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4-12Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE •
If the holding pattern is in the FMC climb or descent segment, usethe constraint altitude on the hold. If a constraint altitude does notexist on the hold, use the constraint altitude on the flight leg priorto the hold. If neither exist, use 1 minute.NOTE: If a window constraint is defined, the upper altitude isused for comparison.•
If the holding pattern is in the FMC cruise segment, use the cruisealtitude. If the cruise segment is undeterminable because thePERF INIT data has not been entered, use 1 minute.Line 1R displays the speed and altitude targets for the hold. If thevalues are SMALL font, they are the FMC predicted values for the hold.If the values are LARGE font, they are the constraint values definedfor the hold. For manually terminated or fix terminated holds, the pilotmay enter both an altitude and speed constraint for the hold. Speedonly constraints are not allowed but an altitude only constraint may bedefined. If an altitude constraint already exists, a speed constraintmay be added separately. Line 2R displays the predicted time theaircraft is to cross the next holding fix. Line 3R allows entry of anExpected Further Clearance (EFC) time; entry time and line 5Rdisplays the FMC computed best hold speed. Hold available time isonly computed for manually terminated holding patterns.4.5.3 Display of Holding Patterns There are two types of displays for holding patterns: a SMALL symbolwhich does not change size as aircraft dynamics (e.g., aircraft speed,wind direction and magnitude, etc.) change and a LARGE symbolwhich changes size as aircraft dynamics change. The SMALL symbolis used when the map scale is greater than 80NM or anytime the holdfix is not the TO fix (i.e., the holding fix is WHITE). The LARGE symbolis used when the hold fix is the TO fix (i.e., the holding fix isMAGENTA) and the map scale is less than or equal to 80NM.The displayed holding pattern size may change when crossing theholding fix. This is especially true of the first hold fix crossing duringdescent flight phase patterns without a deceleration segment(reference section on deceleration segments for a description ofFMC commanded deceleration segments).4-13B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.4.5.4 Calculation of Holding Pattern Size The holding pattern size is first calculated when the holding patternfix becomes the TO fix (i.e., the fix changes from WHITE to MAGENTA).If the FMC performance function is initialized (i.e., data has beenentered on the PERF INIT page), the holding pattern turn radius iscalculated by assuming a 25° bank angle at the aircraft’s currentground speed plus the absolute magnitude of the wind vector. If theFMC performance function is not initialized, the speed used is the trueairspeed from the ADC plus the absolute magnitude of the windvector. After the initial computation, the pattern size is computedagain each time the aircraft crosses the holding fix; the holdingpattern turn radius is calculated by assuming a 25° bank angle at aground speed equal to the true airspeed equivalent of the FMCholding command speed plus the absolute magnitude of the windvector. The FMC holding command speed is determined using thefollowing priority:•
If speed intervention is being used, the FMC command speed isthe MCP speed. Otherwise, if the pilot has entered a constraintspeed for the hold on either the ACT RTE HOLD page or the ACTRTE LEGS page, the lesser of the pilot-entered constraint speedor best hold speed limited by Vgmin is used. Otherwise, the FMCcomputed best hold speed limited by Vgmin is used.NOTE: Upon initial entry of a holding pattern while in descent,the FMC command speed may be the active descentspeed (e.g., ECON speed) if a deceleration segmenthas not been constructed (reference section ondeceleration segments).The hold turn radius is limited to ensure compliance with protectedairspace limitations as defined by the FAA and ICAO.If a leg time is used, the leg distance is calculated using the leg timedivided by 60, times a ground speed (equal to the true airspeedequivalent of the FMC holding command speed plus the wind vectoralong the inbound course) or times the true airspeed from the ADCplus the wind vector along the inbound course if the FMC performancefunction is not initialized.Rev 1 12/964-14Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE 4.5.5 Deceleration Segments While in climb or cruise, the FMC decelerates to the FMC holdingcommand speed prior to entering the hold. While in decent,deceleration to the FMC holding command speed prior to entering thehold only occurs when there is an altitude constraint on the hold.Therefore, if the hold does not already have an altitude constraint, thepilot must manually enter one via line 1R on the ACT RTE HOLDpage or on the holding pattern fix on the ACT RTE LEGS page forFMC commanded deceleration to occur prior to entering the hold.4.5.6 Holding Pattern Entry Types The aircraft must cross the hold fix before the FMC proceeds withguidance commands to enter the hold. The FMC uses three types ofholding pattern entry: parallel, teardrop, and direct entry. The type ofentry is determined by the aircraft course when crossing the holding fix.Parallel entries are constructed with a leg parallel to the inboundcourse and a 180° turn towards the hold fix. After the turn, LNAVcaptures the inbound course. The length of the parallel leg is 2.41times the turn radius; the cross track distance of the leg is determinedby LNAV control using course angle error and ground speed when thehold fix is crossed.Teardrop entries are constructed with a leg from the hold fix on acourse 40° offset from the reciprocal of the inbound course and a180° turn toward the inbound course. The distance of the teardrop legis 2.95 times the turn radius. After the turn, LNAV captures theinbound course.
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Direct entries do not have defined segments. LNAV captures theinbound course or the outbound leg depending on aircraft coursewhen crossing the hold fix.4-15B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.4.5.7 Holding Pattern Guidance in Climb During the climb phase, the FMC does not issue guidance commandsto descend. While in the holding pattern, LNAV guidance commandsup to 30° of bank angle to track the lateral path. All types of holdingpatterns are allowed in the climb flight phase. For altitude terminatedholding patterns, the hold is flown until the AT or ABOVE constraintis met. If the aircraft is already above the constraint before reachingthe hold fix, the hold is not to be flown.The remainder of this discussion concerning holding pattern guidancein the climb flight phase is focused on fix terminated and manuallyterminated holding patterns.If the hold is constrained by an AT or BELOW constraint, the FMCclimbs until reaching the constraint or the MCP altitude, whichever islowest. If the aircraft is already above the constraint or the MCPaltitude when VNAV is engaged, the FMC levels off at the currentaircraft altitude. If the hold is constrained by a window constraint, theFMC climbs until reaching the upper altitude constraint or the MCPaltitude whichever is lowest. If the aircraft is already above the upperaltitude constraint or the MCP altitude when VNAV is engaged, theFMC levels off at the current aircraft altitude. If the hold is constrainedby an AT or ABOVE constraint, the FMC climbs until reaching thecruise altitude, the next AT constraint, the next AT or BELOWconstraint, or the MCP altitude, whichever is lowest. If the hold is notconstrained, the FMC climbs until reaching the cruise altitude, thenext AT constraint, the next AT or BELOW constraint, or the MCPaltitude, whichever is lowest.4.5.8 Holding Pattern Guidance in Cruise While flying holding patterns in the cruise flight phase, LNAV guidancecommands up to 30° of bank angle to track the lateral path. Only fixterminated and manually terminated holding patterns are allowed inthe cruise flight phase. The hold is always at the cruise altitude andall types of altitude constraints are allowed but cannot be above thecruise altitude. However, if a constraint is entered on the hold whichis below the cruise altitude, the FMC enters the descent flight phase.4-16Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE 4.5.9 Holding Pattern Guidance in Descent While flying in the descent flight phase, the FMC does not issueguidance commands to climb. While in the holding pattern, LNAVguidance commands up to 30° of bank angle to track the lateral path.Only fix terminated and manually terminated holding patterns areallowed in the descent flight phase. The following discussion assumesthe MCP altitude is set below the descent path altitude and allconstraint altitudes. While in descent, the FMC always captures theMCP altitude when descending from above the MCP altitude andlevels off at the current aircraft altitude if VNAV is engaged when theaircraft is below the MCP altitude.If the hold is constrained by an AT or BELOW constraint, the FMCdescends until reaching the constraint or the descent path altitudewhichever is lowest; if the aircraft is already below the constraint andthe descent path altitude when VNAV is engaged, the FMC levels offat the current aircraft altitude. If the hold is constrained by a windowconstraint, the FMC descends until reaching the lower altitudeconstraint or the descent path altitude whichever is highest. If theaircraft is already below the lower altitude constraint when VNAV isengaged, the FMC levels off at the current aircraft altitude. If thedescent path altitude at the hold fix is above the upper altitudeconstraint, the FMC descends until reaching the upper altitudeconstraint. If the hold is constrained by an AT or ABOVE constraint,the FMC descends until reaching the constraint altitude or thedescent path altitude whichever is highest. If the aircraft is alreadybelow the constraint when VNAV is engaged, the FMC levels off at thecurrent aircraft altitude. If the hold is not constrained, the FMCdescends until reaching the descent path altitude. If the aircraft isalready below the descent path altitude when VNAV is engaged, theFMC levels off at the current aircraft altitude.4-17B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.4.6 FMC FLIGHT PLAN WIND USAGE This section covers wind entry and propagation, effect of flight planwind modifications, wind mixing, and winds and step climbs.4.6.1 Entry and Propagation of Forecast Winds To ease the discussion of wind propagation, this paper references atypical flight plan. The flight plan consists of the origin, ten waypointsand the destination. The climb flight phase contains waypoints A andB. The cruise flight phase contains waypoints C, D, E, F, G, and H.The descent flight phase contains waypoints I and J. First, thediscussion addresses the initial entry and propagation of wind data.Propagation and entry of wind values are the same for climb andcruise flight waypoints. While in EFIS map mode, selecting line 6R(RTE DATA) on any RTE LEGS page provides access to the RTEDATA page. Selecting a waypoint on the RTE DATA page providesaccess to the WIND page. The WIND page provides wind entrycapability for up to four altitudes. The same four altitudes are appliedto all waypoints in the flight plan. Winds entered on this page arepropagated forward through the flight plan to the next wind entry. Thefirst wind entry at each respective altitude is also propagated backwardto all preceding waypoints in flight plan. Considering these rules forentry and propagation of wind data, reference Figure 4.6-1 for anexample of a typical flight plan.
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Rev 1 12/964-18Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE FL400FL350FL300FL250ORIG200/120180/110100/85050/60T/C T/DDEST1 23 4A B200/120180/110100/85050/60200/120180/110100/85050/60200/120180/110100/85050/60200/120150/120080/90050/60200/120150/120080/90050/60200/120150/120120/95050/60200/120150/120120/95050/60200/120150/120120/95050/60200/120150/120120/95050/60WPT A WPT B WPT C WPT D WPT E WPT F WPT G WPT H WPT I WPT JG3641-21-112#LARGE FONT (200/120)SMALL FONT (180/110)= PILOT ENTRY OF WIND= PROPAGATION OF WIND ENTERED BY PILOTFigure 4.6-1Entry & Propagation of Winds in Climb & Cruise PhaseThe wind entry at FL400 is entered on waypoint H. Although this windis entered at the end of the cruise flight phase, it is the only windentered at FL400; therefore, the wind entry is propagated backwardto waypoints A, B, C, D, E, F, and G and forward to waypoints I andJ. At FL350 there are two wind entries. The first one is at waypoint Band is propagated backward since it is the first wind entry at FL350;it is also propagated forward to waypoint D. The wind entry atwaypoint E is propagated forward to the remaining waypoints. AtFL300 there are three wind entries. The first, at waypoint B, ispropagated backward to the beginning of the flight plan forward towaypoint D; the second, at waypoint E, is propagated forward untilreaching waypoint F. The wind entry at waypoint G is propagatedforward to the remaining waypoints. The single wind entry at the firstwaypoint in the flight plan for FL250 is propagated to all the waypointsin the flight plan.4-19B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.Note the cruise altitude for the typical flight plan in Figure 4.6-1 liesbetween the entered wind altitudes. The FMC uses an interpolationfactor based on the wind values bracketing the point of interest todetermine the wind at that point. For example, if the FMC is at pointA and needs to predict the wind at point B, it uses the winds at points1, 2, 3, and 4 to estimate the wind at point B. If all forecast wind entriesare above the cruise altitude, the FMC interpolates from the lowest(altitude) entered wind value to a wind magnitude of zero at the originaltitude if in climb or the destination altitude if in cruise. If either theorigin or destination altitude is not defined (e.g., no destination isspecified), zero altitude is used. If all forecast wind entries are belowthe cruise altitude, the FMC distributes the highest (altitude) windentry up to the cruise altitude.The DESCENT FORECAST page provides access to enter forecastwind entries for the descent flight phase. Selecting line 5R(FORECAST) on the DES page provides access to this page. Thispage allows entry of up to four wind/altitude pairs. The winds enteredon this page are mixed with the cruise winds to provide a smoothtransition from cruise to descent flight phase. If no cruise winds existand descent forecast winds have been entered, the highest (altitude)entered winds are distributed up to the cruise altitude. The lowest(altitude) descent wind is interpolated to a magnitude of zero at thedestination altitude. If the destination altitude is not defined (i.e., adestination has not been specified), zero altitude is used.4-20Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE 4.6.2 Effect of Flight Plan Modifications on Wind Propagation For the most recent 747-400 FMC software (commonly known asload 10.2), deletion of flight plan waypoints with the single wind entryfor a given flight level does not affect the wind profile propagation.However, for pre-load 10.2 747-400 software, deletion of flight planwaypoints that have single pilot-entered wind for a given flight levelaffects the wind profile propagation. For example, if waypoint H inFigure 4.6-1 is deleted, then all wind data for FL400 is deleted as well.If one needed to retain the wind entry at FL400 after deleting waypointH, this could be done by simply placing the wind that was on waypointH on any other waypoint. Since a single wind entry at any flight levelis propagated both forward and backward through the flight plan, theeffect is the same. Similarly, if waypoint A in Figure 4.6-1 is deleted,all wind data for FL250 is deleted as well. If, on the other hand,waypoint E is deleted from the flight plan in Figure 4.6-1, the windpropagation is redistributed as shown in Figure 4.6-2. This redistributionis applicable to all 747-400 FMCs.FL400FL350FL300FL250ORIG200/120180/110100/85050/60T/C T/DDEST200/120180/110100/85050/60200/120180/110100/85050/60200/120180/110100/85050/60200/120180/110100/85050/60200/120180/110120/95050/60200/120180/110120/85050/60200/120180/110120/85050/60200/120180/110120/85050/60WPT A WPT B WPT C WPT D WPT F WPT G WPT H WPT I WPT JG3641-21-113#LARGE FONT (200/120)SMALL FONT (180/110)= PILOT ENTRY OF WIND= PROPAGATION OF WIND ENTERED BY PILOTFigure 4.6-2Effect of Flight Plan Changes on Wind PropagationRev 1 12/964-21B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.Since waypoint E was deleted in this example, the entered wind atFL350 for waypoint B is now propagated to waypoint F, G, H, I, andJ. In addition, the entered wind at FL300 for waypoint B is nowpropagated to waypoint F. In addition, for pre-load 10.2 747-400FMCs, the wind propagation from waypoints behind the aircraftbecomes zero upon a flight plan modification. For example, if theaircraft has passed waypoints A and B when waypoint E is deleted,the wind propagation from waypoints A and B become zero. Ifretention of the propagation effects from wind entries on waypoint Aand B are desired, the pilot must enter the wind values which were onwaypoints A and B on some waypoint in front of the aircraft. 747-400FMCs with load 10.2 software retains wind propagation on allwaypoints after flight plan modifications.The effect of adding waypoints to the flight plan is the same in all 747-400 FMCs. The added waypoints comply with the wind propagationrules outlined in the Entry and Propagation of Wind Data sectionabove. If, for example, a waypoint is added between waypoints C andD in Figure 4.6-1 and wind values are placed at FL400 and FL300, thewind entry placed at FL400 is propagated backward to waypoints A,B, and C and forward to waypoints D, E, F, and G. The pre-existingwind entry at waypoint H are now only propagated to waypoints I andJ. Similarly, the wind entry at FL300 is propagated forward towaypoint D. The wind entry at FL300 on waypoint B remainspropagated backward to waypoint A and forward to waypoint C.When using the abeam function, the pilot-entered winds are retainedon the new waypoints resulting from the abeam calculation.
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4-22Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE 4.6.3 Mixing of Measured Winds with FMC Propagated/Forecast Winds The FMC uses a mixing algorithm to determine the predicted wind atpoints in front of the aircraft. Figure 4.6-3 provides a graphicalrepresentation of the mixing effect. In the example shown in Figure4.6-1, the predicted wind at point B is a mix of the forecast wind atpoint B (interpolated from winds around point B) and the measuredwind at the aircraft position at point A. One can see from Figure 4.6-3 the FMC is using 100% of the measured wind vector at the aircraftposition; at 200NM in front of the aircraft the FMC uses 50% of themeasured wind vector and 50% forecast wind; at distances over200NM in front of the aircraft, the FMC uses successively lessmeasured wind until the wind used is very near 100% forecast wind.In the climb and descent flight phases, the wind is mixed the sameway except the equal weight distance is 5,000 feet rather than200NM and the “Distance from Aircraft” axis is in feet rather thannautical miles.00100250020050003007500400100005001250060015000100806040200MEASURED WINDPREDICTED WIND = % MEASURED + % FORECASTFORECAST WINDDISTANCE FROM AIRCRAFTPRECENT (%) OF WIND(NM FOR CRUISE)(FEET FOR CLIMB/DESCENT)G3641-21-114#Figure 4.6-3Mixing of Measured Wind with FMC Propagated/Forecast WindsRev 1 12/964-23B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.4.6.4 Step Climbs The FMC calculated step climb points are based on the aircraftoptimum altitude such that the optimum cruise profile matches theoptimum altitude profile (reference Figure 4.6-4). The FMC computesoptimum altitude as a function of the selected cruise mode (Economy(ECON), Long-Range Cruise (LRC), Selected CAS (SEL CAS), orSelected MACH (SEL MACH)), cost index, and gross weight. TheFMC calculated step points result in minimum trip cost (cost index isused) for ECON mode and minimum trip fuel consumption (cost indexis not used) for LRC, SEL CAS, and SEL MACH modes. Pilot-enteredforecast winds and temperature are considered when the FMCcalculates fuel and ETA predictions; these predictions also assumeall FMC calculated and pilot-entered step climbs are completed onschedule. If a step point is passed without executing the step, theFMC fuel and ETA predictions are calculated assuming the step climbis initiated immediately.FL370FITES UPMANG3641-21-115#T/CFL350STEP TOFL370FL370STEP TOFL390FL390 T/DOPTIMUMALTITUDEFL390FL350S 24E 160S 26E 158Figure 4.6-4Optimum Vertical Flight Path4-24Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE 4.6.5 Using the Step Climb Feature to Evaluate Wind Trade Figure 4.6-5 provides an example of a LEGS page for an FMCrecommended step to FL390 from FL350.The performance initialization (PERF INIT) information for thisexample is:Zero Fuel Weight: 500,000 lbs.Fuel On-board: 100,000 lbs.Reserves: 5,000 lbs.Cost Index: 80Initial Cruise Alt: 35,000 feetG3641-21-116#Figure 4.6-5LEGS Pages for Wind Trade Step (Step Climb) Example4-25B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.Initially, there are no winds entered and the FMC predicts destinationETA of 0633Z and fuel at destination of 14,200 lbs. The FMCrecommends a step to FL390 and these predictions assume the pilotmakes the step. Next, a wind value of 120 knots at 234 bearing isadded on waypoints OAK, DYBLO, LIN, MELTS, SONNY, BAM,BVL52, BVL, and SLC at FL350; and a wind value of 120 knots at 054bearing is added for the same waypoints at FL390. No other winds areadded. These wind values provide a substantial tailwind at FL350 (theinitial cruise altitude) and a substantial headwind at FL390. Withthese added wind values, the FMC now predicts a destination ETA of0648Z and fuel at destination of 9,500 lbs; but, keep in mind the FMCis basing these predictions on the assumption the step climb to FL390is completed. To do a wind trade calculation to see the FMCpredictions if the aircraft stays at FL350, one can enter a STEP SIZEof zero on the CRZ page and allow the FMC to calculate thedestination ETA and fuel remaining. With a zero STEP SIZE, theFMC step climb predictions are disabled and the FMC calculatesperformance parameters assuming the aircraft stays at FL350.These new predictions are a destination ETA of 0627Z and fuel atdestination of 16,800 lbs. So, the FMC can show the savings ofstaying at a lower altitude but with a substantial tailwind.As a further example, consider the flight plan with winds given aboveexcept the headwind is at FL350, the tailwind is at FL390, and theinitial cruise altitude is 37,000 feet. In this case, the FMC isrecommending a step climb to 41,000 feet 1,243NM into the flight;this step point is approximately half-way between BVL52 and BVL.The ETA and fuel at destination for this step climb are 0632Z and16,000 lbs. However, this step climb recommendation is calculatedbased on the no-wind optimum altitude curve. To determine if it maybe more beneficial to take the step earlier in the flight, the pilot mayuse the specified step point function. Entering a 410S altitudeconstraint on the BVL52 waypoint inserts the step climb at BVL52rather than the point initially calculated by the FMC. There is no needto execute the flight plan modification; the FMC recalculates the ETAand fuel at destination and displays them “W/MOD” on the PROGpage.With this modification, the ETA is 0634Z and the fuel at destinationis 15,800 lbs; so, taking the step at this point actually results in a time/fuel penalty rather than a savings. However, this flight plan modificationcan be erased and the process can be repeated on other waypoints4-26Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE in the flight plan. Through this method, the best step point with flightplan entered winds is found at the waypoint POWEL. When the 410Sconstraint is placed on this waypoint, the FMC predicts an ETA of0629Z and a fuel at destination of 16,800 lbs; in addition, the steppoint is approximately 975NM sooner in the flight. Now the flight planmodification can be executed and the pilot can plan for early ATCrequest for clearance to 41,000 feet at POWEL. Specified step pointscan also be entered on pilot-generated waypoints (e.g., along trackwaypoints) so the step may be specified between route waypointssuch as POWEL and LKV.So, by using a STEP SIZE of zero and/or the specified step pointfunction, the FMC can be used to plan and evaluate wind trade steps.When changing step size values, the FMC does not temporarily blankthe speed/flight level predictions on the LEGSpage but does temporarilyblank ETA and fuel at destination predictions on the PROGRESSpage; however, the specified step point entries temporarily blankdisplays on both the LEGS
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and PROGpages. The ETA and fuel atdestination predictions are more accurate with as much reliable winddata as possible in the wind matrix discussed in Figure 4.6-1.NOTE: The step size zero technique eliminates all down-pathstep climbs. So, in situations where multiple stepclimbs are forecast, planning should account for thefact all down-path step climbs are eliminated.Rev 1 12/96Section 55-1Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.BACKUP FUNCTIONSThis section describes the reference information available for thebackup functions supported by the MCDU.5.1 EFIS CONTROL P PANEL ANEL If an EFIS control panel fails, the alternate EFIS control panel isaccessed through the MCDU MENU page. The SELECT> prompt isonly displayed when a control panel fails.STEP: MENUG3641-21-117#Figure 5.1-1MENU Page5 BACKUP FUNCTIONS5-2Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE 5.1.1 EFIS CONTROL Page The EFIS CONTROL page provides an alternate means of EFIScontrol for the PFD and ND, if an EFIS control panel fails.STEPS:A: 1R on MENU page at SELECT>orB. 6R CONTROL> on EFIS OPTIONS page.G3641-21-118#Figure 5.1-2EFIS CONTROL PageNOTE: For all fields on the backup control panel pages, valuesdisplayed are the values last received from the controlpanel before the failure.5-3B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.1L
BARO SET – The backup altimeter barometer setting (BAROSET) is displayed in 1L
. The default value is the last value ofbarometer setting received from the EFIS control panel.Valid entries consist of valid inches of mercury or validhectopascals. A valid inches of mercury entry is a valuebetween 22.00 and 32.00, 22 and 32, or 2200 and 3200. A validhectopascals entry is a three- or four-digit integer between 745and 1084. Valid entries are displayed with the suffix determinedby the entry range, “IN” for inches of mercury or “HPA” forhectopascals.“I”, “H”, “S”, or “STD” can also be entered into 1L
. Entry of an“I” results in the display changing to inches of mercury. Entryof an “H” results in the display format changing to hectopascals.Entry of “S” or “STD”, or deletion of an entered value, returnsthe display to the standard value (29.92 inches of mercury or1013 hPa).2L
DH SET – The Decision Height (DH) backup setting isdisplayed in this field. If a decision height has not been enteredor received before the control panel failure, 200FT is displayed.Valid entries consist of one- to three-digit heights in the rangeof –20 to 999.3L
<DH RESET – Selection of the <DH reset prompt resets theDH alert on the respective PFD.4L
MDA SET – The Minimum Decision Altitude (MDA) settingindicates the selected barometric minimum decision altitude.The MDA may be changed by keyboard entry. The defaultvalue is the last value of the RA MDA setting received from theEFIS control panel. Valid entries are –1,001 ft to 15,000 ft.5-4Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE 5L
<RANGE INCR – The Range Increase (INCR) prompt isused for the display range on the ND to increase up to the nextrange by pressing 5L
. The default value is the last value of thedisplay range received from the EFIS control panel.Display range is incremented in value by pressing 5L
for 10,20, 40, 80, 160, 320, and 640NM selections. The increaseincrement wraps around from 640 to 10NM.6L
<RANGE DECR – The Range Decrease (DECR) prompt isused to decrease the selected ND range. The step decrementsare 640, 320, 160, 80, 40, 20 and 10NM. The decrement wrapsaround from 10 to 640NM.1R These LSKs contain the available EFIS modes and the mode2R selected. The selected mode shows the (SEL) symbol adjacent3R to the mode field. Only one mode can be active at a time4R among these modes. The operation is the same as the ND5R selector and CTR switch.Selection of the following prompts duplicates the correspondingEFIS control panel modes:MAP> (Map)PLN> (Plan)APP> (Approach)VOR> (VOR)CTR> (Center)6R OPTIONS> – Selection displays the EFIS OPTIONS page.5-5B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.5.1.2 EFIS OPTIONS Page The EFIS OPTIONS page provides an alternate means of PFD andND control if an EFIS control panel fails. This page is displayed byselection of 6R on the EFIS CONTROL page.STEP: 6R on EFIS CONTROL page.G3641-21-119#Figure 5.1-3EFIS OPTIONS PageSelection of the LSKs 1L
/ 1R through 5L
/ 5R are used to selectany or all of the display options. The selected option(s) display <SEL>adjacent to the option data field. Deselection of each option is doneby pressing the respective LSK again.Selection of 5L
results in the selection of the left and right VORs, andthe deletion, if previously selected, of the ADFs. Selection of 5Rresults in selection of the left and right ADFs, and the deselection ofpreviously selected VORs. Deselection of either 5L
or 5R results inthe OFF state when neither VORs or ADFs are selected.5-6Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Selection of the following prompts duplicates the corresponding EFIScontrol panel:1L
<WXR (Weather Radar)2L
<POS (IRS Position)3L
<MTRS (Meters Option)4L
<FPV (Flight Path Vector)5L
<VOR (VOR Radial)1R WPT> (Waypoint Location)2R STA> (Navigation Station Location)3R APRT> (Airport Location)4R DATA> (Flight Plan Data)5R ADF> (ADF Display)6R CONTROL> – The CONTROL> prompt when selecteddisplays the EFIS CONTROL page.
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5-7B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.5.2 EICAS CONTROL P PANEL ANEL If an EICAS control panel fails, the alternate EICAS control panel maybe accessed through the MCDU MENU page at 2R.5.2.1 EICAS MODES Page The EICAS MODES page is used to provide an alternate means ofEICAS control.STEP: 2R on MENU page at SELECT>G3641-21-120#Figure 5.2-1EICAS MODES Page1L
These line select keys provide display and selection of the1R following prompts which duplicates the corresponding EICAS2L
control panel modes.2RThe prompt selections are:<ENG (Engine)<STAT (Status)FUEL> (Fuel)GEAR> (Landing Gear)5-8Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE 5L
<CANC – The Cancel (CANC) prompt causes the EICASdisplay unit to erase up to 11 of the last messages stored inmemory. If there are more than 11 messages, subsequentbutton pushes of 5L
results in their erasure, 11 at a time.5R RCL> – Selection of Recall (RCL) causes the EICAS displayunit to display the last group of messages that were deletedfrom memory, up to 11.6R SYNOPTICS> – Selection of the SYNOPTICS prompt displaysthe EICAS SYNOPTICS page.5.2.2 EICAS SYNOPTICS Page The EICAS SYNOPTICS page provides an alternate means ofEICAS control in the event of an EICAS control panel failure.STEP: 6R on the EICAS MODES page.G3641-21-121#Figure 5.2-2EICAS SYNOPTICS Page5-9B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.Selection of the following prompts duplicates the correspondingEICAS control panel synoptics:1L
<ELEC (Electrical)2L
<ECS (Environmental Control System)3L
<CANC (Cancel)1R HYD> (Hydraulics)2R DOORS> (Doors)3R RCL> (Recall)6R MODES – Selection of the MODES> displays the EICASMODES page.5-10Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE 5.3 ST STANDBY ANDBY NA NAVIGA VIGA VIGATION TION This section contains a description of the Standby Navigation System(SNS). Information is limited to that which is unique to the SNS.Information which is common with the Flight Management System isnot repeated.The SNS is an IRS based system which provides lateral navigationcapability independent of the FMC. The IRS combined with the FMCMCDU is the SNS. In the event of a dual FMC failure, the SNSprovides a backup mode of operation.The SNS has three separate systems: Left, Center, and Right. Eachsystem is independent of the other, consisting of its own FMS-MCDUand IRS.During normal FMS operation, memory and computing capabilitiesare contained within the FMC. During SNS operation, each FMSMCDU uses its own internal memory and computing capabilities.Since each FMS-MCDU performs its own computations based oninputs from its own IRS, the information available for display isindependent of the other FMS-MCDU.The SNS has no performance or nav data base. The FMS-MCDUshave temporary memory which stores the current active route crossloaded from the FMS. All conditional waypoints are deleted. Waypointson the cross loaded route may be referenced by either their identifieror latitude and longitude.If during flight both FMCs fail, each FMS-MCDU may be used tonavigate with its respective IRS. Only the IRS LEGS page, IRSPROGRESS page, and Alternate Navigation Radio page are availablein standby navigation. Discussion of these three MCDU pages nowfollows.5-11B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.5.3.1 IRS LEGS Page The IRS LEGS page provides a means for entering flight planwaypoints and displaying data relative to each leg of the MCDUsalternate navigation flight plan in the event of an FMC failure. The IRSLEGS page is accessed by pressing the LEGSmode key when eitherselected or the master FMC is failed.STEP: LEGSwhen FMCs are failed.G3641-21-122#Figure 5.3-1ACT IRS LEGS – FMC FailureThe FMC automatically sends the current active route to the MCDUwhen a change occurs to the active route, so that following a FMCfailure, the MCDU contains the same route as the FMC. Thesechanges include leg sequencing, activating a route, and execution ofa modification made to the active route.Only two types of fix entries are allowed into fields 1L
through 5Lon the ACT IRS LEGS page: Fix identifiers that are already in theflight plan (flight plan waypoints) and latitude/longitude waypoints.When a flight plan waypoint is entered, the route is searched for theentered identifier. If the identifier is not found and the entry is not alatitude/longitude waypoint, the “INVALID ENTRY” message isdisplayed.5-12Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Course/HeadingThe computed course information is displayed in 1L
through 5Lheader lines for each flight plan leg. The current desired course onthe IRS LEGS page displays relative to magnetic North (designatedby “M”). Computed course for other than active waypoint is relative totrue North. The MCDU also uses the same manual/automatic MAG/TRUE selection as the FMC.Leg DistanceThe distance from the previous waypoint to the leg termination isdisplayed in 1C
through 5C
header lines. No distance is displayedfor the active leg.Latitude/LongitudeFields 1R through 5R contain the latitude and longitude of the corresponding fix identifier in degrees, minutes, and tenths of minutes.5.3.2 IRS PROGRESS Page The IRS PROGRESS page displays the current dynamic flightinformation relative to the progress of the flight. Access to this pageis by pressing the PROGmode key when the FMCs are failed.STEP: PROGwhen FMCs are failedG3641-21-123#Figure 5.3-2IRS PROGRESS PageRev 1 12/965-13B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.1L
LAST – Displays information about the last (LAST) waypointsequenced. The waypoint identifier is displayed in 1L
. Thecrossing altitude at the time of the leg sequence is displayed instandard MSL altitude format in field 1C.2L
TO – Displays information relative to the active leg in2C
the route. The fix identifier is displayed in field 2L
and the2R Distance-To-Go (DTG) is displayed in 2C. The distancerepresents the distance along the flight plan to the point atwhich the next leg sequence occurs.If the aircraft is off path, then the distance is measured from thepoint abeam the aircraft and on the flight plan. Time-To-Go(TTG) is based on the current ground speed and is displayedin field 2R . The format is shown in hours and minutes. TheTTG field is blank if the ground speed or the aircraft positiongoes invalid.3L
NEXT – Line 3L
contains information relative to the leg3C
following the active waypoint. The DTG displayed in 3C
is3R the distance-to-go to the active waypoint plus the great circledistance between the active and next active waypoints.4L
DEST – Line 4L
contains information relative to the4C
Destination (DEST) waypoint. The DTG 4C
and the TTG 4R4R are displayed for the waypoint identifier located in 4L
.A flight plan waypoint or LAT/LON waypoint may be enteredinto 4L
. The header line of 4L
displays one of the followingto indicate the information displayed for the destination:•
DEST – The route is not modified and no alternate destinationhas been selected. The data is relative to the along pathdistance from the aircraft to the displayed fix.•
MOD – A flight plan modification is in progress and thepredicted data is relative to the modified flight plan. Followingthe <ERASE orEXECof the modification, line 4L
changes tothe destination of the active route.
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5-14Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE •
DIR TO ALTERNATE – A waypoint entry not in active flightplan displays DIR TO ALTERNATE. The predictions arerelative to flying direct from the aircraft’s present position tothe alternate destination. Leaving the IRS PROGRESS pagecauses any alternate destination waypoint entered at 4L
tobe cleared. Also modification of the route after entering analternate destination clears the alternate destination.•
ENROUTE WPT – If the alternate destination is in theactive flight plan, the predictions are relative to flying theactive flight plan to the en route waypoint. Sequencing an enroute alternative destination waypoint that was entered into4L
causes the display to revert to the destination of theactive route.NOTE: If the en route waypoint exists more than once in theroute, the predictions for the first occurrence in theroute are used.5L
IRS – Displays the position information received from theIRS. The header indicates which IRS the MCDU is using (eitherL, C, or R). If the current IRS position is not valid then this fieldis blank.5R GS – Displays current Ground Speed (GS). If the groundspeed goes invalid the field goes blank.6L
XTK ERROR – Displays Cross Track (XTK) Error. This errorindicates the computed distance in nautical miles that theaircraft is left or right of the active flight path.6C
DTK – The Desired Track (DTK) displays the desired trackangle relative to the selected magnetic reference setting (“M ”Magnetic or “T” True).6R TK – The Track (TK) field displays the current track anglerelative to the selected magnetic or true reference setting.Rev 1 12/965-15B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.5.3.3 ALTN NAV RADIO Page The Alternate Navigation (ALTN NAV ) Radio page provides alternateor backup means of navigation radio tuning. The backup radio tuningis handled by the MCDU using pilot-entered frequencies in the eventof either a master FMC failure or the failure of both FMCs. There isNO autotuning capability. All information is entered and displayed onthe ALTN NAV RADIO page.The FMC sends radio information to the MCDU each time a tuningchange occurs. This allows the MCDU to initially tune the samestations the FMC was tuning at the time the failure occurred.The ALTN NAV RADIO page is accessed by theNAVRAD mode key whenboth FMCs have failed.STEP:NAVRAD when both FMCs are failed.G3641-21-124#Figure 5.3-3ALTN NAV RADIO Page5-16Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE 1L
VOR – Displays VOR information for currently tunedfrequencies. A valid entry is the VOR frequency or VORfrequency/course. This entry will also tune the associated DMEfrequency in the respective radio. Entry of a valid frequencyresults in the manual “M” tuning of that frequency.The default value is the last selected frequency. This display isblank on the center FMS-MCDU. Deletion of a displayedfrequency results in the field display returning to dashes.2L
CRS – Displays VOR Course (CRS). Valid entries are courseor VOR frequency/course. Deletion while a course is displayedclears the displayed course. The display is blank on the centerFMS-MCDU.3L
ADF – Displays ADF tuning data and the tuning mode status.Valid frequencies are followed by the tuning mode status ANTor BFO, if the frequency entry is followed by “A” or “B”, or if “A”or “B” is entered with a frequency already displayed.Deletion of 3L
while the ADF tuning mode is active returns thedisplay to dashes.4L
ILS-MLS – Displays ILS or MLS tuning information. PARK isdisplayed if the ILS/MLS is not tuned. Valid entries are ILSfrequency, frequency and front course, of front course withfrequency already entered or MLS channel and azimuth.The default value is the last selected frequency/front course orPARK. The front course defaults to runway course if runway ison active route and only the frequency entered. Otherwise,front course defaults to 000° or the last entered front coursewhen only the frequency is entered.Park is no longer displayed when the radio is tuned.5-17B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.6L
PRESELECT – The PRESELECT fields allow the pilot to6R preselect an entry for any field on the ALTN NAV RADIO page.This allows the pilot to validate entry prior to making the entry.Once preselected, the entry may be downselected and thenentered to the appropriate field on the ALTN NAV RADIO page.Valid entries are any tuning entry valid on any line of the ALTNNAV RADIO page.Rev 1 12/96
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Section 66-1Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.FMS-MCDU MESSAGESMessages are generated by the FMC when a condition exists whichdegrades the operation of the system. Certain messages have ahigher priority than others.Higher priority messages appear in the Scratchpad (SP) regardlessof the prior contents on the line. As messages are activated, they aredisplayed in the SP if no high priority message is displayed; otherwisethey are inserted below the list of higher priority messages.As the CLRkey is pushed, the list is displayed sequentially from the topto the bottom. Only higher priority messages cause the EICASadvisory message “FMC MESSAGE” to be displayed. All messagesilluminate the FMS-MCDU Message (MSG) annunicator light.Two groups of messages are covered: first, messages which causethe “FMC MESSAGE” to be displayed on EICAS and illuminate theFMS-MCDU message annunicator light; and second, the messageswhich illuminate the MSG light, but do not display an EICAS message.6 FMS-MCDU MESSAGESB747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE 6-2Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.6.1 MCDU ALER ALERTING TING MESSAGES The following list contains messages which cause “FMC MESSAGE”to be displayed on EICAS and illuminate the FMS-MCDU messageannunicator light.CHECK ALT TGT VNAV is engaged when the airplane is between theMCP and FMC target altitudes. VNAV holds level flight.CYCLE IRS OFF-NAV FMC determines IRS needs to be selected OFFthen back to NAV.DESCENT PATHDELETEDVNAV engaged and all waypoint altitude constraintsdefining descent path are deleted.DISCONTINUITY LNAV engaged and airplane entered route discontinuity.AFDS maintains last heading.DRAG REQUIRED VNAV engaged and additional drag is required orAutothrottles off and less thrust required to maintaindescent path.END OF OFFSET LNAV engaged and end of active route offset overflown.AFDS maintains last heading.END OF ROUTE LNAV engaged and end of active route overflown.AFDS maintains last heading.ENTER IRS POSITION FMC detects IRS in align mode and position required.FMC L/R OUTPUTDATA LOSSSome information used by systems other than theFMS is not available.MESSAGE CAUSEG3641-21-125#FUEL DISAGREE-PROG2Fuel totalizer and calculated values disagree by9000 lbs (4080 Kg) or more.ILS TUNEINHIBITED - MCPFlight Control Computers are inhibiting changesin ILS tuning, and either a manual operatoin in theILS-MLS tuning field is attempted or a new arrivalILS equipped runway is activated.INSUFFIENT FUEL Estimating fuel at destination is less than enteredRESERVES value.IRS NAV ONLY FMC is vavigating without continouos radio updating.IRS POS/ORIGIN DISAGREEValid IRS position differs from active origin airport.LIMIT ALT FLNNN VNAV engaged and cruise altitude greater than VNAVlimit altitude.Rev 1 12/966-3B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.MESSAGE CAUSEG3641-21-126#NAV DATA OUTOF DATEClock calendar date exceeds Navigation data basevalid (active) calendar cycle.NAV INVALID-TUNE AAA(AAA = Required navaid)Signals not being received from navaid required forapproach procedure.NO ACTIVE ROUTE LNAV selected, but no route activated.PERF/VNAVUNAVAILABLEVNAV selected without gross weight, cost index,or cruise altitude entered.PURGE UPDATESPOS 2/2FMC position is such that raw radio data is beingrejected due to DME reasonableness checks.RESET MCP ALT Approaching T/D point with MCP not set to altitudebelow cruise altitude.RESYNC FAIL -SINGLE FMCResynchronization is unsuccessful and one FMChas shutdown.RESYNCHINGOTHER FMCFMC synchronization in progress.RW/ILS FREQ ERROR Selected ILS frequency does not match frequencyfor destination runway in active route.RW/LS CRS ERROR Selected ILS course does not match course fordestination runway in active route.SINGLE FMCOPERATIONOne FMC synchronization in progress.SPLIT IRS OPERATION FMCs have selected single IRS position updatingfor an IRS failure, due to a significant differencein IRS positions, or while operating polar latitudes.THRUST REQUIRED VNAV engaged, Auto Throttles disengaged, andadditional thrust required to track descent pathmaintain speed.UNABLE NEXT ALT VNAV engaged and climb gradient not great enoughto comply with waypoint altitude constraint.VERIFY POSITION Computed radio, mixed IRS, or FMC positions differ.B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE 6-4Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.6.2 MCDU MESSAGES The following list contains messages which illuminate the MSG light,but does NOT display an EICAS message.MESSAGE CAUSEG3641-21-127#ARR N/N FOR RUNWAY Selected arrival and runway not compatible.CRS REVERSAL ATFA FIXEntered route contains a course reversal at finalapproach fix and does not contain a coursereversal procedure.DELETE DELETE key pushed.INVALID DELETE Delete function attempted were not allowed.INVALID ENTRY The entry has an incorrect format, range,or is not allowed.KEY/FUNCTION INOP Function selected is not available in existingFMC data base.MAX ALT FLNNN Entered cruise altitude greater than performancemaximum altitude.NOT IN DATA BASE Data not in system.NOT ON INTERCEPTHEADINGLNAV selected and airplane outside active legcapture criteria and current heading will notintercept active leg.ROUTE FULL The last route modification fills the FMC beyondits waypoint capacity. Last selection not entered in route.RUNWAY N/A FOR SID Runway not compatible with SID.STANDBY ONE The FMC requires more than 6 seconds to display data.TIME OUT-RESELECT Communications with the selected system havefailed - reselect the system.UNABLE CRZ ALT Entered cruise altitude results in the climb intersectingthe descent path or the time in cruise prior to Top ofDescent being less than minimum allowable.
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Section 77-1Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONThis section describes in more detail the use of Cost Index and howit is calulated for airline use. This section also covers the maintenanceMCDU pages and how they are accessed.7.1 COST INDEX The FMS normally flies the aircraft in the Economy (ECON) mode.The computed Econ speed results in minimum cost per mile flown ormaximum distance per pound of fuel. Econ mach is calculated withinthe performance data base and is a function of gross weight, selectedaltitude, temperature, and Cost Index (CI). Cost Index is a numberthat governs the speed the aircraft flies, the higher the number thefaster the speed, which saves time; the lower the number the slowerthe speed, which saves fuel. Valid entries are “0” to “9999”.COST INDEX – is defined as a RATIO of the flying time to the costof fuel. It is determined by dividing the dollar cost per hour to operatethe aircraft excluding fuel, by the cost of fuel in cents per pound.Example:1200 dollars per hour for flying time10 cents per pound, cost of fuelEquals = a CI of 120If the cost of fuel increases to 20 cents per pound the CI is 60. Theaircraft would fly slower to save fuel.If in the example, flying time per hour increased to 1500 dollars perhour, the CI would then be 150. The faster speed would save time.7 ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONB747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE 7-2Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.Determining an airlines’ cost of flying time per hour depends on theairline’s economic situation and how they figure operating expenses.It can include insurance, crew costs, maintenance, passengerhandling, etc. Each airline must decide its particular priorities and usea cost index that achieves the desired results. Segment costs canvary with the direction of flight over a specific route, and whether theflight is domestic or international.If an airline is not certain what cost index to use over a “new” routesegment, a good starting point is to select a CI that produces a cruisemach number close to Long-Range Cruise (LRC). This can bedetermined prior to departure by first entering a CI on the PERF INITpage and then checking the ACT CRZ page for the resultant Machnumber. After flying the route several times, the CI can then beadjusted as needed to better fit the route segment in question.Cost Index is only associated with Econ speed mode. When flyingEcon speed, CI may vary the speed slightly due to changing windconditions. This is a normal function of Cost Index since its majorpurpose is to constantly optimize economy of flight.7-3B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.7.2 MAINTENANCE P PAGES AGES Access to the maintenance pages is only permitted while the aircraftis on the ground. These pages allow navigation data base cross load,performance factor changes and IRS drift error checking.7.2.1 MAINTENANCE INDEX Page The MAINTENANCE INDEX page is accessed by selecting theMAINT> at 6R on the INIT/REF INDEX page. Remember the INIT/REF page is accessed by theINITREF mode key.STEPS:A.INITREF on the groundB. 6R MAINT> prompt on INIT/REF INDEXG3641-21-128#Figure 7.2-1MAINTENANCE INDEX PageThe MAINTENANCE INDEX page provides access to pages of databy maintenance personnel to cross load the FMC nav data base,examine and change FMC performance factors and evaluate IRSintegrity.Selection of one of the line select keys results in displaying theselected format.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE 7-4Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document. <CROSS LOAD The <CROSS LOAD is used to access the NAV DATA CROSSLOADpage by pressing 1L
<CROSS LOAD prompt on MAINTENANCEINDEX pageG3641-21-129#Figure 7.2-2NAV DATA CROSSLOAD PageThe NAV DATA CROSSLOAD page provides for the initiation andstatus display of a transfer of the navigation data base over theintersystem bus from one FMC to the other in a dual installation. Thepage is static until the code is typed into 6R .Rev 1 12/967-5B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document. PERF FACTORS The Performance (PERF) FACTORS page is accessed by pressing2L
next to the <PERF FACTORS prompt on the Maintenance Indexpage.STEP: 2L
<PERF FACTORS on MaintenanceIndex page.G3641-21-130#Figure 7.2-3PERF FACTORS PageThe PERF FACTORS page provides for display and entry ofperformance factors to tailor performance optimization and takeoffperformance/guidance to individual airline policy or aircraftcharacteristics.The PERF FACTORS page is a static display until a code is lineselected into 6R to enable data entry.1L
PERF CODE – The performance code displayed in 1Lcorresponds to program pin wiring. This field cannot be deletedor changed by the pilot.Rev 1 12/96
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B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE 7-6Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.2L
DRAG/F-F – This field displays the correction factors appliedto drag and fuel flow computations, expressed as percentages.These percentage correction factors are applied to the nominalairplane drag and engine fuel flow data contained in the FMCsperformance data base. Values may be entered to correct forindividual airplane differences form the nominal data.Valid entry range is ± 9.9. Default value is the last enteredvalue. If no value has been previously entered +0.0/+0.0 isdisplayed. Fuel flow only entries require a leading slash ( / ),whereas drag factor has a optional slash entry.3L
TO 1/TO 2 – Takeoff Derates (TO 1/TO 2) are displayed inthis field if the Variable Rating (VTR) option is enabled, if notthen the field is blank. Valid entries are one- to nine-characterentries, and may consist of Takeoff Derate 1 and/or TakeoffDerate 2 within the range contained in the performance database. Entry of only Takeoff Derate 2 must be preceded by aslash ( / ). Entry of both derates are separated by a slash ( / ).The field is in LARGE font and any deletion to this field is nonoperational.4L
MNVR MARGIN – The Maneuver (MNVR) Margin is used forflight envelope and bank angle limit computations. Valid entryis 1.20 to 1.30 for FAA configuration. Valid entry range is 1.30to 1.30 for CAA (JAR) configuration. The default value is thelast entered value. If no value has previously been entered,then 1.20 is displayed for FAA configuration and 1.30 isdisplayed for CAA configuration.5L
MIN CRZ TIME – The Minimum Cruise Time (MIN CRZ) (inminutes) is used as a lower limit to the minimum cruise timeextracted from the performance data base for optimum altitudecalculations. It is used only in the computation of the optimumaltitude for short trips. The entry forces the displayed optimumaltitude to be lower, if required, to provide the entered minimumcruise time. Valid entry is 1 to 20 minutes. Default value is thelast entered value. If no value has been previously entered 1 isdisplayed.7-7B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.6L
<INDEX – Pushing the <INDEX prompt at 6L
selects theMAINTENANCE INDEX page.1R OPTION CODE – The option code in 1R displays the currentoption configuration authorized for use by the airline. Thispilot’s guide covers all available options, therefore, it containsfunctions which are not available on all B747-400 modelaircraft. Availability of additional options is coordinated throughthe Boeing Commercial Airplane Company.NOTE: Entry of an option code not supported by the FMCresults in a FMC latched failure. This means the entrycauses the FMC to fail and power must be cycled off forat least 6 seconds to restore the FMC to operation.2R R/C CLB – The Minimum Rate of Climb for Climb (R/C CLB)is displayed in this field. This is the residual rate of climbcapability desired by the airline in a CLB mode at the thrustlimited maximum altitude based on climb speed and climbthrust limits. The default value is 100 feet per minute, and maybe changed by entering a one- to three-digit rate ranging from0 to 500. Default value is the last entered value. If no value hasbeen previously entered 100 is displayed.3R THR/CRZ – The first entry in 3R Thrust (THR) may be set toCLB/ or CRZ/ to indicate what default thrust limit is to be set bythe FMC at cruise altitude capture. The default CLB/ results inmaximum climb thrust being set as the thrust limit during allengine cruise. The second entry in 3R R/C CRZ is the residualrate of climb capability desired by the airline at the thrust limitedmaximum altitude based on cruise speed and the specifiedcruise thrust limit (CLB or CRZ as previously defined). Thedefault value is 100 feet per minute, and is changed by entering0 to 500. Partial entries THR or R/C CRZ only changes theentered half.Rev 1 12/96B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE 7-8Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document.4R THR RED – The Thrust Reduction (THR RED) altitude (AGL)or flap setting corresponding to the point at which the thrustlimit is automatically reduced from takeoff thrust to the selectedclimb thrust, when VNAV and A/T are engaged, is displayed inthis field. The default value for thrust reduction height is 1500and the field is in LARGE font. This value is propagated to theTAKEOFF REF page. Valid entries are three- or four-charactervalues greater than 399 and up to 9,999.The only valid flap setting entry is “5” resulting in the displayshowing “FLAPS 5”.5R ACCEL HT – Acceleration Height (ACCEL HT) displaysengine out and all engine flap retraction heights (AGL) whereacceleration begins in VNAV for flap retraction. The display isonly present if the option code has been enabled; if not theheader and field are blank.The ACCL HT value is propagated to the TAKEOFF REF page.The engine out value is displayed in the inner field. The twovalues are separated by a slash ( / ). Entry of an engine out oran all engines flap retraction height only is not allowed. Validentries are from 400 to 9,999. The default value is the lastentered value. If no value has been previously entered, 1500/1500 is displayed.6R (– – –) – Selection of the typed in code is required to enabledata entry on this page. Leaving the page deletes the codeword.7-9B747-400 FMS PILOT’S GUIDE Use or disclosure of the information on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document. <IRS MONITOR The IRS MONITOR page is accessed by pressing 3L
next to the<IRS MONITOR prompt on the Maintenance Index page.STEP: 3L
<IRS MONITOR on Maintenance Index page.G3641-21-131#Figure 7.2-4IRS MONITOR PageThe IRS MONITOR page provides at flight completion the computedIRS position error rate (drift) for each IRS.2L
IRS L, C, R – Displays position error rate, in nautical miles3L
per hour, for each IRS Position error rate for the flight com4L puted by dividing the computed distance from the FMC positionto the IRS position occurring during the flight (liftoff to flightcompletion), by the total flight time. This value is computedupon flight completion. Display is cleared when aircraft isairborne.6L
<INDEX – Pushing the <INDEX prompt at 6L
selects theMAINTENANCE INDEX page.