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at night. Some companies may haveseparate VFR and IFR versions.The Check must contain the "boxeditems" contained in the 1179 checkform, or most of the Type RatingRenewal Check.It’s possible that a pilot who hasbeen checked by another companymay be acceptable by yours, but thiswill be by arrangement with yourInspector (the PPC is transferrablein Canada). In any case, the twocompanies must have similar contentand procedures in their checks andthe arrangements must have beenagreed before the test date (see alsoFreelance Pilots). However, this willnot be valid in the case of acompany just setting up, becausethey have no AOC and therefore nolegal status with which to set upagreements. In Canada, this check istransferrable between companies.Instrument Approach ProficiencyCheckA test of your skill in using typicalinstrument approach systems ataerodromes of intended landing, butmost companies will just certify youon all of them for convenience. As ithas the same frequency as the BaseCheck, it is normally conducted aspart of one, and will form part of theIFR Base Check if they are split.Only really relevant if you hold.......Instrument RatingThis is completed at 13 monthintervals by an Instrument RatingExaminer and may be completed aspart of a Base Check, or at leasttagged on the end, as you're in theair anyway. If such is the case, theIRE should also be a TRE (bothappointments, by the way, should beheld through a Company, otherwiseyour check will be invalid). The IR'spurpose is to establish whetheryou're maintaining the standardsnecessary for safe operations incontrolled airspace under IMC.A helicopter IR is only valid on type,whereas an aeroplane one istransferrable within certain limits—ifyou later convert to a dissimilar type,you'll probably have to renew it aswell. You won't need it if you're onlydoing VFR work.Area Competence CheckThe Company must ensure that enroute and destination facilities aresuch that a safe operation is run.Part of this is achieved by the AreaCompetence Check, which is carried314 Operational Flyingout every twelve months, plus theremainder of the month of lastoperation on the route. It's donewith the line check for convenienceand tests your knowledge of specificroute(s) or particular areas ofoperations.Line CheckThis is valid for 12 months plus theremainder of the month of issue, butif you take it in the final threemonths, you can extend to 12months from the previous expirydate. It's a test of your performanceof normal duties at your crewstation, so will be done on astandard commercial flight, or atleast the final line check will (initialones only give you the status of 1stpilot under supervision. Lapsed linechecks don't qualify, either).It covers an entire line operationfrom pre-flight preparations tocompletion of post flight duties andnormally must be carried out oneach type of aircraft flown, althoughit may be done alternately wheretypes are similar. It's not supposedto represent a particular route, butmust be an adequate representationof the Company's work. Line Checksmay be carried out by fully qualifiedLine Captains.Although the stipulated frequency isonce every 12 months, you mightfind a Training Captain hopping inon an empty seat once in a whilebefore that. It’s nothing personal,just part of Quality Control (thatphrase again), and better thanleaving things to the last minute andrisking you being off-line because acheck hasn't been done in time.Line training, leading up to thecheck, is supposed to familiarise youwith the routes over which you willoperate, for which you will besupervised by experienced trainingstaff. Before you can do this withpassengers, you must have passed aninitial line check, followed by somesupervised flights, then a final linecheck before they let you loose onthe unsuspecting public.Supervised flights will havepassengers on, so you will nowbecome aware of commercialpressures, and are as much a hurdleto some pilots as other training is,

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because you will probably also haveFlight Director systems to use—youdon't get to use those in training.Alternative Seat Position CheckOnly needed if you fly in any otherseat than your normal one; youmight become a Line TrainingCaptain, where you need to be ableto fly the thing home or get it on theground if your examinee fails enroute. Also, in a helicopter you mayhave to do a compass swing fromthe other seat so the engineer canconveniently make his adjustments,or you may be a Commander whooccasionally needs to be a co-pilot.If the latter is the case, provided youstill have a valid Proficiency Check,this one may be abbreviated at thediscretion of the Training Captain,but not below a minimum of anengine failure after take-off, anasymmetric go-around from DH andan asymmetric landing. For whateverreason, if done, it will coincide witha Proficiency Check.Crew Resource ManagementCRM training will normally beaddressed during Line OrientedFlight Training (LOFT). Otherwise,Training & Testing 315you must complete elements ofCRM every year, with the majorelements of a full course over a threeor four year recurrent training cycle.It will be included as part of all theabove checks, and is covered morefully in a later chapter.Recent ExperienceNot a test as such, but to beconsidered current as a Commander,you must have completed whateverit says in Chapter 5. In addition,some companies may require someapproaches or real Instrument Flyingwithin a certain period. Others mayeven require recency on type and willhave special procedures should yoube absent from the Company formore than 28 days.Multi-Type CurrencyUnless your company only operatessimple types of aircraft (refer to yourInspector), it's rare for anyone to becurrent on more than three types atonce. Not only is this sensible, butmulti-type currency causes all sortsof other problems—training costscould get out of hand, and it will bequite difficult to keep up normal 28-day currency as well (and I speak asone who was once current for over ayear on 6 types of reasonablydifferent helicopter or aeroplane—not easy, I can tell you).Mixing things always causescomplications. For a combination ofaeroplane and helicopter, you can flyone aeroplane within the same typeor class rating, and one helicopter,irrespective of maximum take-offweight or number of passengers. Iftypes are not within the same type orclass rating, you need some recencyon top.For multi-pilot aeroplanes, or thosethat can carry more than 19passengers, you cannot operate morethan two types that need a separatetype rating. You also need at leastthree months and 150 hours on thefirst type before the conversion forthe second, on which you must dosome days and hours afterwardbefore getting your hands on thefirst again. You can only fly one typein any duty period.Otherwise, you cannot operate morethan three piston types, three turboprop types or one turbo-prop orturbojet and one piston type.Freelance PilotsFreelancing need not be asprecarious a living as it sounds. Likea lot of other things, it depends verymuch on who you know as well aswhat you know. If you're known tobe reliable, that is, get out of bed inthe morning, turn up on time, don'tcrash and generally deliverpassengers safely, you will always getwork. Even airlines use freelancers.If you do decide to make a living outof it (at least it gives an illusion ofcontrol over your life—you are in aposition to say no, after all, especiallyto companies who are known to beless than enthusiastic aboutmaintenance), the taxman will bewatching to ensure that you are infact working for more than onecustomer, but it doesn't pay to betoo dependent on one anyway.While their usefulness is recognisedin relieving short term problems,especially in smaller companies, theuse of freelancers used to be (andstill is) frowned upon as they're moredifficult to keep control of, at least316 Operational Flyingas far as Duty Hours and paperworkare concerned.Now that aircraft are more complex,and it's increasingly difficult to hop

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from one machine to another withease, all freelance pilots must bechecked to the Company's standards.The operative phrase is "by or onbehalf of the Operator", whichmeans that the Company mustmaintain strict control. Provided thatthe Ops Manual says so, or a FlyingStaff Instruction is issued to coverthe occasion, there's no reason whyother Companies' pilots andpaperwork shouldn't be used, buttheir standards must be similar and amutual exchange of paperwork musttake place. However, the catch isthat there must be a pre-existingarrangement, which must be formallyestablished in writing.Despite the fact that everybodypinches everybody else's OpsManual anyway, and the forms aretherefore mostly the same, it's a legalproblem—as the checks must beperformed "by or on behalf of, etc.",it could be argued that if the formswere just backdated, this will nothave been done. For instance, itwould be difficult to claim that testsconducted by one Operator weredone on behalf of another unlessthere was an arrangement to thateffect at the time and the otherOperator's requirements were takencare of.As a result, all required checksshould take place and be signed upat the same time as the testingCompany's (for example, a TREcommon to two companies shouldconduct a test and double up on thepaperwork). The other companies'Training Captains will also need tobe listed in your Manual, which theymust also have a copy of, otherwisethey won't know to what standardsyou operate.Company Training CaptainsQualifications for this position arenaturally more stringent because ofthe responsibility involved. TheTraining Captain will have thenormal requirements for CompanyPilot, plus more experience on therelevant types and more total flyinghours, with suitable training as aTRE or TRI. Duties andresponsibilities will be down tocommon sense.If the Company is not large enoughto have a separate Training Captain,the appointment may also becovered by another office holder. Alist of the tests that may be carriedout will be shown (possibly in a tablelike that below), but external pilotsshould not normally do CompanyLine Checks:Type Base Line Area E/SFred Nurk X X X XTRI (MPA) – Minimum RequirementsPass an approved TRI course, haveat least 1500 as PIC of multi-pilotaeroplanes, complete within theprevious 12 months at least 30 routesectors, to include take-offs andlandings as PIC or P2 on type, orsimilar, by arrangement, with up to15 sectors done in an approvedflight simulator. In addition, haveconducted on a complete type ratingcourse at least one part related to theduties of a TRI on type under the

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supervision of a qualified TRI.To keep the rating, in the previous12 months, you must have done onepart of a complete type rating courseTraining & Testing 317and refresher training under anauthorised examiner. If it has lapsed,you must do all of the above, plus anapproved course.TRE – Minimum RequirementsEqual or greater licence than theapplicant, with instructor privileges,qualified to act as PIC on relevantaeroplanes, meet experiencerequirements for the role and acertain minimum number of hours.To keep the authorisation, you musthave completed a supervisedexaminer skill test within the lastyear of authorisation.SFI – Minimum RequirementsMust hold, or have held, aprofessional pilot licence, havecompleted the approved flightsimulator content of the relevanttype course, have at least 1,500 hoursas pilot on multi-pilot aeroplanes,have completed an approved TRIcourse and have conducted on acomplete type rating course at leastone part related to the duties of aTRI on the applicable type under thesupervision of a qualified TRI. Inaddition, in the previous year, havedone a proficiency check on type inan approved flight simulator andthree route sectors on type assupernumerary crew.To keep the authorisation, you musthave conducted within the last 12months of the authorisation, onepart of a complete type ratingcourse, or refresher training underan approved TRI. If it lapses, youmust complete the flight simulatorcontent of the applicable type ratingcourse, successfully complete anapproved TRI course, and conduct,on a complete type rating course, atleast one part related to the duties ofa TRI on the applicable type underthe supervision of an approved TRI.SFE – Minimum RequirementsHave a licence and rating the sameor greater than the applicant, withsuitable instructor privileges, bequalified as PIC on type, meetexperience requirements for the role,plus 1,500 hours.To keep the authorisation, you musthave completed a supervisedexaminer skill test within the lastyear of authorisation.Line Training CaptainMust be acceptable to theauthorities.Guidance to Training CaptainsEspecially in bigger aircraft, there'squite a flurry of arms and legs asflaps are taken in, hands are changedon control columns to take charge ofnosewheel steering, the airspeedindicator is rebugged, etc., sodefinite procedures are needed toprevent accidents (however, a lot ofguidance can simply be gleaned fromreading the Ops Manual itself).Immediately before any action takesplace, the Training Captain shouldposition himself to stop youapplying the flying controls thewrong way and should monitor the

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airspeed and other indications forabnormal conditions.Engine failures (real or otherwise)should only be practiced on briefedtraining flights or air tests; in fact, athorough briefing for everybody isalways essential, covering suchthings as heights and speeds to beflown, methods of simulating318 Operational Flyingwhatever emergencies you'repracticing, etc. For those after takeoff, and on single-enginedapproaches, the reported weatherconditions at the aerodromeconcerned should not be less thanthose for visual manoeuvring.The requirements of JAR Ops 1 arereally geared to Performance Aaircraft, so if you're in anythinglower, power failure should not besimulated after take-off below Vxse(the best angle of climb) or Vyse (thebest rate), unless you have a clever(or brave) Training Captain.Otherwise, during take-off, thespeed should always be below V1 orVToss with the crosswind componentnot exceeding 15 knots or theaircraft maximum, whichever is thesmaller. After the simulated enginefailure, the take-off should beabandoned, unless your machine'sperformance is up to scratch.Engine shutdowns should not occurbelow 3000 feet agl (or higher), or inany weather other than VMC,otherwise you may cause the veryaccident the training is designed toprevent. Talking of which, if you doshut down an engine on anyotherwise normal flight for whateverreason in a twin-engined aircraft,only in exceptional circumstancesshould you not land at the nearestsuitable aerodrome. You are alloweda little more flexibility if you havemore than one engine left , ofcourse. Below the recommendedminimum heights, simulated enginefailure should be initiated by closingthe throttle enough for a significantloss of power (in a helicopter, justlower the collective lever). However,problems may arise with propellerdriven aircraft where below a certainRPM (1000 or so), feathering cannottake place, and you would actuallyget better single-engined aircraftresponse from a failed engine withfeathered blades.The area underneath should besuitable (over an airfield preferably,in case of a forced landing beingnecessary) and the call "Practiceengine failure" should be made atthe time. When practicing forcedlandings, low flying rules apply.There should be something in theOps Manual to cover double enginefailure under IF conditions, and thetime taken to restart engine(s) havingshut them down.Entries into autorotation or the glideshould be entered into above 1000feet agl and (unless sure of landingcorrectly on a properly authorisedengine-off landing area) full recoveryshould take place before 250 feet agl.Before conducting accelerate/stopexercises, the training captain shouldensure that the runway is notcontaminated, the crosswindcomponent is not more than 50% of

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signing up the forms afterwards.When you do your test, you shouldhave a letter from the CAA,including instructions for TREs, andevidence of training. Therequirements vary according to thetype of aircraft you will be testing onand the type of Company you will beworking for, but should notrealistically be less than a week,containing at least 4-5 hours’ flying.You will be examined on:· Licence privileges, the C of T/Cof E, what to look for in alicence and what they cover.· Base and Line Checkrequirements; frequency andvalidity.· Medical frequency and validity,ages to fly commercially.320 Operational Flying· Recency (Schedule 8).· The need for licensed airfields.· Who can instruct and where.· The ANO with regard to flyinginstruction.· Status of various documents.· Performance and ANGRs.· Rules of the Air, especially 5, 6,25 and 26.· Where to find information aboutthe above.PreliminariesTests must be conducted inaccordance with the OperationsManual if the test is for an AOC, orthe Flying Order Book if for a PPLholder. The candidate must be toldto ask questions if unsure aboutwhat’s going on, which implies thatone of the unwritten qualities of aTRE is the ability to put people attheir ease—questions won't be askedif you give the impression thatthey're unwelcome. Remember thatyou are examining somebody so thatthey can pass a test, not to stop thempassing it. In fact, your serviceshould also include being on time,polite and respectful, well organisedand businesslike. The weather mustobviously be good enough, which isdown to the candidate to check, butif it isn’t, for a commercial orotherwise normal flight to take place,you may elect to do the test anyway,provided the candidate clearlyunderstands the position.You need to check the licence forthe following:· Candidate’s signature· Expiry Date· Medical currency (and signature!)· Date of last C of T.The BriefingShould cover the following points:· The aim of the flight—whetherfor Proficiency Check, 1179 or Cof T.· The sequence of exercises to becovered; as you will giveinstructions as you go along,there is no need for thecandidate to memorise them.· Responsibilities—who is theCaptain and when. Although thecandidate is the “Captain”,legally, you are, and thecircumstances (and the methods)under which you will takecontrol must be clearly spelt out.· Equipment usage; altimeters,icing, etc.· ATC Instructions and thefollowing thereof.· Radio, R/T and NavAids; settingand tuning.· Use of checklists.· Aircraft Control· Speeds to be used in climb,descent, approach andautorotation (if applicable).· Circuit heights and directions,etc.· Aircraft parameters; oralquestions about Ts and Ps,maximum settings, RPM limits,crosswind limitations, etc.Training & Testing 321· Methods of simulatingemergencies.You could also mention that anywriting you do is not necessarilycriticism, but an aide memoire for thedebriefing. Also, the candidateshouldn’t fret about mistakes somuch that the rest of the test is atrisk. The exercises concerned canalways be done again at the end.Based on the above, here is a samplebriefing (for a helicopter flight):You will be required to demonstrate anaccurate training circuit from and to agiven area, and during the flight carry outthe exercises listed on the F1179 flighttest/Base Check form, which may begiven in any order. There will be apractice engine-off in the hover, given

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without warning by closing the throttle.A limited power takeoff and landingmust be demonstrated at a power settinggiven by me, based on what power isavailable in the hover. There will also bea quick stop into wind from at least 60Kts, sloping ground landings, a restrictedsite landing using the full procedure foran unknown and confined area, includingthe relevant power checks, recces andclearing turns, followed by departure fromthe circuit into the local training area andsubsequent rejoin. Steep turns in bothdirections as briefed by me, a minimum of30obank, normally 45.You will need to recognise and recoverfrom incipient Vortex Ring. Recover to asafe configuration with minimum heightloss.You can expect a simulated engineemergency, which will result in a practiceforced landing. This may be the result ofa practice fire in the air. You are tocontinue to 500 feet agl ensuring youmanoeuvre the aircraft to safely achieveautorotation towards a suitable landingsite. The appropriate checks and Radiocalls should be completed, but not to thedetriment of the flying.There will be an Engine Off Landing toa pre-agreed position on the airfield. Youmust be wings level, with no slip or skidand at the given autorotation speed by300 feet. I will assist you to close thethrottle if needed.IF I CALL “I HAVECONTROL”, BE SURE TORELEASE THE THROTTLE.Before starting training or examiningwith any candidate, you should findout exactly what they have done inthe past, so you know where thedifficulties are, and can have yourhands nearer the controls at the righttimes. Also, especially if you haven’tmet the candidate before, try ademonstration to show the responseand procedures that are expected.The FlightThis must take place at 90% of thelanding weight or RTOW, andshould flow smoothly from onesection to the next, because it shouldbe as short as possible consistentwith a proper examination;remember that someone is payingfor it. For example, if you havesideways flight in a helicopter to do,there’s no reason why it couldn’t bedone inside a confined area, togetherwith a sloping ground landing, thuscombining several exercises at once.You can do this in many ways toprovide smoothness and economy.322 Operational FlyingNotesGlossaryACARSAircraft Communications Addressing andReporting System, using quick bursts ofdata on VHF between aircraft andground stations, viewable on aprinter in the cockpit. The groundnetwork is operated on behalf of theairlines by a separate organisation.With ACARS, final load figures canbe sent to the aircraft when taxyingout, so they don’t need to becalculated at the gate, which couldcause a problem when you need your

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rotate speed from the graphs andyou don’t know what the weight is.Adequate External AttitudeReferenceMet conditions with visual cues thatpermit aircraft attitude and flightpath to be determined without solereference to instruments and withvisual ground contact.Aerial Work ZoneAn area, delineated in an Aerial WorkZone Plan, in which aerial work isbeing conducted and that is over abuilt-up area of a city or town orover or adjacent to an area wherepersons may assemble.Aerial Work Zone PlanA risk management plan forproposed aerial work.AerodromeAdequateOne where performancerequirements for the expectedlanding weight will be met, withnecessary ancillary services, such as,ATC, sufficient lighting,communications, weather reporting,navaids and emergency services, andat least one let down aid (groundradar will qualify) for an instrumentapproach.SuitableAn adequate aerodrome withweather reports, or forecasts, or anycombination thereof, indicating thatthe weather conditions are likely tobe at or above operating minima andthe field condition reports indicatethat a safe landing can be done at thetime of intended operation.Aerodrome Operating MinimaThe Cloud Ceiling and RunwayVisual Range (RVR) for takeoff and324 Operational Flyingthe Decision Height (DH) orMinimum Descent Height (MDH),RVR and visual reference for landingwhich are the minima for operation.Air Ambulance flightOne where the prime reason is totransport a person who is ill or hasbeen physically injured to arecognised medical facility, or ahuman organ required for atransplant is taken from one place toanother. Other persons (exceptaircrew) are medical attendants, thepatient's immediate family or nextof-kin (or a close friend).Approach BanA situation where an aircraft shallnot:· commence or continue a descentbelow 1000 feet above the heightof an aerodrome where the RVRis reported to be less than thespecified minima for landing,except that if this condition isreported to the aircraftCommander after he hasproperly descended below theDH, the approach may becontinued if the specified visualreference was established at DHand is maintained, provided thatthe approach has been made byuse of an ILS Cat I, II or III untilat least the time that the specifiedvisual reference has beenestablished, or:(or in English: start or carry on with

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an approach where the RVR isreported to be below minima unlessyou, having already made an ILSapproach, are already below DH andyou can see what you're doing).· commence or continue anapproach to landing at anaerodrome outside the UK whenany of the elements included inthe State Minima are reported tobe below the limits and NationalRegulations prohibit any attemptto land, or commence anapproach to landing.(start or carry on an approach to aforeign airfield where State minima arebelow limits and regulations forbid youto try).· commence an approach tolanding at any aerodrome eitherinside or outside the UK atwhich RVR is not reported, or isnot available for the time being,when the Met visibility orfactored Met visibility is less thanthe equivalent specified RVR, or:(start an approach anywhere where noRVR is reported and the Met Vissuitably converted is less thanCompany minima).· continue an approach to landingby flying below the specified DHor MDH unless from that heightthe specified visual reference isestablished and maintained.(go below DH/MDH unless you cansee where you're going).Note: An approach ban does notapply in the UK when, on a trainingflight, the Captain elects to make aletdown followed by a MissedApproach procedure having firstdeclared such intention. Neitherdoes it apply where the reportedcloud base is below Decisionheight—you may approach anddescend to DH to assess the cloudbase for yourself, but only twice.Glossary 325Except in emergency, you may notmake a further attempt unless thecontrolling authority has reported asignificant improvement.Approach to landingThat portion of the flight where theaircraft is descending below 1000feet above the Decision Height forthat particular landing.APUA turbine engine used as a powersource for generators, hydraulicpumps and other accessories and/orprovide compressed air forpneumatic systems.Avoid CurveA graph relating to helicopterperformance showing combinationsof speed and height where it isdangerous to fly, being a function ofblade pitch angle—if you're in flatpitch, it doesn't exist. It is actually adiagram in the Flight Manual of ahelicopter showing safecombinations of speed and heightfrom which an autorotation cansafely be made or, conversely, fromwhich they can’t, covering levelflight, takeoff and high speed. Flightin the “avoid” areas should beminimised. It is established bymanufacturers’ test pilots making a

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series of autorotations andconfirmed by certifying authorities.Balanced Field LengthThe distance within which an aircraftcan either accelerate to V1 and theneither stop or continue to a height of35 (or whatever) feet with oneengine out at V1.3.Category I (Cat I) OperationA precision instrument approachand landing using ILS, MLS or PARwith a decision height of above 200ft and with an RVR above 550 m.Category II operationA precision instrument approachand landing using ILS or MLS with aDecision Height (DH) below 200 ftbut not lower than 100 ft, and aminimum RVR of 300m.Category III operationsSub-divided as follows:· a Category IIIA operation is aprecision instrument approachand landing using ILS or MLSwith a Decision Height lowerthan 100 ft and a Runway VisualRange not less than 200m.· a Category IIIB operation is aprecision approach and landingusing ILS or MLS with aDecision Height lower than 50ft,or no decision height, and RVRbetween 75-200m.Circling ApproachCircling describes the visual phase ofan instrument approach to bring anaeroplane into position for landingon a runway which is not suitablylocated for a straight in approach.Circling MinimaThe lowest conditions of circlingheights and in-flight visibility inwhich a circuit (using visualreference only) may be carried outwithin a fixed radius or sector of anaerodrome at which landing isintended (RVR is that for thelanding runway). Circling Minimaapply to any instrument approachfor landing on another runway than326 Operational Flyingthat directly served by the approachaid being used ("directly served"means the final heading of theapproach is within 30° of the runwayQDM), purely visual approacheswhere you decide to dispense withan available letdown aid and visualcircuits following overshoots fromeither instrument or visualapproaches.Climb ComplianceWith reference to takeoff, covers thesituation after an engine failure at V1or later during takeoff withrequirements for reasonableclimbout on one engine. The takeoffweight of an aircraft may be limitedby climb compliance in one of thetakeoff segments.Cloud BaseThe lowest reported cloud level(reported as FEW).Cloud CeilingThe vertical distance from theelevation of the aerodrome to thelowest part of any cloud visible fromthe aerodrome which is sufficient toobscure more than one half of thesky above the elevation of theaerodrome (reported as BKN).
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