- 注册时间
- 2009-12-25
- 最后登录
- 2021-7-10
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- 3302 小时
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- 200
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单词(默认显示当天的) | 采取的措施 | air scoops | | antenna mast, | | antenna wire | | ??用 | | pitot static tubes | | stops | | ??????选择 | | minumum | | disengagement control | | ?? | | quick disengagement control | | deicing slush | | internal-zonal | | 最有选择 | | 手头上 | | moisture purge | | pun-off | | Fogged | | AIRMAN Background Computation | | electric field calculations | | apple power | | ??? | | 减速???? | | automatic thrust control | | 减速手柄 | | autopolit | | recommended、 | | 上???弹簧 | | 上锁弹簧 | | ??边 | | Wake turbulence flag | | tail rotor yokes | | inadverent | | batter ice | | Dear Love | | futher | | Will you marry me,ZhuYue? | | ????环路 | | luricated parts | | Would you marry me? | | Wouldyoumarryme? | | ???务舱 | | ?? | | 你愿意嫁给我吗? | | good judgment | | 截获航向?? | | 截获航向道 | | occluded | | ballscrew | | bristle broom | | ??? | | 滤?? | | COMPATCHED | | overtake flag | | curve | | curve | | ?? | | Appendiy | | ??? | | 简简单单 | | ???????? | | ???????? | | deveiopment | | Patched-Conic | | 穿运动鞋 | | ?????? | | exped | | enclosure door | | perijove radius | | flybys | | containment of fires | | re-evaluating | | PILOT PRESSURE REGULATOR | | MKV | | 交流沟通 | | SHOUJ | | SHOUJIN | | 基本不可能 | | 做力所能及 | | 你的成长 | | force apply | | 对你 | | 对你的成长 | | Integtity | | derates | | hydraulic shutoff valves | | hydraulic shutoff valvrs | | MQ Series | | 父母的要求 | | 父母的要求是对你的成长有好处的 | | 父母经验丰富 | | degead | | deviat | | 孩子应尊重父母 | | Descent Energy Circles | | feedsccc | | Crew door | | ACARS coverage | | Nuisance Detection | | bad data quality | | bussing | | bussing | | slats | | ABC processes background computation | | Slats Speed Limits | | Flaps/Slats Speed Limits | | Aircom Server | | Datalink Service Provider | | 除冰??冰系统 | | 除冰防冰系统 | | fix sequencing | | fix sequence | | scsb | | dispature | | disparture | | windmilling\ | | performance basis | | high static | | ??联?????空 | | UNI AIR | | emergency nature | | brazzers | | brazzer | | brazeer | | shroud muffler | | preset general | | chasses | | a full range of | | stop altitude squawk | | brought out | | reeall | | star ungrounded | | ??? | | star grounded | | porlarity | | positive porlarity | | inspection function | | best interest | | travelling public | | ???清单 | | staffing requirement | | anti-ice | | ?????? | | ?????气压???? | | ICAO Annex 10 ?? Aeronautical Telecommunications | | 预防???维修 | | Sub-system | | ??????? | | awareness vulnerability | | ??? | | ?????? | | ??? | | eustachian | | ????? | | lowered | | ??? | | transmitted | | ??? | | end of | | ?? | | leading-edge | | 内部????系统 | | Passenger Sign | | 双发 | | overwing | | Hirl rcll | | ???小刻度 | | ??新评估 | | cones | | mor1a | | moraa | | ??新??定 | | ??桨 | | saft | | 表???质量 | | ??燃物 | | 押解??人 | | ??气???工作叶片 | | ??肩弯道 | | ????涡轮 | | ???? | | ???代 | | wing-mounted | | ??正控诉 | | ??? | | 开口扳?? | | 外涵?? | | ??火 | | ?Ю托管 | | ??钮 | | vavle | | Actuator Control Electronics | | ?????? | | ??? | | panes | | ?????????? | | ??????? | | ??? | | ?? | | ?????????? | | ??? | | ??? | | captured | | panels | | Key interlock | | ???群规模 | | 机群规模 | | ???群 | | compressor discharge | | ???????? | | 危害? | | ???械传动结构 | | 飞机单机 | | AIR CONDITIONING SMOKE | | ???? | |