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B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-20These modes can be selected with the Thrust Limit (THRUST LIM)page on the Multipurpose Control Display Unit (MCDU). The selectedThrust Reference Mode is displayed above the EPR/N1 indicators onEngine Indicating and Crew Alerting System (EICAS).The Thrust Reference Mode automatically transitions for the respectivephase of flight. During climb CLB 1, and CLB 2, derates are graduallyremoved and begin a thrust increase at 10,000 feet to reach full CLBat 15,000 feet. In cruise, thrust reference defaults to CLB or CRZ asset by maintenance. The reference may be manually selected on theThrust Limit page of the MCDU.2.6.5 Flight Displays The Flight Management Computer (FMC) is the primary source ofdata for the ND when operating in either the PLAN or MAP modes.Navigation data and position data for the ND is supplied to theIntegrated Display System, which generates the required symbolsand interface signals for the ND.The data supplied by the FMC falls into the categories of mapbackground information and airplane dynamic data. Map backgrounddata includes the flight plan and the location of waypoints, stations(navaids), airports, and selected reference points that are in the NDselected field of view.The dynamic data is related to aircraft motion with respect to the flightplan. This data includes tracks and ground speed, Estimated Timeof-Arrival (ETA) and Distance-To-Go (DTG) to the next waypoint,range to altitude intercept, Magnetic (MAG) and TRUE heading,offpath descent clean and offpath descent drag data, presentposition, waypoint bearing, flight path angle, vertical deviation, andcomputed winds.When Vertical Navigation (VNAV) is engaged, the appropriate flightmode annunciation is displayed on the Primary Flight Display (PFD).VNAV SPD is displayed when the aircraft*s speed is controlled by theB747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-21elevators. VNAV PTH is displayed when the aircraft is maintainingFMC altitude or descent path with elevators. In descent, VNAV PATHdeviation scale is displayed on the ND. VNAV ALT is displayed whenaltitude is constrained by the altitude window setting on the MCP. Whenreaching a point on the VNAV profile to begin a climb or descent, withthe MCP altitude window set at the current altitude or when reaching thealtitude in the MCP altitude window before the FMC target altitude,VNAV ALT is displayed.The FMC thrust management function provides the appropriateautothrottle annunciation on the PFD: Speed (SPD), Thrust (THR),Thrust Reference (THR REF), IDLE, and HOLD. Speed and thrusttargets are supplied to the appropriate instruments to drive thetarget bugs.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-222.7 SOFTW SOFTWARE ARE AND DA DAT T TA A BASE The Flight Management Computer (FMC) software includes FMCOperational program, Navigation data base and Performance database that characterize the B747-400 aircraft.The Operational program is organized into modules which executethe following Flight Management System (FMS) functions:Navigation 每 Radio autotuning, position, velocity, and wind datadetermination.Performance 每 Trajectory determination, definition of guidanceand control targets, flight path predictions.Guidance 每 Error determination, steering, and control.EFIS (Electronic Flight Instrument System) 每 Computation of mapand situation data for display.MCDU (Multipurpose Control Display Unit) 每 Processing of keystrokes and display pages.I/O (Input/Output) 每 Processing of received and transmitted data.BITE (Built-In Test Equipment) 每 System monitoring, self-testing,and record keeping.Operating System 每 Executive control of the operational program,memory management, and stored routines.The FMS Performance Data Base is to reduce the need for the pilotto refer to a performance manual during flight and to provide the FMCwith data required to transmit pitch and thrust commands to the FlightControl Computer (FCC) and the Thrust Management Computer(TMC). The performance data base is also used by the FMC toprovide detailed predictions along the entire aircraft trajectory. Thedata stored in the data base includes accurate aircraft drag andB747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-23engine model data, optimal speed data, maximum altitudes, andmaximum and minimum speeds. A performance factor may beentered to refine the data base for each aircraft by entering correctionfactors for drag and fuel flow.

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The FMS Navigational Data Base includes most of the informationthe pilot would normally determine by referring to navigational chartsand maps. This information can be displayed on the MultipurposeControl Display Unit (MCDU) and/or the Navigation Display (ND)map or plan. The geographical area covered includes all areas wherethe aircraft is normally flown and the data can be custom-made to theindividual airline*s requirements (sometimes referred to as airlinetailored data).Airline-tailored data can include company routes, including an alternatedestination to the company route, airport gates, custom navaids,runways, procedures, waypoints, and fuel policy.The standard data is data that is public property and may be obtainedfrom ICAO and government sources, etc. This standard data isupdated periodically and as a result, is updated on a 28-day cyclewhich corresponds to the normal revision cycle for navigation charts.Each update disk contains the data for the new cycle, and the presentone, which provides the airline a window of time in which to load thenew data base.The data base part number (which identifies the customer, datacycle, and revision number) and the effective cycles appear on thedata disks. This information is displayed on the MCDU IDENT pageafter the navigation data base has been loaded by maintenancepersonnel. This loading is done with a data base loader.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-242.8 MUL MULTIPURPOSE TIPURPOSE CONTROL DISPLA DISPLAY Y UNIT The Multipurpose Control Display Unit (MCDU) is the interface unitbetween the pilot and the FMC. It is used primarily for long-termactions such as flight plan monitoring and revision, operational modeselection, insertion of weights, winds, temperatures, as well asperformance data initialization. It provides FMC readout capabilityalong with verification of data entered into memory. Flight plan andadvisory data is continuously available for display on the MCDU.The MCDU assembly provides a full alphanumeric keyboard combinedwith mode, function, and data entry keys. The keyboard assemblycontains advisory annunciators, two integral automatic display lightsensors, and a knob to adjust display brightness manually.See Figure 2-8 for an overview of the layout of the MCDU.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-25Figure 2-8Multipurpose Control Display UnitB747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-262.8.1 Display Functional Areas The display functional areas of the MCDU are the Cathode Ray Tube(CRT) display, Line Select Keys (LSK), Brightness Control, andAnnunicators. Refer to the MCDU as shown in Figure 2-8, for thefollowing explanations. Display The CRT display screen has 14 lines with a total of 24 characters perline. The page format is partitioned into four areas:TITLE FIELD 每 This field is the top line of the display area. Itidentifies the subject or title of the data displayed on the page in view.It also identifies page number and the number of pages in series,e.g.,1/2 identifies page as first in a series of two pages.LEFT FIELD 每 This field is comprised of 6 pairs of lines, 11characters per line. It extends from the left side of the screen to thecenter. The pilot has access to one line of each pair through a LSKon the left side of the MCDU. A line pair is made up of a label line anda data line.RIGHT FIELD 每 This field is similar to the left field, extending fromthe center of the screen to the right side. Pilot access is available bya LSK on the right side.SCRATCHPAD 每 This field is the bottom line of the display screen.This line displays alphanumeric data or messages. Data can beentered with the alphanumeric keys or the LSK, or by the FMC.Scratchpad entry cannot be made with a FMC message in thescratchpad.Scratchpad entries are independent of page selection, and remainuntil cleared even when page changes occur. Scratchpad dataentries and erases affect only the associated MCDU. Messages canappear and be erased on both MCDUs simultaneously.

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B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2- Lines Select Keys (LSK) There are six LSKs on each side of the CRT display. For reference,on the left side, the keys are identified 1L
through 6L
; the right setof keys are identified 1R through 6R .A momentary push of a LSK affects the adjacent line on therespective side of the MCDU for data entry, selection or deletion.Transfer of data from the scratchpad to the line next to the LSK, ifacceptable to the FMC, is accomplished by pushing the LSK.The LSK calls up the first page in a series of pages corresponding tosubject on line next to LSK if entry is preceded or followed by a caret( ). This LSK can also select procedures or performance mode asidentified. Brightness (BRT) Control The BRT control knob allows the pilot to manually increase ordecrease the light intensity of the MCDU display. The brightness ofthe back lighted keys is controlled by a remote flight deck control.Annunciators are controlled by the master-dim test system. Annunciators There are four annunciators located on the keyboard, two on the leftside and two on the right side. These annunciators display thefollowing:DSPY Display (top left) 每 The WHITE display light illuminates whenthe active lateral or vertical leg or performance mode is not displayedon the current MCDU page.FAIL Fail (lower left) 每 The AMBER light illuminates when there isa fault in the FMC. The MCDU detects that the FMC has failed or hasstopped proper transmission to the MCDU.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-28MSG Message (top right) 每 The WHITE light illuminates indicatingto the pilot that an FMC-generated message is displayed on thescratchpad, or waiting to be displayed when the scratchpad is clear.Pushing the Clear CLRkey extinguishes the light and clears themessage from the scratchpad.OFST Offset (lower right) 每 The WHITE light is illuminated whenLNAV is based on a parallel route offset from the active route.2.8.2 Alpha Numeric Keys These keys enable the pilot to enter letters and numbers into thescratchpad successively from left to right. Alpha and numeric keysmay be entered together as required. Slash Key /The /key is included as part of the alpha keys and is used toseparate pairs of entries in the same field. For example, airspeed andMach (280/.720), wind direction and velocity (240/75), bearing anddistance (180/20), or airspeed and altitude (250/10,000). The trailingentry of an entry pair, must be preceded by the slash if it alone isentered. The leading entry may be followed by the slash ( / ), but it isnot required if the leading entry alone is entered.Slash protocol is that the field closest to the center of the MCDUscreen requires the entry of a slash ( / ). The field adjacent to the lineselect key has optional slash entry. Where no ambiguity can exist inthe data entry, then the slash ( / ) entry is optional on either field. Space Key SPThe SPkey inserts a space between words or characters that areentered into the scratchpad, or between words when enteringmessages directly into the lines when using the MCDU for othersubsystems operations, such as ACARS. The SPkey is not functional when the FMC-MCDU is used with an FMC.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2- Plus/Minus Key +/-The +/-key enters numeric characters into the scratchpad. The firstmomentary push of the +/-key inserts a minus sign into the scratchpad. A second push of the +/-inserts a plus sign. Subsequent pusheschange the sign in sequence, providing no intervening pushes ofother keys are made.2.8.3 Function Keys Function keys control the contents displayed on the MCDU. This isaccomplished by the execution of pilot inputs and requests. A briefdescription of these function keys is listed below.EXEC Key 每 The ExecuteEXECkey is the command keyof the FMCS. It contains a light bar that illuminatesWHITE whenever a modification or activation is pending.This key is used for activating the flight plan, changingthe active flight plan, or changing the vertical profile.Flight plan activation requires a two-step procedure: (1)Select the ※Activate§ prompt on the desired Route (RTE)or LEGS page (which illuminates theEXECkey light bar)and (2) Press theEXECilluminated key.Changes to the active flight plan or the vertical profilealso require a two-step procedure: (1) Entry and reviewof provisional data (which illuminates theEXECkey lightbar) and (2) Pressing the lightedEXECkey to activate thechange.NEXT PAGE Key 每 This key causes the MCDU to display the next higher page number in multiple pagedisplays, however; if the last page in the sequence isdisplayed, returns to page 1.EXECNEXTPAGEB747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-30PREV PAGE Key 每 The Previous PagePREVPAGE key causesthe MCDU to display the next lower page number inmultiple page displays.Availability of other pages accessible by thePREVPAGE orNEXTPAGEkeys is indicated by the page number in the upper rightcorner of the MCDU page. 1/1 is displayed only on pageswhich may, through expansion, utilize theNEXTPAGE andPREVPAGEkeys.The action of changing a page does not alter or erase thecontents of a scratchpad line entry.CLR Key 每 The ClearCLR key is used to clear messagesand data from the scratchpad or an individual data field.If alphanumeric characters have been entered into thescratchpad, a single momentary press of the key erasesone character at a time starting with the last displayedcharacter. A momentary push of the CLRkey also clearsmessages displayed on the scratchpad, one messageper key push. A longer key press (one second or longer)erases the entire contents of the scratchpad. The CLRkeyextinguishes the message light after the last messageis cleared.DEL Key 每 Pushing the Delete DELkey inserts the wordDELETE into the scratchpad, if the scratchpad is blank.Line selection into an appropriate data field via LSKreplaces entered data with blanks, dashes, SMALL font,or boxes. Not all information can be deleted.The DELkey is a special purpose key. The delete functionis operational only on specific pages. Any data or messagein the scratchpad renders the DELinoperative. Thescratchpad must first be cleared with theCLR key. Pressingthe CLRkey cancels the effect of having previouslypressed the DELkey.PREVPAGECLRDELB747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-31

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2.8.4 Mode Keys The Mode Keys control the type of page displayed on the MCDU andthese keys are the means by which the pilot gains operational accessto the FMS. These twelve mode keys are describe below.INIT REF Key 每 Pushing the Initialization/ReferenceINITREF key selects the first page of a series of pages usedto initialize the position of the FMCS and the IRS, plusvarious pages of reference data.RTE Key 每 The Route RTEkey provides page accessto route 1 or route 2. Pushing the RTEkey selects thepage for entering or changing origin, destination, or route.DEP ARR Key 每 Pushing the Departure ArrivalDEPARRkey calls up index of series listing all terminal areaprocedures in the navigational data base for departuresbefore traveling 400 miles, or for arrivals after 400 milesor midpoint, whichever is less. This page allows forentering or changing departure and arrival procedures.ATC Key 每 The Air Traffic Control ATCkey selects theATC/ADS Automatic Dependent Surveillance statuspage. The ATCkey may not be operational and a pushof this key would display the ※KEY/FUNCTION INOP§message in the MCDU scratchpad.VNAV Key 每 The Vertical Navigation VNAVkey providesaccess to the Climb (CLB), Cruise (CRZ), and Descent(DES) pages for evaluation or modification.FIX Key 每 The FIXkey provides access to the FixInformation (FIX INFO) pages. These pages are usedfor creation of waypoint fixes from intersection of theactive route and selected bearing or distance fromstored waypoints. It is used for the ※point abeam§ thenamed fix.INITREFRTEDEPARRATCVNAVFIXB747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-32LEGS Key 每 The LEGSkey provides a page for evaluatingor modifying lateral or vertical details of each route legwith reference to speed/altitude crossing restrictions.The LEGSpage controls the route segment displayed onthe associated Navigational Display (ND) when the NDis in the Plan (PLN) mode.In the event of an FMC failure, the LEGSkey providesaccess to the IRS LEGS page of the MCDU.HOLD Key 每 The HOLDkey calls up the page for enteringor exiting a holding pattern. This page also allows thepilot to modify a previously built holding pattern.FMC COMM Key 每 The Flight Management ComputerCommunicationsFMCCOMM key is not operational at this time.Pushing of theFMCCOMM key displays the ※KEY/FUNCTIONINOP§ message in the MCDU scratchpad.PROG Key 每 The Progress PROGkey selects currentdynamic flight and navigation data. This includesestimated time of arrivals and fuel remaining estimatesfor the next two waypoints and the destination or anentered waypoint, such as an alternate.In the event of an FMC failure, the PROGkey providesaccess to the IRS PROGRESS page of the MCDU.MENU Key 每 The MENUkey provides access to otheraircraft subsystems through the MCDU, such as FMC,ACARS, Satellite Communications (SATCOM), AirplaneCondition Monitoring System (ACMS), and CentralMaintenance Computer (CMC). It also provides accessto the alternate control for the EFIS control panel and theEICAS control panel in the event of a failure.LEGSHOLDFMCCOMMPROGMENUB747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-33NAV RAD Key 每 The Navigational RadioNAVRAD keyselects page for monitoring or modifying navigationalradio tuning. In the event of an FMC failure, this key provides access to the MCDU backup navigational radio page.2.8.5 Page Formats and Data Labels Pertinent FMCS formats and data labels are displayed on the MCDUpages that are selected by the function and mode keys. Two sizes oftype (font) are used on the display pages. Typical page formats anddata labels are illustrated in Figure 2-9.RADNAVB747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-34PAGETITLEDASHPROMPTSPAGENUMBERPAGEPROMPTLARGEFONTENTRYLINETITLEBOXPROMPTSWAYPOINTPAGENUMBERSCRATCHPADLINESMALLFONTENTRYG3641-21-005#Figure 2-9MCDU Page FormatsRev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-35The following are explanations for the data labels and page formatsreferenced to in Figure 2-9, MCDU Page Formats:Page Title (LARGE font) 每 Indicates the subject or title of datadisplayed on the MCDU. ACT or MOD may be displayed to indicatewhether the page is Active or Modified.Scratchpad Line 每 This is the bottom line of the display. This linedisplays FMCS-generated messages, keyboard entries, and databeing moved from one line to another. Scratchpad messages allowfor easy identification and corrective action, if required. A scratchpadMCDU message illuminates the WHITE light MSG annunicator of thetop right side of the MCDU. These MCDU Messages are summarizedin Section 6, MCDU Messages.LARGE Font Entry 每 Indicates crew-entered data or crew-verifiedinformation. LARGE font may also represent certain navigationaldata base entries.SMALL Font Entry 每 Represents predicted, default or FMC calculatedvalues. When adjacent to a LSK, the data can be changed by crewentry, which changes the SMALL font to LARGE font.Line Title 每 Identifies the data displayed on line(s) below it. The linetitle is displayed in SMALL font.Data Line 每 Contains box prompts, dashes, brackets, computergenerated data (SMALL font), or crew-entered data (LARGE font).Box Prompts ( ) 每 Indicates data entry is required forminimum FMS operation. This data entry is performed through theuse of the scratchpad and the corresponding LSK. Entry into a boxprompt data line is displayed in LARGE font.Dash Prompts ( ) 每 Indicates data may be entered todefine navigational or performance parameters. This data entry isoptional, and is performed through the use of the scratchpad and thecorresponding LSK.Page Number 每 The first digit indicates the page number and thesecond digit indicates total number of related pages. For example, 1/2identifies page as first in series of two pages. This data is in SMALL font.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-36Page or Action Prompts ( or ) 每 Indicates the next logical pageor pages in the flight plan progression, or pilot-initiated action, suchas, an early descent or an engine out climb.Waypoint 每 Waypoint is on the selected flight plan route and isdisplayed in LARGE font.2.8.6 Data Entry Data must be entered into the scratchpad from left to right with thealphanumeric keys. As a rule, the display field or data field acts as anexample format which, when followed, results in successful dataentry. After scratchpad entry and confirmation of correct data, pressing an LSK transfers data from the scratchpad to the data field. Dataentry formats which are not obvious are explained in detail as they occurin the following sections. Data units of measurement (for example,lbs. or kgs.) are set for the carrier through connector pin wiring.For specific formats, it is possible to transfer information from a datafield into the scratchpad by pressing the LSK when the scratchpad isempty. The data can subsequently be transferred to another datafield by an appropriate keyboard procedure, or cleared from thescratchpad via the CLRkey. Button Push Processing The two FMCs of the dual system communicate with each other overa private intersystem bus. Each FMC receives button pushes directlyfrom its own MCDU, and button pushes from the offside MCDU. Theleft FMC is the button push master FMC, normally. The left FMCsequences button pushes in the order received, and transmits thebutton push messages via the intersystem bus to the right FMC. BothFMCs, therefore, process the same data simultaneously and do notstart a new button push process until both FMCs have confirmedcompletion of the last button push. Each FMC processes the buttonpushes and updates its own MCDU directly. This allows both pilots tooperate simultaneously on the same or different MCDU pages, andto enter data on different pages or on different lines of the same page.However, only one flight plan modification at a time is processed.

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B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-372.8.7 Navigational Display (ND) Symbology Active Waypoint IdentifierAirport Identifier and RunwayAirportAirport and RunwayWaypoint ActiveWaypoint InactiveActive Flight Plan RouteModified Flight Plan RouteInactive Flight Plan RouteActive Waypoint Route DataInactive Waypoint Route DataHolding Pattern Active RouteHolding Pattern Modified RouteHolding Pattern Inactive RouteOff Route WaypointMagentaWhiteBlueWhiteMagentaWhiteBlueMagentaWhiteMagentaWhiteMagentaWhiteBlueG3641-21-006#SYMBOL DEFINITION COLOR SYMBOLShortDashesBlue LongDashesAAAAAKABC22LKTEB22LAMBOYAMBOYMLFAMBOYKILMRAMBOYKILMRAMBOYKILMRKILMR120000835ZKILMR120000835ZB747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-382.8.7 Navigational Display (ND) Symbology (cont) Active Route Procedure TurnModified Route Procedure TurnInactive Route Procedure TurnActive Offset RouteModified Offset RouteAltitude Range ArcT/D (Top-of Descent)S/C (Step Climb)E/D (End-of Descent)Energy Management Circle-CleanT/C (Top-of Climb)MagentaWhiteBlueMagentaWhiteGreenGreenGreenGreenBlueG3641-21-007#SYMBOL DEFINITION COLOR SYMBOLGreenT/DT/CS/CE/DB747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-392.8.7 Navigational Display (ND) Symbology (cont) Energy Management Circle-VOR TunedDME/TACAN TunedVORTAC TunedWhiteGreenGreenGreenG3641-21-029#SYMBOL DEFINITION COLOR SYMBOLSpeedbrakesGreen250070Fix and Bearing DistanceInformationABCIRS Position WhiteTrend Vecotr-(Dashed Lines) White*B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-402.8.8 Initial Power-up Operation With initial application of AC power to the aircraft, the MCDU MENUpage is displayed. This page provides access to other subsystemsthat use the FMS-MCDU. The active system is indicated by the statustext <ACT> message in the data line next to the system (see Figure2-10). Other systems requesting the MCDU display <REQ> in thedata line. The <REQ> indicates that the non-active FMS-MCDUcontroller requires pilot action.To select the FMC system, push the LSK next to the data line showing<FMC. This displays the IDENT page on initial application of ACpower to the aircraft. If the FMCS has been in use, then the same LSKpush displays the last page used by the pilot.G3641-21-008#Figure 2-10MCDU Menu2.8.9 Flight Management System Terminology The following information describes the unique terminology which isused to describe the flight crew interaction with the Flight Management System-Control Display Unit (FMS-CDU) and the FlightManagement Computer (FMC).B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-41Active 每 Flight plan information that is currently being used tocalculate Lateral Navigation (LNAV) or Vertical Navigation (VNAV)guidance commands. The active waypoint is the point the system iscurrently navigating toward, and the active performance VNAV modeis the climb, cruise, or descent profile currently being used for pitch andthrust commands. ACT is displayed on the respective page titles.Activate 每 The process of designating one of the two routes asactive. It is a two-step process, pushing the ACTIVATE LSK andpushing the illuminatedEXECkey.

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Altitude Constraint 每 Refers to a crossing restriction at a waypointon the route.Econ 每 Is a speed schedule that is calculated to minimize theoperating cost of the aircraft. This ECON or economy is based on acost index that is entered into the FMS-MCDU during preflight on thePerformance Initialization (PERF INIT) page. The cost index isdetermined by dividing the operating cost of the aircraft by the costof fuel. If fuel costs are high the number is low. A low cost index resultsin a low economy speed.Enter 每 This is the process of typing or line selecting alphanumericcharacters into the MCDU scratchpad line and then line selecting theinformation to the desired location.Erase 每 Is the removing of modified LNAV and VNAV path from thesystem by pushing the line select key adjacent to the word ERASE.Execute 每 Refers to making entered information part of the activeflight plan by pushing the illuminatedEXECkey.Inactive 每 Refers to route, climb, cruise, or descent information thatis not currently being used to calculate LNAV or VNAV commands.Initialize 每 Is the process of entering information into the MCDUthat is required to make the FMS operative.Message 每 Is referring to information the FMS automatically writesin the scratchpad to inform the flight crew of some condition.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2-42Modify 每 The changing of active data. When a modification is madeto the active route or performance mode, MOD is displayed in thepage title, ERASE appears next to one of the LSK, and theEXECkeyilluminates. Pushing the ERASE LSK removes the modification.Pushing theEXECkey changes the modified information to active.Prompt 每 Is something displayed on the MCDU page to aid theflight crew in accomplishing a task. It may be boxes ( ),dashes ( ), or a careted line ( ) to remind the pilot to enteror validate information on the respective data line.Resynchronization 每 This is the automatic process of one FMCloading information into the other FMC when a significant differencebetween the two FMCs is detected.Select 每 Refers to pushing a key to obtain the desired informationor action.Speed Restriction 每 Refers to an airspeed limit beyond a specifiedaltitude constraint entered by the pilot.Speed Transition 每 This is an airspeed limit below a specifiedaltitude which is automatically entered.Waypoint 每 Refers to a point in the route. It may be a fixed pointsuch as a latitude and longitude, VOR or NDB station, intersection onan airway, or a conditional point. An example of a conditional point is※when reaching 1,000 feet.§Section 3 FLIGHT OPERATIONS3-1Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.This section contains a description of Flight Management System(FMS) operations used on a typical airline revenue flight. It beginswith system initialization prior to engine start and continues to engineshutdown at destination. All flight phases to include PREFLIGHT,TAKEOFF, CLIMB, CRUISE, DESCENT, and APPROACH areexplained in detail. Not all system functions are described, however,those frequently utilized as part of the normal operations are covered.3 FLIGHT OPERATIONSThis page was intentionally left blank.Section 3.1 FLIGHT DATA3.1-1Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.A typical flight from Los Angeles (KLAX), USA to Sydney (YSSY),Australia, is used as an illustration. Table 3.1-1 and Figure 3.1-1 containroute data detailing the flight.TABLE 3.1-1FLIGHT DATA LOS ANGELES TO SYDNEYAirlineCompany Route Not AvailableFlight Number NWA 73Departure Airport Los Angeles (KLAX)Destination Airport Sydney (YSSY)Alternate Airport NoneReleased To Noumea, N. CaledoniaRe-Released Point 12S170WB747-400 AircraftPerf Factor +0.0/+0.0Cost Index 100TOGW 849,600 lbsZFW 480,700 lbsCG 19.0% MACTaxi Fuel 1900 lbsFuel Burnoff 338,900 lbs10PCT Fuel 7,100 lbsReserve Fuel 8,700 lbsContingency Fuel 14,200 lbsCRZ Levels FL310/350/390Climb and Descent Flight Plan SummaryClimb to FL310 initiallyClimb to FL350 41NM prior to FitesClimb to FL390 120NM prior to 26S158EDescend to land in YSSY at UpmanRev 1 12/963.1 FLIGHT DATAB747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.1-2Flight Plan Routing as filed is as following:KLAX 0505M085F310 SXC5 SXC DCT ROSIN DCT FICKY R578FANTO/M085F350 R578 FITES DCT ERLEY DCT 10N167W05N174W 00N180W 06S175E 12S170E 18S165E 24S160E/M085F390 30S155E DCT UPMAN A336 SY DCTYSSY 1408Enroute Winds CLB CRZ DSCAverage wind component 每20 每18 +25Average temperature deviation +10 +07 +08Wind SummaryThe following is a sampling of the winds at altitude for a few of thewaypoints in this flight plan.FL ISA Wind Cmp Tmp Wind Cmp Tmp430 每56 26054每047每63 25057每056每62390 每56 25049每045每62 25051每051每62350 每54 24040每039每53 24042每041每53310 每46 24036每035每44 24038每037每43ROSIN FICKY430 每56 25061每060每62 25065每064每62390 每56 25055每054每61 25060每059每61350 每54 24047每043每52 23052每048每53310 每46 23043每039每43 23048每045每43FOOTS FONZA430 每56 25071每070每63 33053每001每62390 每56 25069每068每60 34050+001每58350 每54 24059每057每53 34041+004每51310 每46 24052每050每43 34033+002每42FEARS FITES430 每56 24070每64每59 24078每070每59390 每56 24078每071每53 24084每075每55350 每54 24067每060每39 24078每073每49310 每46 25056每049每39 24072每066每4026S158E UPMANRev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.0 1513097561211167221372604307135834134461747384918521855105818611863196433649566560:000:290:501:542:543:524:485:436:387:388:419:379:5110:1310:5211:3112:1212:5213:1813:3313:4114:08DISTANCE TO GO (NM)TIME TO GOR578R578R578S33 56.7 E151 10.3115.4 SYSYDNEYDN33 56.0 W118 25.9LOS ANGELES113.6 LAXD(H) FOOTSFONZAFEARSFIZELFADERFITESFANTOFABBOFICKYN31 33.5W121 23.5ROSINN31 56.5W120 16.1N33 22.5 W118 25.2SANTA CATALINA111.4 SXCD(L)ERLEYN16 00.0W159 50.1S30 00.0E155 00.0UPMANS32 11.1E153 17.2S24 00.0E160 00.0S18 00.0E165 00.0S12 00.0E170 00.0S06 00.0E175 00.0N00 00.0W180 00.0N05 00.0W174 00.0N10 00.0W167 00.0N21 18.5 W157 55.8HONOLULU114.8 HNLD(H)*2.1G-HNLKONAN19 39.3 W156 01.5115.7 IAID(H)S22 05.0 E166 12.5TONTOUTA112.9 LTDDNOUMEANEW CALEDONIAG3641-21-135#Figure 3.1-1 F-PLN 每 KLAX 每 YSSY3.1-3 Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.1-4Symbols commonly used throughout this guide in illustrating FMSfunctioning include:SP Abbreviation for ScratchpadRTEActivate (push) MCDU function or mode key2L
Activate (push) MCDU left or right line select keyAlso review data entry in Section 2.8.6.NOTES, CAUTIONS, WARNINGS. For this guide standard definitionsare used. They are as follows:NOTE: Calls attention to methods which make the job easier orto pertinent information for the flight crew.CAUTION Calls attention to methods and procedures which must befollowed to avoid damage to data or equipment.WARNING Calls attention to use of materials, processes, methods, orlimits which must be followed precisely for an individual toavoid extremely serious consequences, injury or death.

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3.2-1B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.3.2 PREFLIGHT During preflight the pilot verifies the FMS aircraft status, initializes thesystem and checks or modifies the flight plan, and configures theFMS for flight. Items such as winds, thrust limits, thrust reduction/acceleration altitudes, radio/navigation tuning, departure runwaychanges and V speed entry are covered. After engine start, the TakeOff Gross Weight (TOGW) may need to be updated prior to takeoff.One of the first items to accomplish is to rotate the three InertialReference System (IRS) mode selectors OFF, then NAV. The IRSmode selectors are located on the upper left portion of the overheadpanel (see Figure 3.2-1). Rotating the switches to NAV initiates theIRS power-up and activates a full 10-minute alignment cycle. Thelatitude and longitude for the alignment is entered directly into thesystem via the MCDU POS INIT page at the LSK associated with theSET IRS POS line. If excessive motion is detected, the alignment isrestarted without any requirements of the FMC or MCDU.During through-flight operations, a 3-minute realignment, zeroing ofthe ground speed and vertical trimming may be performed byselecting each IRS mode selector from NAV to OFF and back to NAVin less than 5 seconds. Vertical trimming includes the fine-levelingprocess of the align submode and a heading accuracy update.Figure 3.2-1IRS Mode Selector Panel3.2-2Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE 3.2.1 Aircraft Identification At power application, the FMS executes an internal self-test. Normallyupon successful completion of the self-test, the IDENT page is displayedwhen the <FMC is selected on the MENU page (see Figure 3.2-2).G3641-21-028#Figure 3.2-2MENU PageThe IDENT page (see Figure 3.2-3) is also accessed through LSK1L
(IDENT prompt) on the INIT/REF INDEX page (see Section3.2.2). The IDENT page allows the review of the aircraft type, enginetype, navigational data base and operating software version. Theonly data that can be changed on the IDENT page is the activenavigational data base cycle. Any MCDU messages can be clearedfrom the Scratchpad (SP) using the CLRkey. MCDU messageexplanations may be found in Section 6, MCDU Messages.LSK 6L
and 6R contain page access prompts to the INIT/REFINDEX and POS INIT pages. Following the prompts at LSK 6R of thesucceeding pages will guide the pilot through the FMS preflightentries.NOTE: All data on the aircraft IDENT page should be reviewedfor accuracy and applicability.Rev 1 12/963.2-3B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.G3641-21-009#Figure 3.2-3IDENT Page1L
MODEL 每 The particular aircraft model contained in theperformance data base, which in this case, is the B747-400.2L
NAV DATA 每 The navigational data base identifier is used inFMC navigational planning. The first two digits of the data basepart number designate the airline. The third digit designatesthe airline*s data base number. The fourth and fifth digitsdesignate the year the data base was produced. The sixth andseventh digits designate the data base cycle number. Thereare 13 data base cycles in one year, so sometimes the database cycle number coincides with the month that it is effective,and sometimes it does not. The eighth, ninth, and tenth digitsdesignate the sequence number.NOTE: If the aircraft clock indicates the active navigational database cycle is expired, the ※NAV DATA OUT OF DATE§message is displayed in the scratchpad. This messageis only displayed when the aircraft is on the ground.4L
OP PROGRAM 每 The operational program identifier is thepart number of the software program operating the FMC. If theoperational programs are not identical in the FMCs, the FMCremains ※locked-up§ on the IDENT page.Rev 1 12/963.2-4Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE 5L
DRAG/FF 每 The DRAG factor displays the airplane dragcorrection factor, as a percentage, for the performance database. The FF factor displays the airplane fuel flow correctionfactor, as a percentage, which is also contained in the performancedata base. To avoid unauthorized changes to these factors, newvalues may not be entered on this page. New values may beentered by authorized personnel on the PERF FACTORSpage, which is accessible through the MAINTENANCE INDEXpage and only when the aircraft is not airborne.6L
<INDEX 每 The INDEX prompt allows access to the INIT/REFINDEX page.1R ENGINES 每 The engines displays the engine identificationnumber model contained in the performance data base. In thiscase, the engine type is Pratt & Whitney PW-4056. If theENGINES field is blank, the FMC is not compatible with the airplane configuration, and remains ※locked-up§ on the IDENT page.2R ACTIVE 每 The ACTIVE displays navigational data base cyclein the FMC. LSK 3R displays the INACTIVE navigational database cycle and pushing the key copies inactive dates in thescratchpad. The active nav data base cannot be downselectedinto the SP by pressing LSK 2R . To change the active nav database, press LSK 3R ; which places the inactive nav data baseinto the SP (see Figure 3.2-4). Press LSK 2R to enter the newactive data base (see Figure 3.2-5).4R SPARE ENG 每 The SPARE ENGINE line displays the wordACTIVE when spare engine carriage performance is used.Normally the header and data fields at 4R shall be blank.5R CO DATA 每 The COMPANY DATA line displays the AirlinePolicy File identifier. This header and data field shall be blankif there is no Airline Policy File (APF) and the FMC remains※locked up§ on the IDENT page.6R POS INIT> 每 When all the data on the IDENT page has beenchecked and verified as correct, pressing the LSK 6R providesaccess to the POS INIT page. Following the prompts at 6R ofthe succeeding pages guides the pilot through the FMSpreflight entries.Rev 1 12/963.2-5

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B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.STEP: 3R (JAN02JAN30/97)G3641-21-010#Figure 3.2-4Change Active Nav Data BaseSTEP: 2RG3641-21-011#Figure 3.2-5New ACTIVE Nav Data BaseNOTES:1. The ACTIVE nav data base can only be changed while theaircraft is on the ground.2. Changing the ACTIVE nav data base erases any informationpreviously entered on the route, legs, and position initializationpages.Rev 1 12/963.2-6Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE 3.2.2 INIT/REF INDEX During the PREFLIGHT phase, the FMS allows the pilot to easilycycle through all pertinent preflight steps by accessing the nextapplicable preflight function at LSK6R of each of the preflight pages.The preflight pages include the IDENT, POS INIT, RTE, PERF INIT,and TAKEOFF pages.The Initialization or Reference Index page (INIT/REF INDEX) appearsautomatically when theINITREF key is pushed. If the desired page is notdisplayed, pushing LSK 6L
INDEX displays the INIT/REF INDEXpage (see Figure 3.2-6).G3641-21-012#Figure 3.2-6INIT/REF INDEX PageThe desired page can be selected from the INIT/REF INDEX. The oneexception to this is the POS REF page, which first requires displayingthe POS INIT page, then pushing theNEXTPAGE key (see Figure 3.2-7).3.2-7B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.G3641-21-013#Figure 3.2-7Initialization/Reference PagesRev 1 12/963.2-8Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE NOTE: The LSK 6L
with the MAINT> prompt is only accessible when the aircraft is on the ground. Once the aircraftis airborne the field is blank (see Figure 3.2-8).G3641-21-014#Figure 3.2-8INIT/REF INDEX 每 Airborne3.2.3 Position Initialization The Position Initialization (POS INIT) page allows the pilot to enterpresent position into the IRS during preflight alignment, enter headinginto IRS during attitude mode operation and check the FMS-MCDUtime reference. Pressing LSK 6R on the IDENT page allows accessto the POS INIT pages.The POS INIT page is shown in Figure 3.2-9. The pilot may initializethe IRS by using the origination airport or specific gate. The initializationtask aligns the IRS units to the present ground position of the aircraft.This function is initialized through the MCDU.3.2-9B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.STEP: 6R (POS INIT) on IDENT pageG3641-21-015#Figure 3.2-9POS INIT Page2L
REF AIRPORT 每 The reference airport is the airport oforigination. Valid entries are four-character ICAO airportidentifiers contained in the nav data base. An entry alsodisplays the airport reference point latitude and longitude in2R . The REF AIRPORT entry deletes any previously selectedgate numbers entry and allows another gate entry at 3L
. TheREF AIRPORT is cleared once the aircraft is airborne.3L
GATE 每 The origination gate, if the gate has a specificidentifier in the nav data base, at the reference airport. Dashedlines are only visible if the reference airport has been enteredin 2L
. With the gate identifier entered at 3L
, the latitude andlongitude are displayed in 3R . The valid gate entries are oneto five alphanumeric characters. This line display is cleared atliftoff or returns to dashes with a different REF AIRPORT entry.3.2-10Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE 5L
GMT 每 Both MCDUs display the Captain*s clock time whenoperative, otherwise the time displayed will be the First Officer*sclock. The aircraft clock input to the FMC may be GMT or localtime depending on which the pilot uses to set the clock. Toensure the FMC has GMT time, the GMT hours can be enteredwhen the clock input in use is set to a local non-GMT time zone.The hour can be changed by entering desired hour reference(minutes cannot be changed by FMS-MCDU entry). Theminutes are set by resetting the pilot*s clock.6L
<INDEX 每 Pushing the INDEX LSK displays the INIT/REFINDEX page.1R LAST POS 每 The last latitude/longitude present position isdisplayed at all times, as calculated by the FMC. The data isretained when the aircraft is powered down.4R SET IRS POS 每 The boxed prompts are displayed when anyIRS is in align mode, with the aircraft on the ground, andpresent position has not yet been entered. The entered data isonly displayed until at least one valid IRS enters the NAV mode.Entry into the box prompts can be via the keyboard operationor LSKs at LAST POS, REF AIRPORT, or GATE. Entry of thelatitude and longitude sends present position to all inertialreference systems in the ALIGN mode. See Section 6.0 for theENTER IRS POS message in the scratchpad, if it appears.5R SET IRS HDG 每 The data and header lines are blank, exceptwhen an IRS is in the attitude mode and then dashes aredisplayed. Entering heading information resynchronizes(updates) the IRS magnetic heading signal for all inertialreference systems in attitude mode.6R ROUTE> 每 The route LSK displays the RTE page, which isused to continue the preflight sequence. Actually this LSKdisplays MOD RTE, ACT RTE, or RTE 1 Page 1, in that order.Rev 1 12/963.2-11B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.Enter the origin airport in the SP, which is KLAX, and press LSK 2L
.The Los Angeles airport LAT/LONG is displayed in 2R . If there is aspecific gate identifier, enter the gate in 3L
via the SP. This displaysthe gate LAT/LONG in 3R .If the IRS position must be entered into the box prompts, the pilot maypress LSK 2R or 3R , placing the most accurate LAT/LONG in theSP. The LAT/LONG may also be manually entered into the SP by thepilot. Pressing LSK 4R enters the LAT/LONG as the present IRSposition.

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Figures 3.2-10, 3.2-11, 3.2-12, and 3.2-13 illustrate the positioninitialization process.STEP: Type KLAX in SPG3641-21-016#Figure 3.2-10POS INIT Page 每 Position Initialization3.2-12Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE STEP: 2LG3641-21-017#Figure 3.2-11POS INIT Page 每 Ref Airport EntrySTEP: 2R (N3356.6W11824.5) The pilot may also3R if a gate has been entered, or type thedesired LAT/LON in the SP.G3641-21-018#Figure 3.2-12POS INIT 每 LAT/LON in SP3.2-13B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.STEP: 4RG3641-21-019#Figure 3.2-13POS INIT Page 每 Set IRS PositionThis is what the POS INIT Page displays on completion of all theinertial reference systems entering the Navigational mode (seeFigure 3.2-14).G3641-21-020#Figure 3.2-14POS INIT Page 每 IRS Nav Mode3.2-14Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE 3.2.4 Position Reference The Position Reference (POS REF) page displays present positionand ground speed as computed in the FMC and each IRS. This pageis used to detect IRS errors and provide the capability to purge radioupdates to the FMC position.POS REF access is by pushing eitherNEXTPAGE orPREVPAGE while displayingthe POS INIT page. POS REF is page 2/2 of the POS INIT page (seeFigure 3.2-15).G3641-21-021#Figure 3.2-15POS REF Page1L
FMC POS 每 Displays the present FMC computed position in1L
and its corresponding ground speed in 1R . If the FMCposition is invalid, blanks are displayed. The FMC position isblank from power-up until an IRS enters NAV mode. The FMCposition (Line 1L
) is selectable to the SP.NOTE: The FMC computed position is invalid if there is no validIRS input and no radio updating for more than twominutes.Rev 1 12/963.2-15B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2L
IRS L, IRS C, and IRS R 每 When valid, the present IRS3L
position input is displayed. The corresponding ground speeds4L
for each IRS are displayed in lines 2R , 3R ,and 4R . When anyIRS position inputs are invalid, those lines are blank. Also, the IRSposition is blank from power application until position is entered.The IRS LAT/LON positions can be line selected to the SP.The FMC ground speed is computed by the navigation systemwhenever one or more valid IRS velocities are available. The IRSground speed is displayed whenever the North and East input isvalid. Whenever the FMC or IRS ground speeds are invalid, thecorresponding lines are blank. The ground speeds are blank frompower application until IRS enters NAV mode.NOTE: The displays of ground speed are frozen at flightcompletion and are retained until power is removed oruntil aircraft is airborne.5L
RAD UPDATE Key 每 The RADIO UPDATE line initiallydisplays <PURGE prompt. Selection displays mixed IRSposition on the FMC POS line for review. The line title displaysPURGE ARMED and the data line displays <CONFIRM prompt.Selection of CONFIRM now replaces current FMC positionwith a mixed IRS position. The FMC continues to radio updateusing the stations displayed under NAV STA.NOTE: Leaving the POS REF page without selecting<CONFIRM returns the initial display.6L
<INDEX 每 Pushing the <INDEX prompt displays the INIT/REF INDEX page.5R NAV STA 每 The Navigation Station line displays the identifiersof navigation stations currently being used by the FMC forposition updating. In this case, the FMC is using LAX and SMO.6R ROUTE> 每 Pushing LSK 6R displays the RTE page used tocontinue the preflight sequence.3.2-16Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE 3.2.5 Flight Plan Route Entry Once the POS INIT process is completed, pressing LSK 6R ROUTE>prompt on the POS INIT page allows access to the RTE pages. Thispermits the pilot to enter and activate the flight plan route in the FMC.The active route clears at engine shutdown after flight completion.The active route also deactivates with loss of electrical power.NOTES:1. Pushing the RTEkey also provides access to the RTE pages.2. Two routes may be stored in the FMS, although only one canbe active at any given time. LSK 6L
of the RTE pages allowsthe pilot to select, view, and activate the other route (RTE 1or RTE 2).STEP: 6R (ROUTE>) on POS INIT PageG3641-21-022#Figure 3.2-16RTE 1Rev 1 12/963.2-17B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.1L
ORIGIN 每 Allows entry of the origin airport using ICAOidentifiers contained in the nav data base. Valid entries areaccepted when the box prompts are displayed. Entry clearsany previous route, and allows entry of departure or arrivalprocedures. Entry is inhibited in flight for the active route.1R DEST 每 Allows for the entry of the destination airport in ICAOidentifiers. Entries can be made at any time. When a valid entryis made, any STAR, STAR transition, approach or approachtransition associated with a previous destination airport isdeleted. If the active leg is a part of the affected procedure, alllegs of the procedure following the active leg are cleared.2L
CO ROUTE 每 Company routes may be entered into this fieldanytime the route is not active, or if the route is active and theaircraft is not airborne. Enter the company route identifier (nomore than ten alphanumeric characters) into the SP, and thenpress LSK 2L
. Entry of a valid company route results in thenav data base stored origin, destination, and en route proceduresbeing entered into the route.

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Entry of a new company route clears an old company route andenters the new one. If a company route is entered into a routethat is either pending activation or modification, and no cruisealtitude is defined, the company route specified cruise altitudeis applied. Similarly, if a cost index is defined by the companyroute, the company route cost index is applied.NOTES:1. Entering a company route into the flight plan fills in the originand destination airports.2. If SIDs and STARs are not included in the company route,they have to be manually entered.Rev 1 12/963.2-18Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE 3L
RUNWAY 每 Valid entries are runway numbers contained inthe nav data base for the airport entered into the origin. Theentry may be through keyboard action or line selection from theDeparture pageDEPARR . Upon sequencing the first waypoint thisRUNWAY field is deleted.NOTE: If the RUNWAY entry is not compatible with the VIAentry 4L
, a SP message is displayed (RUNWAYN/A FOR SID) and the runway entry is rejected (seeSection 6.0).Figure 3.2-17 illustrates entry of the origin and destination airportsand the departure runway.NOTE: A runway should be entered in order to anchor thebeginning of the route to the first waypoint. Without therunway entry, there is NO DIRECT leg to the firstwaypoint, and the TAKEOFF REF page displays preflightas being incomplete.STEPS:A. Type KLAX in SPB. 1LC. Type YSSY in SPD. 1RE. Type 7L in SPF. 3LG3641-21-023#Figure 3.2-17RTE 1 每 Origin, Destination, RunwayRev 1 12/963.2-19B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.4L
VIA 每 The VIA lines display the procedure segments definingthe route. The VIA line may contain the following:•
Valid entries are airways.•
Procedure names (SID, STAR, etc.) automatically appear whenselected on DEPARTURES or ARRIVALS page.•
Defaults to DIRECT if no entry is made and a valid entry is madein the corresponding TO line.•
Entry of an airway with the corresponding or previous TO waypointnot on that airway is invalid.•
Entering an airway on the first VIA line initiates an airway intercept.Boxes are displayed under the first TO. Entering a waypoint in theboxes inserts dashes on the VIA line, and pushes the airway andwaypoint down to the next line. The first fix on the leg of the airwaywhich is closest to being abeam of the aircraft is then displayed onthe first TO line.•
Dashes are displayed for the VIA line beyond the end of route.•
Airway identifiers can be downselected into the SP, but selectionof other VIA line displays can not be downselected into the SP.•
VIA lines may be deleted, with the exception of DIRECT, andactions affecting the active leg while airborne.4R TO 每 The TO lines display the leg termination waypoint for thecorresponding VIA lines. Entries to the TO line may be madeonly to dashes, box prompts, or a previous leg termination andmust be consistent with the corresponding VIA field. Thefollowing entries are valid waypoint identifiers contained in thenav data base or defined geographic points:•
Published waypoints, e.g., entered and displayed as MERCE.•
Intersections (place bearing/place bearing) e.g., entered as LAX249/FIM140, displayed as LAXNN where NN is FMC assigned.•
Place bearing/distance e.g., entered as SMO068/50, displayed asSMONN, where NN is FMC assigned.Rev 1 12/963.2-20Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE •
VHF navaid, e.g., entered and displayed as LAX.•
Destination airport runway, e.g., entered as 34 and displayed asRW34.•
Latitude/Longitude, e.g., entered N1000.5 W16700.8 and displayedas N10W167. Entries require leading zeros. Trailing zeros areoptional when latitude and longitude are whole degrees, e.g.,N15W158.•
Conditional waypoints associated with procedure selected onDEPARTURE or ARRIVIAL pages.•
Boxes are displayed for route discontinuities (gaps in the route).•
Dashes displayed for the first TO line beyond the end of the route.The pilot may now enter the flight plan route by use of the appropriateLSKs adjacent to the VIA and TO blank fields, along with the SP. Tofly direct to a waypoint, enter that waypoint in the appropriate rightLSK. DIRECT is displayed in the corresponding left data field. If partof the route follows a published airway, enter that specific airway inthe appropriate left LSK. The MCDU displays box prompts in thecorresponding right data field. The pilot must then enter a TOwaypoint for the airway.NOTE: If the airway has more than one waypoint, only the finalwaypoint of the leg need be entered. The Nav DataBase has all waypoints along an airway in memorywhich are displayed on the RTE LEGS pages.If a waypoint or an airway is not in the nav data base, the message※NOT IN DATA BASE§ is displayed in the SP. If the airway is foundin the Nav Data Base but the preceding or following TO fix does notlie on the airway, an ※INVALID ENTRY§ message is displayed.Rev 1 12/963.2-21B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.Figures 3.2-18, 3.2-19,and 3.2-20 illustrate the route entry for theflight from KLAX to YSSY.STEPS:A. Type SXC in SPB. 4RC. Type ROSIN in SPD. 5RG3641-21-030#Figure 3.2-18RTE 1 每 ROUTE ENTRYRev 1 12/963.2-22Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT*S GUIDE STEPS:A.NEXTPAGEB. Type FICKY in SP on page 2/2C. 1RD. Type R578 in SPE. 2LF. Type FITES in SPG. 2RH. Type ERLEY in SPI. 3RJ. Type N1000.0W16700.0 or N10W167 in SPK. 4RL. Type N05W174 in SPG3641-21-031#Figure 3.2-19RTE 1 每 Route Entry Page 2/2Figure 3.2-20 shows the completed route entry for the remainingwaypoints in the flight plan. The remaining waypoints and airwayswere entered using the same basic steps as used in Figures 3.2-18and 3.2-19.
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脤艘俇淕唳掛: Boeing 747-400 Flight Management System Pilot*s Guide