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Acceptance Test
and Evaluation
T&E of production items to demonstrate that items procured fulfill the
requirements and specifications of the procuring contract or agreements.
Production and
Normally the fourth phase in the acquisition process following Milestone III.
Systems are procured, items are manufactured, operational units are trained,
and the systems are deployed.
The Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) approved at Milestone III, applicable to
the effort in Phase III, Production and Deployment.
The procedure of planning, routing, scheduling, dispatching, and expediting the
flow of materials, parts, subassemblies, and assemblies within the plant from the
raw state to the finished product in an orderly and efficient manner.
The likelihood that a system design concept can be produced using existing
production technology while simultaneously meeting quality, production rate, and
cost requirements.
Qualification Test
A technical test conducted post MS III to ensure the effectiveness of the
manufacturing process, equipment, and procedures. This testing also serves the
purpose of providing data for the independent evaluation required for materiel
release so that the evaluator can address the adequacy of the materiel with
respect to the stated requirements. These tests are conducted on a number of
samples taken at random from the first production lot, and are repeated if the
process or design is changed significantly, and when a second or alternative
source is brought on line. Program funding category -- Procurement.
The state or condition or preparedness of a system to proceed into production.
A system is ready for production when the producibility of the production design
and the managerial and physical preparations necessary for initiating and
sustaining a viable production effort have progressed to the point where a
production commitment can be made without incurring unacceptable risks that
will breach thresholds of schedule, performance, cost, or other established
Review (PRR)
A formal examination of a program to determine if the design is ready for
production, production-engineering problems have been resolved, and the
producer has accomplished adequate planning for the production phase.
Performed toward the end of FSD. (Defense Systems Management College)
Prograde Orbit An orbit having an inclination of between 0° and 90° with the object moving in an
easterly direction. (Retrograde Orbit.)
Program (1) A DoD acquisition program.
(2) As a verb, schedule funds to meet requirements and plans.
(3) A major, independent part of a software system.
(4) A defined effort funded by RDT&E and/or procurement appropriations
with the express objective of providing a new or improved capability in
response to a stated mission need or deficiency.
Acquisition Cost
The estimated cost of development (RDT&E), procurement, and system specific
military construction (MILCON) necessary to acquire the defense system. RDT&E
costs shall be accumulated from the point in time when the DoD acquisition
program is designated by title as a program element or major project within a
program element. MILCON costs shall include only those projects that directly
support and uniquely identify with the system.
Acquisition Program Baseline.
Program Budget
Decision (PBD)
Secretary of Defense decision documents that affirm or change dollar amounts
or manpower allowances in the services’ budget estimate submissions.
Program Change
A decision by SECDEF issued in a prescribed format that authorizes changes in
the structure of the FYDP.
Program Change
Prepared in a prescribed format, it is a proposal for out-of-cycle changes to data
recorded in the approved FYDP.
Program Cost
Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation. Appropriations to fund the
efforts performed by contractors and government activities, including
procurement of end items, weapons, materiel, components, materials and
services required for the development of equipment, material, computer
application software, and its development and initial operational test and
evaluation. RDT&E also funds the operation of dedicated R&D installations
activities for the conduct of R&D programs.

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Procurement. Appropriations to fund those acquisition programs that have been
approved for production, and all costs integral and necessary to deliver a useful
end item intended for operational use or inventory upon delivery.
Operations & Maintenance. Appropriations to fund expenses such as civilian
salaries, travel, minor construction projects, operating military forces, training and
education, depot maintenance, stock funds, and base operations support.
Military Personnel. Appropriations to fund costs of salaries and other
compensation for active and retired military personnel and reserve forces based
on end strength.
Military Construction. Appropriations to fund major projects such as bases,
schools, missile storage facilities, maintenance facilities, medical/dental clinics,
libraries, and military family housing.
Costs budgeted in the O&M and Military Personnel appropriations are
considered expenses. Costs budgeted in the Procurement and Military
Construction appropriations are considered investments. Costs budgeted in the
RDT&E and Family Housing appropriations include both expenses and
SECDEF’s approval of Military Department or Defense Agency POM with
tentative specific guidance. Issued in July every two years during biennial
Development and
Risk Reduction
The acquisition phase when major program characteristics and product designs
are refined through extensive study and analysis, hardware development, test,
and evaluation. The objective is to validate the choice of alternatives and to
provide the basis for determining whether or not to proceed into Engineering and
Manufacturing development (EMD).
Program Element
The 11 major force elements are subdivided into Program Elements. The
program element is the basic building block of the FYDP. It is defined as “an
integrated combination of men, equipment and facilities which together
constitute an identifiable military capability of support activity.” It identifies the
mission to be undertaken and the organizational entities to perform the mission.
Elements may consist of forces, manpower, materiel, services, and/or associated
costs. The PE consists of seven digits ending with a letter indicating appropriate
Program Element
Monitor (PEM)
Person within HQ USAF office who is directly responsible for a given program
and all documentation needed to harmonize the program in the budget.
A technique for management of a program through to completion by constructing
a network model of integrated activities and events and periodically evaluating
the time/cost implications of progress.
Executive Officer
A military or civilian official who has primary responsibility for directing several
acquisition category I programs and for assigned Acquisition Category II, III, and
IV programs. A Program Executive Officer has no other command or staff
responsibilities within the Component, and only reports to and receives guidance
and direction from the DoD Component Acquisition Executive.
The process whereby a single leader and team are responsible for planning,
organizing, coordinating, directing, and controlling the combined efforts of
participating/assigned civilian and military personnel and organizations in
accomplishing program objectives. Provides centralized authority, responsibility,
and point of contact for a specific acquisition program.
Agreement (PMA)
The guiding agreement between the BMDAE and the SAEs covering the broad
objectives, funding, and expectations of each Service with respect to a specific
MDA-funded activity.
The document developed and issued by the program manager, which shows the
integrated multi-functional time-phased actions and resources required to
complete the task.
Manager (PM)
A military or civilian official who is responsible for managing an acquisition
Programmatic Pertaining to the cost, schedule, and performance characteristics of an
acquisition program.

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An annual memorandum in prescribed format submitted to the SECDEF in May
by the DoD Component Head, which recommends the total resource
requirements and programs within the parameters of the SECDEF's fiscal
guidance. A major document in the PPBS; it ultimately becomes the
Component's budget.
Integrator (PI)
The MDA staff member assigned responsibility for integrating all tasks within a
project. Single point-of-contact for information and activities involving a MDA
technology, NMD planning, or a TMD acquisition project.
Programming The projection of activities to be accomplished and the resources that will be
required for a specified period in the future. The process of preparing a
program, especially in terms of quantitative, physical requirements, manpower,
materiel, and facilities. The process of establishing and maintaining a program.
PROGRUS Program Update Studies.
Project (1) Synonymous with program in general usage.
(2) Specifically, a planned undertaking having a finite beginning and
ending, involving definition, development, production, and logistics
support of a major weapon or weapon support system or systems. A
project may be the whole or a part of a program. Within the Navy, a
Designated Project is a project, which, because of its importance or
critical nature, has been selected for intensified project management.
(3) A planned undertaking of something to be accomplished, produced, or
constructed, having a finite beginning and a finite ending.
Project Office The office of the program manager and the point of contact with industry,
government agencies, and other activities participating in the system acquisition
process. (USASSDC) (Note: USAF uses the term System Program Office).
Project Planning
Guidance (PPG)
High-level summary document that defines the work to be performed by each
Executing Agent in support of the BMD program.
Project Summary
Work Breakdown
Structure (WBS)
A summary WBS tailored to a specific defense materiel item by selecting
applicable elements from one or more summary WBSs or by adding equivalent
elements unique to the project (MIL-STD-881A).
The process by which nations sequentially come into possession of, or acquire
the right to determine the use of, nuclear weapons, thus enabling each to
launch a nuclear attack upon another nation.
Proof of Principle
Technical demonstration and troop experimentation conducted with brassboard
configuration, subsystems, or surrogate systems, using troops in a realistic field
environment. The process examines the organization and operational concept,
provides data to improve requirements and evaluation criteria, and provides data
on which to base the decision to enter EMD (Army).
Proprietary Right A broad contractor term used to describe data belonging to the contractor. This
data could be intellectual property, financial data, etc. The Government when
referencing technical data does not recognize this category. (Defense Systems
Management College Glossary)
The aggregated value for each impact point prediction specifying the order of
Proto Prototype.
PRP Personnel Reliability Program (ILS term).
PRR Production Readiness Review.
PS (1) Physical Security. (2) Product Service.
PSA Production Shakedown Availability.
PSAC President’s Science Advisory Committee.
PSC Principle Subordinate Command.
PSCC Physical Security Control Center.
PSD Power System Demonstrator.
PSE Peculiar Support Element.
Psi Pounds per Square Inch.
PSM Portable Space Model.
PSN Packet Switching Node.
PSP Program Support Plan.
PSRR Preliminary System Requirements Review.
PSS (1) Passive Sensor System. (2) Passive Surveillance Sensor (Project 1106 term).
PSSC Preliminary System Security Concept.
PSW Packet Switching.
PSYOP Psychological Operations.
PsyOps Psychological Operations.
PTBT Partial Test Ban Treaty.
PTDB Problem Tracking Data Base.
PTE Processor Test Environment.
PTI Pacific Telecom, Incorporated.

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PTO Participating Test Organization.
PTPM Product Transition Procedure Manual.
PtSi Platinum Silicide.
PTV Propulsion Test Vehicle.
PTWG Producible Technology Working Groups.
Pu Plutonium.
Pulse Duration In radar, measurement of pulse transmission time in microseconds, that is, the
time the radar’s transmitter is energized during each cycle.
Pulse Repetition
In radar, the number of pulses the occur each second. Not to be confused with
transmission frequency which is determined by the rate at which cycles are
repeated within the transmitted pulse.
Pulsed Power
Radiated fields that have very high instantaneous peak field strengths or power
density but significantly lower average values.
Pumping The raising of the molecules or atoms of a lasant to an energy state above the
normal lowest state to produce laser light. This results when they fall back to a
lower state. Pumping may be done using electrical, chemical, or nuclear energy.
PUR Program Update Review (OSD term).
Purchase Order
A contractual procurement document used primarily to procure supplies and nonpersonal services when the aggregate amount involved in any one transaction is
relatively small (e.g., not exceeding $10,000).
PV HCT Photovoltaic Mercury Cadmium Telluride.
PVB Project Validation Board (MILCON term).
Russian organization formerly responsible for the air and space defense of their
PVT Payload Verification Test.
pW Picowatt.
PWBS Program Work Breakdown Structure.
PWG Product Working Group.
PWR Pressurized Water Reactor.
PY Prior Year.
Pyrotechnic A mixture of chemicals which, when ignited, is capable of reacting exothermically
to produce light, heat, smoke, sound, or gas, and may be also used to introduce
a delay into an explosive train because of its known burning time. The term
excludes propellants and explosives.
Q Quarter .
Q&R Qualification and Reliability.
Q/FY (number) Quarter/Fiscal Year (number), e.g., 4Q/FY98
QA Quality Assurance.
QAE Quality Assurance Evaluator.
QAMSP Quality Assurance Master Surveillance Plan.
QC Quality Control.
QDR Quadrennial Defense Review (US Congress/DoD term).
QFR Question for Record.
QIP Quality Improvement Prototype.
QLD Quick Look Display.
QM (1) Queen Match. (2) Quartermaster.
QM/DX Queen Match/Discrimination Experiment.
QMB Quality Management Board.
QPP Quality Program Plan.
QPR Quality Program Review.
QPSR Quarterly Program Status Review.
QQPRI Qualitative and Quantitative Personnel Requirements Information.
QRA (1) Quartz Resonant Accelerometer
(2) Quick Reaction Alert.
(3) Quick Reaction Aircraft (US).
QRC Quick Reaction Capability.
QRG Quick Reference Guide.
QRM Quick Response Missile.
QRP Quick Response Program (PATRIOT).
QRP Radar Quick Response Program Radar.
QRS (1) Quartz Resonant Sensor. (2) Quick Reaction Software.
QSR Quadrennial Strategy Review.
Qtrly Quarterly.
Quad-D/ADI Quad-D/Advanced Discriminating Interceptor.
Qualification Test This test simulates defined environmental conditions with a predetermined safety
factor, the results indicating whether a given design can perform its function
within the simulated environment of a system. The test usually is not conducted
on models using production tooling and processes.
Query A request for identification of a set of assets, expressed in terms of a set of
criteria, which the identified item must satisfy.
Quick Reaction
Launch Vehicle
A store for a sequence of packets, or messages, which are waiting to be
processed. A transmit queue for instance is a store of packets waiting to be
A Congressionally mandated program to provide surrogate launch vehicles in
support of the Northern Edge exercise in 2001 and 2002. In addition the QRLV
has participated in several experiments for various users.
QWIP Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector.
R&A Reliability and Availability.

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R&D Research and Development.
R&M Reliability and Maintainability.
R-T Real Time.
R/ASR Review as Required.
R/W Read/Write.
R2 (1) Recovery and Reconstitution. (2) Reporting Responsibility.
R2 P2 Rapid-Retargeting/Precision Pointing (simulator).
Rotary Reciprocating Refrigerator.
RAA Risk Approval Authority.
RAAF Royal Australian Air Force.
RACE Research in Advanced Communications in Europe.
RAD (1) Radiation Absorbed Dose. (2) Radiation Accumulated Dose.
Rad Hard Radiation Hardened.
Radar (Formerly an acronym for Radio Detection and Ranging.) A technique for detecting targets in the atmosphere or in space by transmitting radio waves (e.g.,
microwaves) and sensing the waves reflected by objects. The reflected waves
(called "returns" or "echoes") provide information on the distance to the target
and the velocity of the target, and also may provide information about the shape
of the target.
Radar Beacon A receiver-transmitter combination which sends out a coded signal when
triggered by the proper type of pulse, enabling determination of range and
bearing information by the interrogating station or aircraft.
Radar Cross
Section (RCS)
Area of an object as scanned by radar; measured in square meters.
Radar Netting The linking of several radars to a single center to provide integrated target
RADC (1) Region Air Defense Commander. (2) OBSOLETE. Rome Air Development
Center. (Now called Rome Laboratory.)
RADEC Radiation Detection Capability.
RADHAZ (1) Electromagnetic Radiation Hazard. (2) Hazards form electromagnetic
The total amount of thermal radiation energy received per unit area of exposed
surface; it is usually expressed in calories per square centimeter.
Radiation (1) The emission and propagation of waves transmitting energy through
space or through some medium; for example, the emission and
propagation of electromagnetic, sound, or elastic waves.
(2) The energy transmitted by waves through space or some medium; when
unqualified, usually refers to electromagnetic radiation. Also known as
radiant energy.
(3) A stream of particles, such as electrons, neutrons, protons, alpha
particles, or high-energy photons, or a mixture of these. (See Ionizing
Radiation, Nuclear Radiation, and Thermal Radiation.)
Protection of a particular system, subsystem, or component from functional
damage due to the effects of nuclear (or other) radiation by shielding the
vulnerable components from the radiation, or using other passive techniques in
manufacturing effects of nuclear (or other) radiation.
RADIC System Rapidly Deployable Integrated Command and Control System.
RADINT Radar Intelligence.
Radio Blackout
The complete disruption of radio (or radar) signal over large areas caused by the
ionization accompanying a high altitude nuclear explosion, especially above
about 40 miles.
Radioactive (or
Nuclear) Cloud
An all-inclusive term for the volume of hot gases, smoke, dust, and other
particulate matter from the nuclear weapon itself and from its environment, that is
carried aloft in conjunction with the rising fireball produced by the detonation of a
nuclear weapon.
Radioactivity The spontaneous emission of radiation, generally alpha or beta particles, often
accompanied by gamma rays, from the nuclei or an unstable isotope.
RADOT Recording Automatic Digital Optical Tracker.
RAG Red-Amber-Green (MDA/POC assessment term).
Rail Gun (RG) A weapon using metallic rails and electromagnetic energy to fire hypervelocity
RAM (1) Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability. (2) Random Access Memory
RAMA (1) Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability.
(2) Random Access Memory.
(3) Radar Absorption Material.
RAMOS (1) Russian-American Observation Satellite.
(2) Reliability, availability, maintainability, operations, and support.
RAMS Resource Management Accounting System.
Random Defense Engagement of RVs uniformly without any reference to type or destination. This
implies taking the best shot possible in terms of increasing probability to kill.
Range Resolution The difference between the true distance (from sensor) to target and the
calculated distance to target based on sensor data, at maximum sensor range.
RAP Remote Access Panel.
RAPIER Rapid Emergency Relocation Team.
RAPTOR Responsive Aircraft Program for Theater Operations. A high-altitude, long
endurance airborne sensor platform.
RAPTOR/TALON A technology demonstration program to demonstrate critical technologies for an
unmanned airborne weapons system providing a boost phase intercept
RARSAT Radar Ocean Reconnaissance Satellite.
RAS (1) Requirements Allocation Sheet. (2) Remote Access Set.
RASA Remote Command Safety System.
Rationalization Any action that increases the effectiveness of allied forces through more efficient
or effective use of defense resources committed to the alliance. Rationalization
includes consolidation, reassignment of national priorities to higher alliance
needs, standardization, specialization, mutual support or improved
interoperability, and greater cooperation. Rationalization applies to both
weapons/materiel resources and non-weapons military matters.
RB Reentry Body.
RBECS Revised Battlefield Electronic CEOI System (US Army-sponsored).
RBO Radio Blackout.
RC/CC Responsibility Center/Cost Center.
RCF Radar Correlation Function.

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RCM (1) Reliability Centered Maintenance.
(2) Requirements Correlation Matrix (AF).
(3) Resource Consumption Model.
RCR Rate Capability Review (USA term).
RCS Radar Cross-Section.
RCSR Radar Cross-Section Reduction.
RCSS Range Command Safety System.
RCU (1) Rate Changes Unit. (2) Remote Control Unit. (3) Reactor Control Unit.
RCVR Receiver.
RD Readiness Demonstrator (SBL Program term).
RDA Research, Development and Acquisition.
RDBMS Relational Database Management System (Computer term).
RDC Research and Development Contract.
RDD Requirements Driven Design.
RDD-100 Requirements Driven Development
RDG Random Data Generator.
RDS Regional Defense System.
RDT&E Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation.
RDT&E Program
The five divisions the comprise Major Force Program 06 (R&D) in the FYDP.
They are:
•6.1 Basic Research
•6.2 Exploratory Development
•6.3 Advanced Development
•6.4 Engineering Development
•6.5 Management and Support.
Operational System development, not a designated category, is funded in
RDT&E appropriations but not in Major Force Program 06.
RE Radar Enhancement (USA term).
Re Targeting The ability of the system to recomputed the direction of sensors and/or weapons
to intercept a target that was missed on the first attempt, or that was superseded
by a higher priority target.
REACT Rapid Execution and Combat Targeting.
Reaction Decoy A decoy deployed only upon warning or suspicion of imminent attack.
A specific status defining the relative responsiveness of BMD assets and
personnel to perform a USSPACECOM BMD mission.
Real Time (1) Pertaining to the processing of data by computer in connection with
another process outside the computer according to time requirements
improved by the outside process. This term is used to describe systems
operating in conversational mode, and processes that can be influenced
by human intervention, while they are in progress.
(2) Pertaining to the actual time during which a physical process transpires,
for example, the performance of a computation during the actual time
that the related physical process transpires, in order that results of the
computation can be used in guiding the physical process.
Real World Data Data derived from physical experimentation concerning phenomenology
associated with technical functioning of SDS, particularly regarding target
signatures, background observables, sensor functions, weapon functions, and
Real World Data
The provision, to SEIC users, of access to real world data, in fashion timely and
otherwise suitable to meet users’ needs (e.g. for validation of a test bed).
REC Radio-Electronic Combat.
RECCE Reconnaissance.
Reclama A formal appeal to the service comptroller of SECDEF’s tentative budget decision
on the service budget estimates.
RECON Reconnaissance.
Reconciliation Directives to standing committees contained in congressional budget resolutions
calling for certain dollar savings and a deadline for reporting legislation to
achieve the savings. Omnibus reconciliation bill incorporating these changes is
introduced and acted on in both houses.
Reconstitute To restore, during periods of hostile engagements or during peacetime, military
forces or elements as closely as possible to a desired state of readiness for
A process to identify and define potential countermeasures that would degrade
aspects of ballistic missile defense. The process – akin to a wargame – pits a
Red team fielded by DSIM and a Blue team fielded by AQ. A senior review
panel acts as the referee.
REDCAP Real-time Electromagnetic Digitally Controlled Analyzer and Processor (USAF
Redout The degradation of infrared sensor resolution due to high-altitude nuclear bursts.
Radiation from these bursts causes fluorescence-emission of light from air
molecules. The emitted light lies within the long-wave IR spectrum so the
atmosphere below appears to the sensor to glow more brightly than usual.
Redundancy The inclusion of duplicate or alternate system elements to improve operational
reliability by ensuring continued operation in the event that a primary element
Reengineering The process of examining, altering, and re-implementing an existing computer
system to reconstitute it in a new form.
Reentry The return of objects originally launched from earth, into the atmosphere.
Reentry Angle Elevation angle of velocity vector relative to local horizontal plane when
reentering object reaches 92km.
Reentry Phase That portion of the trajectory of a ballistic missile or space vehicle where there is
a significant interaction of the vehicle and the earth’s atmosphere.
Reentry Vehicle
(1) Reentry vehicles are objects containing nuclear warheads. They are
released from the last stage of a booster rocket or from a post-boost
vehicle early in the ballistic trajectory. They are thermally insulated to
survive rapid heating during the high velocities of reentry into the
atmosphere, and are designed to protect their contents until detonation
at their targets.
(2) That part of a space vehicle designed to re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere
n the terminal portion of its trajectory.
Regional Defense
System (RDS)
That portion of the SDS that provides defense for a specific geographic region,
such as the European Theater.
Center (ROC)
A group of fixed and/or mobile centers with OPCON over allocated ground based
sensors and weapons.
Control Center
The command function for CONUS, Canadian and Alaska NORAD Regions,
referred to as “regions.” In the Alaska NORAD region, the ROCC is also the
central intelligence, communications and operations control center established
for the purpose of supervising and coordinating the combat effort of all air
defense forces made available to the Alaska NORAD region commander. Under
normal operating conditions (not degraded), the ROCC is responsible for the
identification function and for air and ballistic missile defense of North America.
Regrade To determine that certain classified information requires, in the interests of
national security, a higher or lower degree of protection against unauthorized
disclosure than currently provided, coupled with a changing of the classification
designation to reflect such higher or lower degree.
REL NAV Relative Navigation (JTIDS term).
Relay Mirror Part of a ground-based laser system.

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Reliability and
Reliability and maintainability design parameters are key factors in the design of
affordable and supportable systems. R&M parameters provide inputs into the
design and LSA processes that quantitatively link system readiness to the ILS
elements. One of the principal elements of ILS.
Availability, and
Those requirements imposed on acquisition systems to ensure they are
operationally ready for use when needed, will successfully perform assigned
functions, and can be economically operated and maintained within the scope of
logistics concepts and policies. RAM programs are applicable to materiel
systems, test measurement and diagnostic equipment, training devices, and
facilities developed, produced, maintained, procured, or modified for use. (See
individual definitions for Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability.)
REM Roentgen Equivalent Man.
Remotely Piloted
Vehicle (RPV)
An unmanned vehicle capable of being controlled from a distant location through
a communication link. It is normally designed to be recoverable. See also
Repairability The probability that a failed system will be restored to operable condition within a
specified active repair time.
A receiver transmitter device that amplifies, multiplies and retransmits the signals
received, for purposes of deception or jamming.
Report Back Information returned from system elements that verify that directions have been
received and carried out. Also includes information regarding system
Time required to re-target an alert missile.
Reprogramming The transfer of funds between program element and line items within an
appropriation for purposes other than those contemplated at the time of
appropriation. Appropriate congressional committees generally accomplish
reprogramming pursuant to consultation with and approval.
Request for
Proposal (RFP)
A solicitation used in negotiated acquisition to communicate government
requirements to prospective contractors and to solicit proposals.
Request for
A solicitation used in negotiated acquisition to communicate government
requirements to prospective contractors and to solicit a quotation. A response to
an RFQ is not an offer. It is informational in character.
Capability (ROC)
OBSOLETE. A document stating need and specific operational capability.
Replaced by the Operational Requirements Document (Army, USMC).
Operational Requirements Document.
System parameters that are primary indicators of the system’s capability to be
employed to perform the required mission functions, and to be supported.
Quantitative system performance parameters, approved by the DoD Component,
that are selected as primary indicators of technical achievement of engineering
thresholds. These might not be direct measures of, but should always relate to,
a system's capability to perform its required mission function and to be
supported. Required technical characteristics are usually tested and evaluated
by developmental testing and evaluation (DT&E) to ascertain achievement of
approved goals and thresholds for these characteristics. Critical technical
characteristics selected for a DAB program baseline are reviewed and further
approved through the DAB process.
An analysis to determine and document the need for resources to perform the
agency’s mission.
A document that sets forth the requirements for a system or system component;
for example, a software configuration item. Typically included are functional
requirements, performance requirements, interface requirements, design
requirements, and development standards.
RES (1) Remote Engagement Section (HAWK TBM weapons system term).
(2) Resolution.
RESA Research, Evaluation, and Systems Analysis simulation facility (USN), San Diego,
Rescission An action by the President canceling budget authority previously appropriated
but not yet obligated or spent. If both Houses of Congress do not approve the
proposed rescission within 45 days, the President must obligate the BA as
intended by Congress.
Research and
Those program costs primarily associated with R&D efforts including the
development of a new or improved capability to the point where it is ready for
use. They include equipment costs funded under RDT&E appropriations and
related military construction appropriation costs. They exclude costs that appear
in the military personnel, operation and maintenance, and procurement
Test, and
Activities for the development of a new system that include basic and exploratory
research, advanced and engineering development, development and
operational testing and the evaluation of test results. Also, an appropriation
category that includes funds allocated to the FYDP major force program 6.
(Defense Systems Management College)
Resident Space
Object (RSO)
The Cheyenne Mountain Complex maintains object, which is currently on-orbit
and whose element set parameters.
RESOL Resolution.
Resolution (1) The ability of a sensor to measure the separation of an image into its
constituent objects so that single objects are visible and distinguishable.
(2) A measurement of the smallest detail that can be distinguished by a
sensor system under specific conditions.
Response Plan
The continual comparison of the nature of the observed threat with the defense
system capabilities and selects the best way to attack the threat in accordance
with established priorities and specified strategy.
The threat after taking into account modernization and countermeasures
introduced to offset the capabilities of the SDS.
Restitution The process of determining the true planimetric position of objects whose images
appear on photographs.
Retrofit Action Action taken to modify in-service equipment.
Retrograde Orbit An orbit having inclination of 0 to 90 degrees (See Prograde Orbit).
The process of analyzing a computer system’s software to identify components
and their interrelationships.
REVIC Revised Enhanced Version of Intermediate COCOMO (Computer term).
Revisit Interval The time that elapses between successive observations of an object from a
single sensor.

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RF (1) Radio Frequency. (2) Response Force.
RFFEL Radio Frequency Linac.
RFI (1) Request for Issue. (2) Request for Information. (3) Radio Frequency
RFL Radio Frequency Linac.
RFLINAC Radio Frequency Linear Accelerator.
RFOG Resonant Fiber Optic Gyro.
RFP Request for Proposal.
RFQ Radio Frequency Quadrupole (Accelerator).
RG (1) Rail Gun. (2) Review Group.
RGB Red, Green, Blue (Video Engineering term).
RH Radiation Hardened.
RH Electronics Radiation Hardened Electronics.
RHD Radiation Hardened Electronics.
RHETT II (1) Russian Half Effect Thruster Technology Program.
(2) Russian Hall Electric Thruster Test.
Ri Inherent Reliability.
RIA Range Insensitive Axes.
RIBIT Reverse Illuminated Blocked Impurity Transducer.
RICBM Retro Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.
RIIA Royal Institute of International Affairs (UK).
RIL Repair Items List (ILS term).
RINT Unintentional Radiation Intelligence.
RIS Radar Instruction Set Computer.
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computers.
RISCAE RISC Ada Environment.
Risk Approval
Authority (RAA)
An individual designated by the Director, MDA who makes risk acceptance
decisions. The RAA evaluates trade-offs between threats and such factors as
cost, security, survivability, and safety to achieve a functionally operational,
affordable, and secure system.
Risk Assessment The process of subjectively determining the probability that a specific interplay of
performance, schedule, and cost as an objective, will or will not be attained
along the planned course of action. (Defense Systems Management College)
RISTA Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition.
RIU Range Interface Unit.
Rivet Joint RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft.
RIVET JOINT Name of USAF Reconnaissance project.
RIW Reliability Incentive Warranty.
RL Rome Laboratory, Griffiss Business and Technology Park, NY. (Formerly called
Rome Air Development Center.)
RLA Repair of Level Analysis (ILS term).
RLG Ring Laser Gyro.
RLRIU Routing Logic Radio Interface Unit (PATRIOT).
RLRIU-U Routing Logic Radio Interface Unit – Upgrade (USA term).
Rm Mission Reliability (ILS term).
RM Radioman (USN term).
RMA (1) Reliability, Maintainability and Availability (see RAM) (ILS term).
(2) Revolution in Military Affairs (OSD term).
RMCET Resource Management Concurrent Engineering Team.
RME (1) Relay Mirror Experiment (a satellite launched February 1990 and which
reentered the atmosphere in May 1993). (2) Remote Multiplexer Encoder.
RMI Republic of the Marshall Islands.
RMO Reflectivity.
RMP Risk Management Plan.
RMS (1) Remote Manipulator System. (2) Root Mean Square.
RNAS REL NAV Analytic Simulator (JTIDS term).
RNLAF Royal Netherlands Air Force.
RNLN Royal Netherlands Navy.
ROB Remote Operating Base.
ROBS Rapid Optical Beam Steering (system).
Robust Used in describing a system; indicates its ability to endure and perform its
mission against a responsive threat. Also used to indicate system ability to
survive under direct attack.
Robustness (1) The ability to produce correct results despite input errors.
(2) The existence of coordinated, multiple capabilities that perform the same
broad task/mission. Provides the BMD warfighter with sufficient flexibility
to negate the specified threat with application of a variable mix of ground
and space-based systems. (USSPACECOM)
ROC (1) Regional Operations Center. (2) Required Operational Capability.
ROCC Regional Operations Control Center.
ROD Record of Decision.
ROE Rules of Engagement.
ROF Rate of Fire
ROI Return on Investment.
ROK Republic of Korea.
ROM Rough Order of Magnitude
ROOM Real-time Object-Oriented Methodology.
RORSAT Radar Ocean Reconnaissance Satellite.
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle.
ROW Rest-of-World.
RP (1) Repetitive Pulse. (2) Readiness Posture.
RP&C Resource Planning and Coordination.
RPAC Resource Performance Analysis Center.
RPIE Real Property Installed Equipment.
rpm Revolutions per minute.
RPV Remotely Piloted Vehicle.
Rqmt Requirement.
RQMTS Requirements.
RQn Review Question (AFMC term).
RRDI Range Resolved Doppler Imagining
RRFD Risk Reduction Flight Demonstration.
RRG Requirements Review Group.
RS Radar Set (PATRIOT).

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RSA Russian Space Agency.
RSI Rationalization, Standardization, and Interoperability.
RSIP Radar System Improvement Program.
RSO Resident Space Object.
RSOI Reception, Staging, Operation and force Integration (Joint Forces term).
RSRE Royal Signal and Radar Establishment (UK).
RST Radar System Test (THAAD-GBR)
RSTA Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition.
RSTER Radar Surveillance Technology Experimental Radar (UHF).
RSU Remote Switching Unit.
RSV Re-supply vehicle.
RT (1) Relocation Time (ILS term). (2) Repair Task Distribution (ILS term).
RTC Report to Congress.
RTCA Real Time Casualty Assessment (US Army term).
RTD Radar Technology Demonstration.
RTF Release To Fleet (USN term).
RTG Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator.
RTIM Radar Technology Identification Methodology.
RTO Responsible Test Organization.
RTOV Real Time Operational Verification.
RTOVF Real Time Operational Verification Facility (US Army term).
RTS (1) Request To Send (Telecomm/Computer term). (2) Remote Tracking Station.
RTWP Real Time Wave form Processor (Advanced Technology Demonstration Radar
Rules of
Directives issued by competent military authority which delineate the
circumstances and limitations under which United States forces will initiate and/or
continue combat engagement with other forces encountered.
RUPS Resource User ID and Password System.
RUSI Royal United Services Institute (UK).
RV See Reentry Vehicle.
RV Complex A reentry vehicle and its associated objects.
RV Temperature The temperature of the heat given off by the RV that allows sensors to acquire
RVAO Reentry Vehicle Associated Objects.
Rvw Review.
RW (1) Radiological Weapon. (2) Rotary Wing.
RWPD Real Time Waveform Processing Demonstration.
RWR Radar Warning Receiver.
RWS Remote Workstation.
RX (1) Receive. (2) Receiver.
S Start.
S&A Safe and Arm.
S&T Science and Technology.
S&TI Scientific and Technical Intelligence.
S&TNF Strategic and Theater Nuclear Forces.
S/N (1) Signal-to-Noise Ratio (Also called SNR). (2) Serial Number.
S/NF Secret/No Foreign Security Marking.
S/O Survivability/Operability.
S/SU/AC Systems/System Upgrade/Advanced Concept.
S/T Search/Track.
S/V Survivability and Vulnerability.
S/W Software.
S2 Synchronized and Synergized.
S3 E Space-Based KEW System Simulator/Emulator.
SA (1) Situation Awareness
(2) Secretary of the Army.
SA&I System Architecture and Integration.
SA-N Surface-to-Air, Naval.
SA/BM OBSOLETE. Systems Analysis/Battle Management.
SA/PDL Strategic Defense Ada Process Description Language.
SAAWC Sector Anti-Air Warfare Coordinator (USMC).
SAAWF Sector Anti-Air Warfare Facility (USF term).
SABRS Space and Atmospheric Burst Reporting System.
SAC (1) OBSOLETE. Strategic Air Command (see USSTRATCOM).
(2) Senate Appropriations Committee (US).
SACCS SAC Control System.
SACEUR Supreme Allied Command, Europe.
SACLANT Supreme Allied Command, Atlantic.
SACMA Suppliers of Advanced Composite Materials Association.
SADA Standard Advanced Dewar Assembly.
SADBU Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (of OSD).
SADM System Acquisition Decision Memorandum (Army).
SADO Senior Operations Duty Officer (JFACC term).
SAE Service Acquisition Executive.
SAFEGUARD A U.S. midcourse and terminal phase defense for ICBMs, deployed in 1975 and
deactivated in 1976 due to its limited cost effectiveness.
SAG Senior Advisory Group.
SAGE Semi-Automatic Ground Environment {Air Defense System}.
SAH Semi-active homing.
SAIC Scientific Applications International Corporation.
Saint A satellite inspector system designed to demonstrate the feasibility of
intercepting, inspecting, and reporting on the characteristics of satellites in orbit.
SAINT (1) Satellite Interceptor. (2) Shared Adaptive Internet Technology.
SAIP Semi-Automated Imagery Processing.
SAKT System Architecture and Key Tradeoffs (SDIO term).
SAL Strategic Arms Limitation.
SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
Salvage Fusing The means by which a warhead detonates when an interceptor structurally
attacks it. Generally used as a device for disruption of the defense.
SAM Surface-to-Air Missile.
SAM-D Surface to-Air Missile, Model D (now PATRIOT).
SAMD Security Assistance Management Division.
SAMM Software Acquisition Maturity Matrix.
SAMMES Space Active Modular Materials Experiment.

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SAMOPA Single Accelerator Master Oscillator-Power Amplifier.
SAMOS Satellite and Missile Observation System.
SAMP (1) Single Acquisition Management Plan.
(2) Security Accreditation Management Plan.
SAMP/T Sol-Air Moyenne Portee/Terre (Surface-Air Medium Portable/Terrestrial – French-
Italian missile).
SAMS Spacecraft Assembly, Maintenance and Servicing Study.
SAMTEC OBSOLETE. Space and Missile Systems Test Center, Vandenberg AFB, CA.
SAMTO OBSOLETE. Space and Missile Test Organization, Vandenberg AFB, CA.
SAO Security Assistance Organization.
SAP Special Access Program.
SAR (1) Synthetic Aperture Radar.
(2) Selected Acquisition Report.
(3) Special Access Required.
(4) Search and Rescue.
SARDA Secretary of the Army for Research, Development and Acquisition.
SAS (1) Shoot-Assess-Shoot. (2) System Architecture Study (SDI).
SASC Senate Arms Service Committee. (US).
SASET Software Architecture Sizing and Estimating Tool.
SASS Space Assets Support System.
SAT Surveillance, Acquisition and Tracking.
SATAN Security Administrator’s Tool for Analyzing Networks.
SATCOM Satellite Communications.
Satellite and
The systematic observation of aerospace for the purpose of detecting, tracking,
and characterizing objects, events, and phenomena associated with satellites
and in-flight missiles, both friendly and enemy.
Intelligence gathered through collection systems involved in assessing the
capabilities, methods of operation, signal intercept, photo reconnaissance, and
other intelligence indications and warnings that will provide information for SDS
SATKA Surveillance, Acquisition, Tracking, and Kill Assessment.
SATP Space Applications Technology Program.
SATRAK Satellite Tracking.
SATURN Name of NASA rocket booster.
SATVUL Satellite Vulnerability.
SAW (1) Surface Acoustic Wave. (2) Satellite Attack Warning.
SAW/V Satellite Attack Warning and Verification.
SAWAFE Satellite Attack Warning and Assessment Flight Experiment.
SBA (1) Space-Based Assets. (2) Small Business Administration.
SBAMS Space-Based Anti-Missile System.
SBAS (1) Space-Based Architecture Study. (2) Space-Based Acquisition System.
SBCL Space-Based Chemical Laser.
SBD Site BMC3 Demonstration.
SBE (1) Space Based Element. (2) Synthetic Battlefield Environment.
SBES Space-Based Experimental System.
SBEV Space-Based Experimental Version.
SBFEL Space-Based Free Electron Laser.
SBHE Space-Based Hypervelocity Gun Experiment.
SBHRG Space-Based Hypervelocity Rail Gun.
SBI (1) Space-Based Interceptor. (Replaced by Brilliant Pebbles (BP).) (2) Special
Background Investigation.
SBI-CV OBSOLETE. Space-Based Interceptor - Carrier Vehicle.
SBIR (1) Space-Based Infrared. (2) Small Business Innovative Research.
SBIRS Space Based Infrared System.
SBIRS GEO SBIRS Geosynchronous Earth Orbit satellites.
SBIRS HEO SBIRS Infrared sensors hosted on satellites in Highly Elliptical Orbits.
SBIRS High SBIRS high altitude component consisting of four SBIRS GEO satellites and
infrared sensors on two HEO satellites.
SBIRS LEO SBIRS Low Earth Orbit Satellites.
SBIRS Low SBIRS low altitude component consisting of SBIRS LEO satellites. The SBIRS
Low component will be designed to provide precision midcourse tracking and
discrimination data to support early interceptor commit, in-flight target updates,
and target object maps for a National Missile Defense architecture. The SBIRS
Low component will also support the other mission areas of the SBIR system.
(Evolution of the Space and Missile Tracking System).
SBIS (1) Space-Based Imaging Satellite. (2) Space-Based Interceptor System.
SBKEW Space-Based Kinetic Energy Weapon.
SBKKV OBSOLETE. Space-Based Kinetic Kill Vehicle.
SBKV Space-Based Kill Vehicle.
SBL Space-Based Laser.
SBLRD Space-Based Laser Readiness Demonstrator.
SBM (1) Space-Based Battle Manager. (2) Strategic Ballistic Missile.
SBNPB Space-Based Neutral Particle Beam.
SBNPBW Space-Based Neutral Particle Beam Weapon.
SBPB Space-Based Particle Beam.
SBR Space-Based Radar.
SBRF Space-Based Radio Frequency.
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