发表于 2008-12-25 20:26:30
In air defense, airspace of defined dimensions within which the responsibility
normally rests with a particular weapon system.
Designation of a certain weapon to attack a certain threat after Engagement
Authorization is given.
In air defense, the process by which weapons are assigned to individual air
weapons controllers for use in accomplishing an assigned mission. Assignment
of a particular interceptor to a particular target.
Authorization to allocate certain weapons to designated targets thus permitting
checklist actions to be taken.
Weapons Control The varying degree of formal control an area air defense commander exercises
over all air defense weapons in his area of responsibility.
Authorization to place a weapon into its most ready state but prior to release.
Weapons Free A weapon control order imposing a status whereby weapons systems may be
fired at any target not positively recognized as friendly.
Weapons Hold A weapon control order imposing a status whereby weapons systems may be
fired in self-defense or in response to a formal order.
State when a weapon system is to be placed in the highest state of readiness
shy of weapon allocation. It is possible to go direct to weapons allocation or
release without first initiation or allocation.
Weapons of Mass
In arms control usage, weapons that are capable of a high order of destruction
and/or of being used in such a manner as to destroy large numbers of people.
Readiness State
The degree of readiness of air defense weapons which can become airborne or
be launched to carry out an assigned task. Weapons readiness states are
expressed in number of weapons and number of minutes.
Authority (WRA)
The order that gives weapon controllers the authority to fire. (USSPACECOM)
Weapons System Items that can be used directly by the armed forces to carry out combat missions
and that cost more than $100,000 or for which the eventual total procurement
cost is more than $10,000,000. That term does not include commercial items
sold in substantial quantities to the general public.
Weapon System
That set of assessment, decision, and direction functions normally implemented
automatically to assure that individual weapons are pointed, fired, and guided as
necessary to intercept the designated attackers.
Weapon Target
The assignment of an interceptor to a particular threat object. In Midcourse, a
WTA requires in-flight communication between the Battle Manager and an inflight interceptor. To ensure the Battle Manager maintains the ephemeris of the
interceptor, the WTA will constraint the interceptor’s flight error.
Weapons Tight A weapon control order imposing a status whereby weapons systems may be
fired only at targets recognized as hostile.
Weapons System
A description in broad terms, based on established outline characteristics, of the
application of a particular equipment or weapon system within the framework of
tactical concept and future doctrines.
Western Test
Range (WTR)
Beginning at Vandenberg AFB, CA, this range stretches halfway around the
globe where it meets the Eastern Test Range. An array of launch complexes,
sensors, and tracking sites makes up the Western Test Range. It is operated by
the Space and Missile Test Organization (SAMTO), a unit of AFSPACECOM as
of 1 October 1990.
WESTPAC Western Pacific.
WEU Western European Union
WEZ Weapon Engagement Zone.
WFF Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, VA.
WFOV Wide Field of View.
WFX Warfighter Exercise.
WG Working Group.
WGET Working Group on Encryption and Telecommunications.
WH White House.
WHDEVAL Warhead Evaluation.
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WILTEL Williams Telecommunications Group Incorporated.
Wing Control
Center (WCC)
A second Space Wing center that logistically/administratively controls operational
satellite systems operated by them at worldwide locations.
WIPT Working-level Integrated Product (Process) Team.
WIS WWMCCS Information System.
Withhold 1. A term used in a pre-planned response option (PRO) to identify the
withholding of part of the space or ground weapon inventory against detected
threat launches, in anticipation of follow-on attacks. 2. (Nuclear) The limiting of
authority to employ nuclear weapons by denying their use within specified
geographical areas of certain countries.
WL Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH.
WLR Weapons Launch Report.
WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction.
WMF Windows Metafile.
WMP War and Mobilization Plan.
WNINTEL Warning Notice - Intelligence Sources or Methods Involved.
WOC Wing Operations Center.
WON Work Order Number.
Work Breakdown
Structure (WBS)
(1) A product-oriented family tree division of hardware, software, services,
and other work tasks which organizes, defines, and graphically displays
the product to be produced, as well as the work to be accomplished to
achieve the specified product.
(2) A hierarchical diagram used to depict the tasks, capital, and resources
required during the development of a product.
Work Packages Detailed short-span jobs, or material items, identified by the contractor for
accomplishing work required to complete the contract.
System (WWIMS)
A confederation of national, unified, and specified command and other
intelligence centers and facilities. The primary mission of the WWIMS system is
to monitor, maintain, and report on Indications and Warning (I&W) activity.
Command and
Control System
The system that provides the means for operational direction and technical
administrative support involved in the function of command and control of U.S.
military forces. The system comprises: The NMCS - The command and control
systems of the unified and specified commands - The WWMCCS-related
management/information systems of the headquarters of the Military
Departments - The command and control systems of the headquarters of the
service component commands - The command and control support systems of
DoD agencies. The system furnishes a multi-path channel of secure
communications to transmit information from primary sources to those who must
make decisions (including the President) and to transmit their decisions (in the
form of military orders) to subordinates.
WP (Former) Warsaw Pact Countries.
WPAFB Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton OH.
WPC Warsaw Pact Countries.
WPD Work Package Directive.
WPN Weapon Procurement Navy.
WR Western Range.
WR/VAFB Western Range/Vandenburg Air Force Base.
WRA See Weapons Release Authority.
WRM War Reserve Materiel.
WRSK War Reserve Spares Kit.
WRTTM Warhead Replacement Tactical Telemetry Module (USAF term).
WS Warning System.
WSE Weapon Support Equipment.
WSEM Weapons System Evaluation Program.
WSESRB Weapons System Explosive Safety Review Board.
WSI Wafer-Scale Integration.
WSM Waterspace Management (USN term).
WSMC Western Space and Missile Center, Vandenberg AFB, CA.
WSMR (1) White Sands Missile Range, NM (2) Western Space and Missile Range.
WTA Weapon Target Assignment.
WTO Warsaw Treaty Organization.
WTP Weapon Test Plan.
WTR Western Test Range.
WUC Work Unit Code (ILS term).
WWABNCP Worldwide Airborne Command Post.
发表于 2008-12-25 20:26:53
WWG Wideband Waveform Generator.
WWIMS See Worldwide Indications Monitoring System.
WWMCCS See World-Wide Military Command and Control System.
WWW World Wide Web.
WX Weather.
X-ON/X-OFF Transmitter On/Transmitter Off (Telecomm/Computer term).
X-Ray Laser
A laser that generates a beam or beams of x-rays. Also called an "X-raser."
X-Rays Electromagnetic radiation of high energy, which results from either the release of
energy from electrons changing orbits about the nucleus (discrete) or the inelastic collision of charged particles with the electromagnetic field of the nucleus.
X-rays have wavelengths shorter than those in the ultraviolet region, e.g., less
than 10E-6 cm or 100 Angstroms. Materials at very high temperatures (millions
of degrees) emit such radiations; they are then called thermal x-rays. As
generally produced by x-ray machines, they are "bremsstrahlung" resulting from
the interaction of electron of 1 kilo electron-volt or more energy with a metallic
target. (See Electromagnetic Radiation and Thermal X-Rays.)
XBR X-Band Radar.
XCVR Transceiver.
XDS Exoatmospheric Defense System.
XGA Extended Graphics Array.
XIWT Cross Industry Working Team.
XMTR/CVR Transmitter/Receiver.
XO Executive Officer.
XoDis Exoatmospheric Discrimination.
XOX Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (Office Code).
XRL See X-Ray Laser.
XRS USAF/ESC Staff Symbol.
XTB Exoatmospheric Test Bed.
XTV Experimental Test Vehicle.
Xwindows Unix graphics interface.
Yield (or Energy
The total effective energy released in a nuclear (or atomic) explosion. It is
usually expressed in terms of the equivalent tonnage of TNT required to produce
the same energy release in an explosion. The total energy yield is manifested
as nuclear radiation, thermal radiation, and shock (and blast) energy, the actual
distribution being primarily dependent upon the medium in which the explosion
occurs, as well as the type of weapon and the time after detonation.
Zero Point The location of the center of a burst of a nuclear weapon at the instant of
detonation. The zero point may be in the air or on or beneath the surface of
land or water, dependent upon the type of burst; it is thus to be distinguished
from ground zero.
ZIF Zero Insertion Force.
ZULU Time Zone Indicator for Universal Time.
Units of Measurement
Keyword/Symbol Unit Name Aspect Measured
[ a ] ampere electric current
[ angstrom ] angstrom length
[ b ] bit binary digit 0 or 1
[ bps ] bit per second bit transfer rate
[ C ] coulomb electric charge
[ c; Ci ] curie radioactivity
[ cal ] calorie energy
[ cal/sq cm ] calorie per square energy per area
[ chan ] channel frequency path
[ cm ] centimeter length
发表于 2008-12-25 20:27:02
[ cu cm ] cubic centimeter volume
[ dB ] decibel signal strength
[ deg ] degree plane angle
[ deg K ] degree, Kelvin temperature
[ deg/s ] degree per second plane angle change rate
[ deg/s/s ] degree per second slew acceleration
per second
[ diam ] diameter length
[ dyn ] dyne force
[ eV ] electron-volt energy
[ G ] gauss magnetic flux density
[ g ] 1) 9.808 meters per sec- 1) gravitational acceleraond per second; 2) gram tion constant; 2) mass
[ GHz ] gigahertz frequency
[ Gy ] gray absorbed dose
[ h ] hour time
[ Hz ] hertz frequency
[ J ] joule energy
[ J-T ] Joule -Thomson temperature change
[ K ] Kelvin temperature
[ kA ] kiloampere electric current
[ kb ] kilobit binary digit
[ kb/s ] kilobit per second velocity (binary digit)
[ KeV ] kiloelectron-volt energy
[ kg/sq m ] kilogram per square pressure
[ KHz ] kilohertz frequency
[ kJ ] kilojoule energy
[ kJ/kg ] kilojoule per kilo- specific energy
[ kJ/sq cm ] kilojoule per square laser lethality
[ km ] kilometer length
[ km/s ] kilometer per second velocity
[ KT ] kiloton yield
[ kV ] kilovolt electromotive force
[ kW ] kilowatt power
[ kW/kg ] kilowatt per kilogram specific power
Keyword/Symbol Unit Name Aspect Measured
[ kW/m ] kilowatt per meter thermal transport
[ kW/sq cm ] kilowatt per square energy flux
[ m ] meter length
[ Mbps ] megabit per second bit transfer rate
[ MeV ] megaelectron-volt energy
[ MFLOPS ] million floating point processing performance
operations per second
[ MHz ] megahertz frequency
[ micro ] micro a one-millionth part
[ micron ] micrometer length
[ milli ] milli a one-thousandth part
mJ millijoule
[ min ] minute time
[ mips ] million instructions processing speed
per second
[ MJ ] megajoule energy
[ mm ] millimeter length
[ mops ] million operations processing performance
per second
[ mrad ] milliradian plane angle
[ m/s ] meter per second velocity
[ ms ] millisecond time
[ MT ] megaton yield
[ MV/m ] megavolt per meter electric field strength
[ MW ] megawatt power
[ MW/sr ] megawatt per steradian laser brightness
[ N-s ] newton-second force
[ ns ] nanosecond frequency
[ parsec ] parsec astronomical distance
[ Pa-s ] pascal-second pressure
[ R ] roentgen radiation dose
[ RAD ] rad absorbed dose
[ radian ] radian plane angle
[ rad/s ] radian per second angular drift
[ ratio ] percentage efficiency
[ rem ] rem ionizing radiation
[ s ] second time
[ sq m ] square meter area
[ sq m/yr ] square meter per year area per time
[ sr ] steradian absorbed radiation dose
[ mrad ] microradian plane angle
[ V ] volt electromotive force
[ W ] watt power
[ W/kg ] watt per kilogram specific power
[ W/sq cm ] watt per square heat flux
[ W/sq m ] watt per square meter energy flux
[ W/sr ] watt per steradian radiant intensity
[ W/sr sq m ] watt per steradian radiance
square meter
[ yr ] year time
发表于 2009-10-29 10:20:38
Looking for it.
发表于 2009-10-29 20:57:54
发表于 2009-10-31 20:51:55
发表于 2009-11-2 14:02:00
发表于 2009-11-4 21:40:20
i want see it!
发表于 2009-11-10 17:06:47