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The formal expression of a military need, the response to which results in
development or acquisition of items, equipment, or systems.
An established need justifying the timely allocation of resources to achieve a
capability to accomplish approved military objectives, missions, or tasks.
Military Satellite
A satellite used for military purposes, such as navigation or intelligence
Military Strategy
The determination of: (1) what targets to defend and their priorities in order to
achieve the selected national strategy, and (2) the type of attackers (and/or their
corridors) to be intercepted.
Military Utility The military worth of a system performing its mission in a competitive
environment, including versatility (or potential) of the system. It is measured
against the operational concept, operational effectiveness, safety, security, and
cost/worth. Military utility estimates form a rational basis for making management
MILOGS Marine Integrated Logistics System (USMC term).
MILSAT Military Satellite.
MILSATCOM Military Satellite Communications.
MILSPACE Military Space
MILSPEC Military Specification.
MILSTAR Military Strategic and Tactical Relay (satellite system).
MILSTRIP Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures.
MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension.
MIN Minimum
min Minute.
Mini-DAMA Miniature Demand Assigned Multiple Access.
Miniature Homing
Vehicle (MHV)/
Miniature Vehicle
An air-launched direct-ascent ("pop-up") kinetic energy anti-satellite weapon.
The value for a particular parameter that is required to provide a system
capability that will satisfy the validated mission need. Also known as the
performance threshold.
Minimum Energy
The trajectory that produces maximum range for a given amount of energy.
Necessary tasks that must be completed during an acquisition phase prior to the
next milestone decision review. Applies to all acquisition categories and highly
sensitive classified programs.
Minuteman US ICBM.
MIP Maintenance Index Page (Navy ILS term).
MIPA Missile Procurement Army (Appropriation).
MIPR Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request.
MIPS (1) Marine Integrated Personnel System (USMC term).
(2) Master Integrated Program Schedule.
(3) Million Instructions Per Second (ADP term).
MIPT Management IPT.
MIRACL Mid Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser.
MIRS Management Information and Reporting System.
MIRV Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle.
MIS Management Information System.
MISREP Mission Report (JFACC term).
MISSI Multilevel Information Systems Security Initiative.
Missile Defense
National Team
A collaborative enterprise of the missile defense community that is focused on
executing a single program of research and development work to develop a
Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS). It is comprised of personnel from
Government, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs),
University Affiliated Research Centers (UARCs), Scientific, Engineering and
Technical Assistance (SETA) providers and major industry contractors.
Missile Defense
National Team,
Command and
Control, and
The component of the MDNT led by MDA/BC that is focused on Battle
Management, Command and Control, and Communications (BM/C2/C). The
MDNTB industry contribution is composed of a single team of major defense
contractors (Boeing, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin , Northrop
Grumman, Raytheon, and TRW). This industry team is referred to as the MDNTB
(I) and is a unique sub-group of personnel from the industry companies that
provides a confidential consolidation of experience in the development,
integration, and production of missile defense systems.
Missile Defense
National Team,
Engineering &
The component of the MDNT led by MDA/SE that is focused on Systems
Engineering and Integration (SE&I). The MDNTS industry contribution is
composed of a single team of major defense contractors (Boeing ,
General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, and TRW).
This industry team is referred to as the MDNTS (I) and is a unique sub-group of
personnel from the industry companies that provides a confidential consolidation
of experience in the development, integration, and production of missile defense
Missile Defense
A situation of peril declared by the competent military commander, that a ballistic
missile attack is probable (Missile Defense Warning Yellow), imminent or in
progress (Missile Defense Warning Red), or improbable (Missile Defense Warning
Missile Destruct Intentional destruction of a missile or similar vehicle for safety or other reasons.

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Missile Guidance
A system that evaluates flight information, correlates it with target data,
determines the desired flight path of a missile, and communicates the necessary
commands to the missile flight control system.
Missile Intercept
That geographical division of the destruction area where surface-to-air missiles
have primary responsibility for destruction of airborne objects.
Missile Release
The line at which an attacking aircraft could launch an air-to-surface missile
against a specific target.
Missile Warning
Center (MWC)
Located in CMAFB, the MWC is operated by USSPACECOM to fulfill ballistic
missile TW/AA responsibilities of USCINCSPACE to external users to whom there
are commitments. The MWC manages the ballistic missile sensors and reporting
system in support of timely, accurate, and unambiguous warning of missile attack
worldwide. MWC personnel, in coordination with other centers, validate and
confirm report events. The Launch Correlation Unit (LCU) of the MWC ensures
all domestic and cooperative launches are coordinated and reported so that they
are not construed as hostile in accordance with the “Agreement on Measures to
Reduce the Risk of Outbreak of Nuclear War” between the US and USSR.
Mission (1) The task, together with the purpose, which clearly indicates the action to
be taken and the reason therefore.
(2) In common usage, especially when applied to lower military units, a duty
assigned to an individual or unit; a task.
(3) Missions are statements of the objective to be accomplished for a given
situation. Missions will describe the situation and will include who, what,
when, where, why, and how the BMD system will perform. They contain
employment direction and procedures to BMD forces for a given situation
to achieve specific defense objectives. (USSPACECOM)
Mission Area A segment of the defense mission as established by the Secretary of Defense.
Each DoD component has a mission area (i.e. Navy - sea control) for which it
must equip its forces.
Mission Area
Analysis (MAA)
Continuous analysis of assigned mission responsibilities in the several mission
areas to identify deficiencies in the current and projected capabilities to meet
essential mission needs, and to identify opportunities for the enhancement of
capability through more effective systems and less costly methods.
Mission Capable
Material condition of an aircraft indicating it can perform at least one and
potentially all of its designated missions. Mission capable is further defined as
the sum of full mission capable and partial mission capable. Also called MC.
Mission Critical
Automated data processing equipment or services if the function, operation, or
use: (1) involves intelligence activities; (2) involves cryptologic activities related to
national security; (3) involves command and control of military forces; (4) involves
equipment which is an integral part of a weapon or weapons system; or (5) is
critical to direct fulfillment of military or intelligence missions.
Mission Critical
A system whose operational effectiveness and operational suitability are
essential to successful completion or to aggregate residual combat capability. If
this system fails, the mission likely will not be completed. Such a system can be
an auxiliary or supporting system, as well as a primary mission system.
Mission Element A segment of a mission area critical to the accomplishment of the mission area
objectives and corresponding to a recommendation for a major system capability
as determined by the DoD Component.
Mission Need
Assesses alternatives in an operational context, identifying what force
capabilities would be gained by pursuing any of a designated set of alternatives.
Assesses the strengths and weaknesses of a military force when confronting a
postulated threat in a specified scenario or set of circumstances.
Mission Need
Statement (MNS)
(1) A non-system specific statement of operational capability needs,
prepared IAW format in DoD 5000.2-M. Developed by DoD components
and forwarded to the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) for
validation and approval (major efforts), or just notification (minor efforts).
The JROC also assesses all MNSs for joint service potential. MNSs go to
the milestone decision authority for a determination on whether or not to
convene a Milestone 0 review.
(2) A statement of operational capability required to perform an assigned
mission or to correct a deficiency in existing capability to perform the
The probability that the system will perform mission essential functions for a
period of time under the conditions stated in the mission profile.
MIST Mosaic Infrared Sensor Technology.
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
MIT/LL Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Lincoln Laboratory, Bedford, MA.
MIW Mine Warfare.
MK Mark (version).
MKV (1) Miniature Kill Vehicle. (2) Multiple Kill Vehicles.
MLCP Mission Launch Control Processor.
MLDT (1) Mean Logistics Delay Time (ILS term).
(2) Missile Downlink Transmitter (USA term).
MLF Multi-Lateral Force.
MLI Multi-layer Insulation.

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MLRS Multiple Launch Rocket System.
MLS (1) Microwave Landing System (FAA airways term).
(2) Multi-Level Security (COMSEC term).
MLV (1) Missile Launch Vehicle. (2) Medium Life Vehicle.
MLWIR Medium-Long Wavelength Infrared.
Mm Millimeter.
MM Maintenance Manual.
MM III Minuteman III ICBM.
MMH Maintenance Man-hours (ILS term).
MMI Man-Machine Interface.
MMIC Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit.
MMIPT Milestone Management IPT (THAAD Program term).
MMKV Multiple Miniature Kill Vehicles
MMM Multi-Mode Missile.
MMPM MEECN Message Processing Mode.
MMR Monthly Management Review.
MMS Multi-Mode Seeker.
MMS-CP Missile Management Station – Control Panel (US Army term).
MMU Man Maneuvering Unit.
MMW Millimeter Wave.
MN-ED Materiel Need – Engineering Development (US Army term).
MNS Mission Need Statement.
MOA (1) Memorandum of Agreement. (2) Military Operating Area.
MOA/U Memorandum of Agreement/Understanding.
MOAB Missile Optimized Anti-Ballistic.
MOB Main Operations Base.
Mobile Ground
Entry Point
The subset of GEPs, which are transportable. GEPs provide the communications
interfaces between the SDS space orbital/sub-orbital elements and the C2E.
MOC Mobile Operations Center.
MOCVD Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition.
Mock-up A model, built to scale, of a machine, apparatus, or weapon. It is used in
examining the construction of critical clearances, in testing a new development,
or in teaching personnel how to operate or maintain the actual item.
MOD (1) Ministry of Defense. (2) Modification.
Modem Modulator-Demodulator (Telecomm/Computer term).
Modes Situational conditions or categories under which selective Rules of Engagement
apply. Examples include: Peacetime: Day to day operation when training,
exercises, and routine maintenance and operations occur. Prior to crisis or war.
Crisis: The transition state between peacetime and war. War: Self-explanatory.
MODIL See Manufacturing Operations, Development, and Integration Laboratory.
Modularity The degree to which a system, computer program (or component) is composed
of discrete components such that a change to one component has minimal
impact on other components.
MOE See Measure of Effectiveness.
MOL Minimum Operating Level.
MOLNIYA Orbit This is a highly eccentric orbit with high apogee (.71 to .74) in the northern
hemisphere and low perigee in the southern hemisphere. For a specific set of
orbital parameters, this orbit has a changing velocity and altitude, which, when
combined with the earth’s rotation, keeps the orbiting satellite within view for very
long periods (96 percent) above a designated point on earth.
MOM Measure of Merit.
Mono Track Data on the location and movement of an object in space that can be derived by
a single sensor.
Monostatic Radar A radar system in which the receiver and transmitter are collocated.
MOP Memorandum of Policy.
MOPA Master Oscillator Power Amplifier.
MOPP Mission-Oriented Protective Posture.
MOR Memorandum of Record.
MORA MILSTAR Operator Requirements Analyst.
MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor.
Moscow BMD
The Soviet exoatmospheric system using the Dog House and Cat House
phased-array radars for long-range acquisition. The system might also use the
Hen House early warning radars for long-range acquisition. Target and
interceptor tracking is performed by mechanically steered dish antennas.
MOSHED Multi-planar Organic Scintillator High Energy Detector.
MOSTT Mosaic Optical Sensor Technology Testbed.
MOTIF Maui Optical Tracking and Identification Facility, HI.
MOTR Multiple Object Tracking Radar.
MOTS Military Off the Shelf.
MOU Memorandum of Understanding.
MPA (1) Main Political Administration (USSR term).
(2) Maintenance Planning Analysis (ILS term).
mph Miles per hour.
MPL Multiple Pulse Laser.
MPOS Million Operations Per Second.
MPP Massively Parallel Processor.
MPRS Mission Planning Rehearsal System.
MPS (1) Multiple Protective Shelters (once to be used for basing MX).
(2) Main Propulsion System.
MPT Manpower, Personnel, and Training.
MPTS Manpower, Personnel, Training, and Safety.
MR (1) Milliradian. (2) Mobile Reserve. (3) Maintenance Ratio (ILS term) (4) Missile
Round (US Army term)
MRB Material Review Board.
MRBM Medium Range Ballistic Missile.
MRC (1) Maintenance Requirements Card (Navy ILS term).
(2) Major Regional Conflict/Contingency.
MRCTS Missile Round Cable Test Set.
MRD Mission Requirements Document.
MRDA Mission Requirements and Definition Analysis.
MRJ A specific SETA contractor.
MRL Multiple Rocket Launcher.
MROC (1) Mobile Regional Operations Center.
(2) Multiple Required Operational Capabilities.
MRP Missile Round Pallet.
MRR Mission Readiness Review (AFMC term).
MRSA Material Readiness Support Agency (US. Army).

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MRSS Mobile Range Safety System.
MRTFB Major Range and Test Facility Base.
MRV Maneuverable Reentry Vehicle.
MRVIS Mid-Apogee Reentry Vehicle Intercept System.
ms Milliseconds.
MS Milestones.
MS I Milestone I (DD 5000 term).
MS II Milestone Two (DD 5000 term).
MS III Milestone Three (DD 5000 term).
MS IV Milestone Four (DD 5000 term).
MS-DOS Microsoft Disk Operating System.
MSAG Multi-functional Self-Aligned Gate.
MSC (1) Military Sealift Command. (2) Mission Support Configuration. (3) Major
Subordinate Command.
MSD Modular Security Device.
MSE (1) Mobile Subscriber Equipment (PATRIOT).
(2) Multiple Simultaneous Engagements.
MSEL Master Scenario Events List.
MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL.
MSG Message.
MSGDB Message Database.
MSI Multi-Spectral Imagery.
MSIC Missile and Space Intelligence Center (DIA), Redstone Arsenal, AL.
MSL (1) Mean Sea Level. (2) Master Station Log.
MSLS Multi-Service Launch System (Minuteman).
MSPS Mega Sample Per Second.
MSR Missile Site Radar.
MSS (1) Midcourse Surveillance System.
(2) Multi-Satellite System. (ARPA).
(3) Management Support System.
(4) Modeling and Simulation Support.
MSSS Maui Space Surveillance Site.
MSTI Miniature Sensor Technology Integration satellite.
MSTS (1) Midcourse Surveillance and Tracking System.
(2) Multi Source Tactical System.
MSU Mass Storage Unit (TelComm/Computer term).
MSWG Milestone Working Group.
MSX Midcourse Space Experiment.
Mt. Megaton.
MT Metric Ton.
MTACCS Marine Tactical Air Command and Control System.
MTB(EME) Mean Time Between (Equipment Malfunction Event).
MTBCF Mean Time Between Critical Failures ((ILS term).
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures.
MTBFS MTBF Software (ILS term).
MTBM Mean Time Between Maintenance (ILS term).
MTBMA Mean Time Between Maintenance Actions (ILS term).
MTBR Mean Time Between Removals (ILS term).
MTCR Missile Technology Control Regime.
MTD (1) Maintenance Task Distribution (ILS term). (2) Material Test Directorate.
(3) Missile Technology Demonstration (USAF program).
MTDS Minimum Technical Data Set (ACDP term).
Mtg Meeting.
MTI Moving Target Indicator.
MTM Maneuvering Tactical Missile.
MTMC Military Traffic Management Control.
Mtn Mountain.
MTOE Modified Table of Organization and Equipment.
MTOP Management Task Order Plan.
MTS Missile Tracking Sensor.
MTTR Mean Time To Repair.
MTTRS Mean Time to Restore System.
MTTV Maneuvering Tactical Target Vehicle.
MTU Military Training Unit (ILS term).
MTV Maneuvering Target Vehicle. A Hera target booster with a Pershing II reentry
MTWS MAGTF Tactical Warfare Simulation.
MUE Mission Unique Equipment.
Fundamental principals that guide the employment of forces of two or more
Services in coordinated action toward a common objective. It is ratified by the
two or more Services, and is promulgated in multi-Service publications that
identify the participating Services. See also Joint Doctrine.
The image of an object obtained simultaneously in a number of discrete spectral
Congressional appropriation available for incurring obligations for a definite
period in excess of one fiscal year; i.e., for two or more years. (See Multi-Year
A procurement of more units than the current year requirement. The total
purchase is divided into segments, which are annually budgeted and funded;
however, the contractor is protected from cancellations through clauses in
Multilateration A type of multi-static radar usually employing one transmitter and several
receivers for target detection and tracking.
Multilevel Device A device that is used in a manner that it simultaneously permits access by users
with different security clearances and needs-to-know, but prevents users from
obtaining access to information for which they lack authorization.
Multilevel Secure A class of system containing information with different classifications that
simultaneously permits access by users with different security clearances and
needs-to-know, but prevents users from obtaining access to information for which
they lack authorization.
Security Mode
(ADP Security) A mode of operation using an operating system, which provides a
capability, that permits various levels and categories or compartments of material
to be concurrently stored and processed in an ADP system.
Reentry Vehicle
A reentry vehicle carried by a delivery system that can place one or more reentry
vehicles over each of several separate targets.

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Multiple Intercept
Capability to make two or more intercepts per target or targets defended.
Observations of potential targets by means of different physical principles and
different sensor systems. In the case of sensor systems, the use of multiple
phenomenologies makes it more difficult for an adversary to deceive them.
Multiple Reentry
A reentry vehicle of a delivery system, which places more than one reentry
vehicle over an individual target.
Multiple Silo
Capability to defend two or more silos.
Multi-service T&E T&E conducted by two or more DoD Components for systems to be acquired by
more than one DoD Component, or for a DoD Component's systems that have
interfaces with equipment of another DoD Component.
Multi-static Radar A radar system with a transmitter and several receivers all separated. A special
case is bi-static radar. An advantage of multi-static radar over mono-static radar
is that even if transmitters, which might be detected by the enemy when
operating, are attacked, receivers in other locations might not be noticed and
might thereby escape attack.
MULTS Mobile Universal Link Translator System (NATO term).
MUS Mission Unique Software.
MUX Multiplex.
mV Millivolt.
MV Miniature Vehicle.
MW (1) Mega-Watt (millions of watts). (2) Microwave. (3) Missile Warning.
MWC Missile Warning Center.
Mwe Megawatt (electrical energy).
MWIR Medium Wavelength Infrared.
MWS Modular Workstation (ADP term).
Mwt Megawatt (thermal energy).
MX Formerly an experimental missile; newest addition to U.S. ICBM arsenal; also
called "Peacekeeper.”
MY Man Year.
N (1) Neutron. (2) North.
N/A (1) Not Applicable. (2) Not Available.
NAAF Neutral Airframe Adaptive Flare.
NACMA NATO ACCS Management Agency.
NACSEM National Communications Security Emanations Memoranda.
NACSI National Communications Security Instruction.
NACSIM National Communications Security Information Memoranda.
NAD Navy Area Defense (lower tier).
NADC Naval Air Development Center.
NADGE NATO Air Defense Ground Environment.
NADIR Network Anomaly Detection Intrusion Reported.
NAE Navy Acquisition Executive.
NAF (1) Non-appropriated Fund. 2. Naval Air Facility.
NAI Named Areas of Interest.
NAIC National Air Intelligence Center (DIA), Wright-Patterson AFB, OH.
NAM Non-aligned Movement.
NAOC National Airborne Operations Center (formerly NEACP).
NAP NDS Augmentation Package.
NAS (1) National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC. (2) Naval Air Station.
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC.
NASDA National Space Development Agency (Japan).
NASP National Aerospace Plane.
NATINAD NATO Integrated Air Defense.
National Airborne
Center (NAOC)
One of four specially equipped Boeing 747s that during a national emergency
would allow the President and top military leaders to stay airborne for up to 12
hours while linked to ground and space forces. Formerly NEACP.
Authorities (NCA)
The President and the Secretary of Defense or their duly deputized alternates or
National Military
Command Center
The primary location for JCS command and control of all U.S. and Combined
Forces. Located at the Pentagon, Arlington, VA.
National Military
System (NMCS)
The priority component of the Worldwide Military Command and Control System
(WWMCCS) designed to support the National Command Authorities and Joint
Chiefs of Staff in the exercise of their responsibilities. The NMC provides the
means by which the President and the Secretary of Defense can receive warning
and intelligence upon which accurate and timely decisions can be made, the
resources of the Military Departments applied, military mission assigned, and by
which direction can be given to the combatant command commanders or
commanders of commands established by the NCA. The NMCS must be
capable of providing information so that appropriate and timely responses can
be selected and directed by the NCA and implemented. In addition, the NMCS
supports the Joint Chiefs of Staff in carrying out their responsibilities.
National Missile
Defense (NMD)
OBSOLETE. A ground-based anti-ballistic missile system designed to protect the
U.S. against limited ballistic missile threats. It consists of four elements: groundbased interceptors (GBI); a ground-based radar (GBR); a battle management
command, control, and communications (BM/C3) system; and a constellation of
Space and Missile Tracking System (SMTS) (a.k.a. Brilliant Eyes) satellites.
Office (NRO)
A Department of Defense Agency tasked to ensure that the United States has
the technology, spaceborne, and airborne assets needed to acquire intelligence
worldwide, including support to such functions as monitoring arms control
agreements, indications and warning, and the planning and conducting of
military operations. This mission is accomplished through research and
development, acquisition, and operation of spaceborne and airborne intelligence
data collection systems.

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National Strategy
The determination of when it is in the national interest to activate and employ
defense resources (i.e., the balance between responsiveness and crisis control),
and given an activation/employment decision, what should be the basic objective
(e.g., force survival, survival of selected population centers, etc.).
National Test Bed
A number of geographically separated simulation and test facilities that are
linked through communications to simulate various portions of the ballistic missile
defense (BMD) system for testing and validating operational and technical
concepts and technologies.
National Test Bed
Joint Program
Office (NTBJPO)
(OBSOLETE) A Joint Service organization established to manage the NTF and
execute the NTB program for MDA.
National Test
Facility (NTF)
A large, modeling, simulation and test facility located on Falcon AFB in Colorado
which serves as the central control, coordinating, and computing center for the
NTB and as the primary integration and test facility of the BMD SE&I contractor.
National Warning
Center (NWC)
Center in CMAFB, which activates the radio, TV, and sirens that warn the U.S.
population of impending ballistic missile attack. Also assists with national
disaster relief, forest fires, and other events assigned.
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
NATOPS Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization.
Natural Ground
and Atmospheric
The environments, which exist in the sensible atmosphere and on the surface of
the earth. These include meteorological, seismic, biological and related natural
conditions. This environment is applicable to ground-based assets and groundlaunched interceptors in the atmospheric portions of flight, and it effects the
propagation of radar and communications signals.
Natural Space
The natural environment, which exists above the sensible atmosphere. Space
begins approximately 100 km and above. This environment is applicable to
orbiting spacecraft, to interceptors in the exoatmospheric portions of flight, and it
affects the propagation of radar and communications signals.
NAVAIDS Navigational Aids.
Naval Space
The naval component of USSPACECOM. Responsible for day-to-day operation
of FLTSATCOM, NAVSPASUR, etc. Responsible for BMD elements that may be
operated by the Navy. Located in Dahlgren, VA.
Naval Space
Existing Navy component command center at Dahlgren, VA, responsible for
logistical and administrative support of forces assigned to them.
NAVDSOC Navy Defense System Operations Center.
NAVFAC Navy Facilities Engineering Command.
NAVFOR Navy Forces.
NAVMACS Navy Modular Automated Communications System (USN term).
NAVMIC Naval Maritime Intelligence Center, Suitland, MD.
NAVOSH Navy Occupational Safety and Health.
NAVSAT Navigation Satellite.
NAVSPACE Naval Space Command.
NAVSPACECOM Naval Space Command.
NAVSPASUR Naval Position of SPASUR.
NAVSPOC Naval Space Operations Center.
NAVSTAR Navigational satellite, part of the Global Positioning System (GPS).
Navy FAAWC Navy Force Anti-Air Warfare Commander.
NAWC Naval Air Warfare Center.
NAWC WPNS Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division, China Lake, CA.
NBC Nuclear, Biological, Chemical.
NBS National Bureau of Standards.

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NBTS Neutral Beam Test Stand.
NC Numerically Controlled (CAM computer term).
NCA National Command Authorities.
NCC NORAD Command Center, Colorado Springs, CO.
NCCOSC Naval Command, Control, and Ocean Surveillance Center, San Diego, CA.
NCCS Navy Command and Control System.
NCDCS Narrow Band Coherent Data Collection System.
NCDD New Customer Development Database.
NCO Non-Commissioned Officer (USA/USAF/USMC term).
NCP NORAD Command Post.
NCS (1) National Communications System. (2) Net Control Station. (3) Naval Control
of Shipping.
NCSC National Computer Security Center.
NDC Naval Doctrine Command.
NDD NMD System Development Director.
NDE Non-Destructive Evaluation.
NDEW Nuclear Directed Energy Weapon.
NDEWG Nuclear Directed Energy Weapon - Ground-Based.
NDI (1) Non-Developmental Item.
(2) Non-Destructive Inspection.
NDP National Disclosure Policy.
NDS (1) National Defense Stockpile (2) National Defense System.
NDT Non-Destructive Test.
NDU National Defense University, Washington, DC.
NEA (1) Northeast Asia.
(2) Northeast Asia campaign scenario.
NEACP National Emergency Alternate Command Post (E-4 aircraft).
Near Real Time Pertaining to the timeliness of data or information that has been delayed by the
time required for electronic communication and automatic data processing. This
implies that there are no significant delays.
NEC (1) National Economics Council. (2) Navy Enlisted Code.
NECC Navy EHF Communications Controller.
Negate Early
The use of any technique that precludes the use of, renders useless, or
degrades an early warning capability.
Negation RV destruction or other actions, which prevent damage to the defended area
from conventional, nuclear, chemical, or biological effects.
NEMP Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse.
NEP (1) Nuclear Electric Propulsion. (2) Nuclear Environment Protection.
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act.
NEPSTP Nuclear Electric Propulsion Space flight Test Program.
NERF Naval Emitter Reference File (USN term).
NESEAD Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Activity Detachment (USN term).
Neutral Particle
Beam (NPB)
An energetic beam of neutral particles that is generally used to damage
NEV Network Experimental Version.
NEW Net Explosive Weight.
NFL New Foreign Launch.
NG National Guard.
NH&S Nuclear Hardening and Survivability.
NHA Next-Higher Assembly.
NHMT Nuclear-Hardened Mosaic Technology.
NHTF National Hover Test Facility, Edwards AFB, CA.
NIAG NATO Industrial Advisory Group.
NIC National Intelligence Council.
NID Naval Intelligence Database (USN term).
NIE National Intelligence Estimate.
NIH National Institute of Health.
NII National Information Infrastructure.
NIITF National Information Infrastructure Task Force.
NILE NATO Improved Link Eleven.
NILES NATO Improved Link Eleven System.
NIMA National Imagery and Mapping Agency, Fairfax, VA.
NIPS NTCS Intelligence Processing Service (USN term).
NISC OBSOLETE. Naval Intelligence Support Center. (Now Naval Maritime
Intelligence Center (NAVMIC).
NISP National Industrial Security Program.
NISPOM NISP Operating Manual.
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. (Formerly
NBS (National Bureau of Standards).
NITES Naval Integrated Tactical Environmental Subsystem (USN term).
Nitze Criteria A reference to Paul Nitze, the Reagan Administration’s chief arms control
negotiator, and his vocalization of the goal of the SDS as the achievement of
raising the attack price where the defense cost is measured at the margin, not
the total cost. Congress established the Nitze criteria as conditions of deploying
an SDS in Section 222 of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 1986.
NIU NATO Interface Unit.
NIWA Naval Information Warfare Activity.
NK North Korea.
NKEW Nuclear Kinetic Energy Weapon.
NL The Netherlands.
NLO Nonlinear Optical.
NLOS (1) Non-Line of Sight. (2) Nonlinear Optical System.
NLT (1) Navy Lower Tier (Missile Defense). (2) Not Later Than.
nm (1) Nautical Mile (6,080 feet). (2) Nanometer.
NMA NATO Military Authority.
NMC Not Mission Capable.
NMCC National Military Command Center.
NMCS National Military Command System.
NMD OBSOLETE. National Missile Defense.
NMD 3+3 OBSOLETE. National Missile Defense Three Plus Three (program).
NMD GBR OBSOLETE. National Missile Defense Ground-Based Radar.
NMD IIPT OBSOLETE. NMD Integration Integrated Product Team (NMD Program term).
NMD JPO OBSOLETE. National Missile Defense Joint Program Office.
NMD/TRP OBSOLETE. National Missile Defense Technology Readiness Program.

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NMDPO OBSOLETE. National Missile Defense Program Office (US Army term).
NMM NMD Maturity Matrix.
NMSD National Military Strategy Document.
NNAG NATO Naval Armaments Group.
NNK Non-Nuclear Kill.
NNPA Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act.
NNWS Non-Nuclear Weapon States.
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, DC.
Node A set of equipment and processes, which performs the communications functions
at the end of the data links which interconnect those elements, which are
resident on the network.
NOI Notice of Intent (environmental term).
NOIC Naval Operational Intelligence Center.
Noise In the most general terms, noise is the undesired part of the process being
observed or measured. Its complement, the desired part, is usually referred to
as the signal.
Item (NDI)
(1) Any item of supply that is available in the commercial marketplace; or
(2) Any previously developed item of supply that is in use by a department
or agency of the United States, a state or local government, or a foreign
government with which the United States has a mutual defense
cooperation agreement; or
(3) Any item of supply described in definition 1 or 2, above, that requires
only minor modification in order to meet the requirements of the procuring
agency; or
(4) Any item of supply that is currently being produced that does not meet
the requirements of definition 1, 2, or 3, above, solely because the item
is not yet in use or is not yet available in the commercial marketplace.
Non Material
Solutions to mission needs (warfighting, deficiencies) that can be satisfied by
changes in doctrine, tactics, operational concepts, training, or organization.
Non-Nuclear Kill
A kill that does not involve a nuclear detonation.
NONAP Non-linear Adaptive Processor (Navy term).
(1) Costs that are not proportional to the number of units produced.
(2) A one time cost that will occur on a periodic basis for the same
organization. Nonrecurring costs include preliminary design effort; design
engineering; and all partially completed reporting elements manufactures
for tests.
(3) Training of service instructor personnel.
NOP Nuclear Operations.
NOR Notice of Revision.
NORAD See North American Aerospace Defense Command.
Command Post
A center in CMAFB responsible for controlling ACC, Canadian, and other
assigned forces for designated atmospheric missions in defense of North
NORSAR Norwegian Seismic Array.
North American
A binational command of Canadian and U.S. forces responsible for defense of
North America from bomber and ALCM/SLCM attack. Located in Colorado
Springs, CO.
NORTHCOM Northern Command, Offut AFB, NE
NORTHAG Northern Army Group (NATO).
NOS Network Operating System.
NOSC OBSOLETE. Naval Ocean Systems Center, San Diego, CA. See NCCOSC.
NPB Neutral Particle Beam.
NPBSE NPB Space Experiment.
NPG Nuclear Planning Group.
NPI New Program Integration.
NPR National Performance Review.
NPT Non-Proliferation Treaty.
NRaD Naval Research and Development Division (NCCOSC), San Diego, CA.
NRC (1) National Research Council. (2) Network Reliability Council.
(3) Nuclear Regulatory Commission. (4) Nichols Research Corporation.
NREN National Research and Education Network.
NRL (1) Nuclear Referral List. (2) Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC.
NRLA Network Repair-Level Analysis.
NRO National Reconnaissance Office.
NRSC Network Reliability Steering Committee.
NRT Near Real Time.
NS/EP National Security/Emergency Preparedness.
NSA National Security Agency.
NSA/CSS NSA Central Security Service.
NSC (1) National Security Council. (2) National Security Center.
NSCID National Security Council Intelligence Directive.
NSD National Security Directive.
NSDD OBSOLETE. National Security Decision Directive. Replaced by National
Security Directive (NSD).
NSDM National Security Decision Memorandum.
NSEN NMD System Engineering Notebook.

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NSF National Science Foundation.
NSFS Naval Surface Fire Support.
NSG Naval Security Group.
NSIA National Security Industrial Association, Washington, DC.
NSIE Network Security Information Exchange.
NSN National Stock Number (ILS term).
NSNF Non-Strategic Nuclear Forces.
NSOC (1) National Signals Intelligence Operations Center. (2) Navy Satellite
Operations Center.
NSP Not Separately Priced.
NSSC National Space Surveillance Center, CMAFB.
NSSD National Security Study Directive.
NSTAC National Security Telecommunications and Information System Security
NSTC National Science and Technology Council (EOP term).
NSWC Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, VA.
NSWC/DD Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, VA.
NSWC/PHL Naval Surface Weapons Center, Port Hueneme Division.
NTACS Navy Tactical Air Control System.
NTB National Test Bed.
NTB/WAN OBSOLETE. National Test Bed/Wide Area Network.
NTBI OBSOLETE. National Test Bed Integration.
NTBIC OBSOLETE. National Test Bed Integration Contract.
NTB-JPO OBSOLETE. National Test Bed Joint Project Office.
NTBN OBSOLETE. National Test Bed Network.
NTC National Training Center, located at Ft. Irwin, CA. A large maneuver area that
serves as the Army’s primary training center for Army maneuver forces. Friendly
forces are pitted against “enemy” forces to validate proposed procedures and
NTIC (1) Navy Tactical Intelligence Center. (2) National Technical Information Center.
NTF National Test Facility.
NTM National Technical Means.
NTU New Threat Upgrade.
NTW OBSOLETE. Navy Theater-Wide. Now referred to as the Sea-Based Midcourse
Segment of BMDS.
NTWD(S) OBSOLETE. Navy Theater-Wide Defense (System).
Biological, and
The deposit and/or absorption of residual radioactive material or biological or
chemical agents on or by structures, areas, personnel, or objects.
•Nuclear Contamination. Residual radioactive material resulting from fallout or
rainout, and residual radiation from a system produced by a nuclear
explosion, and persisting longer than one minute after burst.
•Biological Contamination. Microorganisms and toxins that cause disease in
humans, plants, or animals or cause deterioration of material.
•Chemical Contamination. Chemical substances intended for use in military
operations to kill, seriously injure, incapacitate, or temporarily irritate humans.
Biological, and
The capability of a system and its crew to withstand a NBCC environment and
relevant decontamination without losing the ability to accomplish the assigned
mission. A NBCC survivable system is hardened against NBCC and
decontaminates; it can be decontaminated, and it is compatible with individual
protective equipment.
•Hardness. The capability of material to withstand the materiel -damaging
effects of NBCC and relevant decontamination.
•Decontamination. The process of making personnel and materiel safe by
rendering harmless or removing radioactive, chemical, or biological material.
•Compatibility. The capability of a system to be operated, maintained, and resupplied by persons wearing individual protective equipment, in all climates
for which the system is designed, and for the period specified in the
operational requirements document.
Nuclear Cloud See Radioactive Cloud.
Nuclear Directed
Energy Weapon
A directed energy weapon for which the source of energy is a specially designed
nuclear device.
The environment, which results from the detonation of nuclear weapons. Some
components of this environment are directly emitted by the nuclear weapon and
other collateral effects are created by the interaction of the emitted nuclear
radiation with the earth’s atmosphere, the earth’s surface and the earth’s
magnetic field. The nuclear environment consists of radiation, blast, shock,
thermal, electromagnetic pulse (EMP), emissions from radioactive debris, trapped
electrons, and disturbances to the atmosphere and to the propagation paths for
radar and communications. The nuclear environment exists in the
exoatmospheric, atmospheric and ground BMD operational regimes.
A quantitative description of the resistance of a system or component to
malfunction (temporary and permanent) and/or degraded performance induced
by a nuclear weapon environment. Resistance to physical quantities such as
overpressure, peak velocities, energy absorbed, and electrical stress measures
hardness. Hardness is achieved through adhering to appropriate design
specifications and is verified by one or more test and analysis techniques.
Particulate and electromagnetic radiation emitted from atomic nuclei in various
nuclear processes. The important nuclear radiations, from the weapons standpoint, are alpha and beta particles, gamma rays, and neutrons. All nuclear
radiations are ionizing radiations, but the reverse is not true; x-rays, for example,
are included among ionizing radiations, but they are not nuclear radiations since
they do not originate from atomic nuclei. (See Ionizing Radiation and X-Rays.)

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A quantitative description of the system features needed to meet its survivability
requirements. Such system features include those design, performance, and
operational capabilities used to limit or avoid the hostile environment,
architectures that minimize the impact of localized damage to the larger wartime
mission, as well as physical hardening to environment levels, which cannot be
mitigated otherwise. Survivability characteristics include proliferation, redundancy,
avoidance, reconstitution, deception, and hardening.
NUDET Nuclear Detonation.
NUICCS NORAD and USSPACECOM Integrated Command and Control System.
NUT Navy Upper Tier (Missile Defense).
NVG Night Vision Goggles.
NVIS Near Vertical Incidence System (SINCGARS term).
NVMEN Non-Volatile Memory (Telecomm/Computer term).
NWC (1) National Warning Center. (2) National War College. (3) Naval War College.
(4) Nuclear Weapons Council. (5) Naval Weapons Center.
NEW Nuclear Weapons Effect.
NWFZ Nuclear Weapons Free Zone.
NWP Naval Warfare Publication.
NWS National Weather Service.
NWSC Naval Weapons Support Center.
NWSUS Navy WWMCCS Site Unique Software.
OAMP Optical Airborne Measurement Program.
O&M Operations and Maintenance.
O&O Plan Operational & Organizational Plan (Army).
O&S Operations and Support.
O-Level Organizational Level (ILS term).
O/A On or About.
OA (1) Operational Assessment.
(2) Operational Availability.
(3) Options Assessment (BM/C3 Program term c. 1994-6).
OAA Other Agreements Authority (OSD term).
OAB Outer air battle.
OAC Operating Agency Code.
OAMP Optical Airborne Measurement Program.
OAO OAO Corporation, Greenbelt, MD.
OAR Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Operation Plans Assessment Report.
OAS Organization of American States.
OASA Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army.
OASD Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense.
OASD (C3I) Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (C3I)
OASP On-Array Advanced Signal Processing.
OB Operating Budget.
OBAN Operating Budget Account Number.
OBDP Onboard Data Processor.
OBE Overtaken By Events.
OBJ Object.
Object-Oriented A software development approach that organizes software as a collection of
objects containing both data structure and behavior.
The process by which a real-world problem is examined in terms of a collection of
objects to understand requirements, without planning the implementation.
Object Rate (Max) The maximum rate (per second) that a sensor can acquire RVs, decoys, AOs, or
fractionated missile/PBV debris.
Objects in FOV
The maximum number of RVs, decoys, AOs, or fractionated missile/PBV debris
that a sensor can acquire at one time.
Obligation A duty to make a future payment of money. The duty is incurred as soon as an
order is placed, or a contract is awarded. The placement of an order is sufficient.
An obligation “legally” encumbers a specified sum of money that will require
outlays or expenditures in the future.
(1) A congressional authorization to procure goods and services within a
specified amount by appropriation or other authorization.
(2) The administrative extension of such authority, as by apportionment of
(3) The amount of authority so granted.
Obscurant A material (e.g., smoke or chaff) used to conceal an object from observation by a
radio or optical sensor. Smoke may be used to conceal an object from
observation by an optical sensor, and chaff may be used to conceal an object
from observation by a radio sensor (e.g., radar).
Observable A measurable target attribute.
OBSV Observation.
OC Operations Center.
OCA Offensive Counter-air.
OCD Operational Concept Document.
OCI Organizational Conflict of Interest.
OCM Overt Countermeasure.
OCR Optical Character Reader.
OCS (1) Operational Control System. (2) Ozone Depleting Chemical.
OCU Operators Console Unit (THAAD).
OD Optical Disk (PATRIOT).
OD PA&E Office of the Director, Program Analysis and Evaluation.
ODA Optical Discrimination Algorithms/Architecture.
ODASD Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense.
ODCS Office, Deputy Chief of Staff.
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