y position?? y plane?? y direction ? y beam?? y axis?? Y section Y search maydaymayday Y loader Y junction Y joint x-ray pulsar? xz plane?? xz plane crossing x axis?? ?3-ray telescope z-pinch???? ZNKJRK zone sedimentation ?? zoom-autorotation landing 涡轮式飞机 zte Zulu report Zulu Z knob, ZZC γ-ray telescope z-pinch?? z-pinch geometry?? zoom bombing zone signals zone sedimentation ? zone position?? zone of influence ? disrupting VSI FAIL zone- of- combat air defence fill water zone melting furnace zonal-installation inspection zonal wind velocity?? zonal rectification zonal harmonic?? zonal harmonic coefficient zonal grid?? zonal boundary?? Zmarker ZLBH Zirpro zirconiax frayed fabric corilolis ywheel???? 检查速度 check speed sleep truncation yoke tip???? postdose post dose inclination of thrust vector with respect to body-fixed x-axis aileron, stabilator, rudder deflection angle (rad) baac zipstring zip off ZIP- LIP communications minimized ying level???? zip fuel Y-winding ywheel?? ywheel technology?? angle of attack (rad) ywheel system?? ywheel energy?? ywheel energy storage system ywheel energy storage ywheel acceleration?? yvdf ytot y-to ythrough ytherm Y-scale ypm y-parallax yo-weight system yover youth fares Youngman flap yellowish flame???? Young Tiger Deployment Young- Helmholtz Yom Kippur War yoke tip?? yoke report yoke mounting yoke balance Yohkoh Yoder rolling YMK ymin yby anomaly???? yback subproblem???? disruptive arousal yback propellant???? arousals disruptive arousals yback booster???? off-set hole off-set yk ying-wing spanloader?? ying wing?? ying wing con?? ying vehicle?? ying trajectory?? ying stage?? ying spacecraft?? ying space?? ying quality? ying of spacecraft???? ying mission?? Jin Air Guide-in system ying level?? ying con?? yaw-steering???? yield stress of engineering regulatior yield improvement yield force? yield estimation subsystem yield equation?? butterfuly Y-formation Yew Loop yellowsheet yellowish flame?? yellow smoke yellow sector yellow peril yellow gear/ stuff yellow dischrage yellow arc year of operation?? Y-cut crystal rubber reed circadian drive y-by-wire ybys yby?? yby velocity?? yby maneuver?? yby body yby anomaly?? y-by Ybias yback?? yback subproblem?? yback propellant?? yback fuel?? yback branch?? yback booster?? y-back yback yb plane?? pibBulletin npib notiam notiame yaw-steering?? yaw-steering phase yaw-rate?? yaw-rate command?? proportional electrical proportional electrical signal yawing excursion yawing excursions Euhypnos yaw-guy wires yawed wing Restoril Restoril Euhypnos、 opientation yaw(ing) moment yawing illusion yaw(ing) illusion Telnazepanl sleep inertia yaw pointing mode yaw pointing yaw lines yaw guy yaw deformation angle unicomps zolpidem zaleplon attempting sleep the second circadian dip circadian dip shift lag biologically conducive carburetor combination carburetor cambination JACKOR operational context operational contexts (BPCU MECHPR sepearation ice skid burn ice skid 磁屑探测器 open tread splice tread splice ACTOBSPOILER Cancelling Rju Noise Cancelling Rju 适压活门 stick control force coefficients of roll coefficients of roll moment coefficients of roll moment, coefficients of roll moment, yaw moment, side-force tire crown sidewall area lower barrel 和县shijue.me/search/content?q/ Slats Position signature procedure double signature procedure Performance-based navigation based navigation STH STAGE CHECE VALVE surface control locks radial ply tire radial ply tires sts pb rcl pb charge signal 人工复飞 收襟翼速度小 初始爬升 The direct celling light immediately after of the flight deck door goes off baronav longitudinal aircraft aerodynamic model onstruct the longitudinal aircraft aerodynamic model 盘旋、 原始导航 更换离场 cyncros fuicrum Abakan 应急处理预案 气象状况 机场特点 the STBY POWER switch must be pushed in before the switch can be moved to OFF. Dynamic characteristics of phugoid Navtech An tech i.e. RVSM ubbb stow wiring Cap and stow Cap and stow wires eaneuver LWR BLOCK AFIRS tray gestlock decontaimination emerjency 三角盖板 complex topography 处置后恢复 吊架三角盖板 地形复杂的 Oear Landing gear emergency extension lever INTERNITTENT FAIRING INSTL 执行任务的 cartrigge AUTORESET corbon strike mounts MICRDSUITCH 湿滑跑道的起降标准 本机型湿滑跑道的起降标准 本机型湿滑跑道 RELAMPE ORIFICE ASSY cabies acbaybay acbay trailing fdge flap trailing fdge flap load relief solenoid load relief solenoid 定位偏差 transient coupling restowable autoplilot transient level actual induced transient force transducer roll cws roll cws force transducer Rig Approach training information piont alternate go-around experation expered ALTM XMTR (a) Remove 在空中数字记录仪是自动工作的 两架飞机停在地面时最小距离不小于25英尺 seat level Power-off glide Longitudinal stick Landing gear retraction master wire Power setting value load compressor cavity polynomial method start brake engine start brake MISC SOLID STATE SWITCHING FWND 经历本 经理本 yemenni 桨叶数 spring-loaded-open 美国民航管理局适航证 increased stresses jugdment itergrated Heading Excursion Heading Excursion During Landing Roll Pitch Low at Lift Off aehj High Vertical Speed at Touchdown bus bar assembly flight patten load on main gear countclaim flap degrade 拉货不补 HFLE misdrilled concecutive XDCE swash plate assembly Global Voice laving CABRATED HOUSING SMOKE DETECTOR STAIRHOUSE SMOKE nonpositional tube non-positional tube non positional tube positionable tube SUURED positonable tube seal nut Show trace Resync route ? First Technician Third Pilot 铝胶带 Radionavigation Beacons GRASP FIRMLY strike mount VFR Charts ccar-66 ccar-66部 To familiarize new hired people with the company, a presentation of the history, the present and the future of the company has to be made ILS identification ILS indentification connnector boot 航天育种产品 Stone Group standard tank chamber FBOP air ground dual-powered actuator body diapnragm 平板件 对空广播 对空广播雷达 空中模式 magnice 不接受备降 solendial 按压保持 按压并保持 follow up steering 就近着陆 民用空管局 空管管理局 OBSERVATION WINDOWS inerter 加油区 随动配平片 撤除保留 打磨飞机表面 lateral wind shear lateral windshear windshear conditions vertical active mode IPRP 安全起见 windshear guidance mode 收上位 SEAT-3RD SEAT-3RD OCCUPANT 将空地模式调到空中模式 SUPPLY LOGIC FUEL SUPPLY LOGIC |