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21A.605 Data requirements

The applicant shall submit the following documents, to the Agency:

(a) A statement of compliance certifying that the applicant has met the requirements of this Subpart.

(b) A Declaration of Design and Performance (DDP).

(c) One copy of the technical data required in the applicable ETSO.

(d) The exposition (or a reference to the exposition) referred to in 21A.143 for the purpose of obtaining an appropriate

production organisation approval under Subpart G or the manual (or a reference to the manual) referred to in

21A.125(b) for the purpose of manufacturing under Subpart F without production organisation approval.

(e) For an APU, the handbook (or a reference to the handbook) referred to in 21A.243 for the purpose of obtaining an

appropriate design organisation approval under Subpart J.

(f) for all other articles, the procedures referred to in 21A.602B(b)(2).

21A.606 Issue of ETSO authorisation

The applicant shall be entitled to have an ETSO authorisation issued by the Agency after:

(a) demonstrating its capability in accordance with 21A.602B; and

(b) demonstrating that the article complies with the technical conditions of the applicable ETSO, and submitting the

corresponding statement of compliance.

(c) showing that it is able to comply with 21A.3(b) and (c).

21A.607 ETSO authorisation privileges

The holder of an ETSO authorisation is entitled to produce and to mark the article with the appropriate ETSO marking.

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21A.608 Declaration of Design and Performance (DDP)

(a) The DDP shall contain at least the following information:

1. Information corresponding to 21A.31(a) and (b), identifying the article and its design and testing standard.

2. The rated performance of the article, where appropriate, either directly or by reference to other supplementary


3. A statement of compliance certifying that the article has met the appropriate ETSO.

4. Reference to relevant test reports.

5. Reference to the appropriate Maintenance, Overhaul and Repair Manuals.

6. The levels of compliance, where various levels of compliance are allowed by the ETSO.

7. List of deviations accepted in accordance with 21A.610.

(b) The DDP shall be endorsed with the date and signature of the holder of the ETSO authorisation, or its authorised


21A.609 Obligations of holders of ETSO authorisations

The holder of an ETSO authorisation under this Subpart shall:

(a) Manufacture each article in accordance with Subpart G or Subpart F that ensures that each completed article

conforms to its design data and is safe for installation;

(b) Prepare and maintain, for each model of each article for which an ETSO authorisation has been issued, a current file

of complete technical data and records in accordance with 21A.613;

(c) Prepare, maintain and update master copies of all manuals required by the applicable airworthiness specifications for

the article;

(d) Make available to users of the article and to the Agency on request those maintenance, overhaul and repair manuals

necessary for the usage and maintenance of the article, and changes to those manuals;

(e) Mark each article in accordance with 21A.807; and

(f) Comply with 21A.3(b), (c), 21A.3B and 21A.4.

(g) Continue to meet the qualification requirements of 21A.602B.

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21A.610 Approval for deviation

(a) Each manufacturer who requests approval to deviate from any performance standard of an ETSO shall demonstrate

that the standards from which a deviation is requested are compensated for by factors or design features providing

an equivalent level of safety.

(b) The request for approval to deviate, together with all pertinent data, shall be submitted to the Agency.

21A.611 Design changes

(a) The holder of the ETSO authorisation may make minor design changes (any change other than a major change)

without further authorisation by the Agency. In this case, the changed article keeps the original model number (part

number changes or amendments shall be used to identify minor changes) and the holder shall forward to the Agency

any revised data that are necessary for compliance with 21A.603(b).

(b) Any design change by the holder of the ETSO authorisation that is extensive enough to require a substantially

complete investigation to determine compliance with an ETSO is a major change. Before making such a change, the

holder shall assign a new type or model designation to the article and apply for a new authorisation under 21A.603.

(c) No design change by any natural or legal person other than the holder of the ETSO authorisation who submitted

the statement of compliance for the article is eligible for approval under this Subpart O unless the person seeking

the approval applies under 21A.603 for a separate ETSO authorisation.

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21A.613 Record keeping

Further to the record keeping requirements appropriate to or associated with the quality system, all relevant design information,

drawings and test reports, including inspection records for the article tested, shall be held at the disposal of the

Agency and shall be retained in order to provide the information necessary to ensure the continued airworthiness of the

article and of the type-certificated product in which it is fitted.

21A.615 Inspection by the Agency

Upon a request of the Agency, each applicant for, or holder of an ETSO authorisation for an article shall allow the

Agency to:

(a) Witness any tests.

(b) Inspect the technical data files on that article.

21A.619 Duration and continued validity

(a) An ETSO authorisation shall be issued for an unlimited duration. It shall remain valid unless:

1. The conditions required when ETSO authorisation was granted are no longer being observed; or

2. The obligations of the holder specified in 21A.609 are no longer being discharged; or

3. The article has proved to give rise to unacceptable hazards in service; or

4. the authorisation has been surrendered or revoked under the applicable administrative procedures established by

the Agency.

(b) Upon surrender or revocation, the certificate shall be returned to the Agency.

21A.621 Transferability

Except for a change in ownership of the holder, which shall be regarded as a change of significance, and shall therefore

comply with 21A.147 and 21A.247 as applicable, an ETSO authorisation issued under this Part is not transferable.



21A.801 Identification of products

(a) The identification of products shall include the following information:

1. Manufacturer's name.

2. Product designation.

3. Manufacturer's Serial number.

4. Any other information the Agency finds appropriate.

(b) Any natural or legal person that manufactures an aircraft or engine under Subpart G or Subpart F shall identify that

aircraft or engine by means of a fireproof plate that has the information specified in paragraph (a) marked on it by

etching, stamping, engraving, or other approved method of fireproof marking. The identification plate shall be

secured in such a manner that it is accessible and legible, and will not likely be defaced or removed during normal

service, or lost or destroyed in an accident.

(c) Any natural or legal person that manufactures a propeller, propeller blade, or propeller hub under Subpart G or

Subpart F shall identify it by means of a plate, stamping, engraving, etching or other approved method of fireproof

identification that is placed on it on a non-critical surface, contains the information specified in paragraph (a), and

will not likely be defaced or removed during normal service or lost or destroyed in an accident.

(d) For manned free balloons, the identification plate prescribed in paragraph (b) shall be secured to the balloon

envelope and shall be located, if practicable, where it is legible to the operator when the balloon is inflated. In addition,

the basket and any heater assembly shall be permanently and legibly marked with the manufacturer's name,

part number, or equivalent, and serial number, or equivalent.

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21A.803 Handling of identification data

(a) No person shall remove, change, or place identification information referred to in 21A.801(a) on any aircraft,

engine, propeller, propeller blade, or propeller hub, or in 21A.807(a) on an APU, without the approval of the


(b) No person shall remove or install any identification plate referred to in 21A.801, or in 21A.807 for an APU, without

the approval of the Agency.

(c) By way of derogation from paragraphs (a) and (b), any natural or legal person performing maintenance work under

the applicable associated implementing rules may, in accordance with methods, techniques and practices established

by the Agency:

1. Remove, change, or place the identification information referred to in 21A.801(a) on any aircraft, engine,

propeller, propeller blade, or propeller hub, or in 21A.807(a) on an APU; or

2. Remove an identification plate referred to in 21A.801, or 21A.807 for an APU, when necessary during maintenance


(d) No person shall install an identification plate removed in accordance with subparagraph (c)(2) on any aircraft,

engine, propeller, propeller blade, or propeller hub other than the one from which it was removed.

21A.804 Identification of parts and appliances

(a) Each manufacturer of a part or appliance shall permanently and legibly mark the part or appliance with:

1. a name, trademark, or symbol identifying the manufacturer; and

2. the part number, as defined in the applicable design data; and

3. the letters EPA (European Part Approval) for parts or appliances produced in accordance with approved design

data not belonging to the type-certificate holder of the related product, except for ETSO articles.

(b) By way of derogation from paragraph (a), if the Agency agrees that a part or appliance is too small or that it is

otherwise impractical to mark a part or appliance with any of the information required by paragraph (a), the

authorised release document accompanying the part or appliance or its container shall include the information that

could not be marked on the part.

21A.805 Identification of critical parts

In addition to the requirement of 21A.804, each manufacturer of a part to be fitted on a type-certificated product which

has been identified as a critical part shall permanently and legibly mark that part with a part number and a serial


21A.807 Identification of ETSO articles

(a) Each holder of an ETSO authorisation under Subpart O shall permanently and legibly mark each article with the

following information:

1. The name and address of the manufacturer;

2. The name, type, part number or model designation of the article;

3. The serial number or the date of manufacture of the article or both; and

4. The applicable ETSO number.

(b) By way of derogation from paragraph (a), if the Agency agrees that a part is too small or that it is otherwise impractical

to mark a part with any of the information required by paragraph (a), the authorised release document accompanying

the part or its container shall include the information that could not be marked on the part.

(c) Each person who manufactures an APU under Subpart G or Subpart F shall identify that APU by means of a fireproof

plate that has the information specified in paragraph (a) marked on it by etching, stamping, engraving, or

other approved method of fireproof marking. The identification plate shall be secured in such a manner that it is

accessible and legible, and will not likely be defaced or removed during normal service, or lost or destroyed in an


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21B.5 Scope

(a) This Section establishes the procedure for the competent authority of the Member State when exercising its tasks

and responsibilities concerned with the issuance, maintenance, amendment, suspension and revocation of certificates,

approvals and authorisations referred to in this Part.

(b) The Agency shall develop in accordance with Article 14 of the basic Regulation certification specifications and

guidance material to assist Member States in the implementation of this Section.

21B.20 Obligations of the competent authority

Each competent authority of the Member State is responsible for the implementation of Section A, Subparts F, G, H and

I only for applicants, or holders, whose principal place of business is in its territory.

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21B.25 Requirements for the organisation of the competent authority

(a) General:

The Member State shall designate a competent authority with allocated responsibilities for the implementation of

Section A, Subparts F, G, H and I with documented procedures, organisation structure and staff.

(b) Resources:

1. The number of staff shall be sufficient to perform the allocated tasks.

2. The competent authority of the Member State shall appoint a manager, or managers, who are responsible for the

execution of the related task(s) within the authority, including the communication with the Agency and the other

national authorities as appropriate.

(c) Qualification and training:

All staff shall be appropriately qualified and have sufficient knowledge, experience and training to perform their allocated


21B.30 Documented procedures

(a) The competent authority of the Member State shall establish documented procedures to describe its organisation,

means and methods to fulfil the requirements of this Part. The procedures shall be kept up to date and serve as the

basic working documents within that authority for all related activities.

(b) A copy of the procedures and their amendments shall be available to the Agency.

21B.35 Changes in organisation and procedures

(a) The competent authority of the Member State shall notify any significant change in its organisation and documented

procedures to the Agency.

(b) The competent authority of the Member State shall update its documented procedures relating to any change to

regulations in a timely manner to ensure effective implementation.

21B.40 Resolution of disputes

(a) The competent authority of the Member State shall establish a process for the resolution of disputes within its organisation

documented procedures.

(b) Where a dispute, which cannot be resolved, exists between the competent authorities of the Member States it is the

responsibility of the managers as defined in 21B.25(b)(2) to raise the issue with the Agency for mediation.

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21B.45 Reporting/coordination

(a) The competent authority of the Member State shall ensure coordination as applicable with other related certification,

investigation, approval or authorisation teams of that authority, other Member States and the Agency to ensure efficient

exchange of information relevant for safety of the products, parts and appliances.

(b) The competent authority of the Member State shall notify any difficulty in the implementation of this Part to the


21B.55 Record keeping

The competent authority of the Member State shall keep, or maintain access to, the appropriate records related to the

certificates, approvals and authorisations it has granted in accordance with the respective national regulations, and for

which responsibility is transferred to the Agency, as long as these records have not been transferred to the Agency.

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21B.60 Airworthiness directives

When the a competent authority of a Member State receives an airworthiness directive from the competent authority of

a non-member State, that airworthiness directive shall be transferred to the Agency for dissemination in accordance with

Article 15 of the basic Regulation.


Administrative procedures established by the Agency shall apply.



Administrative procedures established by the Agency shall apply.


Administrative procedures established by the Agency shall apply.


21B.120 Investigation

(a) The Competent Authority shall appoint an investigation team for each applicant for, or holder of, a letter of agreement

to conduct all relevant tasks related to this letter of agreement, consisting of a team-leader to manage and lead

the investigation team and, if required, one or more team members. The team-leader reports to the manager responsible

for the activity, as defined in 21B.25 (b)(2).

(b) The Competent Authority shall perform sufficient investigation activities for an applicant for, or holder of, a letter of

agreement to justify recommendations for the issuance, maintenance, amendment, suspension or revocation of the

letter of agreement.

(c) The Competent Authority shall prepare procedures for the investigation of applicants for, or holders of, a letter of

agreement as part of the documented procedures covering at least the following elements:

1. evaluation of applications received;

2. determination of investigation team;

3. investigation preparation and planning;

4. evaluation of the documentation (manual, procedures, etc.);

5. auditing and inspection;

6. follow up of corrective actions; and

7. recommendation for issuance, amendment, suspension or revocation of the letter of agreement.

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21B.130 Issue of letter of agreement

(a) When satisfied that the manufacturer is in compliance with the applicable requirements of Section A, Subpart F, the

Competent Authority shall issue a letter of agreement to the showing of conformity of individual products, parts or

appliances (EASA Form 65, see Appendix) without undue delay.

(b) The letter of agreement shall contain the scope of the agreement, a termination date and, where applicable, the

appropriate limitations relating to the authorisation.

(c) The duration of the letter of agreement shall not exceed one year.

21B.135 Maintenance of the letter of agreement

The Competent Authority shall maintain the letter of agreement as long as:

(a) The manufacturer is properly using the EASA Form 52 (see Appendix) as a Statement of Conformity for complete

aircraft, and the EASA Form 1 (see Appendix) for products other than complete aircraft, parts and appliances; and

(b) Inspections performed by the Competent Authority of the Member State before validation of the EASA Form 52 (see

Appendix) or the EASA Form 1 (see Appendix), as per 21A.130(c) and did not reveal any findings of non-compliance

against the requirements or the procedures as contained in the manual provided by the manufacturer, or

against the conformity of the respective products, parts or appliances. These inspections shall check at least that:

1. The agreement covers the product, part or appliance being validated, and remains valid;

2. The manual described in 21A.125(b) and its change status referred in the letter of agreement is used as basic

working document by the manufacturer. Otherwise, the inspection shall not continue and therefore the release

certificates shall not be validated;

3. Production has been carried out under the conditions prescribed in the letter of agreement and satisfactorily


4. Inspections and tests (including flight tests, if appropriate), as per 21A.130(b)(2) and/or (b)(3), have been carried

out under the condition prescribed in the letter of agreement and satisfactorily performed;

5. The inspections by the Competent Authority described or addressed in the letter of agreement have been

performed and found acceptable;

6. The statement of conformity complies with 21A.130, and the information provided by it does not prevent its

validation; and

(c) Any termination date for the letter of agreement has not been reached.

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21B.140 Amendment of a letter of agreement

(a) The Competent Authority shall investigate, as appropriate, in accordance with 21B.120 any amendment of the letter

of agreement.

(b) When the Competent Authority is satisfied that the requirements of Section A, Subpart F continue to be complied

with it shall amend the letter of agreement accordingly.

21B.143 Notification of findings

(a) When objective evidence is found by the Competent Authority, showing non compliance of the holder of a letter of

agreement with the applicable requirements of this Part, this finding shall be classified in accordance with 21A.125B


1. A level one finding shall be notified to the holder of the letter of agreement immediately and shall be confirmed

in writing within 3 working days after determination.

2. A level two finding shall be confirmed in writing to the holder of the letter of agreement within 14 working days

after determination.

(b) The Competent Authority shall identify to the holder of the letter of agreement any level three finding, as defined in

21A.125B(b), by appropriate means, at its convenience.

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21B.145 Suspension and revocation of a letter of agreement

(a) In case of level one or level two findings, the Competent Authority shall partly or fully limit, suspend or revoke a

letter of agreement as follows:

1. In case of a level one finding the letter of agreement shall be immediately limited or suspended. If the holder of

the letter of agreement fails to comply with 21A.125B(c)(1), the letter of agreement shall be revoked.

2. In case of a level two finding, the Competent Authority shall decide on any restriction to the letter of agreement

by temporary suspension of the letter of agreement or parts thereof. If the holder of the letter of agreement fails

to comply with 21A.125B(c)(2), the letter of agreement shall be revoked.

(b) The suspension or revocation of the letter of agreement shall be communicated in writing to the holder of the letter

of agreement. The Competent Authority shall state the reasons for the limitation, suspension or revocation and

inform the holder of the letter of agreement on its right to appeal.

(c) When a letter of agreement has been suspended it shall only be reinstated after compliance with Section A, Subpart

F has been re-established.

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21B.150 Record keeping

(a) The Competent Authority shall establish a system of record keeping that allows adequate traceability of the process

to issue, maintain, amend, suspend or revoke each individual letter of agreement.

(b) The records shall at least contain:

1. the documents provided by the applicant for, or holder of, a letter of agreement,

2. documents established during investigation and inspection, in which the activities and the final results of the

elements defined in 21B.120 are stated,

3. the letter of agreement, including changes, and

4. minutes of the meetings with the manufacturer.

(c) The records shall be archived for a minimum retention period of six years after termination of the letter of agreement.

(d) The Competent Authority shall also maintain records of all Statements of Conformity (EASA Form 52, see

Appendix) and Authorised Release Certificates (EASA Form 1, see Appendix) that it has validated.


21B.220 Investigation

(a) The Competent Authority shall appoint a production organisation approval team for each applicant, or holder of, a

production organisation approval to conduct all relevant tasks related to this production organisation approval,

consisting of a team leader to manage and lead the approval team and, if required, one or more team members. The

team leader reports to the manager responsible for the activity as defined in 21B.25(b)(2).

(b) The Competent Authority shall perform sufficient investigation activities for an applicant for, or holder of, a production

organisation approval to justify recommendations for the issuance, maintenance, amendment, suspension or

revocation of the approval.

(c) The Competent Authority shall prepare procedures for the investigation of a production organisation approval as

part of the documented procedures covering at least the following elements:

1. evaluation of applications received;

2. determination of production organisation approval team;

3. investigation preparation and planning;

4. evaluation of the documentation (production organisation exposition, procedures, etc.);

5. auditing;

6. follow up of corrective actions;

7. recommendation for issuance, amendment, suspension or revocation of production organisation approval;

8. continued surveillance.

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21B.225 Notification of findings

(a) When objective evidence is found showing non compliance of the holder of a production organisation approval with

the applicable requirements of this Part, this finding shall be classified in accordance with 21A.158(a) and:

1. A level one finding shall be notified to the holder of a production organisation approval immediately and shall be

confirmed in writing within 3 working days after determination.

2. A level two finding shall be confirmed in writing to the holder of the production organisation approval within

14 working days after determination.

(b) The Competent Authority shall identify to the holder of the production organisation approval any level three finding,

as defined in 21A.158(b), by appropriate means, at its convenience.

21B.230 Issue of certificate

(a) When satisfied that the production organisation is in compliance with the applicable requirements of Section A,

Subpart G, the Competent Authority shall issue a Production Organisation Approval (EASA Form 55, see Appendix

) without undue delay.

(b) The reference number shall be included on the EASA Form 55 in a manner specified by the Agency.

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21B.235 Continued surveillance

(a) In order to justify the maintenance of the production organisation approval the Competent Authority competent

authority shall perform continued surveillance:

1. to verify that the production organisation approval holder's quality system still complies with Section A, Subpart

G; and

2. to verify that the organisation of the production organisation approval holder operates in accordance with the

production organisation exposition; and

3. to verify the effectiveness of the production organisation exposition procedures; and

4. to monitor by sample the standards of the product, part or appliance.

(b) Continued surveillance shall be performed in accordance with 21B.220.

(c) The Competent Authority shall provide through planned continued surveillance that a production organisation

approval is completely reviewed for compliance with this Part during a period of 24 months. The continued surveillance

may be made up of several investigation activities during this period. The number of audits may vary

depending upon the complexity of the organisation, the number of sites and the criticality of the production. As a

minimum the holder of a production organisation approval shall be subject to continued surveillance activity by the

Competent Authority at least once every year.

21B.240 Amendment of a production organisation approval

(a) The Competent Authority shall monitor any minor change through the continued surveillance activities.

(b) The Competent Authority shall investigate as appropriate in accordance with 21B.220 any significant change of a

production organisation approval or application by the holder of a production organisation approval for an amendment

of the scope and terms of approval.

(c) When the Competent Authority is satisfied that the requirements of Section A, Subpart G continue to be complied

with it shall amend the production organisation approval accordingly.

21B.245 Suspension and revocation of a production organisation approval

(a) In case of a level one or level two finding, the Competent Authority shall partly or fully limit, suspend or revoke a

production organisation approval as follows:

1. In case of a level one finding the production organisation approval shall be immediately limited or suspended. If

the holder of the production organisation approval fails to comply with 21A.158(c)(1), the production organisation

approval shall be revoked.

2. In case of a level two finding, the Competent Authority shall decide on any restriction to the scope of approval

by temporary suspension of the production organisation approval or parts thereof. If the holder of a production

organisation approval fails to comply with 21A.158(c)(2), the production organisation approval shall be revoked.

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(b) The limitation, suspension or revocation of the production organisation approval shall be communicated in writing

to the holder of the production organisation approval. The Competent Authority shall state the reasons for the

suspension or revocation and inform the holder of the production organisation approval on its right to appeal.

(c) When a production organisation approval has been suspended it shall only be reinstated after compliance with

Section A, Subpart G has been re-established.

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21B.260 Record keeping

(a) The Competent Authority shall establish a system of record keeping that allows adequate traceability of the process

to issue, maintain, amend, suspend or revoke each individual production organisation approval.

(b) The records shall at least contain:

1. the documents provided by the applicant for, or holder of, a production organisation approval certificate,

2. documents established during the investigation, in which the activities and the final results of the elements

defined in 21B.220 are stated, including findings established in accordance with 21B.225

3. the continued surveillance programme, including records of investigations performed

4. the production organisation approval certificate, including changes

5. minutes of the meetings with the holder of the production organisation approval.

(c) The records shall be archived for a minimum retention period of six years.


21B.320 Investigation

(a) The competent authority of the Member State of registry shall perform sufficient investigation activities for an applicant

for, or holder of, an airworthiness certificate to justify the issuance, maintenance, amendment, suspension or

revocation of the certificate or permit.

(b) The competent authority of the Member State of registry shall prepare evaluation procedures covering at least the

following elements:

1. evaluation of eligibility of the applicant;

2. evaluation of the eligibility of the application;

3. classification of airworthiness certificates;

4. evaluation of the documentation received with the application;

5. inspection of aircraft;

6. determination of necessary conditions, restrictions or limitations to the airworthiness certificates.

21B.325 Issue of airworthiness certificates

(a) The competent authority of the Member State of registry shall, as applicable, issue, or amend a Certificate of

Airworthiness (EASA Form 25, see Appendix), Restricted Certificate of Airworthiness (EASA Form 24, see Appendix)

or Permit to Fly (EASA Form 20, see Appendix) without undue delay when it is satisfied that the applicable requirements

of Section A, Subpart H are met.

(b) In addition to an airworthiness certificate for a new aircraft or used aircraft originating from a non-member State,

the competent authority of the Member State of registry shall issue an initial airworthiness review certificate (EASA

Form 15a, see Appendix).

21B.330 Suspension and revocation of airworthiness certificates

(a) Upon evidence that any of the conditions specified in 21A.181(a) is not met, the competent authority of the Member

State of registry shall suspend or revoke an airworthiness certificate.

(b) Upon issuance of the notice of suspension and revocation of a certificate of airworthiness, restricted certificate of

airworthiness or permit to fly the competent authority of the Member State of registry shall state the reasons for the

suspension or revocation and inform the holder of the certificate or permit on its right to appeal.

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21B.345 Record keeping

(a) The competent authority of the Member State of registry shall establish a system of record keeping that allows

adequate traceability of the process to issue, maintain, amend, suspend or revoke each individual airworthiness certificate.

(b) The records shall at least contain:

1. the documents provided by the applicant,

2. documents established during the investigation, in which the activities and the final results of the elements

defined in 21B.320(b) are stated, and

3. a copy of the certificate or permit, including amendments.

(c) The records shall be archived for a minimum retention period of six years after leaving that national register.


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21B.420 Investigation

(a) The competent authority of the Member State of registry shall perform sufficient investigation activities for an applicant

for, or holder of, a noise certificate to justify the issuance, maintenance, amendment, suspension or revocation

of the certificate.

(b) The competent authority of the Member State of registry shall prepare evaluation procedures as part of the documented

procedures covering at least the following elements:

1. evaluation of eligibility;

2. evaluation of the documentation received with the application;

3. inspection of aircraft.

21B.425 Issue of noise certificates

The competent authority of the Member State of registry shall, as applicable, issue, or amend noise certificates (EASA

Form 45, see Appendix ) without undue delay when it is satisfied that the applicable requirements of Section A, Subpart

I are met.

21B.430 Suspension and revocation of a noise certificate

(a) Upon evidence that some of the conditions specified in 21A.211(a) are not met, the competent authority of the

Member State of registry shall suspend or revoke a noise certificate.

(b) Upon issuance of the notice of suspension and revocation of a noise certificate the competent authority of the

Member State of registry shall state the reasons for the suspension and revocation and shall inform the holder of the

certificate on its right to appeal.

21B.445 Record keeping

(a) The competent authority of the Member State of registry shall establish a system of record keeping with minimum

retention criteria that allows adequate traceability of the process to issue, maintain, amend, suspend or revoke each

individual noise certificate.

(b) The records shall at least contain:

1. the documents provided by the applicant,

2. documents established during the investigation, in which the activities and the final results of the elements

defined in 21B.420(b) are stated,

3. a copy of the certificate including amendments.

(c) The records shall be archived for a minimum retention period of six years after leaving that national register.


Administrative procedures established by the Agency shall apply.


Administrative procedures established by the Agency shall apply.

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Administrative procedures established by the Agency shall apply.



Administrative procedures established by the Agency shall apply.



Administrative procedures established by the Agency shall apply.

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