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SBS Stimulated Brillouin Scattering.
SBSim Space-Based Simulator.
SBSS Space-Based Surveillance System.
SBV Sensor Space-Based Visible Sensor.
SBWAS Space-Based Warning System.
SBWS Space Based Warning System.
SBX Sea-based X-band Radar – A moveable platform for the BMDS test bed
SC (1) System Center. (2) System Concept. (3) Simulation Center. (4) System
SC/BM System Concepts/Battle Management.
Scaling Law A mathematical relationship, which permits the effects of a nuclear (or atomic)
explosion of given energy yield to be determined as a function of distance from
the explosion (or from ground zero), provided the corresponding effect is known
as a function of distance for a reference explosion (e.g., of 1-kiloton energy
Scan In an electro-magnetic or acoustic search, one complete rotation of the antenna.
Scan Type The path made in space by a point on the radar beam; for example, circular,
helical, conical, spiral, or sector.
SCARLET Solar Concentrator Arrays with Refractive Linear Element Technology.
Scattering The diversion of radiation, including radio, radar, thermal, and nuclear, from its
original path as a result of interactions (or collisions) with atoms, molecules, or
larger particles in the atmosphere or other medium between the source of the
radiations (e.g., a nuclear explosion) and a point at some distance away. As a
result of scattering, radiation (especially gamma rays and neutrons) will be
received at such a point from many directions instead of only from the direction
of the source.
SCB Strategic Defense System Control Board.
SCC (1) Standing Consultative Commission (Treaty negotiation related term).
(2) Space Control Center.
SCCB System Configuration Control Board.
SCDL Surveillance Control Data Link.
SCE Submunition Chemical Experiment.
SCF Satellite Control Facility.
SCG Security Classification Guide.
SCI Special Compartmented Information (Security term).
SCIF Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (Security term).
SCIT Systems Concept Integrated Technology.
SCMP Software Configuration Management Board.
SCN (1) Specification Change Notice. (2) Ship Construction and Conversion (Navy).
(3) Space Communications Network.
SCOMP Secure Communications Processor.
SCOPA Survivable Concentrating Photovoltaic Array.
SCORE Scientific Cooperative Research Exchange (US-UK). A science exchange to
investigate theater missile defense related issues.
SCP System Concept Paper.
SCR Special Contract Requirement.
SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface.
SCT Single Channel Transponder.
SCUD Surface-to-Surface Missile System.
ScudCAP Scud-Combat Air Patrol.
SD Strategic Defense Command (Army term) (See also SDC).
SDB System Design Board.
SDC Strategic Defense Command (USA term).
SDCC Strategic Defense Command Center.
SDCE Software Development Capability Evaluation (AFMC term).
SDCV Shuttle Derived Cargo Vehicle.
SDD System Description Document.
SDF Self Defense Force.
SDI OBSOLETE. Strategic Defense Initiative.
SDIAE OBSOLETE. SDI Acquisition Executive. (Re-titled BMD Acquisition Executive
SDIARC OBSOLETE. Strategic Defense Initiative Acquisition Review Council.
SDIO OBSOLETE. Strategic Defense Initiative Organization. (Predecessor
organization to Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (MDA).)
SDIO/PP Strategic Defense Initiative Organization/Program Planning.
SDIP OBSOLETE. Strategic Defense Initiative Program. (Predecessor program to
Ballistic Missile Defense Program.)
SDL Software Development Library.
SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control (TelComm/Computer term).
SDLS Satellite Data Link Standard(s).
SDN System Design Notebook.
SDP Software Development Plan.
SDR System Design Review.
SDRU System Design Review Update.
SDS Strategic Defense System.
SDS Element A stand-alone system (e.g., a weapon or satellite), which is the smallest entity
capable of performing a designated function with, specified results within the
Strategic Defense System.
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SDS-CC Strategic Defense System - Command Center.
SDSD Strategic Defense System Description.
SDS-OC Strategic Defense System - Operations Center.
SE Systems Engineering.
SE&I Systems Engineering and Integration.
SE-CPAT Systems Engineering – Critical Process Assessment Tool (AFMC term).
SEA Service Executing Agent.
SEAD Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses.
SEALS Sea Air Land (Special Operations forces (USN).
Search, Active Illuminate an assigned volume of space with electromagnetic energy and collect
reflected radiation.
Search, Passive Collect radiation from an assigned volume of space.
SEATO Southeast Asia Treaty Organization.
SECC Survivable and Enduring Command Center.
SECDEF Secretary of Defense (For Message Use Only).
SECNAV Secretary of the Navy.
SECNAVINST Secretary of the Navy Instruction.
Second Strike
The ability to survive a first strike with sufficient resources to deliver an affective
counterblow (generally associated with nuclear weapons).
A station that has been selected to receive a transmission from the primary
station. The assignment of secondary status is temporary, under control of the
primary station, and continues for the duration of a transmission.
The portion of the baseline SDS architecture that is responsible for preserving
the confidentiality, integrity, and assured service of any of the sensitive, systemvalued functions and information elements (assets).
Security Criteria The set of requirements that should be met so the security system can provide a
maximum degree of effective deterrence at the lowest cost.
Security Level The combination of hierarchical classification and a set of non-hierarchical
categories that represents the sensitivity of information.
Security Policy The set of laws, rules, and practices that regulate how an organization manages,
protects, and distributes sensitive information.
Security Policy
An informal presentation of a formal security policy model.
Security Program The implementation of formal security policies and procedures established by
DoD and other departmental publications to secure vital components of weapon
systems and essential direct support systems from enemy hostile operations and
other forms of ground attack.
Relevant Event
Any event that attempts to change the security state of the system. Also, any
event that attempts to violate the security policy of the system.
That part of a weapon or defense system, which is added specifically for the
performance of security, functions and not categorized as components of other
Security System The aggregate of all mechanical and electronic equipment countermeasures in a
system which contributes to its security from intelligence gathering and
clandestine or overt attack, including organized system function and procedures,
as well as the security subsystem.
Security Testing A process used to determine that the security features of a system are
implemented as designed and that they are adequate for a proposed application
SED Software Engineering Division.
SEDD Systems Engineering Development Data Base.
SEDS System Engineering Detailed Schedule
SEE Software Engineering Environment.
SEED Support for East European Democracy (P.L.101-179; 22 USC 5421).
SEER (1) Sensor Equipment Evaluation and Review.
(2) Sensor Experimental Evaluation Review.
SEFC Space Environment Forecast Center.
Segment A grouping of elements that are closely related and often physically interface. It
consists of CIs produced by several contractors and integrated by one.
SEI Software Engineering Institute.
SEIC Systems Engineering and Integration Contractor.
SEIC PP Systems Engineering Integration Contractor Program Plan.
SEIPT Systems Engineering Integrated Product Team.
SEIT Systems Engineering Integration and Test.
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Reports (SAR)
Standard, comprehensive, summary status reports on major defense acquisition
programs (ACAT I) required for periodic submission to Congress.
Adaptive Defense
Selective, adaptive defense assigns interceptors to RVs based upon defended
asset values, the number of arriving RVs and time to impact.
Selective Kill Assigns interceptors to targets on the basis of missile type, launch area, impact
area, time of launch/arrival, or predicted threat utility (e.g., SS-18 or its follow-on).
Selectivity Refers to choosing a subset of targets either for attack or defense. (See
Preferential Defense and Preferential Offense.)
SEMA Special Electronics Mission Aircraft.
A system of homing guidance wherein the receiver in a missile utilizes radiations
from a target, which has been illuminated by an outside source.
One that does not generate radiation itself, but that detects radiation reflected
by targets when they are illuminated by other BMD components. Such devices
are used for tracking and identification and can operate without revealing their
own locations.
SEMP Systems Engineering Management Plan.
SEMS System Engineering Management Schedule.
Executive (SPE)
The senior official responsible for management direction of the Service
procurement system, including implementation of unique procurement policies,
regulations, and standards. The Senior Procurement Executive for all non-
Service DoD Components is the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and
Technology, who has delegated many of these functions to the Heads of
Defense Agencies including the Director, MDA.
SENSCOM Sentinel System Command.
Sensor Data Measurement information. For a passive sensor it is usually irradiance time, and
LOS. For an active sensor it may include range, Doppler, cross section, etc., as
Sentinel ABM system designed for light area defense against a low-level ballistic missile
attack on the United States. Developed into the Safeguard system in late
SEO Survivability Enhancement Option.
SEP Signal Entrance Panel.
Objects expelled during payload separation sequence.
SEPG Software Engineering Process Group.
SEPRD System Element Production Readiness Demonstration.
SEQ Sequence, or Staff Equivalent.
Sequestration The reduction or cancellation of new budget authority; un-obligated balances,
new loan guarantee commitments or limitations; new direct loan obligations,
commitments, or limitations; spending authority; and obligation limitations. As
delineated in the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990, sequestration is necessary if
legislation is enacted that would cause spending in any appropriations category
to exceed a specified cap.
SERB Software Engineering Review Board.
SERD Support Equipment Recommendation Data (ILS term).
SERG System Engineering Review Group.
Executive (SAE)
See definition of DoD Component Acquisition Executive.
Service BMD
Executive Officer
A senior official responsible for execution of Service PMAs and for providing
guidance and Service-related direction to subordinate Program Managers. The
PEO will also serve as a deputy to the GM. (Consistent with PEO authorities and
responsibilities documented in DoDD 5000.1 and DoDI 5000.2.)
A command consisting of the Service component commander and all those
individuals, units, detachments, organizations and installations under the
command that have been assigned to the unified command.
Service Life
Program (SLEP)
Modification(s) to fielded systems undertaken to extend the life of the system
beyond what was previously planned.
Service Test A test of an item, system, or technique conducted under simulated or actual
operational conditions to determine whether the specific military requirements or
characteristics are satisfied.
SES Seeker Experimental System.
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SESE Software Engineering Support Environment.
SET System Evaluation Threat.
SETA Scientific, Engineering, and Technical Assistance.
SETAC Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance Contractor.
SETP Solar Electric Aircraft Test Platform.
SEW Space Electronics Warfare.
SEWC Space and Electronic Warfare Coordinator.
SEWS Satellite Early Warning System.
SF Standard Form.
SFC Space Forecast Center.
SFS Shoot-Fail-Shoot.
SG (1) Steering Group
(2) Silicon Graphics
SGEMP System/Source Generated Electromagnetic Pulse.
SGLS Space/Ground Link Subsystem.
SHAPE Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe.
SHF Super High Frequency.
SHIELD (1) System High Energy Laser Demonstration.
(2) Silicon Hybrid Extrinsic Long-Wavelength Detection.
Shielding Any material or obstruction, which absorbs (or attenuates) radiation and thus
tends to protect personnel or materials from the effects of a nuclear explosion. A
moderately thick layer of any opaque material will provide satisfactory shielding
from thermal radiation, but a considerable thickness of material of high density
may be needed for nuclear radiation shielding. Electrically continuous housing
for a facility, area, or component, attenuates impinging electric and magnetic
SHIPALT Ship Alteration.
Shoot-Back The technique of defending a space asset by shooting at an attacker.
A tactic used to achieve Defense Engagement Options (DEOs), such as assured
kill by shooting at the target, looking to see if it was killed, and shooting again, if
necessary, to achieve the kill.
SHORAD Short-Range Air Defense.
Short Range Air
Launch Target
Single-stage, air-launched, solid propellant theater target with threat
representative reentry vehicle.
Short Range
Ballistic Missile
A ballistic missile with a range capability of 30 km to 1,000 km. (USSPACECOM)
Short Wavelength
Infrared (SWIR)
Thermal radiation emitted by a source in the electromagnetic spectrum
encompassing infrared wavelengths of 0.75 to 3 microns.
SHOTL Simulated Hot Launch (missile engineering term).
shp Shaft Horsepower.
Shrouded RVs Reentry vehicles enclosed in a material designed to shield its thermal and other
SI Special Intelligence.
SI&I Systems Integration and Interoperability.
SIC (1) Silicon Carbide.
(2) Standard Industrial Classification.
SICPS Standard Integrated Command Post Shelter.
SIDAC Single Integrated Damage Assessment Capability.
SIDD System Interface Description Document (US Army term).
Sidelobes Residual EMR surrounding the main beam, which is of weaker power than the
main beam.
SIDPERS Standard Installation Division Personnel System (US Army term).
SIDS Secondary Imagery Dissemination System.
SIE SATKA Integrated Experiment.
SIF (1) System Integration Facility. (2) Selective Identification Feature
SIGINT Signal Intelligence.
Signals Security
The overall program for communication and electronic security.
Ratio (S/N) (SNR)
Relative power of the signal to the noise in a channel; usually measured in
Signature (1) Distinctive type of radiation emitted or reflected by a target, which can be
used to identify that target.
(2) The characteristic pattern of a target displayed by detection and
identification equipment.
A list of observed target signature characteristic parameter values as a function
of missile flight time used for target discrimination and kill assessment.
SIGSEC Signals Security.
SIIPT System Integration Integrated Product Team (THAAD Program term).
SIL Systems Integration Laboratory; Sunnyvale, CA.
SIM Simulation.
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SIMM Second In-line Memory Module.
Simple Security
A Bell-LaPadula security model rule allowing a subject read access to an object
only if the security level of the subject dominates the security level of the object.
SIMS Security Information Management System.
Simulation A simulation is a method for implementing a model. It is the process of
conducting experiments with a model for the purpose of understanding the
behavior of the system modeled under selected conditions or of evaluating
various strategies for the operation of the system within the limits imposed by
developmental or operational criteria. Simulation may include the use of analog
or digital devices, laboratory models, or “test bed” sites. Simulations are usually
programmed for solution on a computer; however, in the broadest sense, military
exercises and wargames are also simulations.
Simulator A generic term used to describe a family of equipment used to represent threat
weapon systems in development testing, operational testing, and training. A
threat simulator has one or more characteristics which, when detected by human
senses or man-made sensors, provide the appearance of an actual threat
weapon system with a prescribed degree of fidelity.
SINCGARS Single-Channel and Airborne Radio System.
Single Integrated
Operational Plan
Plan by which the nuclear strategic offensive forces will retaliate when directed
by the NCA.
A device that is used to process data of a single security level at any one time.
Since the device need not be trusted to separate data of different security
levels, sensitivity labels do not have to be stored with the data being processed.
Singlet A space vehicle, such as a Brilliant Pebble, which contains only one intercept
SIOP See Single Integrated Operational Plan.
SIP SINCGARS Improvement Program (US Army term).
SIPM Service Integration Program Manager.
SIPRI Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sweden).
SIPRNET (1) Secret Internet Protocol Router Network. (2) Secure Information Protocol Net.
SIPT (1) System Integrated Product Team. (2) Services Integrated Product Team.
SIR Signal Interface Ratio.
SIRE Space Infrared Experiment.
SIRMR Senior Information Resources Management Representative.
SIRRM Standardized Infrared Radiation Model.
SIRST System Shipboard Infrared Search and Track System (USN term).
SIS Special Compartmented Information Isolation Segment.
SISS Subcommittee on Information Systems Security.
SIT System Integration Test.
The determination of the extent to which observed event(s) constitute a threat
(e.g., isolated event, mass attack, etc.), using the attack characterization
SIWS School of Information Warfare and Strategy.
Six Year Defense
Program (SYDP)
The official DoD document, which summarizes forces and resources associated
with programs approved by SECDEF. Its three parts are the organizations
affected, appropriations accounts (RDT&E, operations & maintenance, etc.), and
the 10 major force programs (strategic forces, airlift/sealift, R&D, etc.). R&D is
Program 6. Under the annual PPBS cycle, SYDP is published normally three
times: October, January and May. The primary data element in SYDP
representing aggregation of organizational entities and related resources is the
program element.
Size of Threat
(LxWxAltitude) A volume of space in which a particular group of RVs would
occupy, defined by launch location and designated target area.
SKKP (Former) Soviet system of outer space monitoring.
Skunkworks A separate program management operation established to operate outside the
normal process, either to expedite development or because of high security
SL Sea Level.
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SLAM Standoff Land Attack Missile.
SLAM-ER Standoff Land Attack Missile-Expanded Response (USN term).
SLAR Side Looking Airborne Radar.
SLAT Supersonic Low Altitude Target .
Slave A remote system or terminal whose functions are controlled by a central "master"
system. It is similar in concept to a host system in that it responds to remotely
generated requests, but unlike a host system, is usually capable of performing a
limited range of operations.
SLBD Sea Lite Beam Director.
SLBM Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile.
SLC Space Launch Complex.
SLCM Sea-Launched Cruise Missile.
SLD System Link Designator.
Slew Time The time needed for a weapon/sensor/antenna to move from point to point.
SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol.
SLKT Survivability, Lethality, and Key Technology.
SLOC Sea Line of Communication.
SLRX System Life-cycle Risk Expert.
SLS See Shoot-Look-Shoot.
SLT Strategic Laser Technology.
SLV (1) Space Launched Vehicle. (2) Satellite Launch Vehicle.
SM (1) Skunkworks Mission. (2) System Manager.
SM&R Source, Maintenance and Recoverability (ILS term).
SM-2 Standard Missile-2. (U.S. Navy)
SM-3 Standard Missile-3.
SM-ALC Sacramento Air Logistics Center (USAF term).
Small Optics Precision mirrors or refractors, less than 1 meter, and related technology, for
precise pointing and tracking from/to relatively small vehicles separated by large
Smart Checklist “Destroy, disrupt, damage or destroy” BMC3 tool for BMD warfighters.
Smart Munitions Munitions that “think for themselves” and have the self-contained ability to
search, detect, acquire and engage targets.
SMAT Satellite and Missile Analysis Tool.
SMATH Space Materials Advanced Technology for Hardness.
SMC Space and Missile System Center.
SMCo Standard Missile Company.
SMCS Standard Monitoring and Control System (for US naval ships) (see ICS).
SMD (1) Strategic Missile Defense. (2) OBSOLETE. Navy Sea-Based Midcourse
Defense. See AEGIS BMD.
SME (1) Single Management Element. (2) Subject Matter Expert.
SMERFS Statistical Modeling and Estimation of Reliability Functions for Software.
SMES Super Conducting Magnetic Energy Storage.
SMMW Submillimeter Wave.
SMP Soviet Military Power (US DoD publication).
SMR Code Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability Code (ILS term).
SMS Standard Mobile Segment.
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (computer term).
SMTS Space and Missile Tracking System (formerly called Brilliant Eyes).
SNC System Network Controller.
SNDM Secretary of the Navy Decision Memorandum.
SNDV Strategic Nuclear Delivery Vehicle.
SNF Strategic Nuclear Forces.
SNI San Nicholas Island. Part of the PMTC.
SNIE Special National Intelligence Element.
SNIPE OBSOLETE. SDI System Network Processor Engine.
SNL Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM.
SNR See Signal-to-Noise Ratio (Also called S/N).
SNRC Soreq Nuclear Research Center.
SOA (1) State-of-the-Art. (2) Speed of Advance.
SOC Statement of Capability (Contracting term).
SOCOM Special Operations Command.
SOCS Subcommittee on Computer Security.
SODD System and Operations Document.
SODO Senior Offense/Defense Simulator.
SOF (1) See Strategic Offense Forces. (2) Special Operations Forces.
SOFA Status of Forces Agreement.
The implementation of solutions to the problems in the domain. It becomes a
model for constructing applications and mapping requirements from the domain
model to reusable components. A generic architecture provides a high-level
generic design for a family of related applications as well as a set of components
intended for any instance of that application. The generic design eliminates the
need to develop a high-level design for each application within the domain. As a
result, domain developers use these representations as specifications for
reusable components.
(1) The period of time that begins with the decision to develop a software
product and ends when the product is delivered. This cycle typically
includes a requirements phase, design phase, implementation phase,
test phase, and sometimes, installation and checkout phase. Contrast
with software life cycle.
(2) The period of time that begins with the decision to develop a software
product and ends when the developer is no longer enhancing the
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(3) Sometimes used as a synonym for software life cycle.
Technical data or information, including computer listings and printouts, in
human-readable form, that describe or specify the design or details, explain the
capabilities, or provide operating instructions for using the software to obtain
desired results from a software system. (See Documentation.)
(1) A discipline whose objectives are to define, create, and apply a welldefined methodology that addresses a software life cycle of planning,
development, and maintenance.
(2) The application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the
development, operation, and maintenance of software, that is, the
application of engineering to software.
Software Life
The period of time that begins when a software product is conceived and ends
when the software is no longer available for use. The software life cycle typically
includes a concept phase, requirements phase, design phase, implementation
phase, test phase, operation and maintenance phase, and, sometimes,
retirement phase.
Software Support The sum of all activities that take place to ensure that implemented and fielded
software continues to fully support the operational mission of the system.
Software support includes pre-deployment software support and postdeployment software support.
Software Test
A set of automated tools, firmware devices, and hardware necessary to test
software. The automated tools may include but are not limited to test tools such
as simulation software, code analyzers, test case generators, path analyzers,
etc. and may also include those tools used in the software engineering
SOI (1) Silicon-on-Insulator. (1) See Space Object Identification.
SOIF See System Operation and Integration Functions.
SOJ Stand-Off Jammer.
Considerations through system analysis and psychophysiology of equipment
designs and operational concepts, to ensure they are compatible with
capabilities and limitations of operators and maintainers.
Sole Source
A contract for the purchase of supplies or services that is entered into a proposal
to be entered into by an agency after soliciting and negotiating only one source.
SOM System Object Model.
SONET Synchronous Optical Network.
SOO Statement of Objectives (See also SOW).
SOP See Standard Operating Procedure.
SORTIELOT Sortie Allotment message (JFACC term).
SORTS Status of Resources and Training System.
SOS Silicon-on-Sapphire.
SOSUS Sound Surveillance System (USN term).
Source Selection
The official designated to direct the source selection process, approve the
selection plan, select the source(s), and announce contract award.
Source Selection
Evaluation Board
A group of military and/or government civilian personnel, representing functional
and technical disciplines. It is charged with evaluating proposals and developing
summary facts and findings during source selection.
Source Selection
Plan (SSP)
A formal written document, which sets forth the source selection organization
and management chain for a specific acquisition. It provides a guide for
evaluators on how to conduct the evaluation, it details the criteria to be used to
evaluate the offers received in a competition procurement, and it establishes a
basis upon which to distinguish between proposals and to make an award. The
SSP is written by the Program Office and approved by the SSA.
SOW Statement of Work.
SP (1) Security Personnel. (2) Self –propelled. (3) Signal Processing.
SP-100 Space Power-100 kW.
SP/CR Software Problem/Change Request.
SPACC Space Command Center.
Space and
Missile Tracking
System (SMTS)
Space-based satellite sensors for surveillance, tracking, and discrimination of
enemy objects during post-boost and midcourse phases. These sensors support
ground-based interceptors for both theater and national defense.
Study (SBAS)
A 1989 study to review the space-based elements of the Phase I SDS
architecture, with emphasis on Space-Based Interceptor (SBI), Brilliant Pebbles
(BP), and the Space Surveillance and Tracking System (SSTS), to define and
justify a recommended architecture for Phase I and beyond.
Space Based
Infrared System
SBIRS will be a consolidated system that will meet United States infrared space
surveillance needs through the next 2-3 decades. SBIRS is intended to be an
integrated “system of systems” including multiple space constellations and an
evolving ground element. The baseline SBIRS architecture consists of four
Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites; two sensors on Highly Elliptical
Orbit (HEO) satellites; Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites; a ground system
consisting of a CONUS-based Mission Control Station (MCS), a backup MCS, a
survivable MCS, and oversees relay ground stations and re-locatable terminals;
and associated communications links. The SBIRS is designed to meet the
missile defense, missile warning technical intelligence, and battle space
characterization mission requirements identified in the JROC-validated SBIRS
Operational Requirements Document. The SBIRS program will begin replacing
the operational Defense Support Program (DSP) ground segment in 1999 and
begin replacing the DSP satellites in 2002.
Interceptor (SBI)
OBSOLETE. A distributed set of low earth orbit satellites that may provide
launch detection and booster tracking, and that serve as kinetic or kinetic energy
interceptors of boosters, PBVs, and/or RVs. (USSPACECOM)
A system that provides global above-the-horizon surveillance to detect and track
PBVs, object clusters (RVs and penaids), and resolved midcourse objects, as
well as below-the-horizon tasked hot spot detection of boost phase missiles
when cued by a space-based weapon or a priori knowledge. It provides
surveillance data for use in situation assessment, operational intelligence
collection, and for cueing other sensor and weapon elements. During
midcourse, sensors discriminate and track RVs and associated objects to support
midcourse engagements. (USSPACECOM)
Surveillance and
Tracking System
OBSOLETE. A satellite-borne electro-optic tracking and surveillance system in
medium earth orbit. The satellites would track targets from medium earth orbits
against a cold space background and near the earth limb. Individual objects’
state vectors would be generated from correlated information from two or more
sensors. (Predecessor to Brilliant Eyes (BE).
Space Command
Center (SPACC)
A USSPACECOM center located on Peterson AFB, CO, in Building 147(1). It is
the primary command facility for USSPACECOM providing USCINCSPACE with
the information necessary to perform assigned missions.
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Space Control
Operations that provide freedom of action in space for friendly forces while, when
directed, denying it to an enemy; includes the broad aspects of protection to US
and Allied space systems and negation of enemy space systems. Space control
operations encompass all elements of the space defense mission.
Space Defense The defensive aspect of space control operations which includes all active or
passive measures planned or taken to defeat attacks against friendly space
systems or enemy attacks from space.
Space Defense
Center (SPADOC)
A center in CMAFB responsible for monitoring and reporting of ASAT attacks on
Blue satellites, negating designated satellites, and reconstituting and protecting
designated satellites.
Space Detection
and Tracking
A network of space surveillance sensors operated by the U.S. Air Force.
Forecast Center
Center at Peterson AFB, CO that supplies terrestrial and solar weather to the
CMAFB Weather Support Unit (WSU) and designated USSPACECOM units.
Space Forecast
Center (SFC)
Center at Falcon AFB, CO that supplies solar and space environmental
warnings, analyses, and forecasts to USSPACECOM, NORAD, and DoD
Space Mines Devices that can track and follow a target in orbit, with the capability of exploding
on command or by pre-program to destroy the target.
Space Object
Use of radar, imaging, and other collection resources to determine size, shape,
ephemeris, and identity of space objects.
Space Power Generation and control of electrical energy in space, from various originating
sources (e.g., nuclear, chemical, solar).
Space Support
Operations required to ensure that space control and support of terrestrial forces
are maintained. They include activities such as launching and deploying space
vehicles, maintaining and sustaining space vehicles while on orbit, and
recovering space vehicles if required.
An operational space surveillance system with the mission to detect and
determine the orbital elements of all man-made objects in orbit of the earth. The
mission is accomplished by means of a continuous fan of continuous wave
energy beamed vertically across the continental United States, and an
associated computational facility. It is the Navy portion of the North American
Aerospace Defense Command Space Detection and Tracking System.
Center (SSC)
A center in CMAFB responsible for maintaining the satellite catalog, laser
clearinghouse, collision and RFI avoidance, and Tracking and Impact Prediction
Spacetrack USSPACECOM global system of radar, optical, and radiometric sensors linked to
a computation and analysis center in the Space Surveillance Center. The
Spacetrack mission is detection, tracking, and cataloging of all man-made
objects in orbit about the earth.
System (STS)
A national asset that provides routine access to space for both civil and defense
users. Elements of the STS include the Space Shuttle, upper stages,
Spacelab, launch and landing facilities, simulation and training facilities, and
mission control facilities. The STS is a reusable system capable of deploying a
wide variety of scientific and applications satellites. It can carry payloads
weighing up to 65,000 pounds.
SPADATS Space Detection and Tracking System.
SPADCCS Space Defense Command and Control System.
SPADOC Space Defense Operations Center. (U.S. anti-satellite mission control).
SPADTS Space Detection and Tracking System.
SPAR System Performance Analysis Report.
SPARTA SPARTA, Inc., Laguna Hills, CA.
Spartan Nuclear-armed, long-range mid-course interceptor used in SAFEGUARD/Sentinel
SPAS Space Power Architecture Study.
SPASUR See Space Surveillance.
SPAWAR Naval Space and Warfare Commend.
SPC (1) Statistical Process Control (2) Special Program Center. (3) Special Programs
SPE Senior Procurement Executive.
SPEAR Space Power Experiments Aboard Rocket.
SPEC Specification.
Special Data
Special, non-routine commands distributed for surveillance battle management,
and fire control.
Programs Center
National center for threat modeling and production. Located in the National Test
Facility at Falcon AFB, CO.
Special Test
Equipment (STE)
Single or multipurpose integrated test units engineered, designed, fabricated, or
modified to accomplish special purpose testing. Such testing units comprise
electronic, hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical, or other items interconnected so as
to become a new function entity, causing the individual item or items to become
interdependent and essential in the performance of special purpose testing in
the development or production of particular supplies or services.
Specification A document (or other media) that specifies, in a complete, precise, verifiable
manner, the requirements, design, behavior, or other characteristics of a system
or component, and often, the procedures for determining whether or not these
provisions have been satisfied.
A language, often a machine-processable combination of natural and formal
language, used to specify the requirements, design, behavior, or other
characteristics of a system or system component.
A command that has a broad continuing mission and that is established and so
designated by the President through the Secretary of Defense with the advice
and assistance of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Speckled Trout C-135C airplane with ACBA equipment.
SPEED System Planning, Engineering, and Evaluation Device.
SPF Standardized Plume Flowfield.
SPFE Special Projects Flight Experiments.
SPICE Space Integrated Controls Experiment.
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SPIMS Strategic Program Information Management System (SDIO/MDA term).
SPINE Shared Program Information Network.
SPINS Special Instructions (JFACC term).
An iterative process for developing a defined set of capabilities within one
increment. This process provides the opportunity for interaction between the
user, tester, and developer. In this process, the requirements are refined through
experimentation and risk management, there is continuous feedback, and the
user is provided the best possible capability within the increment. Each increment
may include a number of spirals. Spiral development implements evolutionary
SPIRE Space Performance in Radiation Environments.
SPIRIT Space Infrared Imaging Telescope.
SPM Software Programmer’s Manual.
SPO See System Program Office. (Air Force)
SPOCK Security Proof of Concept Keystone.
SPOD Seaport of Debarkation.
SPOE Seaport of Embarkation.
Spoofing Any technique by which sensitive information or commands may be substituted
or stopped without the knowledge of the authorized personnel involved.
SPOT Systeme Probatoire d’Observation de la Terre - French observation satellite
SPP System Performance Parameters.
SPR (1) Secretarial Program Review (AF). (2) Secretarial Performance Review (OSD).
(3) Sponsor’s Program Review (Navy).
Sprint Nuclear-armed, short-range interceptor used in SAFEGUARD/Sentinel systems.
SPRM Solid Propellant Rocket Motor.
SPRN (Former) Soviet system for missile attack warning.
SPS Software Product Specification.
SPT Support.
SPY-1 AEGIS radar.
SQA Software Quality Assurance.
SQL Structured Query Language (Computer term).
sqrt Square foot.
SR AFSPC Regulation.
SRA System Requirements Analysis.
SRAM Short-Range Attack Missile.
SRB Solid Rocket Booster.
SRBM See Short Range Ballistic Missile.
SRD Systems Requirement Document.
SREMP Source Region Electromagnetic Pulse.
SRF Strategic Rocket Forces.
SRHIT OBSOLETE. Small Radar Homing Intercept Technology. Predecessor program
to Flexible Lightweight Agile Guided Experiment (FLAGE).
SRIM Short-Range Intercept Missile.
SRINF Short Range Intermediate Nuclear Force.
SRL (1) Site Readiness Level.
(2) System Readiness Level.
(3) Super Radiant Laser.
SRM (1) Small Rocket Motor. (2) Sensor Response Model.
SRMP Sounding Rocket Measurement Program.
SRMSC Stanley R. Mickelsen SAFEGUARD Complex site.
SRMU Solid Rocket Motor Upgrade.
SRO System Readiness Objective.
SRR System Requirements Review.
SRS (1) Site/System Requirements Study. (2) Software Requirements Specification
SRT Strategic Red Team.
SRTBM Short range theater ballistic missile.
SRU Shop Replaceable Unit.
SRV Single Reentry Vehicle.
SS (1) Solid State (USASSDC Family of T-GBR term). (2) Simulator System.
SS- Surface-to-Surface.
SS-18 Largest ICBM in former Soviet inventory credited with carrying 10 RVs, but
capable of holding many more.
SS96 Summer Study 1996 .
SSA See Source Selection Authority.
SSAC Source Selection Authority Council/Committee (Acquisition term).
SSB Single Side Band.
SSBN Ballistic Missile Submarine (nuclear).
SSC (1) See Space Surveillance Center.
(2) Scan-to-Scan Correlation.
(3) Strategic Systems Committee.
(4) Skill Specialty Code (USAF ILS term).
(5) Source Selection Chairman (Acquisition term)
(6) Standard Systems Center, Gunter AFB, AL.
(7) Surface-to-Surface Cruise .
(8) Stimulation Support Center.
SSCM Surface-to-Surface Cruise Missile.
SSD OBSOLETE. Space Systems Division. (Now USAF/SMC.)
SSDA Solid State Demonstration Array.
SSDC Space and Strategic Defense Command (US Army).
SSDO System/Segment Design Document.
SSDR Subsystem Design Review.
SSE (1) See System Security Engineering.
(2) Space Surveillance Experiment.
(3) System Simulator Environment.
SSEB Source Selection Evaluation Board.
SSEKP Single Shot Engagement Kill Probability.
SSGM Strategic Scene Generation Model.
SSI (1) Sensor Segment Interface. (2) Sensor System Interface.
SSIMU Solid State Inertial Measurement Unit.
SSKP Single Shot Kill Probability.
SSL Solid State Laser.
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SSM Surface-to-Surface Missile.
SSM/I Special Sensor Microwave Imagery (Weather Satellite term).
SSM/T2 Special Sensor Meteorology Temperature and Vapor (Weather Satellite term).
SSM/TI Special Sensor Meteorology Temperature (Weather Satellite term).
SSMP See System Security Management Plan.
SSMS See Standard Survivable Message Set.
SSMTR Sary Shagan Missile Test Range.
SSN (1) Space Surveillance Network.
(2) Submarine, Nuclear powered (navy Ship Designation term).
SSO Special Security Office.
SSOD Special Session On Disarmament.
SSP Source Selection Plan.
SSPAR Solid State Phased Array Radar.
SSPK Single Shot Probability of Kill.
SSPM (1) Solid State Photo Multiplier. (2) Software Standards and Procedures Manual.
SSPO Strategic Systems Program Office. (U.S. Navy)
SSR Software Specification Review.
SSRMP Space Sounding Rocket Measurement Program.
SSRT Single Stage Rocket Technology.
SSS (1) Space Sensor System. (2) System/Segment Specification.
SSSG Space System Support Group.
SST System Specific Threats.
SSTB System Simulation Test Bed.
SSTS OBSOLETE. See Space-Based Surveillance and Tracking System.
SSUP System Supplement.
SSWG System Safety Working Group.
ST Simulation Tool.
ST/STE Special Tooling/Special Test Equipment.
STA Significant Technical Accomplishments.
Stage An element of the missile or propulsion system that generally separates from the
missile at burnout or cut-off. Stages are numbered chronologically in order of
STAGE Simulation Toolkit and Generation Environment.
STANAG Standardization Agreement (NATO).
Standard Missile A shipboard, surface-to-surface/air missile.
Standard Mobile
Segment (SMS)
SMS is to be the standard for all future ground mobile, air transportable
command centers.
Message Set
Message set, which contains the standard format used by ITW/AA data sources.
Standardization The process by which DoD achieves: (1) the closest practicable cooperation
among forces; (2) the most efficient use of research, development, and
production resources; and (3) agreement to adopt on the broadest possible
basis the use of: (a) common or compatible operational, administrative, and
logistics procedures and criteria; (b) common or compatible technical procedures
and criteria; (c) common, compatible, or interchangeable supplies, components,
weapons, or equipment; and (d) common or compatible tactical doctrine with
corresponding organizational compatibility.
STAR System Threat Assessment Report.
STARS (1) Strategic Target System.
(2) Strategic Tactical Airborne Range System.
(3) Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System.
START Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.
STASS Space Transportation Architecture System Study.
Statement of
Work (SOW)
That portion of a contract that establishes and defines all non-specification
requirements for contractors’ efforts either directly or with the use of specific cited
Static Analysis The process of evaluating a program without executing the program. See also
desk checking, code audit, inspection, static analyzer, walk-through. Contrast
with dynamic analysis.
STB Surveillance Test Bed.
STC SHAPE Technical Center.
STD System Technology Demonstration.
STDN Secure Tactical Data Network.
STE See Special Test Equipment.
Stealth A technique used to frustrate discrimination that uses the decoy shape and
material content to reduce the reflected IR, radar, optical or acoustic crosssection to the defensive sensor.
Stellar Guidance A system wherein a guided missile may follow a predetermined course with
reference primarily to the relative position of the missile and certain pre-selected
celestial bodies.
STEP Surveillance and Tracking Experiment Program.
Steradian The unit of measure of solid angles equal to the angle subtended at the center
of a sphere of unit radius by unit area on its surface.
Stereo Using two or more sensors.
STF Static Test Facility.
STILAS Scientific and Technical Information Library Automation System (USASSDC
Physical process by which an excited molecule is induced by incident radiation to
emit radiation at an identical frequency and in phase with the incident radiation.
Lasers operate by stimulated emission.
STINFO Scientific Technological Information.