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Information Publications (such asNOTAMs, Air Pilot, AICs, RoyalFlights, the Landing Site Register,etc.), and arrange exemptions andclearances for particular tasks.Note: Although Ops are supposedto ensure the validity of all licences,medicals, periodical checks andtraining, you still have to keep yourown up to date.The Ops Manager also ensures thatCompany accident and incidentprocedures are followed, processesamendments of the OperationsManual, assesses landing sites,categorises airfields, calculatesspecific weather minima, obtains metforecasts for planned routes anddestinations, and arranges overnightaccommodation for night stops,amongst other things. Mostimportant is the arrangement of anaccurate and up to date flight watchof all company aircraft movementsand a standby telephone coverageoutside normal working hours. Thisis not legally required under somecircumstances, such as Day VFR inCanada, but is still Good Practice.A company that actually gets theOps Manager to do all that is settingquite a high standard (naturally, theabove duties may be delegated).Unfortunately, what happens is thatwhoever owns the Company has anephew, niece, girlfriend orwhatever, who ends up doing the jobinstead. In that case, the best thingyou can do is either leave thecompany, or this book around! InCanada, Ops Managers must hold,or have held, a pilot’s licence for oneof the types flown, or haveappropriate experience, and rightlyso. While on the subject, the biggestthing you need out of Ops isinformation, so try and make surethey get it from the customer, or youwill continually find yourself havingto fix other peoples’ problemsillegally, as when you turn up for asling job expecting a 200 lb load andfind it’s actually nearer 600, whichmeans pressure on you to gooverweight to get the job done.The Operations Manual 17Quality Assurance ManagerThe Quality Assurance Manager(who may well be the Chief Pilot indisguise) ensures that the company'squality system is established andimplemented, in this respectassuming the role of “managementrepresentative”, or a focal point forstaff to refer to. Duties include theissue and withdrawal of all QualitySystem documents and forms, andmaintaining a list of them, togetherwith the aforementioned regularchecks of documentation, etc.Routine flights should also beaccompanied occasionally to confirmthat normal procedures are beingfollowed, but this will likely take theshape of a Training Captain doing aLine Check. A typical job is toensure that new pilots joining thecompany have their paperwork donecorrectly. More about Quality inChapter 3.The Company PilotIn small companies, it will be policy帅哥 发表于 2009-3-21 12:17:49
to operate on a single crew basis asfar as possible (less wages to pay),with the designated Commanderoccupying the Captain's seat as perthe Flight Manual. It's thereforeimportant to maintain your ownstandards, because you'll be on yourown a lot.You may think it a little over the topto see somebody with large amountsof gold braid emerging from a smallaircraft and be wondering on whatoccasions you can call yourself“Captain”. As far as I can make out,it used to be a convention that if youhad either 5000 hours, an ATPL ofsome description or a Training (IRE)qualification, you were entitled to doso. The trouble was that as smallerairlines became popular, they didn'thave people so qualified andpassengers were wary of flying withpilots who didn't have the shiny stuffon their sleeves. Thus, the variousrank gradings have become blurredand you're a commander (small c) ifyou're in charge of any aircraft, inthe same way that people in chargeof smaller seagoing vessels are Ship'sMasters, as opposed to Captains.You may also be wondering why thecommander has to be designated –this is so the Subsequent Board ofInquiry can pin the blame on theright person. In the USA, forexample, under certaincircumstances, four people can claimPIC time, including those in thepassenger seats! This would naturallyinclude whoever is doing the poling,but if someone in another seat hasbetter qualifications, or is the owneror operator, that would qualify, too,especially in court (so watch it).Certainly, in the military, the Captainhas never been necessarily the firstpilot (it could easily be a seniorofficer in a passenger seat), since theCaptain is responsible for the finaldisposition of the aircraft (which,when you think about it, could alsoinclude a purser). So, there is adifference between acting as PICand logging PIC time, and it shouldbe spelt out clearly to save legal (andCRM) trouble later - having twoCaptains on board, with neither sureof who's in charge can be a realproblem. Either they will be scoringpoints off each other, or be toogentlemanly, allowing an accident tohappen while each says "after you".How do you sort out the mess if youhave someone in the left seat who isa First Officer pretending to be aCaptain, and someone in the other18 Operational Flyingseat who is a Captain pretending tobe a First Officer?Anyhow, as an Aircraft Commander,you are first and foremost subject toany Air Navigation Orders orAviation Regulations that may be inforce. Inside the Company, you areresponsible to just about everybodyelse (but especially the Fleet/BaseManager or Chief Pilot) for ensuringthat aircraft are flown with primeconsideration for the safety ofpassengers and persons on theground; not negligently or wilfullycausing an aircraft to endanger帅哥 发表于 2009-3-21 12:18:24
persons or property while ensuring itis operated in accordance withperformance requirements, FlightManuals, checklists, State authorityregulations, the Operations Manual,Air Traffic Regulations, The AirPilot, Aeronautical InformationCirculars and NOTAMs.Seems a bit much, doesn't it? Hangon.......It's also up to you to keep yourlicences and personal flyinglogbooks up to date, and to ensureyou are medically fit for your duties(a Board of Inquiry or insurancecompany may interpret the words“medically fit” a little differentlythan you think if you fly with a coldor under the influence of alcohol).You must keep customers and theCompany informed of any accidents,incidents and alterations caused bybad weather or other reasons. Inremote areas, this will include aposition report every hour or so.Yours is the final responsibility forsupervising the loading, checkingand refuelling of your aircraft andmaking sure that all passengers arebriefed on Emergency Exits and theuse of safety equipment (see later),although you also have the right toexclude certain persons, such asdrunks, etc.You must check that the aircraft isserviceable with a current Certificate ofRelease to Service (or equivalent) andwith previously reported defectsnoted in the Technical or JourneyLog as being rectified or transferredto the Deferred Defects lists by aperson so qualified. Any defectsmust be allowed for in the MinimumEquipment List (MEL) or CDL.You must ensure that no weightlimitation is exceeded, that the C ofG will remain inside the envelope atall times, and that performance issufficient to complete the flight, aswell as leaving a duplicate copy ofthe Loadsheet and Technical Log (orOperational Flight Plan, in Canada)with a responsible person beforeeach flight, and ensuring that alldocuments are correctly completedand returned to Ops at the end (alldocumentation must remain validthroughout the flight). Of course,nobody ever does this, but you aresupposed to.You should not permit any crewmember to perform activities duringtake-off, initial climb, final approachand landing that are not required forsafe operation, and take allreasonable steps to ensure that,before take-off and landing, theflight and cabin crew are properlysecured in their allocated seats (cabincrew should be secured in their seatsduring taxi, except for essentialsafety related duties).Whenever the aircraft is taxying,taking off or landing, or wheneveryou consider it advisable (like inThe Operations Manual 19turbulent conditions), you shouldensure that all passengers areproperly secured in their seats, andcabin baggage is stowed.In an emergency situation (that is,requiring immediate decision and帅哥 发表于 2009-3-21 12:18:36
action), you should take any actionconsidered necessary under thecircumstances, which means you canbreak all the rules in the interest ofsafety. You can apply greatermargins to minima at any time.You should ensure that a continuouslistening watch is maintained onappropriate radio frequencies atappropriate times, which, officially,is whenever the flight crew ismanning the aircraft for the purposeof commencing and/or conducting aflight, and when taxying.You should not permit a Flight DataRecorder or Cockpit Voice Recorderto be disabled, switched off orerased, especially after an incident oraccident, unless you need to preservewhat's on the CVR (because it erasesautomatically as power is reapplied).Although it's part of Ops' job to geta met forecast, it's actually yourresponsibility, so you may as well doit yourself.Your behaviour and representationof the Company in front of actualand potential clients must beexemplary.Finally, here’s a little gem, fromabout 1919, which comes fromRecollections of an Airman, by Lt Col LA Strange. Nothing changes!"…As a pilot of a machine, you areresponsible for that machine all thetime, and it is always your fault ifyou crash it in a forced landingoccasioned by any failure, structuralor otherwise, of the machine or itsengine. It is your fault if, in thickweather, you hit the top of any hillthat has its correct height shown onyour map.It is entirely your fault if you run out(of petrol) when coming home againsta headwind after four or five hours (offlying), or if you fail to come down onthe right spot after a couple (of) hourscloud flying.It is your fault if you have nowhere tomake a landing when the engine failsjust after you have taken off; in theevent of a forced landing, yourmachine is a glider that should takeyou down safely on any possiblelanding place.It is your fault – well, it is a goldenrule to assume that whatever goeswrong is your fault. You may saveyourself a lot of trouble if you actaccordingly."The First OfficerFor legal, safety, weather or dutyreasons, a second pilot may occupythe other seat, performing the dutiesdescribed here. Although two-crewoperations are meant to be based onteamwork, sometimes the flight willactually be operated on a single crewbasis, despite the first officer'spresence (meaning the Captain doesall the flying). Whether this happensor not depends on Company policy,and you may actually find theequivalent of a Pilot's Assistant inthe other seat (see next page).Much of any pilot's job consists ofcross-checking and monitoring,which is even more important whentwo-crew in a complex aircraft. Tominimise errors, set procedures are20 Operational Flying帅哥 发表于 2009-3-21 12:18:47
used for multiple crews, for whichsee Chapter 8. In fact, everyCommander has a management role,which includes training, and allowingP2s to gain experience whilstretaining the ability to recover fromany situation.First Officers must know of theduties and responsibilities of thecommander in case of incapacitation,so they will more than likely findthemselves preparing andmaintaining the navigation and fuellogs in flight, because they should befully aware of the intended route,weather, etc. that may affect it.Constant briefings from theCommander are essential, as the FOnaturally must know the game plan ifthere is going to be a takeover at anystage. This even extends to theroutes to be flown, minimum safetyaltitudes, overshoot action, etc. Allthis "interaction" is part of CrewResource Management, of which morelater. In addition, First Officers carryout checks (the Commander readsthem, or vice versa), make radio calls,cross-check altimeters and otherinstruments and monitor each flightcontinuously.They're supposed to advise you (asCommander) of any apparentlyserious deviations from the correctflight path, such as specific warningif, on an instrument approach, therate of descent exceeds 1000 feet perminute or the ILS indicator exceedshalf-scale deflection, or of anyinstrument indicating abnormalfunctioning, which is difficult with alot of head-down work of their ownto do. In addition, they carry outsecondary checks on engine powerafter the throttles have been set.If, for any reason, you becomeincapacitated, they should beprepared to assume command,further described in Chapter 8.They also supervise the loading andrefuelling of the aircraft and preparethe loadsheets for the Commander'ssignature before each flight, if it'snot already done by a handlingagent. When it's raining, they do thepreflight check.First Officers are also supposed to“support the commander” duringinteractions with the remainder ofthe crew, including helping him outof the bar. See also Chapters 4 and 8.The Pilot's AssistantIn aeroplanes, particularly whenpilots are in short supply, somecompanies may use an extra crewmember to ease your workload,mainly completing paperwork as yougo along, who won’t be a pilot, butbe called a "safety pilot", to confusethings. Naturally, what they'reallowed to get up to depends ontheir experience, but, unless in direemergency, if they do not hold anappropriate Professional Licence(with all relevant checks), they arenot allowed any part in the physicalcontrolling of any aircraft flying forCommercial Air Transport.In the light of this, their dutiesshould be clearly spelt out in theOps Manual, possibly more thananybody else's. For example, those帅哥 发表于 2009-3-21 12:19:03
with an R/T licence may carry outradio calls at certain less criticalpoints, under your supervision.Other duties may include preparingflight plans, looking after refuelling,keeping logs, reading check lists,tuning and identifying radio aids,briefing passengers, checking doorsThe Operations Manual 21and seat belts, etc. They will only beused if you have a serviceableautopilot, and certain minimumqualifications, such as 1000 hourstotal flying, which must include 400hours P1. If not, you will need a fullyqualified First Officer.Minimum qualifications will besomething like a PPL with valid IMCrating and a Flight RadiotelephonyOperator's Licence.Cabin AttendantsThese are needed when you havemore than a certain number ofpassengers (see somewhere inChapter 6).Hash-slingers are responsible to thePurser, or No 1, who is responsiblein turn to the Commander forensuring that catering is ordered forflights to which they are allocated,and that such stores are correctlyused in proper cabin service to thepassengers.It's their job to make sure that allpassengers are briefed before takeoff on the items in the PassengerBriefing Card (or video), whichincludes being properly seated withsafety belts fastened for take-off andlanding or any other times in flightas and when instructed. They mustalso ensure that doors andemergency exits are kept clear ofobstructions during take-off andlanding, and that loose articles are inoverhead lockers or underneath aseat, if applicable.Of course, they serve meals andrefreshments as well, but don'tunderestimate their qualifications—aproper training course is quiterigorous. The old RAF joke about acoffee machine being a flightsimulator for a Loadmaster is notappreciated!In UK, there isn't a Cabin CrewLicence as such; any certificates aregranted internally by the company.OthersThere may well be other staffaround, such as Flight Despatcher,Flight Follower, Ramp Officer,Senior Steward(ess), etc. who are notcatered for here, but it shouldn't behard to deduce what they get up to,given the above examples. Thereisn't a specific qualification for FlightDespatchers in UK, either, but,sometimes, they get a whole week’straining.However, let’s not forget:CustomersThese are the most important peoplein any company, for obviousreasons. However, different parts ofthe industry allow them a greater orlesser degree of freedom in dictatinghow the job is done (we’re talkingabout air taxi or aerial work here),which will range from specifying thenumber of hours pilots will have(fair enough) to insisting that theyshouldn’t wear a seat belt or that you帅哥 发表于 2009-3-21 12:19:17
pull torque over the limits to get thejob done (unacceptable). Please donot get me wrong – most customersare entirely reasonable and relytotally on your judgement as aprofessional, but there are some withenough knowledge to be dangerous,who have no respect for yourposition and are the ones who needthe most tactful handling. It’s easy tosay that you don’t need that type ofcustomer anyway, but money ismoney, so what works (for me,anyway) in those situations is just to22 Operational Flyingsay you don’t feel comfortable doingwhatever they ask, and suggest analternative (most important). Don’texplain why, it just confuses theissue and gives them something elseto hang you with when theycomplain to head office later. Theywon’t get the story right anyway, sodon’t make it worse.AdminOtherwise known as OperationalControl and Supervision in the OpsManual, this section would dealgenerally with Company matters of anon-flying nature.Supervision of CompanyOperationsSomebody has to decide how manypeople are needed to operate youraircraft. For a small outfit, onemanager may supervise more thanone department, and whoever it iswill be lumbered here.Additional Instructions andInformationAs mentioned before, instructionsand information not already in theOps Manual are made the subject ofFlying Staff Instructions, with copiesdistributed to all departments on a‘need to know’ basis. For nonoperational matters, watch out forAdministrative Notices.Accident Prevention andFlight Safety ProgramFlight safety awareness will befostered by circulating accidentreports, incident bulletins, GeneralAviation Safety Information Leaflets(GASILs) and flight safetymagazines. Incidents and accidentsinvolving aircraft types or equipmentoperated by the company should behighlighted, and the Flight SafetyOfficer (FSO) should bring to theattention of the appropriatemanager(s) anything that mayinvolve revising procedures.The FSO’s responsibilities aredescribed in Chapter 1.Operational ControlThe procedures for this are normallyoverseen by the Ops Manager.Public Relations and PressEnquiriesAs mentioned in the Introduction,how a Company is perceived by itscustomers depends on its image,which in turn depends on itsemployees. How you conductyourself with respect to potentialclients (including on the telephone)helps too. Very often, whether aCompany gets work or not isn'tbased on price or service, but on its24 Operational Flyingimage. Advertising, for instance, isnot geared to making you buy a帅哥 发表于 2009-3-21 12:19:29
particular product directly, but byenhancing your view of it. So it iswith your Company, and you are oneof its least expensive and mostimportant ways of advertising—it'snot a good idea to be seen too oftenin the local bar in uniform, at least,not an identifiable one.Formal statements should not bemade to the Press or other sectionsof the media without Managementinstructions.ExpensesAviation is an expensive business,even for those who ordinarilywouldn't be expected to invest in it;the effects filter down quitemarkedly. It's common practice forpilots to pay landing fees andsuchlike as the trip progresses (someairfields won't let you go until feesare paid, and sometimes the Mafiawill have their hand out), and thesubsequent shock to your bankaccount may be severe unless you'vebeen given a float which is toppedup weekly. Expect a sizeable one andtry and get it repaid as often aspossible—there's no reason why youshould subsidise the Company (youmay be lucky and get a Companycheque book or credit card).The taxman also allows Companiesto pay a tax-free subsistenceallowance per duty hour, but somemay pay meal allowances instead.These are for missed meals and thefact that you wouldn't necessarilychoose to eat at such expensiveplaces as airport cafeterias, whichunfortunately are usually the onlyplaces available when things arebusy. Also, you will find your lifeinsurance gets loaded, and this willhelp to offset the cost.Sometimes there may be anallowance negotiated by your union,but you may find it's for airline pilotsonly.Quality SystemLife these days is very complex, andoperating aircraft is no exception.Indeed, the rate of change is suchthat legislators can hardly keep upwith avionics, and Inspectors areeven further behind, so the onus ison companies to self-regulate, whichis where the Quality System comesin. Anything affecting goods orservices delivered to customers issubject to it, based on ISO 9000 (or9002, the latest version), which issupposed to ensure that theCompany product is of the "requiredquality" or, in officialese, is “assuredas conforming to specifiedrequirements and is supplied inaccordance with the Company'squality policy and procedures”.ISO 9000 is an internationallyrecognised standard for qualitysystems, previously known as BS5750 in the UK, where “quality” isdefined as satisfying the customer'sneeds—as far as ISO is concerned, aproduct or service is of the requiredquality if it performs the function itwas designed for. Well, a cheapwatch performs a function, but Ithink Rolex would have somethingto say about it being “quality”! Thetruth of the matter is that the system帅哥 发表于 2009-3-21 12:19:41
was designed for manufacturing, toproduce low return rates, whichdoesn’t always translate well toservice industries.The International Standards Organisationis Geneva-based, and 9000 has beenaround since 1987. It is a genericmanagement system standard whichdoesn't have much to do with theend product, except for ensuring itsproduction under soundmanagement procedures, leading toefficiency and consistency, and,ultimately, cost reductions. Sidebenefits are improved employeemotivation, customer relations andbetter perception of the Companyimage. Yeah, right.You need some sort of internalauditing system, in which allcompany functions are continuouslymonitored. Certification, by the way,is not actually done by ISO, but byconsultants appointed by it.Documented working proceduresare officially a Good Thing forcontrolling the business (likechecking your suppliers are up toscratch) and ensuring that everyone26 Operational Flyingknows what their job is, which, inthe case of Aviation, is mostly in theOps Manual anyway, so all this isarguably a duplication of effort, asidefrom Accounts and Admin.For now, you can safely skip thischapter, because it’s mostly boring,but is here in case you want to use itin yourself one day and arewondering where to get the textfrom. To save time for now, thiswhole chapter is condensed in thenext paragraph:Translation: All staff must help tostreamline Company procedures,which will be investigated andcorrected at an appropriate level, aswell as being audited regularly. TheQuality Assurance Manager willmonitor and record the details andpresent them in managementreviews at least twice a year.Quality Policy StatementThis is a statement from seniormanagement demonstratingcommitment to the process,unfortunately, in the case of somecompanies, being extremelypompous (check out a very seniorUK airline). It’s supposed to letcustomers know that the Companyknows what their needs are. Lookfor something on the Companynoticeboard called a Mission Statement.Then ignore it.All staff should strive to maintainthe highest standard of service tocustomers and adhere to, maintainand improve the quality system.Effective corrective and preventativeaction to eliminate nonconformances shall be an essentialpart of it, and all personnel shall bemade aware of the need to identifyand rectify deficiencies. Anydeficiency noted or brought to theattention of the Company shall beinvestigated at a level commensurateto the seriousness of the problem,and effective corrective action shallbe taken. Procedures shall beestablished to provide for thecontrol, monitoring and analysis of帅哥 发表于 2009-3-21 12:19:54
corrective and preventative actionsemployed by the Company.Corrective and preventative actionsin response to Company deficienciesshall be analysed by the QualityAssurance Manager, who shall beresponsible for ensuring therecording and analysis of nonconformances, including customercomplaints, and identifying specificareas that may require action toprevent and eliminate the causes.A review of corrective andpreventative actions for effectivenessshall be included in Managementreview procedures.Management ReviewsA program of reviews will beimplemented by the QualityAssurance Manager to ensurecompliance with all aspects of thequality system, and to ensure itscontinuing suitability andeffectiveness in satisfying therequirements of ‘the standard’,together with the company's statedquality policy and objectives.Recorded follow-up action is takenas necessary to verify thatdeficiencies are corrected and toensure that repetitions are avoided.At least twice a year managementshall hold a review of the qualitysystem and shall complete a reportwith actions required, time scalesand responsibilities forimplementation.Quality System 27Information regarding theeffectiveness of the quality systemshall be obtained from the recordsof internal quality audits, nonconformance reports andcustomer/supplier complaintstogether with reports from membersof the company's staff, which shallbe regularly sought by management.DocumentationAll documents must be issued,amended, revised and controlled inaccordance with proceduresmonitored by the Quality AssuranceManager. Prior to issue, documentswill be reviewed and approved foradequacy and fitness for purpose bythe Quality Assurance Manager andthe personnel concerned with thefunction of the document inquestion. Up to date issues ofappropriate documents shall beavailable at all locations whereoperations require their use, andobsolete documents will be removedfrom all points of issue or use. Allchanges to, or introduction of,computer generated documents thatcomprise part of the quality systemshall be subject to the proceduresabove. The nature of the computersystem means that obsoletedocuments will no longer begenerated once changes are made.Each document shall be identifiedwith an issue number, date andunique description. A master recordof controlled documents shall bemaintained so the current issuenumber and date can be identified.A document is re-issued if anyamendment affects the intent of it.Changes shall be highlighted in thetext with the amendment historyrecords being updated to reflect thelatest issue. Grammatical or spelling