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Each successive Block provides increasing levels of capability to counter Ballistic
Missiles of all ranges and complexity. (MDA Lexicon)
(2) This term is used to designate a portion of a multi-message packet that is
dedicated to a message contained within the packet.
Block Check
Character (BCC)
The result of a transmission verification algorithm accumulated over a
transmission block, and normally appended at the end, e.g., CRC, LRC.
Plan (BEP)
The BEP documents Ballistic Missile Defense System technology development
objectives and defines the steps necessary to achieve those objectives. The
BEP replaces the Integrated Technology Program (ITP) Plan and will document
all technologies within MDA that address identified needs within the BMDS
Capability Space or support MDA Technical Objectives and Goals.
Block Manager The individual selected to exercise management over a development Block.
BMDS Block management includes decision points at which activities will be
evaluated on the basis of effectiveness within the overall system, technical risk,
deployment schedule, and cost. From these decision points the Block Manager
will recommend whether developmental activities will be accelerated, modified, or
terminated depending on progress and promise.
Blue Forces Those forces used in a friendly role during exercises.
Blue Light Stand alone network development program
BM (1) Battle Management. (2) Ballistic Missile.
BM ATD Battle Management Advanced Technology Demonstration
BM/C3 Battle Management/Command, Control, and Communications. See also
BM/C3I Battle Management/Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence.
BM/C3 WG BM/C3 Working Group.
BM/C4 I Battle Management/ Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and
BMAAT Battle Management Architecture Analysis Tool.
BMC Battle Management Center.
BMD Ballistic Missile Defense.
BMDA Ballistic Missile Defense Act.
BMDAC Ballistic Missile Defense Advisory Committee.
BMDAE Ballistic Missile Defense Acquisition Executive.
BMDARC Ballistic Missile Defense Acquisition Review Council.
BMDATC OBSOLETE. Ballistic Missile Defense Advanced Technology Center, Huntsville,
BMDCC Ballistic Missile Defense Command/Control Center.
BMD Element
Manager (PM)
A highly qualified individual responsible for day-to-day management and
execution of a BMD element program consistent with PM authorities and
responsibilities documented in DoDD 5000.1 and DoDI 5000.2.
BMD Event
An evaluation of information that determines the potential or actual nature and
objectives of an attack for the purpose of providing information for timely
decisions. Event assessment for ballistic missile attack begins on receipt of
event assessment information and continues throughout the attack. The
objective of event assessment is to determine the origin of the attack, the
country and/or theater under attack, the number and type of missiles/RVs
involved in the attack, and what specific targets (impact points) are under attack.
This determination may be made based on attack assessment quality launch
and impact messages from external systems, information generated by BMD
sensors, or any combination.
BMD Event
The human evaluation of whether an observed event is real or false. It is a
statement of validity of a warning event determined by a human analysis of
equipment, operational environment, and personnel actions. The basis for this
judgment is dependent on both of the following: first, in the judgment of sensor
site personnel reporting the event, the data exhibits characteristics consistent
with pre-determined phenomena attributed to an actual event. Site personnel
actions, and hardware and software performance, are determined to be within
established system operation specifications. This is a valid site report. Second,
when a site report is received at the BMD operations center, it undergoes system
report analysis. This process may change the valid site report based on
additional factors such as other site reports, intelligence information, and other
data. Only after this process has been completed can a determination be made
of event validation.

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BMDM Ballistic Missile Defense Monitor.
BMDN Ballistic Missile Defense Network. Encompasses the mission-oriented local area
and wide area networks, facilities, hardware, software, network control and
management procedure and capabilities used to link MDA and the scientific and
technical laboratories and DoD facilities (collectively, the National Test Bed) that
support missile defense systems development, test and evaluation, and
acquisition. The Joint National Test Facility (JNTF) at Falcon AFB, CO serves as
the Executing Agent for the BMDN.
BMDO OBSOLETE. See Ballistic Missile Defense Organization.
BMDOC OBSOLETE. See Ballistic Missile Defense Operations Center.
BMDOICA OBSOLETE. See BMDO Independent Cost Assessment.
BMDP Ballistic Missile Defense Program.
BMDSCOM OBSOLETE. Ballistic Missile Defense Systems Command (now USASSDC).
BMEWS See Ballistic Missile Early Warning System.
BMIC Battle Management Integration Center.
BMO OBSOLETE. Ballistic Missile Office (AF).
BMP Battle Management Processor (C2E term).
BMT Ballistic Missile Threat.
BN Battalion
BN HQ Battalion Headquarters (USA/USMC term).
BN OC Battalion Operations Center
BNL Brookhaven National Laboratory.
BOA (1) Battlefield Ordnance Awareness. (2) Basic Operating Agreement.
BOD Beneficial Occupancy Date (FAR construction contract term).
BOE Basis of Estimate.
BOIP Basis of Issue Plans.
BOM Bill of Material
Booster An auxiliary or initial propulsion system that travels with a missile or aircraft and
that may or may not separate from the parent craft when its impulse has been
delivered. A booster system may contain or consist of one or more units.
Total force inventory.
Boost Phase The first phase of a ballistic missile trajectory during which it is being powered by
its engines. During this phase, which usually lasts 3 to 5 minutes for an ICBM,
the missile reaches an altitude of about 200 km whereupon powered flight ends
and the missile begins to dispense its reentry vehicles. The other phases of
missile flight, including midcourse and terminal, take up to the remainder of an
ICBM’s flight time of 25 to 30 minutes. (USSPACECOM)
Boost Defense
Segment (BDS)
The portion of the BMDS that defeats ballistic missiles in the period of flight prior
to the termination of powered flight.
Surveillance and
Tracking System
OBSOLETE. An Air Force sensor system in high earth orbit used for early
warning, tracking of ballistic missiles, and attack assessment.
BORRG Ballistic Missile Operational Requirements Review Group.
BOS Battlefield Operating System
BOSS Background Optical Suppression Sensor.
Review (BUR)
A comprehensive review, initiated in March 1993, of the nation’s defense
strategy, force structure, modernization, infrastructure, and foundations. The
BUR examined U.S. missile defense requirements from a perspective of
identifying options that could meet future needs at an affordable cost.
BP (1) Brilliant Pebbles (2) Boost Phase. (3) Battle Planning.
BPAC Budget Program Activity Code.
BPBM Boost Phase Battle Management.
BPHIT OBSOLETE. Brilliant Pebbles Hover Interceptor Test.
BPI (1) Boost Phase Intercept. (2) Boost Phase Interceptor.
BPI/E Boost Phase Intercept/Exoatmospheric Intercept
BPL Boost Phase Leakage.
BPM Business Program Manager (Acquisition management term).
BPPBS Biennial Planning, Programming and Budget System.
BPS Bits per second (TelComm/Computer term).
BPT ATD Boost Phase Tracking Advanced Technology Demonstration.
BPTF OBSOLETE. Brilliant Pebbles Task Force.
BPTS Boost Phase Tracking System.
BPX Battle Plan Execution.
BRAC Base Realignment And Closure.

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An experimental device (or group of devices) used to determine feasibility and to
develop technical and operational data. It will normally be a model sufficiently
hardened for use outside of laboratory environments to demonstrate the
technical and operational principles of immediate interest. It may resemble the
end item, but is not intended for use as the end item.
BRDI Baseline Recompetition Document Integration
An experimental device (or group of devices) used to determine feasibility and to
develop technical data. It will normally be configured for laboratory use to
demonstrate the technical principles of immediate interest. It may not resemble
the end item and is not intended for use as the projected end item.
Breakout Execution of acquisition strategy to convert some parts or systems components
from contractor furnished to government furnished. Rather than having prime
contractor provide from its sources, government goes out to industry directly and
procures items.
Break-Up (1) In detection by radar, the separation of one solid return into a number of
individual returns which correspond to the various objects or structure
groupings. This separation is contingent upon a number of factors,
including range, beam width, gain setting, object size, and distance
between objects.
(2) In imagery interpretation, the result of magnification or enlargement
which causes the imaged item to lose its identity and the resultant
presentation to become a random series of tonal impressions.
Brightness The amount of power that can be delivered per unit solid angle by a directed
energy weapon. As used in the BMD program, brightness is the measure of
source intensity. To determine the amount of energy per unit area on a target,
both source brightness and source-target separation distance must be specified.
Brilliant Eyes
OBSOLETE Successor to Space-Based Surveillance and Tracking System
(SSTS). BE is also known as the Space and Missile Tracking System (SMTS),
and is now the LEO element of the SBIRS. See SBIRS.
Brilliant Eyes
Probe (BEP)
OBSOLETE. The BE Probe is a concept for a ground launched probe version of
the BE space-based satellite, analogous to the obsolete GSTS, that would
leverage heavily the applicable BE Flight Demonstration System (FDS)
developed equipment. BEP could be developed and deployed on a shorter
schedule and could provide interim above-the- (radar) horizon threat tracking and
pre-commit for the interceptor. The concept requires the addition of non-FDS
LWIR sensor to a sub-set of the existing sensor complement, and is part of
potential Contingency Deployment Options. Also called the Ground Launched
Probe (GLP).
Brilliant Pebbles
OBSOLETE. Proliferated singlet space-based weapon with autonomous
capability. (Now a subset of the Air Force’s Advanced Interceptor Technologies
(AIT) project.)
Broad Concept
of Operations
An approved USSPACECOM planning concept for a complete SDS. It is a toplevel concept that is detailed in specific Phase Concepts of Operations.
BRP Basic Research Plan.
BRV Ballistic Reentry Vehicle.
BS (1) Battle Staff. (2) Broadcast Source.
BSD Battlefield Situation Display.
BSL Base Support Listing.
BSTS See Boost Surveillance and Tracking System.
BT ATD Booster Typing Advanced Technology Demonstration.
BTH Below the Horizon.
BTI Balanced Technology Initiative.
BTOC Battalion Tactical Operations Center (PATRIOT).
BTRY Battery.
BTS Baseline Target Set. An MDA-approved listing and description of ballistic missile
targets, which have been (or are being) developed to meet a variety of target
users’ needs, validated as threat representative, and accredited for specific
BTTV Ballistic Tactical Target Vehicle.
BTY Battery.
Budget Activity (1) A budget activity is a major subdivision of a budget appropriation,
generally in mission areas. It records estimates for a component function
or activity to be funded by the appropriation. (2) Categories within each
appropriation and fund account that identify the purposes, projects, or
types of activities financed by the appropriation or fund.
Budget Authority Authority provided by law to enter into obligations, which generally result in
immediate or future disbursements of Government funds. It may be classified by
the period of availability, by the timing of congressional action or by the manner
of determining the amount available. Also known as Obligational Authority.
Budget Estimate Cost estimate prepared for inclusion in the DoD budget to support an acquisition

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Budget Estimate
Submit (BES)
The service submissions to OSD showing budget requirements for inclusion in
the DoD budget. Every other autumn (even years) for two-year budget, every
autumn of odd years for amendment to second year of previously submitted twoyear budget.
Built-in Test
Any device permanently mounted in the prime equipment and used for the
express purpose of testing the prime equipment, either independently or in
association with external test equipment.
Bulk Filter The signal processing rejection of detected signals as not being related to
objects of interest. The removal of sensor observations from the track files that
can be readily assessed by location or signature as non-threat (e.g., stars, boost
fragments, etc.).
BUR Bottom-Up Review.
Burden Costs not attributed or assigned to a system as a direct cost. Alternative term for
Burnout The point in time or in the missile trajectory when combustion of fuels in the
rocket engine is terminated by other than programmed cutoff.
Burn Rate The monthly rate at which a contractor’s funds are expended during the period
of the contract.
The distance at which specific radar can discern targets through the external
interference being received.
Bus The platform (or “bus”) sometimes referred to as a post-boost vehicle, on a single
missile, which carries all the warheads on that missile. May also carry penetration
aids, decoys, etc.
Bus Deployment
That portion of a missile flight during which multiple warheads are deployed on
different paths to different targets (also referred to as the post-boost phase).
The warheads on a single missile are carried on a platform or “bus” (also referred
to as a post-boost vehicle), which has small rocket motors to move the bus
slightly from its original path.
BV Boost Vehicle.
BVR Beyond Visual Range.
BW (1) Biological Weapon. (2) Biological Warfare.
BY (1) Budget Year. (2) Base Year.
C (1) Communications. (2) Centigrade.
C2 Command and Control.
C2E Command and Control Element.
C2P Command and Control Processor.
C2S Command and Control System.
C2Sims Command and Control Simulations.
C3 Command, Control, and Communications.
C3CM Command, Control, and Communications Countermeasures.
C3I Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence.
C3IIT C3I Integration Test.
C3TED C3 Theater Exploitation Demonstration.
C4 Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Systems.
C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence.
C4S Command, Control, Communication, and Computer Systems.
C Spec Product specification.
CA Counter Air.
CAD Computer-Aided Design.
CADE Combined Allied Defense Experiment/Effort.
CAE (1) Computer-Aided Engineering. (2) Component Acquisition Executive.
CAIG Cost Analysis Improvement Group.
CALM Characterization of Advanced LWIR Mosaic
CALS (1) Computer-aided acquisition logistic support. (2) Continuous acquisition
and life-cycle support.

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CAM Computer-aided manufacturing.
Campaign Plan A plan for a series of related military operations aimed to accomplish a common
objective, normally within a given time and space.
C&D (1) Cover and Deception. (2) Command and Decision
C&D/A Command and Decision/Auxiliary
C&DH Communications and Data Handling.
C++ Object oriented version of the C programming language.
C-B Chemical-Biological.
C/AHRS Compass, Attitude Heading Reference System (US Army term).
C/SCSC Cost/Schedule, Control System Criteria.
C/SSR Cost Schedule Status Report.
CAESAR CONUS Attack Engagement Systems Requirements Simulation.
CAG Collective Address Group.
CAGE Commercial and Government Entity (Contracting term).
CAI Computer-Aided Inspection.
CAIG Cost Analysis Improvement Group.
CAIS Common Airborne Instrumentation System.
CAIV Cost As an Independent Variable.
CALM Characterization of Advanced Low Background Mosaic. CALM is a contractor
operated ground test facility for testing focal plane arrays. It is located in
Anaheim, CA, and is managed by USASSDC for MDA.
Any of the following sensors that could potentially be included in a National
Missile Defense deployment: UEWR (BMEWS, PAVE PAWS), HAVE STARE,
COBRA DANE, Haystack/Millstone, Haystack Aux, COBRA JUDY, and potentially
other existing sensors.
CAO Counter Air Operation.
CAOC Combat Air Operations Center.
CAP (1) Combat Air Patrol. (2) Civil Air Patrol. (3) Crisis Action Planning.
(4) Configuration and Alarm Panel.
To determine the value /capability of the BMDS: technical performance, cost,
schedule, and other factors included.
An acquisition strategy based on the principle of providing to the user
capabilities as they are achieved, vice capabilities as measured against an
absolute standard.
Document (ORD)
A specialized version of the CJCSI 3701.1B formatted ORD that records the
demonstrated operational performance of a base-lined BMDS capability and
configuration for a system proposed for Service procurement and operations. In
place of requirements, capabilities are stated as operational performance
parameters that have been characterized in Developmental Testing, tailored to
the system (e.g., satellite, aircraft, ship, missile, or weapon) and reflect systemlevel performance capabilities such as range, probability of kill, platform
survivability, etc. In keeping with the capability-based approach, the threat is
described in adversary capabilities terms, rather than specific threat systems.
Other facets of the standard ORD that speak to the suitability and supportability
of the system remain unchanged. The Service will bring the Operational
Capabilities Document through the Joint Requirements Oversight Council as the
system element transitions to a Service.
Generally, but not entirely, equivalent to the term “Performance Specification” as
used in a DoDI 5000.2/DFARS context. It is different in that capability
specification emphasizes operational capability verses performance requirements
that are responsive to documented military requirements. Unlike performance
specifications, capability specifications are not necessarily tied to APBs, Mission
Need Statements (MNSs), or ORDs.
Capital Satellite A highly valued or costly satellite, as distinct from an inexpensive decoy satellite.
Some decoys might be so expensive as to be considered capital satellites.
CAPS Commanders Analysis and Planning Simulation.
Capstone Test
and Evaluation
Master Plan
(Capstone TEMP)
A Test and Evaluation Master Plan which addresses the testing and evaluation
of a defense system comprised of a collection of “stand alone” component
systems which function collectively to achieve the objectives of the defense
CAR (1) Command Assessment Review (AF). (2) Configuration Audit Review. (3)
Contract Assessment Report.
CARD (1) Cost Analysis Requirements Document. (2) Cost Analysis Requirements
CARM Counter Anti-Radiation Missile (PATRIOT).
Carrier System A means of obtaining a number of channels over a single path by modulating
each channel upon a different “carrier” frequency, and demodulating at the
receiving point to restore the signals to their original form.
Carrier Vehicle
A space platform whose principal function is to house the space-based
interceptors in a protective environment prior to use.
CARS Consolidated Acquisition Reporting System.
CAS (1) Close Air Support. (2) Computer-Aided Servicing. (3) Crisis Action System.
(4) Cost Accounting Standard.
CAS/M Computer-Aided Servicing/Maintenance.
CASA Cost Analysis Strategy Assessment.
CASE (1) Common Automated System Execution. (2) Computer-Aided Software
CASOM Conventionally Armed Stand Off Missile (USAF & UK RAF term).
CASREP Casualty Report (USN term).
CASS Consolidated Automated Support System.
CAST Commercial Acquisition Streamlining Team (USAF team name).
CAT (1) Computer Aided Testing. (2) Crisis Action Team. (3) Category.
Cat House A second-generation Soviet phased array radar that augments Moscow’s
existing search and target acquisition radars (Dog House). It also enhances their
battle management capabilities.
CATO (1) Combined Arms Tactical Operations (US Army). (2) OBSOLETE.
Common Automated Tactical Operations.
CATS Computer Aided Test System.
CATT Combined Arms Tactical Trainer (US Army term).
CB Chemical Biological.
CBD (1) Commerce Business Daily. (2) CINC BM/C3 Demonstrator.
CBM Central Battle Management.
CBO Congressional Budget Office.
CBR (1) Chemical, Biological, Radiological. (2) Concurrent Budget Resolution.
CBS Corps Battle Simulation (US Army term).
CBTDEV Combat Developer (US Army term).
CBU (1) Cluster Bomb Unit. (2) Conference Bridge Unit.

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CBW Chemical Biological Warfare.
CC (1) Command and Control. (2) Command Center. (3) Air Force Commander
office symbol.
CC/SOIF OBSOLETE. Command Center/System Operation and Integration Functions.
(See C2E and SOIF.)
CCA (1) Contingency Capabilities Assessment.
(2) Carrier-Controlled Approach.
(3) Circuit Card Assembly.
CCA (ICE) Component Cost Assessment (Independent Cost Estimate).
CCB (1) Community Counter terrorism Board. (2) Configuration Control Board.
CCC (1) CINC Command Complex. (2) Component Command Center. (3)
Consolidated Command Center (NMD BMC3 term)
CCC (BMD) Consolidated Command Center (CCC) (BMD).
CCCI Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence.
CCCS Common Communications Component Set.
CCD (1) Charge-Coupled Device. (2) Camouflage, Concealment, and Deception.
CCE OBSOLETE. Command Center Element. Now called Command and Control
Element (C2E).
CCEB Combined Communications-Electronics Board (NATO term).
CCEP Commercial COMSEC Endorsement Program
CCEV Command Center Experimental Version.
CCI Controlled Cryptographic Item
CCIS Command and Control Information System.
CCL (1) Commodity Control List.
(2) Commerce Control List .
CCM Counter-Countermeasures.
CCMPS Counter-Countermeasure Parametric Study.
CCN (1) Contract Change Notice.
(2) Configuration Change Notice.
CCP Contract Change Proposal (Contracting term).
CCP002 Contract Change Proposal (and number) (Contract Administration term).
CCS Combat Control System (AEGIS).
CCTV Closed Circuit Television
CD (1) Concept Definition. (2) Contingency Deployment. (3) Combat
CD/V Concept Demonstration/Validation (DD 5000 term).
CDA Central Design Activity (USAF term for Software Engineering Center).
CDB Central database (USN term).
CDCC Classified Document Control Center.
CDD Concept and Development Definition.
CDE Conference on Confidence and Security-Building Measures and Disarmament in
CDI (1) Conventional Defense Initiative.
(2) Compressed Data Interface.
(3) Classification, Discrimination, and Identification (PATRIOT).
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access .
CDO Contingency Deployment Option.
CDP Contingency Deployment Planning.
CDR Critical Design Review.
CDRL Contract Data Requirements List.
CDS Congressional Descriptive Summary.
CDSSI Common Data Sharing System Infrastructure.
CDT&E Contractor Development Test and Evaluation.
CDV Concept Definition Vehicle.
CE (1) Concurrent Engineering. (2) Communications Enhancements
(PATRIOT). (3) Corps of Engineers/Civil Engineers. (4) Current Estimate.
(5) Communications-Electronics. 6. Command Element.
CE&T Common Environments & Tools
CE/D Concept Exploration/Definition Phase.
In air defense, a fire control order used to direct units to stop the firing sequence
against a designated target. Guided missiles already in flight will continue to
Cease Fire A command given to refrain from firing on, but to continue to track objects.
Missiles already in flight will be permitted to continue to intercept.
CEATM Cost Effectiveness At The Margin.
CEC Cooperative Engagement Capability.
CECOM U.S. Army Communications Electronics Command, Ft. Monmouth, NJ.
CED Concept Exploration and Development.
CEEM Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation Model.
CELSA Cost Estimate Logistics Support Analysis. [Methodology for estimating logistics
support costs].
CELV Complementary Expendable Launch Vehicle.
CEM Combined Effects Munition.
CENTAF Central Command Air Force.
CENTAG Central Army Group (NATO).
CENTCOM Central Command
Operational concept which specifies that critical C2 is collected and key C2
decisions are performed at a central location by USCINCSPACE, or his
designee, to ensure continuous and positive human control over the system.
The control mode whereby a higher echelon makes direct target assignments to
fire units. (USSPACECOM)
The concept of using a single, designated management authority. It includes
system management, program/project management, and product management.
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CEOI Communications Electronics Operating Instructions.
CEP (1) Circular Error Probable. (2) Consolidated Evaluation Process.
CEQ Council on Environmental Quality.
CERES Center for Research Support, NTF, Falcon AFB, CO.
CERT Computer Emergency Response Team.
Certification The technical evaluation of a system’s security features, made as a part of and
in support of the approval/accreditation process that established the extent to
which a particular computer system’s design and implementation meet a set of
specified security requirements.
CES (1) Cost Element Structure. (2) Civil Engineering Squadron.
CEST CINC Exercise Support Team (BM/C3 warfighter exercise term).
CET Concurrent Engineering Team.
CETEC Corps of Engineers Topographic Engineering Center, Location???
CEU Cooling Equipment Unit.
CEWG Civil Engineering Working Group.
CFA Center for Architecture (JIEO term).
CFAA Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
CFC Combined Forces Command, Korea.
CFE (1) Conventional Forces Europe. (2) Contractor Furnished Equipment.
(3) Center for Engineering (JIEO term). (4) Commercial Equivalent
Equipment (US Army IFTE term).
CFEL Contractor Furnished Equipment List.
CFI Contractor Furnished Information
CFI&I Center for Integration and Interoperability (JIEO term).
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CFP Contractor Furnished Property.
CFR Code of Federal Regulations.
CFSR Contractor Funds Status Report.
CG (1) USN guided missile cruiser. (2) Coast Guard. (3) Chairman’s Guidance
(JCS). (4) Commanding General. (5) Center of Gravity. (6) Comptroller
CGA Color Graphics Adapter (Telecomm/Computer term).
CGS (1) Common Ground Station (Part of Joint STARS). (2) Continental Ground
Chaff (1) Radar confusion reflectors, which consist of thin, narrow metallic strips of
various lengths and frequency responses, used to create false echoes
for confusion purposes.
(2) Confetti-like metal foil ribbons which can be ejected from spacecraft (or
terrestrial vehicles) to reflect enemy radar signals, thereby creating false
targets or screening actual targets from the “view” of radar.
Chaff Puff Volume of space containing a relatively high density of chaff.
Summarizes the views of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, on the balance and
capabilities of the Program Objective Memorandum (POM) force and the support
levels to attain national security levels. The CPA assists the Secretary of
Defense in decisions on the FYDP subsequent to receipt of the POMs.
CHAMP Composite High Altitude Maneuvering PBV
Change Order Unilateral written order to a contractor to modify a contractual requirement within
the scope of the contract, pursuant to the changes clause contained in the
Change of
Control (CHOP)
The date and time at which the responsibility for operational control of a force or
unit passes from one operational control authority to another.
Characterization The process of ascertaining the BMDS capabilities. The result of the BMDS
characterization effort is a description of actual BMDS capability at a particular
point in time. Characterization relies on test data supplemented by analysis to
establish confidence in estimates across the threat space.
CHARM Composite High Altitude Radiation Model.
Checkpoint Event or point in time during the program before which decision criteria must be
met. If decision criteria are not met, MDA may decide that the program may not
proceed through the checkpoint. A checkpoint may correspond to an event
such as a program review, test event, or contract award; it may also correspond
to a point in time, e.g. six months after contract award.
Chemical Agent A chemical substance which is intended for use in military operations to kill,
seriously injure, or incapacitate personnel through its physiological effects.
Excluded from consideration are riot control agents, herbicides, smoke, and
Chemical Laser A laser in which chemical action is used to produce the laser energy.
Air Force Base
CMAFB provides the primary facilities for the command, operations, and
processing centers which support the correlation and assessment functions of
the ITW/AA system.
CHIPS Clearing House for Interbank Payments.

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CHOP (1) Countermeasures Hands-On Program. Also known as the MDA
Countermeasures Skunkworks. (2) Change of Operational Control.
CHS Common Hardware and Software.
CI (1) Counterintelligence. (2) Configuration Item.
CI (n) Capability Increment (Number), e.g., CI-2, (NMD BMC3 term).
CIA Central Intelligence Agency (US).
CIAC Computer Incident Advisory Capability.
CIC (1) NORAD/USSPACECOM Combined Intelligence Center. (2) Combat
Information Center. (U.S. Navy). (3) Content Indicator Code.
(4) Communications Interface Controller. (5) Computer Information
Center. (6) Combat Integration Capability (USAF term).
CIDR Configuration Item Design Review.
CIDS (1) Control, Instrumentation and Diagnostic Systems
(2) Critical Item Development Specification.
CIDSE Consolidated Integrated Development support Environment.
CIEL Certification and INFOSEC Engineering Laboratory.
CIF CINC Initiative Fund.
CIFMS Center for Integrated Mission support (JIEO term).
CIL Critical Items List.
CIM Computer-Integrated Manufacturing.
CINC (1) Commander-in-Chief, used when referring to the President of the United
States. (2) An obsolete term used to refer to the combatant commanders of
major commands such as CENTCOM or NORAD.
CINC Decision
A group of decisions available to control forces, including determining
operational state, DEFCON, hostile intent, authorizing engagement, selecting
preplanned response options, withholding weapons, overriding system directives,
and terminating engagement.
CIOTE Commander’s Integrated Open System Technology Evaluator.
Cipher System A cryptographic system in which cryptography is applied to plain text elements of
equal length.
Ciphertext Unintelligible text or signals produced through the use of cipher systems.
CIPT Cost As an Independent Variable (CAIV) IPT.
Circular Error
Probable (CEP)
An indicator of the delivery accuracy of a weapon system, used as a factor in
determining probable damage to a target. It is the radius of a circle within which
half of a missile’s projectiles are expected to fall or there is a 50 percent
probability that a single projectile shall impact.
CIRIS Completely Integrated Reference Instrumentation System
CIRRIS Cryogenic Infrared Radiance Instrumentation for Shuttle.
CIS (1) Commonwealth of Independent States.
(2) Common Item Support.
(3) Communications Interface Shelter.
CISF Centralized Integration Support Facility.
CISS Center for Information Systems Security (JIEO term).
CITE Common Integrated Tactics Execution (USAF term).
CITIS Contractor Integrated Technical Information Service.
CIWS Close-In Weapon System.
CJ Cobra Judy, name of a surveillance radar.
CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CJTF (1) Commander, Joint Task Force. (2) Combined Joint Task Force.
CL Chemical Laser.
CLC Command Launch Computer (HARM term).
CLE Command and Launch Equipment.
CLEMENTINE A flight program to demonstrate lightweight spacecraft technologies.
CLEO Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (See EQEC).
CLGP Cannon-Launched Guided Projectile.
CLIN Contract Line Item Number
Closely Spaced
Objects (CSO)
Entire or partial object clusters that cannot be resolved to individual objects due
to their close proximity and/or exceeding the sensor resolution capability due to
the range or the lack of suitable sensor viewing angles.
Closure In transportation, the process of a unit arriving at a specified location. It begins
with the arrival of the first element at a designated location and ends with the
arrival of the last.
Clutter Permanent echoes, cloud, or other atmospheric echo on radarscope.
CLS (1) Command and Launch Station. (2) Contractor Logistic Support.
Clump Two or more objects that give rise to a single observation, e.g., an extended
object consisting of at least two unresolved closely spaced objects.
Cluster (1) A total collection of objects each of which is within some metric distance
of at least one other object in the collection.
(2) A total collection of objects each of whose image on the focal plane of a
sensor is within some metric distance of the image of at least one other
object in the collection.
(3) A set of objects with similar state vectors (based on truth). For example,
a reentry vehicle and its penaids deployed at virtually the same time from
a post-boost vehicle.
(4) For BM/C3 purposes, a cluster is a group of objects any one of which
can be engaged by an interceptor launched at the Centroid of the
cluster, possibly before the cluster is resolved into separate objects.
The rate of expansion of a cluster in meters/sec or angle/sec.
Cluster Set A group of object clusters and debris that originated from a single missile.
CM (1) Countermeasures. (2) Configuration Management. (3) Cruise Missile. (4)
Chairman’s Memorandum. (5) Control Modem, (6) Composite Material
cm Centimeter.

帅哥 发表于 2008-12-25 20:01:46

CM/SM Communications Manager/Security Manager.
CMAFB See Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Base.
CMAS Cheyenne Mountain Air Station (replaces CMAFB).
CMC (1) Cheyenne Mountain Complex. (2) Commandant of the Marine Corps.
CMD (1) Cruise Missile Defense. (2) Abbreviation of Command.
CMDI Cruise Missile Defense Initiative.
CMEST Cruise Missile Engagement Systems Technology.
CMF (1) Common Mode Failure. (2) Conjugate Matched Filter.
CMG Control Moment Gyro
CMI Countermeasure Integration.
CMM Capability Maturity Model.
CM(N)CC Cheyenne Mountain National Command Center.
CMO Central MASINT Office (DIA).
CMOC Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center, Cheyenne Mountain AS, CO.
CMOP Counter Missile Operations Plan.
CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor.
CMP (1) Configuration Management Plan.
(2) Counter Military Potential.
(3) Communications Message Processor.
CMRS Calibration Measurement Requirements Summary
CMS Cheyenne Mountain Support.
CMTC Combat Maneuver Training Center, Ft. Leavenworth, KS.
CMTS Cheyenne Mountain Training System.
CMTSS Cheyenne Mountain Training and Simulation Support.
CMW Compartmented Mode Workstation.
CNA Center for Naval Analyses.
CNAD Council of NATO Armaments Directors.
CNC Computer Numerical Control.
CNM Communications Network Manager (C2E term).
CNO Chief of Naval Operations.
CNWDI Critical Nuclear Weapons Design Information.
CO (1) Contracting Officer. (2) Change Order. (3) Commanding Officer.
COA Course of Action.
COAST Computer Operation, Audit, and Security Technology.
COB Close of Business.
Cobra Ball Modified EC—130 OAMP aircraft (see Cobra Eye).
Cobra Dane L-Band phased array radar at Shemya AFB, AK.
Cobra Eye Modified EC-135, IR/EO sensors, Shemya AFB, AK.
Cobra Gemini Ship-based S-Band Radar development program with both shore and ship
basing options.
Cobra Judy A ship-borne phased array radar.
COC Combat Operations Center.
COCOM See Combatant Command.
COCOMO Constructive Cost Model (COEA, now JAE, term).
Code Template A software tool used to develop a module for multiple general applications.
CODR Conceptual Design Review.
COEA Cost and Operational Effectiveness Analysis.
Coherence The matching, in space (transverse coherence) or time (temporal coherence), of
the wave structure of different parallel rays of a single frequency of
electromagnetic radiation. This results in the mutual reinforcing of the energy of
a larger beam. Lasers and radar systems produce partially coherent radiation.
COI (1) Critical Operational Issues. (2) Combat Operations Intelligence.
COIC Critical Operational Issues and Criteria.
COIL Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser.
Collocation The physical placement of two or more detachments, units, organizations, or
facilities at a specifically defined location.
COM (1) Collections Operations Management. (2) Commander.
COM3 Common Communications Components
COMAFFOR Commander, Air Force Forces.
COMAFSPACE Commander, Air Force Space Command.
COMARFOR Commander, Army Forces.
COMARSPACE Commander, Army Space Command.
Combat Area A restricted area (air, land, or sea) that is established to prevent or minimize
mutual interference between friendly forces engaged in combat operations.
Assessment (CA)
The determination of the overall effectiveness of force employment during military
operations. Combat assessment is composed of three major components: battle
damage assessment, munitions effects assessment, and re-attack
recommendation. The objective of combat assessment is to recommend the
course of military operations. The J-3 is normally the single point of contact for
combat assessment at the joint force level, assisted by the joint force J-2.
The agency in a ship or aircraft manned and equipped to collect, display,
evaluate, and disseminate tactical information for the use of the embarked flag
officer, commanding officer, and certain control agencies. Certain control,
assistance, and coordination functions may be delegated by command to the
combat information center. Also called Action Information Center.
Synonymous with operational readiness, with respect to missions or functions
performed in combat.
Combat Ready Synonymous with operationally ready, with respect to missions or functions
performed in combat.
Combat Service
The essential logistic functions, activities, and tasks necessary to sustain all
elements of an operating force in an area of operations. Combat service support
includes administrative services, chaplain services, civil affairs, finance, legal
services, laundry, etc.
Combat Support Fire support and operational assistance provided to combat elements. Combat
support includes artillery, air defense artillery, engineer, military police, signal,
and military intelligence support.
Combat System
Test Installation
A collection of subsystems including weapon, sensor, and information processing
equipment together with their interfaces installed for the purposes of early testing
prior to the availability of a first production item, at a test facility designed to
simulate the essential parts of the production item.

帅哥 发表于 2008-12-25 20:02:00

Non-transferable command authority established by title 10, United States Code,
section 164, exercised only by commanders of unified or specified combatant
commands. Combatant Command (command authority) is the authority of a
Combatant Commander to perform those functions of command over assigned
forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces, assigning
tasks, designating objectives, and giving authoritative direction over all aspects
of military operations, joint training, and logistics necessary to accomplish the
missions assigned to the command. Combatant Command (command authority)
should be exercised through the commanders of subordinate organizations;
normally this authority is exercised through the Service component commander.
Combatant Command (command authority) provides authority to organize and
employ commands and forces, as the CINC considers necessary to accomplish
assigned missions. Also called COCOM. See also Combatant Commander.
A commander of one of the unified or specified combatant commands
established by the President.
Fundamental principals that guide the employment of forces for two or more
nations in coordinated actions toward a common objective. Participating nations
ratify it.
Combined Force A military force composed of elements of two or more allied nations.
An operation conducted by forces of two or more allied nations acting together
to accomplish a single mission.
COMINT Communications Intelligence.
COMM Communications.
COMM CON Communications Control
Command For command-oriented functions, the authorization required to perform command
Command and
Control (C2)
The exercise of authority and direction by properly designated commanders over
assigned forces to accomplish the mission. Command and control functions are
performed through a hierarchical arrangement of personnel, equipment,
communications, facilities, and procedures employed by a commander in
planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling forces and operations in the
accomplishment of the mission.
Command and
Control Element
(C2 E)
Distributed informed system consisting of processors, software, man-machine
interfaces, and communications media that provide USCINCSPACE with the
capability to plan, command, and control BMD operations.
Command and
Control System
The facilities, equipment, communications, procedures, and personnel essential
to a commander for planning, directing, and controlling operations of assigned
forces pursuant to the missions assigned.
Command Center
A facility from which a commander and his representatives direct operations and
control forces. It is organized to gather, process, analyze, display, and
disseminate planning and operational data and perform other related tasks.
Control, and
s (C3 CM)
(1) Counter C 3
– That division of C3 CM comprising measures taken to deny
adversary commanders and other decision makers the ability to
command and control their forces effectively.
(2) C3 Protection – That division of C3 CM comprising measures taken to
maintain the effectiveness of friendly C3 despite adversary counter – C3
and Intelligence
(C3 I)
(1) Procedures and technologies supporting command and control,
communications, and intelligence requirements, including those
interfaces affecting systems external to the Strategic Defense System.
(2) One of the four pillars of TMD capability. Coordination of other pillars
and integration of the entire TMD system into overall combat operations.
and Computer
(C4 Systems)
Integrated systems of doctrine, procedures, organizational structures, personnel,
equipment, facilities, and communications designed to support a commander’s
exercise of command and control, through all phases of the operational
Destruct Signal
A signal used to intentionally activate the destruction system in a missile.
A guidance system wherein intelligence transmitted to the missile from an outside
source causes the missile to traverse a directed flight path.
Command Net A communications network, which connects an echelon of command with some
or all of its subordinate echelons for the purpose of command control.
The verification of commands from the Battle Manager or Operational
Commander prior to execution to confirm the command was correctly received
and properly issued.
Command Post
Exercise (CPX)
An exercise in which the forces are simulated, involving the commander, his staff,
and communications within and between headquarters.
COMMARFOR Commander, Marine Forces.
Commit The process of committing one or more interceptor vehicles against a target
Commitment A firm administrative reservation of funds for future obligations by the local
comptrollers. Based upon firm procurement directives, orders, requisitions,
authorizations to issue travel orders, or requests.

帅哥 发表于 2008-12-25 20:02:14

Execution (CASE)
An Army segment of the Command and Control Element responsible for the SDS
functions which task the associated sensors and weapons (e.g., WTA) and
process the information resulting from those taskings (e.g., perform multi-sensor
track function). Expected to consist of survivable computer hardware and
Integration and
Tasks Execution
An Air Force segment of the Command and Control Element that performs multisensor data correlation and tactics execution for space based elements.
Expected to consist of survivable computer hardware and software.
Common Mode
A type of system failure in which diverse components are disabled by the same
single cause.
Control Character
A functional character intended to control or facilitate transmission over data
networks. There are 10 control characters specified in ASCII, which form the
basis for character-oriented communications control procedures.
Data Base
Communications data files and updates including, but not limited to,
communications message file, network management file, information
management file, link quality file, synchronization file, security file and
communications health and status file.
Technical and intelligence information derived from foreign communications by
other than intended recipients.
The protection resulting from all measures designed to deny unauthorized
persons information of value, which might be derived from the possession and
study of telecommunications, or to mislead unauthorized persons in their
interpretation of the results of such possession and study. Communications
security includes crypto security; transmission security; emission security; and
physical security of communications security materials and information.
System Segment
The communications front end for all Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Base
(CMAFB) missions for non-common user traffic, performing circuit and message
Coordination of timing among communications system elements to permit
transmission/reception of messages/data which may be distorted by time delays
and Doppler shifts between communications nodes.
Rear part of the theater of operations (behind but contiguous to the combat
zone) which contains the lines of communications, establishments for supply and
evacuation, and other agencies required for the immediate support and
maintenance of the field forces.
COMNAVFOR Commander, Naval Forces.
Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command.
Commander, Naval Space Command.
COMNAVSECGRU Commander Naval Security Group.
COMOCK Computer Mock-up
COMOPTEVFOR Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force (Navy).
Comp Completion.
COMPASS Common Operational Mission Planning and Support System (Army term)
COMPES Contingency Operations/Mobility Planning and Executing System.
Component Subsystem, assembly, or subassembly of logically grouped hardware and
software, that performs interacting tasks to provide BMDS capability at a
functional level.
A single official within a DoD component who is responsible for all acquisition
functions within that Component. This includes Service Acquisition Executives
for the Military Departments and Acquisition Executives in other DoD components
that have acquisition management responsibilities.
The Component Command Centers (which will contain Army and Air Force
unique capabilities) will be capable of supporting the USSPACECOM Command
Center and distributed Operations Centers by functioning as “Hot Backups” to
provide for BM/C3 availability and survivability. The Component Command
Centers will be capable of executing real-time control of BMD engagement
A major defense acquisition program delegated to the Military Department of
Defense Agency for management.
Compton Current Electron current generated as a result of Compton processes. (See Compton
Effect and Compton Electron.)
Compton Effect The scattering of photons (of gamma or x-rays) by the orbital electrons of atoms.
In a collision between a (primary) photon and an electron, some of the energy of
the photon is transferred to the electron which is generally ejected from the
atom. Another (secondary) photon, with less energy, then moves off in a new
direction at an angle to the direction of motion of the primary photon. (See
An electron of increased energy ejected from an atom as a result of a Compton
interaction with a photon. (See Compton Effect.)
The totality of security safeguards needed to provide acceptable level of
protection for automatic data processing (ADP) systems and the classified data
processed. Includes all hardware/software functions, characteristics, features;
operational, accountability, and access control procedures at the computer and
remote terminal facilities; and, the management constraints, physical structures,
and devices needed to provide an acceptable level of protection for classified
information in any state of storage, processing, display or communication within
the ADP system.
Item (CSCI)
An aggregation of software that satisfies an end use function and is designated
by the Government for separate configuration management. They are selected
based on tradeoffs among software function, size, host or target computers,
developer, support concept, plans for reuse, criticality, interface considerations,
need to be separately documented and controlled, and other factors.
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