发表于 2008-12-21 00:10:16
2. When receiving VFR radar advisory service,
pilots should monitor the assigned frequency at all
times. This is to preclude controllers’ concern for
radio failure or emergency assistance to aircraft under
the controller’s jurisdiction. VFR radar advisory
service does not include vectors away from
conflicting traffic unless requested by the pilot. When
advisory service is no longer desired, advise the
controller before changing frequencies and then
change your transponder code to 1200, if applicable.
Pilots should also inform the controller when
changing VFR cruising altitude. Except in programs
where radar service is automatically terminated, the
controller will advise the aircraft when radar is
Participation by VFR pilots in formal programs
implemented at certain terminal locations constitutes pilot
request. This also applies to participating pilots at those
locations where arriving VFR flights are encouraged to
make their first contact with the tower on the approach
control frequency.
c. Issuance of Traffic Information. Traffic
information will include the following concerning a
target which may constitute traffic for an aircraft that
1. Radar identified
(a) Azimuth from the aircraft in terms of the
12 hour clock, or
(b) When rapidly maneuvering civil test or
military aircraft prevent accurate issuance of traffic
as in (a) above, specify the direction from an aircraft’s
position in terms of the eight cardinal compass points
(N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW). This method shall be
terminated at the pilot’s request.
(c) Distance from the aircraft in nautical
(d) Direction in which the target is proceeding; and
(e) Type of aircraft and altitude if known.
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Traffic 10 o’clock, 3 miles, west-bound (type aircraft and
altitude, if known, of the observed traffic). The altitude may
be known, by means of Mode C, but not verified with the
pilot for accuracy. (To be valid for separation purposes by
ATC, the accuracy of Mode C readouts must be verified.
This is usually accomplished upon initial entry into the
7/31/08 AIM
AIM 2/14/4-1-10 Services Available to Pilots
radar system by a comparison of the readout to pilot stated
altitude, or the field elevation in the case of continuous
readout being received from an aircraft on the airport.)
When necessary to issue traffic advisories containing
unverified altitude information, the controller will issue the
advisory in the same manner as if it were verified due to the
accuracy of these readouts. The pilot may upon receipt of
traffic information, request a vector (heading) to avoid
such traffic. The vector will be provided to the extent
possible as determined by the controller provided the
aircraft to be vectored is within the airspace under the
jurisdiction of the controller.
2. Not radar identified
(a) Distance and direction with respect to a
(b) Direction in which the target is proceeding; and
(c) Type of aircraft and altitude if known.
Traffic 8 miles south of the airport northeastbound, (type
aircraft and altitude if known).
d. The examples depicted in the following figures
point out the possible error in the position of this
traffic when it is necessary for a pilot to apply drift
correction to maintain this track. This error could also
occur in the event a change in course is made at the
time radar traffic information is issued.
FIG 4-1-1
Induced Error in Position of Traffic
(A) (B)
In FIG 4-1-1 traffic information would be issued to the
pilot of aircraft “A” as 12 o’clock. The actual position of
the traffic as seen by the pilot of aircraft “A” would be
2 o’clock. Traffic information issued to aircraft “B” would
also be given as 12 o’clock, but in this case, the pilot of “B”
would see the traffic at 10 o’clock.
FIG 4-1-2
Induced Error in Position of Traffic
In FIG 4-1-2 traffic information would be issued to the
pilot of aircraft “C” as 2 o’clock. The actual position of the
traffic as seen by the pilot of aircraft “C” would be
3 o’clock. Traffic information issued to aircraft “D” would
be at an 11 o’clock position. Since it is not necessary for the
pilot of aircraft “D” to apply wind correction (crab) to
remain on track, the actual position of the traffic issued
would be correct. Since the radar controller can only
observe aircraft track (course) on the radar display, traffic
advisories are issued accordingly, and pilots should give
due consideration to this fact when looking for reported
发表于 2008-12-21 00:10:33
4-1-16. Safety Alert
A safety alert will be issued to pilots of aircraft being
controlled by ATC if the controller is aware the
aircraft is at an altitude which, in the controller’s
judgment, places the aircraft in unsafe proximity to
terrain, obstructions or other aircraft. The provision
of this service is contingent upon the capability of the
controller to have an awareness of a situation
involving unsafe proximity to terrain, obstructions
and uncontrolled aircraft. The issuance of a safety
alert cannot be mandated, but it can be expected on a
reasonable, though intermittent basis. Once the alert
is issued, it is solely the pilot’s prerogative to
determine what course of action, if any, to take. This
procedure is intended for use in time critical
situations where aircraft safety is in question.
Noncritical situations should be handled via the
normal traffic alert procedures.
a. Terrain or Obstruction Alert
1. Controllers will immediately issue an alert to
the pilot of an aircraft under their control when they
recognize that the aircraft is at an altitude which, in
their judgment, may be in an unsafe proximity to
terrain/obstructions. The primary method of detecting unsafe proximity is through Mode C automatic
altitude reports.
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AIM 2/14/08
Services Available to Pilots
Low altitude alert, check your altitude immediately. The, as
appropriate, MEA/MVA/MOCA in your area is (altitude)
or, if past the final approach fix (nonprecision approach) or
the outer marker or fix used in lieu of the outer marker
(precision approach), the, as appropriate, MDA/DH (if
known) is (altitude).
2. Terminal Automated Radar Terminal System
(ARTS) IIIA, Common ARTS (to include ARTS IIIE
and ARTS IIE) (CARTS), Micro En Route
Automated Radar Tracking System (MEARTS), and
Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System
(STARS) facilities have an automated function
which, if operating, alerts controllers when a tracked
Mode C equipped aircraft under their control is below
or is predicted to be below a predetermined minimum
safe altitude. This function, called Minimum Safe
Altitude Warning (MSAW), is designed solely as a
controller aid in detecting potentially unsafe aircraft
proximity to terrain/obstructions. The ARTS IIIA,
CARTS, MEARTS, and STARS facility will, when
MSAW is operating, provide MSAW monitoring for
all aircraft with an operating Mode C altitude
encoding transponder that are tracked by the system
and are:
(a) Operating on an IFR flight plan; or
(b) Operating VFR and have requested
MSAW monitoring.
发表于 2008-12-21 00:10:41
3. Terminal AN/TPX-42A (number beacon
decoder system) facilities have an automated
function called Low Altitude Alert System (LAAS).
Although not as sophisticated as MSAW, LAAS
alerts the controller when a Mode C transponder
equipped aircraft operating on an IFR flight plan is
below a predetermined minimum safe altitude.
Pilots operating VFR may request MSAW or LAAS
monitoring if their aircraft are equipped with Mode C
Apache Three Three Papa request MSAW/LAAS.
b. Aircraft Conflict Alert.
1. Controllers will immediately issue an alert to
the pilot of an aircraft under their control if they are
aware of another aircraft which is not under their
control, at an altitude which, in the controller’s
judgment, places both aircraft in unsafe proximity to
each other. With the alert, when feasible, the
controller will offer the pilot the position of the traffic
if time permits and an alternate course(s) of action.
Any alternate course(s) of action the controller may
recommend to the pilot will be predicated only on
other traffic being worked by the controller.
American Three, traffic alert, (position of traffic, if time
permits), advise you turn right/left heading (degrees)
and/or climb/descend to (altitude) immediately.
4-1-17. Radar Assistance to VFR Aircraft
a. Radar equipped FAA ATC facilities provide
radar assistance and navigation service (vectors) to
VFR aircraft provided the aircraft can communicate
with the facility, are within radar coverage, and can be
radar identified.
b. Pilots should clearly understand that authorization to proceed in accordance with such radar
navigational assistance does not constitute authorization for the pilot to violate CFRs. In effect, assistance
provided is on the basis that navigational guidance
information issued is advisory in nature and the job of
flying the aircraft safely, remains with the pilot.
c. In many cases, controllers will be unable to
determine if flight into instrument conditions will
result from their instructions. To avoid possible
hazards resulting from being vectored into IFR
conditions, pilots should keep controllers advised of
the weather conditions in which they are operating
and along the course ahead.
d. Radar navigation assistance (vectors) may be
initiated by the controller when one of the following
conditions exist:
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1. The controller suggests the vector and the
pilot concurs.
2. A special program has been established and
vectoring service has been advertised.
3. In the controller’s judgment the vector is
necessary for air safety.
e. Radar navigation assistance (vectors) and other
radar derived information may be provided in
response to pilot requests. Many factors, such as
limitations of radar, volume of traffic, communications frequency, congestion, and controller workload
could prevent the controller from providing it.
Controllers have complete discretion for determining
if they are able to provide the service in a particular
case. Their decision not to provide the service in a
particular case is not subject to question.
7/31/08 AIM
AIM 2/14/4-1-12 Services Available to Pilots
4-1-18. Terminal Radar Services for VFR
a. Basic Radar Service:
1. In addition to the use of radar for the control
of IFR aircraft, all commissioned radar facilities
provide the following basic radar services for VFR
(a) Safety alerts.
(b) Traffic advisories.
(c) Limited radar vectoring (on a workload
permitting basis).
(d) Sequencing at locations where procedures have been established for this purpose and/or
when covered by a Letter of Agreement.
When the stage services were developed, two basic radar
services (traffic advisories and limited vectoring) were
identified as “Stage I.” This definition became unnecessary and the term “Stage I” was eliminated from use. The
term “Stage II” has been eliminated in conjunction with
the airspace reclassification, and sequencing services to
locations with local procedures and/or letters of agreement
to provide this service have been included in basic services
to VFR aircraft. These basic services will still be provided
by all terminal radar facilities whether they include
Class B, Class C, Class D or Class E airspace. “Stage III”
services have been replaced with “Class B” and “TRSA”
service where applicable.
2. Vectoring service may be provided when
requested by the pilot or with pilot concurrence when
suggested by ATC.
3. Pilots of arriving aircraft should contact
approach control on the publicized frequency and
give their position, altitude, aircraft call sign, type
aircraft, radar beacon code (if transponder equipped),
destination, and request traffic information.
4. Approach control will issue wind and
runway, except when the pilot states “have numbers”
or this information is contained in the ATIS broadcast
and the pilot states that the current ATIS information
has been received. Traffic information is provided on
a workload permitting basis. Approach control will
specify the time or place at which the pilot is to
contact the tower on local control frequency for
further landing information. Radar service is
automatically terminated and the aircraft need not be
advised of termination when an arriving VFR aircraft
receiving radar services to a tower-controlled airport
where basic radar service is provided has landed, or
to all other airports, is instructed to change to tower
or advisory frequency. (See FAA Order JO 7110.65,
Air Traffic Control, paragraph 5-1-13, Radar
Service Termination.)
5. Sequencing for VFR aircraft is available at
certain terminal locations (see locations listed in the
Airport/Facility Directory). The purpose of the
service is to adjust the flow of arriving VFR and IFR
aircraft into the traffic pattern in a safe and orderly
manner and to provide radar traffic information to
departing VFR aircraft. Pilot participation is urged
but is not mandatory. Traffic information is provided
on a workload permitting basis. Standard radar
separation between VFR or between VFR and IFR
aircraft is not provided.
(a) Pilots of arriving VFR aircraft should
initiate radio contact on the publicized frequency
with approach control when approximately 25 miles
from the airport at which sequencing services are
being provided. On initial contact by VFR aircraft,
approach control will assume that sequencing service
is requested. After radar contact is established, the
pilot may use pilot navigation to enter the traffic
pattern or, depending on traffic conditions, approach
control may provide the pilot with routings or vectors
necessary for proper sequencing with other participating VFR and IFR traffic en route to the airport.
When a flight is positioned behind a preceding
aircraft and the pilot reports having that aircraft in
sight, the pilot will be instructed to follow the
preceding aircraft. THE ATC INSTRUCTION TO
If other “nonparticipating” or “local” aircraft are in
the traffic pattern, the tower will issue a landing
sequence. If an arriving aircraft does not want radar
service, the pilot should state “NEGATIVE RADAR
SERVICE” or make a similar comment, on initial
contact with approach control.
(b) Pilots of departing VFR aircraft are
encouraged to request radar traffic information by
notifying ground control on initial contact with their
request and proposed direction of flight.
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AIM 2/14/08
Services Available to Pilots
Xray ground control, November One Eight Six, Cessna One
Seventy Two, ready to taxi, VFR southbound at 2,500, have
information bravo and request radar traffic information.
Following takeoff, the tower will advise when to contact
departure control.
(c) Pilots of aircraft transiting the area and in
radar contact/communication with approach control
will receive traffic information on a controller
workload permitting basis. Pilots of such aircraft
should give their position, altitude, aircraft call sign,
aircraft type, radar beacon code (if transponder
equipped), destination, and/or route of flight.
b. TRSA Service (Radar Sequencing and
Separation Service for VFR Aircraft in a TRSA).
1. This service has been implemented at certain
terminal locations. The service is advertised in the
Airport/Facility Directory. The purpose of this
service is to provide separation between all
participating VFR aircraft and all IFR aircraft
operating within the airspace defined as the Terminal
Radar Service Area (TRSA). Pilot participation is
urged but is not mandatory.
2. If any aircraft does not want the service, the
pilot should state “NEGATIVE TRSA SERVICE” or
make a similar comment, on initial contact with
approach control or ground control, as appropriate.
3. TRSAs are depicted on sectional aeronautical
charts and listed in the Airport/Facility Directory.
4. While operating within a TRSA, pilots are
provided TRSA service and separation as prescribed
in this paragraph. In the event of a radar outage,
separation and sequencing of VFR aircraft will be
suspended as this service is dependent on radar. The
pilot will be advised that the service is not available
and issued wind, runway information, and the time or
place to contact the tower. Traffic information will be
provided on a workload permitting basis.
5. Visual separation is used when prevailing
conditions permit and it will be applied as follows:
(a) When a VFR flight is positioned behind a
preceding aircraft and the pilot reports having that
aircraft in sight, the pilot will be instructed by ATC to
follow the preceding aircraft. Radar service will be
continued to the runway. THE ATC INSTRUCTION
(b) If other “nonparticipating” or “local”
aircraft are in the traffic pattern, the tower will issue
a landing sequence.
(c) Departing VFR aircraft may be asked if
they can visually follow a preceding departure out of
the TRSA. The pilot will be instructed to follow the
other aircraft provided that the pilot can maintain
visual contact with that aircraft.
6. VFR aircraft will be separated from VFR/IFR
aircraft by one of the following:
(a) 500 feet vertical separation.
(b) Visual separation.
(c) Target resolution (a process to ensure that
correlated radar targets do not touch) when using
broadband radar systems.
7. Participating pilots operating VFR in a
(a) Must maintain an altitude when assigned
by ATC unless the altitude assignment is to maintain
at or below a specified altitude. ATC may assign
altitudes for separation that do not conform to
14 CFR Section 91.159. When the altitude assignment is no longer needed for separation or when
leaving the TRSA, the instruction will be broadcast,
Pilots must then return to an altitude that conforms to
14 CFR Section 91.159 as soon as practicable.
(b) When not assigned an altitude, the pilot
should coordinate with ATC prior to any altitude
8. Within the TRSA, traffic information on
observed but unidentified targets will, to the extent
possible, be provided to all IFR and participating
VFR aircraft. The pilot will be vectored upon request
to avoid the observed traffic, provided the aircraft to
be vectored is within the airspace under the
jurisdiction of the controller.
9. Departing aircraft should inform ATC of their
intended destination and/or route of flight and
proposed cruising altitude.
10. ATC will normally advise participating
VFR aircraft when leaving the geographical limits of
7/31/08 AIM
AIM 2/14/4-1-14 Services Available to Pilots
the TRSA. Radar service is not automatically
terminated with this advisory unless specifically
stated by the controller.
c. Class C Service. This service provides, in
addition to basic radar service, approved separation
between IFR and VFR aircraft, and sequencing of
VFR arrivals to the primary airport.
d. Class B Service. This service provides, in
addition to basic radar service, approved separation
of aircraft based on IFR, VFR, and/or weight, and
sequencing of VFR arrivals to the primary airport(s).
f. ATC services for VFR aircraft participating in
terminal radar services are dependent on ATC radar.
Services for VFR aircraft are not available during
periods of a radar outage and are limited during
CENRAP operations. The pilot will be advised when
VFR services are limited or not available.
Class B and Class C airspace are areas of regulated
airspace. The absence of ATC radar does not negate the
requirement of an ATC clearance to enter Class B airspace
or two way radio contact with ATC to enter Class C
4-1-19. Tower En Route Control (TEC)
a. TEC is an ATC program to provide a service to
aircraft proceeding to and from metropolitan areas. It
links designated Approach Control Areas by a
network of identified routes made up of the existing
airway structure of the National Airspace System.
The FAA initiated an expanded TEC program to
include as many facilities as possible. The program’s
intent is to provide an overflow resource in the low
altitude system which would enhance ATC services.
A few facilities have historically allowed turbojets to
proceed between certain city pairs, such as
Milwaukee and Chicago, via tower en route and these
locations may continue this service. However, the
expanded TEC program will be applied, generally,
for nonturbojet aircraft operating at and below
10,000 feet. The program is entirely within the
approach control airspace of multiple terminal
facilities. Essentially, it is for relatively short flights.
Participating pilots are encouraged to use TEC for
flights of two hours duration or less. If longer flights
are planned, extensive coordination may be required
within the multiple complex which could result in
unanticipated delays.
b. Pilots requesting TEC are subject to the same
delay factor at the destination airport as other aircraft
in the ATC system. In addition, departure and en route
delays may occur depending upon individual facility
workload. When a major metropolitan airport is
incurring significant delays, pilots in the TEC
program may want to consider an alternative airport
experiencing no delay.
c. There are no unique requirements upon pilots to
use the TEC program. Normal flight plan filing
procedures will ensure proper flight plan processing.
Pilots should include the acronym “TEC” in the
remarks section of the flight plan when requesting
tower en route control.
d. All approach controls in the system may not
operate up to the maximum TEC altitude of
10,000 feet. IFR flight may be planned to any
satellite airport in proximity to the major primary
airport via the same routing.
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AIM 2/14/08
Services Available to Pilots
4-1-20. Transponder Operation
a. General
1. Pilots should be aware that proper application
of transponder operating procedures will provide
both VFR and IFR aircraft with a higher degree of
safety in the environment where high-speed closure
rates are possible. Transponders substantially increase the capability of radar to see an aircraft and the
Mode C feature enables the controller to quickly
determine where potential traffic conflicts may exist.
Even VFR pilots who are not in contact with ATC will
be afforded greater protection from IFR aircraft and
VFR aircraft which are receiving traffic advisories.
Nevertheless, pilots should never relax their visual
scanning vigilance for other aircraft.
发表于 2008-12-21 00:11:08
2. Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System
(ATCRBS) is similar to and compatible with military
coded radar beacon equipment. Civil Mode A is
identical to military Mode 3.
3. Civil and military transponders should be
adjusted to the “on” or normal operating position as
late as practicable prior to takeoff and to “off” or
“standby” as soon as practicable after completing
landing roll, unless the change to “standby” has been
accomplished previously at the request of ATC. IN
4. A pilot on an IFR flight who elects to cancel
the IFR flight plan prior to reaching destination,
should adjust the transponder according to VFR
5. If entering a U.S. OFFSHORE AIRSPACE
AREA from outside the U.S., the pilot should advise
on first radio contact with a U.S. radar ATC facility
that such equipment is available by adding
“transponder” to the aircraft identification.
6. It should be noted by all users of ATC
transponders that the coverage they can expect is
limited to “line of sight.” Low altitude or aircraft
antenna shielding by the aircraft itself may result in
reduced range. Range can be improved by climbing
to a higher altitude. It may be possible to minimize
antenna shielding by locating the antenna where dead
spots are only noticed during abnormal flight
7. If operating at an airport with Airport Surface
Detection Equipment -Model X (ASDE-X),
transponders should be transmitting “on” with
altitude reporting continuously while moving on the
airport surface if so equipped.
b. Transponder Code Designation
1. For ATC to utilize one or a combination of the
4096 discrete codes FOUR DIGIT CODE DES-
IGNATION will be used, e.g., code 2100 will be
expressed as TWO ONE ZERO ZERO. Due to the
operational characteristics of the rapidly expanding
automated ATC system, THE LAST TWO DIGITS
c. Automatic Altitude Reporting (Mode C)
1. Some transponders are equipped with a
Mode C automatic altitude reporting capability. This
system converts aircraft altitude in 100 foot
increments to coded digital information which is
transmitted together with Mode C framing pulses to
the interrogating radar facility. The manner in which
transponder panels are designed differs, therefore, a
pilot should be thoroughly familiar with the operation
of the transponder so that ATC may realize its full
2. Adjust transponder to reply on the Mode A/3
code specified by ATC and, if equipped, to reply on
Mode C with altitude reporting capability activated
unless deactivation is directed by ATC or unless the
installed aircraft equipment has not been tested and
calibrated as required by 14 CFR Section 91.217. If
deactivation is required by ATC, turn off the altitude
reporting feature of your transponder. An instruction
TUDE DIFFERS (number of feet) FEET,” may be an
indication that your transponder is transmitting
incorrect altitude information or that you have an
incorrect altimeter setting. While an incorrect
7/31/08 AIM
AIM 2/14/4-1-16 Services Available to Pilots
altimeter setting has no effect on the Mode C altitude
information transmitted by your transponder (transponders are preset at 29.92), it would cause you to fly
at an actual altitude different from your assigned
altitude. When a controller indicates that an altitude
readout is invalid, the pilot should initiate a check to
verify that the aircraft altimeter is set correctly.
3. Pilots of aircraft with operating Mode C
altitude reporting transponders should report exact
altitude or flight level to the nearest hundred foot
increment when establishing initial contact with an
ATC facility. Exact altitude or flight level reports on
initial contact provide ATC with information that is
required prior to using Mode C altitude information
for separation purposes. This will significantly
reduce altitude verification requests.
d. Transponder IDENT Feature
1. The transponder shall be operated only as
specified by ATC. Activate the “IDENT” feature only
upon request of the ATC controller.
e. Code Changes
1. When making routine code changes, pilots
should avoid inadvertent selection of Codes 7500,
7600 or 7700 thereby causing momentary false
alarms at automated ground facilities. For example,
when switching from Code 2700 to Code 7200,
switch first to 2200 then to 7200, NOT to 7700 and
then 7200. This procedure applies to nondiscrete
Code 7500 and all discrete codes in the 7600 and 7700
series (i.e., 7600-7677, 7700-7777) which will
trigger special indicators in automated facilities.
Only nondiscrete Code 7500 will be decoded as the
hijack code.
2. Under no circumstances should a pilot of a
civil aircraft operate the transponder on Code 7777.
This code is reserved for military interceptor
3. Military pilots operating VFR or IFR within
restricted/warning areas should adjust their transponders to Code 4000 unless another code has been
assigned by ATC.
f. Mode C Transponder Requirements
1. Specific details concerning requirements to
carry and operate Mode C transponders, as well as
exceptions and ATC authorized deviations from the
requirements are found in 14 CFR Section 91.215 and
14 CFR Section 99.12.
2. In general, the CFRs require aircraft to be
equipped with Mode C transponders when operating:
(a) At or above 10,000 feet MSL over the
48 contiguous states or the District of Columbia,
excluding that airspace below 2,500 feet AGL;
(b) Within 30 miles of a Class B airspace
primary airport, below 10,000 feet MSL. Balloons,
gliders, and aircraft not equipped with an engine
driven electrical system are excepted from the above
requirements when operating below the floor of
Class A airspace and/or; outside of a Class B airspace
and below the ceiling of the Class B airspace (or
10,000 feet MSL, whichever is lower);
(c) Within and above all Class C airspace, up
to 10,000 feet MSL;
(d) Within 10 miles of certain designated
airports, excluding that airspace which is both outside
the Class D surface area and below 1,200 feet AGL.
Balloons, gliders and aircraft not equipped with an
engine driven electrical system are excepted from this
3. 14 CFR Section 99.12 requires all aircraft
flying into, within, or across the contiguous U.S.
ADIZ be equipped with a Mode C or Mode S
transponder. Balloons, gliders and aircraft not
equipped with an engine driven electrical system are
excepted from this requirement.
4. Pilots shall ensure that their aircraft transponder is operating on an appropriate ATC assigned
VFR/IFR code and Mode C when operating in such
airspace. If in doubt about the operational status of
either feature of your transponder while airborne,
contact the nearest ATC facility or FSS and they will
advise you what facility you should contact for
determining the status of your equipment.
5. In-flight requests for “immediate” deviation
from the transponder requirement may be approved
by controllers only when the flight will continue IFR
or when weather conditions prevent VFR descent and
continued VFR flight in airspace not affected by the
CFRs. All other requests for deviation should be
made by contacting the nearest Flight Service or
Air Traffic facility in person or by telephone. The
nearest ARTCC will normally be the controlling
agency and is responsible for coordinating requests
involving deviations in other ARTCC areas.
3/15/07 7110.65R CHG 2 AIM 7/31/08
AIM 2/14/08
Services Available to Pilots
g. Transponder Operation Under Visual Flight
Rules (VFR)
1. Unless otherwise instructed by an ATC
facility, adjust transponder to reply on Mode 3/A
Code 1200 regardless of altitude.
2. Adjust transponder to reply on Mode C, with
altitude reporting capability activated if the aircraft is
so equipped, unless deactivation is directed by ATC
or unless the installed equipment has not been tested
and calibrated as required by 14 CFR Section 91.217.
If deactivation is required and your transponder is so
designed, turn off the altitude reporting switch and
continue to transmit Mode C framing pulses. If this
capability does not exist, turn off Mode C.
h. Radar Beacon Phraseology
Air traffic controllers, both civil and military, will use
the following phraseology when referring to
operation of the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon
System (ATCRBS). Instructions by ATC refer only to
Mode A/3 or Mode C operation and do not affect the
operation of the transponder on other Modes.
1. SQUAWK (number). Operate radar beacon
transponder on designated code in Mode A/3.
2. IDENT. Engage the “IDENT” feature (military I/P) of the transponder.
3. SQUAWK (number) and IDENT. Operate
transponder on specified code in Mode A/3 and
engage the “IDENT” (military I/P) feature.
4. SQUAWK STANDBY. Switch transponder
to standby position.
transponder on low or normal sensitivity as specified.
Transponder is operated in “NORMAL” position
unless ATC specifies “LOW” (“ON” is used instead
of “NORMAL” as a master control label on some
types of transponders.)
6. SQUAWK ALTITUDE. Activate Mode C
with automatic altitude reporting.
altitude reporting switch and continue transmitting
Mode C framing pulses. If your equipment does not
have this capability, turn off Mode C.
8. STOP SQUAWK (mode in use). Switch off
specified mode. (Used for military aircraft when the
controller is unaware of military service requirements for the aircraft to continue operation on another
9. STOP SQUAWK. Switch off transponder.
10. SQUAWK MAYDAY. Operate transponder in the emergency position (Mode A Code 7700 for
civil transponder. Mode 3 Code 7700 and emergency
feature for military transponder.)
11. SQUAWK VFR. Operate radar beacon
transponder on Code 1200 in the Mode A/3, or other
appropriate VFR code.
7/31/08 AIM
AIM 2/14/4-1-18 Services Available to Pilots
FIG 4-1-3
Hazardous Area Reporting Service
4-1-21. Hazardous Area Reporting Service
a. Selected FSSs provide flight monitoring where
regularly traveled VFR routes cross large bodies of
water, swamps, and mountains. This service is
provided for the purpose of expeditiously alerting
Search and Rescue facilities when required.
(See FIG 4-1-3.)
1. When requesting the service either in person,
by telephone or by radio, pilots should be prepared to
give the following information: type of aircraft,
altitude, indicated airspeed, present position, route of
flight, heading.
2. Radio contacts are desired at least every
10_minutes. If contact is lost for more than
15_minutes, Search and Rescue will be alerted. Pilots
are responsible for canceling their request for service
when they are outside the service area boundary.
Pilots experiencing two-way radio failure are
expected to land as soon as practicable and cancel
their request for the service. FIG 4-1-3 depicts the
areas and the FSS facilities involved in this program.
b. Long Island Sound Reporting Service.
The New York and Bridgeport AFSSs provide Long
Island Sound Reporting service on request for aircraft
traversing Long Island Sound.
1. When requesting the service, pilots should
ask for SOUND REPORTING SERVICE and should
be prepared to provide the following appropriate
(a) Type and color of aircraft;
(b) The specific route and altitude across the
sound including the shore crossing point;
(c) The overwater crossing time;
(d) Number of persons on board; and
(e) True air speed.
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AIM 2/14/08
Services Available to Pilots
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2. Radio contacts are desired at least every
10 minutes; however, for flights of shorter duration a
midsound report is requested. If contact is lost for
more than 15 minutes Search and Rescue will be
alerted. Pilots are responsible for canceling their
request for the Long Island Sound Reporting Service
when outside the service area boundary. Aircraft
experiencing radio failure will be expected to land as
soon as practicable and cancel their request for the
3. Communications. Primary communications -pilots are to transmit on 122.1 MHz and listen
on one of the following VOR frequencies:
(a) New York AFSS Controls:
(1) Hampton RCO (FSS transmits and
receives on 122.6 MHz).
(2) Calverton VOR (FSS transmits on
117.2 and receives on standard FSS frequencies).
(3) Kennedy VORTAC (FSS transmits on
115.9 and receives on 122.1 MHz).
(b) Bridgeport AFSS Controls:
(1) Madison VORTAC (FSS transmits on
110.4 and receives on 122.1 MHz).
(2) Groton VOR (FSS transmits on 110.85
and receives on 122.1 MHz).
(3) Bridgeport VOR (FSS transmits on
108.8 and receives on 122.1 MHz).
c. Block Island Reporting Service.
Within the Long Island Reporting Service, the
New York FSS also provides an additional service for
aircraft operating between Montauk Point and
Block Island. When requesting this service, pilots
SERVICE and should be prepared to provide the
same flight information as required for the
Long Island Sound Reporting Service.
1. A minimum of three position reports are
mandatory for this service; these are:
(a) Reporting leaving either Montauk Point
or Block Island.
(b) Midway report.
(c) Report when over either Montauk Point or
Block Island. At this time, the overwater service is
2. Communications. Pilots are to transmit and
receive on 122.6 MHz.
Pilots are advised that 122.6 MHz is a remote receiver
located at the Hampton VORTAC site and designed to
provide radio coverage between Hampton and Block Island. Flights proceeding beyond Block Island may contact
the Bridgeport AFSS by transmitting on 122.1 MHz and
listening on Groton VOR frequency 110.85 MHz.
d. Cape Cod and Islands Radar Overwater
Flight Following.
In addition to normal VFR radar advisory services,
traffic permitting, Cape Approach Control provides
a radar overwater flight following service for aircraft
traversing the Cape Cod and adjacent Island area.
Pilots desiring this service may contact Cape
RAPCON on 118.2 MHz.
1. Pilots requesting this service should be
prepared to give the following information:
(a) Type and color of aircraft;
(b) Altitude;
(c) Position and heading;
(d) Route of flight; and
(e) True airspeed.
2. For best radar coverage, pilots are encouraged to fly at 1,500 feet MSL or above.
3. Pilots are responsible for canceling their
request for overwater flight following when they are
over the mainland and/or outside the service area
e. Lake Reporting Service.
Cleveland and Lansing AFSSs provide Lake
Reporting Service on request for aircraft traversing
the western half of Lake Erie; Green Bay, Kankakee,
Lansing, and Terre Haute AFSSs provide Lake
Reporting Service on request for aircraft traversing
Lake Michigan.
1. When requesting the service, pilots should
2. Pilots not on a VFR flight plan should be
prepared to provide all information that is normally
provided for a complete VFR flight plan.
7/31/08 AIM
AIM 2/14/4-1-20 Services Available to Pilots
3. Pilots already on a VFR flight plan should be
prepared to provide the following information:
(a) Aircraft or flight identification.
(b) Type of aircraft.
(c) Near-shore crossing point or last fix
before crossing.
(d) Proposed time over near-shore crossing
point or last fix before crossing.
(e) Proposed altitude.
(f) Proposed route of flight.
(g) Estimated time over water.
(h) Next landing point.
(i) AFSS/FSS having complete VFR flight
plan information.
4. Radio contacts must not exceed 10 minutes
when pilots fly at an altitude that affords continuous
communications. If radio contact is lost for more than
15 minutes (5 minutes after a scheduled reporting
time), Search and Rescue (SAR) will be alerted.
5. The estimated time for crossing the far shore
will be the scheduled reporting time for aircraft that
fly at an altitude that does not afford continuous
communication coverage while crossing the lake. If
radio contact is not established within 5 minutes of
that time, SAR will be alerted.
6. Pilots are responsible for canceling their
request for Lake Reporting Service when outside the
service area boundary. Aircraft experiencing radio
failure will be expected to land as soon as practicable
and cancel their Lake Reporting Service flight plan.
7. Communications. Primary communications -Pilots should communicate with the following
facilities on the indicated frequencies:
(a) Cleveland AFSS Controls:
(1) Cleveland RCO (FSS transmits and
receives on 122.35 or 122.55 MHz).
(2) Sandusky VOR (FSS transmits on
109.2 and receives on 122.1 MHz).
(b) Green Bay AFSS Controls:
(1) Escanaba VORTAC (FSS transmits on
110.8 and receives on 122.1 MHz).
(2) Green Bay RCO (FSS transmits and
receives on 122.55 MHz).
(3) Manistique RCO (FSS transmits and
receives on 122.25 MHz).
(4) Manitowoc VOR (FSS transmits on
111.0 and receives on 122.1 MHz).
(5) Menominee VOR (FSS transmits on
109.6 and receives on 122.1 MHz).
(6) Milwaukee RCO (FSS transmits and
receives on 122.65 MHz).
(7) Falls VOR (FSS transmits on 110.0 and
receives on 122.1 MHz).
(c) Kankakee AFSS Controls:
(1) Chicago Heights VORTAC (FSS transmits on 114.2 and receives on 122.1 MHz).
(2) Meigs RCO (FSS transmits and receives on 122.15 MHz).
(3) Waukegan RCO (FSS transmits and
receives on 122.55 MHz).
(d) Lansing AFSS Controls:
(1) Lake Erie. Detroit City RCO (FSS
transmits and receives on 122.55 MHz).
(2) Lake Michigan:
Keeler VORTAC (FSS transmits on
116.6 and receives on 122.1 MHz).
Ludington RCO (FSS transmits and
receives on 122.45 MHz).
Manistee VORTAC (FSS transmits
on 111.4 and receives on 122.1 MHz).
Muskegon RCO (FSS transmits and
receives on 122.5 MHz).
Pellston RCO (FSS transmits and
receives on 122.3 MHz).
Pullman VORTAC (FSS transmits on
112.1 and receives on 122.1 MHz).
Traverse City RCO (FSS transmits
and receives on 122.65 MHz).
(e) Terre Haute AFSS Controls. South
Bend RCO (FSS transmits and receives on
122.6 MHz).
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AIM 2/14/08
Services Available to Pilots
f. Everglades Reporting Service.
This service is offered by Miami Automated
International Flight Service Station (MIA AIFSS), in
extreme southern Florida. The service is provided to
aircraft crossing the Florida Everglades, between Lee
County (Ft. Myers, FL) VORTAC (RSW) on the
northwest side, and Dolphin (Miami, FL) VOR
(DHP) on the southeast side.
1. The pilot must request the service from
Miami AIFSS.
2. MIA AIFSS frequency information, 122.2,
122.3, and 122.65.
3. The pilot must file a VFR flight plan with the
remark: ERS.
4. The pilot must maintain 2000 feet of altitude.
5. The pilot must make position reports every
ten (10) minutes. SAR begins fifteen (15) minutes
after position report is not made on time.
6. The pilot is expected to land as soon as is
practical, in the event of two-way radio failure, and
advise MIA AIFSS that the service is terminated.
7. The pilot must notify Miami AIFSS when the
flight plan is cancelled or the service is suspended.
4-1-22. Airport Reservation Operations
and Special Traffic Management Programs
This section describes procedures for obtaining
required airport reservations at high density traffic
airports and for airports operating under Special
Traffic Management Programs.
a. High Density Traffic Airports (HDTA).
1. The FAA, by 14 CFR Part 93, Subpart K, has
designated the John F. Kennedy International (JFK),
LaGuardia (LGA), Ronald Reagan Washington
National (DCA), and Newark International (EWR)
Airports as high density airports and has prescribed
air traffic rules and requirements for operating
aircraft to and from these airports. (The quota for
EWR has been suspended indefinitely. Effective
July 2, 2002, the slot requirements at ORD were
eliminated.) Reservations for JFK are required
between 3:00 p.m. and 7:59 p.m. local time.
Reservations for LGA and DCA are required between
6:00 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. local time. Helicopter
operations are excluded from the requirement for a
2. The FAA has established an Airport
Reservations Office (ARO) to receive and process all
Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) requests for nonscheduled operations at the designated HDTAs. This office
monitors operation of the high density rule and
allocates reservations on a “first-come-first-served”
basis determined by the time the request is received
at the reservation office. Standby lists are not
maintained. The ARO utilizes the Enhanced
Computer Voice Reservation System (e-CVRS) to
make all reservations. Users may access the computer
system using a touch-tone telephone or via the
Internet. Requests for IFR reservations will be
accepted starting 72 hours prior to the proposed time
of operation at the affected airport.
3. The toll-free telephone number for obtaining
IFR reservations through e-CVRS at HDTAs is
1-800-875-9694. This number is valid for calls
originating within the United States, Canada, and the
Caribbean. The toll number for other areas is (703)
707-0568. The Internet address for the e-CVRS Web
interface is: http://www.fly.faa.gov/ecvrs.
For more detailed information on operations and
reservation procedures at an HDTA, please see
Advisory Circular 93-1, Reservations for Unscheduled Operations at High Density Traffic Airports. A
copy of the Advisory Circular may be obtained via the
Internet at: http://www.faa.gov.
b. Special Traffic Management Programs
1. Special procedures may be established when
a location requires special traffic handling to
accommodate above normal traffic demand (e.g., the
Indianapolis 500, Super Bowl, etc.) or reduced
airport capacity (e.g., airport runway/taxiway
closures for airport construction). The special
procedures may remain in effect until the problem has
been resolved or until local traffic management
procedures can handle the situation and a need for
special handling no longer exists.
2. There will be two methods available for
obtaining slot reservations at the ATCSCC: the web
interface and the touch-tone interface. If these
methods are used, a NOTAM will be issued relaying
the web site address and toll-free telephone number.
Be sure to check current NOTAMs to determine: what airports are included in the STMP; the
7/31/08 AIM
AIM 2/14/4-1-22 Services Available to Pilots
dates and times reservations are required; the time
limits for reservation requests; the point of contact for
reservations; and any other instructions.
c. Users may contact the ARO at 703-904-4452 if
they have a problem making a reservation or have a
question concerning the HDTA/STMP regulations or
d. Making Reservations.
1. Internet Users. Detailed information and
User Instruction Guides for using the Web Interface
to the reservation systems are available on the
websites for the HDTA (e-CVRS) and STMPs
发表于 2008-12-21 00:11:37
2. Telephone users. When using the telephone
to make a reservation, you are prompted for input of
information about what you wish to do. All input is
accomplished using the keypad on the telephone. The
only problem with a telephone is that most keys have
a letter and number associated with them. When the
system asks for a date or time, it is expecting an input
of numbers. A problem arises when entering an
aircraft call sign or tail number. The system does not
detect if you are entering a letter (alpha character) or
a number. Therefore, when entering an aircraft call
sign or tail number two keys are used to represent
each letter or number. When entering a number,
precede the number you wish by the number 0 (zero)
i.e., 01, 02, 03, 04, . . .. If you wish to enter a letter, first
press the key on which the letter appears and then
press 1, 2, or 3, depending upon whether the letter you
desire is the first, second, or third letter on that key.
For example to enter the letter “N” first press the
“6” key because “N” is on that key, then press the
“2” key because the letter “N” is the second letter on
the “6” key. Since there are no keys for the letters “Q”
and “Z” e-CVRS pretends they are on the number
“1” key. Therefore, to enter the letter “Q”, press 11,
and to enter the letter “Z” press 12.
Users are reminded to enter the “N” character with their
tail numbers. (See TBL 4-1-4.)
TBL 4-1-4
Codes for Call Sign/Tail Number Input
Codes for Call Sign/Tail Number Input Only
A-21 J-51 S-73 1-01
B-22 K-52 T-81 2-02
C-23 L-53 U-82 3-03
D-31 M-61 V-83 4-04
E-32 N-62 W-91 5-05
F-33 O-63 X-92 6-06
G-41 P-71 Y-93 7-07
H-42 Q-11 Z-12 8-08
I-43 R-72 0-00 9-09
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AIM 2/14/08
Services Available to Pilots
3. Additional helpful key entries: (See TBL 4-1-5.)
TBL 4-1-5
Helpful Key Entries
# After entering a call sign/tail number, depressing the “pound key” (#) twice will indicate the end of the
*2 Will take the user back to the start of the process.
*3 Will repeat the call sign/tail number used in a previous reservation.
*5 Will repeat the previous question.
*8 Tutorial Mode: In the tutorial mode each prompt for input includes a more detailed description of what
is expected as input. *8 is a toggle on/off switch. If you are in tutorial mode and enter *8, you will return
to the normal mode.
*0 Expert Mode: In the expert mode each prompt for input is brief with little or no explanation. Expert
mode is also on/off toggle.
4-1-23. Requests for Waivers and
Authorizations from Title 14, Code of
Federal Regulations (14 CFR)
a. Requests for a Certificate of Waiver or
Authorization (FAA Form 7711-2), or requests for
renewal of a waiver or authorization, may be accepted
by any FAA facility and will be forwarded, if
necessary, to the appropriate office having waiver
b. The grant of a Certificate of Waiver or
Authorization from 14 CFR constitutes relief from
specific regulations, to the degree and for the period
of time specified in the certificate, and does not waive
any state law or local ordinance. Should the proposed
operations conflict with any state law or local
ordinance, or require permission of local authorities
or property owners, it is the applicant’s responsibility
to resolve the matter. The holder of a waiver is
responsible for compliance with the terms of the
waiver and its provisions.
c. A waiver may be canceled at any time by the
Administrator, the person authorized to grant the
waiver, or the representative designated to monitor a
specific operation. In such case either written notice
of cancellation, or written confirmation of a verbal
cancellation will be provided to the holder.
4-1-24. Weather System Processor
The Weather System Processor (WSP) was developed for use in the National Airspace System to
provide weather processor enhancements to selected
Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR)-9 facilities. The
WSP provides Air Traffic with warnings of
hazardous wind shear and microbursts. The WSP also
provides users with terminal area 6-level weather,
storm cell locations and movement, as well as the
location and predicted future position and intensity of
wind shifts that may affect airport operations.
7/31/08 AIM
AIM 2/14/08
Radio Communications Phraseology
Section 2. Radio Communications Phraseology
and Techniques
4-2-1. General
a. Radio communications are a critical link in the
ATC system. The link can be a strong bond between
pilot and controller or it can be broken with surprising
speed and disastrous results. Discussion herein
provides basic procedures for new pilots and also
highlights safe operating concepts for all pilots.
b. The single, most important thought in pilot-
controller communications is understanding. It is
essential, therefore, that pilots acknowledge each
radio communication with ATC by using the
appropriate aircraft call sign. Brevity is important,
and contacts should be kept as brief as possible, but
controllers must know what you want to do before
they can properly carry out their control duties. And
you, the pilot, must know exactly what the controller
wants you to do. Since concise phraseology may not
always be adequate, use whatever words are
necessary to get your message across. Pilots are to
maintain vigilance in monitoring air traffic control
radio communications frequencies for potential
traffic conflicts with their aircraft especially when
operating on an active runway and/or when
conducting a final approach to landing.
c. All pilots will find the Pilot/Controller Glossary
very helpful in learning what certain words or phrases
mean. Good phraseology enhances safety and is the
mark of a professional pilot. Jargon, chatter, and
“CB” slang have no place in ATC communications.
The Pilot/Controller Glossary is the same glossary
used in FAA Order JO 7110.65, Air Traffic Control.
We recommend that it be studied and reviewed from
time to time to sharpen your communication skills.
4-2-2. Radio Technique
a. Listen before you transmit. Many times you can
get the information you want through ATIS or by
monitoring the frequency. Except for a few situations
where some frequency overlap occurs, if you hear
someone else talking, the keying of your transmitter
will be futile and you will probably jam their
receivers causing them to repeat their call. If you have
just changed frequencies, pause, listen, and make sure
the frequency is clear.
b. Think before keying your transmitter. Know
what you want to say and if it is lengthy; e.g., a flight
plan or IFR position report, jot it down.
c. The microphone should be very close to your
lips and after pressing the mike button, a slight pause
may be necessary to be sure the first word is
transmitted. Speak in a normal, conversational tone.
d. When you release the button, wait a few
seconds before calling again. The controller or FSS
specialist may be jotting down your number, looking
for your flight plan, transmitting on a different
frequency, or selecting the transmitter for your
e. Be alert to the sounds or the lack of sounds in
your receiver. Check your volume, recheck your
frequency, and make sure that your microphone is not
stuck in the transmit position. Frequency blockage
can, and has, occurred for extended periods of time
due to unintentional transmitter operation. This type
of interference is commonly referred to as a “stuck
mike,” and controllers may refer to it in this manner
when attempting to assign an alternate frequency. If
the assigned frequency is completely blocked by this
type of interference, use the procedures described for
en route IFR radio frequency outage to establish or
reestablish communications with ATC.
f. Be sure that you are within the performance
range of your radio equipment and the ground station
equipment. Remote radio sites do not always transmit
and receive on all of a facility's available frequencies,
particularly with regard to VOR sites where you can
hear but not reach a ground station's receiver.
Remember that higher altitudes increase the range of
VHF “line of sight” communications.
4-2-3. Contact Procedures
a. Initial Contact.
1. The terms initial contact or initial callup
means the first radio call you make to a given facility
or the first call to a different controller or FSS
specialist within a facility. Use the following format:
AIM 2/14/08
4-2-2 Radio Communications Phraseology
(a) Name of the facility being called;
(b) Your full aircraft identification as filed in
the flight plan or as discussed in paragraph 4-2-4,
Aircraft Call Signs;
(c) When operating on an airport surface,
state your position.
(d) The type of message to follow or your
request if it is short; and
(e) The word “Over” if required.
EXAMPLE1. “New York Radio, Mooney Three One One Echo.”
2. “Columbia Ground, Cessna Three One Six Zero
Foxtrot, south ramp, I-F-R Memphis.”
3. “Miami Center, Baron Five Six Three Hotel, request
V-F-R traffic advisories.”
2. Many FSSs are equipped with Remote
Communications Outlets (RCOs) and can transmit on
the same frequency at more than one location. The
frequencies available at specific locations are
indicated on charts above FSS communications
boxes. To enable the specialist to utilize the correct
transmitter, advise the location and the frequency on
which you expect a reply.
St. Louis FSS can transmit on frequency 122.3 at either
Farmington, Missouri, or Decatur, Illinois, if you are in the
vicinity of Decatur, your callup should be “Saint Louis
radio, Piper Six Niner Six Yankee, receiving Decatur One
Two Two Point Three.”
3. If radio reception is reasonably assured,
inclusion of your request, your position or altitude,
and the phrase “(ATIS) Information Charlie
received” in the initial contact helps decrease radio
frequency congestion. Use discretion; do not
overload the controller with information unneeded or
superfluous. If you do not get a response from the
ground station, recheck your radios or use another
transmitter, but keep the next contact short.
EXAMPLE“Atlanta Center, Duke Four One Romeo, request V-F-R
traffic advisories, Twenty Northwest Rome, seven thousand
five hundred, over.”
b. Initial Contact When Your Transmitting and
Receiving Frequencies are Different.
1. If you are attempting to establish contact with
a ground station and you are receiving on a different
frequency than that transmitted, indicate the VOR
name or the frequency on which you expect a reply.
Most FSSs and control facilities can transmit on
several VOR stations in the area. Use the appropriate
FSS call sign as indicated on charts.
New York FSS transmits on the Kennedy, the Hampton, and
the Calverton VORTACs. If you are in the Calverton area,
your callup should be “New York radio, Cessna Three One
Six Zero Foxtrot, receiving Calverton V-O-R, over.”
2. If the chart indicates FSS frequencies above
the VORTAC or in the FSS communications boxes,
transmit or receive on those frequencies nearest your
3. When unable to establish contact and you
wish to call any ground station, use the phrase “ANY
RADIO (tower) (station), GIVE CESSNA THREE
(frequency) OR (V-O-R).” If an emergency exists or
you need assistance, so state.
c. Subsequent Contacts and Responses to
Callup from a Ground Facility.
Use the same format as used for the initial contact
except you should state your message or request with
the callup in one transmission. The ground station
name and the word “Over” may be omitted if the
message requires an obvious reply and there is no
possibility for misunderstandings. You should
acknowledge all callups or clearances unless the
controller or FSS specialist advises otherwise. There
are some occasions when controllers must issue
time-critical instructions to other aircraft, and they
may be in a position to observe your response, either
visually or on radar. If the situation demands your
response, take appropriate action or immediately
advise the facility of any problem. Acknowledge with
your aircraft identification, either at the beginning or
at the end of your transmission, and one of the words
“Wilco,” “Roger,” “Affirmative,” “Negative,” or
other appropriate remarks; e.g., “PIPER TWO ONE
FOUR LIMA, ROGER.” If you have been receiving
services; e.g., VFR traffic advisories and you are
leaving the area or changing frequencies, advise the
ATC facility and terminate contact.
d. Acknowledgement of Frequency Changes.
1. When advised by ATC to change frequencies,
acknowledge the instruction. If you select the new
frequency without an acknowledgement, the control-
ler's workload is increased because there is no way of
knowing whether you received the instruction or have
had radio communications failure.
AIM 2/14/08
Radio Communications Phraseology
2. At times, a controller/specialist may be
working a sector with multiple frequency assign-
ments. In order to eliminate unnecessary verbiage
and to free the controller/specialist for higher priority
transmissions, the controller/specialist may request
the pilot “(Identification), change to my frequency
123.4.” This phrase should alert the pilot that the
controller/specialist is only changing frequencies, not
controller/specialist, and that initial callup phraseolo-
gy may be abbreviated.
EXAMPLE“United Two Twenty-Two on one two three point four” or
“one two three point four, United Two Twenty-Two.”
e. Compliance with Frequency Changes.
When instructed by ATC to change frequencies,
select the new frequency as soon as possible unless
instructed to make the change at a specific time, fix,
or altitude. A delay in making the change could result
in an untimely receipt of important information. If
you are instructed to make the frequency change at a
specific time, fix, or altitude, monitor the frequency
you are on until reaching the specified time, fix, or
altitudes unless instructed otherwise by ATC.
AIM, ARTCC Communications, Paragraph 5-3-1.
4-2-4. Aircraft Call Signs
a. Precautions in the Use of Call Signs.
1. Improper use of call signs can result in pilots
executing a clearance intended for another aircraft.
Call signs should never be abbreviated on an initial
contact or at any time when other aircraft call signs
have similar numbers/sounds or identical letters/
number; e.g., Cessna 6132F, Cessna 1622F,
Baron_123F, Cherokee 7732F, etc.
Assume that a controller issues an approach clearance to
an aircraft at the bottom of a holding stack and an aircraft
with a similar call sign (at the top of the stack)
acknowledges the clearance with the last two or three
numbers of the aircraft's call sign. If the aircraft at the
bottom of the stack did not hear the clearance and
intervene, flight safety would be affected, and there would
be no reason for either the controller or pilot to suspect that
anything is wrong. This kind of “human factors” error can
strike swiftly and is extremely difficult to rectify.
2. Pilots, therefore, must be certain that aircraft
identification is complete and clearly identified
before taking action on an ATC clearance. ATC
specialists will not abbreviate call signs of air carrier
or other civil aircraft having authorized call signs.
ATC specialists may initiate abbreviated call signs of
other aircraft by using the prefix and the last three
digits/letters of the aircraft identification after
communications are established. The pilot may use
the abbreviated call sign in subsequent contacts with
the ATC specialist. When aware of similar/identical
call signs, ATC specialists will take action to
minimize errors by emphasizing certain numbers/let-
ters, by repeating the entire call sign, by repeating the
prefix, or by asking pilots to use a different call sign
temporarily. Pilots should use the phrase “VERIFY
CLEARANCE FOR (your complete call sign)” if
doubt exists concerning proper identity.
3. Civil aircraft pilots should state the aircraft
type, model or manufacturer's name, followed by the
digits/letters of the registration number. When the
aircraft manufacturer's name or model is stated, the
prefix “N” is dropped; e.g., Aztec Two Four Six Four
EXAMPLE1. Bonanza Six Five Five Golf.
2. Breezy Six One Three Romeo Experimental (omit
“Experimental” after initial contact).
4. Air Taxi or other commercial operators not
having FAA authorized call signs should prefix their
normal identification with the phonetic word
Tango Aztec Two Four Six Four Alpha.
5. Air carriers and commuter air carriers having
FAA authorized call signs should identify themselves
by stating the complete call sign (using group form
for the numbers) and the word “heavy” if appropriate.
EXAMPLE1. United Twenty-Five Heavy.
2. Midwest Commuter Seven Eleven.
6. Military aircraft use a variety of systems
including serial numbers, word call signs, and
combinations of letters/numbers. Examples include
Army Copter 48931; Air Force 61782; REACH
31792; Pat 157; Air Evac 17652; Navy Golf Alfa
Kilo_21; Marine 4 Charlie 36, etc.
AIM 2/14/08
发表于 2008-12-21 00:11:59
4-2-4 Radio Communications Phraseology
b. Air Ambulance Flights.
Because of the priority afforded air ambulance flights
in the ATC system, extreme discretion is necessary
when using the term “LIFEGUARD.” It is only
intended for those missions of an urgent medical
nature and to be utilized only for that portion of the
flight requiring expeditious handling. When re-
quested by the pilot, necessary notification to
expedite ground handling of patients, etc., is provided
by ATC; however, when possible, this information
should be passed in advance through non-ATC
communications systems.
1. Civilian air ambulance flights responding to
medical emergencies (first call to an accident scene,
carrying patients, organ donors, organs, or other
urgently needed lifesaving medical material) will be
expedited by ATC when necessary. When expedi-
tious handling is necessary, add the word
“LIFEGUARD” in the remarks section of the flight
plan. In radio communications, use the call sign
“LIFEGUARD” followed by the aircraft registration
2. Similar provisions have been made for the use
of “AIR EVAC” and “MED EVAC” by military air
ambulance flights, except that these military flights
will receive priority handling only when specifically
Lifeguard Two Six Four Six.
发表于 2008-12-21 00:12:11
3. Air carrier and Air Taxi flights responding to
medical emergencies will also be expedited by ATC
when necessary. The nature of these medical
emergency flights usually concerns the transporta-
tion of urgently needed lifesaving medical materials
or vital organs. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THE
REQUIRED. Pilots shall ensure that the word
“LIFEGUARD” is included in the remarks section of
the flight plan and use the call sign “LIFEGUARD”
followed by the company name and flight number for
all transmissions when expeditious handling is
required. It is important for ATC to be aware of
“LIFEGUARD” status, and it is the pilot's
responsibility to ensure that this information is
provided to ATC.
Lifeguard Delta Thirty-Seven.
c. Student Pilots Radio Identification.