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Chapter 2 Flight, - These provisions address take-off performance data for all classes of helicopters and require that this performance data include the take-off distance required. However, the United States has not adopted the requirements to present take off distance for non-category A helicopters. Chapter 6 Rotor and Power Transmissions Systems and Powerplant Installation 6.7 This provision requires that there be a means for restarting a helicopter’s engine at altitudes up to a declared maximum altitude. In some cases the FAA does not require demonstration of engine restart capability. Since there is a different level of certitude for transport and normal category helicopters in the United States, the engine restart capability is only required for Category A and B helicopters (14 CFR Part 29) and Category A normal helicopters (14 CFR Part 27). Chapter 7 Instruments and Equipment 7.4.2 This provision addresses the need to switch off or reduce the intensity of the flashing lights. The United States has minimum acceptable intensities that are prescribed for navigation lights and anti-collision lights. No reduction below these levels is possible. 7.4.2 (b) This provision addresses the lights’ affect on outside observers in reference to “harmful dazzle.” The U.S. regulations do not address the affect of aircraft lights on outside observers. However, visibility to other pilots and the lights’ affect on the flight crew is addressed. PART VII Propellers Sub-Part B Design and Construction B.2 U.S. Regulations do not require a failure analysis. Sub-Part C Test and Inspections C.2 (c) U.S. Regulations do not contain bird impact or lightning strike requirements. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-40 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition ANNEX 9 -FACILITATION *The list of differences include Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The status of implementation of Annex 9 in Guam with respect to public health quarantine is not covered in the list of differences. Chapter 2 Entry and Departure of Aircraft 2.3 Written crew baggage declaration is required in certain circumstances, and a special Embarkation/Disembarkation Card is required for most alien crew members. 2.4 A General Declaration for all inbound and for outbound flights with commercial cargo are required. However, the General Declaration outbound flights with commercial cargo shall not be required if the declaratory statement is made on the air cargo manifest. No declaration is required for outbound flights without commercial cargo if Customs clearance is obtained by telephone. Remarks 19 CFR 122 2.4.1 Each crew member must be listed showing surname, given name, and middle initial. 2.4.4 The signing or stamping of the General Declaration protects the carrier by serving as proof of clearance. 2.5 The crew list is required by statute. 2.7 There is a statutory requirement for the Cargo Manifest. 2.8 In order to combat illicit drug smuggling, the U.S. requires the additional following information: the shipper’s and the consignee’s name and address, the type of air waybills, weight, and number of house air waybills. The manifest submitted in electronic form may become legally acceptable in the future. However, until the compliance rate for the automated manifest is acceptable, the U.S. must be able to require the written form of the manifest. Remarks 19 CFR 122.48 2.9 Nature of goods information is required. 2.10 Stores list required in all cases but may be recorded on General Declaration in lieu of a separate list. 2.17 A cargo manifest is required except for merchandise, baggage and stores arriving from and departing for a foreign country on the same through flight. “All articles on board which must be licensed by the Secretary of State shall be listed on the cargo manifest.” “Company mail shall be listed on the cargo manifest.” 2.18 Traveling general declaration and manifest, crew purchases and stores list as well as a permit to proceed are required under various conditions when aircraft arrive in the U.S. from a foreign area with cargo shown on the manifest to be traveling to other airports in the U.S. or to foreign areas. 2.21 There is a statutory requirement that such changes can only be made prior to or at the time of formal entry of the aircraft. 2.25 The U.S. does not support the use of insecticides in aircraft with passengers present. Pesticides registered for such use should not be inhaled. In effect, the passenger safety issue has precluded the use of such insecticides in the presence of passengers since 1979. 2.35 Advance notice is required of the number of citizens and aliens on board (non-scheduled flights only). 2.40 A copy of the contract for remuneration or hire is required to be a part of the application in the case of non-common carrier operations. 2.41 Single inspection is accorded certain aircraft not by size of aircraft but rather by type of operation. Loads (cargo) of an agricultural nature require inspection by a plant or animal quarantine inspector. 2.41c Fees are charged for services provided in connection with the arrival of private aircraft (nonscheduled aircraft). Chapter 3 Entry and Departure of Persons and Their Baggage 3.3 Medical reports are required in some cases. Remarks 8 CFR 212.7 and INA 234 3.4 Documents such as visas with certain security devices serve as identity documents. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-41 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition 3.4.1 The U.S. has not standardized the personal identification data included in all national passports to conform with the recommendation in Doc 9303. 3.5.6 U.S. passport fees exceed the cost of the operation. 3.5.7 U.S. allows separate passports for minor dependents under the age of 16 entering the U.S. with a parent or legal guardian. 3.7 The U.S. has a pilot program that allows nationals of certain countries which meet certain criteria to seek admission to the U.S. without a visa for up to 90 days as a visitor for pleasure or business. Remarks 22 CFR 41.112(d) INA 212(d)(4), INA 238, 8 CFR 214.2(c) INA 217 The law permits visa waivers for aliens from contiguous countries and adjacent islands or in emergency cases. Visas are also waived for admissible aliens arriving on a carrier which is signatory to an agreement assuring immediate transit of its passengers provided they have a travel document or documents establishing identity, nationality, and ability to enter some country other than the U.S. 3.8 The U.S. charges a fee for visas. 3.8.3 Duration of stay is determined at port of entry. Remarks INA 217 3.8.4 A visitor to the U.S. cannot enter without documentation. Remarks INA 212(a) (26) 3.8.5 Under U.S. law, the duration of stay is determined by the Immigration Authorities at the port of entry and thus cannot be shown on the visa at the time of issuance. 3.10 Embarkation/Disembarkation Card does not conform to Appendix 4 in some particulars. 3.10.1 The operator is responsible for passengers’ presentation of completed embarkation/disembarkation cards. Remarks 8 CFR 299.3 3.10.2 Embarkation/Disembarkation cards may be purchased from the U.S. Government, Superintendent of Documents. Remarks 8 CFR 299.3 3.14.2 The U.S. fully supports the electronic Advance Passenger Information (API) systems. However, the WCO/IATA Guideline is too restrictive and does not conform to the advancements in the PAXLIST EDIFACT international standard.

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3.15 U.S. Federal Inspection Services’ officials see individuals more than once. 3.16 Written baggage declarations by crew members are required in some instances. 3.17.1 The U.S. uses a multiple channel system rather than the dual channel clearance system. 3.23, 3.23.1 Statute requires a valid visa and passport of all foreign crew members. 3.24, 3.24.1, 3.25, 3.25.1, 3.25.2, 3.25.3 Crew members, except those eligible under Visa Waiver Pilot Program guidelines, are required to have valid passports and valid visas to enter the U.S. Remarks INA 212(a) (26), INA 252 and 253, 8 CFR 214.1(a), 8 CFR 252.1(c) 3.26, 3.27, 3.28, 3.29 Passports and visas are required for crew and non-U.S. nationals to enter the U.S. 3.33 Does not apply to landing card. 3.35 Law requires that the alien shall be returned to the place whence he/she came. Interpretation of this provision requires that he/she be returned to the place where he/she began his/her journey and not only to the point where he/she boarded the last-used carrier. 3.35.1 Law requires that certain aliens be deported from the U.S. at the expense of the transportation line which brought them to the U.S. 3.36 Statute provides for a fine if a passenger is not in possession of proper documents. 3.39.3 NOTE: The U.S. considers security for individuals in airline custody to be the carrier’s responsibility. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-42 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition 3.40.2 Annex 9 recommends that fines and penalties be mitigated if an alien with a document deficiency is eventually admitted to the country of destination. 3.43 Operator can be held responsible for some detention costs. Chapter 4 Entry and Departure of Cargo and Other Articles 4.20 The Goods Declaration as defined by the Kyoto Convention serves as the fundamental Customs document rather than the commercial invoice. 4.40 Aircraft equipment and parts, certified for use in civil aircraft, may be entered duty-free by any nation entitled to most-favored nation tariff treatment. Security equipment and parts, unless certified for use in the aircraft, are not included. 4.41 Customs currently penalizes the exporting carrier for late filing of Shipper’s Export Declarations (SEDs) and inaccuracies on bills of lading with respect to the SEDs. 4.42 Regulations require entry of such items, most of which are dutiable by law. 4.44 Certain items in this category are dutiable by law. 4.48 Carriers are required to submit new documentation to explain the circumstances under which cargo manifest is not unladen. No penalty is imposed if the carrier properly reports this condition. 4.50 The procedures for adding, deleting, or correcting manifest items require filing a separate document. 4.55 The U.S. requires a transportation in-bond entry or a special manifest bonded movement for this type of movement. Chapter 5 Traffic Passing Through the Territory of a Contracting State 5.1 Such traffic must be inspected at airports where passengers are required to disembark from the aircraft and no suitable sterile area is available. 5.2 Passports and visas are waived for admissible aliens arriving on a carrier which is signatory to an agreement assuring immediate transit of its passengers provided they have a travel document or documents establishing identity, nationality, and ability to enter some country other than the U.S. 5.3 Such traffic must be inspected at airports where no suitable sterile area is available. 5.4 Passports and visas are waived for admissible aliens arriving on a carrier which is signatory to an agreement assuring immediate transit of its passengers provided they have a travel document or documents establishing identity, nationality, and ability to enter some country other than the U.S. 5.4.1 Passengers will not be required to obtain and present visas if they will be departing from the U.S. within 8 hours of arrival or on the first flight thereafter departing for their destination. 5.8 Examination of transit traffic is required by law. Transit passengers without visas are allowed one stopover between the port of arrival and their foreign destination. 5.9 Passports and visas are required generally for transit passengers who are remaining in the U.S. beyond 8 hours or beyond the first available flight to their foreign destinations. Chapter 6 International Airports -Facilities and Services for Traffic 6.3.1 Procedures involving scheduling committees raise a number of anti-trust problems under U.S. law. 6.33 Sterile physical facilities shall be provided, and in-transit passengers within those areas shall be subject to immigration inspection at any time. Remarks OI 214.2(c) 6.34 The U.S. inspects crew and passengers in transit. 6.36 The U.S. inspects crew and passengers in transit. 6.56 Operators of aircraft are statutorily required to pay overtime charges for federal inspections conducted outside normal scheduled hours of operation. This requirement places aircraft operators in a less favorable position than operators of highway vehicles and ferries who are statutorily exempt from such charges. Chapter 8 Other Facilitation Provisions 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-43 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition 8.1 Separate bonds are required. 8.3.2 Visas are issued by the Department of State and are not issued at ports of entry. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-44 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition ANNEX 10 -VOLUME I -AERONAUTICAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS PART I Chapter 3 The U.S. does not require such equipage for aircraft. c) When necessary to achieve coverage to the edges of the localizer course, the U.S. authorizes coverage over a greater distance than that specified in c); i.e., up to 1,200 meters (4,000 feet) along the localizer course centerline. The U.S. does not require such equipage for aircraft. PART II

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Chapter 4 In the U.S., the shortage of communications channels, compared with the total operational requirement, has resulted in the geographical separation between facilities working on the same frequency being considerably less (up to 50 percent reduction) than the Standard defined for such separation. ANNEX 10 -VOLUME II -AERONAUTICAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS Chapter 3 3.3.2 Class B traffic, including reservation messages pertaining to flights scheduled to depart within 72 hours, shall not be acceptable for transmission over U.S. Government operated AFTN circuits, except in those cases where it has been determined by the U.S. that adequate non-government facilities are not available. Chapter 4 4.4.2 In the Caribbean Region, U.S. industry-operated AFTN terminals will continue to accept messages in both ICAO and non-ICAO formats. The U.S. now accepts only messages in ICAO format from other states, including the Caribbean Region. Chapter 5 The U.S. will use the term ‘‘hundred’’ in stating altitude numbers by radiotelephone. Whole hundreds will be spoken as follows: 400 -“Four hundred” 4,500 -“Four thousand five hundred” The U.S. will use the term “point” in lieu of “decimal” in stating frequencies: 126.55 MHz -“One two six point five five” 8,828.5 MHz -“Eight eight two eight point five” Air route traffic control centers will use “center” rather than “control” in their radiotelephone identification. Example: “Washington Center.” Approach control service units will use “approach control” or “departure control” rather than “approach” in their radiotelephone identification. Example: “Washington Approach Control” or “Washington Departure Control.” Aerodrome control towers will use “ground control” or “clearance delivery” rather than “tower” in their radiotelephone identification, where appropriate, to identify ground control services. Example: “Washington Ground Control” or “Washington Clearance Delivery.” U.S. procedures allow abbreviation of only Type a) call signs and limit abbreviation to not less than three characters following the first character of the registration marking or the manufacturer of the aircraft. Also, the U.S. does not use call signs comprised of aircraft operating agency telephony designators in combination with aircraft registration markings (Type b). Remarks To facilitate understanding, examples ( should follow rather than precede corresponding provisions which govern them ( and 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-45 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition The U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations do not require that a continuous airborne guard on VHF121.5 MHz be maintained. ANNEX 10 -VOLUME III -AERONAUTICAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS PART I In the U.S., AMSS terminals shall have the capability of operating in the frequency bands 1544-1559 MHz and 1645.5-1660.5 MHz bands. (NOTE: Use of the band 1544-1545/1645.5-1646.5 MHz by the mobile satellite service is limited to distress and safety.) PART II The U.S. does not require such equipage for aircraft. ANNEX 10 -VOLUME IV -AERONAUTICAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS TCAS II Version 6.04A Enhanced Interference Limiting Algorithms won’t comply with these sections of the standards and recommended practices (SARPs). See remark below. TCAS II Version 6.04A Enhanced won’t comply because it has a 3-second coordination delay. See remark below. TCAS II Version 6.04A Enhanced does not comply since the section implies a requirement for reversals in some instances in encounters between two TCAS II-equipped aircraft. See remark below. TCAS II Version 6.04A Enhanced does not comply since the section explicitly requires reversal of coordinated resolution advisories (RAs) under some circumstances. See remark below. TCAS II Version 6.04A Enhanced does not comply since it contains a dormancy requirement, does not have 5-second targets, and only has surveillance of _ 3,000 feet in altitude. See remark below. TCAS II Version 6.04A Enhanced has different RA Report formats in DF_20, 21 replies. See remark below. TCAS Version 6.04 Enhanced has different Data Link Capability format in DF_20, 21 replies. See remark below. TCAS II Version 6.04A Enhanced RA does not meet the Broadcast format specified in these sections. See remark below. TCAS II Version 6.04A Enhanced has a different Coordination Reply format in DF_16 replies. See remark below. Remark The U.S. does not require TCAS II Version 7 (ACAS II) equipage in its National Airspace System. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-46 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition ANNEX 11 -AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES Chapter 1 Definitions Air-taxiing U.S. uses ‘‘hover taxi’’ for this maneuver above 100 feet above ground level (AGL) and ‘‘air taxi’’ below 100 feet AGL. Airborne collision avoidance The U.S. uses “traffic alert collision avoidance system (TCAS).” TCAS is an airborne collision avoidance system based on radar beacon signals and operates independent of ground-based equipment. TCAS-1 generates traffic advisories only. TCAS-II generates traffic advisories and resolution (collision avoidance) advisories in the vertical plane. Chapter 2 General 2.6 The Class F airspace is not used in the designation of U.S. airspace. 2.9 2.11 Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Converting the present U.S. system for identifying ATS routes and significant points to conform to the provisions of amended paragraphs 2.9 -2.9.2, 2.11 -2.11.3, Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 is an effort of considerable magnitude and complexity. The U.S. has an ongoing program to accomplish the conversion, but it is estimated that a period of 2 to 5 years will be required for full compliance. Chapter 3 Air Traffic Control Service

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3.3.3 Exception Clause Clearances may be issued to conduct flight in VFR conditions without a pilot request if the clearance would result in noise abatement benefits or when a pilot conducts a practice instrument approach. Chapter 4 Flight Information Service 4.2.2 b) No provision is made for the issuance of collision hazard information to flights operating in Class G airspace. h) The U.S. requires that the current altimeter setting be included in the ATIS broadcast. Information contained in a current ATIS broadcast, the receipt of which has been acknowledged by an aircraft, is not included in a directed transmission to the aircraft unless requested by the pilot. 4.3.5 4.3.6 4.3.7 The order in which information is listed in ATIS broadcast messages is not mandated and certain elements are regarded as optional. Appendix 1 Principles Governing the Identification of RNP Types and the Identification of ATS Routes Other Than Standard Departure and Arrival Routes See 2.9, above. 2.2.1 Routes designated to serve aircraft operating from 18,000 MSL up to and including FL 450 are referred to as ‘‘jet routes’’ and are designated with the letter ‘‘J’’ followed by a number of up to three digits. Appendix 2 Principles Governing the Establishment and Identification of Significant Points See 2.9, above. 2.1 The U.S. will not comply with this guidance in naming the Missed Approach Point (MAP) located at the landing threshold. Appendix 4 ATS Airspace Classifications It should be noted that the term ‘‘Class B airspace’’ as used in the U.S. is more restrictive than that specified by ICAO. Flights within Class B Airspace in the U.S. must be operated in accord with the provisions of 14 CFR Part 91 (Section 91.90). Speed restrictions do not necessarily apply to aircraft operating beyond 12 NM from the coast line within the U.S. Flight Information Region, in offshore Class E airspace below 10,000 feet MSL. However, in airspace underlying a Class B airspace area designated for an airport, or in a VFR corridor designated through such a Class B airspace area, pilots are expected to comply with the 200 knot speed limit specified in 14 CFR Part 91 (Sections 91.117(c) and 91.703). This difference will allow airspeed adjustments exceeding 250 knots, thereby improving air traffic services, enhancing safety and expediting air traffic movement. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-47 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition ANNEX 12 -SEARCH AND RESCUE There are no reportable differences between U.S. regulations and the Standards and Recommended Practices contained in this Annex. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-48 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition ANNEX 13 -AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION Chapter 5 Investigation 5.12 The full exchange of information is vital to effective accident investigation and prevention. The U.S. supports, in principle, measures that are intended to facilitate the development and sharing of information. The laws of the U.S. require the determination and public reporting of the facts, circumstances, and probable cause of every civil aviation accident. This requirement does not confine the public disclosure of such information to an accident investigation. However, the laws of the U.S. do provide some protection against public dissemination of certain information of a medical or private nature. Also, U.S. law prohibits the disclosure of cockpit voice recordings to the public and limits the disclosure of cockpit voice recording transcript to that specific information which is deemed pertinent and relevant by the investigative authority. However, U.S. Courts can order the disclosure of the foregoing information for other than accident investigation purposes. The standard for determining access to this information does not consider the adverse domestic or international effects on investigations that might result from such access. 5.25 h) Investigative procedures observed by the U.S. allow full participation in all progress and investigation planning meetings; however, deliberations related to analysis, findings, probable causes, and safety recommendations are restricted to the investigative authority and its staff. However, participation in these areas is extended through timely written submissions, as specified in paragraph 5.25 i). 5.26 b) The U.S. supports, in principle, the privacy of the State conducting the investigation regarding the progress and the findings of that investigation. However, the laws of the U.S. facilitate the public disclosure of information held by U.S. government agencies and U.S. commercial business. The standard for determining public access to information requested from a U.S. government agency or a commercial business does not consider or require the expressed consent of the State conducting the investigation. Chapter 6 Reporting 6.13 The U.S. supports the principle of not circulating, publishing, or providing access to a draft report or any part thereof unless such a report or document has already been published or released by the State which conducted the investigation. However, the laws of the U.S. facilitate the public disclosure of information held by government agencies and commercial business. The U.S. government may not be able to restrict public access to a draft report or any part thereof on behalf of the State conducting the investigation. The standard for determining public access to information requested from a U.S. government agency or a commercial business does not consider or require the expressed consent of the State conducting an investigation. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-49 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition ANNEX 14 -AERODROMES VOLUME 1 -AERODROME DESIGN AND OPERATIONS Chapter 1 General 1.2.1 Airports in the U.S. are for the most part owned and operated by local governments and quasi-government organizations formed to operate transportation facilities. The Federal Government provides air traffic control, operates and maintains NAVAIDs, provides financial assistance for airport development, certificates major airports, and issues standards and guidance for airport planning, design, and operational safety. There is general conformance with the Standards and Recommended Practices of Annex 14, Volume I. At airports with scheduled passenger service using aircraft having more than nine seats, compliance with standards is enforced through regulation and certification. At other airports, compliance is achieved through the agreements with individual airports under which Federal development funds were granted; or, through voluntary actions.

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1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 In the U.S., the Airport Reference Code is a two-component indicator relating the standards used in the airport’s design to a combination of dimensional and operating characteristics of the largest aircraft expected to use the airport. The first element, Aircraft Approach Category, corresponds to the ICAO PANS-OPS approach speed groupings. The second, Airplane Design Group, corresponds to the wingspan groupings of code element 2 of the Annex 14, Aerodrome Reference Code. See below: TBL GEN 1.7-1 Airport Reference Code (ARC) Aircraft Approach Category Approximate Annex 14 Code Number A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 E - Airplane Design Group Corresponding Annex 14 Code Letter I A II B III C IV D V E VI F (proposed) EXAMPLE: AIRPORT DESIGNED FOR B747-400 ARC D-V. Chapter 2 Aerodrome Data 2.2.1 The airport reference point is recomputed when the ultimate planned development of the airport is changed. 2.9.6 2.9.7 Minimum friction values have not been established to indicate that runways are ‘‘slippery when wet.’’ However, U.S. guidance recommends that pavements be maintained to the same levels indicated in the ICAO Airport Services Manual. 2.11.3 If inoperative fire fighting apparatus cannot be replaced immediately, a NOTAM must be issued. If the apparatus is not restored to service within 48 hours, operations shall be limited to those compatible with the lower index corresponding to operative apparatus. 2.12 e) Where the original VASI is still installed, the threshold crossing height is reported as the center of the on-course signal, not the top of the red signal from the downwind bar. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-50 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition Chapter 3 Physical Characteristics 3.1.2* The crosswind component is based on the ARC: 10.5 kt for AI and BI; 13 kt for AII and BII; 16 kt for AIII, BIII and CI through DIII; 20 kts for AIV through DVI. 3.1.9* Runway widths (in meters) used in design are shown in the table below: Width of Runway in Meters Aircraft Approach Category Airplane Design Group I II III IV V VI A 181 231 ----45 60 B 181 231 ----45 60 C 30 30 302 45 45 60 D 30 30 302 45 45 60 1 The width of a precision (lower than 3 /4 statute mile approach visibility minimums) runway is 23 meters for a runway which is to accommodate only small (less than 5,700 kg) airplanes and 30 meters for runways accommodating larger airplanes. 2 For airplanes with a maximum certificated take-off mass greater than 68,000 kg, the standard runway width is 45 meters. 3.1.12* Longitudinal runway slopes of up to 1.5 percent are permitted for aircraft approach categories C and D except for the first and last quarter of the runway where the maximum slope is 0.8 percent. 3.1.18* Minimum and maximum transverse runway slopes are based on aircraft approach categories as follows: For categories A and B: 1.0 -2.0 percent C and D: 1.0 -1.5 percent 3.2.2 The U.S. does not require that the minimum combined runway and shoulder widths equal 60 meters. The widths of shoulders are determined independently. 3.2.3* The transverse slope on the innermost portion of the shoulder can be as high as 5 percent. 3.3.3 3.3.4* 3.3.5* A strip width of 120 meters is used for code 3 and 4 runways for precision, nonprecision, and non-instrumented operations. For code 1 and 2 precision runways, the width is 120 meters. For non-precision/visual runways, widths vary from 37.5 meters up to 120 meters. 3.3.9* Airports used exclusively by small aircraft (U.S. Airplane Design Group I) may be graded to distances as little as 18 meters from the runway centerline. 3.3.14* The maximum transverse slope of the graded portion of the strip can be 3 percent for aircraft approach categories C and D and 5 percent for aircraft approach categories A and B. 3.3.15* The U.S. does not have standards for the maximum transverse grade on portions of the runway strip falling beyond the area that is normally graded. 3.3.17* Runways designed for use by smaller aircraft under non-instrument conditions may be graded to distances as little as 18 meters from the runway centerline (U.S. Airplane Design Groups I and II). 3.4.2* For certain code 1 runways, the runway end safety areas may be only 72 meters. 3.7.1* 3.7.2* The U.S. does not provide Standards or Recommended Practices for radio altimeter operating areas. 3.8.3* The U.S. specifies a 6 meter clearance for Design Group VI airplanes. 3.8.4* The taxiway width for Design Group VI airplanes is 30 meters. 3.8.5* The U.S. also permits designing taxiway turns and intersections using the judgmental oversteering method. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-51 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition 3.8.7* Minimum separations between runway and taxiway centerlines, and minimum separations between taxiways and taxilanes and between taxiway/taxilanes and fixed/moveable objects are shown in the tables that follow. Generally, U.S. separations are larger for non-instrumented runways, and smaller for instrumented runways, than the Annex. Values are also provided for aircraft with wingspans up to 80 meters. Minimum Separations Between Runway Centerline and Parallel Taxiway/Taxilane Centerline Operation Aircraft Approach Category Airplane Design Group I1 I II III IV V VI Visual runways and runways with not lower than 3/4-statute mile (1,200 meters) approach visibility minimums A and B 150 feet 45 meters 225 feet 67.5 meters 240 feet 72 meters 300 feet 90 meters 400 feet 120 meters ---- Runways with lower than 3/4-statute mile (1,200 meters) approach visibility minimums A and B 200 feet 60 meters 250 feet 75 meters 300 feet 90 meters 350 feet 105 meters 400 feet 120 meters ---- Visual runways and runways with not lower than 3/4-statute mile (1,200 meters) approach visibility minimums C and D -- 300 feet 90 meters 300 feet 90 meters 400 feet 120 meters 400 feet 120 meters 4002 feet 1202 meters 600 feet 180 meters Runways with lower than 3/4-statute mile (1,200 meters) approach visibility minimums C and D -- 400 feet 120 meters 400 feet 120 meters 400 feet 120 meters 400 feet 120 meters 4002 feet 1202 meters 600 feet 180 meters 1These dimensional standards pertain to facilities for small airplanes exclusively. 2Corrections are made for altitude: 120 meters separation for airports at or below 410 meters; 135 meters for altitudes between 410 meters and 2,000 meters; and, 150 meters for altitudes above 2,000 meters. Minimum Taxiway and Taxilane Separations: Airplane Design Group I II III IV V VI Taxiway centerline to parallel taxiway/ taxilane centerline Fixed or movable object 69 feet 21 meters 44.5 feet 13.5 meters 105 feet 32 meters 65.5 feet 20 meters 152 feet 46.5 meters 93 feet 28.5 meters 215 feet 65.5 meters 129.5 feet 39.5 meters 267 feet 81 meters 160 feet 48 meters 324 feet 99 meters 193 feet 59 meters Taxilane centerline to parallel taxilane centerline Fixed or movable object 64 feet 19.5 meters 39.5 feet 12 meters 97 feet 29.5 meters 57.5 feet 17.5 meters 140 feet 42.5 meters 81 feet 24.5 meters 198 feet 60 meters 112.5 feet 34 meters 245 feet 74.5 meters 138 feet 42 meters 298 feet 91 meters 167 feet 51 meters 3.8.10* Line-of-sight standards for taxiways are not provided in U.S. practice, but there is a requirement that the sight distance along a runway from an intersecting taxiway must be sufficient to allow a taxiing aircraft to safely enter or cross the runway. 3.8.11* Transverse slopes of taxiways are based on aircraft approach categories. For categories C and D, slopes are 1.0-1.5 percent; for A and B, 1.0-2.0 percent. 3.11.5 The runway centerline to taxi-holding position separation for code 1 is 38 meters for non-precision operations and 53 meters for precision. Code 3 and 4 precision operations require a separation of 75 meters, except for “wide bodies,” which require 85 meters.

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31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-52 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition Dimensions and Slopes for Protective Areas and Surfaces Precision Approach Non-precision Instrument Approach Visual Runway All runways All runwaysa Runways other than utilityb Utility runwaysd Runways other than utility Utility runways Width of inner edge 305 meters 305 meters 152 meters 152 meters 152 meters 76 metersc Divergency (each side) 15 percent 15 percent 15 percent 15 percent 10 percent 10 percent Final width 4,877 meters 1,219 meters 1,067 metersc 610 meters 475 metersc 381 metersc Length 15,240 meters 3,048 metersc 3,048 metersc 1,524 metersc 1,524 metersc 1,524 metersc Slope: inner 3,049 meters 2 percent 2.94 percentc 2.94 percentc 5 percentc 5 percentc 5 percentc Slope: beyond 3,048 meters 2.5 percentc a With visibility minimum as low as 1.2 km; b with visibility minimum greater than 1.2 km; c criteria less demanding than Annex 14 Table 4-1 dimensions and slopes. d Utility runways are intended to serve propeller-driven aircraft having a maximum take-off mass of 5,570 kg. Chapter 4 Obstacle Restriction and Removal 4.1 Obstacle limitation surfaces similar to those described in 4.1-4.20 are found in 14 CFR Part 77. 4.1.21 A balked landing surface is not used. 4.1.25 The U.S. does not establish take-off climb obstacle limitation areas and surface, per se, but does specify protective surfaces for each end of the runway based on the type of approach procedures available or planned. The dimensions and slopes for these surfaces and areas are listed in the table above. 4.2 The dimensions and slopes of U.S. approach areas and surfaces are set forth in the above table. Aviation regulations do not prohibit construction of fixed objects above the surfaces described in these sections. Chapter 5 Visual Aids for Navigation* The U.S. does not require unpaved taxiways to be marked.* The U.S. does not require a runway designator marking for unpaved runways. Zeros are not used to precede single-digit runway markings. An optional configuration of the numeral 1 is available to designate a runway 1 and to prevent confusion with the runway centerline.** Threshold markings are not required, but sometimes provided, for non-instrument runways that do not serve international operations. The current U.S. standard for threshold designation is eight stripes, except that more than eight stripes may be used on runways wider than 45 meters. After 1 January 2008, the U.S. standard will comply with Annex 14. The width and spacing of threshold stripes will comply with Annex 14 after 1 January 2008. When a threshold is temporarily displaced, there is no requirement that runway or taxiway edge markings, prior to the displaced threshold, be obscured. These markings are removed only if the area is unsuitable for the movement of aircraft.* Aiming point markings are required on precision instrument runways and code 3 and 4 runways used by jet aircraft. The aiming point marking commences 306 meters from the threshold at all runways. The U.S. pattern for touchdown zone markings, when installed on both runway ends, is only applicable to runways longer than 4,990 feet. On shorter runways, the three pair of markings closest to the runway midpoint are eliminated. The U.S. standard places the aiming point marking 306 meters from the threshold where it replaces one of the pair of three stripe threshold markings. The 306 meters location is used regardless of runway length. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-53 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition* Touchdown zone markings are not required at a non-precision approach runway, though they may be provided.* Runway side stripe markings on a non-instrument runway may have an over-all width of 0.3 meter. Taxiway centerline markings are never installed longitudinally on a runway even if the runway is part of a standard taxi route.* The term ‘‘ILS’’ is used instead of CAT I, CAT II, CAT III.** Check-point markings are provided, but the circle is 3 meters in diameter, and the directional line may be of varying width and length. The color is the yellow used for taxiway markings. 5.2.12 Standards for aircraft stand markings are not provided.* Apron safety lines are not required although many airports have installed them. The U.S. does not have standards for holding position markings on roadways that cross runways. Local traffic control practices are used.* The U.S. does not have regulations to prevent the establishment of non-aviation ground lights that might interfere with airport operations. New approach lighting installations will meet the frangibility requirements. Some existing non-frangible systems may not be replaced before 1 January 2005.*** There is no requirement for an airport to have emergency runway lighting available if it does not have a secondary power source. Some airports do have these systems, and there is an FAA specification for these lights. Only airports served by aircraft having more than 30 seats are required to have a beacon, though they are available at many others. Although the present U.S. standard for beacons calls for 24-30 flashes per minute, some older beacons may have flash rates as low as 12 flashes per minute. Coded identification beacons are not required and are not commonly installed. Typically, airport beacons conforming to are installed at locations served by aircraft having more than 30 seats. While the U.S. has installed an approach light system conforming to the specifications in through, it also provides for a lower cost system consisting of medium intensity approach lighting and sequenced flashing lights (MALSF) at some locations. In addition to the system described in, a system consisting of omnidirectional strobe lights (ODALS) located at 90 meters intervals extending out to 450 meters from the runway threshold is used at some locations. through The U.S. standard for a precision approach category I lighting system is a medium intensity approach lighting system with runway alignment indicator lights (MALSR). This system consists of 3 meters barrettes at 60 meters intervals out to 420 meters from the threshold and sequenced flashing lights at 60 meters intervals from 480 meters to 900 meters. A crossbar 20 meters in length is provided 300 meters from the threshold. The total length of this system is dependent upon the ILS glide path angle. For angles 2.75_ and higher, the length is 720 meters. The capacitor discharge lights can be switched on or off when the steady-burning lights of the approach lighting system are operating. However, they cannot be operated when the other lights are not in operation. The U.S. standard for a precision approach category II and III lighting system has a total length dependent upon the ILS glide path angle. For angles 2.75_ and higher, the length is 720 meters. Visual approach slope indicator systems are not required for all runways used by turbojets except runways involved with land and hold short operations that do not have an electronic glideslope system. In addition to PAPI and APAPI systems, VASI and AVASI type systems remain in service at U.S. airports with commercial service. Smaller general aviation airports may have various other approach slope indicators including tri-color and pulsating visual approach slope indicators. The U.S. standard for PAPI allows for the distance between the edge of the runway and the first light unit to be reduced to 9 meters for code 1 runways used by nonjet aircraft. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America

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GEN 1.7-54 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition The PAPI obstacle protection surface used is as follows: The surface begins 90 meters in front of the PAPI system (toward the threshold) and proceeds outward into the approach zone at an angle 1 degree less than the aiming angle of the third light unit from the runway. The surface flares 10 degrees on either side of the extended runway centerline and extends 4 statute miles from its point of origin. The U.S. permits the use of omnidirectional runway threshold identification lights. The U.S. does not require the lateral spacing of touchdown zone lights to be equal to that of touchdown zone marking when runways are less that 45 meters wide. The lateral distance between the markings is 22 meters when installed on runways with a width of 45 meters or greater. The distance is proportionately smaller for narrower runways. The lateral distance between touchdown zone lights is nominally 22 meters but may be reduced to 20 meters to avoid construction problems. 5.3.14 The U.S. has no provision for stopway lights.* Taxiway centerline lights are required only below 183 meters RVR on designated taxi routes. However, they are generally recommended whenever a taxiing problem exists. 8.2.3 Taxiway centerline lights are not provided on runways forming part of a standard taxi route even for low visibility operations. Under these conditions, the taxi path is coincident with the runway centerline, and the runway lights are illuminated. Taxiway centerline lights on exit taxiways presently are green. However, the new U.S. standard which is scheduled to be published by 1 January 98 will comply with the alternating green/yellow standard of Annex 14.* The U.S. permits an offset of up to 60 cm. 8.2.3 Taxiway edge lights are not provided on runways forming part of a standard taxi route.*** Stop bars are required only for runway visual range conditions less than a value of 183 meters at taxiway/runway intersections where the taxiway is lighted during low visibility operations. Once installed, controlled stop bars are operated at RVR conditions less than a value of 350 meters. Elevated stop bar lights are normally installed longitudinally in line with taxiway edge lights. Where edge lights are not installed, the stop bar lights are installed not more than 3 meters from the taxiway edge. The beamspread of elevated stop bar lights differs from the inpavement lights. The inner isocandela curve for the elevated lights is ±7 horizontal and ±4 vertical. The U.S. standard for stop bars, which are switchable in groups, does not require the taxiway centerline lights beyond the stop bars to be extinguished when the stop bars are illuminated. The taxiway centerline lights which extend beyond selectively switchable stop bars are grouped into two segments of approximately 45 meters each. A sensor at the end of the first segment re-illuminates the stop bar and extinguishes the first segment of centerline lights. A sensor at the end of the second segment extinguishes that segment of centerline lights.* Taxiway intersection lights are also used at other hold locations on taxiways such as low visibility holding points. Taxiway intersection lights are collocated with the taxiway intersection marking. The marking is located at the following distances from the centerline of the intersecting taxiway: Airplane Design Group Distance I 13.5 meters II 20 meters III 28.5 meters IV 39 meters V 48.5 meters VI 59 meters 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-55 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition* Runway guard lights are required only for runway visual range conditions less than a value of 350 meters. Runway guard lights are placed at the same distance from the runway centerline as the aircraft holding distance, or within a few feet of this location. The new U.S. standard for in-pavement runway guard lights complies with Annex 14. However, there may be some existing systems that do not flash alternately.* The U.S. does not set aviation standards for flood lighting aprons. 5.3.21 The U.S. does not provide standards for visual docking guidance systems. U.S. manufacturers of these devices generally adhere to ICAO SARPS. The U.S. does not have a requirement for providing roadholding position lights during RVR conditions less than a value of 350 meters. Signs are often installed a few centimeters taller than specified in Annex 14, Volume 1, Table 5-4. Sign inscriptions are slightly larger, and margins around the sign slightly smaller, than indicated in Annex 14, Volume 1, Appendix 4. The sign luminance requirements are not as high as specified in Appendix 4. The U.S. does not specify a nighttime color requirement in terms of chromaticity. All signs used to denote precision approach holding positions have the legend ‘‘ILS.’’ U.S. practice uses the NO ENTRY sign to prohibit entry by aircraft only. The second mandatory instruction sign is usually not installed unless added guidance is necessary. Signs for holding aircraft and vehicles from entering areas where they would infringe on obstacle limitation surfaces or interfere with NAVAIDs are inscribed with the designator of the approach, followed by the letters ‘‘APCH’’; for example, ‘‘15-APCH.’ U.S. practice is to install signs about 3 to 5 meters closer to the taxiway/runway (See Annex 14, Table 5-4). The U.S. does not have standards for the location of runway exit signs. A yellow border is used on all location signs, regardless of whether they are stand-alone or collocated with other signs. U.S. practice is to use Pattern A on runway vacated signs, except that Pattern B is used to indicate that an ILS critical area has been cleared.* The U.S. does not have standards for signs used to indicate a series of taxi-holding positions on the same taxiway.* The inscription, ‘‘VOR Check Course,’’ is placed on the sign in addition to the VOR and DME data.* The U.S. does not have requirements for airport identification signs, though they are usually installed.* Standards are not provided for signs used to identify aircraft stands. The distance from the edge of road to the road-holding position sign conforms to local highway practice.** Boundary markers may be used to denote the edges of an unpaved runway. 5.5.3 There is no provision for stopway edge markers. Chapter 6 Visual Aids for Denoting Obstacles 6.1 Recommended practices for marking and lighting obstacles are found in FAA Advisory Circular 70/7460-1J, Obstruction Marking and Lighting. 6.2.3* The maximum dimension of the rectangles in a checkered pattern is 6 meters on a side. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-56 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition 6.3.21* 6.3.22* The effective intensity, for daylight-luminance background, of Type A high-intensity obstacle lights is 270,000 cd ±25 percent. The effective intensity, for daylight-luminance background, of Type B high-intensity obstacle lights is 140,000 cd ±25 percent. Chapter 7 Visual Aids for Denoting Restricted Use Areas 7.1.2* A ‘‘closed’’ marking is not used with partially closed runways. See, above. 7.1.4 Crosses with shapes similar to figure 7.1, illustration b) are used to indicate closed runways and taxiways. The cross for denoting a closed runway is yellow. 7.1.5 In the U.S. when a runway is permanently closed, only the threshold marking, runway designation marking, and touchdown zone marking need be obliterated. Permanently closed taxiways need not have the markings obliterated. 7.1.7 The U.S. does not require unserviceability lights across the entrance to a closed runway or taxiway when it is intersected by a night-use runway or taxiway. 7.4.4 Flashing yellow lights are used as unserviceability lights. The intensity is such as to be adequate to delineate a hazardous area. Chapter 8 Equipment and Installations 8.1.5* 8.1.6* 8.1.7 8.1.8

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A secondary power supply for non-precision instrument and non-instrument approach runways is not required, nor is it required for all precision approach runways. The U.S. does not provide secondary power specifically for take-off operations below 550 meters RVR. 8.2.1 There is no requirement in the U.S. to interleave lights as described in the Aerodrome Design Manual, Part 5. 8.2.3 See and 8.7.2* 8.7.3 8.7.4* Glide slope facilities and certain other installations located within the runway strip, or which penetrate obstacle limitation surfaces, may not be frangibly mounted. 8.9.7* A surface movement surveillance system is recommended for operations from 350 meters RVR down to 183 meters. Below 183 meters RVR, a surface movement radar or alternative technology is generally required. Chapter 9 Emergency and Other Services 9.1.1 Emergency plans such as those specified in this section are required only at airports serving scheduled air carriers using aircraft having more than 30 seats. These airports are certificated under 14 CFR Part 139. In practice, other airports also prepare emergency plans. 9.1.12 Full-scale airport emergency exercises are conducted at intervals, not to exceed three years, at airports with scheduled passenger service using aircraft with more than 30 seats. 9.2.1 Rescue and fire fighting equipment and services such as those specified in this section are required only at airports serving scheduled air carriers in aircraft having more than 30 seats. Such airports generally equate to ICAO categories 4 through 9. Other airports have varying degrees of services and equipment. 9.2.3* There is no plan to eliminate, after 1 January 2005, the current practice of permitting a reduction of one category in the index when the largest aircraft has fewer than an average of five scheduled departures a day. 9.2.4 9.2.5 The level of protection at U.S. airports is derived from the length of the largest aircraft serving the airport similar to the Annex’s procedure, except that maximum fuselage width is not used. U.S. indices A-E are close equivalents of the Annex’s categories 5-9. The U.S. does not have an equivalent to category 10. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-57 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition Fire Extinguishing Agents and Equipment Index Aircraft length Total minimum quantities of extinguishing agents More than Not more than Dry chemical Water for protein foam Minimum trucks Discharge rate1 A 27 meters 225 kg 0 1 See below B 27 meters 38 meters 225 kg 5,700 L 1 See below C 38 meters 48 meters 225 kg 5,700 L 2 See below D 48 meters 60 meters 225 kg 5,700 L 3 See below E 60 meters 225 kg 11,400 L 3 See below 1 Truck size Discharge rate 1,900 L but less than 7,600 at least 1,900 L per minute but not more than 3,800 L per minute 7,600 L or greater at least 2,280 L per minute but not more than 4,560 L per minute 9.2.10 The required firefighting equipment and agents by index are shown in the table above. The substitution equivalencies between complementary agents and foam meeting performance level A are also used for protein and fluoroprotein foam. Equivalencies for foam meeting performance level B are used only for aqueous film forming foams. 9.2.18* There is no specific requirement to provide rescue equipment as distinguished from firefighting equipment. 9.2.19* At least one apparatus must arrive and apply foam within 3 minutes with all other required vehicles arriving within 4 minutes. Response time is measured from the alarm at the equipment’s customary assigned post to the commencement of the application of foam at the mid-point of the farthest runway. 9.2.29* For ICAO category 6 (U.S. index B), the U.S. allows one vehicle. 9.4.4 At the present time, there is no requirement to perform tests using a continuous friction measuring device with self-wetting features. Some U.S. airports own these devices, while others use less formal methods to monitor build-up of rubber deposits and the deterioration of friction characteristics. 9.4.15 The standard grade for temporary ramps is 15 feet longitudinal per 1 inch of height (0.56 percent slope) maximum, regardless of overlay depth. 9.4.19 There is no U.S. standard for declaring a light unserviceable if it is out of alignment or if its intensity is less than 50 percent of its specified value. *Indicates ICAO Recommended Practice 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-58 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition ANNEX 14 -AERODROMES VOLUME II -HELIPORTS Chapter 1 Definitions Declared distances The U.S. does not use declared distances (take-off distance available, rejected take-off distance available, or landing distance available) in designing heliports. Final approach and take-off area (FATO) The U.S. ‘‘take-off and landing area’’ is comparable to the ICAO FATO, and the U.S. ‘‘FATO’’ is more comparable to the ICAO TLOF. The U.S. definition for the FATO stops with ‘‘the take-off manoeuvre is commenced.’’ This difference in definition reflects a variation in concept. The rejected take-off distance is an operational computation and is not required as part of the design. Helicopter stand The U.S. does not use the term “helicopter stand.” Instead, the U.S. considers paved or unpaved aprons, helipads, and helidecks, all as helicopter parking areas; i.e., helicopter stands. Safety area The U.S. considers the safety area to be part of the take-off and landing area which surrounds the FATO and does not call for or define a separate safety area. Touchdown and lift-off area (TLOF) The U.S. differs in the definition by considering helipads and helidecks to be FATO. The U.S. does not define the load bearing area on which the helicopter may touch down or lift-off as a TLOF. Chapter 2 Heliport Data 2.1 d) The U.S. does not measure or report a safety area as a separate feature of a heliport. 2.2 The U.S. does not ‘‘declare’’ distances for heliports. Chapter 3 Physical Characteristics 3.1.2 The U.S. does not distinguish between single-engine and multi-engine helicopters for the purposes of heliport design standards. Neither does the U.S. design or classify heliports on the basis of helicopter performance. The U.S. FATO dimensions are at least equal to the rotor diameter of the design single rotor helicopter and the area must be capable of providing ground effect. The U.S. does not have alternative design standards for water FATOs, elevated heliports, or helidecks. 3.1.3 The U.S. has a single gradient standard; i.e., 5 percent, except in fueling areas where the limit is 2 percent, which is applicable for all portions of heliports.

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发表于 2008-12-19 23:07:40 |只看该作者
3.1.6 3.1.7* 3.1.8* The U.S. does not require or provide criteria for clearways in its design standards. It does encourage ownership and clearing of the land underlying the innermost portion of the approach out to where the approach surface is 10.5 meters above the level of the take-off surface. 3.1.14 to 3.1.21 Safety areas are considered part of the take-off and landing area (or primary surface) in U.S. heliport design. The take-off and landing area of the U.S. design criteria, based on 2 rotor diameters, provides for the ICAO safety area; however, the surface does not have to be continuous with the FATO or be load bearing. 3.1.22 Taxiway widths are twice the undercarriage width of the design helicopter. 3.1.23 The U.S. requires 1.25 rotor diameters plus 2 meters of separation between helicopter ground taxiways. 3.1.24 The U.S. gradient standard for taxiways is a maximum of 5 percent. 3.1.32* The U.S. sets no gradient standards for air taxiways. 3.1.33 The U.S. requires 1.5 rotor diameters of separation between hover or air taxiways. 3.1.34 The U.S. standards for air taxiways and air transit routes are combined as the standards for hover taxiways noted in paragraphs 3.1.23, 3.1.24 and 3.1.33. 3.1.35 The U.S. sets no maximum turning angle or minimum radius of turn on hover taxiways. 3.1.36 The U.S. gradient standard for aprons is a maximum of 5 percent except in fueling areas where it is 2 percent. 3.1.37 The U.S. criterion for object clearances is 1/3 rotor diameter or 3 meters, whichever is greater. 3.1.38 The U.S. standard for helipads (comparable to helicopter stands) is 1.5 times the undercarriage length or width, whichever is greater. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-59 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition 3.1.39 The U.S. standard for separation between FATO center and the centerline of the runway is 120 meters. 3.2.2 The U.S. does not apply either a performance related or an alternative design standard for elevated heliport facilities. 3.2.5 to 3.2.10 The U.S. does not use safety areas in its heliport design. 3.3 3.4 In the U.S., shipboard and relocatable off-shore helicopter ‘‘helideck’’ facilities are under the purview of the U.S. Coast Guard and utilize the International Maritime Organization (IMO) code. Fixed off-shore helideck facilities are under the purview of the Department of Interior based on their document 351DM2. Coastal water helideck facilities are under the purview of the individual affected States. Chapter 4 Obstacle Restriction and Removal 4.1.1 The U.S. approach surface starts at the edge of the take-off and landing area. 4.1.2 a) The U.S. approach surface width adjacent to the heliport take-off and landing area is a minimum of 2 rotor diameters. 4.1.2 b) 2) The U.S. precision instrument approach surface flares from a width of 2 rotor diameters to a width of 1,800 meters at the 7,500 meters outer end. The U.S. does not use a note similar to the one that follows 4.1.4, as it does not differentiate between helicopter requirements on the basis of operational performance. 4.1.5 The outer limit of the U.S. transitional surfaces adjacent to the take-off and landing area is 76 meters from the centerline of the VFR approach/departure surfaces. The transitional surface width decreases to zero at a point 1,220 meters from the take-off and landing area. It does not terminate at an inner horizontal surface or at a predetermined height. 4.1.6 The U.S. transitional surfaces have a fixed width, 76 meters less the width of the take-off and landing area, from the approach centerline for visual operations and an outwardly flaring width to 450 meters for precision instrument operations. The U.S. does not use an inner horizontal surface nor terminate the transitional surfaces at a fixed/predetermined height. 4.1.7 b) Since the U.S. includes the safety area in the take-off and landing area, the comparable elevation is at the elevation of the FATO. 4.1.9 through 4.1.20 The U.S. does not use the inner horizontal surface, the conical surface, or take-off climb surface described in these paragraphs or the note following paragraph 4.1.20 for heliport design. 4.1.21 through 4.1.25 The U.S. does not have alternative criteria for floating or fixed-in-place helidecks. 4.2 The U.S. has no requirement for a note similar to the one following the heading ‘‘Obstacle limitation requirements.’’ 4.2.1 The U.S. criteria does not require a take-off climb surface or a conical obstacle limitation surface to establish a precision instrument approach procedure. 4.2.2 The U.S. criteria does not require a take-off climb surface or a conical obstacle limitation surface to establish a non-precision instrument approach procedure. 4.2.3 The U.S. criteria does not require a take-off climb obstacle limitation surface to establish a non-instrument approach procedure. 4.2.4* The U.S. has no requirement for protective surfaces such as an inner horizontal surface or a conical surface. 4.2.5 The U.S. does not have tables for heliport design comparable to the ICAO Tables 4-1 to 4-4. 4.2.6 The U.S. subscribes to the intent of this paragraph to limit object heights in the heliport protective surfaces but uses fewer surfaces with different dimensions for those surfaces. 4.2.7* The U.S. subscribes to the intent of this paragraph but uses different dimensional surfaces. 4.2.8 The U.S. criterion requires that a heliport have at least one approach and departure route and encourages multiple approaches separated by arcs of 90 to 180 degrees. 4.2.9* The U.S. has no requirement that a heliport’s approach surfaces provide 95 percent usability. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-60 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition 4.2.10 Since the U.S. does not differentiate between surface level and elevated heliports, the comments to paragraphs 4.2.1 through 4.2.5 above apply. 4.2.11 The U.S. has no requirement for a take-off climb surface. It does require at least one approach/departure surface and encourages that there be as many approaches as is practical separated by arcs of 90 to 180 degrees. 4.2.12 through 4.2.22 Since the U.S. does not have alternative design criteria for helidecks or shipboard heliports, there are no comparable U.S. protective surface requirements. Tables 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4 The U.S. does not have tables comparable to the ICAO Tables 4-1 to 4-4. Chapter 5 Visual Aids 5.2.1 The U.S. does not have criteria for markings to be used in defining winching areas. The U.S. maximum mass markings are specified in 1,000 pound units rather than tonnes or kilograms. The U.S. criterion requires FATO markers but is not specific on the number or spacing between markers. The U.S. criteria for FATO markers is not dimensionally specific. 5.2.6 The U.S. does not require, or have criteria for, marking an aiming point. The U.S. does not require specific criteria for marking floating or off-shore fixed-in-place helicopter or helideck facilities. 5.2.8 The U.S. does not require marking the touchdown area. 5.2.9 The U.S. does not have criteria for heliport name markings. 5.2.10 The U.S. does not have a requirement to mark helideck obstacle-free sectors. The U.S. criterion places the air taxiway markers along the edges of the routes rather than on the centerline. The U.S. criterion for air taxiway markers does not specify the viewing area or height to width ratio. The U.S. heliport beacon flashes white-green-yellow colors rather than a series of timed flashes.* The U.S. criteria is not specific on the light intensity of the flash. The U.S. criterion specifies a 300 meters approach light system configuration. The light bars are spaced at 30 meters intervals. The first two bars of the configuration are single lights, the next two bars are two lights, then two bars with three lights, then two bars with four lights, and finally two bars with five lights. The U.S. approach light system uses aimed PAR-56 lights. The U.S. heliport approach light system does not contain flashing lights. a) The U.S. requires an odd number of lights, but not less than three lights per side. b) The U.S. requires a minimum of eight lights for a circular FATO and does not specify the distance between lights.* The U.S. criteria does not specify light distribution. 5.3.6 The U.S. does not have specific criteria for aiming point lights. 5.3.8 The U.S. does not have standards for winching area lighting. Chapter 6 Heliport Services

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6.1* The U.S. requirements for rescue and fire fighting services at certificated heliports are found in 14 CFR Part 139. Criteria for other heliports are established by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) pamphlets 403 or 418, or in regulations of local fire departments. *Indicates ICAO Recommended Practice 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-61 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition ANNEX 15 -AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION SERVICES Chapter 2 Definitions Danger area “Danger area’’ is not used in reference to areas within the U.S. or in any of its possessions or territories. Integrated Aeronautical Information Package The U.S. does not produce the entire information package. Maneuvering area This term is not used by the U.S. Movement area The runways, taxiways, and other areas of an airport/heliport which are utilized for taxiing/hover-taxiing, air-taxiing, takeoff, and landing of aircraft, exclusive of loading ramps and parking areas. At those airports/heliports with a tower, specific approval for entry onto the movement area must be obtained from ATC. Prohibited area Restricted area The terms ‘‘prohibited area’’ and ‘‘restricted area’’ will be employed substantially in accordance with the definitions established. Additionally, the following terms will be used: Alert area. Airspace which may contain a high volume of pilot training activities or an unusual type of aerial activity, neither of which is hazardous to aircraft. Alert areas are depicted on aeronautical charts for the information of nonparticipating pilots. All activities within an alert area are conducted in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulations, and pilots of participating aircraft as well as pilots transiting the area are equally responsible for collision avoidance. Controlled firing area. Airspace wherein activities are conducted under conditions so controlled as to eliminate hazards to nonparticipating aircraft and to ensure the safety of persons and property on the ground. Warning area. Airspace which may contain hazards to nonparticipating aircraft in international airspace. Military operations area (MOA). An airspace assignment of defined vertical and lateral dimensions established outside Class A airspace to separate/segregate certain military activities from IFR traffic and to identify for VFR traffic where these activities are conducted. Chapter 4 Aeronautical Information Publications (AIP) 4.2.8 4.3.4 The U.S. does not publish an aeronautical information regulation and control (AIRAC). 4.4 4.5 The U.S. does not issue AIP supplements. Corrections or changes from the latest amendments to the AIP are carried as NOTAMs. Chapter 5 NOTAM The U.S. does not routinely issue ‘‘trigger NOTAMs’’ referencing published material when an AIP amendment is issued. 5.2.1 The current U.S. system numbers international NOTAMs consecutively by the location in the A field. The U.S. routinely issues over 70,000 outgoing international NOTAMs each year. Only series A is used for international distribution. This precludes numbering the NOTAMs by the originator. 5.2.3 The U.S. periodically issues multipart NOTAMs which are transmitted as multiple telecommunication messages. The nature of the NOTAM material is such that it will not always fit in one message. The monthly checklist of NOTAMs does not specifically reference printed publications, such as AIP amendments. A monthly printed plain language summary of NOTAMs in force is not issued. The International NOTAM publication, issued biweekly, is not inclusive of all U.S. international NOTAMs. 5.3.2 The U.S. does not use the System NOTAM format at this time. The format used is based on the previous ICAO Class I format. See notes on Appendix 6 for details. Chapter 6 Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control (AIRAC) See 4.2.8. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-62 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition Chapter 8 Pre-Flight and Post-Flight Information f) NOTAMs relating to bird hazards are relayed as local NOTAM information and are not disseminated internationally. The information is available from the local flight service station during preflight briefing. Appendix 1 Contents of Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) GEN 2.7 The U.S. does not publish sunrise/sunset tables in the AIP. GEN 3.1.3 4) The U.S. does not publish pre-flight information bulletins (PIBs). Appendix 2 SNOWTAM Format The U.S. does not use the SNOWTAM for issuance of winter weather information. Snow conditions are reported using our current international NOTAM format (Class I). Appendix 3 ASHTAM Format 1.3 ASHTAM information will continue to be distributed as an International NOTAM. 2.1 The heading will not be entered as stated. 3 ASHTAM information will be distributed in U.S. International NOTAM format. Appendix 6 NOTAM Format The U.S. is not prepared to transition to the System NOTAM format. NOTAMs are processed in the previous ICAO Class I format. 1.2 General Multiple conditions, for a single location, may be reported in a NOTAM. 2 NOTAM numbering The U.S. numbers NOTAMs consecutively by location, not by country of origin. Due to the volume of international NOTAMs generated by the U.S., the current U.S. numbering scheme is expected to continue. 3 Qualifiers The current software will not accept the Item Q) qualifiers line. 5 Item B) Item B) is currently issued as an eight digit date-time group. The U.S. also uses the initials ‘‘WIE’’ (with immediate effect) for NOTAMs that take effect immediately upon issuance. The U.S. does not include an Item B) in NOTAMCs. The assumption is that all cancellations take effect immediately when issued. While this date-time group could be added to NOTAMCs, the U.S. position is that it is unnecessary. 6 Item C) Item C), like item B), is currently issued as an eight digit date-time group. The U.S. also uses the initials ‘‘UFN’’ (until further notice) for NOTAMs that have an uncertain duration. 8 Item E) U.S. NOTAMs do not contain Item E) information for NOTAMCs. Remark: Item E) contains the NOTAM Code (Q-code) in addition to plain language and ICAO abbreviations. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-63 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition ANNEX 16 -ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION VOLUME I -AIRCRAFT NOISE Reference: Part 36 of Title 14 of the United States Code of Federal Regulations Chapter 1 1.7 Each person who applies for a type certificate for an airplane covered by 14 CFR Part 36, irrespective of the date of application for the type certificate, must show compliance with Part 36. Chapter 2 2.1.1 For type design change applications made after 14 August 1989, if an airplane is a Stage 3 airplane prior to a change in type design, it must remain a Stage 3 airplane after the change in type design regardless of whether Stage 3 compliance was required before the change in type design. 2.3.1 a) Sideline noise is measured along a line 450 meters from and parallel to the extended runway centerline for two-and three-engine aircraft; for four-engine aircraft, the sideline distance is 0.35 NM. 2.4.2 Noise level limits for Stage 2 derivative aircraft depend upon whether the engine by-pass ratio is less than two. If it is, the Stage 2 limits apply. Otherwise, the limits are the Stage 3 limits plus 3 dB or the Stage 2 value, whichever is lower. b) Take-off noise limits for three-engine, Stage 2 derivative airplanes with a by-pass ratio equal to or greater than 2 are 107 EPNdB for maximum weights of 385,000 kg (850,000 lb) or more, reduced by 4 dB per halving of the weight down to 92 EPNdB for maximum weights of 28,700 kg (63,177 lb) or less. Aircraft with a by-pass ratio less than 2 only need meet the Stage 2 limits. 2.5.1 Trade-off sum of excesses not greater than 3 EPNdB and no excess greater than 2 EPNdB. For airplanes that do not have turbo-jet engines with a by-pass ratio of 2 or more, the following apply: a) four-engine airplanes -214 meters (700 feet); b) all other airplanes -305 meters (1,000 feet). For all airplanes that have turbo-jet engines with a by-pass ratio of 2 or more, the following apply: a) four-engine airplanes -210 meters (689 feet); b) three-engine airplanes -260 meters (853 feet); c) airplanes with fewer than three engines -305 meters (1,000 feet). The power may not be reduced below that which will provide level flight for an engine inoperative or that will maintain a climb gradient of at least 4 percent, whichever is greater. Chapter 3 3.1.1 For type design change applications made after 14 August 1989, if an airplane is a Stage 3 airplane prior to a change in type design, it must remain a Stage 3 airplane after the change in type design regardless of whether Stage 3 compliance was required before the change in type design. 3.3.1 a) 2) The U.S. has no equivalent provision in 14 CFR Part 36. A minimum of two microphones symmetrically positioned about the test flight track must be used to define the maximum sideline noise. This maximum noise may be assumed to occur where the aircraft reaches 305 meters (1,000 feet). 14 CFR Part 36 does not require symmetrical measurements to be made at each and every point for propeller-driven airplane sideline noise determination. c) Under 14 CFR Part 36, during each test take-off, simultaneous measurements should be made at the sideline noise measuring stations on each side of the runway and also at the take-off noise measuring station. If test site conditions make it impractical to simultaneously measure take-off and sideline noise, and if each of the other sideline measurement requirements is met, independent measurements may be made of the sideline noise under simulated flight path techniques. If the reference flight path includes a power cutback before the maximum possible sideline noise level is developed, the reduced sideline noise level, which is the maximum value developed by the simulated flight path technique, must be the certificated sideline noise value. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-64 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition d) 14 CFR Part 36 specifies the day speeds and the acoustic reference speed to be the minimum approved value of V2 +10 kt, or the all-engines operating speed at 35 feet (for turbine-engine powered airplanes) or 50 feet (for reciprocating-engine powered airplanes), whichever speed is greater as determined under the regulations constituting the type certification basis of the airplane. The test must be conducted at the test day speeds ±3 kt. 3.7.4 If a take-off test series is conducted at weights other than the maximum take-off weight for which noise certification is requested: a) at least one take-off test must be at or above that maximum weight; b) each take-off test weight must be within +5 or -10 percent of the maximum weight. If an approach test series is conducted at weights other than the maximum landing weight for which certification is requested: a) at least one approach test must be conducted at or above that maximum weight; b) each test weight must exceed 90 percent of the maximum landing weight. Total EPNL adjustment for variations in approach flight path from the reference flight path and for any difference between test engine thrust or power and reference engine thrust or power must not exceed 2 EPNdB. Chapter 5 5.1.1 Applies to all large transport category aircraft (as they do to all subsonic turbo-jet aircraft regardless of category). Commuter category aircraft, propeller-driven airplanes below 8,640 kg (19,000 lb) are subject to 14 CFR Part 36, Appendix F or to Appendix G, depending upon the date of completion of the noise certification tests. Chapter 6 6.1.1 Applies to new, all propeller-driven airplane types below 19,000 lb (8,640 kg.) in the normal, commuter, utility, acrobatic, transport, or restricted categories for which the noise certification tests are completed before 22 December 1988. Chapter 8 General 14 CFR Part 36 (Section 36.1 (h)) defines Stage 1 and Stage 2 noise levels and Stage 1 and Stage 2 helicopters. These definitions parallel those used in 14 CFR Part 36 for turbo-jets and are used primarily to simplify the acoustical change provisions in Section 36.11. 14 CFR Part 36 (Section 36.805(c)) provides for certain derived versions of helicopters for which there are no civil prototypes to be certificated above the noise level limits. 8.1.1 a) Applicable to new helicopter types for which application for an original type certificate was made on or after 6 March 1988. 8.1.1 b) Applicable only to “acoustical changes’’ for which application for an amended or supplemental type certificate was made on or after 6 March 1988. 8.4 14 CFR Part 36 Appendix H specifies a slightly different rate of allowable maximum noise levels as a function of helicopter mass. The difference can lead to a difference in the calculated maximum noise limits of 0.1 EPNdB under certain roundoff condition. b) Does not include the VNE speeds. 8.7 14 CFR Part 36 Appendix H does not permit certain negative corrections. Annex 16 has no equivalent provision. 8.7.4 EPNL correction must be less than 2.0 EPNdB for any combination of lateral deviation, height, approach angle and, in the case of flyover, thrust or power. Corrections to the measured data are required if the tests were conducted below the reference weight. Corrections to the measured data are required if the tests were conducted at other than reference engine power. 8.7.5 The rotor speed must be maintained within one percent of the normal operating RPM during the take-off procedure. 8.7.8 The helicopter shall fly within ±10_ from the zenith for approach and take-off, but within ±5_ from the zenith for horizontal flyover. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-65 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition Chapter 10 General Exception from acoustical change rule given for aircraft with flight time prior to 1 January 1955 and land configured aircraft reconfigured with floats or skis. 10.1.1 Applies to new, amended, or supplemental type certificates for propeller-driven airplanes not exceeding 8,640 kg (19,000 lb) for which noise certification tests have not been completed before 22 December 1988. 10.4 The maximum noise level is a constant 73 dBA up to 600 kg (1,320 lb). Above that weight, the limit increases at the rate of 1 dBA/75kg (1 dBA/165 lb) up to 85 dBA at 1,500 kg (3,300 lb) after which it is constant up to and including 8,640 kg (19,000 lb). 10.5.2, second phase, d) For variable-pitch propellers, the definition of engine power is different in the second segment of the reference path. Maximum continuous installed power instead of maximum power is used. Chapter 11 11.1 14 CFR Part 36 Appendix J was effective 11 September 1992 and applies to those helicopters for which application for a type certificate was made on or after 6 March 1986. 11.4 14 CFR Part 36 Appendix J specifies a slightly different rate of allowable maximum noise levels as a function of helicopter mass. The difference can lead to a difference in the calculated maximum noise limits of 0.1 EPNdB under certain roundoff condition. 11.6 14 CFR Part 36 Appendix J prescribes a ±15 meter limitation on the allowed vertical deviation about the reference flight path. Annex 16 has no equivalent provision. PART V General No comparable provision exists in U.S. Federal Regulations. Any local airport proprietor may propose noise abatement operating procedures to the FAA which reviews them for safety and appropriateness. Appendix 1 General Sections 3, 8, and 9 of Appendix 1 which contain the technical specifications for equipment, measurement and analysis and data correction for Chapter 2 aircraft and their derivatives differ in many important aspects from the corresponding requirements in Appendix 2 which has been updated several times. 14 CFR Part 36 updates have generally paralleled those of Appendix 2 of Annex 16. These updated requirements are applicable in the U.S. to both Stage 2 and Stage 3 aircraft and their derivatives. 2.2.1 A minimum of two microphones symmetrically positioned about the test flight track must be used to define the maximum sideline noise. This maximum noise may be assumed to occur where the aircraft reaches 305 meters (1,000 feet), except for four-engine, Stage 2 aircraft for which 439 meters (1,440 feet) may be used. 2.2.2 No obstructions in the cone defined by the axis normal to the ground and the half-angle 80_ from the axis. 2.2.3 c) Relative humidity and ambient temperature over the sound path between the aircraft and 10 meters above the ground at the noise measuring site is such that the sound attenuation in the 8 kHz one-third octave band is not greater than 12 dB/100 meters and the relative humidity is between 20 and 95 percent. However, if the dew point and dry bulb temperature used for obtaining relative humidity are measured with a device which is accurate to within one-half a degree Celsius, the sound attenuation rate shall not exceed 14 dB/100 meters in the 8 kHz one-third octave band. 2.2.3 d) Test site average wind not above 12 kt and average cross-wind component not above 7 kt. 2.3.4 The aircraft position along the flight path is related to the recorded noise 10 dB downpoints. 2.3.5 At least one take-off test must be a maximum take-off weight and the test weight must be within +5 or -10 percent of maximum certificated take-off weight. Appendix 2 2.2.1 A minimum of two symmetrically placed microphones must be used to define the maximum sideline noise at the point where the aircraft reaches 305 meters. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-66 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition 2.2.2 When a multiple layering calculation is required, the atmosphere between the airplane and the ground shall be divided into layers. These layers are not required to be of equal depth, and the maximum layer depth must be 100 meters. 2.2.2 b) 14 CFR Part 36 specifies that the lower limit of the temperature test window is 36 degrees Fahrenheit (2.2 degrees Celsius). Annex 16 provides 10 degrees Celsius as the lower limit for the temperature test window. 14 CFR Part 36 does not specify that the airport facility used to obtain meteorological condition measurements be within 2,000 meters of the measurement site. 2.2.2 c) 14 CFR Part 36 imposes a limit of 14 dB/100 meters in the 8 kHz one-third octave band when the temperature and dew point are measured with a device which is accurate to within one-half a degree Celsius. 2.2.3 14 CFR Part 36 requires that the limitations on the temperature and relative humidity test window must apply over the whole noise propagation path between a point 10 meters above the ground and the helicopter. Annex 16 specifies that the limitations on the temperature and relative humidity test window apply only at a point 10 meters above the ground. 14 CFR Part 36 requires that corrections for sound attenuation must be based on the average of temperature and relative humidity readings at 10 meters and the helicopter. Annex 16 implies that the corrections for sound absorption are based on the temperature and relative humidity measured at 10 meters only. 3.2.6 No equivalent requirement. 3.4.5 For each detector/integrator the response to a sudden onset or interruption of a constant sinusoidal signal at the respective one-third octave band center frequency must be measured at sampling times 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 seconds after the onset or interruption. The rising responses must be the following amounts before the steady-state level: 0.5 seconds: 4.0 ±1.0 dB 1.0 seconds: 1.75 ±0.75 dB 1.5 seconds: 1.0 ±0.5 dB 2.0 seconds: 0.6 ±0.5 dB 3.4.5 (Note 1) No equivalent provision in 14 CFR Part 36. 3.5.2 No equivalent requirement. 5.4 14 CFR Part 36 requires that the difference between airspeed and groundspeed shall not exceed 10 kt between the 10 dB down time period. 8.4.2 14 CFR Part 36 specifies a value of -10 in the adjustment for duration correction. Annex 16 specifies a value of -7.5. 9.1.2, 9.1.3 14 CFR Part 36 always requires use of the integrated procedure if the corrected take-off or approach noise level is within 1.0 dB of the applicable noise limit. Appendix 6 4.4.1 The microphone performance, not its dimensions, is specified. The microphone must be mounted 1.2 meters (4 feet) above ground level. A windscreen must be employed when the wind speed is in excess of 9 km/h (5 kt). 5.2.2 a) Reference conditions are different. Noise data outside the applicable range must be corrected to 77 degrees F and 70 percent humidity. 5.2.2 c) There is no equivalent provision in 14 CFR Part 36. Fixed-pitch propeller-driven airplanes have a special provision. If the propeller is fixed-pitch and the test power is not within 5 percent of reference power, a helical tip Mach number correction is required. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-67 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition ANNEX 16 -ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION VOLUME II -AIRCRAFT ENGINE EMISSIONS Chapter 1 The U.S. currently has regulations prohibiting intentional fuel venting from turbojet, turbofan and turboprop aircraft, but we do not now have a regulation preventing the intentional fuel venting from helicopter engines. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-68 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition ANNEX 17 -SECURITY -SAFEGUARDING INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION AGAINST ACTS OF UNLAWFUL INTERFERENCE There are no reportable differences between U.S. regulations and the Standards and Recommended Practices contained in this Annex. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-69 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition ANNEX 18 -THE SAFE TRANSPORT OF DANGEROUS GOODS BY AIR Adopted by the ICAO Council 6/26/81 Effective Date: 1/1/83 Applicability Date: 1/1/84 (Note: Differences are to be filed with ICAO by 6/1/83). 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-70 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition PANS -OPS -8168/611 VOLUME 1 PART III Table III-1-1 and Table III-1-2 The “Max speeds for visual maneuvering (Circling)” must not be applied to circling procedures in the U.S. Comply with the airspeeds and circling restrictions in ENR 1.5, paragraphs 11.1 and 11.6, in order to remain within obstacle protection areas. The table listed below shows aircraft categories with an associated maximum airspeed and distance to remain within from the end of runway. Aircraft Category Speeds for Circling (Kts) Circling Area Maximum Radii from Runway Threshold (NM) A Speed less than 91 Knots 1.3 B Speed 91 Knots or more but less than 121 Knots 1.5 C Speed 121 Knots or more but less than 141 Knots 1.7 D Speed 141 Knots or more but less than 166 Knots 2.3 E Speed 166 Knots or more 4.5 PART IV 1.2.1 The airspeeds contained in ENR 1.5 shall be used in U.S. CONTROLLED AIRSPACE. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 1.7-71 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition PAN -ABC -DOC 8400 Differences between abbreviations used in U.S. AIP, International NOTAMs Class I and Class II, and Notices to Airmen Publication and ICAO PANS -ABC are listed in GEN 2.2. For other U.S. listings of abbreviations (contractions) for general use, air traffic control, and National Weather Service (NWS), which differ in some respects, see U.S. publication Contractions Handbook (DOT/FAA Order 7340.1). In addition, various U.S. publications contain abbreviations of terms used therein, particularly those unique to that publication. 31 JULY 08 AIP United States of America GEN 2.1-1 15 MAR 07 Federal Aviation Administration Nineteenth Edition

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