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飞行员操作飞行手册Pilot Operational Flying Manual [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-3-21 13:44:45 |只看该作者

Dead Man’s Curve

See Height-Velocity Envelope.

Decision Altitude/Height (DA/H)

A specified altitude in a precision

approach at which a missed

approach must be initiated if the

visual reference to continue the

approach has not been established.

Defined Area

The whole of a circle of 4 nm radius

centred on the aerodrome, or a

prescribed segment of this circle if

visual manoeuvring can be confined

to a smaller area to avoid a

predominant obstruction.


The point at which an aircraft first

moves under its own power for the

purpose of commencing a flight, at

which the provisions of the MEL

will cease to apply and from which

the commander must be solely

responsible for ensuring that the

flight can be made safely.

Dry Operating Mass (DOM)

The total mass of the aeroplane

ready for a specific type of operation

excluding all usable fuel and traffic

load. This mass includes:

· crew and crew baggage

· catering and removable

passenger service equipment

· potable water and lavatory



Electronic Attitude Director Indicator.

Equipment replacing the artificial



Emergency Locator Transmitter. These

emit a distinctive siren-like sound on

121.5 or 243.0 MHz, which should

be detectable by satellite. They

should work for about 48 hours on a

set of batteries and can be operated

manually or be switched on in the

event of a crash by a G-switch.


Engine Pressure Ratio. A measurement

of thrust, or the difference between

air pressure coming into the engine

Glossary 327

and the pressure of that coming out

of the back.


Extended Range Twin OPerationS, are

those conducted over a route with a

point further than 1 hours' flying

time (still air), at the normal oneengine-inoperative cruise speed,

from an adequate aerodrome. When,

alternatively, a Threshold Distance

has been agreed with the Authority,

all non ETOPS flights shall remain

within the threshold distance of an

Adequate aerodrome. Authorisation

for ETOPS times of 120,180

minutes from an adequate

aerodrome are available, subject to

the operator showing compliance

with the laid down operational

criteria, and the aeroplane

airframe/engine combination has the

appropriate Type Design Approval.

ETOPS Segment

The portion of an ETOPS flight that

begins when the aeroplane is first

more than the Threshold Distance

from an Adequate aerodrome and

ends when the aeroplane is last more

than Threshold Distance from an

Adequate aerodrome.

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Extended Range Entry Point

The point on the aeroplane’s

outbound route which is one hour

flying time at the approved singleengine-inoperative cruise speed

(under standard conditions in still

air) from an adequate aerodrome.

Final Approach

That part of an instrument approach

procedure which commences at the

specified final approach fix or point,

or where such a fix or point is not

specified, at the end of the last

procedure turn, base turn or

inbound turn of a racetrack

procedure, if specified, or at the

point of interception of the last track

specified in the approach procedure,

and ends at a point in the vicinity of

an aerodrome from which a landing

can be made or a missed approach

procedure is initiated.

Flight Manual

The document required for type

certification and approved by the


Height/Velocity Envelope

See Avoid Curve.

High Seas

Any body of water, not within the

territorial waters of any State.

Indirect Approach

A circling procedure established for

some airfields (notably French),

where prescribed tracks are flown to

establish an approach on the runway

in use after an approach to another

runway. Similar to Circling Minima,

but more precise.

In-flight Visibility

As seen from the cockpit. As a guide

for a circling approach, an IFV equal

to the diameter of a Rate 1 turn is

required. A reasonably accurate

assessment is given by the formula:

IFV (metres) = 20 x

circuit speed (knots)


Equipment is inoperative if it

malfunctions in such a way that it

cannot accomplish its intended

purpose and/or is not consistently

328 Operational Flying

functioning within its designated

operating limits or tolerances.

Long Range flight

Over water in helicopters, where the

overwater sector exceeds 30 nm.

Low Visibility Take-off

Where the reported RVR is less than

400m. These requirements must be


· if RVR is between 150-400m

(200-400m Cat D aeroplanes) the

PIC must be satisfied that the

runway lighting and markings are

satisfactory and appropriate Low

Visibility Procedures (LVPs) are

in force.

· when reported RVR is below

150m (200m Cat D aeroplanes)

additional runway features, crew

training, lateral guidance in the

aeroplane for the lower RVRs

and approval are required.

Low Visibility Procedures (LVPs)

Ground procedures at the

aerodrome designed to prevent the

entry of ground vehicles and taxying

aircraft into take-off and landing

areas. In addition, they protect the

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sensitive areas of the aerodromes

ILS or MLS transmissions and

regulate the flow of air traffic on the

approach. ATC at the aerodrome

will ensure these procedures have

been implemented by the time the

cloud ceiling is below 200 ft or the

RVR has dropped to below 600m.

Maximum Zero Fuel Mass

The maximum permissible mass of

an aeroplane with no usable fuel.

The fuel contained in particular

tanks must be included in the zero

fuel mass when it is explicitly

mentioned in Flight Manual


Maximum Structural Landing Mass

The maximum permissible total

aeroplane mass upon landing under

normal circumstances.

Maximum Structural Take-Off Mass

The maximum permissible total

aeroplane mass at the start of the

take-off run.

Minimum Descent Altitude/Height


A specified altitude/height in a nonprecision or circling approach below

which descent may not be made

without visual reference.

Minimum Weather Conditions

In relation to an aerodrome, the

Cloud Ceiling and RVR for takeoff,

and Decision Height and RVR for

landing, below which you cannot

safely takeoff and land.

Missed Approach Point (MAP)

That point in an instrument

approach procedure at or before

which the prescribed missed

approach procedure must be

initiated in order to ensure that the

minimum obstacle clearance is not


Non-precision Approach and

Landing Operations

An instrument approach and landing

which does not utilise electronic

glide path guidance. That is, there is

no vertical guidance, and all altitudes

associated with the procedure are

minimum IFR ones, or not to be

descended below. 1000 feet

clearance is provided above the

highest obstacle in the initial

Glossary 329

segment, 500 in the intermediate

segment and down to 250 feet in the

final segment (from final approach

fix to Missed Approach Point).


"As set forth in a document entitled

'Aeronautical Information

Publication' or 'Notam' published by

the Civil Aviation Authority (for the

UK) or by a country other than the

UK (when abroad) for the time

being in force"

Obstacle Clearance Altitude/Height


The lowest altitude (OCA), or the

lowest height above the elevation of

the relevant runway threshold or

above the aerodrome elevation as

applicable (OCH), used in

compliance with appropriate

obstacle clearance criteria.

Obstacle Clearance Limit (OCL)

The height above aerodrome

elevation below which the minimum

vertical clearance cannot be

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maintained either on approach or in

the event of a missed approach.

Precision Approach and Landing


An instrument approach and landing

using precision azimuth and

glidepath guidance with minima

determined by the category.


The practice of transferring crews

from place to place as passengers in

surface or air transport at the behest

of the operator.

Rule Distance

The distance in still air in the Rule

Time, at one-engine-inoperative

cruise speed.

Rule Time

The maximum diversion time any

point on the route may be, from a

suitable aerodrome, as per the

maximum authorised diversion time.

e.g. 120, 180 minutes.

Runway Visual Range (RVR)

The range over which the pilot of an

aeroplane on the centreline of a

runway can see its surface markings

or the lights delineating it.

Reported RVR

The RVR communicated to the

commander of an aeroplane, by or

on behalf of the person in charge of

the aerodrome.


The time between an aircraft first

moving under its own power until it

next comes to rest after landing.

Short Range flights

For helicopters, where the overwater

sector is between 10-30 nm.


In relation to aircraft means

specified by the Operator in, or

ascertainable by reference to, the

Operations Manual.

State Minima

In some countries (e.g. France), the

controlling authority lays down

mandatory minimum weather

conditions for takeoff and landing,

which may relate to the type of

aircraft and nature of the operation

as well as the aids in use. The more

330 Operational Flying

stringent restrictions between State

and company minima apply.


A group of directly related

components which perform a

specified function.

Threshold Distance

The distance travelled in still air in

60 minutes by an aeroplane, at the

one-engine-inoperative cruise speed.

Traffic Load

The total mass of passengers,

baggage and cargo.

Visible Moisture

An atmospheric environment

containing water in any form that

can be seen in natural or artificial

light, such as clouds, fog, rain, etc.

Visual Approach

An approach by an IFR flight when

either part or all of an instrument

approach procedure is not

completed, but executed by visual

reference (not below 800m RVR).

Visual Contact Flight

A flight conducted under VFR (or

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IFR) such that the aircraft remains

below and clear of cloud and during

which the crew are in continuous

visual contact with the surface, so

they must be able to assess the

aircraft attitude and separation from

the surface by external reference by

day, and a clearly distinguishable

external horizon by night.

Visual Reference

For descent below DH, a continuous

or successive reference to a segment

of at least 7 consecutive approach or

runway lights or a combination of

both or a segment of the runway

established to be not less than 1000

feet (300m) long which includes the

touchdown point. When the

approach has been made with a full

ILS or PAR, the consecutive lights

can be reduced to 6; for a visual or

part circuit based on circling minima,

a pilot should have continuous sight

of ground features which will enable

him to establish the position of the

aircraft in relation to the aerodrome

and subsequently to remain within

the notified visual manoeuvring area.



ACAS, 104

accident, 14, 16, 19, 23, 34, 77,

161, 167, 168, 169, 170, 173,

174, 210, 292, 318

Accident Report, 168

Act of Parliament, 271, 272, 273

ADF, 62, 63, 106, 129, 132

admissible evidence, 278

Aerad, 11, 60, 129

Aerial Application, 194

aerial photography, 100

Aerial Work, 3, 11, 37, 177, 238,

284, 299

aeroplanes, 2, 169, 265

AFCS, 103

AFFF, 208

AFTN, 57, 303

AICs, 16

Air Ambulance, 40, 205, 324

Air Cadets, 209

Air Ministry, 276

Air Navigation Order, 272, 276,

277, 280, 283, 285

Air Operator Certificate, 91

Air Operator's Certificate, 2, 197,

268, 283, 284, 299

Air Pilot, 16, 18, 60, 101, 302

Air Registration Board, 276

Air Taxi, 4, 5, 308, 309, 344

Air Testing, 240

air to ground communications, 178

Air Traffic, 18, 101, 106, 144, 161,

173, 277

Air Transport Licence, 214, 284,

285, 302

Air Transport Licensing Board, 276

air transport undertaking, 11

air waybill, 131, 173

Airborne Collision and Avoidance

Systems, 104

Airborne Radar Approach, 68

Aircraft Accident Reporting, 168

Aircraft Husbandry, 266

Aircraft Radio Licence, 91

Airfield Categorisation, 49, 50, 56,


Airfield Categorisation File, 49, 50

airframe, 92, 156

airline, 154

airmanship, 85, 143, 210

Airports and Handling Agents

Manual, 130

332 Operational Flying

Airprox, 169, 171, 172

airspeed, 69, 106, 110, 111, 144,

185, 186, 187, 216, 221, 222,

224, 225, 246, 247, 254, 256,


Airways Manuals, 60

Airworthiness Division, 301

alcohol, 33, 34, 36, 98, 155, 164,


Allowed Traffic Load, 79

altimeters, 20, 70, 103, 232, 320

Altimeters, 102

Ambulance Taxi Transport, 206

amendment list

Ops Manual, 10

ammeter, 234

ammunition, 162

amphetamines, 34

animals, 155, 162, 216

ANO, 34, 36, 37, 57, 120, 129,

132, 136, 145, 151, 163, 173,

177, 247, 272, 275, 277, 278,

280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285,

288, 300, 301, 302, 307, 312,


antibiotics, 34

Anti-collision lights, 267

antidepressants, 34

anti-histamines, 34

anti-skid, 114

AOC, 10, 12, 36, 111, 214, 268,

283, 284, 285, 289, 299, 300,

301, 302, 303, 313, 320

approach lighting, 65, 66, 67

approach plates, 14, 56

APS, 79, 84

APU, 74, 260, 325

aquaplaning, 112, 113, 114

ARA, 69

ARB, 276, 277

Arctic, 92, 93, 233

AStar, 262

ATC, 5, 51, 55, 61, 65, 68, 73, 96,

100, 103, 104, 105, 106, 111,

116, 118, 125, 126, 144, 150,

164, 168, 174, 217, 319, 320,

323, 328

ATPL, 2, 17, 29, 30, 31, 32, 284,


ATT, 206, 207

Authorised Person, 163, 272, 278,

279, 280

Automatic Flight Control System,


autopilot, 21, 29, 62, 64, 67, 106,


autorotation, 80, 232, 246, 253,

255, 258, 260, 318, 320, 321

Avgas, 80, 91, 96

Aviation Bird Unit, 173

Avtur, 91

azimuth, 63, 329

Aztec, 50


Balked Approach Flight Path, 141

ballast, 79

Base Check, 281, 312, 313, 316,


Basic Weight, 77

Batteries, 156

BCF, 208, 214

birdstrike, 172

birdstrikes, 171, 172

Birdstrikes, 172

blood sugar levels, 118

Board of Inquiry, 52, 101

Board of Trade, 276

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BPA, 221

brace position, 122

British Parachute Association, 221

BS 5750, 25

BSI, 209

Busbars, 269

Business Plan, 291

butterfly valve, 264

bye-laws, 272

Index 333


C of A, 136, 177, 238, 240, 248,

267, 284, 295

C of G, 18, 77, 80, 84, 85

CAA, 2, 31, 34, 40, 41, 59, 69, 88,

101, 102, 111, 129, 132, 136,

145, 170, 171, 172, 173, 208,

215, 240, 249, 267, 268, 272,

276, 277, 278, 279, 281, 282,

283, 284, 299, 300, 301, 312,


Cabin Crew, 30

Cabin staff, 30

caffeine, 34

Callsign Distribution System, 144

camera mount, 238

CANP, 217

CAP 360, 10

CAP 371, 10, 36, 37, 39

carb heat, 234, 235, 264, 265

carb icing, 264

carbon dioxide, 146

carbon monoxide, 234

cargo, 11, 16, 49, 77, 79, 81, 129,

135, 159, 161, 171, 179, 281,

282, 284, 297, 309, 330

cargo manifest, 131

caribou, 55

CARs, 2, 10, 36, 37

casevacs, 206

Casualty Evacuation, 205

Category I, 66, 124, 325

CAVOK, 71, 72

CDL, 18, 49

Centre of Gravity, 77, 80

centre of pressure, 81

Certificate of Airworthiness, 29, 90

Certificate of Maintenance Review,

88, 91, 268

Certificate of Registration, 90

Certificate of Release to Service,

18, 88, 132, 268

Certificate of Release To Service,


charter flights, 4

charter flying, 5

Charter Queries, 47

Check A, 88, 90, 143, 267

Checklists, 142

Chicago Convention, 274, 286

Chief Pilot, 2, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16,

17, 18, 56, 143, 169, 177, 301,

305, 306, 309, 310

Chinook, 120


Circling, 64, 67, 68, 325, 327

circling manoeuvre, 68

Civil Aviation Act 1971, 276

Civil Aviation Act 1982, 273, 274,

276, 277, 278

Civil Aviation Authority, 171, 276,


Civil Aviation Notification

Procedure, 217

Clear Air Turbulence, 112

climb rate, 54, 185

cloud base, 60, 71, 146, 324

Cloud Ceiling, 61, 63, 323, 326,


CO2, 149, 155, 208, 214

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Cockpit Voice Recorder, 19

cockpit workload, 105

cold soaking, 234

collar number, 279

collective, 234, 235, 252

collective pitch, 228, 253, 255, 256

collision avoidance, 101

combustion chamber, 262, 263

Commercial Air Transport, 3, 6, 8,

11, 20, 34, 59, 60, 61, 90, 91,

133, 140, 172, 177, 215, 221,

245, 281, 283, 284, 288, 299,

302, 309, 310

Common Law, 271, 272, 276, 279,

285, 288

Company Training Captains, 316

concealed weapons, 163

condensation, 92, 94, 237

congested area, 57

congested areas, 59, 216

constable, 279, 280

contaminated fuel, 169

334 Operational Flying

contaminated runway, 112

contingency fuel, 73, 74, 75, 76,


contract of employment, 286

controlled airspace, 100, 144, 313

Corporate Aviation, 8, 11

Corporate flying, 6

corporate pilots, 36

Council on Tribunals, 279

Crew Resource Management, 34,


Critical Decision Point, 137

CRM, 124, 310, 313, 314

crop spraying, 194

Crown Court, 275

CSU, 246

Cumulative Limits, 44

cumulative totals, 43

Customs, 1, 48, 51, 74, 129, 131,

163, 164

CVR, 19, 170

cyclic, 80, 235, 252

cylinder head, 261, 262


Dangerous Goods, 81, 98, 123,

153, 158, 159, 161, 173, 206

Days off, 44

Decision Altitude, 70, 326

Decision Height, 7, 63, 64, 68, 70,

126, 324, 325, 328

Decision Point, 75

deep-sea diving, 34

Defence Research Agency, 173

Deferred Defect, 132, 284, 301

De-icing, 98, 99, 237

deicing boots, 109

deicing fluid, 233

Delayed Reporting Time, 45

Density Altitude, 266

depreciation, 292, 295

depressurisation training, 319

destination alternate, 57

detective, 279

detonation, 262

dipstick, 95

Direct Operating Costs, 295

disciplinary action, 169

dispensations, 50

Distress, 144, 174

distress beacon, 168

ditching, 146

Diversions, 141

DOM, 77, 79, 326

domestic flight, 79

downdraught, 224, 225, 226

downwash, 167, 236

drag, 80, 108, 110, 111, 112, 185,

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187, 247, 253

Drift Down, 53, 141

Dry Operating Mass, 77, 79, 326

dry short grass, 140

Duty Hours, 13, 35, 36, 44, 45,

177, 300, 316

Duty Period, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,

43, 44

Dynamic Rollover, 252


EEC, 164

EGT, 262

Electricity, 168

elevator, 80

ELT, 148, 151

Emergency, 15, 18, 113, 123, 124,

139, 144, 151, 161, 174, 179,

309, 311

Emergency and Lifesaving

Equipment Check, 312

Emergency Distance Available,

113, 139

emergency exits, 21, 77, 96, 97,

121, 122, 206, 311

Emergency Exits, 18

emergency landings, 58

Emergency Locator Beacon, 146

emergency services, 56, 58, 86,

208, 238, 323

emergency training, 312

enforceable terms

contracts, 283

engine blanks, 233

Index 335

engine failure, 59, 124, 136, 137,

141, 142, 169, 183, 184, 218,

232, 252, 254, 314, 318, 326

Engine Handling, 260

Engine shutdowns, 318

EPR gauges, 142

Equal Pay Act, 288

estuaries, 69

ETA, 57, 63, 64, 69, 86, 130, 174

ethyl alcohol, 263

ETOPS, 57, 75, 87, 130, 327

Eurocharges, 50, 100, 101

exemptions, 16, 41, 55, 205, 215,

281, 282

Exemptions, 50

Exhaust Gas Temperature, 262

explosives, 163

extension fees, 49

External Load Operations, 177

external loads, 177, 181

External loads, 185

External Slung Loads, 176


FAA, 10, 111

FARs, 10

fatigue, 35, 36, 38, 133, 233

FATO, 212

FCMP, 75

FDP, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45,


feathering systems, 247

feeder site, 214

feeder sites, 214

final approach, 18, 67, 115, 119,

127, 232, 327

Final Approach and Takeoff Area,


Final Reserve Fuel, 74, 75

Fire, 269

Fire extinguishers, 208

Fire Suppression, 199

fireproof container, 85, 90

First Aid, 151, 174, 209, 311, 312

First Officers, 20

Flaggers, 198

flagman, 197

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flap, 111, 112, 125, 126, 128, 142,

221, 318

flare, 80, 232

flight brief, 56, 70, 97

Flight Brief, 47

flight crew, 16, 19, 29, 38, 87, 91,

95, 127, 134, 135, 280, 281, 285,


Flight Data Recorder, 19

Flight Deck, 42, 117

Flight Department, 2, 6, 304, 305

Flight Despatcher, 21

Flight Information Publications, 16

Flight Information Service, 100

Flight Manual, 17, 29, 53, 65, 66,

73, 74, 77, 83, 84, 91, 118, 133,

136, 137, 138, 139, 141, 143,

213, 221, 234, 238, 240, 245,

248, 251, 261, 266, 269, 327,


Flight Operations Inspectors, 13

Flight Ops Inspector, 36

flight path, 20, 62, 103, 104, 105,

110, 118, 119, 124, 125, 140,

208, 224, 323

flight plan, 5, 49, 85, 100, 128, 129,

146, 169

Flight Safety, 14, 23, 170, 171, 312

Flight Time And Duty Limitations.,


Flight times, 101

flotation equipment, 101

flying club, 4, 282

Flying Club, 4

flying instruction, 4, 37, 320

Flying Staff Instructions, 12, 13, 23

FOD, 116, 132

fog, 8, 61, 92, 111, 112, 115, 330

Food poisoning, 34

forced landings, 169

Foreign Object Damage, 116

Freelance Pilots, 315

FSIs, 12

FSO, 14, 15

FTL Scheme, 36

336 Operational Flying

fuel calculations, 87

fuel checks, 87, 105

fuel consumption, 73, 111, 235,

262, 295, 305

fuel jettisoning, 54, 55

fuel management, 128

fuselage, 234


general anaesthetic, 34

General Aviation, 4, 5, 6, 23, 36,

143, 165, 175, 267, 287

giving blood, 34

glycol, 99

GMT, 130

GPS, 169, 239

GPU, 98

GPWS, 103, 104

grid reference, 59

gross performance, 136, 249

ground duties, 39

Ground Effect, 223, 264

ground training, 39


HAA, 213, 214

hand baggage, 79

handling agent, 20, 50, 97, 129,


Handling charges, 49

harnesses, 96, 97, 109, 117, 118,

121, 123, 179

headset, 29, 211

headsets, 147

height/velocity curve, 238

Height/Velocity envelope, 215

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helicopter, 80, 81, 82, 95, 147, 156,

168, 233, 234, 236, 237

Helicopter Landing Site, 57

Helicopter Landing Sites, 49, 57,


helicopters, 2, 81, 169, 237, 252,

264, 265, 266

helipad, 58, 60, 210

HF, 128, 129, 171, 303

high blood pressure, 34

High Intensity Strobe Lights, 217

hijack, 163

hill fog, 8

HISLs, 217

HM prisons, 216

hoar frost, 98, 234

holding allowance, 64

holiday flights, 4

Home Office, 162

horizontal stabiliser, 81

hostile environment, 55

House of Lords, 275

humane killers, 162

Hydraulic Boost Failure, 260

hyperventilation, 133

hypothermia, 151

Hypoxia, 34, 133


IAA, 213, 214

IAS, 70, 221, 223

IATA, 57, 154, 162, 286

ICAO, 4, 49, 57, 129, 137, 154,

161, 167, 250, 286

Ice, 108

icing, 98, 99, 108, 109, 124, 125,

128, 142, 234, 235, 265, 320

ICT, 206, 207

IFR, 29, 31, 32, 56, 57, 60, 62, 68,

69, 73, 74, 75, 87, 100, 101, 116,

132, 313, 330

ILS, 20, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 126,

127, 130, 132, 324, 325, 328,


IMC, 21, 52, 63, 73, 100, 114, 313

Immersion Suits, 146

immunisation, 34

Incapacitation, 30, 118

incident, 16, 19, 23, 161, 168, 170,

171, 173, 254

Incident, 169

independent contractor, 286

industrial pollutants, 115

Industrial Tribunal, 288

Index 337

instrument approach, 20, 31, 64,

65, 127, 313, 323, 325, 327, 328,

329, 330

Instrument Approach, 67, 68, 128,


Instrument Approach Proficiency

Check, 313

Instrument Rating, 313

insurance, 24, 31, 36, 77, 129, 167,

209, 216, 221, 271, 282, 283,

292, 295, 297, 298

Insurance, 91, 296, 297, 298

Intensive Care Transport, 206

Intercontinental flight, 79

interior lighting, 96

interlining, 49

Internal Audits, 27

International Law, 285, 286

international operations, 128

Interviews, 279

inversions, 110, 115, 198

invert emulsion system,, 198

Invoicing, 48

ISA, 52, 53, 57, 70, 74, 75, 76, 103

ISO 9000, 25

Isolated Aerodrome, 64, 76

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