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Human-in-Control Human-in-Control provides for the positive control of automated system
processes. This is accomplished by requiring human action to provide essential
high-level commands such as initiate, terminate, and interrupt. With regards to
BMD, 10 USC 2431, Section 224 states that: “No agency of the Federal
Government may plan for, fund, or otherwise support the development of
command and control systems for strategic defense in the boost or post-boost
phase against ballistic missile threats that would permit such strategic defenses
to initiate the directing of damaging or lethal fire except by affirmative human
decision at an appropriate level of authority.” (USSPACECOM)
A category of intelligence derived from information collected and provided by
human sources.
Human Systems
The human considerations (human factors engineering, manpower, personnel,
training, and safety and health hazards) that are integrated into the design effort
for the defense system to improve total system performance and reduce costs of
ownership by focusing attention on the capabilities and limitations of the soldier,
sailor, airman, or Marine.
HUMINT Human Intelligence.
HVAA High Value Airborne Assets.
HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning.
HVG Hypervelocity Gun.
HVL Hypervelocity Launcher (Gun).
HVM Hypervelocity Missile.
HVP Hypervelocity Projectile.
HVT Half-Value Thickness.
HW Hardware.
HW/SW Hardware/Software.
HWCI Hardware Configuration Item.
HWIL See Hardware-in-the-Loop.
HWILT Hardware-in-the-loop Test.
HYLYE Hypersonic Low Temperature.
Gun (HVG)
A gun that can accelerate projectiles to 5 km per second or more; for example,
an electromagnetic or rail gun.
Missile (HVM)
A missile that can operate at a velocity greater than 4 km per second.
HYWAYS Hybrids with Advanced Yields for Surveillance.
Hz Hertz (cycles per second).
I&CO Installation and Checkout.
I&I Installation and Integration.
I&PA Integration and Performance Analysis.
I&T Integration and Test.
I&W Indications and Warning.
I-CASE Integrated Computer-Aided Systems Engineering.
I-HAWK Improved HAWK.
I-MOSC Integrated Mission Operations Support Center (USAF term).
I/F Interface.
I/O Input/Output.
I/R Interchangeability/Reparability.
I4 International Information Integrity Institute.
IA Information Architecture.
IA&I Industrial Affairs and Installations.
IA&T Installation (Integration), assembly, and test.
IAD Integrated Air Defense.
IADS Integrated Air Defense System.
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency.
IAG International Agreement Generator.
IAI Israel Aircraft Industries.
IAP (1) Integrated Action Plan. (2) Integrated Avionics Package.
IAS Israeli Architecture Study.
IAT Integrated Assembly Test.
IATACS Improved Army Tactical Communications System.
IATCO Integration, Assembly, Test & Check Out.
IAW In Accordance With.
IBA Industrial Base Assessment.
IBC Impurity Band Conduction.
IBCSi:As Impurity Band Conduction Arsenic Doped Silicon.
IBDL Intra-Battery Data Link.
IBID Integrated BMC3 Infrastructure Demonstration
IBIS Israeli Boost-Phase Intercept System.
IBM International Business Machines Corporation.
IBPA Industrial Base/Producibility Analysis.
IBR Integrated Baseline Review (DD 5000 term).
IBS Integrated Bridge System, a part of the Integrated Control System (ICS) for US
naval ships.
IBSS Infrared Background Signature Survey.
IC (1) Intelligence Community. (2) Integrated Circuit.
ICA (1) Independent Cost Analysis. (2) Independent Cost Assessment.
ICADS Integrated Correlation and Display System.
ICAF Industrial College of the Armed Forces.
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization.
ICAS Integrated Condition Assessment System, a part of the Integrated Control
System (ICS) for US naval ships.
ICASE Integrated Computer Assisted Software Engineering.
ICBM See Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.
ICC (1) Information and Coordination Central (PATRIOT).
(2) Item Category Code (ILS term).
ICCIP Inter-Center Council of Information Processing.
ICCITS Inter-Center Council on Information Technology Security.
ICCN Inter-Center Council on Networking.
ICD Interface Control Document/Drawing.
ICE Independent Cost Estimate.
ICEDEFFOR Iceland Defense Force (NATO).
ICM Improved Conventional Munitions.
ICN Installation Completion Notification.
ICO Interface Control Officer (JFACC term).
ICOE Initiations, Commitments, Obligations, Expenditures.
ICP (1) Interface Change Proposal. (2) Inventory Control Point (ILS term).
(3) Interface Change Proposal. (4) Interface Control Process.
ICR Integrated Contracting Report.
ICS (1) Integrated Control System, a computerized monitoring, command, and
control system for US naval ships.
(2) Interface Control Specification.
ICU Interface Control Unit.
ICWG Interface Control Working Group.
ID (1) Interactive Discrimination. (2) Identification.
IDA Institute for Defense Analysis.
IDASC Improved Direct Air Support Center (USMC term).
IDB Integrated Data Base.
IDD Interface Design Document.
IDEA Integrated Dose Environmental Analysis.
IDECM Integrated Defensive Electronics Countermeasures (USN/USAF term).
Friend or Foe
A system using electromagnetic transmissions to which equipment carried by
friendly forces automatically responds, for example by emitting pulses, thereby
distinguishing themselves from enemy forces.
IDG Institute for the Dynamics of Geo-spheres.
IDHS Intelligence Data Handling System.
IDIP Integrated Development and Initial Production.
IDR Initial Design Review.

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IDS (1) Interface Design Standards. (2) Intrusion Detection System.
IE (1) Independent Evaluation. (2) Integration Exercise.
IED Intrinsic Event Discrimination.
IEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
IEI Integrated Engineering Infrastructure.
IEMP Induced Electromagnetic Pulse.
IEP Integrated Evaluation Plan.
IER Independent Evaluation Report.
IESG Internet Engineering Steering Group.
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force.
IEV Integrated Experimental Version.
IEW Intelligence and Electronic Warfare.
IFA Integrated Financial Analysis.
IFF Identification, Friend or Foe.
IFHV In-Flight Homing View.
IFICS In-Flight Interceptor Communications System. IFICS provides the
communications link between the ground and the space based NMD assets.
The generic term IFICS replaces the obsolete design specific communications
system term GEP.
IFOG Interferometric Fiber Optic Gyroscope.
IFOV Instantaneous Field of View.
IFSR In-Flight Status Report
IFT Integrated Flight Test.
IFTU In-Flight Target Update.
IG Inspector General.
IGEMP Internally Generated Electromagnetic Pulse.
IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Standard.
IGS Inertial Guidance System.
IGSM Interim Ground Station Module (JSTARS).
IGT Integrated Ground Test.
IGU Inertial Guidance Unit.
II Impulse Intensity.
IIP Interoperability Improvement Program.
IIPT Integration Integrated Product (Process) Team.
IIR (1) Intelligence Information Report. (2) Imaging Infrared.
IIS International Institute for Strategic Studies (UK).
IIT Interceptor Integration Test.
IITF Information Infrastructure Task Force.
IJSOW Improved Joint Stand Off Weapon.
ILA Inter-Laboratory Authorization (Contracting term).
ILC Initial Launch Capability.
Ilities The operational and support requirements a program must address (e.g.,
availability, vulnerability, producibility, reliability, maintainability, logistics
supportability, etc.).
Illumination Non-interfering impingement of electromagnetic energy on Red, Blue, or Gray
satellites and Red ballistic missiles in test.
ILS Integrated Logistics Support.
ILSM ILS Manager.
ILSMT ILS Management Team
ILSO ILS Office.
ILSP Integrated Logistics Support Plan.
ILSWG ILS Working Group.
IM Information Management.
Imagery Collectively, the representations or objects reproduced electronically or by optical
means on film, electronic display devices, or other media.
Intelligence derived from the exploitation of collection by visual photography,
infrared sensors, lasers, electro-optics, and radar sensors (such as synthetic
aperture radar) wherein images of objects are reproduced optically or
electronically on film, electronic display devices, or other media.
The mutual relationship between the different signatures on imagery from
different types of sensors in terms of position and the physical characteristics
Imaging The process of obtaining a high quality image of an object.
IMC (1) Interagency Management Council (GSA term).
(2) Internal Management Control.
IMDB Imagery Management.
IMDO Israeli Missile Defense Organization. MDA counterpart in the Israeli Ministry of
IMINT Imagery Intelligence.
IMIP Industrial Modernization Incentives Program.
Immediate Kill
A kill mode in which the target is immediately catastrophically destroyed by
impact with the KV or KED.
Impact Point
Prediction (IPP)
Prediction of the point on the earth’s surface where a specific RV will impact,
usually specified in terms of the circular error probable. The estimate includes
the perturbing effects of the atmosphere and resultant uncertainties.
Many independent battle managers (computers) use the same algorithms to
derive a common calculated result. Decisions resulting from these calculations
will be identical even though the calculated results may not be identical.
Decisions or results are not communicated between Battle Managers.
Impulse A mechanical jolt delivered to an object. Physically, impulse is a force applied for
a period of time, and the System Internationale Unit of impulse is the Newtonsecond (abbreviated N-s). (See Impulse Intensity.)
Intensity (II)
Mechanical impulse per unit area. The System Internationale unit of impulse
intensity is the Pascal-second (abbreviated Pa-s). A conventionally used unit of
impulse intensity is the “tap”, which is one dyne-second per square centimeter;
hence, 1 tap = 0.1 Pa-s.
Impulse Kill The destruction of a target, using directed energy, by ablative shock. The
intensity of directed energy may be so great that the surface of the target
violently and rapidly boils off delivering a mechanical shock wave to the rest of
the target and causing structural failure.
IMPWG Information Policy Working Group.
IMS Integrated Master Schedule.
IMU Inertial Measurement Unit.
IN (1) Air Force component intelligence officer (staff). (2) Instructor. (3) Impulse
In Inch.
IN LINAC Induction Linear Accelerator.
In-Flight Target
Update (FTU)
A report to in-flight interceptor weapons. The IFTU provides updated, predictahead target position, time, and velocity for use within the interceptor’s control
suite to make midcourse corrections to intercept the target.
Inclination The inclination of an orbit is the (dihedral) angle between the plane containing
the orbit and the plane containing the earth’s equator. An equatorial orbit has
an inclination of 0° for a satellite traveling eastward or 180° for a satellite
traveling westward. An orbit having an inclination between 0° and 90° and in
which a satellite is traveling generally eastward is called a prograde orbit. An
orbit having an inclination of 90° passes above the north and south poles and is
called a polar orbit. An orbit having an inclination of more than 90° is called a
retrograde orbit.
The provision (or recording) of budgetary resources for a program or project
based on obligations estimated to be incurred within a fiscal year when such
budgetary resources will cover only a portion of the obligations to be incurred in
completing the program or project as programmed. This differs from full funding,
where budgetary resources are provided or recorded for the total estimated
obligations for a program or a project in the initial year of funding.

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Friend or Foe
A system using electromagnetic transmissions to which equipment carried by
friendly forces automatically responds, fro example by emitting pulses, thereby
distinguishing themselves from enemy forces.
The mutual relationship between the different signatures on imagery from
different types of sensors in terms of position and the physical characteristics
Cost Analysis
An analysis of program cost estimates conducted by an impartial body
disassociated from the management of the program. (See Title 10, United
States Code, Section 2434, “Independent Cost Estimates; Operational
Manpower Requirements.”)
Independent Cost
Estimate (ICE)
A cost estimate prepared by an impartial body outside the chain of authority
responsible for acquiring or using the goods or services.
Report (IER)
Documents the independent evaluation of the system and is based on test data,
reports, studies, and simulations. The IER contains the independent evaluator’s
assessment of key issues, supporting analyses, major findings, and a position on
the future capability of the system to fulfill approved requirements. The IER is
provided to the DAB to support the MS III decision production decision. An IER
may also be used to support LRIP decisions. (U.S. Army)
Research and
Effort by industry that is not sponsored by, or required in performance of, a
contract and which consists of projects falling within the areas of basic and
applied research, development, and systems and other concept formulation
studies. Also, discretionary funds which industry can allocate to projects. (See
FAR 31.001.)
Verification and
Validation (IV&V)
Verification and validation performed by a contractor or Government agency that
is not responsible for developing the product or performing the activity being
evaluated. IV&V is an activity that is conducted separately from the software
development activities.
Infrared sensing material.
Acceptance Test
A test of predetermined critical items to verify their operational characteristics
prior to assembly into subsystems. Waivers to this requirement, such as using
the end item acceptance tests, are not recommended as production expediency.
Induced environments are defined at the system level as the disturbances in the
natural environments caused by BMD system influences on other BMD assets
(Self-Induced, e.g., GBR radar energy impacting and effecting a GBI in flight) or
the influence of other systems external to BMD on BMD assets (Externally-
Induced, e.g., high power electric line electromagnetic field effects on C2E
electronic equipment).
Radioactivity produced in certain materials as a result of nuclear reactions,
particularly the capture of neutrons, which are accompanied by the formation of
unstable (radioactive) nuclei. In a nuclear explosion, neutrons can induce
radioactivity in the weapon materials, as well as in the surroundings (e.g., by
interaction with nitrogen in the air and with sodium, manganese, aluminum, and
silicon in soil and sea water).
Analysis (IRA)
A quick-turnaround or a detailed analysis of industrial and/or specific factory
capabilities to determine the availability of production resources required to
support SDS. These resources include capital (including machine tools and
special tooling/test equipment), materiel, and manpower needed to meet the
range of SDS requirements. IRA includes the results of feasibility studies,
producibility analyses, and technology assessments. Shortfalls discovered in
IRAs are assessed for risk levels, based on the reasons for the risks, and
become issues listed in the MDA Producibility Programming and Issues
Resolution Strategies (PPIRS) document.
A guidance system designed to project a missile over a predetermined path,
wherein the path of the missile is adjusted after launching by devices wholly
within the missile and independent of outside information. The system measures
and converts accelerations experienced to distance traveled in a certain
Unit (IMU)
A guidance mechanism designed to project a missile over a predetermined path,
wherein the path of the missile is adjusted after launching by devices wholly
within the missile and independent of outside information. The unit measures
and converts accelerations experienced to distance traveled in a certain
INETS Integrated Effects Tests for Survivability.
INEWS Integrated Electronic Warfare System (Navy term).
INF Intermediate-range Nuclear Force (Treaty term). Also the name of U.S./USSR
In-Flight Target
A data report, which contains updated, predict- ahead target position, time, and
velocity for interceptor weapons to use in making midcourse correction.
Architecture (IA)
A description of the information that is needed to support command and control
decision making and battle management, where it comes from, the processing
that must be performed to provide it, and the resulting behavior. The description
provides the invariant framework for interoperability, operational and design
flexibility, coping with the unexpected, extensibility, and reusability.
The planning, budgeting, organizing, directing, training, promoting, controlling,
and management activities associated with the burden, collection, creation, use,
and dissemination of information by agencies and includes the management of
information and related resources, such as FIP resources.

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Those measures and administrative procedures for identifying, controlling, and
protecting against unauthorized disclosure of classified information or
unclassified controlled information, which includes export-controlled technical
data and sensitive information. Such measures and procedures are concerned
with security education and training, assignment of proper classifications,
downgrading and declassification, safeguarding, and monitoring.
Infrared (IR) Electromagnetic radiations of wavelength between the longest visible red (7,000
Angstroms or 7 x 10E4 millimeter) and about 1 millimeter. (See Electromagnetic
Infrared (IR)
Technologies/techniques employed by optical sensors in the wavelength
spectrum slightly longer than visible but shorter than radio.
Infrared Imagery That imagery produced as a result of sensing electromagnetic radiations emitted
or reflected from a given target surface in the infrared position of the
electromagnetic spectrum.
Infrared Sensor A sensor designed to detect the electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength
region of 1 to 40 microns.
Capability (IOC)
The first attainment of the capability to employ effectively a weapon, item of
equipment, or system of approved specific characteristics, and which is manned
or operated by a trained, equipped, and supported military unit or force.
Operational Test
and Evaluation
All operational test and evaluation conducted on production or production
representative articles, to support the decision to proceed beyond low-rate initial
production. It is conducted to provide a valid estimate of expected system
operational effectiveness and operational suitability.
INMARAT International Maritime Satellite (a UHF communications satellite).
INS (1) Internal Navigation System. (2) Insert code.
InSb Indium Antimonide.
INSCOM U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command.
INSICOM Integrated Survivability Experiments.
Integ Integrated.
Report (ICR)
A quarterly report of BMD contracts, which define the roles, relationships, and
interfaces among contracts, contractors, and programs, and provides a
mechanism for strengthening MDA contracting oversight (formerly known as
Integrated Contracting Plan or ICP).
Integrated Fire
Control System
A system, which performs the functions of target acquisition, tracking, data
computation, and engagement control, primarily using electronic means assisted
by electromechanical devices.
Logistics Support
(1) A disciplined, unified, and iterative approach to the management and
technical activities necessary to integrate support considerations into
system and equipment design; develop support requirements that are
related consistently to readiness objectives, to design, and to each
other; acquire the required support; and provide the required support
during the operational phase at minimum cost.
(2) A composite of all the support considerations necessary to assure the
effective and economical support of a system for its life cycle. It is an
integral part of all other aspects of system acquisition and operation.
Logistics Support
(ILS) Elements
Maintenance Planning. The process conducted to evolve and establish
maintenance concepts and requirements for the lifetime of a materiel system.
Manpower and Personnel. The identification and acquisition of military and
civilian personnel with the skills and grades required operating and supporting a
materiel system over its lifetime at peacetime and wartime rates.
Supply Support. All management actions, procedures, and techniques used to
determine requirements to acquire, catalog, receive, store, transfer, issue, and
dispose of secondary items. This includes provisioning for initial support as well
as replenishment supplies support.
Support Equipment. All equipment (mobile or fixed) required to support the
operation and maintenance of a materiel system. This includes associated multiuse end items, ground-handling and maintenance equipment, tools, meteorology
and calibration equipment, test equipment, and automatic test equipment. It
includes the acquisition of logistics support for the support and test equipment
Technical Data. Recorded information regardless of form or character (such as
manuals and drawings) of a scientific or technical nature. Computer programs
and related software are not technical data; documentation of computer
programs and related software are. Also excluded are financial data or other
information related to contract administration.
Training and Training Support. The processes, procedures, techniques, training
devices, and equipment used to train civilian and active duty and reserve military
personnel to operate and support a materiel system. This includes individual
and crew training; new equipment training; initial, formal, and on-the-job training;
and logistic support planning for training equipment and training device
acquisitions and installations.
Computer Resources Support. The facilities, hardware, software,
documentation, manpower, and personnel needed to operate and support
embedded computer systems.
Facilities. The permanent, or semi-permanent, or temporary real property assets
required to support the materiel system, including conducting studies to define
types of facilities or facility improvements, locations, space needs, utilities,
environmental requirements, real estate requirements, and equipment.
Packaging, Handling, Storage, and Transportation. The resources, processes,
procedures, design considerations, and methods to ensure that all system,
equipment, and support items are preserved, packaged, handled, and
transported properly, including environmental considerations, equipment
preservation requirements for short- and long-term storage, and transportability.
Design Interface. The relationship of logistics-related design parameters, such as
reliability and maintainability, to readiness and support resource requirements.
These logistics-related design parameters are expressed in operational terms
rather than inherent values and specifically related to system readiness
objectives and support costs of the materiel system.
Support Plan
The formal planning document for logistics support. It is kept current through the
program life and sets forth the plan for operational support, provides a detailed
ILS program to fit with the overall program, provides decision-making bodies with
necessary ILS information to make sound decisions in system development and
production, and provides the basis for ILS procurement packages/specifications
RFPs, SOWs, source selection evaluation, terms and conditions, and CDRLs.
Priority List
A list of a combatant commander’s highest priority requirements, prioritized
across Service and functional lines. The list defines shortfalls in key programs
that, in the judgment of the combatant commander, adversely affect the
capability of the forces to accomplish their assigned mission. The integrated
priority list provides the combatant commander’s recommendations for
programming funds in the Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System
process. Also called IPL.

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A document prepared by the supporting staff or review forum of the milestone
decision authority to support Milestone I, II, III, and IV reviews. It provides an
independent assessment of a program’s status and readiness to proceed into
the next phase of the acquisition cycle.
Summary (IPS)
A DoD Component document prepared and submitted to the milestone decision
authority in support of Milestone I, II, III, and IV reviews. It succinctly highlights
the status of a program and its readiness to proceed into the next phase of the
acquisition cycle.
Tactical Warning
and Attack
ITW/AA is the integration of ballistic missile warning, space warning, and
atmospheric warning with intelligence information for synthesis of all attack
warning information, strategic and tactical.
The conduct of a military operation in any combat environment wherein opposing
forces employ non-conventional weapons in combination with conventional
Integration (1) The combination of separate systems, capabilities, functions, etc. in such
a way those individual elements can operate singly or in concert without
adversely affecting other elements. (USSPACECOM)
(2) Act of putting together as the final end item various components of a
INTEL Intelligence.
Intelligence (1) The product, resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis,
integration and interpretation of all available information concerning
foreign countries or areas.
(2) Information and knowledge about an adversary obtained through
observation, investigation, analysis, or understanding.
Classified or unclassified actions or information obtainable by an adversary that,
when properly interpreted, can provide information about friendly capabilities and
Center (IOC)
An organization term for all intelligence activities in Cheyenne Mountain AFB.
The IOC includes the Consolidated Intelligence Watch (CIW), Operational
Intelligence Elements, and the Joint SPACECOM Intelligence Center (JSIC)
Cheyenne Mountain Node (JCN).
Preparation of
the Battlespace
An analytical methodology employed to reduce uncertainties concerning the
enemy, environment, and terrain for all types of operations. Intelligence
preparation of the battle space builds an extensive database for each potential
area in which a unit may be required to operate. The database is then analyzed
in detail to determine the impact of the enemy, environment, and terrain on
operations and presents it in graphic form. Intelligence preparation of the battle
space is a continuing process. Also called IPB.
Report (INTREP)
A specific report of information usually on a single item made at any level of
command in tactical operations and disseminated as rapidly as possible in
keeping with the timeliness of the information.
An identification of known and potential adversary capabilities to collect and
exploit information from a given or similar operation.
Intensity The amount of energy of any radiation incident upon (or flowing through) unit
area, perpendicular to the radiation beam, in unit time. The intensity of thermal
radiation is generally expressed in calories per square centimeter per second
falling on a given surface at any specific instant. As applied to nuclear radiation,
the term intensity is sometimes used, rather loosely, to express the exposure (or
dose) rate at a given location.
Interactive response data on tracked objects to assist in their classification.
A group of objects, which are within divert capability of a deployed interceptor.
Interceptor Track A function or ability of a sensor to accurately detail an interceptor’s position and
velocity in three dimensions.
Interceptor Track
Range (Max)
The maximum range at which a sensor can perform the interceptor track function
on a single interceptor in a normal (non-man-made) environment.

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A condition which exists when two or more items possess such functional and
physical characteristics as to be equivalent in performance and durability, and
are capable of being exchanged one for the other without alteration of the items
themselves or of adjoining items, except for adjustment, and without selection for
fit and performance.
Interconnection The linking together of interoperable systems.
Ballistic Missile
A ballistic missile with a range from about 3,000 to 8,000 nautical miles. The
term ICBM is used only for land-based systems to differentiate them from
submarine-launched ballistic missiles. (See SLBM.)
Interface (1) A shared boundary defined by common physical interconnection
characteristics, signal characteristics, and meanings of interchanged
(2) A device or equipment making possible interoperation between two
systems, e.g., a hardware component or a common storage register.
(3) A shared logical boundary between two software components.
(4) A common boundary or connection between persons, or between
systems, or between persons and systems.
Interface Control
Document (ICD)
(1) A document that describes the requirements of the characteristics that must
exist at a common boundary between two or more equipment or computer
software products. An ICD for a BMDS element or component consists of an
Interface Control Specification (ICS) and an Interface Design Document (IDD).
(MDA Lexicon)
(2) The technical documentation, generated by each party to an interface control
agreement, that presents that party’s interface and interfacing requirements.
The ICD may be in the form of a drawing or a specification.
Document (IRD)
A document that sets forth the interface requirements for a system or system
Interference The phenomenon of two or more waves of the same frequency combining to
form a wave in which the disturbance at any point is the algebraic or vector sum
of the disturbances due to the interfering waves at that point.
Range Ballistic
Missile (IRBM)
A ballistic missile having a range capability of 1,500 to 3,000 nautical miles.
Generator (IAG)
Software system, managed by OSD, which must be used to author DoD
international Agreements.
Cooperation and mutual support in the field of logistics through the coordination
of policies, plans, procedures, development activities, and the common supply
and exchange of goods and services arranged on the basis of bilateral and
multilateral agreements with appropriate cost reimbursement provisions.
The negotiating, planning, and implementation of supporting logistics
arrangements between nations, their forces, and agencies. It includes furnishing
logistic support to, or receiving logistic support from, one or more friendly foreign
governments, international organizations, or military forces, with or without
reimbursement. It also includes planning and actions related to the intermeshing
of a significant element, activity, or component of the military logistics systems or
procedures of the United States with those of one or more foreign governments,
international organizations, or military forces on a temporary or permanent basis.
It includes planning and actions related to the utilization of United States
logistics policies, systems, and/or procedures to meet requirements of one or
more foreign governments, international organizations, or forces.
Logistic Support
The provision of military logistic support by one participating nation to one or
more participating nations, either with or without reimbursement.
Interoperability The ability of systems, units, or forces to provide services to or accept services
from other systems, units, or forces and to use the services so exchanged to
operate effectively together.
INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organization.
INTLCT Integrated Electronics.
An offensive operation by day or night over enemy territory with the primary
object of destroying enemy aircraft in the vicinity of their bases.
INU Inertial Navigation Unit.
Inventory Control
An organizational unit or activity within a DoD supply system that is assigned the
primary responsibility for the materiel management of a group or items either for a
particular Service or for the DoD as a whole. Materiel inventory management
includes cataloging direction, requirements computation, procurement direction,
distribution management, disposal direction, and, generally, rebuild direction.
Inverse Square
The law that states when thermal or nuclear radiation is uniformly emitted from a
point source, the amount received per unit area at any given distance from the
source, assuming no absorption, is inversely proportional to the square of that
Inverse Synthetic
Aperture Radar
A type of radar similar to synthetic aperture radar, which uses information from
the motion of targets to provide high resolution.
IO (1) Information Operations. (2) Integrated Optic.
IOC (1) Initial Operational Capability.
(2) Intelligence Operations Center.
(3) Integrated Optics Chip.
IOM Inert Operational Missile.
IONDS Integrated Operational Nuclear Detonation Detection System (US).
Ionization The process of producing ions by the removal of electrons from, or the addition
of electrons to atoms or molecules.
Electromagnetic radiation (gamma rays, x-rays, extreme ultraviolet (EUV)) or
particulate radiation (alpha particles, beta particles, neutrons, etc.) capable of
producing ions, e.g., electrically charged particles, directly or indirectly, in its
passage through matter. (Nuclear Radiation.)
Ionosphere The region of the atmosphere, extending from roughly 70 to 500 kilometers
altitude, in which ions and free electrons exist in sufficient quantities to reflect
electromagnetic waves.
IOSS Interagency OPSEC Support Staff.
IOT&E Initial Operational Test and Evaluation.
IOU Input/Output Unit.
IP (1) Instructor Pilot. (2) Initial Point. (3) Initial Position. (4) Internet Protocol.
(5) Interconnect Protocol.
IPA Integrated Program Assessment.
IPB Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield or Battlespace.
IPC Information Policy Committee.
IPD Integrated Product (Process) Development.
IPE Industrial Plant Equipment.
IPL Integrated Priority List.
IPM Integration Program Manager.
IPMI Integration Program Management Initiative.
IPP (1) Impact Point Prediction. (2) Industrial Preparedness Program.
IPPD Integrated Process and Product Development.
IPR See In-Progress Review. (Also called Interim Program Review).
IPRR Initial Production Readiness Review.
IPRWG Intellectual Property Rights Working Group.
IPS Integrated Program Summary.
IPSRU Inertial Pseudo-Star Reference Unit.
IPT (1) Integrated Product Team. (2) Integrated Process Team. (3) Integrated
Planning Team.
IQT Initial Qualification Training (ILS term).
IR (1) Infrared. (2) Information Requirement. (3) Incident Report. (4)
Information Rate. (5) Initial Review (NMD BMC2 term). (6) Isotope
IR Electro-Optics Technologies/techniques employed by optical sensors in the wavelength
spectrum slightly longer than visible but shorter than radio.
IR&D Independent Research and Development. (Also called IRAD).
IR/Vies Infrared Visual.
IRA Industrial Resource Analysis.
IRAD Independent Research and Development.
IRAS Infrared Astronomical Satellite.
IRBM Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile.
IRBS (1) Infrared Background Sensor. (2) Intermediate-Range Booster System.
IRCM Infrared Countermeasures.
IRD Interface Requirements Document.
IRFP International Request for Proposals (Contracting term).
IRFPA Infrared Focal Plane Array.
IRG Independent Review Group.
IRIA Infrared Information Analysis Center.
IRIG Inter-Range Instrumentation Group.
IRINT Infrared Intelligence.
IRIS Infrared Instrumentation System.
IRLA Item Repair Level Analysis ILS term).
IRM Information Resources Management.
IRMAC Information Resource Management Advisory Committee.

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IRMC Information Resource Management College.
IRR Internal Requirements Review.
IRRAS Integrated Reliability and Risk Analysis System.
IRRS Information Resources Requirements Study.
IRS Interface Requirements Review.
IRSS Infrared Sensor System (EAGLE).
IRST Infrared Search and Track.
IRTF Internet Research Task Force.
IS Information System.
IS&T (1) Invite, Show and Test.
(2) Innovative Science and Technology.
(3) Integrated Science & Technology.
ISA Inter-service Agreement.
IS&T (1) Invite, Show and Test.
(2) Innovative Science and Technology.
ISAR Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar.
ISAS Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (Japan).
ISC (1) Information Systems Command.
(2) Irvine Sensors Corporation.
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network.
ISE (1) Integrated SATKA Experiments. (2) Integrated Space Experiment.
ISE&I Israeli System Engineering and Integration.
ISG Industry Support Group.
ISM (1) Industrial Security Manual. (2) Integrated Structure Model.
ISMG International Simulation & Modeling Group.
ISMO Information Security Management Office.
ISO International Standards Organization.
ISOO Information Security Oversight Office.
Isotropic Independent of direction; referring to the radiation of energy, it means “with
equal intensity in all directions” (e.g., omni directional).
Nuclear Weapon
A nuclear explosive, which radiates x-rays and other forms of radiation with
approximately equal intensity in all directions. The term “isotropic” is used to
distinguish them from nuclear directed energy weapons.
ISP Integrated Support Plan.
ISR Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance.
ISS (1) Information System Security. (2) Infrared Surveillance System.
ISSA Information System Security Association.
ISSAA Information Systems and Software Acquisition Agency.
ISSC Information Systems Security Committee.
ISSM Information System Security Manager.
ISSO Information System Security Officer.
ISSTA International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications.
Issue Cycle A process followed during OSD review of the POM. It begins in early June and
extends into July.
Issue Papers OSD documents defining issues raised during review of the POM.
IST (1) Innovative Science and Technology. (2) Integrated System Test.
ISTC Integrated System Test Capability.
ISTEF Innovative Science and Technology Experiment Facility.
ISTF Installed System Test Facility.
ISV Interceptor Sensor Vehicle.
ISWG Integration Support Working Group.
IT Information Technology.
ITAC Intelligence Threat Analysis Center.
ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations.
ITB (1) Integrated Test Bed. (2) Israeli Test Bed.
ITCE International Traffic in Arms Regulations.
ITD Integration Technology Demonstration.
ITDAP (1) Integrated Test Data Analysis Plan.
(2) Integrated Test Design and Assessment Plan.
Item Manager An individual within the organization of an inventory control point or other such
organization assigned management responsibilities for one or more specific items
of materiel.
ITERS Improved Tactical Events Reporting System.
ITL Integrate, Transfer, Launch
ITMSC Information Technology Management Systems Council.
ITMT Integrated Technical Management Team.
ITO Instructions-to-Offerers (FAR term).
ITP Integrated Test Plan.
ITPB Information Technology Policy Board.
ITR Information Technology Resources.
ITS Information Technology Service.
ITSD Information Technology Services Directorate.
ITT ITT Corporation.
ITV (1) Integrated Technology Validation. (2) Instrumented Test Vehicle
ITW Integrated Tactical Warning.
ITW/AA Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment.
IUI Integrated User Interface.
IV Interceptor Vehicle.
IV&V Independent Verification and Validation.
IVHS Intelligent Vehicle Highway System.
IVIS Inter-Vehicular Information System (USA term).
IW Information Warfare.
IWCD Integrated Wavefront Control Demonstration.
IWEB Information Warfare Executive Board.
IWG Interagency Working Group.
IWS Indications and Warning System.
IWSM Integrated weapons system management.
IXS Information Exchange System.
J&A Justification and Approval.
J-SEAD Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses.
JAAT Joint Air Attack Team.
JADO Joint Air Defense Operations.
JAE Joint Acquisition Executive.
JAIC Joint Air Intelligence Center (JFACC term).
JAMES Joint Automated Message Editing System (USN term).
Jammers Radio transmitters accompanying attacking RVs and tuned to broadcast at the
same frequency as defensive radar. The broadcasts add “noise” to the signals
reflected from the RVs and received by the radar. Susceptibility to jamming
generally decreases with increasing radar frequency, with decreasing altitude,
and with increasing radar power.
JAO Joint Area of Operations.
JAOC Joint Air Operations Center (JFACC term).
JASSAM Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (USAF term).
JAST Joint Advanced Strike Aircraft (USAF/USN program).
JBS Joint Broadcast Service (ASD(C3I) term).
JCAE Joint Committee on Atomic Energy (US).
JCEOI Joint Communications-Electronic Operation Instructions.
JCM Joint Conflict Model.

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JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff (US.
JCSM Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum.
JCTN Joint Composite Tracking Network.
JDA Japan Defense Agency.
JDAM Joint Direct Attack Munitions (USAF B1-B weapon).
JDC (1) Joint Doctrine Center. (2) Joint Deployment Community.
JDISS Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System.
JDN Joint Data Net.
JEA Joint Effectiveness Analysis (formerly COEA).
JEC Joint Economic Committee (US).
JEIO Joint Engineering and Integration Office.
JEM Joint Exercise Manual.
JETTA Joint Environment for Testing, Training, and Analysis.
JEWC Joint Electronic Warfare Center.
JEZ Joint Engagement Zone.
JFCC Joint Forces Command Center.
JFET Junction Field Effect Transistor.
JFFC Joint Forces Fire Coordinator (JFACC term).
JFLC Joint Force Land Component.
JFMC Joint Forces Maritime Component.
JFSC Joint Forces Staff College, Norfolk, VA.
JFSOC Joint Forces Special Operations Component.
JG-APP Joint Group on Acquisition Pollution Prevention.
JHU Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
JHU/APL Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD.
JIC (1) Joint Intelligence Center. (2) Jet Interaction Controls.
JICPAC Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific (JFACC term).
JIEO Joint Interoperability and Engineering Organization.
JINTACCS Joint Interoperability of Tactical Command and Control Systems.
JIOP Joint Interface Operational Procedures.
JIOP-MTF Joint Interface Operational Procedures – Message Text Forms.
JIOPTL Joint Integrated Prioritized Target List (JFACC term).
JITC Joint Interoperability Test Center.
JLC Joint Logistics Commanders.
JLOTS Joint Logistics Over-The-Shore.
JM&S Joint Modeling and Simulation.
JMC (1) Joint Movement Center. (2) Joint Military Command.
JMCCOC Joint MILSTAR Communications Control and Operations Concept.
JMCIS Joint Maritime Command Information System.
JMDN Joint Missile Defense Network. Encompasses all mission-oriented Information
Technology Resources (ITR) networks, facilities and systems operated or funded
by MDA in support of missile defense programs and operations. A major
component of the JMDN is the Ballistic Missile Defense Network (BMDN),
operated by the JNTF.
JMEM Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual.
JMENS Joint Mission Element Needs Statement.
JMNS Joint Mission Needs Statement.
JMO Joint Maritime Operations.
JMSNS Justification for Major Systems New Start.
JMSWG (1) Joint Multi-TADIL Standards Working Group.
(2) Joint Interoperability Message Standards Working Group.
JNAAS JNIF Advisory and Assistance Service.
JNESSY JNIC Joint National Integration Center Electronic Security System.
JNICOMC Joint National Integration Center Operations and Maintenance Contractor.
JNICRDC Joint National Integration Center Research and Development Contractor.
JNICUSLA Joint National Integration Center Unclassified Standalone and Laptop Access.
JOB Joint Operations Board.
JOC Joint Oversight Council.
JOCAS Job Order Cost Accounting System.
Joint Activities, operations, organizations, etc., in which elements of more than one
Service of the same nation participate. When all services are not involved, the
participating Services shall be identified, e.g., Joint Army-Navy).
Joint Doctrine Fundamental principles that guide the employment of forces of two or more
Services in coordinated action toward a common objective. It will be
promulgated by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in coordination with the
combatant commands, Services, and Joint Staff. See also Chairman, Joint
Chiefs of Staff.
Joint Doctrine
Working Party
A forum to include representatives of the Services and combatant commands
with the purpose of systematic address of joint doctrine and joint tactics,
techniques, and procedures (JTTP) issues such as project proposal examination,
project scope development, project validation, and lead agent recommendation.
The Joint Doctrine Working Party meets under the sponsorship of the Director,
Operations Plans and Interoperability.
Joint Electronic
Warfare Center
Electronic Security Command (ESC) team at Kelly AFB, TX, responsible for
investigating and locating the cause of MIJI either against satellites or ground
Joint Force A general term applied to a force composed of significant elements, assigned or
attached, of the Army, the Navy or Marine Corps, and the Air Force, or two or
more of these Services, operating under a single commander authorized to
exercise operational control. See also Joint Force Commander.
Joint Force Air
The commander within a unified command, subordinate unified command, or
joint task force responsible to the establishing commander for making
recommendations on the proper employment of air forces, planning and
coordinating air operations, or accomplishing such operational missions as may
be assigned. The joint force air component commander is given the authority
necessary to accomplish missions and tasks assigned by the establishing
commander. The JFACC will normally be the commander with the
preponderance of air forces and the requisite command and control capabilities.
Joint Force
A general term applied to a commander authorized to exercise combatant
command (command authority) or operational control over a joint force. Also
called JFC.
Joint Force Land
The commander within a unified command, subordinate unified command, or
joint task force responsible to the establishing commander for making
recommendations on the proper employment of land forces, planning and
coordinating land operations, or accomplishing such operational missions as may
be assigned. The joint force land component commander is given the authority
necessary to accomplish missions and tasks assigned by the establishing
commander. The JFLCC will normally be the commander with the
preponderance of land forces and the requisite command and control
Joint Force
The commander within a unified command, subordinate unified command, or
joint task force responsible to the establishing commander for making
recommendations on the proper employment of special operations forces and
assets, planning and coordinating maritime operations, or accomplishing such
operational missions as may be assigned. The JFSOCC is given the authority
necessary to accomplish missions and tasks assigned by the establishing
commander. The JFSOCC will normally be the commander with the
preponderance of special operations forces and the requisite command and
control capabilities.
Joint National
Test Facility
A large, modeling, simulation and test facility located on Falcon AFB in Colorado
which serves as the central control, coordinating, and computing center for the
NTB and as the primary integration and test facility of the BMD SE&I contractor.

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(Former NTF)
Joint Operational
Planning and
System (JOPES)
A continuously evolving system that is being developed through the integration
and enhancement of earlier planning and execution systems: Joint Operation
Planning System and Joint Deployment System. It provides the foundation for
conventional command and control by national and theater level commanders
and their staffs. It is designed to satisfy their informational needs in the conduct
of joint planning and operations. JOPES includes joint operation planning
policies, procedures, and reporting structures supported by communications and
automated data processing systems. JOPES is used to monitor, plan, and
execute mobilization, deployment, employment, and sustainment activities
associated with joint operations.
Joint Operating
These documents identify and describe detailed procedures and interactions
necessary to carry out significant aspects of a joint program. Subjects for JOPs
may include Systems Engineering, Personnel Staffing, Reliability, Survivability,
Vulnerability, Maintainability, Production, Management Controls and Reporting,
Financial Control, Test and Evaluation, Training, Logistics Support, Procurement
and Deployment. The JOPs are developed and negotiated by the Program
Manger and the participating Services.
Joint Operations
That area of conflict in which a joint force commander conducts military
operations pursuant to an assigned mission and the administration incident to
such military operations. Also called JOA.
Joint Program Any defense acquisition system, subsystem, component, or technology program
that involves formal management or funding by more than one DoD Component
during any phase of a system’s life-cycle.
Council (JROC)
A council, chaired by the Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, that conducts
requirements analyses, determines the validity of mission needs and develops
recommended joint priorities for those needs it approves, and validates
performance objectives and thresholds in support of the Defense Acquisition
Board. Council members include the Vice Chiefs of the Army, Navy, and Air
Force, and the Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps.
Center (JSIC)
A USSPACECOM Intelligence Center responsible for producing operational
intelligence for USSPACECOM missions and for space intelligence production for
the DoD and intelligence community. Delegated Space Intelligence production
includes: Space Order of Battle (OB), Space Object Identification (SOI), and
Satellite Reconnaissance Advance Notices (SATRAN). Located at CMAFB.
Joint Strategic
Defense Planning
A special staff located at USSPACECOM Headquarters responsible for
integrated strategic defense planning and for integration of strategic defensive
and strategic offensive operations. The USCINCSPACE serves as Director, Joint
Strategic Defense Planning Staff.
Joint Strategic
Target Planning
Staff (JSTPS)
A JCS organization located at Offutt AFB responsible for planning, developing,
coordinating, and producing the Single Integrated Operations Plans (SIOP).
Also responsible for producing the National Strategic Target List (NSTL). The
Commander in Chief, USSTRATCOM is also the Director, Joint Strategic Target
Planning Staff.
Suppression of
Enemy Air
A broad term that includes all suppression of enemy air defenses activities
provided by one component of the joint force in support of another. Also called
Joint Tactical
System (JTIDS)
A joint service, jam-resistant, secure communications system that permits the
interchange of essential tactical information between aircraft, surface vessels,
and mobile or fixed-base land stations.
Joint Tactics,
Techniques, and
The actions and methods, which implement joint doctrine and describe how
forces will be employed in joint operations. The Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff,
promulgates them in coordination with the combatant commands, Services and
Joint Staff. Also called JTTP.
Joint Test and
T&E conducted jointly by two or more DoD components for systems to be
acquired by more than one component or for a component's systems which have
interfaces with equipment of another component.
Joint Test and
An OSD program for Joint T&E, structured to evaluate or provide information on
system performance, technical concepts, system requirements or improvements,
systems interoperability, improving or developing testing methodologies, or for
force structure planning, doctrine, or procedures.
JON Job Order Number.
JOP Joint Operating Procedures.
JOPES Joint Operational Planning and Execution System.
JOPS Joint Operations Planning System.
JOR Joint Operational Requirements.
JORD Joint Operational Requirements Document.
JOSDEPS Joint Strategic Defense Planning Staff.
JOSS JTF Operational Support System (JIEO term).
JOTS Joint Operational Tactical System (USN term).
JP Joint Publication.
JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA.
JPM Joint Program Manager.
JPN Joint Planning Net.
JPO Joint Program Office.
JPOC Joint Program Optic Cobra.
JPOI Joint Project -- Ornate Impact
JPON Joint Project -- Optic Needle.
JPRN Joint Precision Reporting Net.
JPSD Joint Precision Strike Demonstration.
JPT Joint Planning Tool.
JRB Joint Review Board (JROC term).
JRC Joint Reconnaissance Coordinator (JFACC term).
JRCC Joint Rescue Coordination Center (JFTF term).
JRMB Joint Resources Management Board.

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JROC Joint Requirements Oversight Council.
JROC SSG JROC Strategic Systems Group.
JRSC Jam Resistant Secure Communications.
JRTC Joint Readiness Training Center.
JS Joint Staff.
JS&MDWC Joint Space and Missile Defense Warfare Center.
JSC (1) Joint Security Commission. (2) Joint Steering Committee (French/US term).
JSCP Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan.
JSEAD Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defense (Joint Forces term).
JSET (1) Joint System Engineering Team (MDA/USN term).
(2) Joint Service Evaluation Team.
JSF Joint Strike Fighter (USAF, USN, USMC, UK RAF project).
JSIC Joint SPACECOM Intelligence Center.
JSIPS Joint Service Imagery Processing System (TelComms/Computer term).
JSMB Joint Space Management Board.
JSOC Joint Special Operations Command.
JSOR Joint Services Operating Requirement.
JSPD Joint Strategic Planning Document.
JSPS Joint Strategic Planning System.
JSS Joint Surveillance System.
JSST Joint Space Support Team.
JSTARS Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System.
JSTPS Joint Strategic Target Planning Staff.
JT (1) Joint Test (2) Joint Targeting
JT&E Joint Test and Evaluation.
JTA Joint Technical Architecture (JCS term).
JTAGS Joint Tactical Ground Station.
JTAMDO Joint Theater Air and Missile Defense Organization.
JTASC Joint Training Analysis and Simulations Center.
JTB JFACC (Afloat) Targeting Board (JFACC term).
JTBP Joint Theater Battle Picture.
JTCB Joint Targeting Coordination Board (JFACC term).
JTE Joint Targeting Element (JFACC term).
JTF Joint Task Force.
JTFEX Joint Task Force Exercise.
JTIDS Joint Tactical Information Distribution System.
JTL Joint Target List.
JTMD Joint Theater Missile Defense.
JTMDP Joint Theater Missile Defense Plan.
JTPO Joint Terminal Project Office .
JTOC Joint Targets Oversight Council.
JTR Joint Travel Regulations.
JTRP Joint Telecommunication Resources Board.
JTSG Joint Targeting Steering Group (JFACC term).
JTT Joint Tactical Terminal.
JTTP Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures.
JVX Joint Services Advanced Vertical Lift Aircraft.
JWAN Joint Wide Area Net.
JWARS Joint Warfighting System 9 computer model).
JWC Joint Warfare Center.
JWG Joint Working Group.
JWICS Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications Network.
JWID Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration
JWSTP Joint Warfighting Science and Technology Plan.
K (1) Kelvin. (2) Kilo.
K Factor The relative measure of a sensor’s ability to distinguish one object from another.
Theoretically (but not in practice) it is the distance between the mean locations of
two observed objects given normal distributions and standard deviations for both
KA Kill Assessment.
KAPP Key Asset Protection Program.
KB Kilobyte.
Kbps Kilobyte per second.
KBS Knowledge Based System (UKMOD).
KBSF Knowledge Based Sensor Fusion.
KDEC Kinetic Energy Weapon Digital Emulation Center, Huntsville, AL.
KDS Kwajalein Discrimination System.
KE See Kinetic Energy.
KE ASAT Kinetic Energy Anti-Satellite Weapon.
KED Kill Enhancement Device.
Keep-Out Zone A volume around a space asset, which is off limits to parties not owners of the
asset. Keep-out zones could be negotiated or unilaterally declared. The right to
defend such a zone by force and the legality of unilaterally declared zones
under the Outer Space Treaty remain to be determined.
KEI Kinetic Energy Intercept.
KENN Statistical pattern recognition tool.
KEV Kinetic Energy Vehicle.
KEW Kinetic Energy Weapon.
KEWC Kinetic Energy Weapon, Chemical (propulsion).
KEWE Kinetic Energy Weapon, Electromagnetic (propulsion).
KEWG Kinetic Energy Weapon, Ground.
KEWO Kinetic Energy Weapon, Orbital.
Key A type of dataset used for encryption or decryption. In cryptography, a
sequence of symbols that controls the operations of encryption and decryption.
Kg Kilogram.
KHILS Kinetic Kill Vehicle Hardware in-the-Loop Simulator, Eglin AFB, FL.
KHIT Kinetic Kill Vehicle Hardware Integrated Test.
KIDD Kinetic Impact Debris Distribution.
Kill Assessment
An evaluation of information to determine the result of a ballistic missile/RV
intercept for the purpose of providing information for defense effectiveness and
re-engagements. (USSPACECOM)
Kill Enhancement
A device that improves an interceptor’s lethality.
The planned engagement region in space of an interceptor given the sensor
timeline, kinematic capabilities of the interceptor, engagement timeline, and
operational constraints.
Kinetic Energy
The energy from the momentum of an object, i.e., an object in motion.
Kinetic Energy
Weapon (KEW)
A weapon that uses kinetic energy, or energy of motion to kill an object.
Examples of weapons, which use kinetic energy, are a rock, a bullet, a nonexplosively armed rocket, and an electromagnetic rail gun.
Kinetic Kill
Vehicle (KKV)
A weapon using a non-explosive projectile moving at very high speed to destroy
a target on impact. The projectile may include homing sensors and on-board
rockets to improve its accuracy, or it may follow a preset trajectory (as with a shell
launched from a gun).
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