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3.3-13B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.Guidelines for understanding forecast wind and temperatureinformation entry are:•
If there are no wind entries on any waypoint wind page, zero windsare assumed for the wind forecast for all waypoints at all altitudes.•
Attempted entry into 2L
through 4L
is not possible.•
Entry of an altitude in 1L
results in dash prompt fields for windDirection (DIR) and Speed (SPD) on the right MCDU fieldcorresponding to the sorted location on the altitude on the leftMCDU field.•
It is necessary for the altitude on a wind page to be deleted beforea new altitidue is entered to replace it. When the altitude is deletedthe associated winds on all pages are also deleted at all thewaypoints.•
Entry of a wind value (not altitudes) at a waypoint results in the windvalue being propagated down-path until another entered waypointwind at the same altitude (same field) is encountered.•
If no wind entry has been made up-path from a waypoint with aforcast wind, the up-path waypoints display the first waypoint windin SMALL font.•
Propagated wind values are displayed in SMALL font.•
Pilot-entered wind values are displayed in LARGE font.•
Waypoint temperature forecasts are entered at a single altitude onany waypoint wind forecast page. Entry of an OAT at an altitude isdisplayed in 5R and this results in modification of the displayedOATs in lines 1L
through 4L
The OAT is entered in Celsius. Valid temperature entires are aminimum entry limit of 每80∼C for all altitudes and a maximun entrylimit interpolated between 每40∼C at 45,100 feet and +55∼C at sealevel.•
All temperatures on the page where the entry is made displays inLARGE font and all propagated temperatures on the other pagesare in SMALL font.•
If waypoint OAT entries are not made, then standard daytemperatures are used.3.3-14Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Figure 3.3-9 illustrates the forecast wind and temperature entryfollowing the above rules for the FOOTS waypoint. The altitude, OAT,and wind direction and speed are typed in the SP and then lineselected by the appropriate LSK.G3641-21-058#Figure 3.3-9FOOTS WINDS 每 Entry Completed6R RTE DATA> 每 Selection of the Route Data prompt on theFOOTS WINDS page displays the RTE DATA relating to thewaypoint identified on this WIND page.STEP: 6R Route Data> (FOOTS WINDS)G3641-21-059#Figure 3.3-10ACT RTE 1 DATA 每 FOOTS WINDS3.3-15B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.NOTE: The forecast wind entry is noted by a ※W§ in the windcolumn at the waypoint at which it was entered.Pushing LSK 6R on the ACT RTE DATA page returns the display tothe ACT RTE 1 LEGS page.On the ACT RTE LEGS page, if the Navigational Display (ND)Selector is selected to the Plan (PLN) mode, the MCDU displays aSTEP> prompt in line 6R . This is illustrated in Figure 3.3-11. Thisallows the pilot to sequence the waypoints through the center of thePLAN mode display. A <CTR> legend is displayed in the middle ofthat data field which is the center of the ND display. Pressing the LEGSkey,PREVPAGE , orNEXTPAGE keys makes the center of the ND the first waypointof the page displayed.G3641-21-060#Figure 3.3-11ACT RTE 1 LEGS 每 STEP>If the ND selector is not in PLAN mode, and an inactive RTE LEGSpage is displayed, the ACTIVATE> prompt appears at 6R .Rev 1 12/963.3-16Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Climb Airspeed/Altitude Constraints When vertical altitude constraints, or deletions of them, occur duringclimb, the FMC provides updated vertical guidance and performance.Changes to waypoint altitude and airspeed constraints (via the RTELEGS pages), and CRZ ALT (via the CLB page) may be accomplished.When flight plan changes are made, performance predictions becomeinvalid (dashed fields, ) for display purposes until the FMCcalculates new information. The initially selected CRZ ALT must beeventually attained or changed, or the FMS does not transition intothe CRZ phase of flight.Altitude Constraints allow the pilot to enter ATC specified constraintsat flight plan waypoints. Entry of an altitude constraint is made byentering the restriction into the right field of the RTE LEGS pagecorresponding to the waypoint with the constraint.For example, ATC instructions call for crossing SXC At or Below11,000 feet. At or Below 11,000 feet is inserted in the flight plan bytyping 11000B in the SP and pressing LSK 1R . Once accomplishedthe modification must be activated by pressing theEXECkey (seeFigure 3.3-12).STEPS:A. Type 11000B in SPB. 1RC.EXECG3641-21-061#Figure 3.3-12Altitude Constraint Entry

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3.3-17B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.Only altitude constraints that are defined by the pilot as At, At orBelow, or a Block Altitude are restrictive in the takeoff/climb phase offlight. If the aircraft is in a climb and a constraint is entered with analtitude below the aircraft, the entry is accepted and if VNAV isengaged, the aircraft levels off and holds altitude until sequencing offthe constrained leg, at which time the aircraft continues the climb. Inthe flight scenario, the aircraft crosses SXC At or Below 11,000 feet,and once the aircraft sequences SXC the aircraft continues climbingto FL310.Airspeed Constraints may be inserted during the climb using theRTE LEGS pages. To enter an airspeed constraint at a waypoint,enter the constraint (CAS is the only type of airspeed allowed) via theSP, the appropriate LSK and theEXECkey. The constraint may beentered with an altitude constraint separated by a slash ( / ). Theconstraint may also be entered without an altitude as long as it isfollowed by a slash (ex: 330/ ). An airspeed only constraint enteredat a predicted altitude (SMALL font) is not allowed and results in anINVALID ENTRY message. Figure 3.3-13 illustrates an example ofmaintaining 330 kts until passing SXC.STEPS:A. Type 330/ in SPB. 1RC.EXECG3641-21-062#Figure 3.3-13Airspeed Constraint EntryRev 1 12/963.3-18Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Rules for Airspeed/Altitude Constraints This section details all facets of airspeed/altitude constraints includingentry and display. Except where noted, the rules outlined also applyto constraints in the cruise, descent, and approach phases of flight.Constraints may be entered on any leg other than an altitudetermination leg (course from a fix to an altitude, holding terminationat an altitude, or a heading to an altitude).Constraints are entered on the RTE LEGS pages, and also on theRTE HOLD pages for holding patterns. Constraints associated withan entered departure or arrival procedure are inserted into the route,if the constraints are contained in the nav data base. Constraints canbe deleted via the RTE LEGS, RTE HOLD, CLB, and DES pages.Changes to the CRZ ALT may also delete constraints in a route.Entry Format is important when entering both an airspeed and analtitude constraint. They must be separated by a slash ( / ) with thespeed first: airspeed/altitude. Airspeed only entries must be followedby a slash (i.e., 330/ ). Altitudes only entries may be, but are notrequired to be preceded by a slash. Altitude constraints are identifiedas At, At or Above, At or Below, or Block Altitudes.Airspeed entries are only allowed in three-digit CAS format (Machentries are not allowed) in the range of 100 to 400 kts. Airspeed onlyentries are accepted when over an existing altitude constraint orwhen entered with an altitude constraint. Airspeed only entries arenot allowed over dashes, next to a predicted altitude (SMALL font) orat an altitude termination leg.Altitude entries of less than 1,000 ft must be preceded with zeros. Aminimum entry of at least four digits is required (i.e., 800 ft is enteredas 0800). Negative altitude entries must be entered in the format每NNNN, with nothing lower than 每1,000 ft accepted. Altitude constraintentries must be lower than the CRZ ALT (it may be equal to the CRZALT only if the entry is made on a holding pattern leg and is not a BlockAltitude).NOTE: All entries must be excuted via theEXECkey.3.3-19B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.An INVALID ENTRY message is displayed on the MCDU SP for anyentry not meeting this criteria.Constraint Insertion is accomplished when new constraints arecreated and entered over dashes, predicted airspeed/altitudes orexisting contraints. Old constraint airspeeds are never saved whennew constraints are entered. This is true even if an altitude onlyconstraint is entered.If the aircraft is in a climb and a climb constraint is entered with analtitude below the aircraft, the entry is accepted. With VNAV engaged,the aircraft levels off and holds altitude until sequencing the constraintwaypoint.Constraint Deletion is accomplished by using the DELkey. DELETEentered into dashes, boxes, predicted values or altitude terminationsare not accepted and result in an INVALID DELETE message.Deleting a constraint returns dashes to the display, which are thenreplaced by new predicted values.As an example, suppose the 330 kt restriction at SXC is rescinded.On the appropriate LEGS page press DELwhich enters DELETE intothe SP. Press LSK 1R and theEXECkey which deletes the constraintas illustrated in Figure 3.3-14. Notice that the altitude constraint isalso deleted, and has to be re-entered, if required.3.3-20Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE STEPS:A. DELB. 1RC.EXECG3641-21-063#Figure 3.3-14Constraint DeletionRules for airspeed/altitude contraints in the cruise, descent, andapproach phases of flight are outlined within their appropriate sections.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-13.4 CRUISE The FMS Cruise (CRZ) is the phase of flight between the Top-ofClimb (T/C) and the Top-of-Descent (T/D). During cruise the pilotmay be required to make navigation changes, transmit positionreports, monitor flight progress, change cruise altitude, and preparefor descent to the destination airport. Preparing for descent caninclude STAR selection, descent forecast wind entry and review ofapproach and missed approach data. These items are covered in thecruise section.3.4.1 CRZ Page The CRZ page is accessed by pressing VNAVmode key when thecruise mode is active. If the cruise mode is not active, the CRZ pageis 2/3 of the vertical navigation pages are displayed by either pressingPREVPAGE orNEXTPAGE after the VNAVkey has been selected.

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The CRZ page is used by the pilot to evaluate or change cruisealtitude, speed, and step climb path. The available speeds are:economy, selected speed, long-range cruise, engine out, cruiseclimb, cruise descent, and limit speed.STEP: VNAVG3641-21-064#Figure 3.4-1ACT ECON CRZRev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-2Page Title•
Displays active cruise speed. XXXKT if controlling to a fixed speed,M.XXX if controlling to a fixed Mach, or ECON if controlling toeconomy speed based on cost index set on the PERF INIT page.•
LRC is displayed if Long-Range Cruise is selected.•
E/O is displayed if Engine Out is selected.•
LRC D/D displayed when engine out is selected and the currentaircraft altitude is greater than MAX ALT value for engine outperformance.•
MCP SPD is displayed if speed intervention is selected onthe MCP.•
LIM SPD displayed if controlling to a limit speed such asVMO/MMO.•
CRZ CLB or CRZ DES is displayed if a new cruise altitude isentered on the active page.1L
CRZ ALT 每 Displays the present VNAV CRZ ALT (CruiseAltitude). A cruise altitude entry on the PERF INIT page ispropagated to this page. An altitude entry, while the CRZ ALTpage is active, changes the page title to CRZ CLB or CRZ DES.When a CRZ ALT entry is greater than the maximum certifiedaltitude, the entry is rejected and an ※INVALID ENTRY§ messageis displayed in the SP. When a CRZ ALT entry is greater thanthe performance computed maximum altitude, the entry isaccepted and a message is displayed ※MAX ALT FLXXX§.A cruise altitude entry deletes HOLD waypoint constraintsgreater than the entered cruise altitude. All other waypointconstraints greater than or equal to the entered cruise altitudeare deleted.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-32L
SPD LINE 每 The cruise speed target is displayed on this linefor the cruise phase of flight. The header displays ECON SPDwhen the cruise mode is economy cruise which is the speedused for the flight scenario. SEL SPD is displayed when thecruise mode is a selected CAS or Mach number 每 includingengine out selected speeds. LRC SPD is displayed when thecruise mode is Long-Range Cruise (LRC), including engine outLRC modes.E/O SPD is displayed when the cruise mode is engine out bestgradient speed cruise. The speed is displayed either as athree-digit CAS, ranging from 100 to 400 knots, or a three-digitMach number preceded by a period ranging from .100 to .990.3L
EPR 每 Displayed here is the target EPR or N1 required tomaintain target airspeed at cruise altitude, when on an activecruise, cruise climb or cruise descent page. This area is blankwhen a Modification (MOD) is in progress or when the page isinactive.4L
STEP SIZE 每 This is the default ICAO or pilot-entered stepsize increment used for optimum step point predictions andstep climb trip predictions. Valid entries are zero and multiplesof 1,000 ft up to 9,000 ft. Entering zero causes the flight planpredictions to be computed with no step climbs. The step sizevalue is propagated from the PERF INIT entry message.Deletion of a pilot-entered step size results in returning back tothe default ICAO flight level.5L
<ECON 每 Displayed when speed or Mach has been manuallyentered on the SPEED Line at 2L
. With <ECON promptdisplayed, the line is called the ECONOMY LSK and pushing5L
selects economy cruise speed and is displayed in 2L
ERASE 每 ERASE is displayed only when a vertical or lateralflight plan modification is pending. Selection results in erasingall pending modifications.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-41R STEP TO 每 The STEP TO ALTITUDE displays the nextaltitude which minimizes either the trip cost or fuel cost basedon step size; if step size ICAO, CRZ ALT is selected beforetakeoff.The STEP TO Altitude may be overwritten with an altitudegreater than CRZ ALT and remains until a new CRZ ALT isentered.This field displays step to altitude entered at waypoints on theLEGS page. These altitudes may be greater or less than CRZALT and cannot be overwritten on the CRZ page.A valid entry is FLXXX or XXX (flight level), or XXXX (feet). Ablank in this field means there is no active flight plan or theaircraft is within 200 miles of T/D.NOTE: ICAO safe separation, step increments are additive tothe OPTIMUM ALTITUDE base on the CRZ ALTselected before takeoff. Inflight changes to CRZ ALTdoes not change this base altitude. For example, theflight scenairo displays a CRZ ALT of FL310 selectedat takeoff and an OPTIMUM ALTITUDE of FL311. TheSTEP TO altitude will be FL350.2R AT 每 Displays the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) anddistance-to-go to the optimum step point, which in this case,has an ETA of 1319Z and a distance of 1195NM. If a recommended step to point has passed, the field displays NOW.The label changes to AVAIL AT if a climb is restricted by thrustlimit or buffet.The label changes to TO T/D within 200NM of T/D. The ETAand distance are relative to T/D.3R DESTINATION ETA /FUEL 每 Displays the estimated time ofarrival and predicted fuel at destination assuming step climbs(if displayed) are made at optimum points to STEP TO altitude.If there are planned steps on the LEGS page, predicted valuesassume step climbs are made at the planned STEP AT points.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-5

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OPT 每 This field displays Optimum (OPT) altitude whichminimizes trip cost when ECON speed is selected. It displaysthe altitude which minimizes trip fuel when LRC or SEL speedis selected.4R MAX 每 Displays the present maximum altitude based oncurrent gross weight, current number of operating engines,and current SPEED Line value and the aircraft climbs directlyto the altitude without regard for altitude or speed constraints.5R ENG OUT> 每 Selection of the Engine Out prompt results indisplaying engine out LRC CRZ, engine out LRC CRZ DES,engine out LRC CRZ CLB, or engine out LRC D/D as appropriate for the situation.When an engine out mode is selected and the cruise altitudeis set above the drift down altitude, the cruise altitude isautomatically lowered to the engine out maximum altitude.Selection of this prompt also changes the command speed toengine out LRC speed.6R LRC> 每 The Long-Range Cruise (LRC) prompt results in along-range cruise mode either for all engine or engine outconfiguration based on the current engine out status. Route Copy The route copy function allows the pilot to copy the active flight planinto the alternate route, in this case, RTE 2. This function allows thepilot to make changes to a copy of the active route, or to preserve theactive route prior to a major modification. The route copy can beaccessed on the RTE LEGS page following a direct-to entry at LSK1L
or ACT RTE page 1. Selecting the RTE COPY> prompt at LSK5R initiates the copy function. Refer to Figures 3.4-2 and 3.4-3 for anexample using the flight scenario.NOTE: The route copy function causes any previously enteredinformation in the alternate route (in this case, RTE 2),to be replaced with a copy of the active flight plan.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-6G3641-21-065#Figure 3.4-2ACT RTE 1 LEGS PageSTEPS:A. 1L
Down select FOOTS into SPB. 1LG3641-21-066#Figure 3.4-3MOD RTE 1 LEGS 每 RTE COPY5R RTE COPY> 每 The RTE COPY prompt is selected to copy theactive unmodified route into the inactive route. The previousinactive route is erased. After the the route has been copied theline title at 5R changes from RTE COPY to COMPLETEindicating the process is accomplished (see Figure 3.4-4).Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-7STEP: 5RG3641-21-067#Figure 3.4-4RTE COPY 每 COMPLETEPushing 6L
<RTE 2 LEGS prompt displays the copied route on theRTE 2 LEGS pages. Abeam Points The abeam points function allows the pilot to retain reference pointsalong a direct-to path. Flight plan waypoints on the active flight planwhich are downpath of the aircraft and prior to the direct-to waypointare projected onto the direct path abeam the original position. Theabeam points are inserted into the flight plan as follows:•
If the original fix is a data base waypoint, navaid, NDB, or airport,then a Place Bearing Distance (PBD) is created on the direct path.•
If the original fix is a LAT/LON waypoint, then a new LAT/LONwaypoint is created abeam the original point.•
If the original fix is a PBD, a new PBD is created abeam thenavigation data base fix of the original PBD.•
If the original fix was a LAT/LON reporting point, the LAT/LONreporting point is recomputed so that it accurately marks thecrossing of a particular latitude or longitude 每 that is, it is notlocated abeam the original location.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-8If the abeam location is within 100NM of the original location, enteredwind information is retained. However, any altitude or speed constraintsare not retained for the created abeam points. The abeam distancelimit of 700NM is applied to the abeam function such that abeamwaypoints are not generated if the distance abeam exceeds the limit.Abeam points are not generated from procedural waypoints (i.e.,runways, departures, arrivals, approaches, and transitions) exceptfor the fix terminating the last leg of any departure procedure in theroute and the fix terminating the leg immediately preceding the firstleg of any arrival procedure in the route.The abeam point is accessed following a direct-to entry. In the flightscenario, a direct-to ERLEY is accomplished from a point 54NM Eastof the waypoint FOOTS. Figure 3.4-5 displays the ACT RTE 1 LEGSfor the waypoints involved.G3641-21-068#G3641-21-069#Figure 3.4-5ACT RTE 1 LEGS 每 Flight ScenarioB747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-9STEPS:A. Type ERLEY in SPB. 1L
on page 1/4G3641-21-070#Figure 3.4-6MOD RTE 1 LEGS 每 ABEAM PTS>4R ABEAM PTS> 每 The ABEAM PTS> (Points) prompt isdisplayed at 4R . Pushing the prompt creates abeam points onthe new route to indicate waypoints bypassed by the direct-tofunction to ERLEY. Remember the abeam points areperpendicular to the waypoints bypassed.The line title changes to ABEAM PTS and SELECTED isdisplayed when completed.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-10STEP: 4RG3641-21-071#Figure 3.4-7MOD RTE 1 LEGS 每 SELECTEDB747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-11STEP:EXECG3641-21-072#G3641-21-073#Figure 3.4-8ACT RTE 1 LEGS 每 Abeam WaypointsUpon execution of the direct-to, the abeam points are inserted into thenew active route.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4- Direct-T To/ o/ Intercept Course Direct-to flight plan entries allow the pilot to fly direct to a particular fixor to intercept a course to any waypoint. The fix may be part of theactive route or modified active route, or it may be offpath.Direct-ToA direct-to is performed by entering the desired fix into 1L
on the firstACT RTE LEGS page or MOD RTE LEGS page. The following areallowable entries into 1L
Any navigational data base defined waypoint, airport, navaid,or NDB.•
Any fix defined in the active or modified active route excludingconditional legs.•
A valid PBD waypoint.•
An along track waypoint.•
A LAT/LON waypoint and LAT/LON reporting point.•
A course intersection waypoint.Once an entry has been made in 1L
, a Modification (MOD) iscreated. After verifying the modified path on the ND, the pilot has theoption to execute or erase the direct-to operation. Using the flightscenario, a direct-to ERLEY from a point East of FOOTS is displayedin Figure 3.4-9.

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B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-13STEPS:A. Type ERLEY in SPB. 1LG3641-21-074#Figure 3.4-9Direct-To ERLEY1L
ERLEY 每 Displays the pilot-entered direct-to waypoint,ERLEY, and also the inbound course to the waypoint.6L
<ERASE 每 Is displayed only on the MOD pages and pushingthe prompt displays the previous unmodified page.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-14STEP:EXECG3641-21-075#Figure 3.4-10Direct-To ACTIVEIntercept CourseAn intercept course to a particular fix is similar to the direct-toprocedure. A fix is entered into 1L
on the first ACT RTE LEGS pageor MOD RTE LEGS page. The pilot then enters the intercept coursein 6R into box prompts or over a prompted value. If the fix is part ofthe flight plan, that is not offpath, the current course into the fix isdisplayed in 6R , which in the case of this flight scenario is 222∼. Thisvalue may be selected to define the intercept course.Once executed, the aircraft captures the intercept leg if LNAV isengaged and the current aircraft track crosses the intercept leg. Thecourse displayed in the header of 1L
represents the course requiredto follow a great circle path which intercepts the fix at the selectedcourse. If the current track does not cross the intercept leg, the ※NOTON INTERCEPT HEADING§ message is displayed in the SP.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-15Using the flight scenario to YSSY, fly direct to ERLEY and intercepta course of 230∼ from a position EAST of FOOTS.STEPS:A. Type ERLEY in the SPB. 1LG3641-21-076#Figure 3.4-11MOD RTE 1 LEGS 每 INTC CRS6R INTC CRS 每 The Intercept Course (INTC CRS) displays boxprompts for entry of intercept course to the selectedwaypoint if the 1L
entry is not in the active route.If the selected waypoint is in the active route, the current routecourse is displayed with a caret prompt selection. This is thesituation in Figure 3.4-11, the course is 222∼.Selection or entry of the intercept course line overwrites theactive waypoint course.Selection of the intercept course line removes ABEAM PTS>and RTE COPY> prompts.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-16STEPS:A. Type 230 into SPB. 6RC.EXECG3641-21-077#Figure 3.4-12ACT RTE 1 LEGS 每 230∼ CourseB747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-173.4.2 PROGRESS Page The PROGRESS page displays information relative to the progressof the flight. The page is accessed by the PROGmode key containingpages 1/2 and 2/2.STEPS:A. PROGB.PREVPAGE if from Page 2/2G3641-21-078#Figure 3.4-13PROGRESS Page 1/21L
LAST 每 This is the last waypoint line and it displays the lastwaypoint, altitude, and fuel remaining when that waypoint wascrossed. This line is blanked when no active route is defined,the first leg has not been sequenced or flight completion hasoccurred.2L
TO 每 Displays the waypoint identifier, distance-to-go,estimated time of arrival and estimated fuel remaining at theactive waypoint. The DTG is the direct distance from theaircraft to the termination point of the active leg.3L
NEXT 每 The next waypoint line displays the waypoint identifier,distance-to-go, estimated time of arrival, and estimated fuelremaining for the waypoint after the active waypoint. The DTGis the distance along the flight path from the airplane to the nextleg termination point.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-184L
DEST 每 The destination identifier is displayed on this line.The data on this line; distance-to-go, estimated time of arrivaland estimated fuel remaining, is all relative to the destinationwhich is displayed.During a flight plan modification, the predicted information isrelative to the modified route. The DEST label is replaced withMOD. The predictions are based on the direct distance to theactive waypoint plus the en route distance to the distance to thedestination.

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The alternate destination waypoint may be entered over thedisplayed destination. The DEST label is replaced by DIR TOALTERNATE. The predicted information shown is based onflying direct to the alternate using the current speed target andcruise altitude. Reset to the destination by using the DELkey orby both pilots leaving the page on both MCDUs.A flight plan waypoint may be entered over the displayeddestination. The DEST label is replaced by ENROUTE WPTand predicted information shown is relative to the current route.If the en route waypoint exists more than once in the route,predictions for the first occurrence in the route are used.Sequencing an en route waypoint changes the display to thedestination of the active route or last leg identifier.The DEST is displayed when the active route has not beenmodified and an alternate destination has not been entered.The data is relative to the en route distance from the aircraft tothe destination.5L
ECON SPD 每 Displays the VNAV determined active commandspeed and mode.LRC SPD or ECON SPD are displayed if active on theperformance page.SEL SPD is displayed when a selected airspeed or machis active.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-19LIM SPD is displayed if the speed is being limited by VMO,MMO, Flap Limit, or ALPHA Limit.MCP SPD is displayed when speed intervention is active andnot limited by the aircraft speed envelope.E/O SPD is displayed when the engine out mode is active.VREF+100 is displayed when an engine failure occurs duringthe takeoff phase, engine out is not selected and speed is notrestricted by limit speed, such as flap placard speeds.1R ATA and FUEL 每 The Actual Time of Arrival (ATA) displayedis at the last active waypoint. The FUEL value is the FMCcomputed total fuel onboard at the leg sequence of ROSIN.The ETA and FUEL at 2R , 3R , and 4R are the estimatedtime of arrival and estimated fuel remaining for the activewaypoint, the next waypoint, and the destination. For the flightscenario this is FICKY, FOOTS, and YSSY.5R TO 每 This field displays the ETA and DTG to various points asthe flight progresses for the following constraints:Top-of-Climb (T/C) when climb is active.Step Climb (STEP CLB) when remaining distance permits it.Top-of-Descent (T/D) when cruise is active and within 200NM.End-of-Descent (E/D) when the descent is active.LEVEL AT when the active guidance/performance mode isDrift Down (D/D).The data and header for 5R always applies to the active route.If the header is TO STEP CLB or TO T/D and the aircraft is pastthat profile point, NOW is displayed. If the header is TO STEPCLB and a step to the specified altitude on the CRZ page is notadvised, NONE is displayed.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-20Progress Page 2/2Progress Page 2/2 contains wind information, tracking errors, airspeed,temperature and fuel information and selection of the fuel informationsource when a discrepancy occurs.STEPS:A. PROGB.NEXTPAGE if from Page 1/2G3641-21-079#Figure 3.4-14PROGRESS Page 2/21L
WIND 每 The actual wind magnitudes are displayed at 1L
.Headwinds are indicated in the header line by H/WIND andtailwinds are indicated by T/WIND.1C
WIND 每 The current wind bearing in degrees TRUE andspeed information in knots are displayed in 1C.1R X / WIND 每 The Crosswind (X/WIND) is displayed in this field.The direction of the crosswind is indicated by L for left crosswindand R for a right crosswind.NOTE: The above winds are referenced to aircraft heading.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-212L
XTK ERROR 每 Displays the Cross Track (XTK) error, whichindicates the distance the aircraft is left or right of the active route.2R VTK ERROR 每 The Vertical Track (VTK) error is displayed inthis field when the aircraft is active in the descent phase. The+ (plus) means the aircraft is above path and the 每 (minus)means the aircraft is below the vertical path. The field is blankwhen descent phase of flight is not active.3L
TAS 每 The True Air Speed (TAS) displayed is the currentTAS. The source is the same Air Data Computer (ADC) asused for the thrust limits and Total Air Temperature (TAT)displayed on EICAS.3R SAT 每 The Static Air Temperature (SAT) is displayed hereand is from same ADC as used for thrust limits and TAT displayed on ECIAS. If the SAT in invalid, then this field is blank.3C
INDIVIDUAL/TOTAL FUEL USED 每 The Total (TOT) fuelused by the four engines is displayed in field 3C. The fuel usedby each engine is displayed in line 4. FUEL USED values arecalculated by integrating inputs from the fuel flow sensors.If a fuel flow becomes invalid, the FUEL USED for that engine,as well as the FUEL USED TOT are blanked.5L
<USE 每 The <USE prompts are blank unless a difference of5R 9,000 lbs or more exists between the TOTALIZER andCALCULATED fuel quantity. A MCDU message is displayed:FUEL DISAGREE 每 PROG 2. This discrepancy occursbetween the FMC computed fuel used and the Fuel QuantityIndicating System (FQIS) totalizer fuel used.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-22The pilot may choose one of the <USE or USE> prompts toselect either the totalizer fuel quantity 5L
or the FMC calculatedfuel quantity 5R . If no selection is made, the FMC continuesto base performance calculations and predictions on the FMCcalculated fuel quantity.Pushing the <USE prompt at 5L
blanks the CALCULATEDand FUEL USED displays and PERF INIT page fuel quantity isrelabeled SENSED.Pushing the USE> prompt at 5R allows the FMC to useCALCULATED fuel quantity values and blanks the TOTALIZERdisplay.

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NOTE: A manual fuel weight entry on the PERF INIT pagewhen the USE prompts are displayed causes bothprompts to blank.6L
TOTALIZER 每 The totalizer fuel quantity displayed iscalculated by the FQIS. The totalizer fuel quantity is notdisplayed if the FQIS is inoperative or fails in flight, or a manualfuel entry is made on the PERF INIT page or the calculated fuelUSE> prompt 5R is selected.6R CALCULATED 每 Prior to engine start, 6R displays fuelquantity calculated by the Fuel Quantity Processor. Afterengine start, it displays fuel quantity calculated by decreasingfuel on board at engine start at EICAS fuel flow signal rate.Calculated fuel quantity is not displayed if the fuel flow sensorsare inoperative or fail in flight, or when the totalizer fuel <USEprompt at 5L
is selected.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-233.4.3 Altitude Step Points Planned and FMC computed step points provide advisory step pointsfor the pilot. A step climb is executed by dialing the step altitude onthe MCP altitude window and pressing the altitude knob. The FMCthen enters a Cruise Climb (CRZ CLB) to the step altitude. No stepscan be executed without pilot action.All performance predictions are based on the pilot executing allplanned and/or optimum step altitudes. If a step point is crossed andthe step is not initiated, the performance predictions assumes thepilot has initiated the step climb.NOTE: If the planned or optimum steps are not made, zeroshould be entered into 4L
(STEP SIZE) to provideaccurate predictions, such as, for fuel remaining, topof-descent, and ETAs. In the cruise phase of flight thismay be accomplished on the ACT CRZ page.Section 4 contains information on wind adjusted best Step Climbpoint calculations. Optimum Steps The FMC computes altitude step points based on the entered stepsize which results in minimum trip cost for the economy cruise modeor minimum trip fuel consumption for the LRC and selected speedcruise modes. The STEP TO altitude is the next ICAO standardaltitude or step interval but cannot exceed the maximum altitude atthe step point. Figure 3.4-15 illustrates an optimum step cruise profilefor the flight scenario from KLAX to YSSY.The calculated step point, which is displayed as Step Climb (S/C) onthe ND, is the position along the route at which the cruise climb shouldbe initiated. No steps will be predicted within 200NM of the top-ofdescent.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-24FL400FL300FL100FL200T/CFL310 STEP TOFL350FL350STEP TOFL390FL390T/DOPTIMUMALTITUDESXC ROSIN FANTO FITES UPMAN SY LAXG3641-21-080#S 24E 160S 26E 158Figure 3.4-15Optimum Step Cruise Profile3.4.3.2 Planned Steps Planned steps allow the pilot to specify step altitudes at flight planwaypoints. The FMC uses the pilot-entered step points in performancecalculations, and displays the planned step on the ND. Plannedsteps, like optimum steps, are advisory and must be initiated by pilotaction using the MCP altitude window and knob to depart the currentcruise altitude.A planned step point is made on the RTE LEGS page by entering thestep altitude followed by ※S§ adjacent to the desired step point. Theflight scenario requires a step climb to FL350 at FITES, so adjacentto FITES the pilot would enter /FL350S.The FMC follows planned steps from the first step to the last pilotdefined step followed by computed optimal steps. If the last step is astep down, that step is maintained until the descent profile isintersected.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-25The FMC calculates a step climb from FL310 to FL350 on the KLAXto YSSY flight at a point 41NM prior to FITES. A second step climbis calculated from FL350 to FL390 at a point 120NM prior to 26S158.Figure 3.4-16 illustrates the planned step cruise profile for the flightscenario.FL400FL300FL100FL200T/CFL310 STEP TOFL350 ATFL350STEP TOFL390 ATFL390T/DSXC ROSIN FANTO FITES UPMAN SY LAXG3641-21-081#S 24E 160S 26E 158120NM PRIORTO S24 E158FITESFigure 3.4-16Planned Step Cruise ProfileRev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-263.4.4 Lateral Offset Route The pilot may establish a parallel lateral path offset to the left or rightof the original flight path. The activation of a lateral offset can only beaccomplished on the active leg. Valid offsets are distances of 1 to 99.Entries are made at the OFFSET prompt located at 6R on the ACTRTE page with the aircraft airborne. Figure 3.4-17 shows the OFFSETprompt at 6R on the ACT RTE page.STEP: RTEAircraft is airborne.G3641-21-083#Figure 3.4-17ACT RTE 1 每 OFFSETThe pilot may initiate, change, or cancel the offset at any time usingthe MCDU. When an offset is executed and becomes the active paththe LNAV mode turns the aircraft to leave the original path andcapture the offset route.Offset entry is allowed only with the aircraft airborne and not activein the selected SID procedure or SID transition. The offset entrypropagates through the remaining flight plan up to the end of the routewaypoint, a discontinuity, the start of a published STAR transition orSTAR or approach transition or approach procedure, a DME arc, aheading leg, a holding pattern, or a course change of 135∼ or greater.At 5NM prior to passing the last leg of the offset path, a MCDUmessage ※END OF OFFSET§ is illuminated.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-27

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A valid entry first includes the direction, either left (L) or right (R) ofthe active route followed by the NM offset. The flight scenarioillustrates an offset of 20NM right of the orginal path in Figure 3.4-18.STEPS:A. Type R20 in SPB. 6R at the OFFSETC.EXECD. Check OFST annunicator is illuminated.G3641-21-082#Figure 3.4-18OFFSET 每 R 20An active offset is cancelled by pressing the DELkey and selecting 6R .Entering an offset of L0, 0, or R0, also cancels the offset. Using theDIR/INTC function also automatically cancels any existing offset.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-283.4.5 Holding Patterns This section describes holding pattern creation, modification, andguidance. A detailed coverage of holding is found in Section RTE 1 LEGS 每 HOLD AT 每 Page The RTE LEGS 每 HOLD AT 每 page provides a means of initiating aholding pattern at a fix on path, at the aircraft*s current position or anyother geographical point. This page is accessed through selection ofthe HOLDmode key when the displayed route or RTE 1 contains noholding pattern or through selection of NEXT HOLD on the RTEHOLD page.STEPS:A. HOLDif no holding pattern in route.B. 6L
<NEXT HOLD on ACT RTE 1 HOLD page ifholding pattern in route.G3641-21-084#Figure 3.4-19RTE LEGS 每 HOLD AT 每 PageB747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-296L
HOLD AT 每 The HOLD AT line permits entry of a waypoint asa holding fix. The waypoints displayed in Figure 3.4-19 can betransferred to 6L
. The HOLD AT leg is then created after theleg to that waypoint and all intervening legs remain in the routeand the display goes to MOD RTE HOLD.Pressing theEXECkey activates the MOD RTE HOLD page.This causes the aircraft to enter the holding pattern at theholding fix. The page title changes to ACT RTE 1 HOLD Page.If on an offset path, the aircraft does not enter a pre-plannedholding pattern.6R PPOS 每 Selecting the Present Position (PPOS) promptcreates a holding pattern at the timeEXECis pushed. The pilotmay use the PPOS prompt when flying on an offset path.Selecting the PPOS while on an offset path deletes the offsetpath. MOD RTE 1 HOLD Page STEP: 6R PPOS PromptG3641-21-085#Figure 3.4-20MOD RTE 1 HOLDB747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-30The RTE HOLD page is used to review and change data associatedwith the holding pattern contained in the route. The page is used todisplay and change the holding pattern parameters and to initiate anexit from an active holding pattern. Modifications made to a holdingpattern while active in the hold only become effective on the nextcrossing of the holding fix.1L
FIX 每 The fix line displays the holding fix. The holding fix maynot be changed or deleted on the RTE HOLD page but may bedeleted on the RTE LEGS page.2L
QUAD/RADIAL 每 The Quadrant and Radial (QUAD/RADIAL)are displayed on this line. Normally this line displays dashes.It permits entry of holding quadrant/radial with valid entriesbeing three-digit radials, optionally preceded by a slash ( / ), ora quadrant followed by a three-digit radial, optionally separatedby a slash ( / ). The FMC corrects the quadrant entry display ifthe entered radial does not fall within the limits defined below.Deletions are not permitted for this field.Quadrant Boundaries:N Between 337.5∼ and 022.5∼NE Between 022.5∼ and 067.5∼E Between 067.5∼ and 112.5∼SE Between 112.5∼ and 157.5∼S Between 157.5∼ and 202.5∼SW Between 202.5∼ and 247.5∼W Between 247.5∼ and 292.5∼NW Between 292.5∼ and 337.5∼An entry in the QUAD/RADIAL box prompts overrides anyentry that was made in the INBD CRS/DIR at 3L
.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-313L
INBD CRS/DIR 每 Displayed are the Inbound Course andTurn Direction (INBD CRS/DIR). The INBD CRS/DIR areentered through the keyboard. Valid entries for the course arethree-digit bearings optionally followed by L for left turn and Rfor right turn. L and R may also be entered without the inboundcourse to change the turn direction. The holding turn directionis displayed as either L TURN or R TURN. An entry in theINBD CRS/DIR overrides any entry that was made in 2LQUAD/RADIAL.NOTE: Default value in 3L
is the inbound course to theholding fix on the preceding leg with right turns.4L
LEG TIME 每 The length of the inbound leg of the pattern isspecified in terms of elapsed time. It displays 1.0 minute at orbelow 14,000 feet and 1.5 minutes above 14,000 feet. Thistime can be changed by pilot-entry.If a LEG DIST entry at 5L
is made either manually or from anav data base stored procedure, the LEG TIME data is blankedand dashes are displayed.5L
LEG DIST 每 The LEG DIST (Distance) data field normallydisplays dashes, unless a keyboard entry for leg distance ismade or a value is inserted from the nav data base storedprocedure. If an entry or leg distance is made, the LEG TIMEfield displays dashes.6L
<ERASE 每 The <ERASE is displayed only on the MOD RTEHOLD page. Selecting it deletes any vertical and/or lateralmodifications that are pending, and returns the display to theRTE LEGS page if the holding fix is deleted as a consequence.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-321R SPD/TGT ALT 每 The Speed/Target Altitude (SPD/TGT ALT)line displays the fix target speed/altitude as displayed on theRoute Legs page. Dashes are displayed if no holding targetaltitude has been specified and the predicted altitude at the fixis undefined or not equal to the cruise altitude.Predicted speeds or altitudes are displayed in SMALL font.Large numbers are contraints that are pilot-entered or nav database specified. An entry of an airspeed and/or altitude ispropagated to the HOLD AT waypoint on the Route Legs page.During cruise an entry of TGT ALT lower than cruise altitudeactivates the DESCENT page and results in descent at T/D.The DESCENT page remains active unless a new cruisealtitude is entered.Valid entry is three-digits and a slash ( / ) for SPD and three- tofive-digits for TGT ALT. Speed entry requires altitude constraintand an altitude entry must be below cruise altitude.If a descent profile exists beyond a holding pattern, and theholding pattern does not have a target altitude specified, thehold will be in level flight and the descent will only be resumedafter exiting the hold.2R FIX ETA 每 The FIX ETA line displays the next time the holdingfix is passed. No changes are allowed to this field.3R EFC TIME 每 The Expect Further Clearance (EFC) Timedisplays a keyboard entry for the time further clearance can beexpected. When an EFC time is entered, performancepredictions downpath of the holding pattern assume the aircraftexits the holding pattern at the EFC time. If no EFC time isentered, performance predictions are based on an immediateexit from the holding pattern.4R HOLD AVAIL 每 The Hold Available line displays the predictedavailable holding time before exit is required to reach the destination with the required fuel reserves, as entered on the PERFINIT page. If reserves are not entered 4,000 lbs is assumed.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.

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3.4-335R BEST SPEED 每 Displays Best Speed for the holdingpattern. The best speed represents the maximum endurancespeed to provide the maximum time aloft. Best hold speedsare flap dependent and are limited by any speed constraintsthat may apply.6R EXIT HOLD> 每 If the leg is the active leg of an active ormodified active route and the exit of the holding pattern is notarmed, then the EXIT HOLD> prompt is displayed.Selection of the EXIT HOLD> prompt at 6R replaces 6R withEXIT ARMED. This illuminatesEXECand pressingEXECactivatesthe aircraft back to the fix via the inbound course and continuedflight along the active route.Holding Exit Criteria is met in three different conditions, all ofwhich result in EXIT ARMED being displayed in 6R .﹞ When the holding pattern is terminated after a specificaltitude is reached (these patterns are only applicable in theCLB phase of flight).﹞ When the holding pattern is terminated after crossing the fixthe first time.﹞ When the holding pattern is terminated after the pilot selectsthe EXIT HOLD> prompt and pushes theEXECkey.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-343.4.5.3 ACT RTE 1 HOLD STEP:EXECG3641-21-086#Figure 3.4-21ACT RTE 1 HOLDThe figure above displays the ACT RTE 1 HOLD for the presentposition hold in the flight scenario. The present position is the fixidentifier N02W177 which is on the active flight plan route.CAUTIONEnsure holding pattern conforms to ATC requirements.The FMS does not automatically generate holding patternsas published on the associated navigation chart, unlessholding pattern is part of a missed approach.6L
<NEXT HOLD 每 The <NEXT HOLD prompt is displayed if theroute is not modified, that is if theEXECkey is not illuminated.Selecting the <NEXT HOLD prompt displays another RTELEGS 每 HOLD AT 每 page.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-353.4.5.4 Holding Pattern Guidance The geometry of the holding pattern shown in Figure 3.4-22 iscomputed upon each passage over the hold waypoint and is displayedon the ND. The holding pattern turn radius is limited to not exceedFAA or ICAO protected airspace and is computed based on the trueairspeed equivalent of the VNAV speed target for the hold plus thewind magnitude and a bank angle of 25 degrees. A bank angle limitof 30 degrees is used for all holding patterns and holding patternentries.The leg length is computed using the wind component parallel to theinbound course and the true airspeed equivalent of the FMC commandspeed.TURNRADIUSLEGLENGTHHOLDINGSIDE(OUTBOUND)NON HOLDINGSIDE(INBOUND) LEGTIMEBASEG3641-21-087#AVPFigure 3.4-22Holding Pattern GeometryB747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-36Entry into a holding pattern may occur in one of four types asillustrated in Figure 3.4-23. The entry curve is not be displayed onthe PFD.PARALLEL ENTRYTYPE I DIRECT ENTRYTEARDROP ENTRY TYPE IIDIRECT ENTRYRIGHT TURN HOLD ENTRY CURVESG3641-21-088#1051057575RIGHT TURN HOLD ENTRY REGIONS LEFT TURN HOLD ENTRY REGIONS1051057575 55Figure 3.4-23Holding Pattern Entry CurvesB747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-373.4.6 FIX INFO Page The Fix Information (FIX INFO) pages provide the pilot with a meansof creating waypoint fixes and waypoints from the intersection pointsbetween the present flight plan and selected radials or distances fromknown waypoints for display on the ND. The bearing data is magneticor true depending on the position of the Heading Reference Switch.The bearing data is true above 73∼N or below 60∼S.STEP: FIX

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G3641-21-089#Figure 3.4-24FIX INFO PageValid entries into the box prompts at 1L
are airports, navaids orwaypoint identifiers contained in the nav data base. Entry is throughkeyboard action or line selection from another page. Entry of a fixidentifier results in the fix being displayed on the ND with a small circleencompassing the navaid, waypoint, or airport identifier.The crew on the flight scenario to YSSY wants to know the bearingand distance to Nadi, as well as, when the aircraft is abeam Nadi. Theidentifier for Nadi is NFFN.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-38STEPS:A. Type NFFN in SPB. 1LC. 5L
<ABEAM promptG3641-21-090#Figure 3.4-25FIX INFO 每 Nadi1L
FIX 每 The fix displayed is NFFN and the bearing and distanceto NFFN. The bearing is 006∼ and a great circle distance of1,393NM from the fix to the aircraft. A new fix may be enteredover the existing fix, or the fix may be downselected, but thefix can only be erased by selecting the <ERASE FIX promptin 6L
BRG/DIS 每 Bearing and/or Distance (BRG/DIS) references3L
are entered into 2L
through 4L
into the field or over an4L
existing entry.Valid bearing (radial) entries are three digits ranging from 000to 360 degrees. The entered radial appears on the ND relativeto the current map display as a radial. If the entered radialintersects the active flight plan within 512NM of the referencefix, the intersecting distance is displayed inSMALL font followingthe slash ( / ). If no intersection is found, the distance portionof the display remains blank.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-39If radial lines or distance circles intersect the active flight path,distance along the flight path to the intersection, ETA, andestimated altitude at the intersection is displayed.5L
<ABEAM 每 The <ABEAM prompt is initially displayed. Pushingit displays the bearing and distance from the fix perpendicularto the nearest intersection on the flight plan path. It alsodisplays distance along the path to the abeam point, ETA, andaltitude at the point.If an abeam reference can not be found with respect to theactive or active offset flight path, ※INVALID ENTRY§ is displayedin the SP.A valid intersection may be downselected as a PBD waypointfor insertion into the route. An abeam reference may beremoved by deleting the distance/bearing value.6L
<ERASE 每 Selection of 6L
removes all FIX data from thatpage (excluding a 6R entry), as well as, from the MCDU and ND.6L
is blank if no entry has been made in 1L
.NOTE:NEXTPAGE key allows the pilot to select three radials and/ordistances and a point abeam from a second fix and asecond ETA-ALT entry.2C
ETA / DTG 每 The ETA and DTG are displayed in 2C3C
through 5C
for bearing, distance, or abeam references for4C
which an intersection with the active flight plan exists. If the5C
aircraft crosses a predicted intersection, the DTG is displayedas the distance back to the intersection, signified by a negativevalue. If no intersection exists, the corresponding ETA andDTG fields are blank.2R ALT 每 The predicted Altitude (ALT) at the intersection is3R displayed in 2R through 5R for bearing, distance, or4R abeam references for which an intersection with the active5R flight plan exists. If no intersection exists, the correspondingaltitude field is blank.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-406R PRED ETA 每 ALT 每 An ETA or altitude may be entered into6R to provide an FMC predicted crossing point at the enteredETA or altitude. The crossing point is displayed on the ND asa profile circle located on the lateral flight path.ETA entries consist of a four-digit time value followed by ※Z§.The FMC then estimates the aircraft position at the enteredtime and displays the distance to the position. The entered timeis displayed adjacent to the profile circle on the ND.Altitude entries consist of three- to five-digit values in standardaltitude format. The FMC estimates the aircraft*s lateral positionat which point the aircraft reaches the altitude.For either ETA or altitude entries, if the predicted position doesnot occur on the flight path, the distance portion of the 6Rdisplay remains blank. Once a valid predicted position ispassed, the entry is returned to dashes and the distance isblanked. A predicted entry may be overwritten with anothervalid entry or may be deleted.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-413.4.7 REF NAV DATA Page The Reference Navigation Data (REF NAV DATA) Page providesinformation for waypoints, navaids, airports, and runways in the navdata base. The page is also used to select navigation aid inhibit andto inhibit VOR/DME FMC radio update mode.The REF NAV DATA page is accessed by selecting the NAV DATA>prompt at 1R on the INIT/REF INDEX page. Remember the INIT/REF INDEX page is accessed by theINITREF key and then pushing the<INDEX prompt at 6L
<INDEX prompt on pageC. INIT/REF INDEX page is displayedD. 1R NAV DATA>G3641-21-091#Figure 3.4-26REF NAV DATAB747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.4-421L
IDENT 每 This is the Identification (IDENT) line in which a validentry is accomplished. A valid entry is any waypoint, navaid,airport, or destination runway in the nav data base.Changing the page causes the waypoint to be replaced withdashes and associated data is removed. Deletion of a 1Lentry is not permitted.On the flight from KLAX to YSSY, the pilot is interested in thereference nav data for Honolulu (HNL).STEPS:A. Type HNL in SPB. 1LG3641-21-092#Figure 3.4-27REF NAV DATA 每 HNL1R FREQ 每 If the identifier displayed in 1L
represents a navaid,then the field in 1R displays the navaid Frequency (FREQ). Inthis example, the frequency for HNL is 114.80.2L
LATITUDE 每 This field displays the latitude of the navaid,waypoint, airport (reference point), or runway threshold whichis entered in 1L
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脤艘俇淕唳掛: Boeing 747-400 Flight Management System Pilot*s Guide