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Kinetic Kill
A series of test flights at WSMR to demonstrate HEDI technologies.
KITE (1) Kuiper Infrared Technology Experiment. (2) Kinetic Kill Vehicle Integrated
Technology Experiment.
KKV Kinetic Kill Vehicle.
KKVWS Kinetic Kill Vehicle Weapon System.
KL Kill Level.
Km Kilometer.
Km/h Kilometer per hour.
Km/sec Kilometer per Second.
KMCC Kwajalein Mission Control Center.
KMR Kwajalein Missile Range.
KMRSS Kwajelein Missile Range Safety System.
KPP Key Performance Parameters.
Kr Krypton.
KREMS Kiernan Reentry Measurement System.
KSC Kennedy Space Center, FL.
Kt Kiloton.
KTF Kauai Test Facility, Barking Sands, HI.
KTP (1) Key Technical Partner. (2) Key Test Partner (3) Key Technical Parameters.
Kts Knots.
KV Kill Vehicle.
kw Kilowatt.
KW Kinetic Warhead.
L&TH Lethality and Target Hardening.
L1SS Level 1 System Simulator.
L2SS Level 2 System Simulator - NTF.
LAA Limited Access Area.
LAAD Low Altitude Air Defense.
LAAFB Los Angeles Air Force Base, CA.
LABCOM Laboratory Command.
LABM Local Area Battle Manager.
LABP Look Ahead Battle Planner
LAC Low Authority Control.
LACE Laser Atmospheric Compensation Experiment (an SDIO/NRL satellite launched
February 1990 and turned off July 1993).
LACM Land Attack Cruise Missile.
LADAR Laser Detection and Ranging.
Laddering Down A hypothetical technique for overcoming a terminal phase missile defense.
Successive salvos of salvage-fused RVs attack. The detonations of one salvo
disable local ABM abilities so that following salvos are able to approach the
target more closely before being, in turn, intercepted. Eventually, by repeating
the process, the target is reached and destroyed.
LADL Lightweight Air Defense Launcher (USA TBMD term).
LADS Low Altitude Demonstration System.
LAFB Langley AFB, VA.
LAMP Large Advanced Mirror Program.
LAN Local Area Network.
Landsat Land Satellite (NASA program’s satellite).
LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM.
LANTRINS Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared Night System.
LAO Limited Attack Option.
LAPL Lead Allowance Parts List (Navy term).
LARC Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA.
Large Optics The technology of constructing and employing mirrors over 1 m aperture to direct
and control high power beam weapons/systems with large coverage, or to
provide high resolution or high sensitivity for detection and/or imaging.
LASA Large Aperture Seismic Array.
Lasant A material that can be stimulated to produce laser light. Many materials can be
used as lasants; these can be in solid, liquid, or gaseous form (consisting of
molecules including excimers or atoms) or in the form of plasma (consisting of
ions and electrons). Lasant materials useful in high energy lasers include carbon
dioxide, carbon monoxide, deuterium fluoride, hydrogen fluoride, iodine, xenon
chloride, krypton fluoride, and selenium, to mention but a few.
LASE LIDAR Acquisition and Sizing Experiment.
Laser An active electron device that converts input power into a very narrow, intense
beam of coherent visible or infrared light; the input power excites the atoms of an
optical resonator to a higher energy level, and the resonator forces the excited
atoms to radiate in phase. Derived from Light Amplification by Stimulated
Emission of Radiation and classified from Class I - Class IV according to its
potential for causing damage to the eye.
Laser Designator A device that emits a beam of laser energy to mark a specific place or object.
Laser Detection
and Ranging
A technique analogous to radar, but which uses laser light rather than radio or
microwaves. The light is bounced off a target and then detected, with the return
beam providing information on the distance and velocity of the target.
Laser Guided
A weapon that uses a seeker to detect laser energy reflected from a laser
marker/designated target and, through signal processing, provides guidance
commands to a control system. The control system then guides the weapon to
the point from which the laser energy is being reflected.
Laser Imaging
A technology whereby a laser beam can be used in a way similar to the use of a
radar beam to produce a high-quality image of an object.
Laser Optics Technology associated with the use and control of laser beams with flux greater
than 1 watt/cm2.
Laser Seeker A device based on a direction sensitive receiver that detects the energy reflected
from a laser designated target and defines the direction of the target relative to
the receiver. See also laser guided weapon.
Laser Target
A system that is used to direct (aim or point) laser energy at a target. The
system consists of the laser designator or laser target marker with its display and
control components necessary to acquire the target and direct the beam of the
laser energy thereon.
Laser Tracker A device that locks on to the reflected energy from a laser marked/designated
and defines the direction of the target relative to itself.
Laser Weapons Devices, such as photon generators, which produce a narrow beam of coherent
radiated power greater than 1 MW.
LASERCOM Laser Communications.
LATS Long Wave Infrared Advanced Technology Seeker/Sensor.

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Launch Azimuth Missile launch location measured in degrees clockwise from the local northpointing longitude line at the launch site. (USSPACECOM)
Launch Detection Initial indication by any one of a variety of sensors that a booster has been
launched from some point on the surface of the earth, with initial characterization
of the booster type. (USSPACECOM)
Launch Point
With computer methods, uses missile track observation to estimate the point on
the earth’s surface from which the missile was launched, expressed in terms of
circular error probable.
Launch Under
Attack (LUA)
Execution by National Command Authorities of Single Integrated Operational
Plan forces subsequent to tactical warning of strategic nuclear attack against the
United States and prior to first impact.
Confirmation of a detection of a booster launch by receiving a report from a
sensor separate and independent of the sensor that initially detected a specific
booster launch.
Layered Defense A defense that consists of several sets of weapons that operates at different
phases in the trajectory of a ballistic missile. Thus, there could be a first layer
(e.g., boost phase) of defense with remaining targets passed on to succeeding
layers (e.g., midcourse, terminal).
lb Pound.
LBL Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA.
LBM Localized Battle Management/Manager(s).
LBTS Land Based Test Site.
LCC (1) See Life-Cycle Cost. (2) Launch Control Center.
LCCE (1) Life-Cycle Cost. (2) Launch Control Center. (3) Land Component
Commander (JCS term).
LCCS Life-Cycle Contractor Support.
LCF Launch Control Facility.
LCM (1) Life Cycle Management.
(2) Lightweight Communications Module (USAF TelComms/Computer term).
LCN Logistics Control Number (ILS term).
LCOM Logistics Composite Model.
LCN Logistics Control Number (ILS term).
LCS Laser Crosslink System.
LDC Less Developed Country.
LDS (1) Layered Defense System. (2) Lexington Discrimination System. (3) Limited
Defense System.
LE Lethality Enhancer (PAC-3).
Lead Component/
The DoD Component designated by SECDEF to be responsible for management
of a system acquisition involving two or more DoD Components in a joint
LEAF Law Enforcement Access Field.
Leakage The allowable threat objects passing through a BMD system expressed as a
percentage of the threat. To ensure overall system performance, permitted
leakage is “budgeted” among individual BMD phases and functions.
Leakage (Max) The maximum allowable threat objects passing through a BMD system expressed
as a percentage of the design-to threat. To ensure overall system performance,
permitted leakage is “budgeted” among individual BMD phases and functions.
LEAP Lightweight Exoatmospheric Projectile.
LEASAT Leased Satellite.
Least Privilege This principle requires that each subject in a system be granted the most
restrictive set of privileges (or lowest clearance) needed for the performance of
authorized tasks. The application of this privilege limits the damage that can
result from accident, error, or unauthorized use.
LED (1) Low Endoatmospheric Defense. (2) Light Emitting Diode.
LEDI Low Endoatmospheric Defense Interceptor.
LEDS (1) Low Endoatmospheric Defense System.
(2) Link Eleven Display System (USN term).
LEI Low Endoatmospheric Interceptor.
LEIP Link Eleven Improvement Program (USN term).
LEL Low Energy Laser.
LELWS Low Energy Laser Weapon System.
LEM Logistics Element Manager (ILS term).
LEO Low Earth Orbit.
LETS LWIR Environment and Threat Simulation.
Level of Effort
Effort of a general or supportive nature that does not produce definite end
products or results, e.g. contract man-hours.
Leverage (1) The advantage gained by boost-phase intercept, when a single booster
kill may eliminate many RVs and decoys before they are deployed. This
could provide a favorable cost-exchange ratio for the defense and would
reduce stress on later tiers of the SDS.
(2) In general, the power to act or influence to attain goals.
LF (1) Landing Force. (2) Low Frequency.
LFIE Live Flight Integration Exercise.
LFOV Limited Field of View.
LFS Loral Federal System, Gaithersburg, MD.
LFT&E Live Fire Test and Evaluation.
LGB Laser Guided Bomb.
LGM (1) Laser Guided Missile.
(2) Loop Group Multiplexer.
LGSM Light Ground Station Module (USA CECOM term).
LHO Amphibious Assault Ship.
Li Lithium.
LIC Low Intensity Conflict.
LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging.
Life Cycle (1) The total phases through which an item passes from the time it is initially
developed until the time it is either consumed or disposed of as being
excess to all known materiel requirements.
(2) (Software). All the states a software or software related product passes
through from its inception until it is no longer useful.
Life-Cycle Cost
The total cost to the Government of acquisition and ownership of that system
over its useful life. It includes the cost of development, acquisition, support and,
where applicable, disposal.
Process for administering an automated information system or hardware support
system over its whole life, with emphasis on strengthening early decisions which
shape costs and utility.
Life-Cycle Model A framework containing the processes, activities, and tasks involved in the
development, operation, and support of the system, spanning the life of the
system from the definition of its requirements to the termination of its use.
Life Cycle of a
Weapon System
All phases of the system's life including research, development, test and
evaluation, production, deployment (inventory), operations and support, and
Life Jacket The life support storage container for a Brilliant Pebbles singlet. The life jacket
contains subsystems that perform power, communications, and environmental
protection functions.
Light Detection
and Ranging
A precision probing instrument used to measure concentrations of different
gasses or particulates in a given amount of atmosphere.

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Light Replicas
Decoys that, by virtue of shape, closely approximate an RV’s signature with little
off-load penalty.
LIMIDIS Limited Distribution.
Limited Attack An attack on the U.S. and its allies, which provides a stressing timeline, and is
geographically distinct. Not an all-out attack or mass wave.
Limited Defense
System (LDS)
The development of systems, components, and architectures for a deployable
anti-ballistic missile system (as described in section 232(a)(1) of the 1991 Missile
Defense Act, as revised) capable of providing a highly effective defense of the
United States against limited ballistic missile threats, including accidental or
unauthorized launches or Third World attacks, but below a threshold that would
bring into question strategic stability.
Capability (LOC)
A point in time when the first set of sensors and weapons can be employed to
provide a limited protection system.
The initial production of a system in limited quantity. Part of an acquisition
strategy to be used in test and evaluation for verification of design maturity,
manufacturing process final proofing, and product engineering and to verify a
factories capabilities prior to a decision to proceed with production. Decision
usually made near the end of EMD or at Milestone IIIA or equivalent. (Also
called Low-Rate Initial Production or Pilot Production.)
Limited Test
Ban Treaty
The bilateral Treaty signed and ratified by the United States and the (former)
U.S.S.R. in 1963, which prohibits nuclear tests in all locations except
underground, and prohibits nuclear explosions underground if they cause
radioactive debris to be present outside the territorial limits of the state under
whose jurisdiction or control the test would be conducted.
LIN Line Item Number.
Linac Linear Accelerator.
Line Item
A specific program end item with its own identity (e.g., B-1B Bomber).
Line of Sight
The line from sensor to target necessary for the commencement of the detection,
acquisition, track, and identification of a target.
Line Replaceable
Unit (LRU)
An essential support item removed and replaced at field level to restore end item
to an operationally ready condition. (Also called Weapon Replacement
Assembly and Module Replaceable Unit).
Link-16 TADIL-J.
Link Quality
This testing of links to create bit error estimates and monitors natural or induced
link interference.
LIP Lethality Improvement Plan.
Liquid Fuel
Booster (LFB)
Target booster being developed to mate with current reentry vehicles and
emulate the short/medium range threat.
LIS Laser Isotope Separation.
LITINT Literature Intelligence.
Live Fire Test
And Evaluation
Survivability testing and lethality testing required before full-scale production.
Must be conducted on ACAT I and II programs for: (a) A covered system (a
conventional weapon system designed to provide some degree of protection to
the user in combat); (b) a major munition or missile program; (c) a product
improvement program that will significantly affect the survivability of a covered
LIVEX Live Exercise.
LIWA Land Information Warfare Activity.
LJ Life Jacket (BE term).
LL (1) Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA.
(2) Legislative Liaison.
LLM Long Lead Material.
LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA.
LLTIL Long-Lead-Time Items List (ILS term).
LLUM Low background LWIR Uniform Mercury Cadmium Teloride (HgCdTe).
LM (1) Lockheed Martin, a defense industry contractor.
(2) Logistics Manager (ILS term).

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LM/GES Lockheed Martin/Government Electronic Systems.
LMA Lockheed Martin Astronautics, a defense industry contractor.
LMANS Lockheed Martin Aeronautic and Naval Systems.
LMC Late Midcourse.
LMFBR Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactor.
LMIS Logistics Management Information System.
LNA Low Noise Amplifier.
LNC Local Network Controller.
LNE Low Noise Exciter (Electronics Engineering term).
LNO Liaison Officer.
LO (1) Local Oscillator (Electronics Engineering term).
(2) Low Observables (LODE-related term).
LOA Letter of Agreement.
LOAD Low Altitude Defense.
LOC (1) Lines of Communication.
(2) Lines of Code.
(3) Limited Operational Capability.
LOCAAS Low Cost Autonomous Attack System (USAF term).
Assessment of
The assessment of an engagement by high-resolution fire control sensors.
The ISTC Local Environment contained within each node simulates the element
to the degree necessary to generate a realistic input to the Element Processor of
Element Processor Emulation and provide a realistic response to the Element
Processor or Element Processor Emulation.
Lock On Signifies that a tracking or target-seeking system is continuously and
automatically tracking a target in one or more coordinates (e.g., range, bearing,
LODE Laser Optics Demonstration Experiment.
LODTM Large Optics Diamond Turning Machine.
LOE (1) Level of Effort. (2) Letter of Evaluation (AF).
LOF Lifejacket Orbital Flight (BE term).
Lofted Trajectory Trajectory with an apogee greater than the minimum-energy trajectory to the
same range.
LOG Logistics.
LOG.WIPT Logistics Working-level IPT
LOGAM II Logistics Analysis Model II.
LOGFAC Logistics Feasibility Analysis Capability.
LOGFOR Logistics Force.
Logistics The science of planning and carrying out the movement and maintenance of
forces. In its most comprehensive sense, it includes those aspects of military
operations which deal with: (1) design and development, acquisition, storage,
movement, distribution, maintenance, evacuation, and disposition of materials;
(2) movement, evacuation, and hospitalization of personnel; (3) acquisition or
construction, maintenance, operation, and disposition of facilities; and (4)
acquisition or furnishing of services.
Logistics Support The supply and maintenance of materiel essential to proper operation of a
system in the force.
The degree to which planned logistics support (including test, measurement, and
diagnostic equipment; spares and repair parts; technical data; support facilities;
transportation requirements; training; manpower; and software support) allow
meeting system availability and wartime usage requirements.
Support Analysis
The selective application of scientific and engineering efforts undertaken during
the acquisition process, as part of the systems engineering process, to assist in:
causing support considerations to influence design; defining support
requirements that are related optimally to design and to each other; acquiring
the required support; and providing the required support during the operational
phase at minimum cost.
Logistics Support
Analysis Record
A formal tool under MIL-STD 1388-2A that uses records/forms to document
operations and maintenance requirements, RAM, task analyses, technical data,
support/test equipment, facilities, skill evaluation, supply support, ATE and TPS,
and transportability. LSAR is the basis for training, personnel, supply
provisioning and allowances construction, support equipment acquisition,
facilities construction and preparation, and for maintenance.
LOGPLAN Logistics Plan.
LOGSIM Logistics Simulation Model.
LOI (1) Letter of Instruction. (2) Letter of Intent.
LOMEZ Low Altitude Missile Engagement Zone.
Long Lead Items
Long Range Air
Launched Target
Those components of a system for which the times to design and fabricate are
the longest, and, therefore, to which an early commitment of funds may be
desirable in order to meet the earliest possible date of system completion.
Two-stage, air launched ballistic missile target being developed for MBRV-4.
Long Wavelength
Infrared (LWIR)
Thermal radiation emitted by a source in the electromagnetic spectrum
encompassing infrared wavelengths of 6 to 30 microns.
LOR Level of Repair Analysis (ILS term).
LORA Level of Repair Analysis (ILS term).
LOS (1) Line of Sight. (2) Large Optical Segment.
LOTS Logistics Over-The-Shore.
LOW Launch on Warning.

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Low Altitude
System (LADS)
Part of the SBIRS Low Program Definition and Risk Reduction (PDRR) program
phase. The LADS will consist of a flight experiment and extensive ground
demonstrations by Boeing North American. The LADS flight experiment will be
launched in late FY99 to demonstrate the sensor performance of a SBIRS Low
concept and collect phenomenology data.
Low Earth Orbit
These satellites are at altitudes between 100 and 400 nautical miles. They
have short duration revolutions (about 90 minutes), short visibility envelopes (2.5
minutes up to 10 minutes over a tracking station), short life spans, and are most
subject to orbital perturbations due to atmospheric drag and earth gravitational
That portion of the earth's atmosphere, generally below 40 km altitude.
Low-Rate Initial
Production (LRIP)
The production of a system in limited quantity to provide articles for operational
test and evaluation, to establish an initial production base, and to permit an
orderly increase in the production rate sufficient to lead to full-rate production
upon successful completion of operational testing.
LOWKATRER Low Weight Kinetic Energy Active Tracker.
LOWTRAN Atmospheric and Interstellar Background Signature Model.
LPAR Large Phased Array Radar.
LPD Low Probability of Detection.
LPE (1) Liquid Phase Epitaxy.
(2) Launch Point Estimate.
LPI Low Probability of Intercept.
LPS Limited Protection System.
LR Long Range.
LRA (1) Line-Replaceable Assembly. (2) Launch and Recovery Element.
LRB Liquid Rocket Booster.
LRC Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH.
LRE (1) Latest Revise Estimate. (2) Launch and Recovery Element.
LREP Light Replicas.
LRF Laser Range Finder.
LRINF Longer Range Intermediate Nuclear Forces.
LRIP See Low-Rate Initial Production.
LRIP-OT Low Rate Initial Production – Operational Testing.
LRTBM Long Range TBM.
LRTNF Long-range Theater Nuclear Force.
LRU (1) Line Replaceable Units. (2) Line Replacement Units.
LS Launching Stations (PATRIOT).
LSA Logistics Support Analysis.
LSAP Logistics Support Analysis Program.
LSAR Logistics Support Analysis Record.
LSART LSA Review Team (ILS term).
LSAT Laser Satellite.
LSAWG LSA Working Group.
LSE Lifetime Support Engineering (ILS term).
LSEA Lifetime Support Engineering Activity (ILS term).
LSI Large Scale Integration (circuits).
LSRS Loral Space and Range Systems, Sunnyvale, CA.
LST (1) Laser Spot Tracker. (2) Landing Ship, Tank.
LSTS Launcher Station Test Site.
LTA Lead Time Analysis.
LTBT Limited Test Ban Treaty.
LTD Laser Target Designator.
LTH Lethality and Target Hardening.
LTS Low Temperature Superconductor
LTV Launch Test Vehicle.
LU Launch and Update.
LUA Launch Under Attack.
LUP Limited U.S. Protection.
LUT Limited User Test.
LUT/OA Limited User Test/Operational Assessment.
LVS Loral Vought Systems, a defense industry contractor.
LVT Low Volume Terminal (USN/NATO/Telecomm term).
LW Laser Weapons.
LWAN Local Wide Area Net.
LWIR See Long Wavelength Infrared.
LWIR FPA (PET) Long Wavelength Infrared Focal Plane Array (Pilot-line Experiment Technology).
LYTBT Low-Yield Threshold Test Ban Treaty.
LZ Landing Zone.

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m (1) Meter. (2) Minute.
M (1) Model. (2) Million. (3) Mega.
M&LC Missile and Launch Control.
M&P Manpower and Personnel.
M&S (1) Materials and Structures. (2) Modeling and Simulation.
M-T-M Model – Test – Model.
M/LWIR Medium/Long Wavelength Infrared.
M/P Manpower/Personnel.
MAA Mission Area Analysis.
MAAG Military Assistance Advisory Group.
MAB Missile Assembly Building.
MAC (1) OBSOLETE. Military Airlift Command. See AMC.
(2) Maintenance Allocation Chart.
MACCK Multi-Application Command and Control Kit (GD term for IVIS follow-on).
MACCS Marine Corps Air Command and Control System.
MACOM Major Army Command.
MAD (1) Mission Area Deficiency. (2) Mutually Assured Destruction.
MADCAP Mosaic Array Data Compression and Analysis Program.
MADS Modified Air Defense System.
MAE Medium Altitude Endurance.
MAGTF Marine Air-Ground Task Force.
Main Beam The primary directional EMR emitted from radar transmitters.
Maintainer An individual responsible for retaining the major defense system in or restoring it
to a specified condition. Maintenance activities include inspection, testing,
servicing, classification as to serviceability, repair, rebuilding, and reclamation.
A description of maintenance considerations and constraints for
system/equipment under development. A preliminary maintenance concept is
developed and submitted as part of the preliminary system operational concept
for each alternative solution candidate by the operating command with the
assistance of the implementing and supporting commands. A major driver in
design of the system/equipment and support planned for it.
The corrective and preventive maintenance operations that do not require a
deployment decision; it includes correction and subsequent validation testing
and the update of relevant status configuration, maintenance, and inventory
The process conducted to evolve and establish maintenance concepts and
requirements for the lifetime of a material system; one of the principal elements
of ILS.
MAIS Mobile Automated Instrumentation Suite (USA term).
MAISRC Major Automated Information System Review Council
MAJCOM Major Command (USAF).
Major Automated
System Review
Council (MAISRC)
The Senior DoD information management acquisition review board chaired by
the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communication, and
Intelligence. See DoD Directive 8120.2.

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Major Defense
An acquisition program that is not a highly sensitive classified program (as
determined by the Secretary of Defense) and that is:
1. Designated by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and
Technology as a major defense acquisition program, or
2. Estimated by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology
to require:
a) An eventual total expenditure for research, development, test, and
evaluation of more than $200 million in fiscal year 1980 constant
dollars (approximately $300 million in fiscal year 1990 constant
dollars), or
b) An eventual total expenditure for procurement of more than $1 billion
in fiscal year 1980 constant dollars (approximately $1.8 billion in fiscal
year 1990 constant dollars).
A modification that in and of itself meets the criteria of acquisition category I or II
or is designated as such by the milestone decision authority. Major modifications
require a Milestone IV decision unless the decision to modify results from one of
the alternatives considered as part of the Milestone I decision process.
Upgrades are part of the Milestone 0 decision process.
Major System A combination of elements that will function together to produce the capabilities
required to fulfill a mission need, including hardware, equipment, software, or any
combination thereof, but excluding construction or other improvements to real
property. A system shall be considered a major system if it is estimated by the
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology to require:
1. An eventual total expenditure for research, development, test, and
evaluation of more than $75,000,000 in fiscal year 1980 constant dollars
(approximately $115,000,000 in fiscal year 1990 constant dollars), or
2. An eventual total expenditure for procurement of more than $300,000,000 in
fiscal year 1980 constant dollars (approximately $540,000,000 in fiscal year
1990 constant dollars).
MAM Maintenance Assist Modules.
MAMDT Mean Active Maintenance Downtime (ILS term).
Access Control
A means of restricting access to objects based on the sensitivity (as represented
by a label) of the information contained in the objects and the formal
authorization of subjects to access information of such sensitivity.
Reentry Vehicle
A reentry vehicle capable of performing preplanned flight maneuvers during the
reentry phase. The reentry vehicles deploy fins or other aerodynamic surfaces
when they enter the atmosphere, allowing them to turn and dodge rather than
fall ballistically. They have no ability to maneuver in space.
MANPER Manpower and Personnel ILS term).
The billets in the manpower requirements structure that are planned to be filled.
Estimate Report
An estimate of the number of personnel who will operate, maintain, support, and
train for the acquisition upon full operational deployment. The Services prepared
the estimates, and the SECDEF submits them to Congress 30 days prior to
approval for EMD or production.
Training, and
Safety (MPTS)
The human dimension of the complete defense weapon system. The term
MPTS also encompasses the concepts and disciplines of human factors
engineering and health hazard prevention.
Training, and
Safety (MPTS)
A description of human dimensions and constraints involving a major system
throughout the system life cycle. This includes, but is not limited to, descriptions
and categorizations of occupations, aptitudes, individual skills and
demographics, training system characteristics and components, potential system
hazards, and other issues affecting the performance and welfare of operators,
maintainers, and personnel that support existing, modified or new systems.
MANPRINT Manpower and Personnel Integration (US Army).
MANTECH Manufacturing Technology.
Manufacturing (or
Pre-production planning and operation analysis applied to specific product
designs. The functions of planning, specifying, and coordinating the application
of required factory resources including: performing analyses of production
operations, processes, and systems; applying new manufacturing methods,
tooling, and equipment; controlling the introduction of engineering changes, and
employing cost control and quality techniques from the factory viewpoint.
and Integration
An SDS-peculiar integration mechanism to link product technology development
concurrently with manufacturing process and control development for a costreducing effective SDS development.
Manufacturing technology refers to any action which has as its objective the
timely establishment or improvement of the manufacturing processes,
techniques, or equipment required to support current and projected programs,
and the assurance of the ability to produce, reduce lead time, ensure economic
availability of end items, reduce costs, increase efficiency, improve reliability, or to
enhance safety and anti-pollution measures. MANTECH, per se, is the specific
DoD program in this area.
MAOC Modular Air Operations Center (JFACC term).
MAOPR Minimum Acceptable Operational Performance Requirements.
MAP Minimum Acquisition Program.
MAR Monthly Assessment Report (BMDO/POC term).
MARCO Marine Corps.

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Marine Air
Command and
Control System
A US Marine Corps tactical air command and control system that provides the
tactical air commander with the means to command, coordinate, and control all
air operations within an assigned sector and to coordinate air operations with
other Services. It is composed of command and control agencies with
communications-electronics equipment that incorporates a capability from manual
through semiautomatic control.
Mark/Markup Line by line review and approval/disapproval/modification of the defense budget
by congressional committees.
MARS Multi-warfare Assessment and Research System.
MARSYSCOM US Marine Corps Systems Command, Quantico, VA
MARV Maneuverable Reentry Vehicle.
MARVIS Mid-Apogee Reentry Vehicle Intercept System.
MAS Mutual Assured Survival.
MASINT Measurement and Signature Intelligence.
MASPAR Massive Parallel Processors (TMD-GBR).
Mass Raid Many Red ballistic missiles launched toward CONUS from several launch areas.
A mass ASAT raid consists of several ASATs attacking Blue satellites.
MAST Measurement and Simulation Technology-formerly Synthetic Scene Generation
Model (SSGM).
Ballistic Reentry
Vehicle (MBRV)
Four reentry vehicle designs (MBRV 1-4) developed to serve as threat
representative theater targets.
Matching Target
Reentry Vehicle
Threat representative reentry vehicle developed for GMD Program by Sandia
Labs. Planned for use on IFT 9-14.
Material Fielding
Plan to ensure smooth transition of system from developer to user.
The science of developing/altering and applying materials to obtain a resultant
molecular structure with desirable physical properties and performance
characteristics. (See Structures.) Also includes applying state-of-the-art
advanced materials in the design of new SDS components and end items.
MATHSFA Manufacturing and Testing of LWIR Hardened Seeker FPA Assemblies.
Matra BAE
European missile manufacturer formed in 1996 from British Aerospace Dynamics
and Matra of France.
MATT Mutli-mission Advanced Tactical Terminal.
MATT Radio UHF radio receiver for TRAP, TOPS, and TIBS.
MATTR Mid And Terminal Tiers Review.
MAX Maximum.
Maximum attrition is employed in a target-rich environment to destroy the
maximum number of RVs, regardless of the type, by using all available or
allocated interceptors. This option may not satisfactorily defend specific or
required assets.
MB Megabyte.
MBA Multi-Beam Antenna.
MBE Molecular Beam Epitaxy.
MBFR Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction.
Mbps Megabits per second.
MBRV Maneuvering Ballistic Reentry Vehicle.
MC (1) Mission Control. (2) See Midcourse phase. (3) Mission Capable (ILS
term). (4) Military Committee.
MCA Micro Channel Architecture (TelComm/Computer term).
MCAS Marine Corps Air Station.
MCASS MTACCS Common Application Support Software.
MCBM Midcourse Battle Manager.
MCC Mission Control Complex/Center/Console.
MCCC Mobile Consolidated Command Center.
MCCDC Marine Corps Combat Development Center.
MCCR Mission Critical Computer Resources.
MCE Mission Control Element.
MCG Midcourse Guidance.
MCI Midcourse Interceptor.
MCLOR Marine Corps LORA Model (USMC ILS term).
MCM Multi-Chip Module.
MCOTEA Marine Corps Operational Test and Evaluation .
MCP (1) Materiel Change Package (US Army term).
(2) Military Construction Program.
MCPDM Marine Corps Program Decision Making.
MCRDAC Marine Corps Research, Development & Acquisition Command.
MCS (1) Maneuver Control System. (2) Midcourse Sensor.
MCSS (1) Midcourse Surveillance System. (2) Military Communications Satellite System.
MCT Mercury Cadmium Telluride (cf. HgCdTe).
MCTE Mission, Course of Action, Task, and Element Control Directives.
MCTL Militarily Critical Technologies List.
MCTR Missile Control Technology Regime.
MCV Mission Capable Vehicle.
MD Missile Defense.
MDA (1) Missile Defense Agency. (2) Missile Defense Act. (3) Milestone Decision
Authority. (4) McDonnell-Douglas Aerospace.
MDAHWG Missile Defense Ad Hoc Working Group.
MDAP Major Defense Acquisition Program.
MDART Missile Defense Activities Review Team.
MDBIC Missile Defense Barrel Integration Center.
MDC Midcourse Data Center, Advanced Research Center, Huntsville, AL.
MDCI Multi-Discipline Counterintelligence.
MDDC Missile Defense Data Center, USASSDC, Huntsville, AL.

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MDP Manufacturing Data Package.
MDR (1) Medium Data Rate (TelComms/Computer term).
(2) Milestone Decision Review.
(3) Multi-national Defense Research.
MDSC Missile Defense Scientific and Technical Information Center.
MDSTC Missile Defense and Space Technology Center.
MDT Maintenance Down Time.
MDTD Mean Downtime Documentation (ILS term).
MDTOA Mean Downtime for Outside Assistance (ILS term).
MDTOR Mean Downtime for Other Reasons (ILS term).
MDTT Mean Downtime for Training (ILS term).
MDW Mass Destruction Weapons.
ME/VA Mission Essential/Vulnerable Area
MEA Mission Effectiveness Analysis (JFACC term).
MEADS See Medium Extended Air Defense System.
Mean Time
Between Failures
A measure of the reliability of an item. Defined as the total functioning life of an
item divided by the total number of failures within the population during the
measurement interval. The definition holds for time, rounds, miles, events, or
other measures of unit life. MTBF is a basic measure of reliability.
Mean Time To
Repair (MTTR)
The total elapsed time for corrective maintenance divided by the total number of
corrective maintenance actions during a given period of time. A basic measure
of maintainability.
Mean Time to
Restore System
A measure of the system maintainability parameter related to availability and
readiness. The total corrective maintenance time associated with downing
events, divided by the total number of downing events, during a stated period of
time. (Excludes time for off-system maintenance and repair of detached
MEASAT Malaysia East Asia Satellite.
Measure of
The quantitative expression (sometimes modified by subjective judgment) of the
success of a system in achieving a specified objective.
MEC Mission Essentially Code (ILS term).
Medium Earth
Orbit (MEO)
Space vehicles characterized by orbits between 400 and 10,000 nautical miles,
longer duration revolution (2 to 12 hours), longer visibility envelopes (10 minutes
up to approximately 1 hour), and generally longer lifetimes. This region contains
the Van Allen radiation belts where electronic components need special
Extended Air
Defense System
A lightweight, highly transportable, low-to-medium altitude air defense and
theater missile defense system designed to protect critical fixed and
maneuverable corps assets. MEADS superseded the Corps SAM program in
Medium Power
Lasers that radiate power less than 1 MW, normally used to detect, identify,
track, and designate a target vehicle.
Medium Range
Ballistic Missile
A ballistic missile with a range from about 600 to 1,500 nautical miles.
Infrared (MWIR)
Thermal radiation emitted by a source in the electromagnetic spectrum
encompassing infrared wavelengths of 3 to 6 microns.
MEF Marine Expeditionary Force.
MEILSR Minimum Essential ILS Requirements (NSA term).
MEL (1) Maintenance Expenditure Limit. (2) Mobile Erector Launcher.
MEM (1) Mission Effectiveness Model. (2) Mission Equipment Modernization.
Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA)
(1) In contract administration, an agreement between a program manager
and a Contract Administration Office, establishing the scope of
responsibility of the Contract Administration Office with respect to the
cost and schedule surveillance functions and objectives, and/or other
contract administration functions on a specific contract or program.
(2) Any written agreement in principle as to how a program will be
Memorandum of
Official agreements concluded between the NATO countries' defense ministries
but ranking below government level international treaties. De facto, all partners
generally recognize such agreements as binding even if no legal claim could be
based on the rights and obligations laid down in them.
MEO Medium Earth Orbit.
MER Manpower Estimate Report.
Telluride (HCT)
Infrared sensing material.
MES Military Essential Support.

帅哥 发表于 2008-12-25 20:12:09

MESAR Multifunction Electronically Scanned Adaptive Radar (UK).
MESFET Metal Schottky-Gate Field Effect Transistor.
Mesosphere The portion of the atmosphere from about 30 to 80 kilometers above the earth.
The technique that subjects each operation of a given piece of work to close
analysis to eliminate every unnecessary element or operation and to approach
the quickest and best method of performing each necessary element or
operation. It includes the improvement and standardization of methods,
equipment, and working conditions; operator training; the determination of
standard times; and occasionally devising and administering various incentive
METO Minimum Effort Task Order.
METOIA Minimum Effort Task Order Impact Assessment.
METOP Minimum Effort Task Order Plan.
METOR Minimum Effort Task Order Requirement.
Metric (Software). An indicator, which measures some specific attribute of the software
development process.
Metrology The science of measurement, including the development of measurement
standards and systems for absolute and relative measurement. Used to
determine conformance to technical requirements including the development of
standards and systems for absolute and relative measurements.
MeV Million Electron Volts.
MEZ Missile Engagement Zone.
MFAR Modular Multifunction Phased Array Radar.
MFEL Medical Free Electron Laser.
MFG Master Frequency Generator.
MFL Multiple Folded Ladar.
MFLOPS Million Floating Point Operations Per Second.
MFP Major Force Program.
MFR Memorandum For Record.
MFS MFS Communications Company, Incorporated.
MFSIM Multifunction Simulation (PATRIOT), Huntsville, AL.
MGEP Mobile Ground Entry Point.
MGLI Midcourse Ground Launched Interceptor.
MGMT Management.
MGTS Mobile Ground Telemetry Station.
MHD Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic.
MHE (1) Material Handling Equipment. (2) Mobile Hauling Equipment.
MHV Miniature Homing Vehicle.
mi Statue mile (5,280 feet).
MIC Management Information Center (MDA).
MICOM U.S. Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, AL.
MIDAS Missile Defense Alarm System (US).
Defense Segment
The portion of the BMDS that defeats ballistic missiles during the period of flight
between boost and atmospheric reentry.
The guidance applied to a missile between termination of the boost phase and
the start of the terminal phase of flight.
Midcourse (MC)
That portion of a ballistic missile's trajectory between the boost phase and the
reentry phase when reentry vehicles and penaids travel at ballistic trajectories
above the atmosphere. During this phase, a missile releases its warheads and
decoys and is no longer a single object, but rather a swarm of RVs and penaids
falling freely along present trajectories in space.
Midcourse Space
Designed to provide demonstrations of midcourse acquisition and tracking from
space, technology integration of optics, focal plane arrays, signal processing,
etc., and collect background phenomenology measurements and target
signature measurements.
Midgetman US ICBM.
MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface.
MIDS Multi-Functional Information System (USN/NATO/Telecomm term).
MIIRD Mission Issue Identification and Resolution Document.
MIJI Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming, and Interference.
MIL Man-in-the-Loop.
MIL-HDBK Military Handbook.
MIL-STD Military Standard.
MILCON Military Construction.
The individual designated in accordance with criteria established by the Under
Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology to approve entry of an
acquisition program into the next phase.
Milestones (MS) Major decision points that separate the phases of an acquisition program.
The ability to achieve a specified wartime objective (win a war or battle, destroy a
target set). It includes four major components: a). Force Structure -- Numbers,
size and composition of the units that compromise our Defense forces; b)
Modernization -- Technical sophistication of forces, units, weapon systems, and
equipment; c) Readiness -- The ability of forces, units, weapon systems, or
equipment to deliver the outputs for which they were designed; d) Sustainability
-- The ability to maintain the necessary level and duration of operational activity
to achieve military objectives. Sustainability is a function of providing for and
maintaining those levels of ready forces, materiel, and consumables necessary
to support military effort.
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