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A-2 Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA)
Copyright 2002 The University of Texas at ffice:smarttags" />Austin. All rights reserved.
Predeparture / Taxi-Out
Your narrative should provide a context. What did the crew do well? What did the crew do poorly? How
did the crew perform when confronted with threats, crew errors, and significant events? Also, be sure to
justify your behavioral ratings.
The CA established a great team climate – positive with open communication. However, he seemed
to be in a rush and not very detail oriented. The FO, who was relatively new to the A/C, tried to
keep up but fell behind at times. The CA did not help the cause by interrupting the FO with casual
conversation (“marginal” workload management).
All checklists were rushed and poorly executed. The CA was also lax verifying paperwork. This
sub-par behavior contributed to an undetected error - the FO failed to set his airspeed bugs for
T/O (“poor” monitor/cross-check). The Before Takeoff Checklist should have caught the error, but
the crew unintentionally skipped over that item. During the takeoff roll, the FO noticed the error
and said, “Missed that one.”
The Captain’s brief was interactive but not very thorough (“marginal” SOP briefing). He failed to
note the closure of the final 2000’ of their departing runway (28R) due to construction. Taxiways
B7 and B8 at the end of the runway were also out. The crew was marked “poor” in contingency
management because there were no plans in place on how to deal with this threat in the case of a
rejected takeoff. Lucky it was a long runway.
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