CT disc inspection; or
c) incorporation of P&WC SB pw200-72-28287.
Before the engine reaches 2700 CT cycles or not later than March 21, 2008, whicheveroccurs later, accomplish the correction actions in paragraphs 1.A. and 1.B. above in accordance with P&WC SB PW200-72-A28280 R4 or later revisions approved by the Chief, Continuing Airworthiness, Aircraft Certification, Transport Canada. Note: Compliance with earlier versions of SB PW200-72-A28280 requirements prior to the effective date of this directive satisfies the corrective action requirements of this directive. Authorization: For Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Bohdan Goyaniuk Chief, Continuing Airworthiness Contact: Mr. Robin Lau, Continuing Airworthiness, Ottawa, telephone (613) 952-4461, facsimile (613) 996-9178 or e-mail or any Transport Canada Centre.