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An evaluation of operational effectiveness and operational suitability made by an
independent operational test activity, with user support as required, on other
than production systems. The focus of an operational assessment is on
significant trends noted in development efforts, programmatic voids, areas of risk,
adequacy of requirements, and the ability of the program to support adequate
operational testing. Operational assessments may be made at any time using
technology demonstrators, prototypes, mockups, engineering development
models, or simulations but will not substitute for the independent operational test
and evaluation necessary to support full production decisions.
The degree, expressed in terms of 1.0 as the highest, to which one can expect
equipment or weapon systems to work properly when required. The equation is
uptime over uptime plus downtime, expressed as Ao. It is the quantitative link
between readiness objectives and supportability.
An end-to-end stream of activities that defines how force elements, systems,
organizations, and tactics combined to accomplish a military task.
Control (OPCON)
Transferable command authority that may be exercised by commanders at any
echelon at or below the level of combatant command. Operational control is
inherent in Combatant Command (command authority) and is the authority to
perform those functions of command over subordinate forces involving
organizing and employing commands and forces, assigning tasks, designating
objectives, and giving authoritative direction necessary to accomplish missions
assigned to the command. Operational control should be exercised through the
commanders of subordinate organizations; normally this authority is exercised
through the Service component commanders. Operational control normally
provides full authority to organize commands and forces and to employ those
forces, as the commander in operational control considers necessary to
accomplish assigned missions. Operational control does not, in and of itself,
include authoritative direction for logistics or matters of administration, discipline,
internal organization, or unit training.
The overall degree of mission accomplishment of a system when used by
representative personnel in the environment planned or expected (e.g., natural,
electronic, threat, etc.) for operational employment of the system considering
organization, doctrine, tactics, survivability, vulnerability, and threat (including
countermeasures, initial nuclear weapons effects, nuclear, biological, and
chemical contamination (NBCC) threats).
The test and analysis of a specific end item or system, insofar as practicable
under Service operating conditions, in order to determine if quantity production is
warranted considering: a) the increase in military effectiveness to be gained;
and b) its effectiveness as compared with currently available items or systems,
consideration being given to: (1) personnel capabilities to maintain and operate
the equipment; (2) size, weight, and location considerations; and (3) enemy
capabilities in the field.
Level of War
The level of war at which campaigns and major operations are planned,
conducted, and sustained to accomplish strategic objectives within theaters or
areas of operations. Activities at this level link tactics and strategy by
establishing operational objectives needed to accomplish the strategic
objectives, sequencing events to achieve the operational objectives, initiating
actions, and applying resources to bring about and sustain these events. These
activities imply a broader dimension of time or space than do tactics; they ensure
the logistic and administrative support of tactical forces, and provide a means by
which tactical successes are exploited to achieve strategic objectives.
Operational Mode The configuration of the defense system element or segment. Refers to the
operational environment of system, i.e., test configuration or training
The capability of a unit/formation, ship, weapon system or equipment to perform
the missions or functions for which it is organized or designed. May be used in
a general sense or to express a level or degree of readiness.
The reliability of a system or software subsystem in its actual use environment.
Operational reliability may differ considerably from reliability in the nonoperational or test environment.
Navy document, which describes major characteristics of the alternative selected
by OPNAV. It is submitted as originating document for all Navy new starts (less
than major programs)--ACATs II, III, IV.

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Document (ORD)
Documents the user’s objectives and minimum acceptable requirements for
operational performance of a proposed concept or system. DoDI 5000.1 and
DoD 5000.2-M have standardized format across all DoD components.
The degree to which a system can be placed satisfactorily in field use with
consideration given to availability, compatibility, transportability, interoperability,
reliability, wartime usage rates, maintainability, safety, human factors, manpower
supportability, logistics supportability, natural environmental effects and impacts,
documentation, and training requirements.
Operational Test
and Evaluation
That T&E conducted to estimate a system's military utility, operational
effectiveness, and operational suitability, as well as the need for any
modifications. It is accomplished by operational and support personnel of the
types and qualifications expected to use and maintain the system when
deployed, and is conducted in as realistic an operational environment as
1. Capable of performing the missions or functions for which organized or
designed (as applied to a unit, ship or weapon system). Incorporates both
equipment readiness and personnel readiness. 2. Available and qualified to
perform assigned missions or functions (as applied to personnel).
Operations and
Support (O&S)
Those resources required to operate and support a system, subsystem, or a
major component during its useful life in the operational inventory.
An identification of all participants in an operation, their actions, and the time
those actions occur in the operation. Includes assessment of operational
procedures to ascertain whether stereotyped or predictable patterns are
Security (OPSEC)
The method of evaluating the protection afforded a given operation. It is
composed of multiple functional outlines that identify possible weaknesses or
inefficiencies of an operation that could, if exploited, degrade operational
OPEVAL Operational Evaluation (Navy).
OPINE Operation in Nuclear Environment.
OPINTEL Operational Intelligence Processor.
OPLAN Operation Plan.
OPM Office of Personnel Management.
OPNAV Office of the Chief of Naval Operations.
OPNAVINST Chief of Naval Operations Instruction.
OPNS Operations.
OPO Optical Parametric Oscillation.
OPORD Operation Order.
OPP Other Physical Principles.
OPR Office of Primary Responsibility.
Ops Operations (employment).
OPS Operations.
OPSDEPS Service Operations Deputies.
OPSEC Operations Security.
OPSMOD Operations Module.
OPTEC Operational Test and Evaluation Command, Alexandria, VA. (U.S. Army)
OPTEMPO Operating Tempo.
OPTEVFOR Operational Test and Evaluation Force. (U.S. Navy)
Optic Cobra CENTCOM Joint TMD Warfighter Exercise.
Optical Airborne
Program (OAMP)
A program involving an aircraft-mounted research platform to conduct
surveillance experiments that can be used to design future defensive systems.
(Also known as Cobra Eye.)
Optical Coating Layers of materials that alter/protect the physical/electronic properties of the
material to which they are applied.
A type of analog processing, in which the behavior of light beams, passed
through optical systems, is used in problem solving.
OR (1) Operations Research. (2) Operational Requirement (Navy). (3) Operational
Readiness. (4) Operational Reliability.
OR/SA (ORSA) Operations Research/Systems Analysis.
ORACL Overtone Research Advanced Chemical Laser.
ORACL HYLTE Overtone Research Advanced Chemical Laser Hypersonic Low Temperature.
Orbital Elements Any set of several parameters (e.g., semi-major axis, eccentricity, inclination, etc.)
used to specify the position and motion of a satellite. Six independent orbital
elements are required to unambiguously specify the position of a satellite in a
Keplerian orbit at a particular time.
Vehicle (OMV)
NASA program to provide capability to perform satellite on-orbit servicing.
Operates from shuttle and Space Station.
Orbital Suborbital
Program (OSP)
A strategic target booster system used by the GMD Program that uses the
Minuteman II booster stack.

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Orbiting Debris Term referring to all earth-orbiting objects except active satellites.
ORC Operational Readiness Condition.
ORCA Operational Requirements Continuity Assessment.
ORD See Operational Requirements Document.
ORDALT Ordnance Alteration.
Order of Battle The identification, strength, command structure, and disposition of the
personnel, units, and equipment of any military force.
Order Wire
A communications support function for internal control of communications
Organic Assigned to and forming an essential part of a military organization. Organic
parts of a unit are those listed in its table of organization for the Army, Air Force,
and Marine Corps, and are assigned to the administrative organizations of the
operating forces for the Navy.
Ornate Impact USFK Joint TMD Warfighter Exercise.
ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN.
ORTA Office of Research and Technology Applications.
ORU Orbital Replacement Unit.
ORWG Operational Requirements Working Group.
OS (1) Operational Suitability. (2) Operating System.
OSA Optical Society of America.
OSC Optical Signature Code.
OSCE Organization for Cooperation and Security in Europe.
OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense.
OSE Operational Support Equipment.
OSEIT Operations and Support Engineering Integration Tool.
OSF Open Systems Foundation.
OSH Occupational Safety and Health.
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act.
OSI Operator System Interface.
OSIA On Site Inspection Agency, Washington, DC.
OSIM Object Simulation (NMD BMC3 term).
OSIP Operational System Integration Plan.
OSIWG Operating Systems Interface Working Group.
OSJTF Open Systems Joint Task Force.
OSM Object Sighting Message.
OSS Operations Support System (Navy C3 program).
OSTP Office of Science and Technology Policy.
OSWR Office of Science and Weapons Research.
OT Operational Test.
OTA (1) Office of Technology Assessment, Washington, DC.
(2) Operational Test Agency.
(3) Office of Technology Applications, MDA.
OTCIXS Officer in Tactical Command Information Exchange Subsystem (Navy term).
OT&E See Operational Test and Evaluation.
OTDR Optical Time-Domain Reflectometer.
OTF Object Track Profile.
OTH Over the Horizon.
OTH-B Over-The-Horizon.
OTH-T Over-The-Horizon Targeting.
OTO Operational Test Organization.
OTP Outline Test Plan.
OTS Off-the-Shelf.
OTSA Off-the-Shelf Analysis.
OTV Orbital Transfer Vehicle.
OUSD Office of the Under Secretary of Defense.
OUSD (A&T) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition & Technology).
Outer Space
Treaty of 1967
A multilateral treaty signed and ratified by both the United States and the
(former) Soviet Union. Article IV of the Outer Space Treaty forbids basing
nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in space.
Outlays Actual expenditures. Checks issued, interest accrued on the public debt, or
other payments, net of refunds and reimbursements. Total budget outlays
consist of the sum of the outlays from appropriations and funds in the budget,
minus receipts.
Out of Band
Laser Flux
(Sensor) Laser energy directed at a sensor that is intended to damage or disrupt
the sensor and is outside the sensor’s bandwidth.
Out-Years Normally, six years beyond the year being worked in the upcoming POM/budget.
Overlay BMD
An advanced exoatmospheric defense system oriented toward defense of
ICBMs, consisting of missile-borne, passive infrared sensors and non-nuclear
homing interceptors.
OWG Operating Working Group.
P&D Planning and Design (MILCON term).
P&M (1) Producibility and Manufacturing. (2) Procure and Manufacture.
P.B. President’s Budget.
P2 Pollution Prevention.
p2 NRTA&A Pre-Planned Near-Real-Time Assessment and Adaptation.
P3 Pollution Prevention Program.
P3 I Preplanned Product Improvement.
PA (1) Product Assurance. (2) Public Affairs.
PA&E Program Analysis and Evaluation.
PA&ID Program Analysis and Integration Directorate.
PAC (1) PATRIOT Advanced Capability. (2) Program Assessment Center. (MDA)
PAC-2 PATRIOT Advanced Capability-2
PAC-2/-3 PATRIOT Advanced Capability, Level 2/Level 3. Formerly called ERINT.
PAC-3 PATRIOT Advanced Capability-3
PAC-3 SIM PAC-3 Simulation (PATRIOT), Huntsville, AL.
PAC-4 PATRIOT Advanced Capability-4.
PACA Professional Aerospace Contractors Association.
PACAF [United States} Air Forces Pacific.
PACBAR Pacific Barrier.
PACFLT Pacific Fleet (US).

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Storage, and
The resources, processes, procedures, design considerations, and methods to
ensure that all system, equipment, and support items are preserved, packaged,
handled, and transported properly, including environmental considerations,
equipment preservation requirements for short- and long-term storage, and
Packet Switching
A data transmission process, utilizing addressed packets, whereby a channel is
occupied only for the duration of transmission of the packet. In certain data
communication networks the data may be formatted into a packet or divided and
then formatted into a number of packets (either by the data terminal equipment
or by equipment within the network) for transmission and multiplexing purposes.
PACOM U.S. Pacific Command.
PACOSS Passive and Active Controls of Space Structures.
PADIL Patriot Data & Information Link.
PAFB Patterson Air Force Base.
PAL Permissive Action Link.
PALS Protection Against Limited Strikes (SDIO term).
PAM Pulse Amplitude Modulation.
PAN Polyacrylonatrile .
Pancake Altitude Altitude at which the trailing edge of a chaff puff/cloud effectively catches up to
the leading edge because of atmospheric slowdown.
PAP Predicted Aim Point.
PAR (1) Phased-Array Radar.
(2) Perimeter Acquisition Radar. (See Phased Array.)
(3) Preprocessing Analysis Report.
(4) Program Assessment Report.
(5) Pulse Acquisition Radar.
In parallel processing multiple processors (CPUs) divide up a large task into
smaller ones and each CPU acts on the subdivided task simultaneously so that
much higher effective processing speeds can be attained.
Parametric Cost
A cost estimating methodology using statistical relationships between historical
costs and other program variables such as system physical or performance
characteristics, contractor output measures, manpower loading, etc. Also
referred to as a top-down approach.
PARCS Perimeter Acquisition Radar and Attack Characterization System.
PARPRO Peacetime Application of Reconnaissance Programs.
Partial Mission
Material condition of an aircraft or training device indicating that it can perform at
least one, but not all, of its missions. Also called PMC. See also Full Mission
A military Service that supports the lead Service in the development of a joint
acquisition program by its contribution of personnel and/or funds.
Particle Beam
High-energy beam made up of atomic/sub-atomic particles (electrons, protons, or
neutrons) accelerated to near the speed of light.
Particle Beam
Weapon (PBW)
A weapon that relies on the technology of particle accelerators (atom-smashers)
to emit beams of charged or neutral particles, which travel near the speed of
light. Such a beam could theoretically destroy a target by several means, e.g.,
electronics upset, electronics damage, softening/melting of materials, sensor
damage, and initiation of high explosives.
PASS POET Advanced Submunition Study.
Passive In surveillance, an adjective applied to actions or equipment, which emit no
energy capable of being detected.
Passive Air
All measures, other than active air defense, taken to minimize the effectiveness
of hostile air action. These measures include deception, dispersion, and the use
of protective construction.
Security Threats
Threats to electronic systems posed by a capability to obtain intelligence through
intercepting and evaluating intentional and inadvertent electromagnetic
emanations from electronic components of the system; e.g. communications
interception and direction finding.
Passive Defense (1) Measures taken to reduce the probability of and to minimize the effects
of damage caused by hostile action without the intention of taking the
(2) Passive defense minimizes the probability and effects of theater missile
attack by reducing an enemy’s ability to target friendly assets, reducing
the vulnerability of critical forces and infrastructure, and improving the
potential to survive and resume operations after an attack. Passive
measures might include counter-surveillance, deception, camouflage and
concealment, hardening, electronic warfare, mobility, dispersal, and
redundancy. Passive defense is considered one of the four pillars of
TMD capability. (JCS J-38 CONOPS)
Passive Sensor A sensor that detects naturally occurring emissions from a target for tracking
and/or identification purposes.

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PAT Process Action Team.
PAT&E Production Acceptance Test and Evaluation.
PATHS Precursor Above-the-Horizon Sensor.
PATRIOT See Phased Array Tracking Radar Intercept On Target (missile).
PAVE PAWS Position And Velocity Extraction Phased Array Warning System.
Phased array SLBM warning system. Four sites:
a. East Otis ANG Base, MA
b. West Beale AFB, CA
c. Southeast Robins AFB, GA
d. Southwest Goodfellow AFB, TX
PAWS Phased-Array Warning System (USAF term).
Payload (Missile) (1) The warhead, its container, and activating devices in a military missile.
(2) The satellite or research vehicle of a space probe or research missile.
(3) Any part of a ballistic missile above the booster stack. Includes reentry
vehicle, guidance-control system, countermeasures and countercountermeasures, decoys and chaff. (MDA Lexicon)
Payload Build-up
(Missile and
The process by which the scientific instrumentation (sensors, detectors, etc.) and
necessary mechanical and electronic subassemblies are assembled into a
complete operational package capable of achieving the scientific objectives of
the mission.
(Missile and
The compatible installation of a complete payload package into the spacecraft
and space vehicle.
PB (1) Particle Beam. (2) Post-Boost. (3) President’s Budget.
(4) Program Baseline.
PB/MT/D ATD Post-Boost/Midcourse Tracking/Discrimination ATD.
PBCRAW Post-Boost Control Reaction Altitude Wafer.
PBCS Post-Boost Control System.
PBD Program Budget Decision.
PBI Post-Boost Intercept.
PBP Post-Boost Phase.
PBS President’s Budget Submission.
PBV Post-Boost Vehicle.
PBW Particle Beam Weapon.
PC (1) Printed Circuit. (2) Personal Computer. (3) Principals Committee.
PC-PC Personal Computer to Personal Computer (JFACC term).
PCA Physical Configuration Audit.
PCAST President’s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology.
PCB Printed Circuit Board.
PCC Pilot Command Center (C2E term).
PCD Program Connectivity Diagram (MDA/POC term).
PCE PLRS Communications Enhancement.
PCERT Pursue Computer Emergency Response Team.
PCF Packet Control Facility (TelComm term).
PCI Peripheral Component Interface.
PCL (1) Pulsed Chemical Laser. (2) Printer Control Language.
PCM (1) Pulse Code Modulation.
PCMCIA Personal Computer Miniature Connector Interface Adapter.
PCO Procurement Contracting Officer (FAR term).
PCR (1) Program Change Request. (2) Program Center Representative.
PCS (1) Permanent Change of Station (ILS term). (2) Planning and Control System.
PCWBS Preliminary Control Work Breakdown Structure.
PD (1) Presidential Directive.
(2) Procedures Description.
(3) Probability of Damage.
(4) Probability of Detection.
(5) Preconditions for Defense.
(6) Program Director (AF).
(7) Production/Deployment.
(8) Phenomenology Document.
(9) Passive Defense.
PD&V Projection Definition and Validation (MEADS Program term).
PD-V Program Definition-Validation (Acquisition Phase term).
PD/RR Program Design and Risk Reduction (Acquisition Phase term).
PDB Post Deployment Build (PATRIOT).
PDC Plume Data Center, AEDC, TN.
PDD (1) Point Defense Demonstration (USN term). (2) Presidential Decision Directive.
PDM Program Decision Memorandum (DD 5000 term).
PDM (I or II) See Program Decision Memorandum (First or Second).
PDP Pulse Doppler Processor.
PDR Preliminary Design Review.
PDRR (1) Program Description, Requirements Review (DD 5000.1/2).
(2) Program Definition (Development) and Risk Reduction.
PDSL Process Data Sensitivity Label.
PDSS Post-Development Software Support (ILS term).
PDUSD Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense.
PDUSD (A&T) Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Technology).
PDV Program Definition and Validation.
PE Program Element.

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Peacekeeper US MX Missile.
Peak Gamma
Dose Rate
The maximum rate (per second) of gamma radiation that the system could
survive and continue functioning.
PEC (1) Program Element Code. (2) Pre-authorized Engagement Criteria.
PEELS Parametric Endo-Exo Lethality Simulation.
PEIP Programmable Embedded INFOSEC Product (ex-MSD).
PEIS Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement.
PEM Program Element Monitor (AF).
PENAID Penetration Aid.
(Penetration Aid)
(Formerly an acronym for Penetration Aid.) Techniques or devices employed by
offensive aerospace weapon systems to increase the probability of penetrating
enemy defenses.
The portion of security testing in which the penetrators attempt to circumvent the
security features of the system. The penetrators may be assumed to use all
system design and implementation documentation, which may include listings of
system source code, manuals, and circuit diagrams. The penetrators work under
no constraints other than those that would be applied to ordinary users.
PEO Program Executive Officer.
PEO-AMD Program Executive Officer, Air and Missile Defense. (U.S. Army)
PEO (SC/AP) Program Executive Officer, Surface Combatants/AEGIS Program.
PEO (TAD) Program Executive Officer, Theater Air Defense. (U.S. Navy)
PEO (TAD)-B Program Executive Officer, U.S. Navy Theater Ballistic Missile Defense Program
PEP Producibility Engineering and Planning.
PEPP Producibility Engineering and Production Planning.
Peregrine An Air Force boost-phase interceptor concept under development at USAF/SMC.
Performance Those operational and support characteristics of the system that allow it to
effectively and efficiently perform its assigned mission over time. The support
characteristics of the system include both supportability aspects of the design
and the support elements necessary for system operation.
A requirement that specifies a performance characteristic that a system or system
or system component must possess; for example, speed, accuracy, frequency.
(1) A specification that sets forth the performance requirements for a system
or system component.
(2) Synonymous with requirements specification.
Radar and Attack
System (PARCS)
AN/FPQ-16 phased array radar at Cavalier AFS, ND, used for early warning and
attack assessment.
Period (nodal) Time for a satellite to travel once around its orbit.
Permeability Having the ability to diffuse through or penetrate something.
Pershing II OBSOLETE. US intermediate-range missile deployed in Europe.
PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique.
PERT Chart A graphic portrayal of milestones, activities, and their dependency upon other
activities for completion, and depiction of the critical path.
PESHE Programmatic Environmental Safety and Health Evaluation.
PET (1) Pilot-Line Experiment Technology. (2) Production Environmental Test.
PFC Prototype Flight Cryocooler.
PFD Preconditions for Defense.
PFIAB President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.
PFS Pre-Feasibility Study (UKMOD).
PGG Patrol Gunboat, Guided missile (Naval term).
PGGH Patrol Gunboat Guided Missile Hydro-foil (Naval term).
PGM Precision Guided Munition.
PGU Power Generation Unit.
PH&S Packaging, Handling and Storage (see PHST) (ILS term).
Phased Array The arranging of radiating or receiving elements that, although physically
stationary, is electronically steer-able and can switch rapidly from one target to
another (e.g., phased array radar).
Phased Array
Tracking Radar
Intercept On
Target (missile)
A point or limited area defense system originally built to intercept aircraft. PAC-3
improvements, which will give it greater capability against theater ballistic missiles,
include upgrades to the radar and selection of an improved missile, either
PATRIOT Multimode Missile or ERINT.
The sequential steps of element deployments leading to a designated system
capability that is realizable with fiscal and technological constraints.
Phase One
Team (POET)
OBSOLETE. An FFRDC providing technical support to the Phase I Program
Office. Now referred to as POET.
Phenomenology The topological classification of a class of phenomena. Phenomenology efforts
collect and analyze optical and radar signature data, and model phenomena
required by systems developers to design and evaluate SDS elements.
PHI Photonic Hit Indicator.
PHIGS Programmer’s Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System.
PHOTINT Photographic Intelligence.
Photochemical A chemical reaction resulting from exposure to radiant energy or light.
The process whereby a gamma ray (or x-ray photon) with energy somewhat
greater than that of the binding energy of an electron in an atom, transfers all its
energy to the electron which is consequently removed from the atom. Since it
has lost all its energy, the photon ceases to exist. (See Photon.)
Photon A unit or "particle" of electromagnetic radiation, carrying a quantum of energy,
which is characteristic of the particular radiation.
PHS&T Packaging, Handling, Storage, and Transportation.
Physical Agents Descriptive term that includes non-ionizing EMR, static electric and magnetic
fields, ionization radiation, energy beams, noise, explosions, de-orbiting debris,
and extreme cold.

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Audit (PCA)
Physical examination to verify that the configuration item(s) “as built” conforms to
the technical documentation that defines the item. Approval by the government
program office of the CI product specification and satisfactory completion of this
audit established the product baseline. May be conducted on first full production
or first LRIP team.
PI Program Integrator.
PIA Personnel Identification/Authorization System (USA term).
PIC (1) PLRS Interface Controller (US Army term).
(2) Policy Integration Committee.
(3) Program Information Center (Computer programmer term).
Picture Element
The smallest element of a display space that can be independently assigned
color and intensity; the finest detail that can be effectively reproduced on a
recording medium.
PIDS Prime Item Development Specification.
Pilot Production Production line normally established during EMD to test new manufacturing
methods and procedures. Normally funded by RDT&E until the line is proven.
Not the same as long range initial production.
PIM Position of Intended Movement (USN term).
PIMS Programmable Implantable Medication System.
PIP (1) Predicted Impact Point. (2) Predicted Intercept Point.
(3) Product Improvement Proposal/Program.
PIPT Program Integrated Product (Process) Team.
PIR Program Information Report.
PIXEL Picture Element.
Pk Probability of Kill.
PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standard.
PKH Probability of Kill, given a hit.
PKO Peacekeeping Operations.
Pkss Probability of kill -- single shot.
PL (1) Probability of Leakage. (2) Phillips Laboratory, Kirtland AFB, NM. (3) Public
PLA (1) People’s Liberation Army (China’s army). (2) Patent License Agreement.
PLAN People’s Liberation Army/Navy (China’s military).
System (PPBS)
The primary resource allocation process of DoD. One of three major decisionmaking support systems for defense acquisition. It is a formal, systematic
structure for making decisions on policy, strategy, and the development of forces
and capabilities to accomplish anticipated missions. PPBS is a cyclic process
containing three distinct, but interrelated phases: planning, which produces the
Program Objectives Memorandum (POM) for the Military Departments and
Defense Agencies; and budgeting, which produces the DoD portion of the
President’ s Budget. DoD PPBS is a biennial process starting in January of each
odd numbered year with national security guidance to initiate the planning
phase, and ending in January of the next odd numbered year with the
President’s budget submission to Congress. (Defense Systems Management
PLCCE Program Manager’s Life Cycle Cost Estimate.
PLISN Provisioning List Item Sequence Number (ILS term).
PLRS Position Location Reporting System.
Plume Data
AEDC, Arnold AFB, TN.
PLV Payload Launch Vehicle.
PM See Program Manager.
PMA (1) See Program Management Agreement.
(2) Post-Mission Analysis.
(3) Pressurized Mating Adapter (NASA term related to the space station).
PMASIT PMA Software Input Tool MDA/DPI S/W tool).
PMC PCI Mezzanine Card (computer H/W term).
PMD (1) Program Management Document. (2) Program Management Directive (AF).
PMEL Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory.
PMI Preventive Maintenance Inspection.
PMIT PATRIOT Missile Integration Team (PAC-3 Program term).
PMJEG Performance Measurement Joint Evaluation Group.
PMO Program Management Office.
PMP (1) Parts, Materiel and Processes (US Army term) (See also MPP).
(2) Program Master Plan.
(3) Prime Mission Product.
(4) Program Management Plan.
PMR (1) Program Management Review.
(2) Pacific Missile Range.
(3) Program Manager’s Review (PAC-3 term).
PMRF/KTF Pacific Missile Range Facility/Kauai Test Facility, Barking Sands, Kauai, HI.
PMS (1) Planned Maintenance System (ILS term).
(2) Performance Measurement System.
PMTC Pacific Missile Test Center, Pt. Mugu, CA.
PMWG Producibility and Manufacturing Working Group.
PN Probability of Negotiation.
PNE Peaceful Nuclear Explosion.
PNET Peaceful Nuclear Explosion Treaty.
PO (1) Program Office.
(2) Purchase Order.
POA&M Plan of Actions and Milestones.
POC (1) Point of Contact. (2) Proof of Concept.
POC/ET Proof of Concept/Experimental Test (e.g., modular USSTRATCOM ground mobile
command post).
POCT Passive Optical Component Technology.
POD (1) Plan of the Day. (2) Probability of Detection. (3) Port of Debarkation.
PODIUM Project Origination Design, Implementation and Maintenance.
POE (1) Program Office Estimate. (2) Projected Operating Environment.
POET A consortium of scientist and engineers from FFRDCs providing technical support
to the MDA. (Formerly referred to as the Phase One Engineering Team.)
Point Defense The defense or protection of special vital elements and installations; e.g.,
command and control facilities, air bases, etc.
Point Defense
A terminal defense system using radars and large numbers of guided projectiles
to defend ICBMs. This concept was considered in the early 1980s.
Pointing The aiming of sensors or defense weapons at a target with sufficient accuracy
either to track the target or to aim with sufficient accuracy to destroy it. Pointing
and tracking are frequently integrated operations.
POL Petroleum, Oil, and Lubrication.
POLAD Political Advisor.

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POM Program Objectives Memorandum.
POMCUS Pre-positioning Of Materiel Configured to Unit Sets.
POP Proof of Principle.
Port Covers Mechanism for thrust termination of solid-propellant systems.
Portability (Software) The extent to which a software component originally developed on
one computer or operating system can be used on another computer or
operating system.
POS (1) Primary Operating Stocks. (2) Probability Of Success. (3) Position.
Poseidon Class of US nuclear ballistic submarines (USN term).
POSIX Portable Operating System Interface.
POST Portable Optical Sensor Tester.
Post-Attack The period following the attack, prior to the next wave.
In nuclear warfare, that period which extends from the termination of the final
attack until political authorities agree to terminate hostilities.
Phase (PBP)
That portion of the trajectory of a ballistic missile between the end of powered
flight and release of the last RV. Applies only to multiple-warhead ballistic
missiles. (USSPACECOM)
Vehicle (PBV)
The portion of a rocket payload that carries multiple warheads and which has the
maneuvering capability to independently target each warhead on a final
trajectory toward a target. Also referred to as a "bus."
POSTPROD Post-Production.
POTS OBSOLETE. Phase One Threat Specification.
PP (1) Parallel Processing.
(2) Principal Polarization.
(3) Post Processing.
(4) Program Plan.
PPBES (1) Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution System.
(2) Program Planning and Budgeting System.
PPBS Planning, Programming, Budgeting System.
PPG (1) Parallel Programming Group. (2) Program Planning Guidance.
PPI POM Preparation Instructions.
PPIP Program Protection and Implementation Plan.
PPIRS Producibility Programming and Issues Resolution Strategies.
PPL Provisioning Parts List (ILS term).
PPLI Provisioning Parts List Index (ILS term).
PPP Program Protection Plan.
PPQT Pre-Production Qualification Test.
PPS Precision Positioning System.
PPU Prime Power Unit (THAAD).
PR Procurement Request.
PRB (1) Planning and Resources Board. (2) Program Review Board.
PRC Program Review Committee.
PRD Presidential Review Decision.
PRDA Program Research and Development Announcement.
PRDR Pre-production Reliability Design Review.
A preplanned decision to designate a specific number of defensive assets to be
used against a specific target or set of targets or to defend a specified asset or
set of assets. The defense will select the best tactic to use based on the
number of interceptors available, their probability to kill, the number of targets
under attack to be defended, and the scope of the attack.
Pre-Attack A period of time immediately prior to an attack, usually hours to minutes to tip-off.
Criteria (PEC)
Pre-specified quantitative operational parameter thresholds which when
surpassed cause automated engagements to be enabled.
A tactic in which defense weapons are fired without being individually committed
to specific targets. Target commitment would occur relatively late in the
defensive weapon’s trajectory.
Pre Launch
The probability that a delivery and/or launch vehicle will survive an enemy attack
under an established condition of warning.
Precedence 1. A designator, which indicates the order in which a number of messages shall
be served. Four precedence levels are provided for SDS, with one being the
highest and four the lowest. Messages with precedence level one are served
first and those with level four last. These correspond to the four precedence
levels, Flash, Immediate, Priority, and Routine respectively. 2. (Reconnaissance)
A letter designation, assigned by a unit requesting several reconnaissance
missions, to indicate the relative order of importance, within an established
priority, of the mission requested.

帅哥 发表于 2008-12-25 20:17:11

Decoys that precisely match RV characteristics either exoatmospherically or
endoatmospherically, or both, and seek to deceive the defense into intercepting
Preconditions for
Defense (PD)
PDs are NCA pre-approved criteria, authorities, and procedures that delineate
circumstances under which USCINCSPACE BMD forces will initiate or continue
combat engagements and operations against hostile ballistic missile attacks
directed at the United States, its Allies, or U.S. interests during peace, crisis, and
Intercept Point
The calculated position in space where the target and interceptor coincide.
Preferential defense is the a-priori assignment of defensive assets to protect
given facilities or capabilities.
Defense Strategy
A tactic used as part of the SDS strategy to optimize the use of weapons and
sensors by selecting high value targets for engagement by the defense while
temporarily allowing less important targets to pass. This strategy forces the
offense to attack with several times as many RVs as the defense has
interceptors. Since preferential defense demands precise impact point prediction,
the strategy is placed at a disadvantage if targets are closely spaced, if RVs can
maneuver or if the defense intercepts ICBMs in the boost phase.
The concentration of offensive assets on a subset of targets.
Design Review
A review conducted on each configuration item to evaluate the progress,
technical adequacy, and risk resolution of the selected design approach; to
determine its compatibility with performance and engineering requirements of the
development specification; and to establish the existence and compatibility of
the physical and functional interfaces among the item and other items of
equipment, facilities, computer programs, and personnel. Conducted during
Phase I, Demonstration and Validation (for prototypes), and Phase II,
Engineering and Manufacturing Development.
(P3 I)
Planned future evolutionary improvement of developmental systems for which
design considerations are effected during development to enhance future
application of projected technology. Includes improvements planned for ongoing
systems that go beyond the performance envelope to achieve a needed
operational capability.
Options (PRO)
Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) reactions, which have been preplanned,
analyzed, and pre-approved, for specific ballistic missile threats. The PRO,
equivalent to an operations plan, consist of a number of Defense Employment
Options (DEO) which provide force employment objectives to Component forces
based upon the world situation, national objectives/guidance, BMD asset status,
and the intent of the threat. PRO is automatically processed with real-time
human oversight and control when USCINCSPACE directs execution.
An article in final form employing standard parts, representative of articles to be
produced subsequently in a production line.
This is a test of design-qualified hardware that is produced using production
tooling and processes, which will be used to produce the operational hardware.
No production hardware should be accepted prior to satisfactory completion of
this test. Test objectives include: gaining confidence that production hardware
is going to work; that it will be reliable; that it can be maintained and supported
by the user; and that it is not over designed.
Preset Guidance A technique of missile control wherein a predetermined flight plan is set into the
control mechanism and cannot be adjusted after launching.
Budget (PB)
The Federal Government's budget for a particular fiscal year transmitted in
January (first Monday after January 3rd) to the Congress by the President in
accordance with the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, as amended.
Includes all agencies and activities of the executive, legislative and judicial
branches (For FY 88/89, two-year budget for DoD submitted in January 1987.)
PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency.
PRG Program Review Group.
Prime Contractor A contractor having responsibility for design control and delivery of a system or
equipment such as aircraft, engines, ships, tanks, vehicles, guns and missiles,
ground communications and electronic systems, ground support equipment, and
test equipment.
Prioritize Targets To identify and rank targets in priority fashion, based upon criteria such as type,
predicted impact point, and predicted time of impact.
PRN Pseudo Random Noise.
PRO (1) Preplanned Response Options. (2) Plant Representative Office.
Probability of
The probability that damage will occur to a target expressed as a percentage or
as a decimal.
Probability of
(1) The probability that the search object will be detected under given
conditions if it is in the area searched.
(2) The probability an object will be detected given all known error and noise

帅哥 发表于 2008-12-25 20:17:22

Probability of
This is the probability that an object, which is threatening will be correctly
identified. The ability to discriminate between a potential target and a decoy is
quantified by a “K” factor, in which the higher the numeric the greater the
probability of discrimination (thus, a “0” K factor implies that the target is
indistinguishable from the decoy).
Probability of
False Alarm
(1) For a single sensor this is the probability that an object will be detected
when no object is present.
(2) For discrimination, this is the probability that an object, which is not a
threatening object will be identified as one.
Probability of Kill The lethality of a weapon system. Generally refers to armaments (i.e. missiles,
ordnance, etc.) Usually the statistical probabilities that the weapon will detonate
close enough to the target with enough power to disable the target. (Defense
Systems Management College)
Probe The air vehicle of the GSTS.
PROC Procurement.
Process Data
Sensitivity Label
The sensitivity label for data contained in a process.
PROCMT Procurement.
Officer (PCO)
The individual authorized to enter into contracts for supplies and services on
behalf of the government by sealed bids of negotiations that is responsible for
overall procurement of the contract.
Prod Production.
Producibility The relative ease of manufacturing an item or system. This relative ease is
governed by the characteristics and features of a design that enable economical
fabrication, assembly, inspection, and testing using available manufacturing
Engineering, and
Planning (PEP)
Applies to production engineering tasks to ensure a smooth engineering
transition from development into production. PEP, a systems and planning
engineering approach, assures that an item can be produced in the required
quantities and in the specified time frame, efficiently and economically, and will
meet necessary performance objectives within its design and specification
constraints. As an essential part of all engineering design, it is intended to
identify potential manufacturing problems and suggest design and production
changes or schedule trade-offs, which would facilitate the production process.
and Issues
A semi-annual document put out by the MDA P&M community listing all medium
and higher P&M risk issues as prioritized and coordinated by the MDA P&M
Working Group.
A feasibility review of the design of a specific hardware item or system to
determine the relative ease of producing it using available production technology
considering the elements of fabrication, assembly, inspection, and test. This is a
generic term for the concurrent engineering portions of MIL-STD 1521 system
design reviews.
Product Baseline (1) Established by the detailed design documentation for each configuration
item. Normally includes Process baseline (type D spec), Material baseline
(type E spec), type C spec, and drawings.
(2) In configuration management, the initial approved technical
documentation (including, for software, the source code listing) defining a
configuration item during the production, operation, maintenance, and
logistic support of its life cycle.
The current approved technical documentation which defines the configuration
of a configuration item during the production, operation, maintenance, and
logistics support phases of its life cycle and which prescribes that necessary for:
fit and function characteristics of a CI (Configuration Item); the selected
functional characteristics for production acceptance; and the production
acceptance test.
Effort to incorporate a configuration change involving engineering and testing on
end items and depot repairable components, or changes on other than
developmental items to increase system or combat effectiveness or extend
useful military life. Usually results from user feedback.
Product Manager The individual, designated by a materiel developer, who is delegated authority
and assigned responsibility for centralized management of a
development/acquisition program that does not qualify for
system/program/project management.
Product Security
That physical security provided for selected DoD products (major, high cost,
politically sensitive systems with significant military value) at Department of
Defense contractor facilities to mitigate the risk of the government as a selfinsurer. Defining and instituting product security during production are essential
to the delivery of uncompromised systems.
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