我想看看!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 Thank you ~ 好东西!!!!!1感谢楼主!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .................... 有点夸张啊,不用搞成这样~~ pulsed electromagnetic radiation. A thin layer of the object's surface violently and rapidly boils off; the resulting vapor suddenly exerts pressure against the surface, generating a pressure wave at the surface. This shock wave then propagates through the material and can cause melting, vaporization, spallation, and structural failure of the object. ABM Anti-Ballistic Missile. ABMDA OBSOLETE. Advanced Ballistic Missile Defense Agency. ABM Treaty Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972, signed and ratified by the (former) Soviet Union and the United States, limiting deployment on each side to one site comprising 100 interceptors, 100 launchers thank you `` 非常感谢非常感谢 不错!谢谢楼主了 谢谢楼主了