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Adverse Weather I Monsoon operations [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-10-19 20:28:11 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-10-19 20:29:34 |只看该作者
『咽凶[ 'T:tH", ønrè!!IT
唱、_ 1II111l 11lll~1R
8747-400/2009/RED/O' 3
8777 /2009/REDI "f +-
A-310/2009/RED/ 0 & '3
operations Department
Santa Cruz
Mumbai - 400 029
May2吁, 2009
Sub : Adverse Weather I Monsoon operations
OOCA has ìssued Operations Cìrcular 才o Of 2009 dated 22M April, 2009 on the subject.
FOllowing are the general guldellnes fOî compllance prior to release as Commanders to operate as
PIC In adverse weather / monsoonic conditions :-
才) Pilots who have obtained cmmand ratlng for the first time :-
a) Should have operated as P2 during a mini付lum of one monsoon season prior to obtaînlng
PIC rating on new type.
b) Should have atleast 100 hours PIC experlence before being taken up for these Route
Checks. IN cases where the above experience is not there PIC may contlnue to fly from LHS
with Examiners / Instructors I DGCA appointed Check Pílots durîng the monsoon till they
achieve 100 hours. On cOmpletion of 斗。o hours Pllot will comply with the remaining
c) II TwO hours Simulator sessions On the form of LOFTl for adverse weather conditions
covering all aspects Of adverse weather condltions likely to be encountered en-route
and in terminal areas coverlng aircraft performance related to wet / con臼minated
iil In the absence Of Simulat町, Pilot will undergo GrOund Classes at least for 4 hours
covering Indian Monsoon climatology, Techniques of Weather Avoîdance likely to be
encountered in adverse weather / monsoon including aircraft performance related to
wet / contaminated runway ∞nditlons. These to be arranged not earlier than 俨tMay.
d) iJ Two Route Check for adverse weather conditions to cover pre-monsoon and postmonsoon
period, out of which one shall be carried out in actual adverse weather /
monsoonic condltlons (en-route and / or departure / arrival airfieldl. tn case c IJ above
has been complied with then only one Route Check is to be carried out in actual
adverse weather condltlons.
jj) In case Of any adverse remarks durlng Simulator Check / Route Check Pilot must
undergo Ground Classes, at least for Met and weather RADAR and airplane performance
and simulator adverse weather training followed by a two sector Route Check by
Instructor / Examiner in actual conditions, before release.
2) Pilots who have operated as PIC In MOnsoon on another type :
Pilots with prevlous experience as PIC in MOnSoOns who have newly operated command rating
on another type, must comply wlth the followlng :-
。TWO hours Slmulator session <ín the form of LOFTI for adverse weather operations ∞vering
all aspects of weather conditions likely to be encountered in monsoon, including aircraft
performance related to wetlcontaminated runway conditíon combined wlth MEL Dispatch.
Pilot should revìew the ALAR and Adverse Weather Took Kit issued by DGCA. Thìs has to be
arranged not earlìer than 才st May every year.
iìl In the absence of Simulator, two sector Route Check to be carried out.
l!D Training captains having monsoon experience on previous aircraft will be exempted form
the above Checks.
2 :-
3) Ceneral conditions :
il Minimum total experience level of the PIC and Co-Pilots should not be less than 500 hours
on type.
10 There is no assisted take-offs and landings in actual adverse weather / monsoonic
iiil One line Observat!on Flight by Check Pi!ot Ilnstructor í Examiner during the períod 15th
June to 15th september or durlng adverse weather activìty. Training Captain may occupy
the Observer seat or the RHS.
iv) Increased Surveillance (particularly of new PICS) shall be carrìed out by F1ight Operations
Inspectors of the FID, DGCA during thls period.
vl ILS approaches are to be preferr穹d to non-precìsion approaches (ìn case of non-precision
approaches, emphasiS may be glven on Constant Angle Non-prevision Approaches(CANPAI
畏ef. Operations Circular 斗of 2005l.
vil Greater emphasis on stabilized approacheS (Refer Operations Circular No. 斗of 2003 on
"ALAR India Training Tool Kìt' 吟,
vìi) PANS OPS procedures for speed control in terminaJ areas must be folJowed.
viiil Flight Manuallimitations and Company SOPS must be strlctly adhered to.
i沁GO round procedure in case of wind shear, sta!l and recovery must be revlewed as per
Operations Circular 2 of 2001.
x) Documentation about upset recovery technique for SpeCìflc airpJane must be reviewed.
xil Full flap landing and adequate usage of Reverse thrust and consideration of extra enroute
/ terminal fuel computation shalJ be adhered to.
4) MEL Reauirement量
The fo!lOwing equipment must be serviceable during adverse weather I monsoonic conditions
within India :
j) For aircraft requiring transponder and TCA5, both must be serviceable.
ii} GPW5/ EGPWS must be servi臼able.
iiil Thrust reverser must be serviceable.
ivl Anti-skid system must be servlceable.
vl Wind shield wipers on both sides must be serviceable.
vil AntHcing and de-icing must be serviceable.
vii) At least one weather RADAR system must be serviceable.
Viiil Groove on tyres must be visible out of base stations.
The following items even though un-serviceable, could be accepted "to return direct to base
station for maintenance" (i.e. one landing only) subject to acceptable weather conditlons at
departure and destinatlon station"
。Transponder I TCA5 (not in RV5M airSpaCe)
jj) GPWS I EGPW5 - Subject to all other instrumentation (to co-relate positionl being
serviceable and flight crew to have satisfactory terrain awareness.
iiil One Thrust reverser - 5ubject to additional margin of minimum 1000 feet to field length
requirement to take剧。ff and landing.
íVI Anti创<id system - 5ubject to performance limitatíons
v) Wind-shield wipers - Subject to the PIC side (LHSl being serviceable.
vil Anti-icing and De-ícíng - Subject to performance limitations.
Note : Clubbing of Oíi) and (iv) is not permitted. 50 also, any system degradation causing
impact on Flight controls / Thrust ReVersal / Anti-skid must be carefu!ly welghed.
The above waivers to the MEL restrictlons will not be applied if the MEL I other regulatory
requirements are not permltting the same for any other speCífic operatiQns.
cC: AII Training ScheduHng Officers
cC: AII Crew schdlg. Officers
TMC I Jy口tl (MOnSOon 口口erations)

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