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That project was so successful.
You deserve all the credit.
*deserve “值得”。credit “信用”、 “信赖”、 “名誉”、 “威望”。
We got the sale.
All the credit goes to you.
The credit goes to you alone.
You’re responsible for the whole thing.
You should be the one to be acknowledged.
*acknowledged “被承认的”。
We owe it all to you.
*owe “欠”。
I finished the project early.
I’ll have to give you more credit.
I won’t underestimate you again.
I’ll believe in you more next time.
I have a newfound respect for you.
*newfound “新发现的”。
Did I help out in any way?
Nothing could have happened without you.
*help out ... “帮助……”。
We couldn’t have done it without you.
Nothing would have been accomplished without you.
*accomplish “完成”。
你的销售额上去了, 是吧?
You’ve boosted sales, haven’t you?
(你的销售额上去了, 是吧?)
Thanks for noticing.
*boost “提高”。sales “销售额”。
*notice “注意到”。
You’re selling more, aren’t you?
You’ve improved sales, right?
得到这份合同, 你立了大功。
You did a great job getting the contract.
(得到这份合同, 你立了大功。 )
Thanks. I appreciate that.
*do a great job “工作很出色”。contract表示“合同”, get a contract就是“签下合同”的意思。
Congratulations on getting the contract.
Good work on obtaining the contract.
*obtain “获得”。
Do you think the boss likes me?
Yes, he thinks highly of you.
(喜欢, 他对你评价很高。)
*think highly of ... “高度评价……”。
He speaks highly of you.
He thinks a lot of you.
*think a lot of ... “高度评价……”。
He says nice things about you.
He’s one of your fans.
He did all the work.
Then he should get all of the compensation.
*compensation “报酬”。
All the work was done by him.
*done “做完”。
No one did any work except for him.
*except for ... “除了……”。
He did it all.
What kind of businessman is he?
He’s strict about business.
*strict “严格的”、 “严厉的”。
In business he’s very strict.
He’s strict when it concerns business.
(只要是工作上的事, 他都非常严格。)
*concern “有关”。
How’s the new man working out?
He works beyond his duty.
*work out “(事情等)进展顺利”。
*beyond “超过(某个范围)”。duty “义务”、 “职责”。
He works over and above the call of duty.
*over and above ... “除了……之外”、 “再加上……”。call “使命”、 “要求”。
He’s an extremely hard worker.
*extremely “极端地”、 “非常”。
You do everything properly.
I try my best.
*properly “恰当地”、 “正确地”。
You do everything right.
Everything you do is perfect.
You do everything so well.
Your organizational skills help me a lot.
I’m happy I can help.
*organizational 指“构成的”、 “归纳的”、 “组织的”, skill意思是“技巧”、 “手艺”、 “技能”, 所以organizational skills表示“工作安排得有条不紊的能力”。
You being so organized is helpful to me.
You’re so organized that it helps me a lot.
This report is very comprehensive.
Yes, I’m quite satisfied with it.
(是, 我非常满意。)
*comprehensive “内容充实的”。
*satisfy “满足”、 “满意”。
This report covers everything.
*cover “包含”、 “包括”。
This is a very comprehensive report.
Is the data any good?
The data is very helpful.
*helpful “有用的”、 “有益的”。
The data is really helpful.
The data is a big help.
I wish I could type as well as you.
It just takes practice.
*I wish ... “如果……就好了”。as well as ... “和……一样”。
*这里的just指“只是”。practice 指“练习”。
I wish I had typing skills like yours.
I envy your typing skills.
*envy “羡慕”。
Why was he promoted?
I like the way he gets things done quickly and efficiently.
*promote “使升职”。
*way “方式”、 “方法”。quickly “快速地”。efficiently “高效地”。
I like that he works quickly and efficiently.
I appreciate his quick and efficient work.
*appreciate “评价或承认(能力等)”。
I’ve found an error in the calculations.
You’re sharp, aren’t you?
*sharp意思是“敏锐的”、 “聪明的”, 主要表示头脑敏锐的意思, 有时也表示一丝不苟。“..., aren’t you?”带有征求对方的同意或追问的含义。
You pick things up easily, don’t you?
*pick ... up “掌握”、 “学会”。
You’re observant, aren’t you?
*observant “观察力敏锐的”。
You’re very quick, aren’t you?
*quick “理解起来很快的”、 “敏锐的”。
You’re bright, aren’t you?
*bright “聪明的”。
You’re smart, aren’t you?
*smart “伶俐的”。
How do you think he looks?
He looks sharp.
He looks nice. (他看上去不错。)
He dresses well. (他穿得不错。)
You are Mr. Smith, right?
(你是史密斯先生, 对不对?)
You have a good memory.
*memory “记忆”、 “记忆力”。
Your memory is good.
You have good recall.
*recall “记忆力”。
How’s the new employee?
He learns quickly.
*employee “职工”、 “雇员”。
*这里的learn指“学习”、 “掌握(知识等)”。quickly “很快地”。
He picks things up quickly.
*这里的pick up指“掌握”。
He’s quick to catch on.
*这里的catch on指“理解”。
He’s sharp.
He said we should sell now.
He has a good point.
*这里的point指“要点”、 “问题的核心”。
He has a valid point.
*valid “有理的”。
He’s got a good point.
你对那个了解很多, 是吧?
You know a lot about that, don’t you?
(你对那个了解很多, 是吧?)
I guess so.
*know a lot about ... “对……很了解”、 “熟知……”。 ..., don’t you? “……是吧?”, 表示追问或征求对方同意。
You have a lot of knowledge about that, don’t you?
You’re very knowledgeable about that, aren’t you?
*knowledgeable “有知识的”、 “精通的”。
What do you think of him?
Mr. Smith is a creative person.
*creative “有创造力的”、 “创造性的”。
Mr. Smith is very creative.
Mr. Smith is a most creative man.
You have a knack for saying the right thing.
Not always.
*knack “诀窍”、 “技巧”。
*always “总是”。
You’re very good at saying just the right thing.
*be good at ... “擅长……”。
You have an ability to say the right thing.
*ability “能力”。
I made this myself.
You’re so gifted.
*be gifted “多才多艺”。
You have talent.
*talent “天赋”。
You’re so talented.
*talented “有才的”。
You have a special gift.
You’re very skillful.
*skillful “灵巧的”。
You’re very special.
He has a persuasive way of talking.
He’s always to the point.
*persuasive “有说服力的”、 “让人信服的”。
*to the point “抓住要领”、 “适当的”。
He’s very persuasive when he talks.
He’s a convincing talker.
*convince “使信服”、 “使相信”。
Can he handle it? (他能写好吗?)
It’s so easy for him to write letters in English.
*handle “办好”、 “处理”。
*write letters “写信”。
It’s a cinch for him to write letters in English.
*cinch “容易做的事”、 “确定的事”。
He has no problem writing in English.
His unexpected strategy worked.
I can’t believe it.
*unexpected “意想不到的”、 “意外的”。strategy “战略”、 “策略”。work “(原理等)起作用”、 “(计划等)进展顺利”。
His surprising strategy worked.
*surprising “令人惊奇的”。
His unusual strategy actually worked.
*unusual “不寻常的”。
Is Mr. Smith a punctual person?
Yes, he’s always on time for appointments.
(守时, 他总是准时赴约。)
*punctual “守时的”。
*he’s是he is的缩写。on time “按时”。appointment “约会”。
He’s very punctual for appointments.
He’s never late for appointments.
Is that a good company?
They’re taking the lead in the market.
*take the lead “位居首位”、 “占据领导地位”。
They’re number one in the market.
*number one “第一位”。
They’re the best the market offers.
They’re leading the market.
Mr. Aoki’s English is very good.
You’re just as good as he is.
*You’re是You are的缩写。“as ... as ... ”意思是“和……一样地……”, 因此as good as he is意思就是“和他一样好”。
He’s no better than you are.
You’re both equally good.
*equally “同样地”、 “相同地”。
How’s our new product?
Not bad at all.
*直译是“一点也不坏”。at all伴随否定词表示“一点也”、 “完全”。
It’s pretty good. (非常好。)
*这里的pretty指“相当”、 “很”。
I’m impressed.
*impress “使感动”。
How do you like this?
I really like it.
I love it.
I think it’s really something.
You did a good job this year.
I tried very hard.
*good job “干得不错”、 “干得很好”、 “干得很出色”的常用说法。
You did very good work this year.
This year your work was very good.
生意兴旺, 真是太好了。
Sales are way up!
So business is booming. That’s great.
(生意兴旺, 真是太好了。)
*boom “景气”、 “繁荣”。
I’m happy your business is booming.
It’s wonderful that your business is doing so well.
He helped me a lot.
I hope you showed him your appreciation.
*show “出示”、“表示”。appreciation “感谢”。
He did so many things for me.
He assisted me in many ways.
*assist “帮助”、 “帮忙”。
He has an edge experiencewise.
Then please hire him.
*have an edge “稍胜一筹”。“wise”有“关于……”的含义, 所以experiencewise指“从经验上看”。
*hire “雇用”。
His experience gives him an edge.
He has more experience than most.
*most “大多数的人”。
Your boss is very understanding.
I think so, too.
*understanding “能谅解的”、 “有理解力的”。
Your boss is fairly understanding.
*fairly “相当”、 “很”。
Your boss is pretty understanding.
*这里的pretty是副词, 表示“相当”、 “很”。
My boss has a lot of connections.
You need that in this business.
*connection “关系”、 “(可资利用的)熟人”、 “商务联系”。
My boss knows many people.
My boss has many friends.
He thinks the workers need more breaks.
That’s an interesting way to see it.
*break “(工作等的)休息”。
*interesting “有趣的”、 “有意思的”。way在这里指“方法”、 “办法”。
That’s an interesting way to look at it.
*这里的look at 指“考察”、 “看”。
That’s an interesting point of view.
*point of view “观点”。
What’s your secret?
I just follow my intuition.
*secret “秘诀”、 “窍门”。
*intuition “直觉”、 “直感”。
How do you do it?
Please tell me your secret.
He’s very well-mannered.
That’s because he comes from a good family.
*well-mannered “有礼貌的”。
He has good manners.
He’s very polite and courteous.
*courteous “有礼貌的”、 “殷勤的”。
I’m giving the employees an extra bonus this year.
You always do the right thing.
*employee “雇员”。
You always do what’s best.
You always do what is right.
Your work attitude is excellent.
That’s because I enjoy my work so much.
*attitude “态度”、 “姿态”。
Your attitude at work is excellent.
You have a great working attitude.
Isn’t Mr. Aoki a great guy?
Yeah, I’m really impressed by his sincere attitude.
(是啊, 他诚实的态度真让我感动。)
*impress “使感动”。sincere “诚实的”、 “耿直的”、 “真挚的”。
I really admire his sincerity.
*admire “赞赏”。sincerity “诚实”。
His sincere attitude really impresses me.
Where do you get all that energy?
It comes from loving my job.
*energy “干劲”、 “精力”。
*come from ... “来自……”。
Where does all that energy come from?
How do you maintain that energy?
*maintain “维持”。
He’s only nineteen.
Yes, but he is mature for his age.
(是, 但是他比年龄显得成熟。)
*mature “成熟的”。for his age “对于他的年龄”。
He acts grown up for his age.
*grown up “大人的”、 “像大人样”。
He acts older than he is.
Thank you for your time.
It’s a pleasure doing business with you.
*It’s a pleasure ...ing “很高兴做……”。
I really enjoy doing business with you.
You’re great to do business with.
Mr. Smith is very proud of you.
I hold him in high regard as well.
*be proud of ... “以……为荣”。
*regard “尊敬”。hold ... in high regard “对……很尊敬”。as well “也”。
Mr. Smith thinks very highly of you.
*think highly of ... “对……评价高”。
Mr. Smith holds you in high esteem.
*esteem “尊敬”。
By next year, this company will be number one!
(到明年, 这家公司将成为行业第一!)
You are very confident, aren’t you?
*confident “确信的”、 “有自信的”。
You are very sure of yourself, aren’t you?
*be sure of oneself “有自信”。
You have a lot of confidence, don’t you?
He makes me laugh.
He’s quite a character.
*character “与众不同的人”、 “有趣的人”。quite a character “有趣的人”、 “有个性的人”、 “怪人”。
He’s a funny guy.
*funny “可笑的”、 “使人发笑的”。
He’s pretty eccentric.
*eccentric “(人、性格、行动)古怪的”。
We need to make the best impression today.
My boss has the presence to impress them.
*presence “风度”、 “态度”、 “仪表”。impress “留下印象”。
My boss is impressive.
My boss impresses people.
He looks very dignified.
I think it’s his gray hair.
*dignify “使变得庄严”、 “使变得崇高”。dignified “有威严的”、 “堂堂正正的”。
*gray “灰白的”。
She’s elegant. (她很有气质。)
*对女性用的词汇。elegant “优雅的”、 “有气质的”、 “文雅的”。
He looks very distinguished.
*distinguished “高贵的”。
What do you think of the president?
He has class.
*president “董事长”。
*class “品位”、 “气质”。
He’s very classy.
*classy “时髦的”、 “文雅的”。
He’s quite a classy guy.
*guy “男人”、 “家伙”。
反意为:He has no class.
You look great in that suit.
Thank you for the compliment.
*这里的look指“(外表)看上去……”。great 指“很好”。
*compliment “赞辞”、 “表扬的话”。
That suit looks great on you.
*look great on you “你穿着合适”、 “与你相称”。
That suit is flattering.
*flattering “悦人的”。
That suit suits you.
You look really good in that.
You look so nice in that suit.
哪里, 谢谢。
You have good taste in clothing.
Not really, but thanks.
(哪里, 谢谢。)
*taste in ... “……的喜好(兴趣)”。
*not really “不怎么样”、 “并非真的……”。
It’s not true, but thank you for saying so.
I don’t think so, but thanks.
That tie looks great with your jacket.
Thanks. It’s new.
*look great “看上去不错”。
That looks good together.
That tie and jacket go together well.
*go together well “很相配”。
Isn’t she a beautiful woman!
She’s beautiful and intelligent.
*用否定的疑问句来表示强烈的肯定。直译是“难道她不是一个美人吗?”。虽然是疑问句, 但是它表示强烈的肯定, 指“非常漂亮”。
*intelligent “高智商的”。
Isn’t she really pretty!
Isn’t she hot!
*hot用在“美女”上, 带有“性感的”这一含义。
Isn’t she stunning!
*stunning “让人吃惊的”。
What did you think of her?
She’s good-looking.
*这里的good-looking指“脸形好”、 “姿态美”, 男人和女人都可以用这个词来形容。
She’s very attractive. (她很有魅力。)
She’s quite pretty.
He’s handsome.
I’ll say.
*handsome用于形容男性, 相当于对女性使用的beautiful。
He’s good-looking.
He’s a fox!
He’s hot!
She is beautiful and she has great business sense.
(她很漂亮, 而且很有经商头脑。)
I wish I had married a woman like her.
*“我曾想……”、 “如果……就好了”, 像这样要表示过去未能实现的愿望时用表示假定的过去完成时。按照I+wish+I+had+过去分词的结构造句就可以了。直译是“我要是能够和像她一样的女人结婚那该多好啊”。
I wish I had a woman like her.
I should have married a woman like her.
*should have ... “本来应该……(但是却没有这样做)”。
Congratulations on winning the award!
Thank you for your support.
*congratulations on ... “祝贺……”。award “奖”。
Congratulations on your award!
Congratulations for winning the award!
Mr. Smith bought this company for fifty million dollars.
(史密斯先生用5 000万美元收购了这家公司。)
The man got a great buy.
*交易成功后, 获得比预想还要多得多的利益时使用的说法。“买到好东西”可以说good buy, 在这里进一步强调是桩好买卖, 因此说成a great buy。
The man got a great deal.
*deal “交易”。
The man got a great bargain.
*bargain是“便宜货”、 “买得便宜的东西”的意思, 这里指“交易”。
Everybody wants Tom now.
I envy him.
*工作上客户找的次数增加, 逐渐忙起来时可以这么说。“红人”有a popular person等多种多样的说法, 但是用“Everybody wants ... now.(每个人都想找……)”也可以表示这个意思。
*envy “羡慕”。
Tom is in high demand now.
*直译是“汤姆现在需求量很大嘛”。demand 指“需要”。
Tom has become popular.
*popular “受欢迎的”。
Everybody’s been saying good things about you.
That is so nice to hear.
*good thing “高兴的事”、 “好的地方”。
It seems you’re well-thought-of.
People think a lot of you.
*think a lot of ... “高度评价……”。
I’ve heard good things about you.
What’s best about your boss?
He’s considerate of others.
*be considerate of ... “体贴”、 “开通”、 “通晓人情”。
He thinks of others’ feelings.
He’s a considerate boss.
I think he’s enjoyable.
Yes, he has a good sense of humor.
(是, 他很有幽默感。)
He’s a very funny man.
He’s a lot of fun.
Mr. Aoki donated this equipment.
Wow! He’s generous.
(哇, 他真慷慨。)
*donate “捐赠”。equipment “设备”。
*这句话意思是“他不吝啬花钱”。generous 指“肚量大的”、 “不吝啬的”。
He’s bighearted.
*bighearted “心胸宽广的”。
He’s unselfish.
*unselfish “不自私的”。
He’s willing to give.
*be willing to ... “愿意……”。
He’s charitable.
*charitable “宽容的”。
He likes doing things for others.
He has a good heart.
*for others表示for other people, 意思是“为了其他人”。直译是“他喜欢为别人做点什么事”。
He’s a very benevolent person.
*benevolent “仁慈的”。
He likes giving of his time to others.
He is very giving.
He’s extroverted.
That makes him a great salesperson.
*extroverted “社交型的”、 “外向的”。
He’s an extrovert.
He’s an outgoing person.
*outgoing “好交际的”。
He’s outspoken and outgoing.
(他很率直, 而且好交际。)
反意为:He’s introverted.
He’s easygoing.
I wish he was my boss.
He’s very relaxed.
He has an easygoing manner.
He’s a friendly guy.
That’s why he’s so popular.
He’s very congenial.
*congenial “和蔼可亲的”。
He’s a sociable guy.
*sociable “好社交的“。
I like working with Mr. Aoki.
He’s easy to get along with.
*get along with ... “和……很好相处”。
He’s easy to work with.
He’s easy to be around.
He gets along with everybody.
He’s easy to please.
Isn’t that nice!
*这里的please指“取悦”、 “使满足”。
It doesn’t take much to please him.
He’s not hard to please.
他人很谦虚, 是吧?
He’s a humble person, isn’t he?
(他人很谦虚, 是吧?)
Yes, and that’s a real asset.
(是, 真是难能可贵。)
*humble “谦虚的”。
*asset “贵重的东西”、 “长处”、 “可喜之物”。
Don’t you find him to be humble?
He is really humble, isn’t he?
He’s a very modest man, isn’t he?
*modest “谦恭的”、 “谦虚的”。
Are you going to escort me to lunch again?
Sure. You’re good company.
*这里的company指“朋友”、 “同伴”。
You’re fun to be with.
I enjoy your company.
I got the promotion I wanted.
All your hard work paid off.
*这里的hard 指“热心的”、 “辛勤的”。pay off 指“(事情)进展顺利”、 “出成果”。
All your hard work was worth it.
*worth “值得”、 “有价值”。
All your hard work made a difference.
*make a difference “带来不同”。
All your effort paid off.
*effort “努力”、 “辛苦”。
You’re successful because of hard work.
*successful “成功的”。because of ... “因为……”、 “由于……”。
你非常努力, 我们很感谢。
Sales are up.
We appreciate your effort.
(你非常努力, 我们很感谢。)
*appreciate “为……表示感激”。effort “努力”。
We’re grateful to you.
*grateful “感谢的”。
Thanks for your effort.
You’re working very hard.
There’s a lot to be done.
*a lot “很多”。
You’re putting in a lot of time and energy.
*这里的put in指“投入(时间等)”。
You’re giving it all you’ve got.
You’re a hard worker.
You work hard.
You’re a dedicated worker.
*dedicated “全身心地投入(工作)的”、 “热心的”。
You’re really plugging away, aren’t you?
*plug away “辛勤工作”、 “学习”。
You’re putting in a good day’s work, aren’t you?
*put in “投入(时间或劳力等)”。
What if I cut you a different deal?
You’re persistent, aren’t you?
*What if ...? “……怎么样?”。
*persistent “执意的”、 “坚持不懈的”。
You don’t give up, do you?
You really hang in there, don’t you?
*hang in there “(不畏艰难地)努力”。
Today I came into work two hours early.
I admire your enthusiasm.
Your enthusiasm is admirable.
*admirable “可敬的”。
I like your enthusiasm very much.
He has the tenacity of a successful businessman.
You mean he never gives up?
*tenacity “坚持”、 “顽强”。successful “成功的”。
*mean “意思是”。give up “放弃”、 “死心”。
He has a successful businessman’s tenacity.
He has the makings of a very successful businessman.
*have the makings of ... “有……的素质”、 “有……的能力”。
He’s a real go-getter.
*go-getter “(事业等的)能人”、 “干将”。
I confronted Mr. Aoki today.
You’ve got guts.
*confront “对抗”。
*gut “性情”、 “固执”、 “胆量”、 “勇气”。
I’m going to start my own business.
You’re courageous, aren’t you?
*courageous “有勇气的”、 “勇敢的”。
You are very brave.
*brave “勇敢的”。
You have a lot of courage.
*courage “勇气”。
You sure are brave, aren’t you?
You’re bold.
*bold “大胆的”、 “勇敢的”。
You’re fearless.
*fearless “不知道害怕的”、 “大胆的”。
He’s always full of life.
Well, he has a lot to be happy about.
(是啊, 他有那么多高兴事儿。)
*full指“满满的”、 “充满的”, full of life表示“充满活力”、 “精力充沛”。
He’s always so positive about life.
*positive “向前的”、 “积极的”。
He is full of energy.
He loves life.
He’s always pursuing his dream.
That’s why he’s so successful.
*pursue “追求(目标或快乐等)”。
He continually pursues his dream.
*continually “不断地”。
He never gives up working toward his dream.
他从不抱怨, 即使在困难的时候。
He never complains, even though it may be difficult.
(他从不抱怨, 即使在困难的时候。)
Those are the kind of employees we need.
*never “从不……”。complain “抱怨”。even though ... “即使……”、 “虽然……”。
It may be hard, but he never gripes.
*gripe “发牢骚”。
He never whines, even if it’s difficult.
*whine “嘀咕”。
You’re the best businessman I know.
You’re just flattering me.
*businessman “实业家”、 “商人”。
*flatter是”奉承”、 “拍马屁”的意思。在听到为了取悦于人而说的言不由衷的话时, 常使用这个词。
You’re just being nice.
*nice “很好的”、 “亲切的”、 “精细的”。
You’re just buttering me up.
Did you hear what he said?
He’s very outspoken.
*outspoken “直言的”、 “直率的”。汉语中的“心直口快”还有说话不考虑后果的消极意义, 但是英文的outspoken作为诚实的一个要素, 更多的情况下带有积极的意义。
He has no problem speaking his mind.
He’s not afraid of speaking out.
*be afraid of ... “害怕……”、 “担心……”。speak out “率直地说”。
Did you like our proposal?
It couldn’t be better.
It’s excellent.
It’s superb.
*superb “极好的”、“高质量的”。
How am I doing so far?
You’re on the right track.
*so far “至今为止”。
*on the right track “在正确的轨道上”、 “正确的”。
So far, so good.
You’re heading in the right direction.
*head “(朝……方向)前进”。right “正确的”。direction “方向”。
We need to rearrange the office.
I think you’re right.
*right “正确的”。
I think you’re correct.
*correct “正确的”。
I believe you know what you’re talking about.
I’m being transferred to personnel.
That’s great!
*transfer “调任”、 “调动”。personnel “人事科”、 “人事部”。
*great “极好的”、 “不错的”。
That’s terrific!
*terrific “很好的”、 “极好的”。
How wonderful!
He was able to save the company from bankruptcy.
It’s a miracle.
*save “拯救”。bankruptcy “破产”。
*miracle “奇迹”。
It’s miraculous.
*miraculous “奇迹般的”。
It’s like a gift from God.
He knows everything. He’s worked here for 30 years.
Experience is the best teacher.
Experience talks.
Experience is everything.
This computer does everything.
Isn’t that something?
*something表示“一些东西”、 “某物”等模糊的概念, 但是在这里它是名词, 表示“(重要的、关键的、难得的)东西”。
Would you look at that?
*直译的话意思好像不同, 但是在口语中它可以表示同样的意思。
Isn’t that something else?
Wow, isn’t that great?
What an accomplishment!
*accomplishment “业绩”、 “成果”。
Good point!
Why, thank you.
(哦, 谢谢。)
*why是感叹词, 表示“哦”、 “咦”、 “哎呀”。
Good thinking!
Well said!
That’s a good point.
When will things improve?
That’s a good question.
*improve “改良”、 “改善”。
Interesting question.
That question is very good.
I won the office lottery.
Lucky you!
*won是win(赢)的过去式。lottery 指“彩票”。
Good for you!
How lucky!
I solved the problem.
Good job!
*solve “解决”。
I finished the job on time.
Well done!
*done “完成”、 “结束”。
You did a great job.
I’m happy to hear that.
*job指“工作”, 但是这里有“任务”、 “职责”、 “义务”的意思。
Nice going!
You did very well.
Great work.
You’ve done a great job.
How’s the report?
It’s very impressive.
*impressive “留下深刻印象的”、 “令人感动的”。
I’m impressed.
*be impressed “感动”。
It’s excellent.
Treat yourself well.
That’s good advice.
*treat “对待”。well “好”、 “令人满意地”。
That’s a good suggestion.
*suggestion “暗示”、 “提议”。
That is sound advice.
*sound “健全的”、 “可取的”、 “准确的”。
Only you could have done it!
Thank you for the compliment.
*compliment “赞辞”、 “表扬的话”。
No one else could have done it!
*else “其他”。
You were the only one who could do it!
I made the sale.
We knew you could do it!
We had confidence in you!
We knew you would make it!
*make it “成功”、 “做好”。
We knew you had it in you!
I made employee of the month.
I’m so proud of you.
*be proud of ... “以……为荣”。
I’m very proud of you.
You make me so proud.
You’re a tough one to beat.
That’s because I’ve been doing it so long.
*直译是“你这人很难对付”。tough 指“不屈的”、 “难对付的”。beat 指“打败”、 “打破”。
It isn’t easy to beat you.
You are hard to beat.
It’s difficult to beat you.
You beat me.
That’s because I work faster.
*beat “打败”、 “打破”。
You won.
I lost.
He is very successful professionally.
I want to be like him.
*successful “成功的”。professionally “职业上”。
I want to be the same kind of person he is.
*the same kind of person “同类人”。
I want to emulate him.
*emulate “同……竞争”、 “比得上”。
His reputation has improved.
Do you think he has really changed?
*reputation “评价”、 “名声”。improve “好转”、 “变好”。
His reputation has gotten better.
*get better “变好”。
He has a better reputation now.
I just finished the budget.
Good timing!
You timed that just right!
*这里的time是动词, 表示“算好(做某事的)时间”。
That was great timing!
Am I late?
You’re just in time!
*just in time “时间正好”。in time带有“及时”的含义。
You made it on time!
*on time “准时”。
You’re right on time!
You got here just in time!
Let’s go have lunch and drop off the contract.
(出去吃午饭, 顺便把合同签了吧。)
We can kill two birds with one stone.
*kill two birds with one stone “用一块石头打死两只鸟”、 “一举两得”, 常用的谚语。
We’ll take care of both of them at once.
*take care of ... “处理……”。at once “同时”。
We’ll do them both at the same time.
Mr. Smith just joined my team.
That’ll make you invincible.
*That’ll是That will的缩写。invincible是褒义词, 表示“无敌的”、 “不能征服的”。
That’ll make you doubly powerful.
*doubly “成倍地”。
That’ll make you invulnerable.
*invulnerable “不能伤害的”。
That’ll give you additional strength.
That’ll be all that can be desired.
*desire “希望”。
He’s so short, but he’s doing well.
(他很矮, 可是他干得很好。)
Size really doesn’t matter.
*size “大小”。matter “重要”。
Size doesn’t mean anything.
*mean “意味”。
Size isn’t important.
*important “重要的”、 “关键的”。
Why are you teaming up with him?
It’s my last resort.
*team up with ... “和……合作”。
*last resort “最后的手段”、 “救命稻草”。
It’s the last hope I have.
*the last hope “最后的希望”。
It’s my only hope.
It’s my only chance.
My sixth sense often proves to be right.
I hope it works this time.
*sixth sense “第六感”、 “直觉”、 “直感”。prove to be ... “证明是……”。
My intuition often proves to be right.
*intuition “直感”。
I can usually sense things pretty accurately.
*sense “感觉”。accurately “正确地”。
He didn’t hand in his report on time.
I wish he’d follow your example.
*hand in “提交”。on time “按时”。
*he’d是he would的缩写。“I wish ... would ...”表示希望的心情, 意思是“真希望……能够……”。直译是“真希望他能以你为榜样”。
I wish he’d pick up your good habits.
*pick up “学习”。
I hope he starts picking up on your good example.
Why is everyone here on time?
It was Mr. Aoki’s voice of authority.
*on time “按时”。
*voice “声音”。authority “权威”、 “权力”、 “影响力”。
People listen when Mr. Aoki speaks.
It was due to Mr. Aoki’s authority.
(那是因为青木先生有威信。) |