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COMSAT Communications Satellite Corporation
COMSEC Communications Security.
Exploration &
The initial phase (Phase 0) of the system acquisition process, beginning at
Mission Need Determination. During this phase, the acquisition strategy is
developed, system alternatives are proposed and examined, and the system
program requirements document is expanded to support subsequent phases.
Concept of
(1) A statement, in broad outline, of a commander’s outline or intent in regard to
an operation or series of operations. The concept is designed to give an overall
picture of the operation. (MDA Lexicon)
(2) A verbal or graphic statement, in broad outline, of a commander’s
assumptions or intent in regard to an operation or series of operations. The
concept of operations frequently is embodied in campaign plans and operation
plans; in the later case, particularly when the plans cover a series of connected
operations to be carried out simultaneously or in succession. The concept is
designed to give an overall picture of the operation. It is included primarily for
additional clarity of purpose.
Concept Plan An operation plan in concept format. Also called CONPLAN.
Concurrency Part of an acquisition strategy which combines or overlaps two or more phases of
the acquisition process, or combines development T&E with operational T&E.
A systematic approach to the integrated, simultaneous design of products and
their related processes, including manufacture and support. This approach is
intended to cause developers, from the beginning, to consider all elements of
the system life cycle from requirements development through dispersal, including
cost, schedule, and performance.
Configuration A collection of an item’s descriptive and governing characteristics, which can be
expressed in functional terms (i.e., what performance the item is expected to
achieve); and in physical terms (i.e., what the item should look like and consist of
when it is built).
One of the Configuration Management tasks which includes a functional
configuration audit (FCA) to validate that the development of a configuration item
has been completed satisfactorily and that the configuration item has achieved
to specified performance and functional characteristics, and also includes a
physical configuration audit (PCA) to verify that the configuration item “As Built”
conforms to the technical documentation which defines the configuration item.
The configuration documentation formally designated by the Government at a
specific time during a system’s or configuration item’s life cycle. Configuration
baselines, plus approved changes from those baselines, constitute the current
configuration baselines, namely the functional, allocated, and product baselines.
One of the Configuration Management tasks that involves the systematic
evaluation, coordination, approval, or disapproval of proposed changes to the
design and construction of a configuration item whose configuration has been
formally approved.
One of the Configuration Management tasks, which require that for every
change that is made to an Automated Data processing (ADP) system, the design
and requirements of the changed version of the system should be identified.
Item (CI)
An aggregation of system elements that satisfies an end use function and is
designated by the Government for separate configuration management.
Configuration items vary widely in complexity, size, and type. Any item required
for logistic support and designated for separate procurement is a configuration
item. Configuration items are traceable to the work breakdown structure (WBS).
In computer modeling and simulation, a discipline applying technical and
administrative oversight and control to identify and document the functional
requirements and capabilities of a model or simulation and its supporting
databases, control changes to those capabilities, and document and report the
changes. See also Accreditation.
CONOPS Concept of Operations.
CONPLAN Concept Plan
CONS Contracting Squadron.
Command Center
A single command center from which USCINCSPACE/CINCNORAD can direct all
his assigned missions, to include BMD. (USSPACECOM) Located in Colorado
Springs, CO.
Watch (CIW)
A consolidation of intelligence watch functions within the Intelligence Operations
Center (IOC) consisting of the USSPACECOM ITW Center, the NORAD
Aerospace Defense Intelligence Center (ADIC), and the Air Force Space
Command Space Intelligence Element (SIE).
Center (CSOC)
Series of centers at Falcon AFB, CO, which operationally control and maintain
assigned DoD satellites.
Space Test
Center (CSTC)
Series of centers at Onizuka AFB, CA (Sunnyvale), which support launch and
initial on-orbit checkout of operational satellites, operate R&D satellites, and
serves as a backup to CSOC for operational DoD satellites.
Size (CSIZE)
The number of satellites of a particular system placed in orbit about the earth.
Contact Fuse Device used to detonate warhead on physical contact with another object.
Deployment Plan
An executable plan designed to deploy an early missile defense capability and
reduce deployment time. The plan provides specific executable deployment
options and describes activities required before and after a deployment decision.
The plan also allows decision makers to have oversight on technical progress,
cost, schedule, and risks associated with a deployment system.
Continuity of
The degree or state of being continuous in the exercise of the authority vested
in an individual of the armed forces for the direction, coordination, and control of
military forces.
Continuity of
The degree or state of being continuous in the conduct of functions, tasks, or
duties necessary to accomplish a military action or mission in carrying out the
national military strategy. It includes the functions and duties of the commander,
as well as the supporting functions and duties performed by the staff and others
acting under the authority and direction of the commander.
Office (CAO)
The activity identified in the DoD Directory of Contract Administration Services
Components assigned to perform contract administration responsibilities. It is a
general term and includes Defense Contract Management Regions (DCMRs),
Defense Contract Management Area Operations (DCMAOs), and Defense Plant
Representative Offices (DPROs). (Defense Systems Management College
Contract Data
List (CDRL)
Document used to order (“buy”) and require delivery of data. Tells contractor
what data to deliver, when and how it will be accepted, where to look for
instructions, etc.
A funded effort, normally by two or more competing contractors, to establish
specifications, to select technical approaches, to identify high-risk areas, and to
make cost and production time estimates for developing large weapons systems.
Contract Work
The complete WBS for a contract developed and used by a contractor within the
guidelines of MIL-STD 881A, and in accordance with the contract statement of
Officer (CO)
A person with the authority to enter into, administer, or terminate contracts and
make related determinations and findings. The term includes any authorized
representatives of the CO acting within the limits of their authority. A CO whose
primary responsibility is to administer contracts is an Administrative Contracting
Officer. One whose primary responsibility is to terminate contracts and/or settle
terminated contracts is a Termination Contracting Officer. A single contracting
officer may be responsible for duties in any or all of these areas.
Control Authority that may be less than full command exercised by a commander over
part of the activities of subordinate or other organizations.
(Software) The process of extracting the essential characteristics of control by
defining abstract mechanisms and their associated characteristics while
disregarding low-level details and the entities to be controlled.
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Control and
Reporting Center
An element of the US Air Force tactical air control system, subordinate to the
tactical air control center, from which radar control and warning operations are
conducted within its area of responsibility.
Control and
Reporting Post
An element of the US Air Force tactical air control system, subordinate to the
control and reporting center, that provides radar control and surveillance within
its area of responsibility.
Control Area A controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above the Earth.
Area where entry into the radiation hazard area is controlled.
The means used to control the orderly communication of information between
stations on a data link. Also called line discipline.
Control Station The station on a network, which supervises the network control procedures such
as polling, selecting, and recovery. It also is responsible for establishing order
on the line in the event of contention, or any other abnormal situation, arising
between any stations on the network.
Control Zone The space, expressed in feet or radius, that surrounds equipment that is used to
process sensitive defense information and that is under sufficient physical and
technical control to preclude an unauthorized entry or compromise.
CONUS Continental United States.
Conventional Co-
An effort between governments to produce the same end item, or components
of the same end item, in concert.
A weapon that is neither nuclear, biological, nor chemical.
Coop Cooperative
Necessary coordination among engagement components to ensure maximum
effectiveness of the SDS and resources are not wasted on targets already
A commander or individual assigned responsibility for coordinating specific
functions of activities involving forces of two or more Services or two or more
forces of the same Service. The commander or individual has the authority to
require consultation between the agencies involved, but does not have the
authority to compel agreement. In the event that essential agreement cannot be
reached, the matter shall be referred to the appointing authority.
COP Committee of Principals
COR Contracting Officer’s Representative. Contracting Officer.
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture.
CORM Commission on Roles and Missions.
Corner Reflector (1) A device, normally consisting of three metallic surfaces or screens
perpendicular to one another, designed to act as a radar target or
(2) In radar interpretation, an object that, by means of multiple reflections
from smooth surfaces, produces a radar return of greater magnitude than
might be expected from the physical size of the object.
Corps SAM OBSOLETE. See Medium Extended Air Defense System.
Correlation (1) The process of relating observations or tracks from one set of data to
observations or tracks from another set of data, i.e., collecting data from
different frames or sensors that presumably relate to the same target. (2)
In air defense, the determination that an aircraft appearing on a
radarscope, on a plotting board, or visual is the same as that on which
information is being received form another source. (3) In intelligence
usage, the process which associates and combines data on a single
entity or subject from independent observations, in order to improve the
reliability or credibility or the information.
COSEMS Evolving architecture operations support tool.
COSM Computer System Operator’s Manual
COSMIC NATO security category.
Cost Analysis
Group (CAIG)
An organization within the office of OSD Director, PA&E which advises the DAB
on all matters concerning the estimation, review, and presentation of cost
analysis of future weapon systems. The CAIG also develops common cost
estimating procedures for DoD.
Cost Analysis
The document describing the technical baseline, which is a subset of current
system technical data and is used to generate the baseline cost estimate for an
SDS element. It includes, but is not limited to, the element description,
interfaces, operational concept quantity requirements, manpower requirements,
activity rates, schedules, research and development-phasing plan, and facilities
Cost and
Analysis (COEA)
An analysis of the estimated costs and operational effectiveness of alternative
materiel systems to meet a mission need, and the associated program for
acquiring each alternative.
Cost Risk Cost estimating risk and schedule/technical risk. Cost estimating risk is the risk
due to cost estimating errors and the statistical uncertainty in the estimate.
Schedule/technical risk is risk due to inability to conquer the problems posed by
the intended design
COTR Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative. See Contracting Officer.
COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf.
Counterair A US Air Force term for air operations conducted to attain and maintain a desired
degree of air superiority by the destruction or neutralization or enemy forces.
Both air offensive and air defensive actions are involved. The former range
throughout enemy territory and are generally conducted at the initiative of
friendly forces. The latter are conducted near or over friendly territory and are
generally reactive to the initiative of the enemy air forces.
Measures taken by the defense to defeat offensive countermeasures.
Counterforce The employment of strategic air and missile forces in an effort to destroy, or
render impotent, selected military capabilities of an enemy force under any of the
circumstances by which hostilities may be initiated.
Countermeasure A design or procedural measure taken against covert or overt attacks.
s (CM)
That form of military science that by the employment of devices and/or
techniques has as its objective the impairment of the operational effectiveness of
enemy activity.
s Rejection
Improvement or rejection of an object signal in the presence of
Course of Action
(1) Any sequence of acts that an individual or unit may follow. (2) A possible
plan open to an individual or command that would accomplish or is
related to the accomplishment of his mission. (3) The scheme adopted
to accomplish a job or mission. (4) A line of conduct in an engagement.
(5) A plan to accomplish a mission. It describes the execution concept
for BMD of North America. It will specify the engagement priorities,
resource allocation and desired results by Area of Operation (AO).
(USSPACECOM) (6) The scheme adopted to accomplish a task or
mission. It is a product of the Joint Operation Planning and Execution
System concept development phase. The supported commander will
include a recommended course of action in the commander’s estimate.
The recommended course of action will include the concept of
operations, evaluation of supportability estimates of supporting
organizations, and an integrated time-phased data base of combat,
combat support, and combat service support forces and sustainment.
Refinement of this database will be contingent on the time available for
course of action development. When approved, the course of action
becomes the basis for the development of an operation plan or
operation order.
Coverage (1) The ground area represented on imagery, photomaps, mosaics, maps,
and other geographical presentation systems. (2) Cover or protection, as
the coverage of troops by supporting fire. (3) The extent to which
intelligence information is available in respect to any specified area of
interest. (4) The summation of the geographical areas and volumes of
aerospace under surveillance.
Covert Timing
A covert channel in which one process signals information to another by
modulating its own use of system resources in such a way that this manipulation
affects the real response time observed by the second process.
CP Command Post.
CPA (1) Chairman’s Program Assessment. (2) Closest Point of Approach.
CPAF Cost Plus Award Fee.
CPAM Chief of Naval Operations Program Assessment Memorandum (Navy)
CPAR Cost Performance Assessment Report.
CPAT Critical Process Assessment Tool
CPB Charged Particle Beam.
CPEV Communications/Processor Experimental Version.
CPFF Cost Plus Fixed Fee.
CPIF Cost Plus Incentive Fee.
CPIPT Cost-Performance Integrated Product (Process) Team.
CPM (1) Critical Path Method. (2) Contractor Performance Measurement.
CPP Critical Performance Parameter.
CPR Cost Performance Report.
CPR/NC Cost Performance Report/No Criteria (Contract management term).
CPS (1) Consolidated Program Summary.
(2) Competitive Prototyping Strategy.
(3) Current Program Status.
CPU Central Processing Unit (TelComm/Computer term).
CPX See Command Post Exercise.
CQAE Chief/Contract Quality Assurance Evaluator.
CR (1) Computer Resources. (2) Continuing Resolution (US Congress term).
CR-UAV Close Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
CRA (1) Coordinating Review Authority. (2) Command Relationships Agreement
CRADA Cooperative Research and Development Agreement.
CRAM (1) Control Random Access Memory.
(2) Cross-tie Random Access Memory (Computer term).
CRB Configuration Review Board.
CRC Control and Reporting Center.
CRD (1) Capstone Requirements Document.
(2) Component Requirements Document.
CRDA Cooperative Research and Development Agreement.
CRG Communications Relay Groups (PATRIOT).
CRI Classification, Recognition and Identification.
CRISD Computer Resources Integrated Support Document
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Critical Design
Review (CDR)
A review conducted to determine that the detailed design satisfies the
performance and engineering requirements of the development specification; to
establish the detailed design compatibility between the item and other items of
equipment, facilities, computer programs, and personnel; to assess producibility
and risk areas; and to review the preliminary product specifications. Conducted
during Phase I, Demonstration and Validation (for prototypes) and Phase II,
Engineering and Manufacturing Development.
Specific facts about friendly intentions, capabilities, and activities vitally needed
by adversaries for them to plan and act effectively so as to guarantee failure or
unacceptable consequences for friendly mission accomplishment.
A threat capability or threshold established by the program, changes to which
could critically impact on the effectiveness and survivability of the proposed
Critical Issues Those aspects of a system’s capability, either operational, technical, or other,
that must be questioned before a system’s overall suitability can be known, and
which are of primary importance to the decision authority in reaching a decision
to allow the system to advance into the next phase of design, development,
production, or post-production.
A key operational effectiveness or operational suitability issue that must be
examined in operational test and evaluation to determine the system’s capability
to perform its mission. A critical operational issue is normally phrased as a
question to be answered in evaluating a system’s operational effectiveness
and/or operational suitability.
Critical Path
A technique that aids dependency of other activities and the time required to
complete. Activities, which when delayed have an impact on the total project
schedule, are critical and are said to be on the critical path.
Critical Risk The existence of a vulnerability that could cause exceptionally grave damage to
the viability or the operational effectiveness of the SDS.
Critical Security
The existence of a security vulnerability that, if exploited by an adversary, could
cause exceptionally grave damage to the viability of the BMD or the operational
effectiveness of the SDS. Critical risks assume an adversary’s capability to
cause major system disruption or degradation (e.g., single point failure),
destruction of mission-critical components, or usurpation of system functions.
A technology that program management personnel consider a critical part of the
program being described.
CRLCMP Computer Resources Life-Cycle Management Plan.
CRM Computer Resources Management.
CRMP Computer Resources Management Plan.
CRO Chemical Release Observation.
CRP (1) Command and Reporting Post. (2) Control and Reporting Point (JFACC
CRS (1) Computer Resources Support. (2) Congressional Research Service. (3)
Contractor Reporting System.
CRT Cathode Ray Tube.
CRWG Computer Resource Working Group.
Cryocoolers Cryogenic Coolers.
Cryogenic Of or related to cryogens (substances which are used to obtain low
Crypto A designation or marking which identifies classified operational keying material,
and which indicates that this material requires special consideration with respect
to access, storage and handling.
The documents, devices, equipment, and associated techniques that are used
as a unit to provide a single means of encryption (enciphering or encoding).
Cryptology The science that deals with hidden, disguised, or encrypted communications. It
includes communications security and communications intelligence.
CS (1) OBSOLETE. See Corps SAM. (2) Contracting Specialist. (3) Contract Start.
CS/CSS Combat Support and Combat Service Support (USAF budget term).
CSA Chief of Staff of the Army.
CSAF Chief of Staff of the Air Force.
CSC Computer Software Component.
CSCE OBSOLETE – Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. (See OSCE)
CSCSC Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria.
CSD (1) Constant Speed Drive. (2) Critical System Demonstration.
CSE Center for Security Evaluations (DCI).
CSEDS Combat System Engineering Development Site, supporting the AEGIS Weapon
System, located in Cherry Hill, NJ.
CSF Consolidated Support Facility, Arlington, VA.
CSI (1) Critical Safety Item. (2) Critical Sustainability Item.
CSIP Current Systems Improvement Program.
CSIZE Constellation Size.
CSL Computer Systems Laboratory.
CSM (1) Core Support Module (*C2E term). (2) Communications Support Model.
CSNI Communications Shared Network Interface (NATO term).
CSO Closely Spaced Objects.
CSOC See Consolidated Space Operations Center.
CSOM Computer System Operator’s Manual
CSOSS Combat System Operational System Sequencing
CSP Communications Support Processor (numerous locations, including USAF Air
Development Center, Rome, NY term).
CSRD Computer System Requirements Document.
CSS (1) Cooperating Space System. (2) Communications System Segment. (3)
Contractor Support Services. (4) Common Sharing System. (5) Communications
Support System (Navy term). (6) Common Support System. (7) Combat Service
CSSCS Combat Service Support Control System (USA term).
CSSPAB Computer System Security and Privacy Advisory Board.
CSSO Computer Systems Security Officer.
CSSTSS Combat Service Support Training Simulation System (US Army term).
CSTC Consolidated Space Test Center.
CSTI Civil Space Technology Initiative.
CSU (1) Computer Software Unit. (2) Communications System Utilization.
CSUR Communications System Utilization Report.
CT (1) Counter-terrorism. (2) Communications Terminal. (3) Control Telemetry.
(4) Cryptologic Technician (Navy occupation specialty).
CTACS Contingency Theater Air Control System (JFACC term).
CTAPS Contingency Theater Automated Planning System (USAF).
CTB (1) Communications Test Bed. (2) Comprehensive Test Ban .
CTBM Conventionally-0armed TBM.
CTC Combat Training Center, Ft. Leavenworth, KS.
CTCC Critical Technology Coordinating Committee.
CTD Communications Test Driver.
CTE (1) Center for Test and Evaluation (JIEO term) (2) Common Test Environment.
CTEIP Central Test and Evaluation Investment Program. A DoD program for centrally
funding selected test investments proposed by the Services and Defense
Agencies (including MDA).
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CTF Controlled Test Flights.
CTI Concept Technology Insertion.
CTN CALS Test Network.
CTOC Corps Tactical Operations Center.
CTOL Conventional Takeoff/Landing aircraft.
CTP (1) Critical Technical Parameters.
(2) Communication Tasking Plan.
(3) Consolidated Targets Program.
CTPE Central Tactical Processing Element.
CTPP Consolidated Targets Program Plan.
CTR Cooperative Threat Reduction (Treaty negotiation term).
CTRS Centers
CTS (1) Clear To Send (TelComm/Computer term).
(2) Contact Test Set (USA IFTE term).
CTSS Computer and Telecommunications Staff.
CTT Commander’s Tactical Terminal (US Army).
CTT-H/R Commander’s Tactical Terminal –Hybrid Receiver (USA term).
CTV Control Test Vehicle(s).
CUDIXS Common User Digital Information Exchange System.
Cued Operation The directing of one sensor based upon the data received from another sensor.
Cueing Command The command within a tactic, which specifies the sensor element’s coverage
Cueing Data Cueing data is a subset of object tracks within a sensor element’s coverage
CV (1) Carrier Vehicle. (2) USN Aircraft Carrier. (3) Curriculum Vitae.
CV/BM Carrier Vehicle/Battle Management.
CVBG USN aircraft carrier battle group.
CVHG Carrier, Aircraft (V/STOL), Guided missile.
CVISC Combat Visual Information Support Center.
CVL Copper Vapor Lasers.
CVN USN nuclear powered aircraft carrier.
CW (1) Continuous Wave. (2) Chemical Weapon/Warfare. (3) Carrier Wave.
CWAR Continuous Wave Acquisition Cycle (Hawk).
CWBS Contract Work Breakdown Structure.
CWDD Continuous Wave Deuterium Demonstrator.
CWIPT Cost Working group integrated Product Team.
CY Calendar Year.
D Deuterium
D Spec Process specification.
D Star Measure of infrared sensor sensitivity.
D&D Design and Development
D&T Detection and Tracking.
D-IFOG Depolarized-Interferometric Fiber Optic Gyro.
D-Level Depot Level (ILS term).
D/A Digital-to-Analog
D/V Demonstration and Validation.
D2 Projective (interceptor) in the Hyper-Velocity Gun program.
DA (1) Department of the Army.
(2) Department of Administration.
(3) Decision Analysis.
(4) Developing Agency/Activity.
(5) Data Administrator.
(6) Direct Action.
(7) Data Adapter.
DAA Designated Approval Authority (DD 5000 term).
DAASAT Direct Ascent Anti-Satellite.
DAB See Defense Acquisition Board.
DAC (1) Days After Contract .
(2) Department of the Army Civilian.
(3) Directed Attack Characterization.
(4) Deploy ACCS Component.
(5) Digital-to-Analog Converter.
DACS Divert and Attitude Control System.
DAD Defense Acquisition Deskbook.
DADS Distributed Air Defense Study (1993).
DAE Defense Acquisition Executive.
DAES Defense Acquisition Executive Summary.
DAGGR Depressed Altitude Guided Gun Round.
DAHQ Department of the Army Headquarters.
DAI Damage Assessment Indicator (targets).
DAL Defended Asset List.
DAMA Demand Assigned Multiple Access.
DANASAT Direct Ascent Nuclear Anti-Satellite.
DAPR Director’s Annual Program Review (SDIO term)
DARO Defense Aeronautical Reconnaissance Office (OSD).
DARP Defense Aeronautical Reconnaissance Program.
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. See ARPA.
DART OBSOLETE. Defense Acquisition Review Team.
DASA German Aerospace. Member of the MEADS Program Team.
DASC Deep Air Support Center (JFACC term).
DASD OBSOLETE. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense.
DASD (C3) Deputy/Assistant Secretary of Defense (C3)
DASO Demonstration and Shakedown Operation.
Data Integrity The state that exists when computerized data is the same as that in the source
documents and has not been exposed to accidental or malicious alteration or
Datalink (1) The means of connecting one location to another for the purpose of
transmitting and receiving data.
(2) A particular path between two nodes over which data is transmitted. It
includes not only the transmission medium, but also digital to analog
converters, modems, transmission equipment, antennas, etc., associated
with this path. In the SDS backbone network, it was a path between two
SDS elements. In space these datalinks were microwave or laser. On
the ground, they could have been wire line, microwave, or optical fiber.
DAU Defense Acquisition University, Ft. Belvoir, VA.
DAVID Development of Advanced Very long wavelength Infrared Detector (USAF
Phillips Lab term).
DAWS Defense Automated Warning System.
Dazzling The temporary blinding of a sensor by overloading it with an intense signal of
electromagnetic radiation (e.g., from a laser or a nuclear explosion).
DB Bata Base
DBME Database Management Environment (Computer term).
DBMS Database Management System.
DBOF Defense Business Operations Fund.
DBS Direct Broadcast Satellite.
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Dbsm Decibels per square meter.
DBSM Database System Management.
DC (1) Disarmament Commission. (2) Direct Current.
DC-X Delta Clipper Experiment.
DCA (1) Defensive Counter Air. (2) OBSOLETE. Defense Communications
Agency. (Now known as Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)).
DCAA Defense Contract Audit Agency.
DCAS Defense Contract Administrative Services.
DCCO Defense Commercial Communications Office (of DISA).
DCDS Distributed Computer Design/Development System.
DCE (1) Data Communications Equipment (TelComm/Computer term).
(2) Distributed Computer Environment.
DCEC Defense Communications Electronics Command.
DCI (1) Director of Central Intelligence. (2) Dual Channel Interchange.
DCINC Deputy Commander-in-Chief.
DCM Defensive Counter Measures.
DCMC Defense Contract Management Command
DCN Document Change Notice.
DCO Director of Combat Operations (JFACC term).
DCP (1) Decision Coordination Paper (see ADM).
(2) Director of Combat Plans (JFACC term).
DCPG Digital Clock Pulse Generator.
DCS Deputy Chief of Staff.
DCSOPS Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans (Army).
DCT Digital Communications Terminal
DCTN Defense Commercial Telecommunications Network.
DD Variation of DoD.
DDCI Deputy Director of Central Intelligence.
DDEL Dwight David Eisenhower Library, Abilene, KN (army term).
DDG USN guided missile destroyer.
DDL Disclosure authority letter.
DDN Defense Data Network.
DDR&E Director, Defense Research and Engineering.
DDDR&E Deputy Director, Defense Research and Engineering.
DDS Data phone Digital Service (AT&T service) (Telecomm/Computer term).
DE (1) See Directed Energy. (2) Delay Equalizer.
DEBRA Debris, Radiance Model.
In air defense, the normal mode whereby a higher echelon monitors unit actions,
making direct target assignments to units only when necessary to ensure proper
fire distribution or to prevent engagement of friendly aircraft.
The distributed and integrated implementation of USCINCSPACE direction by
the BMD forces. (AFSPACECOM)
The removal or the rendering useless of obsolete or no longer needed
components of the BMD system from service.
Decrement A directed funding level reduction for an acquisition program.
DED Data Element Definition (Computer term).
Dedicated Mode
of Operation
(ADP Security)
A mode of operation where all users of the AIS possess the required personnel
security clearance or authorization, formal access approval (if required), and a
Need-to-Know for all data included in the AIS.
Deep Space (DS) The region of outer space at altitudes greater than 3,000 nautical miles (about
5,600 kilometers) above the earth’s surface.
Def Definition.
DEF (1) Defense. (2) Demilitarization Enterprise Fund.
DEFCON Defense Readiness Conditions.
Defended area
Defended Asset
List (DAL)
The geographical region that the BMDS can protect from ballistic missile attacks
with a specified level of probability of negation. May be specified for a particular
threat type, launch point(s), launch regions, raid size, etc.
A ranked listing of facilities, forces, and national political items that require
protection from attack or hostile surveillance. The list is compiled from Federal
departments and agencies, Unified and Specified Commands, and the Armed
Services to ensure National Security Emergency Preparedness functions.
Board (DAB)
The senior DoD acquisition review board chaired by the Under Secretary of
Defense for Acquisition. The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the
Vice-Chair. Other members of the Board are the Deputy Under Secretary of
Defense for Acquisition and Technology, Service Acquisition Executives of the
Army, Navy, and Air Force; the Director of Defense Research and Engineering;
the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation; the
Comptroller of the Department of Defense; the Director of Operational Test and
Evaluation; the appropriate Defense Acquisition Board Committee Chair; and the
Defense Acquisition Board Executive Secretary. Other persons may attend at
the invitation of the Chair. (See DoD Directive 5000.49, “Defense Acquisition
Board Committee
Advisory review groups subordinate to the Defense Acquisition Board. The
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition determines the number of
Committees. The purpose of the Committee is to review DoD Component
programs prior to a Defense Acquisition Board review in order to make an
independent assessment and recommendation to the Board regarding the
program. (See DoD Directive 5000.49, “Defense Acquisition Board.”)
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Executive (DAE)
The principal advisor to the Secretary of Defense on all matters pertaining to the
Department of Defense Acquisition System. The USD (A) is the DAE and the
Defense Procurement Executive (DoD Directive 5134.1).
Summary (DAES)
The DAE’s principal mechanism for tracking programs between milestone
reviews. Includes programs subject to the Selected Acquisition Report (SAR),
and any non-SAR programs subject to review by the Defense Acquisition Board.
Option (DEO)
Engagement strategy provided to USSPACECOM component forces to achieve
specific military objectives against a ballistic missile attack. It defines hostile
target priorities, provides assets to defend, and allocates SDS resources to be
employed. A number of DEOs may reside in a particular Preplanned Response
Option (PRO). However, default DEOs (those believed to be best suited to
counter the threat initially) will be automatically processed and executed when
Defense Activation Authority (DAA) is given by USCINCSPACE.
Program (DEP)
An Acquisition program designed to streamline the acquisition process by waiver
of selected regulatory requirements.
Defense In-Depth Locating mutually supportive defense positions in such a manner as to absorb
and progressively weaken an attack, prevent initial observations of the entire
position by the enemy, and allow the commander to maneuver his reserve.
Satellite Program
Satellites designed to meet unique military requirements for weather information.
Used to detect and observe developing cloud patterns and follow existing
weather systems. Visible and infrared imagery are used to form threedimensional cloud-plural analyses of various weather conditions.
Defense Planning
and Resources
Board (DPRB)
A board, chaired by the Deputy Secretary of Defense, established to facilitate
decision making during all phases of the planning, programming, and budgeting
system process. Board members include the Secretaries of the Military
Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Under Secretaries of
Defense for Acquisition and Technology, and Policy, the Assistant Secretary of
Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation, and the Comptroller of the
Department of Defense.
Defense Planning
Guidance (DPG)
Document issued by SECDEF to DoD components providing strategic framework
for developing the Service POMs. Result of planning effort by Joint Staff, OSD,
and Services. In connection with two-year budget process, DPG is issued every
other (even) year.
Defense Priority
and Allocation
System (DPAS)
The implementation of a statutory requirement where contracts in support of
national defense must be accepted and performed on a priority basis over all
other contracts, and which requires the allocation of materials and facilities in
such a manner as to promote the national defense. See “DO” and “DX.”
A uniform system of progressive alert postures for use between the Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the commanders of unified and specified commands
and for use by the Services. Defense readiness conditions are graduated to
match situations of varying military severity (status of alert). Defense Readiness
Conditions are identified by the short title DEFCON (5), (4), (3), (2), and (1), as
Defense Satellite
Systems (DSCS)
Advanced communications satellites in synchronous orbit around the earth.
Provides high-capacity, super high-frequency (SHF) secure voice and data links
for the Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS). They
support terminal deployments for contingencies; restoration of disrupted service
overseas; presidential travel; global connectivity for the Diplomatic
Telecommunications Services; and transmission to the continental United States
of some surveillance, intelligence, and early warning data.
Defense Satellite
(DSAT) Weapon
A device that is intended to defend satellites by destroying attacking ASAT
Defense Support
Program (DSP)
A system of satellites in geo-stationary orbits, fixed and mobile ground
processing stations, one multi-purpose facility, and a ground communications
network (GCN). DSP’s primary mission is to provide tactical warning and limited
attack assessment of a ballistic missile attack.
Temporary or transient degradation of the performance of a defensive system
below the level needed to fulfill its mission objectives, by an opposing force.
Defense Tier The arranging of a defensive system to correlate with the phases of a ballistic
missile trajectory; i.e., boost, post-boost, midcourse, and terminal.
Measures (DCM)
Actions taken to eliminate an ASAT attack.
Study Team
A committee, generally known as the “Fletcher Panel” after its Chairman,
appointed by (former) President Reagan to investigate the technologies of
potential BMD systems.
DEFSMAC Defense Special Missiles and Astronautics Center, Ft. Meade, MD.
DEIS Defense Enterprise Integration Services (ex-DTIS).
DEL Delivery.
Delivery Error The inaccuracy associated with a given weapon system resulting in a dispersion
of shots about the aiming point. See also Circular Error Probable.
Delta-V A numerical index of the maneuverability of a satellite or rocket. It is the
maximum change in velocity, which a spacecraft could achieve in the absence of
a gravitational field.
Dem/Val OBSOLETE. Demonstration and Validation (DD 5000 term).
Demise Altitude Altitude at which object of interest (decoy, chaff, etc.) no longer performs its
desired function (matching RV characteristics, screening RV, etc.)
DEMO Demonstration.
and Validation
The acquisition phase when major program characteristics and product designs
are refined through extensive study and analysis, hardware development, test,
and evaluations. The objective is to validate the choice of alternatives and to
provide the basis for determining whether or not to proceed into Engineering and
Manufacturing Development (EMD).
Denial Measure An action to hinder or deny the enemy the use of space, personnel, or facilities.
It may include destruction, removal, contamination, or erection of obstructions.
DEO Defense Employment Option.
Department of
A single uniform system whereby all equipment, facilities, and services are
planned, designed, developed, acquired, maintained, and disposed of within the
Department of Defense. The system encompasses establishing and enforcing
policies and practices that govern acquisitions, to include documenting mission
needs and establishing performance goals and baselines; determining and
prioritizing resource requirements for acquisition programs; planning and
executing acquisition programs; directing and controlling the acquisition review
process; developing and assessing logistics implications; contracting; monitoring
the execution status of approved programs; and reporting to Congress. (See
DoD Directive 5134.1, “Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition).”)
Deployment (1) The placement of force elements in battle positions to obtain a higher
state of readiness.
(2) The movement required to place force elements in battle positions.
(3) Fielding the weapons system by placing it into operational use with units
in the field/fleet.
(4) To arrange, place, or move strategically.
(1) The development and maintenance of plans required to initially deploy,
maintain, and evolve the operational system in accordance with
schedules and priorities. It includes factors such as launch facility
availability and planning for the availability of other required elements
such as trained personnel or units. In addition, it identifies the impact of
deployment on operational readiness and any testing constraints
associated with deployment.
(2) Encompasses all activities from origin or home station through
destination, specifically including intra-continental United States, intertheater, and intra-theater movement legs, staging areas, and holding
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The testing and/or simulation of system assets in the physical and operational
environment in which they are expected to perform.
DepOpsDep Service Deputy Operations Deputies.
Trajectory with an apogee below that of the minimum-energy trajectory.
DEPSCoR Defense Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research.
DEPSECDEF Deputy Secretary of Defense.
DeSecState Deputy Secretary of State.
DERA Defense Evaluation and Research Agency. Consolidated research and
development resources of the U.K. Ministry Defence. Headquartered in
Farnborough, England.
A determination that information is in substance the same as information
currently classified and the application of the same classification marking.
DES Data Encryption Standard.
DESC Defense Electronics Supply Center (DLA term).
Boundary conditions within which the developer must remain while allocating
performance requirements and/or synthesizing system elements.
Qualitative, quantitative, physical, and functional value characteristics that are
inputs to the design process, for use in design tradeoffs, risk analyses, and
development of a system that is responsive to system requirements.
Design Phase A period of time in the software life cycle during which the designs for
architecture, software components, interfaces, and data are created,
documented, and verified to satisfy requirements.
(DTC) Goal
Management concept wherein rigorous cost goals are established during
development, and the control of systems costs (acquisition, operating, and
support) to these goals is achieved by practical tradeoffs between operational
capability, performance, costs, and schedule. Cost, as a key design parameter,
is addressed on a continuing basis and as an inherent part of the development
and production process. A DTC goal should be in the form of average unit
flyaway cost. Also, DTC parameters for operation and support will be
selected—parameters that are design-controllable, significantly affect O&S costs,
and can be measured during test and evaluation. Parameters may be
expressed in dollars or by other measurable factors, e.g., manpower, reliability, or
maintainability. Firm goals and thresholds will be established no later than entry
into EMD (Milestone II). This is an in-house goal, almost contractual in nature,
between the PM (Service) and the SECDEF. Allocations from this goal will
become the contractual DTC goals for contractors supporting the program.
Det Detachment.
DETEC Defense Technology Evaluation Code.
Detector A passive IR, visible, UV detector turns photons into an electrical signal. The
IFOV of the detector is its solid angular sub-tense. There is sometimes
confusion between the detector sub-tense (size) and the pixel (picture element
size). They are the same for a staring sensor, but in a scanner it depends on
the array offset and number of samples per dwell. A pixel area is often only onesixth or one-eighth of a detector angular area.
DEV ENV Development Environment.
Test (DT)
Test conducted by the development test organization to achieve specified test
objectives. It may be a complete test, a subtest, or a phase of a test.
Test I (DT I)
A series of tests conducted during the demonstration and validation phase.
Components, subsystems, or the total (or full) system are examined to determine
whether the system is ready for EMD. State-of-the-art technology is addressed
in DT I.
Test II (DT II)
A series of tests, normally during EMD, which provide the technical data
necessary to assess whether the system is ready for low-rate initial or full
production. It measures the technical performance and safety characteristics of
the item and evaluates its associated tools, test equipment, training package,
and maintenance test package as described in the development plan. DT II
addresses accomplishment of engineering design goals and the fulfillment of
contract specifications.
Tests conducted during production.
Test and
Test and evaluation conducted to measure progress, usually of
component/subsystems, and the proofing of manufacturing processes and
controls and to assist the engineering design and development process and
verify attainment of technical performance specifications and objectives. Usually
conducted under controlled or laboratory conditions. Can be conducted before
or after production begins.
Test (DT)
Test conducted by the development test organization to achieve specified test
objectives. It may be a complete test, a subtest, or a phase of a test.
Deviation Criteria Limits established beyond which a Program Manager may not trade-off cost,
schedule, or performance without authorization from the milestone decision
authority. Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) thresholds represent these
Devolution of
Minimal essential operational capability to perform C2 provided in an orderly and
timely fashion to a duly authorized successor.
DEW (1) Directed Energy Weapon. (2) Directed Energy Warfare.
DEW/D Directed Energy Weapon/Discrimination.
DEWG, O Directed Energy Weapon Ground, Orbital
DEWL Directed Energy Weapon, Laser (thermal or impulse).
DEWP Directed Energy Weapon, Particle Beam (neutral or charged).
DF-KBS Data Fusion Knowledge Based System.
DF2 Deuterium Fluoride.
DFAR Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation
DFARS Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement.
DFAS Defense Financing and Accounting Service.
DG OBSOLETE. Defense Guidance. See Defense Planning Guidance.
DGA Director General of Armaments (France).
DGP Defense Group on Proliferation.
DI (1) Data Item. (2) Developmental Item.
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency.
DIAC Defense Intelligence Analysis Center.
DIAM Defense Intelligence Agency Manual
Diameter (Optics) The unit of measure of the light gathering power of a lens.
DICE Digital Integrated Combat Evaluator.
DID Data Item Description.
Diffraction The spreading out of electromagnetic radiation as it leaves an aperture. The
angle of spread, which cannot be eliminated by focusing, is proportional to the
ratio of the wavelength of radiation to the diameter of the aperture.
The most familiar type of computing, in which problems are solved through the
mathematical manipulation of streams of bits.
DII Defense Information Infrastructure
Dip A period of significantly decreased RCS signatures of an RV at low altitude (6 to
12 km) between wake termination and de-sheathing.
DIPS Dynamic Isotope Power System (which provides up to 10 kW of power).
DIR Director.
Direct Air
Support Center
A subordinate operational component of a tactical air control system designed
for control and direction of close air support and other tactical air support
operations, and normally collocated with fire support coordination elements.
Direct Cost Any cost that is specifically identified with a particular final cost objective. Is not
necessarily limited to items that are incorporated into the end product as labor or
Direct Labor Labor specifically identified with a particular final cost objective. Manufacturing
direct labor includes fabrication, assembly, inspection and test for constructing
the end product. Engineering direct labor consists of engineering labor such as
reliability, quality assurance, test, design, etc., that is readily identified with the
end product.
Directed Energy
1. Energy in the form of atomic particles, pellets, or focused electromagnetic
beams that can be sent long distances at, or nearly at, the speed of
2. An umbrella term covering technologies that relate to the production of a
beam of concentrated electromagnetic energy or atomic or subatomic particles.
Directed Energy
A system using directed energy primarily for a purpose other than as a weapon.
Directed energy devices may produce effects that could allow the device to be
used as a weapon against certain threats, for example, laser rangefinders.
Directed Energy
Weapon (DEW)
A system using directed energy primarily as a direct means to damage or destroy
enemy equipment, facilities, and personnel.
DIRLAUTH Direct Liaison Authorized.
DIRNSA Director, National Security Agency.
DIS (1) Distributed Interactive Simulation. (2) Defense Investigative Service.
DISA Defense Information Systems Agency, Washington, DC. (Formerly known as
Defense Communications Agency).
DISCO Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office
DISCOM Division Support Command (US Army term).
The authority given USCINCSPACE or his duly authorized representative to
perform actions not covered by the ROE.
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DISCRIM Discrimination
DISN Defense Information System Network (DISA term).
DISSP Defense-wide Information Systems Security Program.
DISUM Daily Intelligence Summary (JFACC term).
DITDS Defense Intelligence Threat Data System.
DITP Discriminating Interceptor Technology Program. The objective of DITP is the
development of advanced interceptor seekers to counter advanced threats.
DITP will integrate passive and active sensors into an interceptor seeker that
integrates data fusion processors, multicolor infrared sensors, and LADAR. DTP
flight demonstrations will involve the tracking and interceptor on-board
discrimination of targets of opportunity while providing fusion processor data
telemetry. (See also ASTP).
DIVARTY Division Artillery (US Army term).
DIW Defensive Information Warfare.
DLA Defense Logistics Agency, Alexandria, VA.
DLSC Defense Logistics Services Center (Battle Creek, MI).
DM Data Management
DMA Defense Mapping Agency, Fairfax, VA.
DME Distributed Management Environment.
DMI Dual-Mode Interceptor.
DMRD Defense Management Review Decision.
DMS (1) Defense Message System.
(2) Dissimilar Mission Simulator.
DMSO Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (OSD).
DMSP Defense Meteorological Satellite Program.
DMU Disk Memory Unit.
DNA Defense Nuclear Agency, Alexandria, VA.
DNMS Distributed Network Management System.
DNSIX DoDIIS Network Security Information Exchange
DNSO Defense Network Systems Organization.
DO The lowest rating under the DPAS. All “DO” orders take preference over unrated
orders to meet a required delivery date.
Doc Document
DOCPREP Documentation Preparation.
Doctrine Fundamental principles by which the military forces or elements thereof guide
their actions in support of national objectives. It is authoritative but requires
judgment in the application. See also Combined Doctrine.
DoD Department of Defense
DoD Component
A single official within a DoD Component who is responsible for all acquisition
functions within that Component. This includes Service Acquisition Executives
for the Military Departments and Acquisition Executives in other DoD
Components who have acquisition management responsibilities.
DoD Components The Office of the Secretary of Defense; the Military Departments; the Chairman,
Joint Chiefs of Staff and Joint Staff; the Unified and Specified Commands; the
Defense Agencies; and DoD Field Activities.
DoDD DoD Directive.
DoD Directive
“Defense Acquisition.” The principal DoD directive on acquisition. It establishes
policies, practices and procedures of governing the acquisition of defense
acquisition programs.
DoDI DoD Instruction.
DoD Instruction
“Defense Acquisition Management Policies and Procedures.” Implements DODD
DoDIIS DoD Intelligence Information System.
DoDISS DoD Index of Specifications and Standards.
DoD-M DoD Manual.
DoDR Department of Defense Regulation.
DOD-STD Department of Defense Standard.
DoE Department of Energy.
DOF Degrees of Freedom.
Dog House Large Soviet A-frame radar used as a component of the Moscow ABM system
having a detection range of approximately 3000 km. It is believed to provide
battle management for the totality of Moscow defenses.
DOP (1) Degree of Protection. (2) Depot Overhaul Point (ILS term).
DOPAA Description of Proposed Actions and Alternative (environmental term).
Doppler Effect The phenomenon evidenced by the change in the observed frequency of a
sound or radio wave caused by a time rate of change in the effective length of
the path of travel between the source and the point of observation.
DoS Department of State (US).
DOS Disk Operating System (TelComm/Computer term).
DoT Department of Transportation .
DOT Designated Optical Tracker.
DOT&E Director, Operational Test & Evaluation.
DOTH Defense of the Homeland.
Down Select To reduce the number of contractors working on a program by eliminating one or
more for the next phase.
DP (1) Data Processor. (2) Decision Point. (3) Deployment Planning.
DPA Defense Production Act.
DPA&E Director, Program Analysis and Evaluation.
DPAS Defense Priority and Allocation System.
DPAT Dynamic Program Analysis Tool.
DPB Defense Policy Board.
DPG Defense Planning Guidance.
DPM Deputy Program Manager.
DPML Deputy Program Manager for Logistics
DPP Distributed and Parallel Processing (Computer term).
DPR Defense Performance Review.
DPRB See Defense Planning and Resources Board.
DPRK Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea).
DPRO Defense Plant Representatives Office.
DPSSL Diode-Pumped Solid State Laser.
DR Deployment Review.
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory.
Draw-down Curve A method used to encapsulate the overall performance of a BMD system that
plots the probability of survival on the vertical axis versus the number of attacking
RVs on the horizontal axis. Used in conjunction with attack price, they are the
most important expressions of a BMD capability.
DRB Defense Resources Board.
DREN Defense Research and Engineering Network.
DRFP Draft Request for Proposal.
Drift In ballistics, a shift in projectile direction due to gyroscopic action that results from
gravitational and atmospherically induced torques on the spinning projectile.
DRM DAB Readiness Meeting (DD 5000.2 term).
Drone A land, sea, or air vehicle that is remotely or automatically controlled. See also
Remotely Piloted Vehicle.
DRP (1) Deployment Readiness Plan (US Army term).
(2) Deployment Readiness Program.
DRR Digital Receiver Replacement (USN term).
DS Deep Space.
DS-1 Category of telecommunications circuit capability.
DS-3 LAN Category of telecommunications circuit for a Local Area Network.
DSAA Defense Security Assistance Agency (OSD).
DSAT Defense Satellite Weapon.
DSB Defense Science Board.
DSCS Defense Satellite Communications Systems.
DSCS-3 Defense Satellite Communications System Three.
DSCSOC Defense Satellite Communications System Ops Center.
DSI Defense Simulation Internet
DSIS (1) Defense Special Intelligence System. (2) Defense Simulation Internet
DSM Decision Support Matrix
DSMAC Digital Scene-Matching Area Correlation.
DSMC Defense Systems Management College.
DSN (1) Defense Switched Network (formerly AUTOVON).
(2) Deep Space Network (NASA term).
DSP (1) Defense Support Program. (2) Defense Standardization Program.
DSPRTM Defense Support Program Real-Time Model.
DSR Data Set Ready (TelComm/Computer term).
DSRCE Down Scooped Radio Control Equipment (TelComms term).
DSS (1) Defense Supply Service. (2) Digital Signature Standard.
DST Defense Suppression Threat.
DSTAR Defense Strategic and Tactical Array Reproducibility.
DSTO Defence Science Technology Organization (Australia).
DSU Digital Service Unit (Telecomm/Computer term).
DSWA Defense Special Weapons Agency, Alexandria, VA. DSWA is the successor to
the DNA.
DT (1) Discrimination Technique.
(2) Development Testing.
(3) See Development Test I, II, III.
(4) Down Time (ILS term).
(5) Depressed Trajectory.
(6) Dedicated Target.
DT&E Development Test and Evaluation.
DT/OA Development Test/Operational Assessment.
DT/OT Developmental Test/Operational Test.
DTAP Defense Technology Area Plan.
DTC Design-to-Cost.
DTD Digital Transfer Device (TelComm/Computer term).
DTE Data Terminal Equipment (TelComm/Computer term).
DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Data.
DTIC Defense Technical Information Center, Alexandria, VA.
DTIS Defense Technical Information Services (now DEIS).
DTLCC Design to Life-Cycle Cost.
DTLOMS Doctrine, Training, Leadership, Organization, Material, and Soldiers (USA BCBL
DTLS Descriptive Top-Level Specification.
DTMF Data Tone Multiple Frequency (TelComm/Computer term).
DTO Defense Technology Objectives.
DTOC Division Tactical Operations Center.
DTR (1) Demonstration Test Round. (2) Development Test Round.
DTRM Dual Thrust Rocket Motor.
DTSA Defense Technology Security Administration.
DTSE&E Director, Test Systems Engineering and Evaluation.
DTST Defensive Technologies Study Team.
DTT Design-To Threat
DTWT Dual Traveling Wave Tube (Electronics Engineering term).
DU Depleted Uranium.
DUA Design Upgrade Assessment.
Dual Source Two contractors producing the same components or end items for the same
DUNDEE Down Under Early Warning Experiment (MDA/DSTO term).
DURIP Defense University Research Instrumentation Program.
DUSD Deputy Under Secretary of Defense.
DUSD (ES) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security).
DVAL Demonstration Validation.
DX The highest rating under the DPAS. It takes preference over all other rated and
not rated orders on a contractor’s production line. The BMD program carries a
“DX” rating.
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E East
E2 I See Endo-Exoatmospheric Interceptor.
E2SRD Effectively Two-System Requirement Document.
E3 (1) Electromagnetic Environmental Effects.
(2) Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical.
E Spec Materiel Specification.
EA (1) Environmental Assessment.
(2) Engagement Authorization.
(3) Executing Agent.
(4) Evolutionary Acquisition.
(5) Environmental Analysis (environmental term).
(6) Executive Agent.
EAC Estimated Cost at Completion.
EAD (1) Engineering Analysis and Design. (2) Extended air defense.
EAD/D Engineering, Analysis, Design and Development.
EADSIM Extended Air Defense Simulation.
EADTB Extended Air Defense Test Bed. An object-oriented simulation tool allowing
users to model military response to airborne and ballistic missile threats.
EADTBP Extended Air Defense Test Bed Program.
EAGLE Extended Airborne Global Launch Evaluator.
EAM Emergency Action Message.
EAR Export Administration Regulations.
Early Operational
An operational assessment conducted prior to, or in support of, Milestone II.
Early User Test
A test employing representative users to examine materiel concepts, training or
logistics planning, or inter-operability issues. EUT can be accomplished during
DEM/VAL on brassboard configurations, experimental prototypes, or surrogates
to provide data leading to the decision to enter full-scale development.
Early Warning (1) Early detection of an enemy ballistic missile launch, usually by means of
surveillance satellites and long range radar.
(2) Early notification of the launch or approach of unknown weapons or
weapon carriers.
Earth Limb The apparent outer edge of the earth as viewed from space.
Eastern Test
Range (ETR)
Beginning at Patrick AFB, FL, this range stretches halfway around the globe
where it meets the Western Test Range. An array of launch complexes, sensors,
and tracking sites make up the Eastern Test Range. The ETR is now operated
by AFSPACECOM as shown in WTR definition.
EB (1) Electron Beam. (2) Enhanced Blast.
EBB Electronic Bulletin Board.
EBCDIC Extended Binary Code Decimal Interchange Code.
EBW Electron Beam Welding.
EC (1) Electronic Combat.
(2) Error Control.
(3) OBSOLETE. European Community. Now known as the European Union
EC/EDI Electronic Commerce/Electronic Data Interchange
ECAC Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Center.
ECB Engineering Change Board.
ECC (1) Equipment Control Center. (2) Element Control Center (USAF term).
ECCM Electronic Counter-Countermeasures.
ECDs Element Control Directives.
ECLS ERINT Command and Launch System.
ECM Electronic Countermeasures.
ECN Engineering Change Notice.
ECO Engagement Control Orders.
ECP (1) Engineering Change Proposal. (2) Emergency Command Precedence.
ECPMO Electronic Commerce Program Management Office.
ECS Engagement Control Station (PATRIOT).
ECU Environmental Control Unit.
EDAC Error Detection and Correction
EDGES Electronic Data/Guidelines for Element Survivability.
EDL Electrical Discharge Laser
EDM Engineering Development Model.
EDP Engineering Development Process
EDR Embedded Data Recorder (PATRIOT).
EDS Electronic Data Systems Corporation
EDWA Engagement Determination and Weapons Assignment (PATRIOT).
EDX Exoatmospheric Discrimination Experiment
EE (1) Electrical Engineering. (2) Engineering Estimate.
EED Electro-Explosive Device.
EEEV End-to-End Experimental Version.
EEFI Essential Elements of Friendly Information.
EEI Essential Elements of Information.
EEIC Element of Expense Investment Code.
EELV Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (USAF term)
EEU Electronic Equipment Unit.
EFEX Endo-Aeromechanics Flight Experiment.
EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Effectivity A designation given to the BMDS configuration and demonstrated capability at
a point in time, becoming effective at each increment when an element or
component is inserted into a particular Block.
Effective Damage That damage necessary to render a target element inoperative, unserviceable,
nonproductive, or uninhabitable.
Effluent Plume The pathway of movement of effluents through surface water or air.
EFP Explosively Formed Projectile.
EGP End Game Processor.
EGTR Eglin Gulf Test Range.
EHC Enhance Hit Capability (USN term, related to SM2 Block IVA).
EHF Extremely High Frequency.
ehp Equivalent Horsepower.
EIA (1) Environmental Impact Assessment.
(2) Electronic Industries Association.
EIAP Environmental Impact Analysis Process.
EIP Exoatmospheric Interceptor Propulsion.
EIPC Electronic Information Privacy Center.
EIPT (1) Element IPT. (2) Engineering IPT.
EIS (1) Environmental Impact Statement. (2) Explosive Initiation System.
EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture (Telecomm/Computer term).
EKV (1) Electromagnetic Kill Vehicle. (2) Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle.
Elastic Range The stress range in which a material will recover its original form when the force
(or loading) is removed. Elastic deformation refers to dimensional changes
occurring within the elastic range.
Infrared (EO/IR)
Technologies/techniques employed by optical sensors in the wavelength
spectrum slightly longer than visible but shorter than radio.
A condition when all electromagnetic emissions from electronic, electro-magnetic,
and electro-optical components of a system interact without interfering with one
Signals transmitted as radiation through the air, through a vacuum, or through
Field (EMF)
An electric or magnetic field or combination of the two, as in an electromagnetic
wave. Created by electric charges in motion, having both electric and magnetic
components oriented at right angles to one another and containing a definite
amount of energy.
Gun (EMG)
A gun in which the projectile is accelerated by electromagnetic forces rather than
by an explosion, as in a conventional gun.
Interference (EMI)
Any electromagnetic disturbance that interrupts, obstructs, or otherwise
degrades or limits the effective performance of electronics/electrical equipment.
It can be induced intentionally, as in some forms of electronic warfare, or
unintentionally, as a result of spurious emissions and responses, intermodulation products, and the like.
Pulse (EMP)
The electromagnetic radiation from a nuclear explosion caused by Comptonrecoil electrons and photoelectrons from photons scattered in the materials of
the nuclear device or in a surrounding medium. The resulting electric and
magnetic fields may couple with electrical/electronic systems to produce
damaging current and voltage surges. May also be caused by non-nuclear
发表于 2008-12-25 20:05:12
Radiation (EMR)
(1) A form of propagated energy, arising from electric charges in motion that
produces a simultaneous wavelike variation of electric and magnetic
fields in space. The highest frequencies (or shortest wavelengths) of
such radiation are possessed by gamma rays, which originate from
processes within atomic nuclei. As one goes to lower frequencies, the
electromagnetic spectrum includes x-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light,
infrared light, microwaves, and radio waves.
(2) Radiation made up of oscillating electric and magnetic fields and
propagated with the speed of light. Includes gamma radiation, X-rays,
ultraviolet, visible, and infrared radiation, and radar and radio waves.
Electromagnetics Application of electrical, electronic, and magnetic phenomena to develop devices
used in system/subsystem design, excluding employment in the RF spectrum.
The range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation from zero to infinity. It is
divided into 26 alphabetically designated bands.
s (ECCM)
That division of electronic warfare involving actions taken to insure friendly
effective use of the electromagnetic, optical, and acoustic spectra despite the
enemy’s use of electronic warfare to include high power microwave techniques.
That division of electronic warfare involving actions taken to prevent or reduce an
enemy’s effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Association (EIA)
A standards organization specializing in the electrical and functional
characteristics of interface equipment.
Warfare (EW)
Any military activity involving the use of electromagnetic and directed energy to
control the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the enemy. The three major
subdivisions are:
•Electronic attack – Involves the use of electromagnetic or directed energy to
attack personnel, facilities, or equipment with the intent of degrading,
neutralizing, or destroying enemy combat capability. Also known as EA.
Includes: 1) actions taken to prevent or reduce an enemy’s effective use of
the electromagnetic spectrum, such as jamming and electromagnetic
deception, and 2) employment of weapons that use either electromagnetic or
directed energy as their primary destructive mechanism (lasers, radio
frequency weapons, particle beams).
•Electronic protection -- Involves actions taken to protect personnel, facilities,
and equipment from any effects of friendly or enemy employment of
electronic warfare that degrade, neutralize, or destroy friendly combat
capability. Also called EP.
•Electronic warfare support – Involves actions tasked by, or under direct
control of, an operational commander to search for, intercept, identify, and
locate sources of intentional and unintentional radiated electromagnetic
energy for the purpose of immediate threat recognition. Thus, electronic
warfare support provides information required for immediate decisions
involving electronic warfare operations and other tactical actions such as
threat avoidance, targeting, and homing. Also called ES.
Warfare (EW)
Electronic warfare environments result from radar and communications jamming
and other related electromagnetic countermeasures and countercountermeasures. Currently, radar jamming is the sole EW threat for the NMD
Technical and geo-location intelligence derived from foreign non-communications
electromagnetic radiations emanating from other than nuclear detonations or
radioactive sources.
Security (ELSEC)
The protection resulting from all measures designed to deny unauthorized
persons information of value that might be derived from their interception and
study of non-communications electromagnetic radiations, e.g. radar.
Infrared (EO/IR)
Technologies/techniques employed by optical sensors in the wavelength
spectrum slightly longer than visible but shorter than radio.
Element A complete, integrated set of components capable of autonomously providing
BMDS capability.
A document that identifies the element-level BMDS capabilities and
specifications necessary to achieve the system capabilities identified in the SCS.
The ECS further defines the SCS-apportioned mission/technical performance
capabilities and allocates these capabilities to the element’s components.
Element Control
Directives (ECDs)
The command and control data instructions to control the conduct of the
engagement. ECDs are developed by command and control software based
upon variable parameter input by the operators (both pre-planned and real time),
and operator defined rule sets embedded in the software. The individual battle
management processors use these instructions to accomplish the assigned tasks
from the operations order. ECDs are contained within a Task and represent the
form of parameter values that influence the resource management processes of
Weapon Target Assignment (WTA), Sensor Resource Management (SRM), and
Communications Management (CM). There will be numerous ECDs per Task.
Center (EOC)
An Air Force operations center, which operates and maintains a BMD weapon or
sensor suite. (USSPACECOM)
ELF Extremely Low Frequency.
ELIAS Earth Limb Infrared Atomic Structure.
ELINFOSEC Electronic Information Security.
ELINT Electronics Intelligence.